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Chapter 786 Landing on the Coast of Death!

Chapter 786 Landing on the Coast of Death!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 786 Landing on the Coast of Death!

  ”It seems that a lot of things have happened in the wasteland recently… in places we don’t know.”

  Heart of Steel, in the captain’s room.

  After listening to the recording sent by Fang Chang, Chu Guang’s face showed a smile like an old father, although that handsome face did not look old at all.


  Sitting on Chu Guang’s right shoulder, Xiao Qi gently swayed his calves, holding his cheeks with both hands, and continued leisurely.

  ”…It feels like it won’t be long before the master can retire and concentrate on accompanying Xiao Qi.”


  Chu Guang smiled happily, turned off the holographic interface in front of him, and teased the little guy sitting on his shoulder.

  ”Wait until I retire, it’s probably too early… But it won’t take too long to live a retired life in advance.”

  To be honest, when he first recruited those guys, he really didn’t think they would be so capable, and sometimes they could even predict his predictions.

  Although there are always some people on the forum who are guessing that “only the best among men, the reincarnation of the King of Soldiers, and the son-in-law of the Dragon God” can get the helmet, in fact, as long as you don’t get too crazy, you have a chance to draw it.

  Compared with the big guys who have already achieved success in reality, he is more inclined to give ordinary people a chance to start a second life.

  After all, what kind of favor can compare to the “favor of rebirth”?

  Even if only from the perspective of “brand loyalty”, the players selected by this selection mechanism are more inclined to become the “maintainers of order” of the virtual community of “Wasteland OL” rather than impacting the existing order.

  This is actually enough.

  There is no shortage of geniuses in the wasteland, but there is a shortage of “normal people”.

  He never expected to create a perfect utopia out of thin air with the brains of a group of geniuses, as long as his little players can do their jobs well within their capabilities.

  However, although he does not have high requirements for the players, these players can always surprise him again and again.

  Chu Guang couldn’t help but sigh in his heart, maybe it won’t be long before his faction boss doesn’t even need to appear on screen.

  Smart little players not only learned to update the game content by themselves, but have even begun to design “game rules” for NPCs.

  At this moment, a communication request from the Alliance Staff popped up in the upper right corner of the holographic screen.

  Seeing that there was a call, Xiao Qi said “Hey”, jumped off Chu Guang’s shoulder very consciously, and sat back on the pen holder at the foot of the table.

  Without pausing, Chu Guang extended his index finger to select the button to connect the communication, and the light blue holographic beam quickly intertwined in the air to draw a bust of Lao Bai.

  He was still wearing the “Dragon Rider” power armor, and the XB-1 “Growler” bolter was on his shoulder, and behind him was the cabin of the landing ship.

  Looking at Chu Guang solemnly, Lao Bai, who was dressed in military uniform, stood the bolter at his side and saluted with his right fist on the breastplate.

  ”… Dear Mr. Administrator, the troops on the southern front have been assembled! We are ready to take the coastline of Haiya Province for you at any time as long as you give the order!”

  The plan and code name for the landing operation were decided long ago. Chu Guang reviewed it a month ago and signed his name on it.

  Before today, the players stationed on the North Island had rehearsed countless times for this upcoming battle.

  Probably because he thought of the possible promotional PV of the game, Lao Bai made it look so serious that he even called before the start.

  Without perfunctory his seriousness, Chu Guang straightened his expression and responded seriously to the expectation in his eyes.

  ”Very good! I can see victory in your eyes. The people of the alliance are waiting for your triumph. Don’t let them down!” “Action


  Staring at the majestic eyes with a sharp gaze, Lao Bai stood up straight and closed the mask and eyepiece of his helmet neatly.

  That was the sign that the power armor had entered combat mode——



  On the other side, in the hall illuminated by holy light, there were thirteen chairs of extraordinary shapes in the circular conference room.

  However, there were only ten people sitting at the conference table.

  The three absent were Luo Qian, “Beast King” and “Human Emperor” who was commanding the battle on the northern front line of Haiya Province.

  In the center of the conference table, a shadow was standing at this moment. The dark gray robe was out of tune with the white robes around.

  Facing those pairs of scrutinizing eyes, Alzu felt his scalp tingling slightly.

  The current situation is completely different from when he stood here a year ago.

