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Chapter 796: The Willant People Who Want to Pick Peaches

Chapter 796: The Willant People Who Want to Pick Peaches


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 796: The Weylanders who want to pick peaches

  Time goes back to the second half of the night before dawn.

  Just as the Burning Legion and the Torch Remnants were fighting fiercely, a bloody battle was entering its final climax in another abandoned city a hundred kilometers away.

  Hundreds of “Conqueror” Type 5 tanks and their coordinated infantry cut off all entrances from the ruins to the wilderness, and also cut off the possibility of the bacterial mutants in the Kingdom of Heaven to reinforce the city ruins.

  Then, more than ten thousand Weyland infantry and tens of thousands of clone soldiers, under the cover of artillery, launched attacks from more than a dozen directions at the same time, encircling and suppressing the remnants of the Torch Church and the mutant tribes trapped in the ruins.

  From the map of the Prosperous Era, this abandoned city once belonged to a large city called Guangtian City, with a permanent population of more than eight million.

  But now it is the Wasteland Era, and the prosperity of the past has long disappeared, and only the rusty road signs still remember its name.

  After learning that the city might contain information related to the Gestalt project, Lium did not hesitate to dispatch the nearest 370,000th team to attack the city, and ordered them to occupy it before the Alliance’s landing force took the lead! The

  attacking side was the 370,000th team of the Legion, and a glorious army composed of 30,000 clone soldiers.

  The defending side was the Torch’s “Flame” Knights and the “Cripple” Clan.

  Although the latter’s name sounds funny, it is obvious that the mutants of this clan are not really crippled, and it is unlikely that there will be cripples with the mutants’ ability to regenerate broken limbs.

  Even contrary to the funny name, the mutants of this clan are not crippled, but natural hunters. They are active in rugged mountains and forests all year round, and are extremely good at making traps and using high and low vision to sneak attack.

  In the initial stage of the offensive, the 370,000th team of the Legion suffered a lot at the hands of these “cripples”.

  But it was only the initial stage.

  When the Weylanders found that the mutants were always using the same tricks, the rest of the problem became much easier to solve. When they

  encountered a place where there might be an ambush, they would either send clone soldiers to test it or simply fire a few shells to blow it up first before moving forward.

  The commander of the 370,000th Corps was very cautious in making decisions. He gradually compressed the living space and activity area of ​​the Torch, and finally forced the latter to a relatively open area in the city center.

  The battle lasted for three full days, and both sides suffered heavy casualties during these three days.

  However, the Torch was in a dead end, and no matter how much the troops trapped in the city resisted, they were just struggling to survive and could not change their final defeat.

  When the offensive reached the third day, the Legion had successfully broken through the last line of defense, and the barrels of the tanks were almost stuffed into the nostrils of the mutants and the Torch Cultists.

  The only remaining 200 Torch Cultists and less than 1,000 mutants were trapped in an abandoned department store.

  I think the entrance to the research facility should be there.

  Not only that, the Legion also found a “barn” in the nearby gymnasium where mutants kept captives.

  These captives were half-dressed, skinny, and most of them had sores on their bodies, and there were traces of torture.

  Some of them were probably used for the pleasure of mutants, and were fed a lot of Nago. When they were dragged out of the dungeon, they still had a broken expression.

  The other part was probably prepared by the Torch Church for its own experiments, or “talent reserves”. Although these people were not fed Nago, their mental state was also quite bad, and they were obviously abused. There

  was a small disagreement among the middle and senior leaders of the 370,000th Corps on how to place these captives.

  The traditional military nobles headed by Captain Favrey believed that according to general practice, the stronger should control the spoils of the stronger… even if these spoils were defective.

  Some new officers believed that the Corps should maintain its dignity in the community. After all, they were not fighting a war of conquest, but a just war for the fate of all mankind.

  There are also a few opinions that it is better to let other forces of the Sticky Community worry about it, so that others can’t find faults and the Legion itself can save trouble.

  The representative of this minority opinion is Pangolin, a “seconded officer” from the Civilian Group.

