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Chapter 791 “No one understands Guang better than me”

Chapter 791 “No one understands Guang better than me”


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 791 “No one knows A Guang better than me”

  On the floating dock of steel plates on the Death Coast, a group of construction workers in work clothes were coming ashore with shovels and tool boxes.

  They were soldiers of the Imperial Expeditionary Force, who had been stationed in Youtiao Port.

  Although the Alliance occasionally took them out for target practice, it was obvious that the players had no intention of throwing them to the front line from the beginning.

  Thank God for this.

  When they walked to the shore, many people vomited on the spot, their faces turned pale, and their hands and feet were numb.

  One of the reasons was naturally seasickness, but half of it was because of the miserable situation on the beach.

  I saw swollen and mutilated corpses lying randomly on the beach, some blue, some green, and some human. Although the corpses in the trenches had been moved away by the players, some mutants who died in the sea were washed onto the beach by the waves one after another.

  Not only corpses, but also alien species wandering over by smelling the smell.

  Some of the largest crabs smelled the rotten smell first, and pounced on the corpses, gnawing at them, and ate the buffet with relish.

  Everyone swallowed their saliva and stomach acid, and moved their stiff legs to the shore.

  However, at this moment, a gunshot suddenly rang out on the shore.


  The sudden gunshot startled everyone, and the muscle memory formed by training made them subconsciously lie down until they saw the blue jacket wearing an exoskeleton coming towards them.

  ”Don’t be nervous, it’s me.”

  Walking to the side of the dock with a shotgun, Ban Sui Cuo Tuo smiled and waved his hand, then pointed to the floating dock not far away under everyone’s feet. A

  mutant crab that was more than one meter tall was seen leaning in the water-soaked sand pit, and half of its head was shattered by the bullets of the shotgun.

  Because the color of the shell was too similar to the beach, the people who were paying attention to the corpses on the shore did not notice it.

  Looking at these expeditionary soldiers who were terrified, Ban Sui Cuo Tuo said with a smile.

  ”Watch your feet. The forceps of this thing are quite strong. It only takes one blow to break your legs… We have already spent enough money on you, and we don’t want to help you get a prosthetic leg.”

  Seeing that no one was talking, Ban Sui Cuo Tuo stopped talking nonsense and went straight to the point.

  ”Your task is very simple, which is to clean up the bodies on the beach, drag them together to a place about five kilometers away from the coastline, and then burn them with the fuel we provide you…”

  ”The military forces of the Torch Church in the nearby area have been disintegrated by us, so there shouldn’t be any danger. Of course, I can only say that it should be. After all, anything can happen on the battlefield. You have to keep your eyes open and be prepared for all possible dangers.”

  ”That’s the situation. If you have any questions, you’d better ask now. If not, you can start working.”

  After saying this, Ban Sui Cuo Tuo waited for a while, and when no one said anything, he was ready to turn around and leave.

  But at this moment, a young man raised his hand tremblingly.

  ”I… have a question.”

  His voice was a little timid, and most of the rat tribe members were like this when communicating with them.

  Ban Sui Cuo Tuo didn’t care and waved his right hand.

  ”Then ask quickly.”

  The young man swallowed his saliva and spoke quickly.

  ”Why not let the crabs eat them…”

  In his opinion, there was no need to care about these things. Anyway, the crabs would eat them up if they were left alone.

  Hearing this whimsical idea, Ban Sui Cuo Tuo laughed out loud and said in a teasing tone.

  ”When you feed them, guess how many they will become?”

  How come these NPCs are more like NPCs than himself?

  After he finished speaking, he was about to turn around, but the young man whispered again.

  ”What if we move the body to a place farther from the dock? Dig a pit there and bury the body… maybe we can attract the mutant crabs here.”

  He didn’t think it was troublesome to move the body, but he thought it would be a pity to drive away the crabs because they were edible.

  When they first arrived at Youtiao Port, they picked up a lot of crabs killed by the Alliance soldiers and grilled them together with the Alliance soldiers.

