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Chapter 794 It’s Even

Chapter 794 It’s Even


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 794 It’s Even

  Zhang Ruoshu found that a pair of stockings was missing from the drawer of the wardrobe.

  It’s easy to guess who took the stockings.

  Zhang Ruoshu frowned.

  What did her daughter do with her stockings?

  She subconsciously thought that Xiao Youran might have other uses for them.

  Because Xiao Youran had never worn her clothes.

  Not to mention private items like stockings.

  But what other uses can stockings have?

  Could they be put on the head as a hood like in TV dramas and movies?

  Xiao Youran obviously wouldn’t do that.

  After excluding this possibility,

  there is only one possibility left.

  That is, Xiao Youran wants to wear them.

  So the question is.

  Will she wear them tonight or plan to wear them tomorrow?

  Zhang Ruoshu is a stockings enthusiast. She

  often wears stockings and buys them.

  There are basically some new stockings at home.

  If Xiao Youran plans to wear stockings to go out tomorrow,

  she can just ask her for a new pair tomorrow morning.

  There’s no need to sneak around for a long time, run to her room like a thief, and steal stockings.

  It can be seen that Xiao Youran is most likely not planning to wear them when she goes out tomorrow.


  said to Watson: “When you eliminate all impossible situations, the remaining ones, no matter how unbelievable, are the facts.”
Although Zhang Ruoshu didn’t know Holmes,

  she thought that her daughter’s purpose of stealing stockings in the middle of the night was to wear them tonight.

  Then a new question came.

  Why did her daughter wear stockings so late? Was she going to go out?

  Zhang Ruoshu was puzzled.

  She wanted to rush into her daughter’s room and

  ask her face to face why she ran to her room to steal stockings for a long time, and what she wanted to do by doing so.

  But she hesitated after getting up and getting dressed.

  Since her daughter had kept it a secret from her and stole her stockings,

  it was obvious that she didn’t want her to know.

  It was not appropriate for her to ask.

  But if she didn’t ask clearly,

  Zhang Ruoshu was worried.

  She was hesitating about what to do.

  Zhang Ruoshu suddenly heard the sound of a door opening.

  This time it was not the door of her room.

  It was the door of the house.

  Did Xiao’s father come back?

  Zhang Ruoshu still didn’t forgive Xiao’s father at this time.

  Not only the derailment, but also his behavior of slamming the door and leaving in the afternoon.

  They were breaking her bottom line again and again.

  She was really considering divorce.

  But thinking that Father Xiao had returned home instead of spending the night at the mistress’s place,

  Zhang Ruoshu felt a little better.

  But soon she realized that it was not Father Xiao who opened the door,

  because she did not hear the sound of the door closing.

  And there was the sound of footsteps in front of the bedroom door.

  Very light.

  But in the extremely quiet night,

  it was still clear.

  The two things were connected together.

  This door did not look like the door opened by Father Xiao when he came back.

  It seemed that the daughter left the door open for someone.

  But why did the daughter leave the door open?

  Zhang Ruoshu suddenly thought of a possibility.

  Maybe Father Xiao forgot to bring the key or lost the key.

  He was afraid that she would not open the door when he knocked on the door, so he asked his daughter to leave the door open.

  Zhang Ruoshu still did not think that her daughter might have left the door open for Xu Xiuwen.

  Because in her cognition.

  Bringing a boy home secretly in the middle of the night was not something her daughter could do.

  But she forgot that people can change.

  At this time, Zhang Ruoshu did not connect her daughter’s stealing of stockings with leaving the door open.

  Just like this, a while passed.

  Zhang Ruoshu suddenly heard the sound of a door closing.

  At first she thought it was Father Xiao who came back.

  But soon she heard the sound of someone walking past her door.

  The direction was towards her daughter’s room.

  She waited patiently for a while.

  Zhang Ruoshu opened the door carefully and looked outside.

  There was no one in the living room.

  There was no one on the balcony.

  She went to the bathroom again.

  Still no one was seen.

  Zhang Ruoshu’s eyes involuntarily turned to her daughter’s room.

