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Chapter 79 Waiting for the Rabbit

Chapter 79 Waiting for the Rabbit

2024-05-29 作者: 晨星LL

  Chapter 79 Waiting for the Rabbit

  ”Damn… where did these people come from?”

  Standing on the ruins of broken walls, Zhua held a monocular telescope wrapped with tape in his hand, looking at the direction of the construction site not far away.

  There seemed to be three or five people there, carrying stones and hardened cement blocks with wheelbarrows.

  They moved quickly and would not stay here for long. They would leave after shoveling enough for a truck.

  Zhua racked his brains but could not figure out where those people came from and built a base right under their noses.

  In his impression, Linghu Wetland Park was clearly a barren forest with no birds or shits, and there was only an abandoned sanatorium in the middle of the forest.

  Except for some birds, beasts, insects and snakes that would move around there, even hyenas looked down on the prey there.

  But it didn’t matter.

  Those shelters of all sizes were like cockroach eggs, and a batch would pop up every now and then. And all he needed to consider was how to eat this group of fat sheep.

  ”Boss, when are we going to start?”

  Standing next to Zhu was a man with a bandage on his left eye. There were more than ten knife scars on his chest, which looked like a centipede.

  At least half of them were left in the fight, and the other half were secretly cut by him with a knife.

  ”No hurry, we are just scouting now, and it is not time to attack yet.”

  Zhu handed the monocular telescope to his comrade standing beside him.

  Unlike Badger, no matter what kind of opponent he faces, he will not be careless.

  Even if the opponent has only three or five people and does not even have a gun, he will carefully observe for a long time until he is sure that there is no danger, and then launch a sudden and swift attack, trying to defeat the enemy with one move and make the opponent lose the ability to resist in the shortest time.

  ”How about we send a few slaves to rush over and test it? They have been moving stones for a whole morning… I am worried that they will carry stones back to reinforce the bunker.”

  The hunchbacked man with a steel helmet on his head approached Zhu and whispered quietly.

  He had a large shovel hanging on his back.

  If you look closely, you can see that the shovel has a blade on one side and serrations on the other. Behind the eye is a simple receiver structure – it is a breech-loading smoothbore rifle.

  Zhu thought for a moment and nodded.


  ”Find a few cannon fodder to test their strength.”

  The Blood Hand Clan’s dungeons hold many captives. These slaves are not only their playthings for enjoyment, but also livestock in captivity, and cannon fodder on the battlefield.

  As for livestock and cannon fodder, the Blood Hand Clan’s plunderers usually do not give them special food. Instead, they lock them up in a half-collapsed sewer, regularly pour a bucket of swill into it, let them fight with mutant cockroaches and rats, and endure the torture of mosquitoes, fungi, and viruses all day long, and keep them in captivity like raising Gu.

  Until their humanity was wiped out, they went completely crazy, and became animals dominated by instinct. Then some of them were selected, given sticks and daggers, and promised that as long as they captured the stronghold, they would be allowed to join the carnival after the war and accepted as companions.

  It was called a baptism of blood.

  Zhu sent one of his men back, and the rest waited in place.

  On the other side, Fang Chang, who was ambushing in the unfinished building near the abandoned construction site, stared at the carts gradually going away outside and frowned.

  Lao Bai, who was squatting at the door, couldn’t sit still and couldn’t help asking.

  ”Why hasn’t anyone come yet?”

  Fang Chang answered impatiently.

  ”Don’t ask me, ask Ye Shi.”

  Ye Shi also had a sad expression.

  ”No… I can’t sense it, but there are two mutant cockroaches in the basement. Should I go and clear the monsters?”

  Kuang Feng shook his head.

  ”No need.”

  Fang Chang bit his thumb nail and fell into deep thought.

  ”The other party is more cunning than we thought. I’m sure they have discovered this construction site, but they are not in a hurry to act… What are these people waiting for?”

  According to his assumption, the predators should have been eyeing this place for a long time, and they would definitely not let go of those brick movers who didn’t even bring weapons.