  At that time, Luo Qianxin was defeated and the Jinhe City Diocese fell. The pioneers themselves were also wondering if they had taken the wrong path, so he could stand here with confidence and propose the idea of ​​”Second Holy Church”.

  Not only did the pioneers sitting here not have the confidence to refute him, but the Son of God also gave him enough trust and support, and completely handed over the diocese in the southern sea area to him.

  During this period, he and Charas cooperated with each other and came up with a lot of good things, such as using the technology held by the survivors in the southern seas to arm mutants, etc.

  These are all his contributions. Even if the performance of the Southern Seas Diocese was a mess later, no one can deny his contribution to the Torch Church.

  However, this is the problem.

  The performance of the Southern Seas Diocese was so bad that it overshadowed all his contributions.

  With the defeat of Charas and the occupation of the North Island by the Alliance, the Torch Church completely lost the opportunity to open up strategic space to the south.

  Now they are like a cricket in a cage, surrounded by people who want to send them to the gallows…

  Facing those pairs of questioning eyes, Alzu swallowed his saliva and said with a stiff upper lip.

  ”The southern seas can no longer be counted on… Our brainwashing doesn’t work on the locals.”

  Trying to justify his failure, he continued quickly.

  ”They are completely different from the survivors in Haiya Province or even Jinchuan Province. The wasteland there has been over for too long. The locals are no longer wastelanders in the classic sense. They are all residents of Shelter 70… This is different from our initial judgment.” More than that,

  it was useless.

  He was even used and tricked by the captain of a destroyer, who passed wrong information to Charas.

  Those fishermen were more cunning than he thought, and played him like a Laken in the sea.

  ”… However, we haven’t lost yet. It’s just that the plan to study the expansion of Nago mycelium to the ocean has to be put on hold for a while.”

  Taking a deep breath, Arzu looked at the pioneers around him and continued with a serious expression.

  ”How about going to the west? Since it is no longer realistic to take Coral City in the short term… I suggest that we make a strategic shift to the west.”

  As he spoke, he gently waved his index finger, spread out a map in front of him, and pointed to the location of the Borneo Province.

  ”This land is adjacent to Silver Moon Bay. Across the sea is the eastern part of the Great Desert. Going straight along the equator is the center of the old world and the remains of the space elevator… It is said that there is a group of people who call themselves the Enlightenment Society active in the area. Like us, they have explored clues related to the Torch Project. They should understand our situation.”

  ”Although we have differences on fundamental issues, if we can get in touch with them, at least we don’t have to face the pressure of the Sticky Community alone.”

  ”In addition, there are a large number of survivors in the Borneo Province. Although those people are a little stupid and can’t help us with our research on the technical level, they are still a good breeding ground for mutants. So…”

  Arzu took a deep breath and looked around at the pioneers sitting at the table.

  ”I think that would be a good place to go…”

  The conference room was silent for a while, without a single sound.

  If he hadn’t known that these pioneers didn’t need to sleep, he would have almost thought that these old guys were asleep.

  The first to break the silence was the Son of God sitting at the head of the conference table.

  The man sighed and shook his head gently.

  ”…It’s useless.”

  Arzu was stunned.

  His Adam’s apple moved, and he said anxiously.

  ”How can it be useless-”

  ”Because we have discussed the plan you mentioned a long time ago.”

  Interrupting him in an unquestionable tone, the Son of God stretched out his index finger and tapped the air lightly. A series of light blue beams stretched forward, and in a few breaths, the topography of the Boro Province was completely outlined, and it was the topography of the Wasteland Era.

  This picture is much more detailed than the thumbnail floating in front of Arzu, and you can even see the mountains and rivers on the earth.

  Obviously, the Apostle of the Torch had been there before, and came to the conclusion after a careful investigation.

  Looking at the apostle standing there in a daze, the Son of God continued in a calm tone.

  ”About a dozen years ago, we considered choosing the Boro Province, where the Post-War Reconstruction Committee did not interfere, as the starting point.”

  ”There is a larger area than the Haiya Province, and there are more wastelanders living in chaos… and the most important thing is that it is far away from the sight of enterprises, colleges and the Great Rift Valley. Although there is a risk of being targeted by the Legion, the Legion is unlikely to attack us. And even if they want to attack, they are separated by the Great Desert, and they may not be our opponents if they really meet.”

