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Chapter 794: Think positively, at least there is still a brain left

Chapter 794: Think positively, at least there is still a brain left


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 794 Think positively, at least there is still a brain left

  ”You’d better calm down.”

  Looking at the power armor that took a step forward, the Son of God did not panic, but just smiled lightly and said in a very light voice.

  ”Just in case, I set up 1.5 tons of metal hydrogen explosives in this warehouse… Any unidentified biological information entering the identification area will trigger the explosive device.”

  This madman…

  Fang Chang looked at him in astonishment and stopped moving forward.

  ”Are you crazy?”

  The Son of God said in a gentle tone.

  ”Maybe in your opinion, but I know what I am doing.”

  ”Then you should know that what you are doing is just meaningless resistance,” Fang Chang stared at him and continued, “Surrender, you have already lost.”

  While speaking, Fang Chang sent instructions to the team going to the security room, asking them to implant the cracking program made by Xiao Qi into the security system of the shelter and try to find the location of those bombs.

  As if he had heard a very funny joke, the Son of God smiled lightly and said.

  ”The Kingdom of Heaven in Haiya Province has indeed reached its end, but it’s too early to say that we have lost now.”

  Without waiting for Fang Chang to speak, he continued.

  ”In fact, my soul is already 1.5 million kilometers away from here. The reason you can see me here is just because I want to see you one last time.”

  ”See us?” Fang Chang frowned slightly, staring at the guy in front of him who was pretending to be a ghost.

  What he cared about more was actually another message revealed in this guy’s words.

  1.5 million kilometers…

  Lagrange point?

  The top leaders of the Torch Church uploaded their thoughts to a satellite or space station at the Lagrange point?

  Without intending to explain what he said, the Son of God just smiled faintly.

  ”What else do you think? Without my acquiescence, a mere brain soaked in a petri dish would have the ability to sneak away from under my nose?”

  ”… Surprisingly, only the brain is left…”

  Intermittent voices came from the communication channel. Obviously, Karen was quite upset about the fact that there was only a brain left in her body.

  Fang Chang had no time to comfort her for the time being, he just stared at the Son of God standing behind the rows of culture tanks.

  ”What about now? Your curiosity should have been satisfied.”

  ”Yes,” the Son of God nodded, and continued in a straightforward voice, “After meeting you, many of the confusions in my heart have been answered. You are a perfect life form in another sense, and another possibility that I have never imagined before… In fact, we could have cooperated, and this is also my biggest misjudgment of the situation in the wasteland.”

  ”Then you really insulted us,” Fang Chang laughed, looking at this arrogant guy with disdain, “No matter what, we will never cooperate with the likes of you.”

  The Son of God was not angry, he just smiled faintly and said.

  ”I’m talking about the technical aspect. You can’t deny that there is such a possibility… Of course, it’s a matter of time now. I really shouldn’t expect you, the remnants of the past, to understand our ideals.”

  ”Your ideals…” Fang Chang sighed, “To be honest, whether it’s you or Charas, you guys talk better than singing, and talk about theories one after another, but in the end you don’t even dare to stand up and take responsibility or admit your mistakes. What are you afraid of? You are so reasonable, just stand on the judgment seat, maybe we will be convinced by you?”

  The Son of God looked at him silently, and he seemed to be speechless. He wanted to refute but couldn’t think of any suitable words.

  ”Whatever you say, after all, you are the winners…”

  In the end, he threw down this sentence and hastily ended the topic.

  But as if to save some face, the Son of God paused for a moment and continued.

  ”But don’t be too happy too soon. Your victory is only temporary.”

  ”‘Tianren’ is back.”

  ”And he came back a long time ago.”

  ”No one can resist the final evolution! No one!”

  Almost at the same time as he finished speaking, another team member’s voice came from Fang Chang’s communication channel.

  ”The hacking program has been implanted! The biometric identification device has been turned off! The self-destruct device has been eliminated!”

  ”Got it.”

  Fang Chang, who had been stagnant in front of the stairs for a long time, took another step forward.

