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Chapter 795: Destroy them all!

Chapter 795: Destroy them all!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 795: All annihilated!

  With the most elite “mechanized infantry company” of the Burning Corps being thrown into the battlefield, the situation that was originally precarious for the first battalion was instantly reversed.

  In the fragmented ruins, the reddish arc light kept flashing, and every flash was a heavy infantryman whose armor was split by the hot metal jet!

  Old White, holding a hot-melt cutting axe, chopped the power armor of the Holy Light Knights with a few bangs, and tore a gap in the latter’s line! The

  Holy Light Knights were quickly divided into two parts, and they became a mess in the dark and narrow ruins.

  The whole battle turned into a one-sided massacre!

  Not only that, the Yunting flapping-wing aircraft ambushed near the city also launched an attack!

  Under the guidance of the firepower of the ground forces, the rockets mounted in the rocket nests poured out, and with bursts of deafening explosions, the flank position of the Holy Light Knights was instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire!

  The scorching air wave even melted the steel buried in the concrete, and the bodies in the exoskeleton lay in a mess.

  Looking at the countless comrades who were killed and injured in an instant, the leader of the Holy Light Knights cast a hateful gaze at the “Dragoon” holding a short axe, and squeezed out a word from between his teeth.

  ”…Long live the Kingdom of Heaven!”

  His pupils gradually turned scarlet, and wisps of hot white mist floated out from his mouth. The skin all over his body twisted as if it had been scalded by boiling water, and flesh-red mycelium spread outward, merging with the armor covering his whole body.

  He offered everything he had to the Kingdom of Heaven, including his mind and flesh, in exchange for supreme power.

  He had completely turned into a monster at this moment after fusing with the unstable gene fluid.

  But he no longer cared.

  If he couldn’t watch the Kingdom of Heaven descend on the land under his feet, he would rather die in the last second when the Kingdom of Heaven collapsed!


  The furious roar echoed in the ruins. He rushed towards the Dragoon Power Armor with heavy steps and poured all his strength into his twisted right arm.

  The scarlet tentacles extending from his right arm were like a sharp spear, stabbing out fiercely in his furious roar!

  He had 100% confidence that he could tear the ant in front of him into pieces!

  However, as the scarlet tentacles were about to collide with the Dragoon Power Armor, something he could not believe happened.

  The inconspicuous short axe hit his face at an incredible speed.


  In a trance, he only heard a heavy dull sound piercing through the steel in front of his forehead, and then the hot flow like magma poured into his head, completely extinguishing his remaining consciousness.

  ”Rest in peace.”

  Looking at the dead monster in front of him, Lao Bai threw down this sentence in a sloppy manner and kicked it aside.

  The sound of exchange of fire in the ruins continued, but the battle had already entered its final stages.

  After the last Paladin was killed, the Knights of Holy Light were soon annihilated.

  The only remaining pressure was given to the Yandong Clan.

  Facing the increasingly fierce offensive of the players, even though there were thousands of mutants in the ruins, it became increasingly difficult to resist.

  After all, this was not the Ten Peaks Mountain, and there were no winding tunnels for them to hide in.

  However, the one or two meter thick concrete dome was like paper in front of the 155mm earth-penetrating bombs, and the Alliance’s shells seemed to have eyes, and often a heavy artillery could blow them down like cutting wheat.

  Seeing more and more men killed, the flames of war finally burned under his eyebrows. Even though Borudo Yandong was unwilling to face these terrifying guys, he had to bite the bullet and stand up.

  Wearing heavy bulletproof armor designed by Beidao Heavy Industries, it held a 10mm assault rifle in its hand and fired at the Alliance’s position.

  The bullets swept a whole concrete wall into pieces, revealing the steel bars inside.

  However, the Alliance soldiers were not behind and had already hidden to the side.

  A 19mm bolt round hit Borudo’s shoulder, and the hot metal jet burned through its shoulder bone, causing it to scream in pain.

  With the mutant’s terrifying vitality and recovery ability, this little damage was obviously not enough to kill it, but the first bolt round that hit its shoulder was also just the beginning. The bullets

  rained down on it, exploding a string of sparks on the bulletproof armor.

  Unable to withstand the intensive offensive, Borudo could only flee back to the bunker in embarrassment.

  However, what it did not expect was that this retreat could not be stopped completely, and it and its subordinates were directly driven into the depths of the nest by the fierce firepower.

  Seeing that there was no way to retreat, Boruto was completely blood-thirsty and roared out of the bunker again.

  ”Yandong will never surrender! Never!”

  The deafening roar did not scare anyone, and even the players who besieged it did not take it seriously at all.

