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Chapter 79: A Serious Summary of the Release of the Goddess’s Recent Situation

Chapter 79: A Serious Summary of the Release of the Goddess’s Recent Situation


Author: The Bell Outside the Besieged City

  Chapter 79 A serious summary + words of thanks for the

  release + goddess’s latest situation. After more than a month of publishing, the first

  volume has been successfully completed according to the outline. Let me say here that compared with the first volume, the second volume will be more of a refreshing article (of course, under the premise of trying not to lower the IQ), and there will be no less scenes about Xu Qingwan and Lu Jingyao, especially Xu Qingwan.

  The update time will tend to be stable, and I will try to return to three updates a day.

  So far, I am very satisfied with the performance of this book.

  Although I may not be able to achieve the small goal of “going to Sanjiang” in the end, all the recommendations that can be obtained in the new book period have been made. For an old loser, I am satisfied!

  Therefore, I am really grateful to every reader who follows, votes, and rewards!

  Thank you very much!

  If you can support another first order tomorrow (August 27), I will be even more grateful!

  The second is to simply respond to a few questions in the last part of the first volume.

  (I will not respond to “poisonous points” like “Why didn’t you kill Lu Jingyao?”. I will not change this part. I believe that readers who have read this will agree with this way of handling things, or can barely accept it. After all, a book cannot satisfy everyone’s preferences. I am still clear about this.)

  However, I admit that I wrote the last part of the plot in a hurry, and many things were not explained clearly, which caused many readers to be puzzled.

  1: Why were Lu Jingyao and the others kidnapped?

  Answer: Here I originally wanted to write the kidnappers to be professional and awesome, but I didn’t show it well, which created the feeling of “I was kidnapped by a group of gangsters”. The Wei family actually reacted, but the incident happened too suddenly.

  2: Why was Liu Yuanshan, a prime minister, killed so easily by Wei Changtian?

  Answer: It’s not simple.

  First of all, the reason why Wei Changtian did not use the Wei family warriors, but used the Xuanjing Division to surround the prime minister’s mansion, was to force Liu Yuanshan to show up through a reasonable reason.

  Just like two companies competing, if it is only on the business level, the big bosses of both sides may not show up, but if the government intervenes, the bosses must stand up and accept the investigation. The reason

  why Liu Yuanshan was unprepared was because he didn’t expect Wei Changtian to kill him at all.

  As the article said, he didn’t believe that Wei Changtian would kill him, a prime minister, for a maid or a dog.

  Not only did he not expect it, but no one expected it, so Wei Changtian easily killed him.

  3: Why didn’t Wei Changtian run away after killing Liu Yuanshan? Anyway, the Wei family will pay the price for what he did.

  Answer: Indeed, whether Wei Changtian ran away on the spot or wanted to survive, the Wei family would have to pay the price.

  But the price of the two is definitely different.

  Just like whether to abscond after committing a crime or not, there must be a difference in sentencing.

  If he doesn’t run away, the Wei family will have much more room to deal with Ning Yongnian. If he escapes

  , not only will Wei Changtian’s crime be confirmed, but the entire Wei family will also be charged with the crime of resisting the court and letting the felon go, right?

  So Wei Changtian chose not to escape.


  The above is the explanation for the last part of the plot.

  I may change this part when I have time, but I don’t think so recently.

  Then let me talk about the book being put on the shelves.

  This book will be put on the shelves tomorrow (Friday).

  In fact, according to general circumstances, if I want to have a better first order result, I should actually hold the rhythm at the last climax.

  But I think doing so will sacrifice the continuity of the plot, which is really unnecessary. It is better to put the book on the shelves as the beginning of the second volume. If

  you like this book, continue to follow it. If you don’t like it so much, you can also read a complete plot for free.

  It’s pretty good.

  I won’t say much about asking for the first order. It’s better to report the recent development with the goddess.

  Since the Qixi Festival, the goddess has ignored me, which made me so angry that I was listless at work every day and was scolded by my boss several times.

  But just yesterday, the goddess took the initiative to send me WeChat again!

  She said that she had a stomachache that had not healed before, and she was afraid that I would worry about her health after knowing it, so she didn’t reply to my messages very often!

  Sure enough! I knew that the goddess was the kindest!

  And the goddess also responded to the matter of dating me for the first time!

  She said I was a good person, but she also had her own principles, which was that she would not date a loser!

  I asked what it would take to be considered a loser?

  The goddess said that at least the first order had to reach 500.

  Hearing this, I immediately patted my chest and promised the goddess –

  the first order of my book would definitely reach 500!