  At this time, Zhang Ruoshu had completely ruled out the possibility that it was Xiao’s father.

  Because Xiao’s father would never enter his daughter’s room in the middle of the night.

  Zhang Ruoshu was very sure that the footsteps in front of the door just now were not hallucinations.

  So she thought of Xu Xiuwen.

  Could it be that her daughter left the door open for Xiao Xu?

  The person who closed the door and passed by her door just now was Xiao Xu?

  Zhang Ruoshu’s face became more and more ugly.

  She was not the kind of very rigid parent.

  Living together before marriage.

  As long as it was not too much.

  She could understand.

  But it definitely did not include the man sneaking to find her daughter in the middle of the night.

  Zhang Ruoshu almost wanted to rush into her daughter’s room and teach Xiao Xu and her daughter a lesson.

  But she held back.

  If she really did that,

  Xiao Xu would be embarrassed.

  Her daughter would also be very embarrassed.

  After hesitating, she decided to pretend not to know tonight.

  Wait until Xiao Xu leaves tomorrow.

  She would educate her daughter well.

  Then she got angry with Xiao’s father again.

  His daughter didn’t know how to educate her well, and she just knew how to fool around with the mistress all day long!

  Is there such a father?

  Zhang Ruoshu became angrier and angrier as she thought about it.

  After returning to the room, Zhang Ruoshu went to bed.

  But she couldn’t fall asleep.

  Suddenly, she felt the urge to urinate.

  Zhang Ruoshu got out of bed and went to the bathroom.

  When she opened the door, she was very careful, worried that the sound would be heard by Xiao Youran and Xiao Xu.


  In the room.

  Xu Xiuwen was drinking water.

  Suddenly, she felt the urge to urinate.

  Xu Xiuwen looked up and said, “No, I drank too much water. I have to go to the bathroom and come back to continue.”

  Xiao Youran was on the verge of a fight.

  How could she let Xu Xiuwen leave?

  She grabbed Xu Xiuwen’s hair without saying anything. She

  begged, “Don’t go…”

  The force was not strong, so it didn’t hurt.

  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t help laughing.

  Who was the one who said he didn’t like it at the beginning?

  Who is the one who doesn’t want to stop now?

  This is a woman who says one thing and means another.

  Xu Xiuwen smiled and said, “I’ll be back soon.”

  Xiao Youran opened his eyes.

  There seemed to be a light mist in her eyes. Her

  face was originally pure.

  At this moment, whether it was the tip of her eyebrows or the corner of her eyes, she revealed a naturally charming brilliance. It was

  particularly touching.

  If he hadn’t been in a hurry to pee.

  Xu Xiuwen really couldn’t bear to leave Xiao Youran.

  He could only go and come back quickly.

  Therefore, he didn’t bother to put on all his clothes one by one.

  Xu Xiuwen picked up his coat and wrapped it up, and walked out of the room directly.

  He came to the bathroom.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t dare to turn on the light.

  He walked in at night.

  The door of the bathroom was half-open.

  He didn’t care, he just opened the door and walked in.


  Xu Xiuwen was stunned.

  Because there was a person sitting on the toilet in the bathroom.

  Although it was not clear.

  But Xiao Youran was in the room.

  Xiao’s father was not at home.

  The person on the toilet could not be anyone else except Zhang Ruosu.

  Xu Xiuwen was right.

  The person sitting on the toilet at this moment was Zhang Ruosu.

  Because the door of the bathroom had been there for many years, it would make a sound when it was opened and closed.

  Zhang Ruoshu didn’t want to disturb Xiao Youran and Xu Xiuwen,

  so she chose to slightly cover the door. She

  didn’t close the door tightly.

  She didn’t expect that such a small negligence

  would lead to someone breaking in.

  She was sitting on the toilet and didn’t even have time to pull up her pants.

  A dark shadow approached in front of her.

  Zhang Ruoshu was startled.

  But she quickly calmed down.

  Because of the height of the person, she immediately guessed the other party’s identity.

  This made Zhang Ruoshu feel embarrassed.

  How did they meet in the bathroom again?

