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Chapter 787 Fighting on the coastline!

Chapter 787 Fighting on the coastline!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 787 Fighting on the coastline!


  The loud roar penetrated the billowing smoke and shattered the fear entangled in the position.

  The mutants with shrapnel stuck in their bodies struggled to climb out of the crooked trench, picked up the machine gun that was knocked down by the shock wave and dropped at their feet, and loaded it with a “click” sound, and set it back on the edge of the crooked trench.

  There are a team of 10,000 mutants stationed on the beach.

  However, these more than 10,000 mutants are not crowded on the beach, but have built a defense line with a depth of 5 kilometers in a ladder.

  The highly saline and alkaline beaches and land are not conducive to the reproduction of Naguo mycelium. Therefore, for an area along the coast, the Torch did not expand the “Heavenly Kingdom” field, but handed it over to the mutants for defense.

  However, although the blue-skinned mutants and the green-skinned mutants are of the same origin, they obviously do not deal with each other.

  ”Stay behind the bunker!” A mutant centurion roared rudely, throwing a blue-skinned fishman out of the trench, “You, don’t stay behind the bunker, go to the sea and hold them back!”


  The sound of gunfire came from behind, and bullets whizzed over his head. The fishman rolled and crawled forward, not forgetting to look back fiercely.

  However, his embarrassed appearance did not win the sympathy of his friendly forces.

  The greenskins laughed and fired another round of bullets next to his feet covered with fish scales.

  Although the bombing of the naval guns was fierce, not many mutants were actually killed.

  These guys have extremely tenacious vitality, especially a few “zombies” transformed by biotechnology, even if they lose their heads, they can grow them again.

  Not only that.

  Compared with their brothers who died on the Ten Peaks Mountain, they are more sophisticated.

  From the homogeneous steel plate welded on their chests to the big guys spewing fire snakes in their hands, they are all masterpieces made by Beidao Heavy Industry during the Charas period.

  It can be seen that Charas did not place his bets on his own marines, or rather, he did not expect those picky fishermen to defeat the soldiers of the Alliance on the battlefield.

  He saw at a glance that the navy was the only reliance of the Northern Federation, and the only ones who could compete with the soldiers of the Alliance on land were those green-skinned “big guys”.

  Instead of using the scarce resources to strengthen the equipment of the Marines, it would be better to use steel and gunpowder to arm mutant cannon fodder.

  In fact, there is nothing wrong with this idea. Let the strong guys do the work and let the fearless guys die is one of the rules of social operation.

  However, unfortunately, in addition to being strong and fearless, mutants have a fatal flaw that hindered his plan.

  These guys have no discipline, and it is too costly to implant chips in every mutant for direct control.

  Therefore, until the end of the civil war in the southern waters, Charas was unable to import this group of “enemies of humanity” to fill the trenches of the North Island, and at most used them for a while on the sandbar island. These green-skinned animals just stood on the coastline of the Coast of Death, watching him lose the civil war.

  Perhaps compared to the Torch Church, the Federation is the survivor force that needs to be “saved” by the Borneo Province more.

  With the technical strength of the southern sea area and the huge manpower of the Borneo Province, I am afraid that even the Willant people will tremble.

  After all, clones do not have a complete mind, and their upper limit is just cannon fodder, but the people there are living people.

  However, there are not so many ifs in reality. Charas has already lost the civil war.

  Now it’s the turn of this insect!

  The amphibious armored vehicle driving in the front row drove onto the beach first, almost touching the edge of the artillery fire to reach the battlefield.

  ”The first battalion has landed on the beach!”

  ”Charge! Crush!”


  The communication channel was filled with high-spirited roars, and at the same time, the artillery fire from the “Alligator” amphibious armored vehicle was also heard.

  The 37mm rapid-fire guns banged, and shells were thrown out from the side of the turret, spewing out long tracers on the trenches of the beach positions!

  Facing the 37mm armor-piercing incendiary bombs, the mutants’ flesh and blood were completely vulnerable. They were pierced through with their armor, and every flash of artillery fire set off a bloody storm!