  Even if it’s for revenge, they must rush in!

  So, the Niu Ma team ambushed nearby, using those brick movers as bait, ready to wait for a wave of prey.

  However, I don’t know why.

  They squatted here all day yesterday, and today they came early in the morning, but the other party seemed to be blind and indifferent to the movement on this abandoned construction site.

  ”Could it be that they didn’t find this place?” Kuang Feng asked.

  ”Impossible! As long as they are not blind, it is impossible for them not to find this place!” Fang Chang said firmly.

  While talking, Ye Shi, who was closest to the window, suddenly became alert and raised his right fist.

  ”Shh, don’t make a sound… There seems to be movement nearby.”

  The three of them immediately quieted down.

  Time passed by minute by minute, and this time not only Ye Shi heard the footsteps, but also Fang Chang and his men.

  The four exchanged glances tacitly, moved carefully along the wall, and went around to the window on the other side of the unfinished building.

  Not far from them, downstairs, six shirtless men were sticking to the wall behind another unfinished building, and carefully approached this side along the narrow alley.

  Not only were they dressed in rags, but the weapons in their hands were also varied.

  There were rusty machetes, wooden sticks with nails, and saws wrapped around baseball bats with wire, which looked quite wasteland.

  But these were all cold weapons, not a single gun!

  Judging from the route of these predators, they should be planning to go along the alleys between the unfinished buildings, go around to the entrance of the construction site, wait for the next wave of survivors transporting stones to come, and suddenly rush out to kill the bricklayers by surprise.

  However, they did not realize that their plan had been predicted long ago.

  Fang Chang was delighted, and while taking out an arrow and putting it on the string, he gave his teammates beside him an excited and affirmative look.

  Lao Bai immediately understood and tightened his javelin.

  Ye Shi and Kuang Feng took out Molotov cocktails and lit them with matches.

  ”Three… two… one, start the fight!”

  ”Kill them!”

  Following the order from Brother Fang, javelins, bows and arrows, and burning bottles were thrown down from the third-floor window, catching the looters off guard. The worst

  was the strong man in the front, whose chest was pierced by a javelin, and he stood up like a deflated ball, with his legs propped up for a while, and then fell backwards into the fire without a sound.

  Another looter was hit by an arrow on his arm, which was not a big problem, but soon another arrow shot directly into his mouth.

  The looters downstairs were smashed into a mess by the weapons that fell from the sky. They shouted and screamed, and their morale was obviously shaken.

  But thinking of the miserable end after escaping and the verbal promises of those people, they still shouted and overcame their fear, and rushed into the unfinished building in front of them under the arrows and javelins that fell from the sky.

  However, after a while, they learned what a real nightmare is.

  These players have no martial ethics at all, and they can think of all kinds of fancy and coquettish operations. They

  rushed to the second floor, only one staircase away from the third floor.

  Before they could shout to charge, a smoking can rolled down from the upstairs…

  Less than two seconds later, a bang echoed in the corridor.

  The rolling white smoke exploded instantly, and the pungent smell of gunpowder, accompanied by metal pieces, flew around in the narrow corridor, creating a hell on earth!

  The smoke had not yet completely dissipated.

  The looters who were still alive and well a second ago, all wailed and lay on the ground.

  The worst guy couldn’t even wail, as half of his body was blown into a bloody mess, with only his legs still twitching.

  ”Fuck… this, this thing is so powerful?”

  Holding the javelin in both hands, Lao Bai, who was about to rush, froze at the entrance of the stairs, and was dumbfounded by the situation inside.

  ”Nonsense, don’t you think about how much gunpowder was stuffed in there.”

  Fang Chang pushed his shoulder.

  ”Don’t stand there stupidly, tie him up quickly…”

  If it’s a little later, the corpse lying on the ground will probably be dead.

  Even if the final outcome of these looters is to be hanged on the gallows of justice, they have to wait until they get the bounty!


  Hundreds of meters away.