  ”Then why?” Alzu looked at the Son of God and asked anxiously, “Why don’t we go there?”

  If it was there, the college would not target them so quickly! Maybe they would have to wait until they expanded to Luoxia Province before they were discovered!

  Of course, this may produce other variables, but compared with the current situation, it is not worth mentioning at all.

  Facing Alzu’s confusion, the Son of God’s voice carried a rare hint of helplessness.

  ”Because… red soil.”

  Red soil?

  Alzu was stunned.

  What does this have to do with red soil? !

  But just as he thought about it, he suddenly came back to his senses.

  Could it be that –

  as if confirming his guess, the Holy Son gently clenched his right hand into a fist.

  The map of the Borneo Province floating in front of him turned into a ball of red soil like a crumpled paper.

  ”The Borneo Province has a special soil, or a fungus attached to the soil. It has almost no effect on ordinary organisms, but it will drain the nutrients of the soil and hinder the growth of all other microorganisms in the soil… such as tetanus bacteria, botulism, etc. They will be digested by the red soil like the remains of animals buried in the red soil.”

  The lack of other miscellaneous harmful bacteria or viruses is actually one of the reasons why red soil can be eaten directly.

  After all, normally speaking, people cannot eat soil not only because they cannot digest it, but also because the harmful substances contained in the soil may cause poisoning or even death.

  The magic of red soil is that this thing kills most of the harmful substances while accumulating a small amount of nutrients.

  In other words, if Naguo encounters this thing, it is likely to be swallowed by the red soil and turned into new red soil.

  Arzu looked at the Holy Son in astonishment, his Adam’s apple moving up and down, and he squeezed out a sentence with difficulty.

  ”This… How is it possible that such a rubbish can actually restrain the results that we have spent more than ten years to study.”

  ”But this is the fact.”

  Looking at the shocked pupils, the Holy Son sighed and said.

  ”Besides, don’t underestimate that thing. It is the result completed by scholars of the Prosperous Era in the early Wasteland Era. You know how strong those scholars are. Singularity-level technology is actually something they almost touched but ultimately failed to touch.”

  The apostle named Yule who was captured by the Alliance and imprisoned somewhere in the River Valley Province was a scholar of the Prosperous Era.

  The anti-radiation agent and deradiation agent that guy completed in the early Wasteland Era are still the “economic optimal solution” for removing radioactive damage in the wasteland two hundred years later.

  ”…According to the results of our experiments, the Nago mycelium will be swallowed by the red soil just like the bodies and feces buried in the red soil. If we cannot find a way to make the Nago mycelium swallow the red soil from a technical perspective, the rapidly expanding Nago mycelium will only become a hotbed for the reproduction of the red soil, allowing the latter to rapidly expand like weeds on the grasslands of the Borneo Province.”

  After a pause, the Son of God continued.

  ”This is contrary to our philosophy and is also meaningless.”

  The philosophy of the Torch Church is to allow the human species to ascend to a higher existence, not to become a lump of edible “reply”.

  Therefore, they eventually abandoned the plan to enter the Borneo Province, and chose the relatively compromised Haiya Province as the first stop for the Kingdom of Heaven to descend.

  Although it is obvious that General Lowell could not have known what would happen two hundred years later, he did save the survivors of the Borneo Province again by mistake.

  Alzu swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said with difficulty.

  ”…What if we remove the red soil artificially first?”

  As long as the red soil is removed first and then the Naguo is planted –

  ”That would be the stupidest act of this century.”

  The Son of God interrupted him without hesitation and continued.

  ”We can only wait for that kind of thing to disappear naturally. We have tried for many years but have not found a biological solution.”

  In fact, even if we find it now, it is meaningless.

  It is not necessarily less difficult to start a new business in the province of Boro under the eyes of various forces than to hold on under the siege of the sticky community.

  This is not just his opinion, the remaining nine pioneers present have the same idea.

  However, after hearing his reply, despair appeared on Alzu’s face.

  Noticing his expression, the Son of God frowned slightly.

  ”What happened?”

  Alzu was silent for a long time, and a bitter expression appeared on his face.

