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Chapter 793: Your so-called higher life forms are a bit weak

Chapter 793: Your so-called higher life forms are a bit weak


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 793: Your so-called higher life forms… are a bit weak

  ”Go to hell!”

  The gun is fast at seven steps away!

  The gun is accurate and fast within seven steps!

  Looking at the guy with flaws all over his body, the hunter grinned with an imperceptible grin, raised the muzzle of the gun and pulled the trigger to the bottom before he finished speaking.

  Although the Gauss rifle without charging the capacitor cannot exert its maximum power, it is more than enough to suppress the target through the high-speed mass bullet!

  At the same time, he freed his left hand and skillfully touched the metal hydrogen grenade hidden on the side of the armor, ready to give this arrogant guy a fatal blow.

  However, just when his wishful thinking was clanging, something he couldn’t believe happened.

  I saw that the old power armor seemed to fly up, rushing straight to his face at an incredible speed!

  The mass bullets shot out sparks on the shiny surface of the armor, but failed to leave even a dent on it!

  This is definitely not the “Dragoon” armor!

  Whether it is mobility or the hardness of the armor!

  The hunter’s pupils suddenly shrank, and he instinctively let go of the grenade that had lost its meaning. He subconsciously reached for the combat knife and intended to cut the wrist holding the hatchet, but in the end he was still a step too slow.

  ”Too slow.”

  The piercing pain and the mocking voice came almost at the same time, and the exploding lava hit his left shoulder armor fiercely!

  He only felt a hot air flow coming from the blunt surface of the axe blade, and then the dazzling sparks exploded on his shoulder!


  The tearing pain came from his left shoulder, and he staggered back two steps, and even faintly smelled the burnt smell of barbecue.

  The entire left arm was completely unconscious!

  There was only a shocking gap on the left shoulder, and the metal jet that poured into the armor directly cut off his flesh, nerves and bones.

  The overwhelming force made him feel a little scared.

  Especially when he saw from the corner of his eye that his arm seemed to be broken, hanging on his shoulder, with only a layer of bent steel connected…

  ”What is this…” He gasped and stepped back, trying to distance himself.

  Lao Bai didn’t care, just watching this “BOSS” who was a little too weak making a futile struggle.

  ”What are you talking about?”

  Shaking the short axe in his hand, he grinned and said, “The scientific name is the hot melt cutting axe, although we usually call it an armor-piercing axe.”

  This thing is somewhat similar to armor-piercing bullets in principle. Although it was used as a demolition tool before the war, it was surprisingly useful for dealing with infantry armor such as power armor after actual combat tests by players.

  Since the B7 layer processing center was unlocked, this thing, like Fang Chang’s Dawn Mechanical Bow, can be purchased directly through the official store of VM.

  The hunter stared at him intently, his eyes wandering over his shiny chest armor, as if thinking about why his mass bullets failed to penetrate that thing.

  It can be seen that this guy has not given up yet.

  Wisps of light white smoke floated out from the gap in the armor on his left shoulder, and the broken flesh was healing at an incredible speed.

  No need to guess, it must be some kind of biological prosthesis or genetic modification. Torch is best at biotechnology.

  Looking at him without paying attention, Lao Bai said concisely.

  ”Surrender. Your Son of God has given up, and there is no point in you continuing to struggle.”

  The battle score provided by the captives is higher than that of the dead, so he still plans to persuade him to see if he can convince this guy to lay down his weapons.

  But it is obvious that his ability to talk is not as good as Fang Chang.

  After listening to what he said, the hunter just smiled coldly.

  ”Surrender? Haha, dream on!”

  After a pause, he gritted his teeth and squeezed out a word from between his teeth.

  ”Moreover, we have never given up, whether it is the great Son of God or the forerunners… just wait and see, our kingdom of heaven is destined to descend on this land, and it is you who are rotten and will be swept into the grave in the end!”

  ”Heaven… what kind of heaven is that again.”

  Lao Bai sighed, scratched his helmet, and looked at this crazy guy incomprehensible.

  ”In fact, there is one thing I can’t figure out. Is your heaven something that is inconvenient to explain to people?”

  ”It’s useless to say more… Go to hell!” The hunter roared, suddenly jumped up, and attacked Lao Bai head-on.

  His speed was more than twice as fast as before!

  The swollen flesh and blood poured out from the cracks in the armor, spreading to the outside of the armor like scarlet moss.

  At this moment, he didn’t look like a human being at all, but became some kind of unstable subspecies. His flesh and blood were completely integrated with the power armor!

  Completely dedicate the body to the supreme kingdom of heaven, and completely embrace the supreme and glorious evolution!

  This is his last trump card!

  After using this move, he could no longer change back. Even if he survived the duel, he could only wander around the ruins like a zombie.