  Just a moment of contact, dozens of mutants were pressed to death in the trenches.

  Suffering huge casualties, the mutants were aroused to be fierce, roaring and sticking their weapons out of the bunkers to fight back at the players landing on the beach.

  The 20mm caliber heavy machine gun sprayed flames, but hitting the front armor of the “Alligator” amphibious armored vehicle was like scraping, leaving only a scratch and a pit, and it was useless.

  Only one armored vehicle was unfortunately damaged by the bullets, but it did not prevent it from continuing to advance on the beach.

  ”Use this!”

  A mutant roared, and grunted as he moved a big thing out of a wooden box.

  It was a two-meter-long gun, and the caliber of the muzzle was equivalent to that of an adult’s wrist.

  He stuck the muzzle out of the bunker, aimed at the nearest armored vehicle, and pulled the trigger fiercely.


  Flames spurted forward like an explosion, and the huge bullet instantly hit the front armor of the “Alligator”. The hot metal jet instantly poured in, paralyzing the engine in front of the vehicle.

  The armored vehicle instantly lost power, and black smoke came out of the cooling holes at the front of the car body.

  Seeing that the attack was effective, the mutant cheered excitedly, took out a black “small sweet potato” from the box, and prepared to do the same thing again.

  However, just as it lowered its head to look for it, a few bangs passed over its head.

  Without time to make a muffled groan, the mutant fell straight to the ground.

  Several high-explosive grenades poured into the trenches along with the flashes of the firing, and the rampant shrapnel instantly turned it into a sieve. At

  the same time, the tire of the “Alligator” armored vehicle that was hit by the bullet hit a reef and finally stopped completely. The gunner had no choice but to stop firing and fired smoke bombs forward. The

  mutants on the beachhead obviously noticed this side, and the muzzles of the machine guns were aimed at them and fired bang bang bang. The thick and long tracers hit the body of the armored vehicle with a bang.

  There was a noisy voice in the communication channel.


  ”Recoilless gun!”

  ”Damn – has this thing been delivered?!”

  ”I guess they made it themselves… A small number of experts from North Island were sent by Charas to the Torch’s territory to assist in research.”

  ”Where did they get the factory?!”

  ”The engine is paralyzed!”

  ”Get off the car!”

  ”No family has fallen!”

  ”Does he have one or not?”

  ”No family! His ID is No family!”

  ”Fuck, what kind of names do you guys have?”

  ”@%#! I was just knocked unconscious, I haven’t fallen yet!”

  The vehicle that lost power was a sitting duck on the beach, and everyone knew they couldn’t dawdle here any longer.

  The hatch at the rear of the vehicle quickly opened to both sides, and the players wearing exoskeletons quickly evacuated from the vehicle with several vehicle crew members under the cover of the adjacent armored vehicles.

  Bullets piercing through the smoke screen whizzed over everyone’s heads and landed beside them from time to time.

  But no one was afraid, instead everyone’s face was filled with excitement.

  This game is so damn realistic!

  Only the team leader was shouting at the top of his voice.

  ”Quick! Don’t fucking look for cover! Rush to the trench ahead! Everyone, move!”

  In fact, it is not easy for mutants squatting in the trenches to hit players wearing exoskeletons with unskilled machine guns and rifles under the bombardment of giant cannons and the strafing of armored vehicles.

  Although they have extremely tenacious vitality and recovery, it does not mean that the shock wave of the artillery explosion has no effect on them.

  They will also be shocked and their heads will be buzzing, their eyes will be black, and even because their brains are not well developed, they will be more confused and crazy after being hit by artillery.

  Not only that, the armored vehicles that landed on the shore are not the only thing that players can rely on.

  Most of the exoskeletons equipped by the Burning Corps are pre-war “Type 5” police, and their exoskeleton chest armor made of polymer materials can even block 2~3 heavy machine gun bullets.

  And most of these players are awakened. Unless they are hit in the vitals, they will be fine even if they are unlucky enough to be hit by one or two bullets.