  Although this person is from the Civilian Group, he is not a small person. He is a talent discovered by General McLen. It is said that he once hunted a mother of death claws single-handedly, which can be called a hero among men.

  After General McLen was defeated, he led the officers of the Empire across thousands of kilometers to avoid the pursuit and interception of the Alliance, and finally successfully joined the main force of the Legion in the desert, and killed nearly a thousand Alliance soldiers on the front line!

  With this achievement, he jumped from the establishment of the vassal army to the establishment of the regular army, and followed General Griffin to fight in the desert until the Eastward Expansion Faction lost power and switched to the Civilian Group.

  This legendary experience is enough to occupy at least two columns in the Triumph Newspaper.

  And speaking of this legendary experience, it has some origins with the immediate superior of the officers present.

  The commander of the 370,000th team was Korwe.

  He was the officer who had escorted the pangolin back to the rear after overcoming all the difficulties.

  As for his promotion history, that was another legendary story.

  To be honest, the battlefield atmosphere group also felt that it was too coincidental that the person sent to the front line to reinforce was his old acquaintance, and then he was seconded. But

  this saved him a lot of trouble.

  When working under other Willant people, there is often a risk of being exposed, but working under this person, there is no need to worry at all.

  After all, they are good brothers who have been through life and death together, and Korwe has never doubted him even once.

  Seeing the endless debate at the command table, Korwe coughed hard.

  ”Enough, let me say a few words.”

  Everyone quieted down, and a pair of eyes looked at him.

  After a pause, Korwe spoke slowly in a majestic voice.

  ”…I think what Pangolin said makes sense. Given our image in the eyes of the survivors in the east, even if we provide these captives with good food and drink, they will probably think that we are abusing them. It is better to let them take care of themselves.”

  Seeing that General Korwe, who had not spoken a word, took sides, the Thousand Captain Favri standing in front of the command table twitched his eyebrows and couldn’t help but speak.

  ”General, I must remind you that according to the tradition of our Willant people–”

  ”Then you can pick a few.”

  Favri was stunned and looked at Korwe in confusion.

  ”…Pick a few?”

  Korwe shrugged.

  ”Take any captives you like and take them home to raise. But I have to remind you that the rules of the marshal are the most important rules here. You must treat your servants well according to the standards of Triumph City. Don’t expect to be done with just killing them.”

  If Favre was just physically uncomfortable when he heard the first sentence, the corners of his mouth began to twitch when he heard the second sentence.

  Raise these rubbish according to the standards of Triumph City? If

  he really wants to do this, he’s crazy!

  Seeing that no one raised any more objections, Kolway knocked on the table with his knuckles.

  ”Then it’s decided. Gather the captives first, and then wait for the arrangements of the relevant rescue agencies of the Sticky Community to see whether to send them to Weifu City or find a new home for them nearby.”

  After experiencing the battle in Luoxia Province, or after meeting Pangolin, his views on the Wastelanders have changed a lot, and they are not as extreme as before.

  In fact, it’s not just him, many officers of the Eastward Expansion Party are the same.

  After returning to Triumph City after the defeat, they all seriously reflected on the reasons for their failure, especially whether they had gone too far in some areas.

  As many wastelanders commented, they conquered a large area of ​​land, spanning the entire western part of the Central Plains, but in fact they did not solve any problems.

  The territories controlled by the four legions always repeated the cycle of riots and suppressing riots. Except for Triumph City, there has never been real peace in other places.

  He wanted to try to solve some problems.

  He didn’t have the ability before, but now he is a captain of ten thousand men and has the ability.

  Even if there is only one star on his shoulder strap.

  The matter of prisoners came to an end. This was just a small episode in the whole battle.

  Shortly after Kolwe announced the solution, the quartermaster brought everyone tonight’s supper – two charcoal-grilled lambs sprinkled with cumin and pepper.

  At the same time, the signalman stood at the door of the command tent and reported, bringing news from the front line.

  ”…The commander of Torch refused to surrender. He said he would fight to the last moment.”

  Looking at the two plump lambs in the military tent, the signalman couldn’t help swallowing his saliva.