  Seeing Fang Chang stepping into the biometric identification area as if nothing had happened, the Holy Son’s face was surprised for a moment, but it was only for a moment.

  ”I see, it seems that I should leave–”

  ”You talk too much nonsense!”

  Fang Chang quickly took out the tranquilizer gun, aimed at his chest and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

  However, at this moment, a scene that no one expected happened.

  At the moment when the light blue tracer hit the Holy Son’s chest, the latter’s body swelled up like a swollen balloon.

  His limbs and facial features twisted into a ball, as if he had been injected with some unstable genetic modification reagent.

  ”We will meet again–”

  After throwing down these words, he exploded with a burst of arrogant laughter, and the scattered blood plasma and minced meat filled the entire room.

  All the players were stunned.

  Bai Gei took a spit.

  ”Good guy… self-destructed?”

  The prop master couldn’t help but click his tongue.

  ”This is not even leaving a complete corpse for yourself.”

  This guy is a ruthless person…

  Obviously, as this saint said, they have uploaded their thoughts to a server 1.5 million kilometers away.

  That is the retreat they left for themselves.

  As for the body left in the “mortal world”, it was originally a dispensable thing for them.

  Fang Chang didn’t know where the guy got the confidence from, so that when he was about to die, he was still there shamelessly saying something like “Your victory is only temporary.”

  But there was one more clue that made him care.

  ”…Heavenly man.”

  What the hell is this?

  ”My body…” The sound of sobbing came intermittently from the communication channel, interrupting his thoughts.

  Obviously, not everyone thinks that the body is an insignificant burden.

  Looking at the heartbroken Kallen, Fang Chang comforted her.

  ”Look at the bright side, at least there’s still a brain left.”

  With the biological technology of these people, it shouldn’t be difficult to mold a new body and put the head back, right?

  He didn’t know much about this kind of professional stuff, but it should be feasible in theory.

  ”You don’t understand… I dream of leaving this shelter. Those people… They clearly promised me that they would keep my body for me…”

  Kallen’s voice gradually became incoherent.

  Fang Chang glanced at the drone lying on the ground, then looked at the culture tanks soaking in brains, thought for a while and said.

  ”Okay, I really don’t understand… By the way, do you know someone named Heya?”


  Kallen’s voice was a little confused, as if she had heard the name for the first time. As


  Probably having guessed the whole story, Fang Chang sighed softly.


  If he guessed correctly, the blue jackets in Shelter No. 117 should have uploaded their consciousness to a server one and a half million kilometers away earlier…


  At the same time when the team led by Fang Chang successfully suppressed Shelter No. 20, a long shuttle-shaped research ship was quietly parked in an abandoned urban area not far from the entrance of the shelter.

  Beside the research ship, a dozen explorers wearing exoskeletons were standing quietly, only making brief exchanges on the communication channel.

  ”I didn’t expect the Alliance to get ahead of me.” An explorer had a solemn expression on his face, and seemed to be at a loss for what to do with this unexpected situation. It’s not

  just the Weilants who are interested in the Perfect Lifeform Project. They are also full of interest in this singularity-level research project.

  The college got the coordinates of Shelter No. 20 a long time ago, and they came here this time to recover the technical data stored in the shelter.

  But obviously, they are a step late.

  ”What should we do next?” The slightly younger explorer asked, looking at the highest-ranking explorer in the team.

  ”Nothing… Should we snatch it from them?”

  ”Actually, there’s no need. I just suddenly thought that it might be a good thing to throw this trouble to the Alliance.”


  ”The Willant people should have noticed the situation here. A thousand-man team is heading towards this area… Hehe, I hope they won’t fight because of the uneven distribution of spoils.”

  ”I don’t think that’s the case.”

  ”Whether it’s the case or not, we should withdraw.”

  There was no point in staying any longer, and dozens of explorers returned to the research ship one after another.

  The light blue plasma plume spewed out from the engine nozzle, and the long shuttle-shaped research ship silently merged into the night, just as it had quietly arrived here. At the same time

  as the academy’s research ship evacuated the battlefield, the battle that broke out in the abandoned urban area finally entered a white-hot stage.