  Raising his hand and firing an RPG, Lao Liu in the corner cursed unceremoniously.

  ”Who the hell asked you whether you would surrender or not? Hurry up and die!”

  The armor-piercing bullet dragged a thin white smoke and hit Boruto’s chest squarely.

  With a deafening roar, the hot metal jet directly poked a big hole in his body.


  Boruto roared in pain, the index finger of his right hand still tightly holding the trigger, and the rifle in his hand was firing, but the hit rate was becoming more and more touching.

  At this moment, it was like a beast that fell into a trap, and could only struggle in vain on the edge of the cage.

  In the end, its fate was the same as many other bosses that had been killed countless times by players. It swallowed its last breath with an unwilling roar and fell heavily to the ground, ending its sinful life.

  With the death of the patriarch, the last bit of resistance of the Yandong clan was also extinguished.

  Looking at the bullet holes carved all over the wall and the corpses scattered all over the ground, the players standing on the ruins felt their blood boiling in their chests.

  They won!

  They not only won this battle and defeated the once invincible opponent, but also won the final victory of the entire war – expelling the torch that spread chaos and plague from this land without a single one left!

  The hearty pleasure makes people immersed in it, and the blood plasma stuck to the exoskeleton is like a medal of honor.

  Countless knowledgeable people from south to north fought bloody battles, and finally at this moment there was a result –

  ”Long live the Alliance!”

  I don’t know who took the lead in shouting this, and the blood-pumping shouts suddenly rose and fell on the battlefield.

  ”Long live the administrator!!”

  ”Ah, ah, ah!”

  The dawn rising from the horizon dispelled the last trace of haze that enveloped the city.

  It was not until then that many people suddenly realized that they had been fighting all night.

  After confirming that there were no remaining enemies on the battlefield, Lao Bai arranged for personnel to recover the equipment of the fallen teammates and the spoils dropped by the enemy, while simply counting the casualties of each team. The casualties of the

  first battalion can only be described as tragic. The original full complement of 400 people, now only more than 50 are left, and most of them are injured.

  Although they were originally planned as a feint attack force and were prepared for all members to sacrifice, seeing such casualty data still makes people’s scalps numb.

  As for the mechanized infantry company led by Lao Bai, the total number of deaths and serious injuries was only 30, including six heavy units wearing power armor, which shows how tragic this battle was!

  However, in contrast, the Burning Legion’s achievements in this battle are also outstanding.

  A total of 5,221 mutants were killed, including 200 named warriors and various extreme mutants.

  In addition, 437 Torch extremists were killed by players in the battle.

  In addition to the heads obtained in the battle, players also found a large number of black boxes in Shelter 20.

  Among them are not only the black boxes used to synthesize bionic organs that the Torch took away from Shelter 117, but also some that the Torch got from other places.

  For example, the black box used to synthesize “optical camouflage plug-ins” and the black box used to generate the “Destroyer I” exoskeleton.

  Although the current industrial capacity of the Alliance has long been free from relying on black boxes, and even sophisticated and complex equipment such as power armor can be self-produced and self-developed, it is obvious that no one will refuse this convenient and easy-to-use “wishing machine”.

  In addition, even the Alliance has things that cannot be produced.

  For example, bionic organs and chips.

  In addition to the black boxes, the Alliance’s biggest gain is the 571 researchers captured in Shelter 20.

  Some of them are blue coats from other shelters, and a few are E- and D-level explorers from the academy, or even D-level researchers!

  Torch has always been different in how it treats prisoners.

  For prisoners with knowledge, they are generally reused.

  After all, Heaven is a systematic project. It is impossible to complete it with only a dozen pioneers. There must be researchers at the bottom to do those basic research work.

  Only the wastelanders who are of no use will be fed with Naguo and sent to mutants as breeding beds.

  For the convenience of management, Torch has almost locked up the top brains they have plundered from the wasteland in Shelter No. 20, which is also convenient for players to explode gold coins.

  Standing on the Viper transporter, Karin, who connected his consciousness to the android, looked at Fang Chang uneasily and asked nervously.

  ”…You will help me repair my body, right?”

  ”Of course, we will do what we say.” Standing outside the cabin, Fang Chang said concisely.

  There was still a trace of disbelief in Kallen’s eyes, but at the moment, apart from trusting these people, she had no better way.

  Seeing that the plane was about to take off, she spoke again as if she had thought of something.

  ”Wait, aren’t you going to get on the plane together?”

  Fang Chang: “We have things to do here.” Kallen

  : “I can actually stay and help. Anyway, my mind can’t leave here–”

  Looking at this guy who talked endlessly, Fang Chang sighed and explained patiently.

  ”Someone wants to see you. In order to make her feel at ease, I have to trouble you to meet her first.”