  In just a few breaths, the players who were forced to get off the vehicle had already caught up with the armored vehicle charging forward, and used it as a cover, advancing closely behind it.

  The distance of 300 meters passed in a flash, and the Alligator Armored Vehicle soon reached the edge of the trench, successfully taking down the first line of defense of the mutant army.

  In addition to the players who were forced to get off the vehicle, other players of the First Battalion of the Burning Corps also jumped out of the armored vehicle, rushed into the crooked trench and started a close fight with the mutants squatting inside .


  Standing upright with a burly body, a zombie mutant grabbed the large-caliber rifle in his hand and smashed it like a mallet at the murderous dagger that jumped out of the trench.

  The latter ducked to avoid the attack, pulled out the short axe hanging on the breastplate and chopped it upwards, hitting the guy’s neck without bias, cutting off the green head.

  The mutant stood motionless, but suddenly his shoulders shook, and flesh-red tentacles spread out from his broken neck, extending upward at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  Seeing this scene, Killing Dagger was shocked.

  ”Fuck! Can a head that has been broken really grow back?!”

  He thought that the brothers on the northern front were bragging, this thing is really something! The

  ”Zang Mutant” who was growing a brain was not idle. He grabbed a rifle in one hand and a dagger in the other, and swung and chopped like crazy in the trench.

  This guy had no eyes, and obviously no hearing or smell. He fought purely by relying on his memory of the environment and intuition.

  Killing Dagger hurriedly retreated backwards to avoid the two fatal moves, pulled out a white phosphorus bullet, bit open the pull ring and threw it on the mutant’s half-grown brain. A

  dazzling white light flashed in an instant, and the burning red flames drenched the mutant.

  A crackling sound rang out, and the whole trench was filled with the smell of barbecue.

  The mutant’s body twitched and retreated backwards. The twisted appearance seemed to be a silent cry of pain and wailing.

  ”Be a human being in your next life.”

  Killer Dagger picked up the large-caliber rifle that the guy had thrown on the ground and fired two shots at its chest and underbody.


  Large pieces of flesh and blood were torn apart by shrapnel.

  The shocking wounds finally exceeded the self-repair limit of the “Zang Mutant”. The monster twisted in the flames finally stopped struggling and fell heavily to the ground.

  After dealing with a target cleanly and neatly, Killer Dagger threw away the rifle he had picked up, picked up his own weapon, and continued to advance along the crooked trench.

  The voices of teammates came from the communication channel.

  Judging from the fact that they still had time to talk nonsense, these guys should be doing well.

  ”Trench A-07 has been controlled, and a recoilless gun has been seized… It should be the experimental model we found in the warehouse of Beidao Heavy Industry.”

  ”They have completed the final design… But the design doesn’t seem to be very smart. The muzzle flame and smoke when firing are a bit too big.”

  ”Hehe… I discovered a long time ago that they don’t have any army tradition at all, and they only have some level of electronic technology and shipbuilding technology.”

  ”Are you sure they are just a little bit advanced?”

  ”Well, that is of course based on the situation in the wasteland. Games and reality are two different things after all.”

  ”MMP! Can’t these mutants even dig a trench properly?”

  ”Fuck, booby trap–”

  There was a loud explosion, and a flame filled the trench, and a figure was vaguely seen flying into the sky.

  The Killing Dagger quickly raised his head and looked over there, just in time to see the bloody body falling to the ground.

  The roar of the team leader [Unexpectedly] came from the communication channel.

  ”No family members have fallen! One of us has fallen!”

  ”I’ll go see if he needs to be mended.” [半岁蹉跎] climbed out of the trench eagerly and moved towards the direction of the wreckage. The voice was somewhat gloating.

  ”… Be careful! Equipment is free. If it breaks, you will lose points!” Killing Dagger cursed with a frown on his face, then switched the communication channel and reported the situation on the front line to the rear. “The first battalion has captured the beach! Request for next instructions!”

  After a brief rustling sound of electricity, Lao Bai’s voice came from the communication channel.

  ”Cooperate with the armored forces and advance forward to start the second phase of the offensive!”

  Killing Dagger answered in high spirits.