  Ban Sui Cuo Tuo looked at the young man in surprise when he heard this.


  Are the NPCs in this game so real? !

  But to be honest, this idea is really good after he thought about it carefully.

  Of course, he also wanted to improve the food, so he smiled and walked up to him and patted the young man on the shoulder.

  ”Brother, what’s your name?”

  The young man said tremblingly.


  ”Then I’ll call you Dan, haha, the future crab tycoon Dan.”

  As he said that, Ban Sui Cuo Tuo threw a bunch of keys with license plate tags into his hand, then he thought of something and stuffed the thing in his hand into his hand, and continued with a smile.

  ”I’ll lend you the truck, and these people are at your disposal… and this shotgun and walkie-talkie. I hope your crab farm is at least five kilometers away from here. If you are attacked, call us.”

  The young man named Dan was stunned for a moment, and then nodded with ecstasy.

  ”Don’t worry, sir, leave it to me, I will definitely satisfy you!”

  From the smile on the face of the alliance soldier, he seemed to see an opportunity to change his fate!

  If this matter is done well, maybe he can stay…

  Ban Sui Cuo Tuo didn’t care, smiled and made a “go to work” gesture, and then walked back to the shore.

  Standing on the shore waiting, Yibu Dengtian asked after seeing him coming.

  ”Is it okay to do this?”

  Ban Sui Cuo Tuo said with a smile.

  ”What’s the problem? It’s good to make use of the mutant’s corpse. Don’t be so serious. Haha.”

  Maybe after the war, these mutant crabs will become a local specialty.

  Seeing his playful smile, Yibu Dengtian made a helpless expression.


  He didn’t care. Anyway, it didn’t affect the transportation of supplies.


  The dusk hanging in the sky gradually fell.

  While the expeditionary forces of Youtiao Port landed one after another, Duke Nihak, who refused to disembark from the South China Sea Alliance Fleet, finally went ashore hesitantly after seeing General Li Minghui go ashore.

  He is the Grand Duke of the Empire after all, and he cannot be underestimated.

  Not only that.

  As the Grand Duke of the Empire, now that the expeditionary force has finally landed on the territory of the Torch Church, it would be a bit unreasonable

  for him not to express his gratitude. However, what he did not expect was that the situation on the shore was even more tragic than he imagined. The thick smell of blood did not dissipate even after a whole day of sea breeze.

  Standing on the undulating steel plate, Duke Nihak felt as if his nasal cavity was soaked in blood, and his calves kept weakening.

  Is this the front line…

  His Adam’s apple moved up and down, swallowing almost dry saliva,

  and his pupils revealed uncontrollable panic. Although he had seen the true strength of the alliance on the holographic screen, the death he saw through the screen was far less profound than what he felt at this moment.

  These guys are not human…

  Whether it is those lying on the beach or those camping on the shore…

  They are all devils!

  Pushing away the guards who came to support him, he moved his stiff steps towards the shore.

  Not far away was the Alliance camp, with tents lined up on the edge of the beach and lights on the watchtowers.

  He had a glimmer of hope in his heart, hoping that the camp would be full of wounded soldiers, hoping that this battle would cause both the Torch and the Alliance to suffer losses, and hoping that the Empire would stand on top of the world from now on. However, the moment he walked into the camp, all his hopes were dashed.

  The soldiers sat on the battlefield where they had fought and lit a bonfire where the enemy had fallen.

  They didn’t care about the bullet marks and blood on the ground at all, and sat in front of the bonfire, even roasting meat and singing while talking and laughing. It

  wasn’t just the Alliance soldiers.

  He saw with his own eyes that several soldiers of the expeditionary force were also pulled together by them, and some of them who knew how to play instruments improvised the short flute of the Borneo Province and beat drums made of animal skins and bones to accompany the hoarse and powerful singing.

  ”…The gears of heaven fell into the furnace.”

