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Chapter 80 The Most Black-Hearted Boss in History

Chapter 80 The Most Black-Hearted Boss in History


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 80 The Most Black-Hearted Boss in History

  106 Silver 5 Bronze!

  This staggering amount of money shocked the entire shelter.

  It has only been a morning since the bounty was posted, and someone has already completed the first kill!

  Isn’t this efficiency high? !

  As soon as the manager turned around and left, a group of players swarmed up, surrounded the four cows and horses of the cow and horse team, and asked with admiration.

  ”Brother! Where did you find the predator? Did you go to the tire factory?”

  ”Destroy the team without any damage, this is too powerful!”

  ”Boss, please lead me!”

  Being surrounded by so many players, anyone would be flattered, let alone Ye Shi who was talking nonsense. This guy rubbed his nose with his index finger and said with a grin.

  ”I’m sorry, brother Meng, our team is full, and we won’t add any more people. But don’t worry, our brother Fang Chang will update the guide tonight. It’s just a few predators, and you only need hands!”

  ”What? You asked me how I defeated six people? That’s a long story! At that time, the six fierce and ferocious strong men were walking towards us, and they were about to find us. Without saying a word, I drew my dagger, ready to jump and slash…”

  Fang Chang glanced at him and couldn’t complain.

  Kuang Feng looked away and pretended not to know this guy.

  Only Lao Bai was more straightforward. He couldn’t stand this guy pretending to be cool there, so he stretched out his hand and pulled him away from the crowd.

  ”Hey, hey, hey, don’t pull me, I haven’t finished yet!”

  ”Talk about it!”

  ”Stop talking nonsense, let’s prepare for the next wave!”

  As the first team to try it, the people of the Niu Ma team became the focus of heated discussion among other players.

  As for the three looters who were hanged on the gallows and the bodies that were sent to the active substance extractor, no one cared.

  After all, the manager’s hatred of evil had long been impressed in their minds, and it was expected that they would refine these people.

  Unable to bear Ye Shi’s bragging, Fang Chang and others did not stay in front of the north gate for long. They collected 120 silver coins with the bonus they had just received, and then went straight to the weapon store.

  Soon, they became the first customer of Xiayan Xiaogaigai and bought the first 7mm bolt-action rifle sold in the entire weapon store!

  In addition to 6 7mm steel core copper bullets priced at 1 silver coin, and 10 cheap and inferior bullets, Fang Chang, who had paid the money, handed these things to Ye Shi.

  In the case that everyone’s shooting skills are similar, it is the best choice for players with the perception system to serve as shooters.

  Lao Bai can throw javelins and is also very brave in close combat. Fang Chang can use bows and arrows to support himself. Now his proficiency is quite high, and he may not be weaker than muskets in medium and short distances. As for the intelligence-type Kuangfeng, throwing a fire bottle or sealing a mine at a critical moment is enough, and it is unrealistic to expect him to output.

  At least in the current version, the intelligence type is indeed a bit lame, but who can say what will happen in the future?

  Maybe in which version, the intelligence type will become the boss.

  ”… My archery skills are okay, and this bow can still last for a while. Good brother, this is the only 98K in our team! Don’t use it to shoot random shots!”

  ”Don’t worry, good brother! I will never let you down!” Taking it solemnly from Fang Chang’s hand, Ye Shi held the gun with a touched face and swore to use it well.

  He looked so cherished that he wanted to remove the paint on the barrel.

  If there was paint…

  Just like that, the silver coins that the Niu Ma team had just received from the manager were spent in the weapon store before they were warm.

  Not only that, in order to replenish gunpowder, arrows and other supplies, the four people also put in some savings.

  However, the four people did not feel any pain.

  Money is meant to be spent. Investing in equipment will make more money soon.

  This hunting trip brought them a taste of sweetness.

  In addition to the experience gained in the battle, as well as the bounty and contribution, the spoils taken from the looters also belonged to them privately.

  Although they were all melee weapons and simple armor, they could still be used. Even if they could not use them themselves, it was not a problem to sell them to other players for a few silver coins.

  The four people who set out on their journey again were ambitious and ready to do the next job.

  It would be better to do a big wave this time.

  If you can knock down a few people with guns, you will really make a fortune!

  A gun in a weapon shop is at least 100 silver coins. It is not too much to set up a stall in the market to sell it to players for 50 silver coins? As

  long as it can make a sound, there will definitely be a lot of people coming to buy it!