  The family members blown away by the booby trap were just a small episode. The battle of most players on the front line was relatively smooth.

  The three mechanized infantry companies of the first battalion plus an amphibious armored company successfully tore a gap on the beach and annihilated nearly a thousand-man team of mutants.

  The provisional statistics of casualties showed a total of 20 deaths, including those seriously injured who could not recover within three days.

  One battalion defeated a regiment, which was a normal performance for the Alliance’s “fast reaction elite” Burning Legion.

  After a short rest, the first battalion immediately started the second round of offensive, leaving the position to the teammates who landed later. The

  fixed-wing drone hovering in the air not only provided information guidance to the front-line troops, but also recorded the entire battle process, not only transmitting the images to the rear headquarters, but also to the bridge of the Harpoon cruiser.

  The officers of the Alliance were accustomed to the combat effectiveness of the Burning Legion.

  However, it was the first time that Duke Nihak saw these guys on the battlefield.

  Looking at the images on the holographic screen, his face was pale, beads of sweat kept oozing from his forehead, and his eyes were full of panic and disbelief.

  Is this the Alliance?

  The Burning Legion…

  seems to be the unit that defeated him before!

  The last time he lost too quickly, he was thrown into prison before he woke up, so that he once thought that these guys relied on sneak attacks to win the city defense army of Jingalon Port.

  Now it seems that even if the city defense army and the Gray Wolf Army were deployed on the shore together and waited for these guys to ram them, they might not be able to stop them.

  He was not sure whether this army had used all its strength in that battle.

  But at least at this moment, he finally understood why Alayyan lost –


  It should be said that how can you win against such an opponent? !

  Nihak swallowed his saliva, and his eyes unconsciously drifted out of the porthole, looking at the destroyers.


  Just having a battleship is obviously not enough…

  The Empire must build a fleet like the South Sea Alliance! This fleet must have integrated combat capabilities from search to destruction. Only in this way can it prevent the Alliance from landing and fighting a land war with them!

  No –

  just one fleet is not enough, he has to find a way to buy the shipyard on the North Island!

  Li Minghui glanced at the “rich and mysterious” old friend next to him, and seeing his shocked expression, a smile involuntarily appeared at the corner of his mouth.

  Look at this ignorant look, and he is still pretending to be an elephant with a green onion on his nose.

  Not a small amount of money?

  Not a small amount of money? How

  can it be not a small amount of money? Li Minghui finally pretended to be cool, and he felt comfortable. However, the corners of his mouth did not stay up for long before they suddenly fell down again.


  Didn’t I wake up this pig?

  Just as he thought about it, Nihak looked at him with fanatical eyes.

  ”Well… Mr. Li, I have a question. I wonder if you can ask me.”

  Li Minghui asked cautiously.

  ”What is the question?”

  ”This shipyard in Beidao… I wonder if you can sell it?” Fearing that Li Minghui would doubt his motives, Nihak coughed dryly and put on a kind smile, “Of course, we mainly use it for fishing…”

  Li Minghui stared blankly at the duke who was trying to cover up his intentions, and the corners of his mouth could not help but twitch.

  It was too hasty.

  It seems that it is unnecessary to worry about the pig waking up…


  As the second phase of the alliance’s offensive began, the South China Sea Alliance Fleet also raised its guns and began to bombard the second line of defense of the Torch Church mutant forces.

  At the same time, the second wave of landing craft was lowered from the cabin of the large landing ship, pushing through the heavy waves and rushing towards the coastline.

  Twenty cloud dragonflies also set off together.

  These aircraft carrying rocket nests were like dragonflies touching the water, rushing towards the beach along the crest of the waves.

  At this moment, the fish-man troops lurking under the sea suddenly launched an attack, and harpoons rose into the air from the surging waves and shot at the low-flying cloud dragonflies!

  Those blue-skinned mutants thought that as long as they aimed at the wings of the “big dragonfly”, they could shoot it down into the sea, but they obviously underestimated the flexibility of the flapping-wing aircraft.