  Kallen looked at him blankly.



  ”Heya… This name again,” Kallen’s face showed a distressed expression, holding her head with both hands, her ten fingers entangled in her hair, “I said I don’t know her at all…”

  Fang Chang: “Okay, stop complaining, she is probably the only person who can help you now.”

  Kallen looked at him and asked carefully.

  ”…Didn’t you say you would help me?”

  ”I want to help you, but unfortunately my knowledge of biology is limited to what I learned in the textbook…”

  Not wanting to listen to this guy’s nonsense, Fang Chang gestured to the cockpit.

  ”Have a good trip.”

  The pilot gave him a thumbs-up and then started the engine.

  ”Wait, wait a minute–”

  Karen wanted to say something else, but the rolling airflow quickly stuffed her words back into her mouth.

  After sending this guy away, Fang Chang turned back to the battlefield that was being cleaned.

  The transport plane had delivered another wave of airdrops earlier. The airdrop boxes were not only three times the standard amount of bullets, but also three times the standard amount of lunch.

  The appetite of the awakened is far beyond that of ordinary people, not to mention that the players present have just experienced a war.

  Many people were already starving, and they quickly opened the airdrop boxes and squatted on the ground to eat.

  Fang Chang also went to get a lunch box. As soon as he opened the chopsticks, he saw Lao Liu walking towards him in the corner.

  ”We saw from the drone in the sky that a troop is approaching us from the northwest. It is only 10 kilometers away from us. The size is about a regiment.”

  Fang Chang asked casually, picking up a piece of roast chicken with chopsticks and throwing it into his mouth.

  ”Enemy or friendly?”

  Old Six in the corner: “It’s the legion.”

  The legion…

  Fang Chang frowned slightly.

  It seems that the commotion last night was too loud. This thousand-man team may have been on the move for a while.

  ”I know, leave it to me.”

  After saying that, he picked up the lunch box and dug it hard. He finished the whole bowl in no time, then opened the map on the VM, found the location of Lao Bai and walked over.

  At this moment, Lao Bai was in the nearby ruins.

  Just when they were cleaning the battlefield, they found a dungeon deep in the mutant position.

  At first, the players thought that the Yandong Clan had moved to this area from Shifeng Mountain not long ago, and they should not have time to capture any prisoners.

  What’s more, the survivors of the Haiya Province were all killed by the torch, and there was no one to capture them, so they didn’t think they could find any mutant dungeons here.

  However, when the players who were cleaning the battlefield opened the lid, everyone was shocked by the situation in the dungeon. There were

  tens of thousands of people in the not-so-spacious space!

  Among them were men, women, and children… but no old people were seen.

  Most of them were pale and thin, with cloudy and dull eyes, and there was no trace of life on their numb faces, as if they had been tortured.

  Judging from their appearance, they had probably been here for more than a day or two, at least a year and a half.

  There is no doubt that most of these people are survivors of the Haiya Province!

  Maybe it was for the purpose of experiment, or maybe it was to feed those mutants. In short, the Torch Church did not kill all the local survivors, but left some.

  After understanding the situation in the dungeon, Lao Bai immediately reported the discovery of the front line to the rear, and then transferred the players who were cleaning the battlefield to the dungeon to give priority to solving the difficulties of the survivors.

  It happened that there were still surplus supplies from the airdrop. After transferring the survivors in the dungeon out in batches, they distributed some of the extra food to those people.

  Perhaps it was because they had not eaten human food for a long time. When the survivors were given the boxed meals, they did not know how to eat them.

  Some of the first people who came to their senses carefully took a spoon and scooped up the food into their mouths. For a moment, tears choked in their eyes.

  ”Thank you… Thank you so much. I really don’t know how to thank you.”

  Looking at the benefactor who saved him from the mutants and gave him food, the ragged man spoke incoherently, and he almost wanted to kowtow to the benefactor on the spot. He

  quickly grabbed the survivor’s arm and said with a smile.

  ”You’re welcome. This is just a piece of cake for us.”

  ”It’s just a piece of cake for you, but it’s a life-saving grace for me!” The man said excitedly, “My name is Li Junming, and I’m a survivor of the nearby Willow Village. If you need me in the future, please let me know… By the way, I forgot to ask, may I ask who you are?”

  ”I’m… uh, you can call me Killing Dagger,” Killing Dagger coughed awkwardly, not wanting to explain his ID, and only regretted not taking a more normal name at the beginning, and quickly changed the subject, “Actually, you don’t have to thank me. We are all warriors of the Alliance. If you want to thank someone, thank the Alliance!”

  ”The Alliance is…”

  There was a trace of confusion in the man’s eyes, and he obviously had never heard of this word.