  Because her pants were still at her knees.

  She didn’t dare to get up.

  Although it was dim at night.

  But who can guarantee that she wouldn’t be exposed?

  Zhang Ruoshu certainly wouldn’t take the risk.

  She was going to let Xu Xiuwen go out.

  Xu Xiuwen was caught off guard.

  He didn’t know that Zhang Ruoshu already knew he was coming.

  Suddenly they ran into each other in the bathroom.

  Seeing Zhang Ruoshu open her mouth.

  He thought she was frightened and wanted to shout loudly.

  If Xiao Youran was attracted, it would be secondary.

  What if the neighbors heard Zhang Ruoshu’s shouting.

  Who knows if they would misunderstand that Aunt Zhang’s house was invaded by thieves.

  Maybe they would call the police.

  When the police come, it would be hard to explain.

  So Xu Xiuwen’s subconscious reaction was to reach out and cover Zhang Ruoshu’s mouth.

  Zhang Ruoshu’s mind was full of question marks?

  What did this kid Xu want to do?

  Her heart, which had calmed down, rose to her throat again.

  Because her mouth was covered, she couldn’t speak.

  Zhang Ruoshu tried to shake her head, trying to get rid of Xu Xiuwen’s hand.

  As for why she didn’t use her hand to take Xu Xiuwen’s hand away.

  Because her hands were tightly holding the hem of her pajamas.

  Xu Xiuwen saw Zhang Ruoshu struggling, and his heart became more panicked, and his hands became more powerful.

  At the same time, he lowered his voice and said, “Aunt Zhang, it’s me, don’t shout and I’ll let go.”

  Zhang Ruoshu nodded immediately after hearing this.

  Xu Xiuwen breathed a sigh of relief

  After waiting for two seconds,

  Xu Xiuwen slowly loosened his hands.

  As expected, Zhang Ruoshu didn’t shout.

  Xu Xiuwen was completely relieved.

  Zhang Ruoshu’s mouth was freed, and she was about to speak.

  When she looked up, she suddenly saw a scene she shouldn’t see.

  Xu Xiuwen came out wearing only an overcoat.

  He didn’t button it.

  He just pulled it with his hands and let the coat wrap around his body.

  Just now, because he covered Zhang Ruoshu’s mouth with his hands.

  Without the restraint of his hands,

  the coat slid to both sides.

  So the inside was exposed.

  It was a coincidence.

  The moon also came out from the clouds.

  A deep moonlight shone in from the window.

  It just shone on Xu Xiuwen’s body.

  Nothing could be hidden.

  Zhang Ruoshu saw everything thoroughly.

  From chest muscles to abdominal muscles, and then to…, and then a pair of long legs.

  Zhang Ruoshu was stunned.


  The sound of swallowing saliva was particularly clear in the quiet environment.

  Xu Xiuwen was also stunned when he heard it.

  He followed the direction Zhang Ruoshu was looking and immediately noticed that his spring light was leaking.

  He panicked and quickly wrapped his coat tightly.

  Zhang Ruoshu also realized that Xu Xiuwen had noticed her.

  In addition, she actually swallowed her saliva just now.

  It made people more misunderstood.

  Her heart was beating wildly, her eyes were nervous and flickering, and her face was a little red.

  After all, mature women are different from girls.

  Zhang Ruoshu’s mature and beautiful face, with just a slight change, exudes extreme charm. It

  is really the type that can fascinate people to death.

  Xu Xiuwen also noticed it.

  It was an expression he had never seen on Aunt Zhang’s face.

  Xu Xiuwen also swallowed his saliva subconsciously.

  It was still clear to the ear.

  Zhang Ruoshu was a little embarrassed at first.

  But when she heard the sound of Xu Xiuwen swallowing his saliva and felt that Xu Xiuwen’s eyes were always on her face.

  She was stunned again.

  Xu Xiuwen also realized that he was abrupt.

  He quickly retracted his gaze.

  But it was obviously too late.


  Xu Xiuwen lowered his eyebrows and dared not speak.

  Zhang Ruoshu did not speak either.

  No one spoke first.