  Fang Chang was humming a song and walking farther and farther away, while Chu Guang was still standing near the weapon shop, observing the nearby players for a while.

  It can be clearly felt that, stimulated by the “wealth myth” of the Niu Ma squad, many players are ready to move, and are hesitating whether to use the money saved for buying land to buy guns.

  Anyway, now the contribution points are not enough, and you are not at the citizen level, you can’t buy land even if you have money. It’s better to buy a gun to fight bandits to make money and brush contribution!

  Especially seeing the four Niu Ma of the Niu Ma squad, they killed a team without guns. If they had guns, they would kill them indiscriminately?

  Seeing that these little players were already tempted, Chu Guang decided to add fuel to their hearts.

  So, Chu Guang waved to the owner of the weapon shop, motioned her to come over, handed her a wooden board that had been prepared long ago, and said.

  ”Hang this wooden sign at the door later.”

  Xia Yan asked with a confused look on his face after taking the sign from Chu Guang.

  ”What’s written on it?”

  Chu Guang replied concisely.

  ”All revolvers in our store are 10% off, and the discount ends at 12:00 am today. The 15 revolvers are sold out while supplies last, and the restocking time is yet to be determined.”

  Holding the wooden sign in her hand, Xia Yan looked at him strangely.

  ”Is it necessary to discount? Anyway, there is only one store in the base.”

  ”Do I want the coins in their pockets? Superficial!” Not wanting to waste time explaining, Chu Guang said impatiently, “Don’t talk nonsense, just do what I tell you to do, go quickly.”

  Maybe his wording was a bit too strong.

  Xia Yan’s body trembled obviously, and she didn’t dare to talk back, so she took the wooden sign and went obediently.

  Very satisfied with her obedient performance, Chu Guang nodded approvingly, and continued to stand aside and admire his masterpiece.

  As he expected, as soon as Xia Yan returned to the weapon shop and hung the sign at the door, the players who were still hesitating saw the attractive discount and immediately took out the silver coins in their pockets and frantically bought the weapons they had long admired on the shelves.

  The price of the revolver rifle was very cheap, 110 silver before the discount, and only 99 silver after the discount, even less than 100!

  And the most important thing is that the revolver rifle is semi-automatic, as long as you pull it out quickly, it can be used as a burst!

  Isn’t this much better than the bolt-action rifle?

  Buy it and you’ll make a profit!

  Looking at these crazy little players, Chu Guang couldn’t help laughing.

  They will know after they buy it.

  Sometimes shooting too fast is not a good thing.

  The price of this thing is cheaper than the bolt-action iron barrel rifle produced in Boulder City, not without reason!

  Of course, even with a 10% discount, there are still only a few players who can take out 99 silver coins at a time.

  Among the rifles sold, at least half were bought by three or four regular teammates who played together.

  For a standard three-person team, one gun is actually enough.

  Three people take turns playing, and the other two use crossbows, projectiles, and other melee weapons for support. When you have almost figured out how to play, it is not too late for the whole team to change guns.

  In the early days of starting a business, the conditions are a bit difficult, so save as much as you can.

  Sooner or later, everyone will have one!

  The 15 revolver rifles were quickly sold out.

  Under the stimulation of the promotion, not only the broken guns seized from the looters were also sold, but also the two Boulder City iron pipe rifles that were not discounted were sold. Now there is only one 9mm left hanging alone on the shelf.

  Although those players who didn’t buy guns were a little regretful, they were not discouraged and came up with other ideas.

  Some smart players simply took the opportunity to sell DIY weapons.

  The entrance of Boss Xia’s weapon store suddenly became a large-scale py trading site.

  ”Anyone want to buy the Engineer’s Happy Stick? It’s super useful! Only one silver coin per

  stick, buy now!” “Damn it! You dare to sell it for one silver coin when there’s wire wrapped around it? At least tie a blade to it!”

  ”What do you know? This is called piercing + blunt damage! If you tie a blade to it, it’s just slashing damage!”

  ”Sorry, I choose an axe!”

  ”Anyone want to buy the crossbow? It’s produced by the carpenter’s hut. The original price was 20 silvers, but now it’s only 15 silvers, and it comes with 5 crossbow arrows. I don’t need this thing when I change to a gun, so if you want it, please contact me privately!”

  ”Can it be cheaper? I only have 14 silvers in my pocket.”

  ”Oh, forget it, just treat it as making friends.”