  But it’s no wonder.

  When the Torch completely conquered Haiya Province, let alone the Alliance, even Dawn City had not yet been born, and the entire Qingquan City was still the territory of Giant Stone City.

  Haiya Province is located in a remote area, and I’m afraid that at most it can have some folk exchanges with the settlements in the southern part of Jinchuan Province, and they may not know where Giant Stone City is.

  Killing Dagger said with a smile.

  ”That’s right, the Alliance, the Alliance of all the survivors, our goal is to end this terrible wasteland… Anyway, you are saved, and we will take you away from this hellhole as soon as possible.” The

  ”Overlord” transport plane does not have the function of vertical take-off and landing, so it is not realistic to use the plane to transfer them.

  However, this place is not far from the coastline, only about 100 kilometers.

  Now that the Torch’s base camp has been destroyed by them, it is the same to wait here for the ground troops to push over, and then use trucks to transfer these survivors to the coastline.

  According to past practice, the Alliance will probably build a new settlement near the coastline to accommodate the survivors who were displaced by the Torch.

  Standing at the edge of this group of survivors, Lao Bai suddenly noticed that a half-grown boy in the crowd was staring at him intently.

  Or rather, staring at the blood-stained power armor on his body.

  Sure enough, guns and mechas are the romance of men, whether in reality or in the game.

  Seeing a trace of desire in the eyes of the lonely child, Lao Bai walked over and squatted in front of the boy, untied the mask of his helmet, smiled friendly and said.

  ”My name is Lao Bai, what’s your name?”

  ”… Wang Rui.”

  ”Where are your parents?”


  Lao Bai thought for a while, not knowing how to comfort the child.

  But at this moment, he suddenly thought of something, and smiled and rubbed the little guy’s head.

  ”Wait for me here for a while.”

  After saying that, he stood up and walked to the place where the equipment of the fallen teammates was piled up. He picked an exoskeleton that was damaged to the point that it was almost impossible to repair, and removed the medal of the Burning Corps from the broken bulletproof chest armor.

  Generally speaking, when players buy standard equipment, they will make some DIY logos on their equipment to increase their identity recognition.

  For example, the emblem of the Burning Corps consists of a flame-shaped flag and a power armor standing in the flames –

  that is, they are always ready to burn themselves for the alliance, and they always appear on the most dangerous battlefield.

  Returning to the boy’s side, Lao Bai handed the medal to the child.

  ”I’m very sad to hear about your parents, but all we can do is save the people who are still alive… This is our badge, I hope it can bring you some courage in your future life.”

  The boy who received the badge widened his eyes and looked at the soldier who called himself Old White in surprise. He opened and closed his mouth for a long time before stammering.

  ”Is it okay to give it to me?”

  He liked the gift very much, but felt that it was too expensive and was embarrassed to accept it.

  ”What does it matter? When we are gone one day, it depends on you to pass it on.”

  Old White grinned, patted the boy’s shoulder encouragingly, and then gently pushed him.

  ”Go, stay with your compatriots, and comfort those who have not yet come out of the pain of the past. You may have to stay here for two or three days, and then we will send someone to transfer you to a safe place.”

  Blushing and saying thank you, the boy held the badge of honor tightly in his palm, and then turned around and trotted away.

  Watching the little guy disappear in the crowd, Lao Bai smiled and clapped his hands, then stood up from the ground.

  He always felt that he seemed to have done something familiar to the manager just now.

  But it seemed normal.

  As the saying goes, people are like red people.

  People are social animals. When they stay together for a long time, they will learn from each other and influence each other to some extent.

  In the past, he personally led them to change the wasteland, and now it is their turn to do it themselves.

  At this moment, a familiar voice came from behind him.

  ”It’s probably a bit difficult to let NPC inherit our legion. After all, they only have one life, and we all learn the skill of parachuting by falling to death.”

  Seeing Fang Chang coming from behind, Lao Bai smiled and said.

  ”Haha, what you said makes sense, but I think it is precisely because they only have one life that they can better pass on our tradition.”


  Lao Bai grinned and continued.

  ”People are born and die, and stones are unchanging. They are the ones who truly belong to this world. We are just passers-by after all… That’s how I feel.”

  ”Maybe, although my feeling is exactly the opposite of yours, I feel more and more like a person of this world.”

  Without continuing on this topic, Fang Chang ended the topic with an ambiguous sentence, and then continued.

  ”Let’s talk about business, the legion is here.”

  Lao Bai’s eyebrows raised slightly.

  ”So soon?”

  ”Well,” Fang Chang nodded and said seriously, “It’s likely that they noticed us the moment we took action.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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