  The goddess said that if that was the case, she would consider it.

  I got angry when I heard it!

  Isn’t this playing me for a fool? !

  I immediately told her clearly –

  don’t consider it! If it reaches 500, you have to be my girlfriend!

  Otherwise, I will never lick you again!


  The goddess panicked on the spot! She was scared!

  She was afraid that I would not lick her anymore!

  But actually I was just scaring her!

  How could I not lick her?

  The goddess would be so sad!

  Anyway, I have already guaranteed 500 first orders.

  Brothers, do you understand what I mean?

  It’s good that you understand!

  I won’t say much, I’m going to buy Xiangpiaopiao milk tea for the goddess.

  The second volume – See you when you soar to 90,000 miles!


  ps: It will be on the shelves at 12:00 noon tomorrow, and there will be at least five chapters.

  Thank you again for supporting this book!

  Attached is a list of handsome and cool readers with a fan value of more than 100.

  Of course, there are many masters who reward or vote for paragraphs, but I won’t list them because there are too many people.

  Anyway, I had a dream before I wrote this book. An old immortal said that the readers of your book will be better off than you in the future.

  In this case, if I can walk, then you can all…

  1 Book Friends 20200709203927946

  2 The Heart Returns

  3 A Cut of Plum Fragrance

  4 The Red Apricots Are Planted by the Clouds

  5 Floating Mountain Reading Water

  6 Handsome Makes Me Confused

  7 Demon Cloud Taoist

  80丨Night Demons丨0

  9 Qing Yu Weiyang

  10 Mr. L on Moon Night

  11 Ru Xing Seventeen

  12 Zhang Twenty-Two

  13 Refining the Heart Road

  14 The Bell Outside the Besieged City

  15 Book Friends 20210817083841406

  16 Not Sweet Chocolate Gold Coins

  17 Jiu Jiu Jiu Jiu

  18 Fluorescent Ink

  19 Si Yu Said

  20c Song

  21 Orange Ya

  22 Chang Feng Po Cang Hai

  23 Book Friends 20191124143342274

  24 Dragon Pigeon No

  25 Lu Mingtian

  26 Book Friends 2021030110448100

  27 The Cow in Space


  29 Book Friends 160218194400312

  30 The Origin of Chaos

  31 Literary Man

  32 Eternal Red Sand Scorpion

  33 Ignorant Youth

  34 Chen Qing 7

  35 Book Friends 20210806180954643

  36 Deeply Painted Gerror

  37 Against www

  38 Betrayal

  39 Luan Yu

  40 Late Spring and Autumn Rain

  41 Qingfeng Kunlun

  42 HYX


  44 Immortal Grass Bobo

  45 Xiaobai Gou

  46 Qiancheng Daodao

  47 Please Call Me Cao Zei

  48 Book Friends 20200829000335618

  49 Zhi Tianya

  50 The World Corner of Light and Shadow

  51 Tianci 9

  52 Playing Life Curl Cat Hair

  53 Book Friends 20200222194115165

  54 An unknown artist55

  President of the Dusk Sage Association56

  Meow Three Waves57

  Night ends and the sun rises58

  Immortal friends, please stay and wave your hands59


  Shi60 Three years old is not closed61

  Book Friends 20190212113932885

  62 Willing to be an old bookworm63

  From midnight64

  Salted fish big a general65

  God Xian66

  Little Lian

  Guang67 Fish and rain meet Yu68

  Prosperous Ye Jing69

  Dragon God Ao Guang70

  There is a Pi Pi Xiang in Dongyue71

  The wheel of history rolls forward72

  Lemon-flavored sea water73

  A thousand years of waiting for a dream74


  Sisi75H zero o’clock and one minute76

  Book Friends 160928170745096

  77 Book Friends 160818180917041

  78 Caribbean seaweed79

  Mo Wen 1997


  81 Guanhe broken shadows82


  Ming83 Moon without shadow and snow without trace84


  (end of this chapter)


I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am Villain In The Book I Turned Out to Be the Arch-Villain of the Book 我竟是书中大反派
Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

Wei Tian transmigrated to a fantasy novel, and found out that he was the villain who was beaten up by the protagonist from beginning to end? ? ?

He has a powerful family background, but all he does is eat, drink, and have fun; he has a handsome face, but all he does is commit evil deeds; he has abundant cultivation resources, but all he does is waste them away… and he can’t even lie down properly, because the protagonist is about to come and steal his wife!

I used to want to be a good person, but now I really have no choice!


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