  ”Boiling molten steel splashed from the furnace.”

  ”The undead scourge will never stop.”

  ”We will rebuild the mortal kingdom!”


  ”The hound of chaos has been beheaded.”

  ”The flames of punishment are the destination of lies.”

  ”If reversing black and white is the way to heaven…”

  ”Then let’s turn it upside down first!”

  He didn’t understand what those people were singing, but he felt that the blood flowing in his veins was surging with the melody.

  A trace of fear suddenly arose in his heart, especially when he saw the soldiers of the expeditionary force humming along.

  The lyrics seemed to contain some kind of treasonous curse…

  Someone found him and pointed at him with a smile. When he came to his senses, he had been pulled to sit in front of the campfire.

  There were also two guards beside him who were pulled to the campfire.

  ”…Cheer up a bit, don’t look so sad, the war is about to end!”

  ”Although you still have a lot of problems to worry about, at least now we can celebrate our common victory…” Killing Dagger smiled and patted Duke Nihak on the shoulder, “This is a victory for all mankind, not only for us, but also for you.”

  ”…Stop, stop talking nonsense!”

  Duke Nihak widened his eyes, like a mouse whose tail was stepped on, and he was very old.

  ”We have no problems, we are fine! The problem is you, it’s you who brought those stinky things… that wasteland to the Borneo Province! Before you came to us, we were fine!”

  He was so angry that his beard trembled and his lips turned blue. He didn’t even realize the contradiction in his words – he said that it was fine now, and then he said that it was fine before the Alliance came.

  Looking at this living clown, the players laughed out loud, and Brother Killing Dagger smiled and patted him on the shoulder again.

  ”Of course you are fine. People buried in the ground can’t talk.”

  He still vaguely remembered that when they caught this guy, he was having fun in bed.

  Without waiting for the Duke who was blowing his beard and glaring at him to refute, Brother Sha Bi poured him a glass of wine.

  ”Come on, drink and eat meat. Today is a day worth celebrating. Don’t get upset over a little thing.”

  Looking at the meat leg stuffed in his hand, Nihak couldn’t help but think of the corpses on the ground. His face was slightly pale and he asked in a trembling voice.

  ”What kind of meat is this?”

  Seeing his frightened look, Sha Bi immediately knew that he was thinking wrong, so he laughed and said.

  ”Monster meat, we just killed it, the taste is a bit like bear meat…try it?”

  Seeing the provocative look, Duke Nihak didn’t want to be looked down upon, so he took a bite with a dark face.

  The aroma of barbecue spread between his lips and teeth, and the greasy taste made him brighten up.


  This tastes unexpectedly good?

  Although the people of this alliance are a bit rough, he has to admit that these guys still have a set of cooking skills.

  Seeing that the duke stopped making noise, the players continued the banquet with laughter.

  Killing Dagger was laughing and chatting with his teammates when suddenly a light blue icon popped up on the VM.

  ”Old White called me for something. It must be a mission. You guys continue eating. I’ll go first.”

  He greeted his teammates with a smile, picked up his helmet and put it on, and walked to the command tent deep in the camp.

  When he lifted the curtain and went in, he saw Old White and Fang Chang standing next to the command table, staring at the map spread out on the table meticulously.

  It was rare to see the two of them showing such a serious expression. Killing Dagger immediately guessed that it was probably a big job, and his face suddenly showed an excited expression.

  ”A job?”

  ”Yes, and it’s a big job…” Fang Chang nodded, pinching his chin, and summarized the information he had just heard from the Guards.

  In simple terms, there was a traitor among the middle and high-level leaders of the Torch Church. Since he was not on the “evacuation list”, he hoped to surrender to the Alliance in order to get a chance for leniency.

  Killing Dagger thought that this guy was really unlucky.

  Generally speaking, since everyone knows about the list, he must be on the list.

  But this guy is interesting. He knew about the list but was not on it.