  Korwe cut the lamb leg with a dagger and replied casually.

  ”We respect his choice. Since he is seeking death, let him drown in our artillery fire with that stinking delusion.”

  The battle has entered the final stage. Whether the other party surrenders or not actually has no effect. At most, dozens of corpses will be thrown in the department store. What

  the Corps needs are researchers of Torch, especially researchers who have mastered the relevant information of the Perfect Lifeform Project.

  ”Yes!” The signalman stood at attention and saluted. Just as he was about to turn around and leave, he was stopped by Korwe.

  ”Wait a minute.”

  Korwe stopped the signalman and threw the cut lamb leg over.

  Looking at the signalman who was surprised and hurriedly caught it, he smiled and said.

  ”You must be hungry after working so late. Eat on the way and don’t delay the work.”


  The signalman looked at him gratefully, saluted again, and then hurriedly left.

  After watching the signalman leave, Korway didn’t bother with any red tape, but just asked everyone to eat while it was hot.

  The officers in front of the command table were not polite. They all took out their daggers and cut large pieces of meat. They talked and laughed and ate. The tent was very lively for a while.

  ”This mutton is well roasted!”

  ”It would be even better if there was another glass of wine!”

  ”Haha, you think it’s a beautiful thing.”

  ”Wait until the war is over! There will be endless wine and meat at the celebration banquet!”

  ”That’s really exciting.”

  Without participating in the topic of the crowd, the battlefield atmosphere group focused all their attention on the buffet in front of them.

  As a high-level awakener, his appetite can be high or low. If he just wanted to maintain normal body functions and eat until he was 70% to 80% full, three or four kilograms of mutton would be enough. If he

  really ate to his heart’s content, he could stuff two sheep into his stomach, and at most he would have to go to the toilet a few times.

  If he paid for his meals, he would usually be more relaxed.

  But since he was eating and drinking on public funds, he didn’t have to pay for it himself, so he naturally ate to his heart’s content and finished half a sheep in a few gulps, which made Favry next to him dumbfounded.

  Is this guy a pig?

  When Favry came to his senses, there was only a sheep’s butt in front of him.

  His eyebrows twitched fiercely a few times, and he was about to say something sarcastic when the curtain of the tent was lifted again, and another signalman trotted in.

  ”Report! The reconnaissance unit has sent a message that an explosion and fire were found 100 kilometers southeast of our headquarters! It is suspected to be an air strike launched by the Alliance Coastline Forces!”

  Upon hearing this, the officers stopped feasting and looked towards the door of the tent.

  ”100 kilometers southeast?” Kelway frowned slightly, stared at the map and pondered for a moment, and found the location.

  That is the ruins of Haibei City. The distance from there to Guangtian City is the same as the distance to the coastline, which is about 100 kilometers.

  However, it is obviously more difficult to get to the coastline from there. After all, the tunnels built in the Prosperous Era have collapsed, and you have to cross mountains and ridges.

  Obviously aware of the problem, an officer frowned and said thoughtfully.

  ”Is the alliance landing force advancing so fast?”

  Another officer standing next to him also pretended to be thoughtful, and said after a long time.

  ”I heard that they just took over Shelter 182, and now they immediately changed direction and launched an airstrike 100 kilometers away… What exactly do they want to do?”

  ”I don’t think it’s simple,” Favre stared at the map for a while, his eyes narrowed slightly, “… The road from the place where the alliance landed to the area where they airstrike is rugged, and at least one-third of it is hilly. If it is to join their main force, there is no need to take risks in this direction.”

  After a pause, he looked around at the other officers at the command table and continued.

  ”There is only one other explanation. There is something incredible hidden in the area they airstrike, and they don’t want this thing to fall into our hands, so they plan to get it before us.”

  ”I can even conclude that their action tonight is definitely not just an airstrike, there must be airborne troops following up!”

  The officers at the command table whispered and exchanged opinions with each other, and they all felt that this analysis made some sense.

  The battlefield atmosphere group buried their heads and drank a sip of water, pretending to choke themselves while eating meat, but in their hearts they were sweating for the brothers of the Burning Legion.

