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Chapter 797 What a bargain!

Chapter 797 What a bargain!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 797: A great bargain!

  Favry was certainly not confused, in fact, he had a plan in mind.

  The Burning Legion would certainly not obey and withdraw from the position they had finally taken, but this did not prevent him from asking for a sky-high price at the beginning of the negotiation.

  It just so happened that there was such a perfect candidate next to him.

  Since you, Pangolin, are so capable, you can just talk nonsense.

  To put it bluntly.

  He just wanted to see this guy make a fool of himself, and he didn’t expect that he could really persuade the Burning Legion to retreat. When the Alliance was angered by this guy and wanted to settle all the old and new grudges, wouldn’t it be great for him to come forward to mediate?

  The more Favry thought about it, the more he felt that he was simply a genius!

  However, what he didn’t know was that these guys in front of him were all “game friends” of the person next to him.

  Even a few hours ago, they had flooded the same forum.

  Just as Favry looked at “Pangolin” with a smile, the expression on the latter’s face gradually changed from surprise to speechlessness.

  The Battlefield Atmosphere Team can now confirm that this guy is not joking. He is

  really confused because of

  staying up late! This guy really thinks that he can persuade the most elite troops of the alliance to retreat with just his mouth.

  Facing the eyes focused on him, the Battlefield Atmosphere Team was reluctant and could only nod his head with a dark face and a stiff face.

  ”I’ll try.”

  He threw this sentence coolly, walked forward, and left a tall and majestic back to the group of Willant soldiers behind him. At

  the same time, on the ruins opposite, Lao Bai and Fang Chang had been looking at the direction of the Willant people with interest, waiting for their “pangolin” to come closer.

  Looking at the helpless expression on this man’s face, Fang Chang first laughed and teased.

  ”You guys are too fast.”

  I didn’t expect that the one coming was my own family.

  That’s easy to say!

  Listening to the complaints of his good brother, the Battlefield Atmosphere Team sighed and said.

  ”Mofa… I have tried my best to delay.”

  Old White glanced at the group of Willant soldiers standing in the distance, then looked at him curiously and asked.

  ”So, what does your superior want to do?”

  Glancing at the guy who was looking at him with his arms folded in the distance, the battlefield atmosphere group curled his lips and said in a low voice.

  ”That guy is not my superior, but a colleague. I was seconded to the 370,000th team on the front line before. My current superior is the 370,000th team’s ten thousand-man leader Korwei.”

  Still remembering this name, Bai Gei, who was standing next to Old White, said in surprise.

  ”Good guy, he has become the old boss again?”

  ”…I guess so.” The expression of the battlefield atmosphere group was a little subtle.

  His secondment order only lasts until the end of this war, and he will be transferred back to the embassy after this war is over.

  Although it may be a bit pretentious to say this, the fact is that thanks to the support of a group of good brothers, he is still very popular in various factions of the legion.

  Both the Eastern Legion and the Civilian Group are full of interest in him.

  The reason why they chose the Civilian Group for development was, on the one hand, that they had a greater chance of going to Triumph City, and on the other hand, it was also a suggestion from the manager.

  In short, he would not stay in the 370,000th Corps for too long.

  Lao Bai nodded in understanding, and continued to ask seriously.

  ”What is your mission?”

  The Battlefield Atmosphere Group did not hide it, and simply said it frankly.

  ”While you and the Torch are in a stalemate, we will bring this area into the actual control area of ​​the Corps in the name of reinforcing you.”

  The prop leader: “Damn, it’s so fucking dirty.”

  ”Yes, I think so too, it’s so fucking dirty! Is this what a human would do?”

  The Battlefield Atmosphere Group also complained angrily, and then shrugged and continued.

  ”Then when we came over, we found that the battle was over. The guy named Favrey behind me couldn’t make up his mind for a while, so he sent me to try my luck and see if I could persuade you to leave directly.”

  Lao Bai touched his chin thoughtfully.

  ”It seems that the Legion is not ready for a direct conflict with us.”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “That’s for sure. The supplies of hundreds of thousands of people on the front line are transported by the Alliance’s railway. Without our help, they can’t even go home. What can they use to fight us? If you refuse my exorbitant price, they will probably find another way to argue with you.”

  Bai Ge Dai Ni curled his lips and said, “Well, they don’t dare to fight anyway. I don’t think there is anything to say to them. Just let them stay where they want to be-”

  ”Well, I think… since those Willant people want it so much, why not just give it to them.” Fang Chang, who had been thinking, suddenly raised his head and interrupted Bai Ge Dai Ni’s words.

  ”Give it to them?”

  Hearing Fang Chang’s words, several players next to him looked at him in surprise, suspecting that they had heard it wrong.

  However, this surprise only lasted for a moment, and everyone quickly reacted to what Brother Fang Chang meant.

