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Chapter 799: They really dug it out?!

Chapter 799: They really dug it out?!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 799: They really dug it out? !

  ”MMP! There are too many people!”

  Dawn City, the train station in the northern suburbs.

  A cursed complaint was drowned in the noisy voices, and followed the crowded crowd from the platform to the exit of the security check passage.

  It is now December, and Dawn City is the coldest time of the year.

  However, perhaps because there are more people, or perhaps because the air conditioning is turned on enough, the crowded station does not feel the winter cold at all, but rather makes people feel a little hot.

  ”Damn it… I finally squeezed out.”

  Finally squeezed into an open place, [No Family] breathed a sigh of relief, and then stretched the muscles that were about to be squeezed apart.

  In the distance are streets and squares that are plated golden by the sun, and the giant statue of the hammer symbolizing order stands in the center of the square.

  Squinting their eyes and looking at this familiar yet unfamiliar scene, the family members couldn’t help but put on a happy smile on their faces. Not only did they feel much better, but the bad luck on their bodies was also swept away.

  Three days ago, when he was landing on the Death Coast, he was accidentally taken away by a self-destructing mutant hiding in a trench.

  In the words of several of his teammates, he flew directly into the sky like a rocket, and when he fell, he couldn’t even find a complete body.

  No wonder he couldn’t reconnect no matter how hard he tried.

  Just like that, he scratched his head and fidgeted for three days offline, and now he is finally back online.

  ”Ha ha ha” took a few deep breaths of the intoxicating air of Dawn City, and felt much more comfortable. [No Family] walked towards the direction of North Street with a satisfied look on his face.

  Before changing to an airship and rushing to French Fries Port, he planned to go to North Street to get some food and walk around to see the scenery.

  Since the Battle of Heaven began, he has been active in the southern sea area. It has been more than half a year since he came back to take a look.

  Now walking on this familiar yet unfamiliar street, listening to the hawking of vendors on both sides, he actually felt a little “like a person who has lost himself in the countryside”.

  ”Fresh tropical fruits! Durian bigger than a wash basin! Baiyue Company’s cold chain air transport! Don’t miss it if you pass by~”

  ”Grilled cold noodles! Freshly grilled cold noodles!”

  ”Intelligent wearable devices from Ideal City! Using the latest holographic projection equipment, you can change your mood at any time. One piece of clothing is better than the whole wardrobe!”

  ”The Free State’s bionic companion is the most practical in the entire wasteland! Our company’s products can meet all your needs, and can also learn independently based on the image data you input. Come and have a look!” The

  shouting of hawkers is endless.

  No family strolled leisurely on the street, looking around with interest to see if there are any new and strange things here that they haven’t seen.

  ”…There are more and more good things in this Dawn City.”

  Just when he walked back to the vicinity of the square, he suddenly saw a group of strange guys.

  They were wearing white robes, holding a stack of flyers in their hands, and handed them out to everyone they met.

  Perhaps because they thought they looked too suspicious, the passers-by they were targeting moved aside, so that they handed out for a long time and still had a large stack in their hands.

  However, although they had not handed out many flyers, they were not discouraged at all and still persevered in trying to stuff flyers into the hands of passers-by.

  As if they had noticed the sight of [No Family], the young men in white robes briefly exchanged a few words, and soon one of them came up with a flyer.

  ”Friend, do you want to know more about the Equality Society?”

  ”Let me take a look.”

  Curious about what these guys were going to do, No Family took the flyers from their hands with interest and read them carefully.

  At first, he thought that this so-called “Equality Society” was probably some kind of “Manager Fan Club” organized by the people spontaneously. After all, what Dawn City lacked the most was fans of irrational managers, and similar things had happened before.

  As a result, when he was halfway through reading, he suddenly realized that this “Equality Society” had nothing to do with Dawn City at all, but was an “overseas salvation organization” spontaneously formed by overseas survivors of the Borneo Province.

  The flyer not only contains the governance philosophy of the Equality Society, but also the specific action program they have formulated to achieve the grand goal of “establishing an equal society in the Borneo Province”.

  The guy who wrote this is a talent!

  [No Family] The more he read, the more surprised he was, and his eyes couldn’t help but brighten up.

  I didn’t expect that in that land where people eat each other, there would be such a progressive voice!

  While he was looking at the flyer, the young man who handed him the flyer was not idle either, and he had been promoting his organization with all his strength.

  ”…The wasteland is experiencing unprecedented changes. We can’t continue to sleep. We must unite! Only when all of us act for the same goal can we overthrow the corrupt feudal empire and move towards a new era with other friends in the wasteland!”

  When he spoke, the young man’s eyes were shining, and his impassioned voice made the old man’s heart boil with blood.

  At this moment, he suddenly noticed the triangular badge at the end of the flyer, so he asked curiously.

  ”What is this?”

  The young man saw his eyes fall on the triangular badge and hurriedly introduced it enthusiastically.

  ”This is the badge of the Equality Society!”

  No Family Member was surprised.

  ”You even made the badge?”

  ”Of course!” The young man continued with a proud expression, “We want to build a society like an equilateral triangle! This new society will no longer have the distinction between high and low, and each side and each angle are equally important to the other side and the other angle!”