  As if sensing the departure of the Son of God, the Holy Light Knights, who had been maintaining a steady offensive, suddenly went crazy and launched a nearly suicidal assault on the battalion led by the Killing Dagger.

  A Paladin wearing power armor suddenly roared out of the bunker.

  The guy was like a mad monster, ignoring the rain of bullets bombarding his face, and rushed to the players’ faces with big strides. Then he used his solid and powerful shoulder armor to directly knock down an entire concrete wall, scaring the players leaning behind him.

  ”Long live the Son of God!”

  The Paladin roared, and the rifle in his hand roared with a bang, and the flying tracer pounced on the surrounding players wearing exoskeletons like lightning.

  But the players were obviously not vegetarians, especially those standing here were all high-level players of the Burning Legion.

  Caught off guard, the crowd quickly distanced themselves from the crazy elite monster.

  A player who was half squatting on the ground skillfully took out an RPG rocket launcher and fired a armor-piercing shell directly, hitting the right shoulder of the power armor fiercely!

  The sparks and smoke from the explosion shook the power armor backwards, but it did not kill it, just made it fall to the ground.

  Seeing that the alliance’s defense line was broken, the soldiers wearing exoskeletons also rushed out of the bunkers, shouting slogans and rushing towards the players’ defense line.

  Although it was difficult to see how many people there were in the dark, there was at least a platoon just by listening to the gunfire!

  Another player squatting next to him did not hesitate at all, pulled out the artillery beacon and threw it out directly.

  ”Hide!” He roared and lay down on the ground first.

  Seeing that the paladin in the power armor was about to struggle to stand up, a 155mm ground-penetrating shell suddenly smashed through the dome with a bang and hit him hard at his feet.


  Not only the shaky power armor, but also the thirty or forty light infantrymen wearing exoskeletons that rushed up from behind were all engulfed by the flames of the explosion! The

  scorching shock wave swept across the entire battlefield, and the hot dust was even blown hundreds of meters away.

  A group of players who were lying down and hiding stood up from the ground one after another.

  Looking at the battlefield with wisps of white smoke rising, many people had expressions of shock on their faces.


  ”Are these bastards crazy?”

  ”You don’t even want to give your head away like this…”

  At first everyone thought it was just an accident, but soon everyone found out that it was not accidental. It

  was not just a certain apostle or a certain paladin who went crazy, but everyone on the entire battlefield!

  They seemed to have expected that they would not be able to win this war anyway after being forced into a dead end, so they launched a desperate attack in desperation, trying to seek the final relief from death.

  Killer Dagger could feel that the guys standing in front of him were no longer fighting for any twisted beliefs or ideals, but were just seeking a way out.

  Although most of his men had been killed or wounded, facing such an opponent whose morale had collapsed, there was still a chance to turn the tables!

  After shooting and killing a Holy Light Knight who rushed forward, Killer Dagger quickly changed the magazine of his rifle and shouted loudly in the communication channel.

  ”Hold on!”

  ”Our enemies are already at the end of their strength! They can’t hold on for much longer!”

  As soon as he finished speaking, another loud roar came from a distance.

  Hearing that voice, Killer Dagger’s mood sank slightly.


  It was the roar of mutants!

  The opponents in the previous exchange of fire suddenly changed to this group of guys wearing power armor and exoskeletons, so that he almost forgot that this was actually the mutant’s territory.

  The angry roar seemed to be swearing the sovereignty of the Yandong Clan over the ruins.

  As if they realized that the reinforcements were about to lose, a group of green-skinned guys were carrying large-caliber rifles and surrounded their positions again.

  The situation took a sharp turn for the worse!

  Killer Dagger had even silently prepared for three days of official OB in his heart.

  But at this moment, a voice like the sound of nature came from the communication channel.

  ”…This is Lao Bai, Shelter No. 20 has been controlled.”

  ”Sorry, brothers from the first battalion, I kept you waiting for a long time!”


  (It feels like there is endless phlegm to cough up, and the whole person is dizzy and uncomfortable. TT)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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