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Chapter 790: Kill the Crazy Old Man with Random Punches

Chapter 790: Kill the Crazy Old Man with Random Punches


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 790: Killing the Crazy Old Man with Random Punches The

  emerald-colored thick slurry soaked the land that had been plowed by artillery fire, and the stench was suffocating.

  One by one, dark green mycelium fruits were exposed outside the soil, just like blood vessels that were pulled out of the body.

  The sound of artillery in the distance was still roaring, and burning steel kept falling from the sky, like an endless rain.

  One hundred and twenty “Conqueror” tanks formed the spearhead of the attack. The thick barrels and the almost red-hot coaxial machine guns kept spurting out flames, and tilted fierce firepower towards the gaps in the indirect firepower of the rear artillery.

  Tens of thousands of clone infantrymen held the Eviscerator rifles, chasing the flying tracers and roaring and charging, desperately rushing towards the blown-to-piece fungus variants, venting their boiling anger with the most primitive voice.



  The fungus variant that was scratched all over by the heavy artillery shrapnel let out a wail, and also seemed to be roaring. Its fat body was seen fluttering like an umbrella, and it continued to squeeze out clouds of dark green spores.

  The dark green spore cloud was like some kind of magic medicine. The fungus variants that came into contact with it groaned happily, staggered out of the crater, and their limbs that were broken by the explosion were also healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  Especially the “walking corpses” and “corpse dogs”!

  As cannon fodder, although they are not good at offensive capabilities, they have extremely tenacious resilience. Just by taking a breath, they struggled to twist their bodies and came back to life.

  In a blink of an eye, the dark green cloud had been sucked clean, and the “big mushroom” that released the spores was shriveled as if it had withered.

  Discovering the situation here, the charging clone team immediately bit up, firing their rifles while maintaining the rhythm of the attack and continuing to charge forward.

  The big mushroom was shot several times and was dying.

  However, just as the clone team was about to rush to it, the big mushroom’s body suddenly twitched violently like boiling water, and then the body suddenly split open a nearly one-meter wide crack!

  Dozens of tentacles quickly drilled out of the crack and whipped the oncoming clone soldiers like long whips!


  A clone soldier was hit right in the middle, and it let out a short and excited scream. It pulled the unfortunate fly into its mouth like a hunting frog, and pressed its head into the esophagus with corrosive acid.

  However, before the big mushroom could taste the sweet flesh and blood, a bayonet came out from the back of its head.


  The painful howl came out from its open mouth and wound.

  It was seen as if it had a stomachache, twisting its lower body tentacles and retreating continuously, and vomiting out the bloody corpse and digestive fluid in its mouth.

  Before it could stabilize its body and get ready for defense, another clone soldier had already rushed in front of it, and the crazy bloodthirsty pupils were as dazzling as the bayonet in his hand!


  He roared, stabbed the bayonet into the body of the fungus variant, and stirred it desperately.

  The big mushroom that could only release healing spores quickly fell to the ground, and the zombies and corpse dogs next to it were also pinned to the ground.

  A crawler rushed up and just bit off the neck of a clone soldier, but was soon blown to pieces by an oncoming tank shell.

  The two sides started a close combat.

  Those clone soldiers were even more like slime molds than the strange-looking fungus variants, especially those bloodthirsty pupils who regarded killing as their life!

  Their lives were counted in seconds.

  They crossed tens of thousands of kilometers of desert to come to this strange land, just for this last moment of burning.

  They kept falling, but no one retreated.

  The turbid flesh and blood merged with the black mud. They painted the land red and used the most primitive method to push the front line forward, and then push forward!


  Half of his body was exposed from the turret that was spitting out plasma and mucus. The Willant centurion roared angrily, urging his subordinates to attack forward.

  ”Let these dirty and ugly things see what real cruelty is!”

  ”We will make them regret coming to this world! Dedicate victory to the marshal! Bring glory back to Triumph City! Bring death to our enemies!”


  In response to his roar, there were deafening shouts.


  Although it was unclear what the leader was screaming, rushing to death was indeed the best relief for them.

  Behind them, soldiers wearing heavy protective clothing carried cylindrical metal cans on their backs and held disinfection nozzles, slowly advancing forward.

  From time to time, someone would stop, bend down, pick up some muddy and bloody corpses from the ground and throw them into the jar behind them.

  The B-type strain cannot grow outside the Baiyue Province, but the fruiting bodies produced by the Alliance’s captive mother nest solved this problem.

  In addition to large-scale synthesis through the incubator, the Alliance’s biological research institute has also developed a “portable disinfection device” – the thing that these Weilant soldiers carry on their backs.

