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Chapter 792: Internal and External Cooperation

Chapter 792: Internal and External Cooperation


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 792: Internal and External Cooperation

  In the southwest of Haiya Province, ugly heads were shaking under the silent ruins of the city.

  In the dark night, naked mutants were pushing carts full of cement fragments and other construction waste, grunting and carrying them to the construction site.

  On the construction site, there were more mutant laborers and short goblins, working hard under the whip of the supervisor.

  They used simple engineering equipment to put the garbage in woven bags, and then piled them together with crooked steel bars to build the bunker that was not reliable but barely made do.

  This ruin full of reinforced concrete is one of the few places that the Kingdom of Heaven does not favor.

  After all, no matter how pervasive the hyphae of Naguo is, it cannot grow on concrete.

  Not only that.

  The most important research institute of Torch is nearby, and many researchers are living people.

  The attitude and treatment given by the church to valuable and worthless people are obviously different.

  However, these situations have changed recently.

  As the war situation on the front line continues to deteriorate, the church has less and less time to care about the feelings of the people in the facility.

  Originally, the researchers in Shelter 20 had the opportunity to go out for a walk every day.

  But since the mutants evacuated to this area, they have fewer and fewer opportunities to go out.

  The mutant tribe stationed here is the Yandong Clan, which was once active on the Ten Peaks Mountain. Its leader is called Borudo Yandong, and there are about 5,000 people under his command.

  After the defeat of the Beast King, it retreated to this area with its subordinates under the order of the new king to recuperate.

  The Torch Church provided them with sufficient food, supplies and human sacrifices for reproduction, but they had to build the position by themselves.

  Fortunately, this was not a difficult task for them. Mutants are naturally good at imitating and have the “power of thinking” to turn decay into magic.

  They only took a look at the coalition’s position from a distance, and they were able to imitate and create a similar one, and even improve it according to their own needs.

  For example, the fortress they were building was like a monster made of garbage. Not only was there a crisscross of bunkers and turrets on the ground, but there were also tunnels of varying depths connected to each other underground.

  However, even so, their current situation was not optimistic.

  Now that the Alliance’s army had landed on the coastline, those humans would sooner or later reach here. They had little time left, and they had to build shelters above and below the ground before the battle began.

  At the edge of the position, several goblins were squatting under a dilapidated concrete building.

  One of the goblins was crushing the branches in his hand, trying to make a fire with the dead branches and leaves he had picked up to roast the mice they had just caught and killed.

  However, just as the pile of fallen leaves was about to smoke, a broad palm suddenly slapped it on the back of its head, sending it flying.

  The goblin screamed miserably, with indescribable grievance and fear in his voice.

  ”The apostle said that we can’t make a fire! The Alliance is in the sky, and they can see the light on the ground!” The mutant centurion said angrily, and was about to teach the goblin a profound lesson, but a hand stretched out from the side grabbed his shoulder.

  ”I told them to make a fire.”

  The centurion looked sideways, and saw that the warrior who grabbed its shoulder was a mechanized warrior.

  The man had muscular body, half of his head was green skin, and the other half was silver-gray metal.

  In the Yandong Clan, mutants who can be named warriors are all powerful and tough characters, and their status is not inferior to that of centurions or even centurions.

  The centurion narrowed his eyes, but was not afraid of him, just said in a warning tone.

  ”You want to disobey the order of the clan leader?”

  The warrior stared back at him without dodging, and squeezed out a sentence from his mouth word by word.

  ”…Why should we listen to them? They are also human things!”

  The centurion roared in a low voice.

  ”They are different. They will help us!”

  ”Help us? You call that helping us? We worked hard for them, believing that they could lead us to victory, but we lost all the way from Ten Peaks Mountain to here, and we didn’t win many times along the way! Now, we even have to live a life of eating raw meat and drinking blood, eating raw food like wild beasts, and we can’t even roast meat!”

  The warrior took a step forward, his nose almost poking its face, and continued viciously.

  ”Why do we have to provoke so many human things at once? Before the torch caused such a big mess, they had no time to deal with us!”

  The centurion looked at it provocatively.

  ”Are you afraid?”

  Not angered by the provocation, the warrior glared back at it.

  ”I’m not afraid of those human things, I just think it’s unnecessary-”

  Before it finished speaking, a dangerous omen suddenly came from above its head.

  It was only a moment, so that he had no time to react, and the blast wave knocked him out, and stopped until he hit a broken concrete wall.