  The cloud dragonflies set off with their smooth wings and avoided the harpoons dragging the chains with incredible maneuvering trajectories.


  The blue-skinned mutants hiding in the waves screamed in annoyance. They could do nothing about the cloud dragonflies that were pulling up. Some of them went back under the sea, while others chased after the landing craft, trying to sink them.

  However, what these fishmen didn’t expect was that the players had already seen through their plans.

  When the first wave of landing craft came ashore, they didn’t see these guys. Many players were still wondering where they went. After a long time, they found out that they were waiting for the second wave!

  Killing a blue-skinned mutant who tried to climb onto the landing craft, the player squatting on the landing craft shouted into the intercom.

  ”The first battalion and the first company of the jungle corps, it’s your turn.”

  A dull voice came from the communication channel, accompanied by the sound of bubbles.

  ”Got it!”

  At the same time as the voice fell, the mechanical crabs lurking on the seabed in the shallow water turned on their searchlights, revealing their hideous armored shells.

  The “fishmen” who were fighting with the landing craft near the surface of the water did not know that underwater rifles were already aimed at them.

  When they finally found the light rising from the bottom of the sea, it was too late.

  The hardworking man: “Fire!”

  With that order, a series of dense bubbles pushed the shuttle-shaped bullets to drill into the fishmen active near the sea surface.

  Without any defense, the fishmen immersed in the water were instantly harvested by the rain of bullets, and the dark red blood almost dyed the entire water red.

  Discovering the attack from the bottom of the sea, the fishmen turned around in panic and rushed to the bottom of the sea again.

  At this time, the second wave of attacks from the first battalion of the jungle corps had already hit their faces.

  Hoarse screams came one after another, and in an instant there was another bloody storm! At

  the same time as the fishmen of the Torch Church launched the attack, the mutants on the shore also launched the first round of counterattack.

  Although their communications were paralyzed by the EMP attack, the landing battle lasted so long that the mutants on other lines of defense had obviously discovered the gaps that the Alliance had torn in their own lines of defense.

  The two thousand-man teams were divided into two waves, one of which attacked the first battalion of the Burning Corps that crossed the beach and went deep into the hinterland, and the other attacked the second and third battalions, the engineering troops and individual players who were setting up a temporary port on the beach.

  The flying tracers floated on the beach like catkins, and the players fighting on the periphery even saw the tank they had seen in the North Island Heavy Industry warehouse before.

  The Alligator amphibious armored vehicle is obviously no match for this thing.

  However, the Alliance has more than just armored vehicles. There are “Thunder” and “Lightning” flying high in the sky, and there are as many as twenty Dragonflies flying low in the sky… Not to mention the naval guns floating on the sea, waiting for these live targets to show up under the drone’s camera.

  The four-meter-high tank looks like a monster whether in the game or in reality, but it is still as fragile as paper in front of the 150mm naval gun, and almost one is shot away.

  Even if the shells don’t hit directly, the shock wave of the explosion can shake the cobbled-together shell apart.

  The two thousand-man teams that rushed up like a tide were beaten to pieces in less than half an hour, leaving behind a pile of broken limbs and broken copper and iron and fleeing in panic.

  Standing on the beachhead, Old White commanded the front-line troops through the tactical helmet while pulling the trigger of the grenade gun to shoot the mutants who resisted stubbornly.

  Seeing that the flames of resistance were getting weaker and weaker, the battle seemed to be coming to an end.

  At this moment, a report from the first battalion came from his communication channel.

  ”…This is the first battalion. After we went deep into the enemy’s position, we found the remains of a settlement. It is about 6 kilometers away from our landing point. It is hidden between two hills and is dotted with dense woods.”

  ”We found traces of mutant activities there, but our drone cannot see the specific situation inside… I want to send a team to search there.”

  Lao Bai quickly glanced at the map and confirmed the location marked by the killing dagger.

  Judging from the map alone, there is indeed a possibility that something is hidden in that place.

  It took only two seconds to make a judgment, and he immediately gave the order.

  ”Approved request.”

  A sonorous answer came from the other end of the communication channel.


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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