  ”That makes sense…”

  ”Fuck! Why didn’t I think of that?”


  Seeing these guys whose faces changed faster than turning a page, the Battlefield Atmosphere Team was also confused and said quickly.

  ”You don’t have to take care of me, it doesn’t matter whether I have made any contribution or not.”

  ”It has nothing to do with taking care of you,” Fang Chang smiled faintly and explained, “But this is indeed an opportunity for you, I suggest you seize it.”

  The Battlefield Atmosphere Team’s expression became serious and looked at him seriously.

  ”…Are you really going to give this place to them?”

  Fang Chang said as a matter of course.

  ”Why not? Anyway, there is nothing here except a pile of rotten rocks.”

  ”Nothing… nothing?” The Battlefield Atmosphere Team was stunned again.

  How is this possible?

  If there was really nothing, why would the most elite airborne troops of the alliance fight here all night.

  Seeing his expression of “Do you think I’m an idiot?”, Fang Chang explained patiently.

  ”The attack we launched against this area last night was mainly a feint, with the purpose of covering our other troops’ entry into the real entrance of Shelter No. 20… As for this, it is actually just the lair of the Yandong Clan.”

  ”At present, we have rescued all the prisoners imprisoned in the dungeon, and we have also recovered most of the valuable spoils. The rest are just some scraps and useless things. There may be some unexploded mines or duds. Why not let them entertain our ‘old friends’?”

  ”Fuck!” The Battlefield Atmosphere Team couldn’t help but widen their eyes after hearing this.

  Good guy!

  The black is still this black!

  Not knowing what the old man on the battlefield was thinking, Fang Chang looked at the shocked expression on his face, just smiled faintly, and continued.

  ”…The Legion is certain that there are treasures hidden in this area. They will definitely spare no effort to put pressure on us in the community, or throw dirty water on us. I’m afraid it will be troublesome to explain the situation here at that time.”

  ”So instead of letting them keep thinking about this ruin, it’s better to let them figure it out on their own.”

  ”On the surface, we took a step back, but in fact we have the initiative to advance or retreat.”

  ”If they want to blame us at that time, we can instead use the reason that ‘the Torch Church’s key strategic defense facilities have been transferred to the Legion’s 370,000th Brigade’ to accuse them of hiding the key personnel, information and equipment from us and refusing to disclose them.”

  The entrance to Shelter No. 20 is at least seven or eight kilometers away from this abandoned urban area.

  This distance sounds close, but in fact it is still a long way to walk.

  Giving up this abandoned urban area does not mean giving up the entrance to Shelter No. 20.

  ”Anyway, that’s it. Let’s pack up and leave,” Old White grinned. He wanted to pat the Battlefield Atmosphere Group on the shoulder, but he remembered that this guy’s ‘colleague’ was not far away, so he frowned instead, “I’ll leave the job of licking the plate to you.”

  ”Awesome…” The Battlefield Atmosphere Group said with emotion.

  These guys are really getting smarter and smarter…


  The negotiations ended quickly, and it only took more than ten minutes in total.

  Standing in the back waiting for the results of the negotiations, Favry saw Pangolin coming back, and his expressionless face a second ago suddenly showed a joke of watching a joke.

  No need to think about it.

  Coming back so soon, the negotiations must have collapsed!

  Although he had guessed the ending, Favry still asked this question knowingly.

  ”How is it? Dear Pangolin Thousand Captain, was the Alliance scared away by your reputation for invincibility?”

  Facing that playful look, the Battlefield Atmosphere Group resisted the urge to roll their eyes and replied concisely.

  ”They agreed to retreat and hand over this position to us.”

  The air suddenly became quiet, as if a pin drop could be clearly heard.

  Favry was stunned on the spot, and he didn’t come back to his senses for a long time, thinking that he had heard it wrong.

  It wasn’t just Favry.

  Including his adjutant, junior officers and even grassroots soldiers, almost everyone had a surprised expression on their faces.

  ”Retreat… retreat?”

  Staring blankly at the pangolin, Favry subconsciously looked forward not far away.

  It was at this moment that he saw the soldiers wearing exoskeletons and power armor leaving their positions one after another, packing up their things and retreating to the south.

  At that moment, when he looked at the pangolin, his eyes were like looking at a monster…

  They could guess the shock in this guy’s heart, but the battlefield atmosphere group pretended not to know, just nodded coolly, like a hermit.

  ”That’s right, this fortress is ours. We will continue to explore the parts they didn’t have time to explore… As for what they can find, they don’t know. They just heard that there is an entrance to the Torch research facility here in the intelligence.”

  The entrance to the research facility!

  The officers under Favre’s command instantly turned red after hearing this.

  And the soldiers.

  What they care about is not the research facility, but that they occupied the Torch fortress without bloodshed!

  Although it was from the hands of friendly forces.

  Although no one knows what is inside.