  There were only a bunch of broken limbs on the ground, and the centurion who had just confronted him had disappeared.

  He struggled to sit up, shook his head, and looked around with frightened and stunned eyes. He didn’t know what had just happened. He only heard panicked screams on the battlefield.

  But soon he understood. He

  saw a flash of fire in the sky, followed by a whoosh of breaking through the air and the sound of the explosion resounding on the battlefield.

  This time the explosion came from the position 100 meters away to his left, and the coolies who were carrying building materials were directly blown into the sky.


  The mutant warrior buried in the rubble let out an unwilling roar, trying to dispel the fear in his chest and trying to scare away the threat from the sky, but found that it was useless.

  The thunderous sound of the artillery continued to ring.

  However, what puzzled it was that the fire had not risen, so how did the Alliance aim at them…


  At the same time, thousands of meters above the sky, a “Overlord” transport plane with its side hatch open was hovering under the push of four plasma plumes.

  A thick and long gun barrel was seen sticking out of the open side hatch.

  Three players wearing exoskeletons stood behind the cannon, one was busy aiming, one was loading, and another was holding a telescope to see where the bullet hit.

  ”Direct hit! Damn, this shot killed at least ten!”

  ”Hahaha! Damn, it’s so cool to move this 155mm onto the plane!”

  ”I’ll have my turn to play with it later–”



  With a violent explosion, a thick and long flame spurted out of the cabin from the side, and the amazing recoil pushed the huge fuselage to shake slightly.

  In less than a moment, the flames of the explosion quickly bloomed on the ground.

  The flames and dust of the explosion engulfed dozens of mutants and the goblin ghosts beside them.

  In fact, it was completely unnecessary for these guys to implement a “blackout” on the battlefield.

  Under the overlooking of the thermal imaging sight, the glowing figures were as bright as LED lights.

  Some smart guys began to lie on the ground and pretend to be dead, while the unintelligent ones swarmed into a house.

  ”Load the bunker-buster! Quick!”

  Brother Ice and Fire, with his eyes on the sight, shouted to the loader behind him, and then the rotating winch aimed the sight at a low concrete bunker.

  At least thirty or forty mutants had run to that place before, and a few were blocking the door and didn’t even squeeze in.

  These guys obviously didn’t realize how stupid their behavior was.

  After calculating the lead time, he pulled the fuse without hesitation, and the smoke from the explosion merged into the clouds outside the cabin again.

  This shell hit the top of the bunker directly, and the first warhead exploded first and broke through the concrete bunker, and then the second warhead exploded immediately, shaking the entire building.

  But at this moment, a surprising scene happened. The shell clearly only had two warheads, but the building that was hit exploded for the third time.

  And the power of this last explosion was not small. The crackling sound was like firecrackers, and the dazzling flames directly lifted the entire concrete building. The debris from the explosion even flew into the sky a hundred meters high.

  Not only were the greenskins hiding in the building and crowded at the door blown to pieces, but even the greenskins and goblins forty or fifty meters away were knocked down by the shock wave and shrapnel.

  [Juewei Yatou], who was holding a telescope, widened his eyes and couldn’t help but exclaimed.

  ”Fuck… Did they set the ammunition depot on fire?!”

  ”Eighty percent of it is,” he gestured to the power-type animal behind him who was loading ammunition, and Brother Bing and Huozi replied casually while looking for the next target, “I’m afraid those guys squeezed in just now to get guns… These guys are not ordinary straightforward.” The

  continuous casualties obviously angered the mutants on the ground. The anti-aircraft guns hidden in the ruins spewed out flames, and tracers floated into the night sky like catkins, trying to drive away the “Overlord” hovering over the battlefield.

  Seeing the situation on the ground, the mantou brother sitting in the cockpit pushed the valve to increase the engine output power, and the plumes ejected from the four plasma engines began to stretch longer.

  ”Stand firm!”

  Hearing the voice coming from the communication channel, the three players standing by the side hatch sat back in their seats and buckled their seat belts firmly.

  At the same time that the Overlord transport plane modified with 155mm guns accelerated to evade, four P-2 Lightning attack planes rushed into the battlefield from the south!

  Each attack plane locked onto two anti-aircraft positions, and then opened fire almost at the same time, pouring down 37mm armor-piercing incendiary bombs like raindrops on the ground!


  The mutant squatting on the anti-aircraft position was only concerned with firing at the gunboat flying in the sky, and did not even have the chance to hear the roar of the machine gun, and was torn into pieces by the rain of fire from the sky along with the bunker beside him.