  ”The alliance’s troops are gathering at the North Island in the southern sea area. I am worried–”

  Before he finished speaking, the words that were on his lips suddenly stopped, and the whole person seemed to be offline from the meeting, and the illusory figure also swayed in a trance.

  Seeing the sudden change in him, the faces around the conference table showed surprised expressions, not knowing what happened.

  ”Is it a chip failure?”

  ”What on earth is this Alzu doing!”

  ”For such an important meeting, can’t he find a place with better signal?”

  ”That’s why I said that it’s really troublesome to keep the body in the mortal world…”

  The voices of discussion spread across the conference table.

  Looking at Alzu who had not been reconnected for a long time, the faces of the pioneers showed displeasure.

  This guy has delayed for a little too long!

  The Son of God, who was sitting at the head of the conference table, frowned slightly, and a hint of badness appeared in his empty eyes.

  In theory, he can sense the existence of every chip.

  However, just now, he suddenly couldn’t feel Alzu’s existence…


  Above the Seaside Province, an orange-red light pierced the sky like a sharp sword.

  With a sudden explosion, a dazzling white light flashed, and a wide-area electromagnetic pulse instantly enveloped the area of ​​tens of thousands of square kilometers below.


  The blue-skinned mutants wandering on the coastline stopped what they were doing and raised their ugly heads.

  It seemed that something exploded above their heads, but it had no effect on them at all, so that all the mutants showed puzzled expressions on their faces.

  What happened?

  On the other side, Arzu, who was sitting in an underground facility not far from the coastline, suddenly opened his eyes, and a trace of doubt appeared in his turbid pupils.


  The information transmission and reception of bionic chips is limited, and coupled with the special nature of the material itself, it can hardly withstand any impact when facing a wide range of electromagnetic pulses.

  However, bionic chips are not everything in the Sanctuary. In addition to bionic chips, there are also signal base stations.

  Only when the distance is not far, can the chips be connected directly in a “point-to-point” way to build a distributed network, such as all chip implants are in the same settlement.

  However, once the physical distance is extended to more than ten kilometers, it is necessary to use signal base stations to achieve “domain-to-domain” connection.

  This is determined by the physical level.

  At the same time, communication components that frequently send and receive electromagnetic wave information are far more susceptible to electromagnetic pulses than information processing components.

  Especially when the EMP attack occurred, Alzu was in the meeting of the temple. In order to connect all the chips in series and minimize the information blind spots, almost all signal base stations were turned on.

  This EMP directly silenced him!

  Especially at this moment, he was in an underground facility and had to rely on signal repeaters to connect to the chip group outside.

  Even if the wired section was still intact, the wireless section was almost completely destroyed…

  This is probably not a tactical weapon, but a strategic weapon attack.

  ”Damn… at this time!”

  Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Alzu’s forehead was sweating. He stood up suddenly, walked through the narrow and dark corridor, and rushed into a monitoring room.

  The screen covering the entire wall was divided into hundreds of large and small squares, and almost more than 90% of the screens were covered with snowflakes.

  The staff sitting next to the monitoring terminal looked at Alzu tremblingly.

  ”… I don’t know what happened just now, and it suddenly became like this?”

  Alzu grabbed his collar and stared into his eyes.

  ”Before that? Did any footage appear in the surveillance?”

  The guy who was grabbed by the collar by him stuttered for a long time and couldn’t say a word. Another staff member sitting not far from him said nervously.

  ”I, seemed to see a white light… It was flying from the direction of Beidao.”


  Alzu’s face changed wildly, and he quickly submerged his consciousness into the chip in his mind, connecting all the brains he could connect to in this underground facility.

  ”Transfer the surface data to the underground! Sound the physical alarm! Put the beachhead troops on combat readiness!”


  they come!!! The Alliance is coming!!!

  His shoulders trembled uncontrollably, and a tremor appeared in his turbid pupils.

  But it was not entirely because of fear, but also partly because of excitement.

  When he was in Jinhe City before, he had cleaned up the mess for Luo Qian and fought with the Alliance.

  Unfortunately, when he took over the mess, the failure was almost irreversible.

  But this time was different from the past. He personally operated all the layouts of the Death Coast.

  The opportunity to avenge the previous shame was right in front of him!

  He should be happy –

  no, what do you mean by should, he was just happy!