  But he didn’t care!

  He just wanted to completely tear apart this arrogant guy in front of him!

  Looking at this completely crazy guy, Lao Bai sighed speechlessly and swung the hot melt cutting axe in his hand.

  The talent of breaking through the limit allowed him to gain a 150%~200% strength bonus in three seconds.

  With the dynamic vision provided by the agility attribute, the guy rushing towards him was as slow as a snail.

  ”To be honest…”

  The sticky air was like water, and was pressed into a wall like a physical entity by the axe swung at high speed!

  The piercing sonic boom resounded in the abandoned floor, and the hot air blew towards the hunter’s face like a hurricane. The hot

  air and the almost vaporized metal poured into his helmet, instantly roasting the flesh and blood under the steel into charcoal.

  The speed was too fast!

  He didn’t see what happened at all, and didn’t even have time to be surprised.

  Just before his consciousness disappeared like a severed telephone line, a sympathetic voice floated into his ears.

  ”Your so-called higher life forms…”

  ”A bit weak.”


  At the same time when the hunter was smashed into pieces by Lao Bai’s two axes, the “power armor company” led by Fang Chang also successfully cleared out the punishment team guarding the entrance of the shelter.

  The whole battle was completely one-sided

  and there was no suspense. Unfortunately, although the battle ended quickly, they did not capture even one prisoner from the punishment team.

  These guys who have engraved their loyalty to the Torch into their souls are all completely crazy. They don’t care about their own life or death at all.

  Especially when they found that their captain “Hunter” died in the battle, the remaining dozen people also followed suit and turned themselves into mindless monsters in exchange for higher combat effectiveness.

  Facts have proved that this is just a dying struggle.

  At present, players are still unclear about what happened to these dead soldiers, or what kind of anti-human technology developed by the Torch.

  However, after recovering these samples, the Alliance’s Biological Research Institute should be able to give them an explanation.

  The door to Shelter No. 20 is right in front of them.

  Fang Chang made a gesture, signaling the two teams to get close to the giant gear-shaped door, while he walked straight to the door with a rifle.

  As an agile strongman, he was confident enough to dodge all fatal attacks. No one could be faster than him!

  Of course.

  If he flipped over, just pretend he didn’t say anything.

  The drone controlled by Kallen floated to the door of the shelter, turned the camera to look at Fang Chang, and repeatedly confirmed in the communication channel with a pleading voice.

  ”You will help me…right? I was also forced. All those who refused to cooperate were dealt with. They were more cruel to their own people than to outsiders. We can only do what the pioneers of the First Temple said.”

  ”Of course we will help you. We are here for this. After all…we still need your technology to clean up the mess at the moment,” Fang Chang urged patiently, “Open the door quickly, I don’t want to recover a corpse later.”

  It seems that he was frightened by this sentence.

  Finally realizing that he was doing something very dangerous, Kallen no longer hesitated and turned the drone camera to the tightly closed giant gear-shaped door.

  Fang Chang opened the safety of his rifle and stared at the back of the door, ready to fire at any time. But to his surprise, there was no security guard of the shelter ambushing behind the door.

  The entire front hall was empty.

  The top leaders of the Torch seemed to have completely given up resistance and directly gave them the main entrance of the shelter, which was the easiest to defend and the hardest to attack.

  After carefully checking the situation in the front hall, Fang Chang made a gesture to his teammates behind him and led an infantry squad to go deep into the shelter. The

  two buffer doors separating the gas inside and outside the shelter were right in front of them. Kallen, who had hacked into the shelter’s security system, opened the two doors for them.

  Through the narrow buffer room, he could vaguely hear the noise and hurried footsteps coming from behind the door.

  The Torch, which had done so many bad things, finally ushered in their destined doom, and those so-called top leaders were like monkeys on a crooked tree, chirping and wailing.

  To be honest, Fang Chang was actually a little disappointed.

  He thought that Ah Guang had left him a big surprise in this shelter, such as the doomsday weapon developed by the Torch Church to deal with the Alliance, but he didn’t expect that they killed the punishment team in a few seconds, and then easily broke through the main gate.

  ”Where are you?” Fang Chang cast his eyes on the drone floating beside him, “Just in case, we will go to you directly.” ”

  Thank you!” Karen said gratefully, and then flew to the front, “To be honest… the bodies of our core researchers are placed in the petri dishes deep in the shelter. The First Holy Temple is using this as a threat to force us to work for them.”

  Bai Ge Dai Niu interrupted and asked.

  ”So you usually use drones to move around?”

  Karen explained.

  ”There is a bionic man made based on my biological characteristics, but that bionic man is now in the security room… After I preset a series of instructions, I locked myself in, and those security guards should not be able to do anything to me for a while.”