  The entire position was filled with the smell of burnt barbecue, and countless mutants and goblins who were knocked down by shrapnel fell on the fragmented position and wailed, and they could not even see where the enemy was.

  One after another, P-2 Lightning attack planes quickly passed over the dust of the explosion.

  ”Well done!”

  Looking at the mess on the ground, Mantou brother shouted in the communication channel with a smile, then retracted the switch that was almost pushed to the bottom, stepped on the rudder and drove the plane back to the predetermined attack track.

  The 155mm gun connected to the rail was moved back to the hatch, stretched out and continued to fire.

  The mutants whose air defense force was completely paralyzed had completely lost the means of resistance and began to retreat into the bunker, trying to endure this round of air strikes by shrinking the defense line.

  However, they obviously did not realize that the alliance’s action tonight was not intended to just take a few heads. Four “Overlords” loaded with airborne soldiers of the Burning Corps had already chased the tail of the P-2 “Lightning” attack aircraft to the battlefield!

  Seeing that the airborne soldiers were approaching, Mantou brother glanced at the situation on the ground, then switched the communication channel and shouted.

  ”The enemy’s air defense position has been paralyzed, and the ground units are moving into the bunkers!”

  ”Brothers of the Burning Corps, it’s your turn!”

  A brief rustling sound of electricity came from the communication channel, followed by a sonorous answer.

  ”Got it!”

  At the same time as the voice fell, parachutes bloomed in the night sky, and soldiers wearing exoskeletons took advantage of the noisy evening breeze to rush from the air to the battlefield.

  At this moment, the mutants hiding in the bunker did not realize that a battalion of mechanized infantry had landed silently on their heads.

  These soldiers are the elite of the Alliance!

  Although they are not as professional as the Jungle Corps in slaughtering mutants, their combat effectiveness is unquestionable!

  They are ready at any time to burn the evil that erodes order with the fire burning in their chests, and bring death to the enemies of the Alliance with the sharp blades in their hands!

  ”Attention, all units! This operation is codenamed ‘Quicksand’! The goal is to wipe out all the enemy’s living forces!”

  ”No retreat plan! Everyone fight to the last moment! Until the enemy or we all fall!” ”

  Free fire!”

  The morale-boosting roar echoed in the communication channel, and the excitement burned in the pupils under the helmets.


  The first to rush into the concrete bunker was a row of the second company of the first battalion. Thirty players wearing exoskeletons were divided into three-by-three teams. Like a sharp dagger, they stabbed the mutant soldiers hiding in the bunker from nine different directions.

  Obviously, they did not expect to encounter the ground forces of the Alliance. These greenskins were all startled and hurriedly took out their weapons to fight back, but they were still caught off guard. The sound

  of gunfire echoed in the tunnel. Facing the rain of bullets, the mutants fell one by one. In a few breaths, a pile of corpses lay at the door of the first line of defense of the bunker.

  ”Charge! Stop them!” The mutant who was sent to the front line to replace the centurion who died in the battle shouted loudly and pushed the minions beside him forward.

  Amid the shouting, a team of 100 people that had finally assembled rushed to the front hall of the bunker with their weapons and started a firefight with the Alliance soldiers who attacked from the main gate!

  The dense rain of bullets shuttled through the narrow space, and the battle was extremely tense! With

  his shoulders tightly against the bunker, he made a gesture to the brother next to him by accident. The latter immediately understood and pulled out the signal gun, loaded a signal flare and fired it forward.

  The signal flare hit the wall hard, and then there was no movement, as quiet as a stone.

  However, the restless high-frequency radio waves had already transmitted the attack coordinates to the night sky!

  ”Artillery in place! Pay attention to concealment!” He shouted by accident, and then stopped firing first.


  The players who responded also lowered their heads, put their helmets against the bunker, activated the buffer plug-in, and prepared to deal with the shock wave.

  Seeing the firepower from the opposite side subside, the mutant centurion commanding the front line suddenly looked happy.

  Just when it thought that the fierce firepower on its side had successfully suppressed the invaders, a deafening explosion came from above its head.

  In a trance, it saw with its peripheral vision that a black shadow fiercely drilled through the concrete dome above its head, and then smashed straight behind it not far.


  Dust rolled up!

  Before it could look back to see what happened, the flames of the second explosion pulled it out from behind the bunker and threw it hard onto the ceiling!


  In the unwilling roar, the first line of defense of the bunker was quickly breached, and the ground was full of fragmented pieces of flesh and green limbs.