  It seemed that they did not know what to say.

  But in the end, Xu Xiuwen calmed down faster.

  He quickly turned around and explained in a low voice: “Aunt Zhang, I didn’t know you were in there.”

  Zhang Ruoshu hummed, “I knew.”

  ”The reason why I was in your house was for a reason. I will explain it to you later. You continue to go to the bathroom, I will go back first.”

  Zhang Ruoshu suddenly stopped Xu Xiuwen.

  ”Wait a minute.”

  ”What’s wrong?” Xu Xiuwen stopped, but did not dare to look back.

  Zhang Ruoshu said: “You just go back like this, and Yu Ran asks you why you didn’t go to the bathroom. How will you explain it later?” Xu Xiuwen

  was silent.

  It was indeed difficult to explain.

  Unless he held it in and didn’t go to the bathroom again.

  Seeing that he didn’t speak, Zhang Ruoshu said: “You go to the living room and wait for me first, I will go out soon.”

  Xu Xiuwen immediately did as he was told.

  After Xu Xiuwen came to the living room.

  Less than a minute.

  Zhang Ruoshu came out.

  ”You go to the bathroom.”

  Xu Xiuwen wrapped his coat tightly and walked past Zhang Ruoshu.

  He didn’t even dare to look at Zhang Ruoshu’s face.

  When Xu Xiuwen came out of the bathroom,

  there was no one in the living room

  Zhang Ruoshu had already returned to her room.

  Xu Xiuwen breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing this.

  Then he felt helpless.

  Could it be such a coincidence?

  They bumped into each other evenly in the bathroom?

  And when he thought of how Aunt Zhang had seen him naked just now,

  Xu Xiuwen felt embarrassed.

  But then he remembered what happened that morning.

  One person, one time, and everyone was even.

  Xu Xiuwen breathed a sigh of relief again.

  After returning to the room,

  Xu Xiuwen hesitated for a moment, but in the end he did not tell Xiao Youran about bumping into Aunt Zhang in the bathroom just now.


  On the other side,

  after Zhang Ruoshu returned to her room, she immediately went back to bed and lay down.

  She closed her eyes and tried to make herself fall asleep.

  But as long as she closed her eyes,

  she would think of the scene she had just seen in the bathroom.

  Then she opened her eyes in panic.

  She secretly blamed herself in her heart.

  As an elder, how could she keep thinking about these things?

  She had to forget them as soon as possible.

  But some things, the more you want to forget them as soon as possible, the harder it is to forget them.

  In the end, Zhang Ruoshu simply gave up.

  She simply opened her eyes and carefully recalled what had just happened.

  Especially the action of Xu Xiuwen swallowing his saliva.

  Why did he swallow his saliva at that time?


  Or intentional?

  If it was a coincidence, it would be fine.

  But if it was intentional…

  Zhang Ruoshu felt a little uneasy.

  Could it be that Xiao Xu still had feelings for her as an aunt?

  Impossible! Impossible!

  Zhang Ruoshu immediately threw away this ridiculous idea.

  But the next second, she thought of another thing.

  That is, her daughter stole her stockings.

  Now she already knew that Xiao Youran stole the stockings to wear for Xiao Xu to see.

  But why did her daughter do this?

  Could it be that Xiao Xu likes her stockings?

  When she thought of this,

  Zhang Ruoshu’s heart beat faster.

  Her face was like burning.

  It was so hot.

  But once this idea came into being, it was hard to get rid of it.

  Zhang Ruoshu couldn’t think of any other reasons.

  If Xiao Xu didn’t like stockings,

  her daughter wouldn’t have to steal them in the middle of the night.

  So it must be that Xiao Xu liked them.

  That’s why her daughter prepared the stockings.

  The question now is.

  Does Xiao Xu simply like stockings?

  Or does he like her…?

  Thinking of this, Zhang Ruoshu’s heart was pounding.

  She couldn’t help but think of what happened that morning.


  That time she found the clothes placed next to her daughter’s pillow, and finally moved them…

  She asked her daughter later, and she said she didn’t touch them.

  Could it be that…

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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