  Each culture tank stores a “fruiting body” inoculated with the B-type strain genome, which can continuously synthesize the B-type strain, and only consumes one corpse per square kilometer. The

  B-type strain that erodes the soil itself cannot survive in areas outside the Baiyue Province. After completing the mission of killing the J-type strain, it will naturally disappear.

  It can be said to be very useful.

  At present, the coalition has restored half of the land in Haiya Province with this set of equipment. The

  drone’s camera gradually zoomed out with the slowly rising bullet smoke and spore cloud, and dense human figures were spread all over the wilderness.

  It is not just one 10,000-man army that is launching the attack, but a full 10,000-man army from the Eastern Legion!

  More tragic fighting and death can be seen everywhere on the entire muddy land…

  It is not only the Alliance that can see the decline of the Torch, but also the commander of the Legion.

  In order to get more bargaining chips when dividing the spoils, they must control more territory!

  And just to the east of the Legion’s front, the battle on the front controlled by the Alliance is more intense.

  If the clones of the Legion only regard death as a relief, then the players of the Alliance are truly ready to die.

  Even though the Weilants never care about the casualties of the clones, and even hope that these ants will die faster so that younger and stronger cannon fodder can be sent from the rear, they dare not easily let the clones be trapped in the siege… After all, even the individuals who are least afraid of death will lose their will to fight and stop resisting.

  However, players do not have this problem.

  In order to kill more monsters before dying, or to avoid being blocked by friendly forces, they will even take the initiative to go deep into the hinterland and deliberately be surrounded by the fungus variants of the Torch.

  This deceptive tactic also caused the Torch to suffer a lot in the early stages of the war.

  When they tried to annihilate the Alliance’s living forces through the tactics of division and encirclement, they paid more casualties for it.

  Beyond the area controlled by the Alliance and going east, it is the territory controlled by the Academy’s Alpha Task Force and the Free State Hound Special Forces.

  Further away is the front controlled by the Enterprise.

  In addition to the 100th Mechanized Mountain Division that was first sent to the front, there are three infantry divisions and twelve mercenary groups that rushed to the front through the Prancing Horse Province to fight in this area.

  All the troops showed their magical powers on the front line, and only the Torch was beaten while running around.

  The broken land was covered with blue and purple, like a face that was beaten black and blue.

  Overlooking the shattered frontline, the Human Emperor standing in the void had his eyes wide open and gnashed his teeth. He no longer had the calmness and ease he had at the beginning of the war.

  There were too many enemies!

  Soldiers carrying guns swarmed to the front line like locusts. He had just completed the deployment in the east when tens of thousands of people appeared in the west. He finally took care of both sides, and the Alliance’s plane dropped a group of paratroopers in his face.

  Now the threat is not only from the front, but also from behind.

  No matter how good he is at calculating, he can’t withstand these countless fists hitting him at the same time.

  ”Die… Die!” The Human Emperor roared angrily, but no one could hear his roar.

  He kept projecting his consciousness onto the evolutionary bodies on the front line, fighting on the front line in person, trying to reverse the defeat, but in just a moment he lost contact with his mortal body and could only repeat the cycle of connection and disconnection.

  As if moved by his efforts, or pitying his futile struggle, a gentle voice came from above his head.

  ”That’s enough. You’ve tried your best.”

  Hearing the Son of God’s voice, the madness on his face paused for a moment.

  But it was only for a moment.

  ”I can still fight…” He panted, and his face still had the madness of the last evolutionary body before its death.

  Looking at that crazy look, the Son of God sighed softly.

  ”The fall of the kingdom of heaven is inevitable… Our time is up, and the others have already set off. It’s time for you to-”


  The Human Emperor, who was completely bloodthirsty, roared and interrupted the light words.

  At this moment, he was like a beast forced into a corner.

  Staring at the burning battlefield under his feet, he spoke word by word.

  ”I will never retreat! My kingdom of heaven is here… I’m not going anywhere!”

  In order to make the kingdom of heaven descend on this land and to make humans evolve into a higher existence, at least more than a million survivors died in his hands!

  After paying so many sacrifices, his kingdom of heaven has finally descended on the mortal world, and all the sacrifices have finally paid off… No one can take his kingdom of heaven away!

  He will fight to the end!

  The blood shed for all this was not in vain!

  Looking at the twisted face in silence, the Son of God sighed softly.

  ”I respect your choice…”

  As he spoke, his empty eyes also took on a hint of madness, just like a black hole that devoured everything in the world and even space itself.

  ”…I will witness the last moment of this miracle with you.”


  Low black smoke rolled in the air, and the broken clouds outlined bullet marks.

  Chu Guang, standing in the bridge of the Iron Heart, was like a “Human Emperor” who was floating somewhere unknown, overlooking the battlefield that had been plowed over and over again by artillery fire.