  ”The first line of defense has been taken! We are attacking the second line of defense!”

  ”What about casualties?”

  ”Not yet!”

  ”Well done!”

  Listening to the good news from two hundred meters away, the Killing Dagger, whose feet had just touched the ground, couldn’t help but exclaimed excitedly.

  Intelligence showed that there were about a thousand mutants stationed in this area.

  If they continued at this pace, maybe the more than 400 brothers in their first battalion would be able to directly kill through the mutants’ positions and stab this feinted bayonet directly into the heart of the Torch Church!

  Thinking of this, he shouted excitedly in the communication channel.

  ”Keep attacking! Don’t give the enemy any breathing space!”

  Yinqiecuo responded excitedly.


  The team that entered the bunker continued to advance forward and fought with the mutants rushing up from the rear!

  The bloody mincing finally began from this moment!

  Yinqiecuo, who had been advancing forward with great momentum, finally gradually felt a little tired.

  Especially when the aerial gunships ran out of earth-penetrating bombs, more mutant big men, “warriors” and even “champions” rushed to the battlefield, and the situation on the battlefield gradually became difficult.

  These mutants are still somewhat different from the small fish on the Ten Peaks Mountain.

  Beidao Heavy Industry during the Charas period designed more advanced infantry weapons for them.

  This includes mutant-specific assault rifles specifically for polyethylene bulletproof plates, as well as some portable anti-armor weapons, such as armor-piercing grenade launchers and rocket launchers.

  These equipment made by human engineers have brought their advantages in physical strength to the extreme!

  Not only that –

  as more and more players entered the bunker, the mutants who were entrenched in the bunker finally realized that tonight’s attack was far more than just an airstrike!

  The Alliance dispatched airborne troops!

  They didn’t plan to do a job and leave, but to completely occupy this place!

  This battle will be related to the survival of the Yandong Clan!

  ”Stop them! At all costs!”

  Borudo Yandong roared in the depths of the bunker, throwing away the half-eaten roasted man in his hand, and straightened his four-meter-tall body covered with heavy armor.

  It was as exaggerated as a monster.

  And under the urging of its majestic roar, the greenskins fighting on the front line also put on 120% of their spirits, roaring “waaagh!!!” and charging forward.

  ”Damn… How come there are more and more greenskins?!” A strength player couldn’t help but complain after chopping off the head of a greenskin with an axe.

  Wiping the blood stains on the helmet mask, the machine gunner holding a light machine gun cursed in a low voice.

  ”How many of them are there?! My bullets are almost gone!”

  Another player said with a heavy breath.

  ”We have… killed at least a thousand! There must be more than a thousand mutants here! There may be a ten thousand!”

  ”Not really… that’s too much!”

  Killer Dagger stopped communicating on the communication channel, and felt his scalp tingling.

  ”… Damn Fang Chang!”

  Although he didn’t know what this matter was about Fang Chang, he still cursed the damn thing.

  Quickly switching the communication channel, Killer Dagger shouted loudly into the intercom.

  ”This is the first battalion!”

  ”There are more mutants on the front line than we thought, we need ammunition! Throw some more over!”

  After a short pause, a reply came from the communication channel.

  ”Supplies are on the way, and are scheduled to arrive with the ‘Overlord’ gunship in ten minutes.”

  Hearing that the Goblin Corps’ gunships had come back, Killer Dagger’s face suddenly lit up, and he immediately switched back to the command channel and shouted to his teammates.

  ”Hold on, brothers! Our air support will be back online in ten minutes!”


  Hearing that the support would arrive in ten minutes, everyone suddenly burst into a high-spirited roar, so much so that the mutants on the opposite side were startled and could not figure out who was the mutant for a while… The

  boiling flames of war finally attracted the attention of the Torch’s underground facilities.

  Probably because they felt that the Yandong Clan was still useful, or perhaps considering the possible consequences of allowing the Alliance’s airborne troops to occupy this area, the commander of the Torch finally couldn’t help but send out the guard unit stationed at the entrance of Shelter No. 20 – the “Holy Light” Knights.

  Unlike the adjudication team that performs special operations missions.

  The establishment and organization of the Torch’s Knights are somewhat similar to those of the Alpha Task Force, and they are more competent on the front battlefield than the various teams of the Tribunal.

  Soldiers wearing heavy exoskeletons and even power armor lined up in neat rows, along the winding and twisting bunkers, to support the mutants’ positions.