  The sound of explosions in the building drifted far away.

  Standing on the ruins holding a monocular telescope, Zhua’s face gradually became heavy.

  Although he couldn’t see the situation over there from the moment those cannon fodders rushed into the building, there were some things that he could guess even without seeing them with his own eyes.

  It was just as he thought.

  The entire construction site was a trap set by the group of blue coats!

  They deliberately sent people to move stones. On the surface, they were defenseless and harmless, but in fact they sent people to ambush around.

  How cunning!

  ”Boss, what should we do now?” The man with a scar on his chest asked anxiously.

  Zhua frowned and didn’t speak, and the scarred man continued.

  ”My suggestion is to just kill them!”

  ”They all use bows and arrows and javelins, and they have exposed their position! We have so many guns, why should we be afraid of them!”

  The hunchbacked man glanced at him and said contemptuously.

  ”Are you deaf? Was the explosion just now fake? They obviously let people in to kill them! God knows how many are still hiding inside.”

  ”Then what do you say we should do! Others are taking advantage of the situation in the north, and we are just wasting time here? I think we should either rush them or go to the north! Now if we are lucky, we can catch two fat sheep going east, but when the snow falls, there will be nothing left!” It is

  unrealistic to waste time.

  Zhu knew very well that the brothers also needed spoils to survive the winter, and no one wanted to be hungry and cold.

  But it was unrealistic to leave it here and go to the north.

  The leader threw this piece of fat meat to him to chew, which was an affirmation of his loyalty, trust and reward. If he messed up this matter like that idiot named Badger, the leader would definitely not let him off easily.


  Hearing the leader speak, the scarred man was stunned and asked.

  ”…How long do we have to wait? It’s already noon.”

  ”Wait until night, until they get into bed,” Zhua said with a gloomy face, looking at the thin man next to him, “Go back again, bring ten fast-running slaves, and prepare some Molotov cocktails and needles.”

  ”The rest of you rest here and get enough energy.”

  ”Wait until midnight and give them a surprise!”


  Outside the north gate of the outpost.

  Amid the envious eyes of the players, the Niu Ma squad walked back from the direction of the construction site, escorting three prisoners with their hands and feet tied.

  In addition to the three prisoners, there were three dead people stuffed on a cart.

  One of them was blown to pieces by the bomb, and the other two were simply burnt, emitting a foul smell.

  ”Fuck! Fuck!”

  ”It’s a hardcore game indeed! But I don’t know why, I don’t even dare to kill a fish in real life, but I don’t seem to panic at all when I see blood here?”

  ”Maybe this is the next-generation technology based on the principle of dream interference. Visual filter? Emotional blunting? I don’t quite understand.”

  ”Big brother is awesome! This wiped out a team.”

  ”Except awesome, I have nothing to say!”

  Chu Guang, who heard the noise from afar, walked to the north gate and looked at the captives and corpses that were pushed back by the cattle and horse team, his face was also full of surprise.

  The four-man team beat the six-man team.

  These little players are really good!

  However, the shock only lasted for two seconds. Chu Guang walked over and took a look, and soon understood what was going on.

  These six people were not real looters. There was no bone tool symbolizing their identity on their bodies. On the contrary, there were words carved on their faces or foreheads.


  Although there were a few strokes wrong, it should be pronounced this word.

  As expected, these captives were slaves of the Blood Hand Clan.

  But so what?

  The accomplice of a criminal is also a criminal. Since he has picked up a weapon, he must have realized his mistake.

  After confirming the identity of each of them, Chu Guang did not say anything extra. He took out a bag of silver coins from his pocket and handed it to Fang Chang.

  Facing these happy little players, Chu Guang nodded and said in an encouraging tone.

  ”The shelter will remember your contribution. Here are 106 silver coins and 5 copper coins. In addition, there are a total of 1,200 contribution points. Each of you will get 300 points equally.”

  ”Now, send these criminals to the gallows of justice.”

  ”Death will forgive them!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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