  The other officers present may not know, but he knows it clearly in his heart.

  The Burning Legion is indeed taking action there, and the big fish they want to catch is not small. It may be the headquarters of the Torch Church in the entire Seaside Province!

  In order to avoid being targeted by the Legion, they deliberately limited the density of the firepower they delivered, but they didn’t expect that it would still arouse the vigilance of these people.

  He quickly glanced at Korwe’s expression, and saw that the latter had obviously been convinced by Favrey’s words, and his face was showing a thoughtful expression.

  The battlefield guy secretly thought that it was not good.

  Although even if the Willant people found out, they would not dare to rob openly, but it would always be a dispute in the meeting of the Sticky Community.

  This is careless…

  Just when he was scratching his head in anxiety, Korwe suddenly turned his eyes to him.

  ”I want to hear your opinion, Pangolin Thousand Captain.”

  The battlefield guy smiled bitterly in his heart.

  My opinion is okay… What

  the hell can I say at this time?

  Seeing other officers also looking at him, especially the captain Farfree who always looked down on his status, his eyes were full of teasing expression… It was as if he was expecting him to make a fool of himself.

  ”My opinion is the same as Captain Farfree, General.” Although he was reluctant, the battlefield guy still maintained his honest personality and said.

  Farfree, who was still expecting to see him laugh, was obviously not satisfied with such an answer.

  Without waiting for General Kolwe to speak, he said in a sarcastic tone.

  ”I thought I could hear different opinions… I didn’t expect that our pangolin captain would only repeat what others said once he reached his professional field.”

  Some officers born into traditional military aristocrats couldn’t help but chuckle, and those who didn’t laugh couldn’t help but curl their lips.

  Most of them had only heard rumors about this pangolin, but had never really seen his skills on the battlefield.

  So far, the only trait they saw from this guy was that he could eat.

  But what’s the use of just having a large appetite?

  The big guys in the “Purge” team were all good-for-nothings, but they were just good-for-nothings.

  The Battlefield Atmosphere Team ignored their ridicule, mainly because they didn’t take the NPC’s ridicule seriously.

  However, although he didn’t care, Kolwe looked at Favrey with an unhappy look.

  ”Captain Favrey, you should be more realistic. If you have a problem, speak up. If you don’t have a problem, shut up. Don’t keep silent when you see a problem, and don’t be a dissenter just for the sake of being a dissenter. What do you think?”

  Seeing his immediate superior looking at him with an unhappy face, Favrey’s mocking expression subsided a little.

  ”I think… you’re right, sir.”

  Kolwe stared at him intently.

  ”I hope you really think so. You should learn from your colleague, Captain Pangolin, who never opposes all your opinions just because you don’t like him.”


  Stared at by the burning eyes, Favrey could only bite the bullet and nod his head, but Kolwe was not satisfied with his answer.

  ”Is that all you have to say?”

  Favri took a deep breath, turned around and looked at Pangolin standing across from the command table.

  ”I’m sorry, Captain Pangolin, I… sincerely apologize to you.”

  The battlefield atmosphere team could feel that there was less than one-tenth of sincerity in his words, but he was not interested in embarrassing this guy.

  ”I accept your apology.”

  ”Thank you…” Favri nodded slightly, without looking at him.

  ”Very good,” Korway nodded approvingly with the two men who had temporarily restored their friendship, paused and continued, “Back to the issue we just discussed, the Alliance made a small move on the route we were advancing. No matter what they found there, we have to go there to take a look and take back what belongs to us… It just so happens that the battle in Guangtian City has ended.”

  When he said this, Korway continued to look at Favri.

  ”Captain Favri.”


  Favri stood up straight at attention, waiting for dispatch.

  ”I need you to lead your men to march southeast and reach the old site of Haibei City before dawn… The Alliance has arrived there before us, and we must expand our control area as much as possible before they find anything. Remember! Avoid direct military friction with the Alliance unless they take action first.”

  ”Yes!” Favrey saluted and said with a gleaming look.

  Kelway nodded and then looked at Pangolin.