  ”Steel Breastplate! Want the same breastplate as the Plunderer! It doesn’t cost 99 or 88, just 2 silver coins, and you can take the melee weapon home!”

  Trading between players is worth promoting, but you also have to choose the right occasion.

  Seeing that these players who are shouting and bidding have already hindered traffic, if they are left alone, they will block the road to the warehouse.

  So Chu Guang stopped hanging up, took two steps forward, coughed heavily, and said to the group of players.

  ”It is forbidden to occupy the road in the outpost base. If you need to trade, please go to the market in front of the north gate.”

  ”This is not a place to set up stalls!”

  Seeing the manager speak, the players dispersed and rushed to the north gate outside the base to continue the unfinished transactions.

  As these players left, the entrance of the weapon store finally became deserted.

  ”Can I take a holiday? There is only one gun left on the shelf.” Looking at Chu Guang who was walking towards her, Xia Yan asked expectantly.

  The weather was getting colder and colder. She was shivering even

  in her deerskin coat, and it was difficult to take a nap. Compared to staying outside, Xia Yan wanted to blow the heating in the shelter.

  It was much more comfortable to sleep there than outside!

  ”Of course not, your job is not just selling guns.”

  Chu Guang rejected her naive idea mercilessly and continued with a smile.

  ”I need you to make at least 100 bullets before you get off work. If you can’t do it, I’m afraid I can only let you sleep in the weapon shop tonight.”

  Xia Yan widened her eyes and exclaimed.

  ”You can’t do this, I will freeze to death!”

  ”Don’t talk so pitifully, you can freeze to death before it’s even below zero, how did you survive before? Didn’t Luca also sleep in the hut next to the warehouse? Don’t worry, I will prepare a warm blanket for you, and plenty of charcoal. But remember not to close the door too tightly when burning that thing, it will be safer to let in some wind.”

  Looking at the pitiful Xia Yan, Chu Guang had an innocent expression on his face, “Don’t look at me like that, I’m doing this for your own good, so that you won’t be too bored and doze off, and it’s easy to catch a cold if you fall asleep here.”

  ”You big profiteer! Black-hearted boss! I don’t trust you!”

  Seeing that pretending to be pitiful was useless, Xia Yan, whose true nature was exposed, gnashed her teeth for a while, but in the end she couldn’t do anything about Chu Guang. Her

  intuition told her that he could really do it.

  ”Okay… 100 bullets, right? I can do it, right?”

  ”Isn’t that right? People have to work to survive. Think positively. At least rolling bullets is not life-threatening… If you are careful,” Chu Guang reminded Xia Yan, who looked depressed, in a caring tone, “By the way, I will check the quality. I advise you not to just get by.”

  ”Of course, if you perform very well, for example… complete 50 extra bullets, and the quality is acceptable, I will give you a reward.”

  Upon hearing the reward, Xia Yan, who was still depressed a second ago, instantly became energetic and looked up with hope.

  ”What reward? Chocolate?”

  ”No chocolate, but there are still a few chocolate-flavored lollipops.”

  This guy is completely in love with chocolate…

  Looking at Xia Yan who picked up the tools and started working, Chu Guang nodded with satisfaction and finally left with peace of mind. On

  the other side, the players in front of the north gate did not delay for a moment after completing the transaction, and rushed to the outside of Linghu Wetland Park under the stimulation of the bounty.

  They spread out to the north along the elevated road, searching for the traces of the looters.

  The wild magpies lurking in the north of the abandoned construction site were frightened. They were afraid of alerting the looters and affecting the offensive at night, so they retreated a kilometer before stopping.

  Although it was a pity that they did not find the looters and only caught some mutant rats, cockroaches, and hyenas, these little players did not gain nothing. They still caught a lot of prey before dark and replenished their granaries.

  Compared with a week ago, hunting is indeed much more difficult now.

  There are signs that the migrating deer are leaving the northern suburbs of Qingquan City and moving south along the edge of the city.

  It’s so cold that even the hyenas are hiding in their dens. It

  ’s a bit unrealistic to expect to run into a few wandering mutant hyenas just by strolling around like before. What

  players encounter more in the city are gnawers that have no hunting value.

  As it gets darker and earlier, these photophobic aliens are more active than before, which makes it difficult for players to hunt.

  They will emerge from the shadows like zombies, lock on to their prey and rush forward, which is difficult to deal with in narrow urban terrain and ruins.

  The night gradually deepened.