  No Family Member touched his chin and thought for a moment.

  ”It sounds interesting… But even if it is an equilateral triangle, one side must face down to stand firm, right?”

  The young man said with a smile.

  ”Why must one side face down? We can lay it flat, just like drawing it on paper, so there will be no distinction between up and down, right?”

  No Family Member was stunned with surprise and couldn’t speak for a while. It took him a long time to open his mouth.

  ”What a talent! Did you come up with these?”

  But as soon as he opened his mouth to say this, he quickly thought that this statement was a bit of a sophistry.

  After all, let alone an equilateral triangle, even a circle or a square, if thrown flat on the ground, would have no up or down distinction.

  But saying this would make him seem like he was being argumentative, so he kept his mouth shut and didn’t point it out.

  The young man only heard his praise, but didn’t notice the subtle expression on his face. He puffed out his chest and said proudly.

  ”This is not something I came up with. It was something our respected Holy Father came up with!”

  ”Holy Father?”

  No Family was stunned for a moment. Just when he was about to ask what this Holy Father was, a strange voice came from not far behind him.

  ”Those are just some false names given to me by my friends without permission. Please don’t take it to heart.”

  Hearing that voice, No Family turned around and saw a man in a white robe walking towards him with a smile on his face, and politely extended his right hand.

  ”My name is Zayed, from Golden Gallon Port.”

  ”Oh, Mr. Zayed… Nice to meet you.” No Family shook hands with him, but didn’t report his ID.

  The man named Zayed didn’t ask his name, but just smiled warmly and continued to explain.

  ”My compatriots still have a very abstract understanding of equality, so I thought of using some figurative methods to make it easier for them to understand. In fact, to put it bluntly, the so-called equality is nothing more than a few words, let the tiller have his own land, the laborer have his own house, the industrialists and businessmen can develop freely, and the intellectuals can gain dignity… We intend to share the things people need equally with everyone, rather than let these things that should belong to everyone be in the hands of a small group of nobles.”

  After hearing his words, No Family members exclaimed sincerely.

  ”I didn’t expect that there would be a thinker like you in the Borneo Province.”

  Zayed laughed and said.

  ”You misunderstood, I am not a thinker, I think… I should be a doer. The Equality Society I founded is based on the concept that action is more important than fantasy. Compared with writing our ideals in newspapers, we are more willing to practice the equality we advocate through actions! Of course, we are still too weak now, and we need the support of knowledgeable people like you, my friend.”

  Hearing this, No Family members couldn’t help but smile shyly, coughed lightly and said.

  ”You are too polite. Compared to a fun-loving person like me who has no ideals, you are the real people of insight.”

  As he said this, he took out a hundred-dollar bill from his pocket and stuffed it into the donation box under the excited eyes of the young men.

  ”It’s just a small gift, not a respect, but I hope it can help you… In addition, I call you family, you can just call me family.”

  ”Family…” Zaid pondered the word over and over again, and his eyes suddenly lit up, “This is a good name…”

  Words like friends and comrades still seem a bit strange.

  However, the word family is different.

  This word seems to contain some kind of magical power, which can bring two strangers who have never met each other closer to each other in an instant.

  The more Zaid thought about it, the more he felt that the person who invented this word was simply a genius.

  Then, he stopped hesitating and looked at the young men standing aside and said.

  ”We have to change our rules. From now on, members of the Equality Society will address each other as family members. We must unite like a family!”

  All the young men looked at the “holy father” with excitement and said in unison.

  ”Yes! Family!”

  No Family, who was standing aside, was shocked by the group of people calling him “family” and explained quickly.

  ”What I mean is that my name is Family, not what you think… Hey! You should listen to me.”

  He wanted to correct them, but it seemed too late.

  These people learned very quickly and had completely accepted this new setting. In the end, he had to give up persuading them.

  In fact, what to call it is secondary. The key is to see what is done. As long as they think about uniting everyone, what is the difference between calling it the Equality Society and calling it the Family Society?

  No Family convinced himself in his heart.

  Moreover, this guy named Zayed seems to be a little more reliable than that Lacy.

  Although the latter is a capable person, his way of doing things is indeed a bit rough.

  For the sake of the survivors who suffered in the wasteland, he sincerely hoped that his name and the one hundred dollar bill could bring them a little bit of good luck…

  If only they could succeed.


  On the other side, in the abandoned urban area of ​​Haibei City.

  Since the Torch that occupied this area was defeated, this area has become lively at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  There was a clanging sound near the crooked concrete building wreckage.

  The Weyland soldiers holding shovels worked with their backs facing the ruins, wishing to dig up the entire thunder.

  Favrey didn’t believe it. His luck was really that bad. There was nothing in the ruins under his feet except a pile of concrete debris. He couldn’t

  dig anything under the fortress built by the mutants, so he ordered to expand the excavation range.

  There were not enough people, so he asked Korway for another 1,000 workers to reinforce.

  The whole construction site was covered with dust, and from a distance it looked like they were fighting with the Alliance.

  The battlefield guy thought that this guy was a little crazy, and he couldn’t help but blame his good brothers for being too cruel.