  The Son of God has left.

  She was sure that the guy was definitely not here, otherwise it would be almost a dream for her to sneak into the security room and take control of the shelter’s security system.

  Bai Ge Daisui nodded blankly, not understanding why Torch would use such a method of taking off his pants to fart to turn a living person into a bionic man.

  The corner Lao Liu standing next to him, however, had his eyes lit up and blurted out.

  ”Do you still need that bionic man?”

  ”Still?” Karen was stunned for a moment, then shook her head and said, “No, I just want to get my own body back.”

  The corner Lao Liu smiled and rubbed his hands, saying shyly.

  ”Then… can you give it to me when you’re done?”

  Karen: “?”

  ”Give it to me for nothing, can you be a little more ambitious and buy one yourself.”

  Fang Chang slapped Lao Liu’s head in annoyance, and gave a concise order regardless of the latter’s aggrieved face.

  ”Team One, head towards the security room. We need to ensure control of the shelter’s security system. Team Two, follow me. We’ll go directly to the…canned food warehouse.”

  ”Don’t worry about those non-combatants unless they grab weapons and point their guns at you.”


  In the short time they were communicating, Kallen had already sent the map of the shelter to his visual battlefield system.

  Upon hearing the order from Elder Fang, a group of frivolous players immediately stopped smiling and replied in a sonorous and powerful voice.


  A group of players wearing exoskeletons and power armor quickly took action, advancing towards the predetermined target under the guidance of the visual battlefield guidance system.

  Seeing this group of murderous Alliance soldiers breaking into the shelter, almost all researchers showed desperate expressions on their faces.

  ”Don’t kill me…I was forced.”

  ”Holy Son…Oh no, I mean our Holy Son is gone, he has completely abandoned us.”

  ”I can work for you…”

  Most researchers obviously did not want to sink to the bottom of the sea with the sinking Torch, and some brave ones even took the initiative to meet them.

  Fang Chang looked at them speechlessly. Although he was very happy that these people took the initiative to surrender, he couldn’t help but feel that these people had completely lost the Torch’s prestige.

  Kallen also felt a little embarrassed, but still tried to explain in a low voice.

  ”Some of these researchers were indeed captured by the Torch from other shelters… They really had no choice.”

  ”We will separate these people,” Fang Chang said, and fired a burst of bullets at the ceiling. Looking at the researchers who were screaming and squatting with their heads in their hands, he continued to say concisely, “As you can see, the torch is gone, and your senior leaders have run away with their tails between their legs. Surrendering and obeying our arrangements is your only way out.”

  After a pause, Fang Chang saw that no one dared to object, so he continued.

  ”Now, stay where you are and don’t move. The people who come later will tell you what to do… If you don’t want to be accidentally injured by stray bullets, it’s better not to run around.”

  Almost everyone nodded.

  After being seen by his eyes, those who didn’t move also nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

  Very satisfied with their cooperation, Fang Chang led a group of brothers past the researchers and continued to walk deeper into the shelter.

  When they arrived at the B5 floor, a door like a bank safe door stood in front of everyone.

  ”It’s here…”

  Karen’s voice was a little excited, and she couldn’t wait to fly over and open the alloy door.

  However, the scene that came into her eyes made her, who couldn’t wait to fly into the warehouse, freeze on the spot…

  ”How could it be?”

  Hearing the desperate voice coming from the communication channel, Fang Chang frowned slightly and walked into the door.

  ”What happened–”

  The words that he blurted out froze at his lips. What was

  displayed in the warehouse was not a culture chamber with living people lying in it, but a cylindrical culture tank.

  Pink brains were soaked in dark green liquid, and the crisscrossing pipelines were entangled with those brains.

  From the beginning, she didn’t have any physical body. The top management of the Torch deceived her…

  The drone controlled by Karen landed on the ground in despair.

  Fang Chang couldn’t help swallowing his saliva, and the white sniper next to him did the same, standing there in a daze.

  ”What the hell?!” Was

  this mission a success or a failure?

  Just as everyone was thinking about this, a slow voice floated from the front.

  ”Are you surprised?”

  Fang Chang narrowed his eyes and looked in the direction of the voice. He saw a young man in a holy white robe standing there.

  Kallen’s voice trembled.

  ”Holy Son…”

  Fang Chang didn’t waste any words. He pointed the gun directly at the guy who was pretending to be standing in the middle of a group of brains and ordered in a deep voice.

  ”Catch him alive.”

  (Unfortunately, it’s probably Yang… My throat doesn’t hurt, but I’m almost going crazy. My tailbone hurts so much, it’s like my relatives are coming. I could have finished writing this part today, but I’m only awake for a few hours. I’m really sorry, brothers. TT)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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