  But let’s not discuss how this guy got to this point. What confused him the most was another thing. Are

  the leaders of the Torch Church planning to run away?

  These guys have been surrounded by them like turtles in a jar, where the hell can they run to?

  Is there any place for them on this earth?

  Wait, is it possible that –

  looking at the surprised expression on Killer Dagger’s face, Fang Chang smiled faintly and said.

  ”It seems that you have realized it without my explanation.”

  Killer Dagger nodded and said solemnly.

  ”The Torch Church has a spaceship…”

  Fang Chang: “…”

  Lao Bai coughed dryly.

  ”What do they want the spaceship for… Think about it again.”

  Killer Dagger was stunned.

  ”Ah? Then… where else can they run to?”

  ”Actually, it’s not impossible,” Fang Chang suddenly said, “Maybe it’s a spaceship, maybe a space station, or even a satellite or even a hard drive… But the possibility of them escaping directly on a spaceship is very small. I am more inclined to think that they intend to transmit signals to devices in outer space through some high-power transmitters.” There are a

  large number of spacecraft wreckage floating in the outer space of this planet, including some satellites that are still working, and even automatic weapons.

  Due to the widespread application of nuclear fusion technology, many outer space equipment left over from the Human Union era have their service life calculated in centuries.

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”If that’s the case, I have reason to believe that they have completed the data transfer in the short time we are discussing. Don’t forget, those guys don’t exist in the first place, and they have uploaded their data to the so-called Holy Land.”

  Killing Dagger was stunned and said in confusion.

  ”Doesn’t that mean… there is no point for us to chase them now?”

  ”It’s not meaningless. Although it’s probably not realistic to intercept the migration of data, at least we can figure out where their data is sent, and…”

  Fang Chang stared at the map intently and continued to speak in a normal way.

  ”Where are our enemies?”

  ”Enemy…” Killing Dagger didn’t understand what he was saying, and repeated the word without understanding.

  Lao Bai looked at him and explained.

  ”Fang Chang and I agree that there may be other supporters behind the torch.”

  Killing Dagger: “The other supporters are…”

  Looking at Brother Killing Dagger who still knew nothing, Fang Chang said bluntly.

  ”Remember the third update of the previous Beta 0.6 version, the Alpha Centauri system and the Gaia world?”

  ”Fuck, you mean… the pie that the planner drew?” Sha Bi looked at him in confusion, “But isn’t that a joke…”

  Fang Chang smiled faintly.

  ”Then you underestimated A Guang too much.”

  When everyone thought it was a joke, it was probably not a joke.

  He was sure that the map five light years away had been completed, and it had been affecting the game world since the Beta 0.6 version, but most people didn’t realize it.

  He couldn’t be 100% sure that the torch was supported by the “Gaia forces”, but he was sure that the task in front of him was 100% the first link for players to establish a connection with the task chain related to the new world!

  He could even assert that similar opportunities may have appeared before, but no one triggered it.

  It was precisely because of this that this task flew directly to them like a straight ball.

  Most of the events in this game seem to be isolated from each other, but in fact, if you dig deeper, you can find connections between them in the end!

  He can confidently say that no one understands A Guang better than him!

  After listening to Fang Chang’s analysis, Killer Dagger also felt that it made sense, and his eyes became brighter and brighter.

  ”In other words, our chance to establish a connection with the world five light years away lies in this mission? Wait, damn! If we fail, won’t we miss the opportunity to open a new map?”

  Fang Chang shook his head and said.

  ”That’s not the case. Since the game team has made the map, they will definitely give players the opportunity to go. It’s just that many missions in this game are unique, and the opportunities given to each player are also limited. If we miss this time, it should be triggered by other players next time.”

  ”It’s useless to analyze these now, let’s get back to the mission itself.”

  Lao Bai coughed lightly, ended the topic that had gone off track, and continued talking while looking at the map spread out on the table.