  ”Captain Pangolin, you go with Favrey. Your mission is to knock him out and bring him back to me when he is overwhelmed by the passion. Your men don’t have to follow.”

  ”Yes, General…” The Battlefield Atmosphere Group nodded, but there was still a hint of hesitation on their faces.

  He still wanted to try hard to help his old friends, but he had no choice.

  Seeing that Pangolin looked like he had something to say but didn’t know whether to say it or not, Kelway smiled kindly and said.

  ”If you have anything to say, please say it now. Don’t hold it in your stomach.”

  The battlefield atmosphere team nodded, thinking quickly, and suddenly thought of something and said with inspiration.

  ”I’m thinking… it will take at least seven or eight hours to get there from here. It may be too late when we get there.”

  ”My opinion is exactly the opposite of yours,” Favrey glanced at him, but did not say anything sarcastic, just laughed, “When the Alliance troops and Torch are almost dead, we will rush to the battlefield as reinforcements. By then, we will not only solve their “urgent needs”, but also divide the spoils from them. And they will not only have no reason to blame us, but may even have to thank us.”

  ”Haha, I think so about this too,” Korway laughed at the dumbfounded pangolin, “By that time, there will not be many Alliance airborne troops left. Even if they want to send more people to control the territory in their hands, it will take time. We can take advantage of this time to create some fait accompli.”



  These NPCs are too dirty!

  The battlefield guy kept complaining in his heart, but he had to pretend to be admiring on his face.

  ”I see, I am not very knowledgeable enough…”

  ”Don’t belittle yourself. I have seen your ability. You are not good at sitting in the tent and commanding.” Korwe smiled and comforted him, and then said, “It’s decided. You two should go quickly.”


  The two responded, saluted, and then left the command tent.

  Standing at the door of the tent, Favry gently adjusted his collar, glanced at the pangolin standing next to him, and said with a smile.

  ”The general has seen your skills, but it’s a pity that I haven’t seen them yet. I hope to see you show off your skills.”

  Being annoyed by this guy, the battlefield man looked at him sincerely and said.

  ”The general asked me to do it when you were overwhelmed by the blood. Are you sure you want me to show off your skills?”

  ”…” His eyebrows twitched, and Favry finally resisted the urge to attack. He just glared at him fiercely, snorted coldly, and walked away.

  The battlefield man followed him, but silently prayed in his heart, hoping that the old friends in the south would be faster. He really tried his best…

  After a whole night of marching, during which there were more than ten conflicts of varying sizes with monsters in the Kingdom of Heaven, the thousand-man team under Favry’s command finally arrived at the edge of Haibei City at dawn after suffering more than a dozen casualties.

  There were no more gunshots in the ruins. Except for the Battlefield guy who was still dawdling, the others couldn’t help but quicken their pace and rushed towards the direction of the explosion.

  Finally, near a piece of abandoned concrete wreckage, the Legion’s thousand-man team and the Alliance’s troops that landed from the Death Coast completed their “reunion”.

  This was probably the first time that the southern and northern troops met.

  Even though both sides didn’t want to see each other so early.

  However, when they saw that the leader was actually the Battlefield guy, many players widened their eyes in surprise.


  ”Good guy…”


  Seeing that these blue gophers were all staring at the pangolin beside him, completely ignoring him as the real commander, Favry couldn’t help but feel a little annoyed.

  ”What are these guys mumbling about?”

  The Battlefield guy frantically hinted at these dogs with his eyes not to make trouble, and farted without blushing or beating his heart.

  ”In Luoxia Province, I killed a lot of them… They should be greeting my family.”

  Although both sentences were true, they were farted together.

  Favre was unaware of this and was stunned after smelling it.

  However, this guy probably remembered an interview he had read in Triumph Newspaper before. After thinking for a moment, he nodded in understanding.

  ”I see…”

  But at this moment, his eyes suddenly turned and a meaningful smile appeared on his face.

  ”In that case, you should negotiate with them and ask them to give up the land under their feet.”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “???”

  What the hell?

  Is this guy confused? !

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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