  The urban area outside the wetland park was the first to be shrouded in darkness.

  The players who went out returned one after another, and the outpost became lively.

  As before, these players set up stalls in front of the north gate, shouting loudly and trading today’s harvest with others.

  Some more active players no longer simply sell materials, but simply start catering.

  For example, Yaya, who sells mushrooms.

  This little player is getting better and better. He bought a big pot, lit a fire with charcoal, and started stewing directly at the stall in front of the north gate.

  The price of roasted mushrooms is 2 copper coins per string, and mushroom soup is 3 copper coins per bowl – you need to bring your own bowl.

  ”Selling mushrooms, fresh mushroom soup, and roasted mushrooms, come and buy ducks.”

  A large circle of people gathered in front of the stall.

  ”Boss Ya, can your mushrooms dance?”

  ”Can you sing the Great Compassion Mantra?

  ” “Can you release them after they are cooked?

  ” “Can you stew a Paimon in the pot?”

  ”Boss Ya, can you perform a pot stewing yourself?”

  ”Do you want me to die!!”

  I have to admit that the mushroom soup is really delicious. Even Chu Guang was greedy and couldn’t help but buy two bowls, one for Xia Yan.

  Sitting in front of the weapon store and rubbing bullets all day, Xia Yan’s fingers were rubbed red, his stomach was rumbling, and he felt very wronged.

  Looking at the hot mushroom soup handed over by Chu Guang, the little girl was moved to tears. She picked up the bowl and drank it all up.

  ”What kind of soup is this! Wow, it’s too delicious!”

  Chu Guang had a kind smile on his face.

  ”It’s just an ordinary bowl of mushroom soup. Don’t mind. I’ll treat you.”

  ”Can you be so nice?” Xia Yan held the bowl in his hand and looked at him suspiciously, “I always feel something is wrong. Are you hiding something from me?”

  ”Am I that kind of person?”

  Seeing that she even licked the bowl clean, Chu Guang waited for a while before picking up his own bowl and taking a small sip.


  It tastes really good. It tastes like chicken soup. Could it be the legendary chanterelle mushroom? I didn’t expect that there are so many good things in this forest.

  It’s just that the salt is a little less.


  Outside the wall.

  Forty little newbies carrying shovels finally received today’s wages after completing the last shovel of the trench.

  A total of 10 silver coins, plus 100 contribution points.

  For a novice, this income can be said to be quite considerable.

  With a shovel stuck at his feet, [Sparing Life], who was standing by the trench, was excited and spoke to these newbies in an impassioned voice.

  ”Congratulations, you have proved your loyalty with your actions!”

  ”Look at our feet and behind us, this trench will become our most solid first line of defense, and this is the joint achievement of you and me!”

  This knife brother said everything Chu Guang wanted to say in an impassioned voice.

  After thinking about it, there was nothing to add. Chu Guang walked in front of these newbies who were covered in dust but full of joy on their faces, and skillfully made a summary.

  ”Welcome to the wasteland.”

  ”From now on, this will be your second home.”

  The announcement was made to disband.

  The newbies ran to the market at the north gate, and they couldn’t wait to spend money.

  Many people were already hungry.

  Digging trenches here doesn’t even include food. Only ghosts would do this job in real life!

  The bustle continued until late at night, and as the gate closed, the noisy noise gradually died down.

  Guards were standing guard on the wall.

  Inside the wall was a bustling industrial area.

  Chu Guang, who was sitting on the third floor of the sanatorium, yawned and glanced at the time behind Xiao Qi. He hadn’t realized that it was already twelve o’clock.

  Twelve o’clock in the morning.

  The first shift change of the night had begun.

  Chu Guang stood up from the armchair that Mosquito had made for him, stretched his waist, and reached out to pick up Xiao Qi.

  ”Let’s go, I’ll take you to charge.”


  ”What’s wrong?”

  ”There are about 11 people about 521 meters away from our north wall. There are 10 more people who have gone around to our northwest side and are moving to the west, with a straight-line distance of 611 meters.”

  ”…What?” Chu Guang, who was holding Xiao Qi, was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously stretched his neck to glance out the window, “Why can’t I see anything.”

  Xiao Qi tilted the camera and answered as a matter of course.

  ”Because my camera can capture infrared light, generally speaking most cameras can do it, right?”


  What the hell?

  A sneak attack?

  Chu Guang, who was a little sleepy at first, was no longer sleepy in an instant.

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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