  At this moment, Killing Dagger didn’t know that danger was approaching him.

  But it probably didn’t matter if he knew. After all,

  the battalion he was in was carrying out a feint attack. Even if he didn’t make it all the way to the door of Shelter No. 20 to join the main attack force, it was just a pity. At the

  same time when the battle in the abandoned city became fierce, the main force of the Burning Corps had boarded the “Viper” transport aircraft and quietly deployed near the entrance of Shelter No. 20.

  It was a building of a pre-war pharmaceutical company.

  The severely damaged appearance could no longer tell which company the building belonged to, but the main structure of the building was still intact.

  Fixed cameras with torches were installed on the nearby streets.

  Not only that, there were also drones hovering and patrolling nearby, and the security was very strict!

  The Torch probably knew that the Alliance was equipped with a large number of thermal imaging equipment, so it did not arrange patrols in the open, and most of the sentries were hidden in the dark.

  However, they obviously did not expect that this heavily guarded fortress had collapsed from the inside.

  The silent streets were quiet, with only the hum of drone propellers.

  At this moment, a drone quietly left the original patrol route.

  It was seen that it quietly flew over the window of an abandoned store, flew into the alley behind the store, and then landed lightly at the feet of a power armor.

  It flew very fast, seemed to be a little excited, and almost hit the rusty trash can next to it.

  ”… Help me.”

  As Lao Bai stretched out his index finger and tapped the helmet twice, an electronic sound mixed with electric noise came into his ears.

  Listening to the pleading voice, Lao Bai answered concisely.

  ”We are here to help you, take us in now.”

  The drone slowly floated up, and the up and down movement seemed to be nodding.

  ”The surveillance has gone dark. Only the adjudication team of the tribunal is left in the building. There are 27 people in total… Please follow me, I will take you in.”

  Lao Bai looked back, raised his right hand and clenched it into a fist, and waved it forward neatly.

  One hundred “Six-type” heavy exoskeletons and twenty “Sunshine” power armors appeared silently under the shadow of the ruins.

  The murderous armor exuded a cold light in the night, and there were black gun barrels.

  Although there was only one company of soldiers standing here, in terms of combat effectiveness, they were confident that they would not lose to any of their own regiment-level combat units. That

  is why they were not worried that this might be a trap.

  Even if it was, it didn’t matter.

  Just flatten it here!

  At this moment, the hunters stationed in the abandoned building with the adjudication team were still unaware of the threat that was close at hand, and they didn’t know that the surveillance and patrol drones outside had all been taken down by the ghost in the shelter.

  The evening wind tonight was particularly noisy, and he felt a slight chill on his neck.

  He was still thinking about what the Son of God had said to him before –

  ”The Kingdom of Heaven in Haiya Province is irreversible, but this does not mean that we have lost… So does it mean that we have been abandoned?”

  It is indeed difficult to understand that they have other trump cards in their hands. If they really have, they will not wait until the Alliance lands on the Death Coast to use them.

  Thinking of this, the hunter had a bitter smile on his face.

  Although he knew that the forerunners were planning to leave, he did not have the idea of ​​being betrayed in his heart, but was more helpless.

  The legacy left by the post-war reconstruction committee was too serious.

  Facing the encirclement and suppression of the old forces, they were isolated and helpless, and had no chance of winning at all.

  Perhaps the coming of the Kingdom of Heaven was indeed a bit hasty, and it would have been better if they were more fully prepared.

  For example, when the legions, colleges, and enterprises were fighting each other, or when they were involved in other larger crises…

  At this moment, footsteps came from behind him.

  The hunter was suddenly startled and turned his head sharply, only to see a power armor standing there.

  That was a pre-war model, and it seemed to be called “Dragoon”!

  But no matter what it was called, it didn’t matter, this guy was obviously not one of us!

  Without time to think about why this power armor appeared here, he took off the Gauss rifle on his back without saying a word, turned on the safety and prepared for battle.

  However, the man seemed not to see it, or didn’t care if he saw it, and just took off an inconspicuous-looking axe.

  That thing is a bit like a fire axe.

  The contempt from the opposite side made him feel a little humiliated.

  However, the hunter was not angered by this, but just stared at the guy in front of him, carefully searching for flaws in the power armor.

  ”The Judgment Group… I heard that the newcomers in the Corps suffered a lot from you.”

  Looking at the guy in front of him who was also wearing power armor and posing as if facing a great enemy, Lao Bai smiled heartily and said,

  ”Let’s have a fight.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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