  ”Haha… finally here.” With his right hand tightly grasping his left wrist, Alzu let out a crazy laugh.

  Looking at the shaking head, the staff sitting in the monitoring room swallowed their saliva involuntarily.

  Although the Alliance is indeed difficult to deal with, this guy doesn’t have to shake like this…


  The reason why the “Dragon” missile with a strategic-level EMP warhead launched by Beidao before was able to hit the target was not because of the players’ good luck.

  The time and coordinates of the attack were carefully calculated to ensure the maximum destruction of the enemy’s communication system in the Death Coast area.

  In fact, since the Alliance’s troops landed on the North Island, the communication base station set up on the North Island has been monitoring the electromagnetic wave signals of the Sea End Province.

  Although the Torch Church’s encryption technology is not weak, even the Sticky Community Coalition, which brings together talents from all sides, has not been able to crack its code, but for a “deserted” province, it is too easy to determine the time of the Torch Church’s “meeting”. It is enough to

  directly aim at the time of the electromagnetic wave peak, and bomb wherever the signal is dense.

  As expected, as everyone guessed, this electromagnetic pulse directly stunned the mutants on the coastline, and they stayed in place for a long time without moving.

  Obviously, due to the destruction of the information node, the front-line troops could not receive any signals from the rear headquarters.

  North Island Combat Command Center.

  The staff sitting in front of the control terminal were communicating nervously and excitedly.

  ”EMP detonated successfully! Confirmed that the strike was effective!”

  ”Our air force has arrived over the enemy! The enemy’s communication facilities and active illumination radar have been successfully destroyed!”

  ”Well done!”

  ”Send the ground scanning data to the front-line landing troops!”


  At the same time, on a blue sea, eight landing ships were escorted by the South China Sea Alliance Fleet and advanced towards the Death Coast.

  The long and thick gun barrels were like the spears of the Lancers, pointing directly at the coastline.

  General Li Minghui, the wartime president of the South China Sea Alliance, was standing on the bridge of the Harpoon cruiser.

  Not just him.

  His mysterious and wealthy “old friend” Duke Nihak was also standing on the bridge.

  Although Nihak took the initiative to apply to go on board to watch the battle, he couldn’t stop his legs from going weak while standing here. His stunned face was completely devoid of his usual ease and confidence, and his lips trembled from time to time.

  This… is the fleet of the South China Sea Alliance?

  He unconsciously glanced at Li Minghui standing beside him, and saw that the president, who was always polite, was like a different person at this moment.

  No –

  it should be said that this is his true appearance.

  This guy was originally a general, and he only sat in the position of president because of an emergency… He actually forgot such an important thing!

  The two eyes under his sword eyebrows were like flashing thunder, staring at the front of the bridge meticulously.

  Duke Nihak swallowed his saliva and wanted to say something to cover up his discomfort, but he was suppressed by the momentum and couldn’t say a word.

  ”All ships listen to the order! Prepare the ship’s guns!”

  A sonorous and powerful voice suddenly sounded, scaring Nihak who was distracted.

  Holding the communicator in his right hand, Li Minghui, who stared straight ahead, suddenly shouted.

  ”Spread the barrage, shoot eight rounds!”


  At the moment when the voice fell, a deafening explosion suddenly spread from both sides of the flagship. I saw long and thick flames spurting forward, and the billowing smoke split the waves!


  The whistling sound of breaking through the air crossed the battlefield, and a deadly flame bloomed on the beach of the Death Coast!

  At the same time, eight landing ships opened the hatches in front of them, and a number of “Alligator” amphibious armored vehicles rushed into the sea like dumplings in a pot, pushing aside rows of waves and killing the smoke-covered coastline!

  A landing craft and a scattered soldier sitting in the landing craft were also put down with it.

  Iron, fire and sea are now connected. The whistling shells and rockets are like an interlude of the organ, continuously crossing the heads of the players, and a rain of death is falling on the coastline.

  The blood seems to be burning!

  The players squatting in the landing craft clenched their rifles in their hands, and their eyes were filled with excitement and high fighting spirit!

  It’s time to end it all!

  The chaos that was corroding the earth –

  a loud roar sounded in the communication channel, even drowning out the screams of the mutants on the coastline.

  ”For the Alliance!!!”


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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