  However, his demeanor and emotions were obviously much calmer than those of the Torch Madman, and there was not much emotional fluctuation in his cold expression.

  The outline of the coastline could be vaguely seen outside the French windows of the bridge.

  If it was fast, it would take a week, and if it was slow, it would take at most half a month, for the landing troops to complete the reunion with the northern front.

  Then, it was to search for the facilities of the Torch Church and destroy them.

  There was nothing worth noting about the details of the local battle. At this moment, Chu Guang was looking through the holographic screen at the investigation report on Shelter No. 182 sent by Fang Chang.

  It was a shelter that had been abandoned for a century. The Torch had rebuilt it and transformed it into a research facility, mainly engaged in the research of projects related to Gestalt life forms.

  Most of the research facilities and production facilities owned by the Torch Church were of this kind.

  According to the investigation report provided by Fang Chang, in addition to some improved production machines and three black boxes found on the fourth floor of the basement of Shelter No. 182, they also found 120 cylindrical culture tanks for soaking experimental subjects on the fifth floor of the basement, as well as a giant glass tank with an area of ​​100 square meters and filled with genetic modification liquid.

  In addition, there was a large cold storage, which stored thousands of corpses that had not been processed or were of research value.

  Those corpses were hanging like meat in the cold storage, either with three arms or two heads, and almost no one still maintained a basic human form.

  According to the confessions of the staff in the facility, the apostles of the Torch screened out the suitable ones who had no obvious rejection reaction after injecting the genetic modification solution from the captive survivors, and then threw them into the culture tank filled with genetic modification solution for 3 to 7 days, so that some of them could be transformed into mutants.

  Of course, even if the unsuitable ones with rejection reactions were screened out, only a part of them could be transformed in the end.

  After all, “mutants” themselves are unstable technologies that have not been studied and there are huge risks in terms of technical principles.

  What’s more, re-embryoizing a fully developed adult and replacing a new genome to force it to express is as difficult as putting a person back into the womb and giving birth again.

  This is much more difficult than blood transfusion.

  Even if the Torch Church has certain advantages in biological technology, it can only achieve a “good product rate” of 67%.

  Even among these 67% “good products”, more than half of them completely lost their minds during the transformation process because they could not bear the torture-like torture and became like animals.

  As for those who did not become animals, their minds would also be distorted to varying degrees. The most common is schizophrenia, such as a group of people living in one body, or loss of memory or imagining oneself as a cook or other similar identities.

  The relevant research content is recorded in the experimental log, and there is shocking blood everywhere between the lines.

  Torch seemed to realize that it was not convenient to make these things public, so he planned to destroy the originals while backing up the data.

  Fortunately, his little players arrived in time and intercepted the apostle who was about to withdraw.

  After reading the entire report to the end, Chu Guang sighed softly and said.

  ”… Just looking at the contents of this investigation report, the crimes of these guys are already too numerous to list.”

  Standing behind him, Heya, who had been silent for a long time, showed shame and guilt on her face and lowered her head.


  ”You don’t have to apologize for a mistake you didn’t make,” Chu Guang stretched out his index finger and gently stroked the air, gathering the light blue light speed at his fingertips and dispersing it, then looked back at her and said, “What’s more, your research results have made a huge contribution to our and even human causes. You should be proud and raise your head.”

  Heya raised her head, but her eyes full of complexity were still a little evasive.

  The people who committed these crimes were her former neighbors. They might even have eaten at the same table in the same cafeteria… There might even be her teacher inside.

  ”But they are residents of Shelter No. 117 after all…”

  ”It’s just a part. Even if only one person made a different choice, it’s still a different choice.”

  Chu Guang interrupted her and continued, looking at the dodging eyes.

  ”What’s more, there are many residents of Shelter No. 117 in the Alliance’s Biological Research Institute. They are all very good people. You should know this.”

  Those blue coats were rescued by the Alliance from Shelter No. 401.

  Although there are not many people, their contribution to the advancement of the Alliance’s biological technology is not small, and they also have a share of credit for the prosperity of the Alliance.

  Heya’s eyes were slightly red, and she whispered.

  ”Thank you…”

  ”Don’t thank me, I should have said something similar,” Chu Guang smiled and said, “I’m not the only one who thinks so, including Yaya who pulled you out of the hibernation capsule, and other residents who helped you collect research materials… We all think so.”

  The Alliance does not engage in identity politics, and it has always been like this. Besides, not every resident of Shelter No. 117 joined the Torch, and some joined and then regretted it.

  But then again, there is one thing he has always been curious about.

  According to various intelligence, there were only thirteen pioneers of the Torch, and the Holy Son named Wang Yi was included.

  However, according to the intelligence collected by the Guards, there were far more residents who left Shelter No. 117. What

  about the others?