  ”…According to the intelligence from the Guards, the top leaders of the Torch Church are currently hiding in an underground facility called Shelter No. 20. The entrance to this shelter is located in an abandoned old-era industrial park. Like Shelter No. 182, it is a shelter that was reopened after being abandoned for many years. Therefore, it will not be difficult for us to break through the security system.”

  ”The NPC who provided us with the intelligence is named Karen. We now have her biometric information, whether it is fingerprints, irises or measurements…well, in short, she may have important intelligence in her hands, including the whereabouts of the top leaders of the Torch Church, the supporters behind the Torch, and the information on the perfect life form research project. Therefore, our first priority is to ensure her safety, and then to suppress the entire research facility and seize control of Shelter No. 20.”

  ”According to the coordinates provided by the Guards, this shelter is about 100 kilometers away from our landing point. One-third of the road in the middle is hilly and the road condition is very poor, so I’m afraid not much heavy equipment can be invested in this battle.”

  Fang Chang nodded.

  ”It’s a better choice to use Viper transport planes to break in quickly… After all, that place belongs to the Kingdom of Heaven, so a quick battle would be better.”

  ”I think the same as you,” Old White grinned and continued with a serious look, “In addition, the Guards Regiment reminded us that we must be careful of friendly forces… This research institute is very close to the 310,000th Corps of the Legion, only about 50 kilometers. If we make too much noise and let them realize that there might be treasures there, it’s hard to say whether they will interfere and mess things up. We must not let the Torch researchers fall into their hands.”

  The Weyland people are also the holders of the perfect life form technology, and the clones that grow eight times faster are the product of this project.

  In fact, it’s not just the Legion, they also have to be careful of the Academy.

  The former is at least active in the open, while the latter is active in the dark most of the time. It’s hard to say whether they have already known something.

  After all, although it is true that it is the Alliance that has been fighting with the Torch, it may not be the Alliance that knows the Torch best.

  Long before the Alliance was born, the Academy had already noticed the crisis emerging in Haiya Province, and it was they who “incited” the Alliance to enter the Jinhe City area.

  ”So there is no air support available?” said the Killing Dagger with a serious look.

  Director Fang: “There will be no problem with air support, and a small amount of artillery bombardment should also be fine, but we must be more cautious with saturation barrage coverage, which is equivalent to telling the legion that we have a large-scale operation in the local area… It would be best if we can resolve the matter in a low-key manner. If we must use it, try to wait until we retreat or finish it.”

  ”That’s basically it,” Lao Bai nodded, looked at the Killing Dagger and continued, “In addition, according to the information provided by the informant, stationed near the facility are the judgment team of the Torch Tribunal and the Holy Light Knights loyal to the First Holy Temple. The former is less than the size of a company, but the latter is about a battalion and is equipped with a large number of high-tech weapons.”

  ”In addition, our drones also discovered a mutant force of more than a thousand in an abandoned urban area not far from the facility… It is suspected to be a mutant tribe that withdrew from the Ten Peaks Mountain. Once the key facilities of the Torch Church are attacked, there is no reason for them not to rush over to support.”

  ”Therefore, I plan to divide the troops into two parts. One part will be used as a feint attack force, carrying light equipment and taking a Overlord transport plane to airdrop near the abandoned city, launching a surprise attack on the local mutant forces, and trying to attract the attention of the Torch as much as possible. The other part will take a Viper transport plane and directly break into the entrance of Shelter No. 20, and cooperate with the insider to take down the entire facility!”

  ”That’s a good idea!” Killing Dagger nodded with bright eyes, but saw that both of them were staring at him, and he couldn’t help but be stunned, “Uh… Why are you looking at me like that?”

  Speaking of such an important combat meeting, why was he alone?

  Where are the other brothers?

  Lao Bai and Fang Chang looked at each other, and finally the latter walked up to Killing Dagger and placed his hands solemnly on his shoulders.

  ”…This arduous and glorious feint mission, we plan to give it to your battalion!”

  Killing Dagger: “…”


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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