  In fact, Favry was indeed like that.

  At this moment, he was like a gambler who had lost all his money, and he was completely competing with the ruins under his feet, making his subordinates miserable.

  Just then, a surprised cry suddenly came from the construction site.

  I saw a Willant soldier holding a shovel, limping over with mud all over his body, shouting as he ran.

  ”Sir! We dug something up!”

  Favry, who was chewing on dry food, was delighted when he heard the words, and quickly stuffed the beef jerky and cold bread that were as hard as a shoe horn into his pocket, and hurriedly walked towards the Willant soldier.

  Regardless of the dirty mud on the soldier’s body, he grabbed the soldier’s shoulder and asked excitedly.

  ”What did you dig up?”

  ”An underground space!” The soldier swallowed nervously, his eyes full of excitement, and gestured with his hands, “The area is about this big… It can fit hundreds of tanks!”

  He didn’t know how to describe the spaciousness of the space, so he could only use this abstract example to describe it.

  Seeing that this guy gestured for a long time but couldn’t make any sense, Favry felt itchy in his heart, so he simply pushed him to the front.

  ”Take me there quickly!”

  The soldier nodded hurriedly.


  Looking at the two people walking hurriedly towards the depths of the ruins, the battlefield atmosphere group, who were sitting not far away and chewing on dry food, suddenly showed a surprised expression on their faces.

  ”Good fellow… Did they really dig something up?!”

  Thinking of this, he could not sit still any longer. He quickly patted his pants and stood up. He followed the two men quietly, intending to see what was going on.

  The group soon arrived at their destination.

  Hundreds of laborers with shovels were standing next to a half-collapsed concrete building.

  In the middle of the crowd, there was a passage that extended diagonally downward.

  The passage was very spacious and could accommodate two chariots running in parallel without being crowded. No wonder the Willant soldiers used tanks as an example.

  Not only that, the concrete walls here were formed at a different time from the concrete buildings outside. The latter obviously had a history of more than two centuries, while the former had a history of only 150 years at most.

  Seeing the two centurions coming over here, the technical officer standing next to the ruins quickly stood up and saluted Favry and Pangolin respectively.

  ”Sir, you are here!”

  After a simple salute, Favry stared at the artificially excavated passage and asked impatiently.

  ”What’s the situation of this passage?”

  The technical officer quickly explained, seeing the excitement in the eyes of the centurion Favry.

  ”We just discovered this passage, and its specific situation is still unclear. At present, we can only confirm that this tunnel was built around the 50th year of the Wasteland Era… and was buried around the 70th year of the Wasteland Era.”

  ”Around the 70th year of the Wasteland Era…”

  The Battlefield Atmosphere Team chewed on this sentence again and again, and suddenly reacted.

  Isn’t this time exactly when Shelter No. 20 stopped operating?

  In other words…

  The reason why Shelter No. 20 stopped operating for the first time was related to this facility? !

  The Battlefield Atmosphere Team, who realized this, was immediately shocked.

  Good guy!

  He really made his words come true!

  Without noticing the change in the expression on the face of “Pangolin”, Favry just frowned subconsciously after hearing the conclusion drawn by the technical officer.

  70 years of the Wasteland Era?

  That must have happened a long time ago.

  The Torch Church is something that happened in the last ten years or so, so this relic is probably not related to the Torch…

  But since his men had finally dug out this relic, he still asked with interest.

  ”What is buried under this passage?”

  The technical officer standing at the entrance of the cave and the engineer next to him looked at each other.

  Seeing the former kick the ball to himself, the engineer looked at Captain Favre and made a helpless expression.

  ”We don’t know either… There should have been a large-scale collapse here before, and we just dug out this passage, and there are a lot of building materials and garbage piled up inside that need to be cleaned up. We have sent an exploration team down, but they need some time.”

  As if worried that Favre was anxious, the engineer added another sentence.

  ”But from the garbage just cleaned up, we can preliminarily infer that there should be a survivor settlement underneath.”

  Favre was stunned.


  The engineer nodded seriously.

  ”That’s right… a settlement that is about 100 years old! And it is likely that it was born in the early Wasteland Era! There may be a shelter nearby. After all, many settlements in the early Wasteland Era were built near the shelter, or even at the entrance of the shelter!”

  Although the ruins of a survivor settlement could not arouse any interest in Favry, if a shelter was added, the meaning would be completely different.

  Favry’s face immediately showed an excited expression, and he urged.

  ”Then what are you waiting for here! Hurry up and dig! Go dig!”

  Hearing this nonsense, the technical officer on the side hurriedly persuaded.

  ”Someone is already digging, and only so many people can go down at a time. If more people go down, something will happen!”

  ”Okay, okay! Then hurry up! If you have any requests, just make them, and I will do my best to help you!”

  Favry rubbed his hands excitedly, and couldn’t suppress the joy on his face.

  But the pangolin standing behind him was calm and calm, which was admirable.

  However, the crowd did not know that although the pangolin had no expression on his face, he was actually greeting all the mothers present.

  What should he do?

  He could only pray silently that there was really only a grave under the passage…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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