  Including Heya’s master Kallen… Where did all the blue coats who had joined the Torch go?

  He was not the only one confused. Even Sun Yuechi, the former manager of Shelter No. 70, had similar confusion.

  Shelter No. 70 and Shelter No. 117 have been in regular contact for more than a century, including exchanges on research on mutant slime molds, etc. After all, the former is next to a huge mother nest, and they are not experts in biology.

  In Sun Yuechi’s impression, the residents of Shelter No. 117 are not crazy enough to do such crazy things, and they don’t have the ability to do it.

  Most of the blue jackets actually had a miserable life in the wasteland. The kinder wastelanders ignored them, while the more ruthless ones simply treated them as fat meat.

  Of course, this was not to excuse the mistakes of Shelter No. 117, but he always felt that there was an invisible hand behind the scenes… just like the alliance indirectly controlled the situation in the Borneo Province through the chess piece of Baiyue Company.

  Although Chu Guang didn’t like this guy’s weird metaphor, because the two were completely different, he had to admit that he did have similar feelings. The

  development trajectory of the Torch Church in the ten years after leaving Jinchuan and heading to Haiya was somewhat outrageous.

  The Iron Tower Organization was at least a beggar’s version of the alliance. The local survivors spontaneously organized themselves to establish a self-help alliance, which was much more unbreakable than the Boulder City.

  However, what was incredible was that they, who couldn’t even do anything to the Boulder City, actually disintegrated the Iron Tower in a very short time and enslaved the survivors of an entire province.

  The black boxes they have far exceed the theoretical reserves of Shelter 117. They use incredible equipment to arm one special warfare unit after another that even the most elite soldiers of the alliance find difficult.

  Chu Guang is not only curious about where the other residents of Shelter 117 outside the “Thirteen-Man Conference” have gone, but also curious about what happened in the years after the torch arrived at the land under his feet…

  At this time, Lv Bei of the Guards Corps walked through the movable door and walked into the bridge, saluting neatly.

  ”Respected Administrator… Sir, our investigators working on the front line have received a signal from the Kingdom of Heaven…”

  Recently, this kid has finally corrected the title of “Adult”, and Chu Guang is quite satisfied with his progress.

  The only thing that is not very satisfactory is that although this guy often repeats what he said, he rarely really listens to what he said.

  Seeing that Lv Bei suddenly stopped talking, He Ya was very tactful and prepared to leave the bridge to avoid it, but was stopped by Chu Guang.

  ”Stay here and listen together.”

  As he said, Chu Guang looked at Lv Bei and continued.

  ”The Alliance has not yet reached the point where it needs to conceal the illness from the ‘doctor’. I remember that I should have said that all the information collected by the Guards about the Torch Church is transparent to the Alliance Biological Research Institute, and there is no need to ask me in advance.”

  Lu Bei lowered his head.

  ”Yes, sir…”

  Knowing that the young man was kind, Chu Guang did not blame him too much, but just signaled him to continue with his eyes.

  Lu Bei paused and stated the information in full.

  In short, not only the coalition felt that the Torch was over, but also the people inside the Torch felt that the Torch was going to be finished.

  Although the Torch Church is nominally a church, those doctrines are actually just to fool ordinary people. The top leaders of the Torch don’t actually talk about that stuff with each other, but talk more about science and methods.

  Although there are many firm idealists among them, there are definitely some speculators and “it’s none of my business” people.

  For example, Yul, who is now working for the Alliance, is the most typical example of the latter. He himself is not quite sure what he wants to do. Before the war, he was a social animal in a pharmaceutical company. Suddenly, when the war broke out, he was transferred to another place to do scientific research. He was coaxed to sleep by his colleagues and woke up in the Wasteland Era. The Torch waved and he followed without thinking much.

  Some researchers are attracted by the resources of the Torch and hope to use the resources of the Torch to continue their unfinished research before the war.

  In short, there is such a researcher among the senior leaders of Torch. Seeing that Torch, a crazy tree that is seeking death, is about to fall, he hopes to surrender to the Sticky Community Coalition with intelligence and research materials in exchange for a chance of leniency.

  What’s interesting is that according to the explanation of the senior researcher, the senior leaders of the Torch Church seem to plan to escape through a secret device in his facility.

  Obviously, he is not on the list of “strategic transfer”, so he took the opportunity to leak the news.

  ”What’s the name of that researcher?!” Heya asked anxiously before Lu Bei finished speaking.

  Lu Bei hesitated and glanced at Chu Guang, but saw that Mr. Manager just looked at him indifferently. Finally, he sighed and gave up and stopped hiding.

  ”The name that person left for us to identify is Karen… I was also surprised at the time, but I feel that person is not the guy you have been looking for.”


  (Thanks to the leader of “Wrestling Panda” for the reward!!!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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