  The moment he finished speaking, the soldiers behind Favre couldn’t help cheering, whistling at him and giving him a thumbs up.

  ”Well done!”


  ”Hahaha! Look at the shameful look of the Alliance. They are really unlucky to run into us!”

  ”Keep your voice down, they haven’t gone far yet…”

  ”What are you afraid of? This area belongs to us now!”

  At this moment, almost all the eyes looking at the battlefield atmosphere group are like looking at a real hero.

  The Weilant people worship the real strong.

  He has proved his strength with actions and facts!

  Without stopping his subordinates from cheering, Favry stared at Pangolin.

  After a moment, he restrained his dull expression and gradually became serious.

  Seeing this guy coming towards them, the Battlefield Atmosphere Team felt a little wary, but did not show it on their faces. They just calmly watched him and saw what tricks he was going to do.

  However, what he did not expect was that this annoying guy in front of him did not do that. Instead, he took off his military cap, leaned over and bowed.

  Looking at the slightly surprised Pangolin, Favry put his cap back on and said seriously.

  ”I apologize to you for my previous rudeness and arrogance… You are a real hero, not just a person with a false reputation.”

  Seeing this guy apologize humbly, the Battlefield Atmosphere Team’s impression of him changed a little.

  This guy is actually not that annoying, he just attaches more importance to honor and tradition.

  But one thing is one thing.

  He is a member of the Alliance, and everything is based on the interests of the Alliance. He will not be soft when it comes to cheating people.

  ”I accept your apology, although I didn’t take the previous incident to heart.”

  Favry smiled.

  ”Thank you!”

  After a brief exchange, Favry ordered his men to move forward and take over the deserted position from the retreating Alliance troops.

  The dense bullet holes on the wall and the bloodstains and corpses on the ground that had not been cleaned up in time were enough to show how fierce the previous battle was.

  In order to take this position, the Alliance obviously paid a great price.

  Now all of this has become the wedding dress of the Legion.

  Favri was so happy to get such a big bargain from the Alliance.

  If he was not on the front line, he would have to keep his head clear at all times. He would have wanted to take out the bottle of wine and drink a few sips to release his excitement.

  However, just as he was patiently waiting for good news from the search team ahead, a loud bang suddenly came from somewhere deep in the ruins ahead.

  The explosion was like a thunderclap that shook the concrete debris on the ground.

  Favri, who was still daydreaming, was startled by the sound on the spot. The Willant soldiers surrounding him also raised their rifles as if they were facing a great enemy and aimed at the direction of the explosion. More than

  a dozen Willant soldiers in protective clothing rushed out of the ruins along with the dust raised by the explosion.

  Grabbing a centurion who had escaped in a panic, Favri roared and asked.

  ”What happened just now?!”

  ”No, I don’t know… I was cleaning the battlefield, and the team in front of me was suddenly blown up.” The centurion stammered, his face full of shock, and when he looked at the ruins, his eyes were full of fear.

  It happened too suddenly, there was no time to react at all!

  The battlefield atmosphere team certainly knew what happened, but they still pretended to be deep in thought for a while before speaking.

  ”It’s probably a dud that didn’t explode.”

  Favre was completely confused.

  ”… A dud that didn’t explode?”

  ”Of course, it exploded now.”

  Although this was nonsense, the battlefield atmosphere team still said it seriously.

  The sudden explosion made all the excited Willant people feel a little gloomy in their hearts.

  Sure enough, free things are the most expensive. It seems that things are not as simple as they imagined…

  Just when the Willant people were busy playing the “minesweeper game”, a “Viper” transport plane dragging a light blue plume was slowly landing on the deck of the Heart of Steel.

  Seeing Kallen jumping off the transport plane, Heya rushed over excitedly, scaring the former who had not yet stood firmly and almost fell to the ground.

  ”You, what are you doing…”

  ”Master!! ”

  Unable to restrain her thoughts any longer, the emotional Heya hugged Kallen and rested her chin on her shoulder and sobbed. Soon she was crying with tears in her eyes.

  Kallen was frightened by her reaction and froze in place, standing still, not daring to speak, and not knowing what was wrong with this person.

  As for the soldiers standing around, especially Lv Bei of the Guards, they stared at this guy vigilantly.

  Although she had made meritorious contributions in the previous battle, it still did not change the fact that she was a researcher of the Torch.

  He must be careful to deal with various possible emergencies…

  Compared with Lv Bei and his group who were “facing a great enemy”, Chu Guang seemed very casual, at least he did not write caution on his face.

  Of course, this does not mean that he is completely at ease with this Kallen.

  There are too many suspicious points about her, including the Shelter 20 that the Burning Legion is still searching and investigating, and the rows of brains stored in the shelter…

  Perhaps, he should go to the official website forum to seek the wisdom of the masses…


  (Thanks to the leader “Gear Gale” for the reward!!!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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