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Chapter 801: The Fall of the “Human Emperor”

Chapter 801: The Fall of the “Human Emperor”


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 801 The Fall of the “Human Emperor”

  […After a long battle, as the Alliance’s troops advanced into the territory of Haibei City and successfully joined forces with the 370,000th Corps of the Legion that entered Haiya Province from the north, Haiya Province, which had long been lost in the hands of the Torch, finally ushered in the dawn of peace. ]

  [Out of fear of the trial of the War Court, the top leaders of the Torch Church chose to go into exile in outer space after their stubborn resistance failed. ]

  [At present, the battle in the Haiya Province area has entered the final stage. The Sticky Community Coalition has controlled more than 87% of the war zone, and more than 90% of the “Heavenly Realm” has been disintegrated. The corruption of Naguo is being cleared from this sacred land. ]

  [Faced with the overwhelming coalition forces, the resistance of the Torch Church has become increasingly passive. The remaining Torch Apostles and their mutant supporters have withdrawn from the front line of Guangtian City to the Luosong Mountain area, trying to rely on the dangerous terrain for a final struggle. However, they will soon find that the last struggle is futile, and their only way out is to surrender and confess to the dead. 】

  【As of last night, the Jungle Corps and Storm Corps of the Alliance were advancing towards Luosong Mountain in two directions. The armored forces of the Alliance have blocked all possibilities for the remnants of the Torch Church to retreat. In an interview with our reporter, the head of the Storm Corps said that they will live up to the expectations of the people of the Alliance, strike hard at the initiators of the chaos, sweep across the battlefield like a storm, and bring victory and glory back to Dawn City! 】

  【”Survivor Daily·Dawn City Edition” reports for you! 】

  Singularity City, Pine Cone Farm.

  Rows of leafless fruit trees are hung with broken snow, and in the distance is an endless field ridge.

  Frost, sitting on the balcony, flipped through the newspaper in his hand, with a sunny smile on his face.

  ”Oh, Eclipse, this damn war is finally over, and the good days are finally coming back.”


  Slightly different from the smiling Frost, Eclipse seemed to be a little regretful for not being able to go to the front line.

  Noticing its expression, Frost asked in confusion.

  ”Is it my illusion? You don’t seem to be very interested.”

  Eclipse’s pupils flickered slightly, and he said in a casual tone.

  ”It’s not your illusion, my interest is indeed average… After all, the whole war is over, but I am completely useless. I really feel ashamed of the taxpayers of Ideal City.”

  Frost looked at it in surprise.

  ”How can you say that about yourself? We supplied so many supplies to the front! Even the respected manager said that our contribution is indispensable for this war to be so easily won.”

  Listening to the chirping in his ears, Eclipse sighed softly and continued expressionlessly.

  ”That being said, I am a bionic man designed for war purposes after all. Even if I have made outstanding achievements in other fields, I am afraid it will be difficult for me to be happy if I cannot play a role on the front battlefield.”

  ”Well… you actually think so.” Han Shuang’s face showed a shocked expression at his companion’s answer.

  Standing next to the two, Yin Yin, who had not said a word from beginning to end, was staring at the south.

  Since the beginning of this war, she has spent some time every day staring at the sky in the south.

  As if she saw something, she suddenly spoke without warning.

  ”…I gradually can’t feel their existence.”

  Her consciousness is hosted on the bionic chip left by Luo Qian, which is why she can survive in a digital form after death.

  Because the chip that carries her mind and the chips used by other pioneers of the Torch Church are based on similar algorithms, she has always been able to vaguely sense the existence of other bionic chips that also belong to the Torch Church.

  As the front line advances, her perception of those chips is getting weaker and weaker.

  Apparently, as the “Survivor Daily” said, the torch is gradually losing control of the ground –

  there are only a few apostles carrying chips left!

  Looking at Yinyin whose thoughts were drifting away, Han Shuang smiled and said.

  ”Isn’t that good? Those crazy people finally got out of this planet.”

  Yinyin sighed softly and said softly.

  ”If that’s the case, it would be great… but I always feel that they won’t give up so easily.”

  To this day, she still remembers the tragedy that happened in this manor.

  Under the corrosion of Naguo, the originally amiable people all turned into ghost-like existences… Even she herself had sunk into it uncontrollably.

  The hell of Jinchuan Province has come to an end, and she sincerely hopes that those evil things will never come back.

  However, they obviously won’t give up just like that.

  Whether it’s them who created hell once, or those who manipulated them behind the scenes.

  Looking at the worried little girl, Han Shuang stood up from the chair with a whoosh, put his hand on her head and touched it gently, giving her a reliable smile.

  ”Don’t worry.”

  Looking at Yin Yin with confused eyes, it continued in a soft voice.

  ”…When that time comes, we can just drive them away again.”


  At the same time when the Burning Corps and the 370,000th Corps of the Legion met at the old site of Haibei City, the Jungle Corps, which was heading towards the hinterland of the coastline from another direction, finally marched to the Luosong Mountain area and successfully met with the Storm Corps, which was advancing from the north line to Haiya Province.

  Seeing the big man with a steel plate welded on his chest coming towards him, the spring water, who was in a good mood, laughed and walked forward, saying hello and said.

  ”You can’t do it, brother chicken, we are almost done here and you just came ashore.”

  Midnight Killing Chicken said with a simple smile.

  ”Is there a possibility that it is precisely because we have come ashore that you are pushing so fast.”

  Commander Quanshui smiled and waved his hand.

  ”Oh, that’s impossible. Can these green beasts stop my 37mm cannon? If you landed a few days later, you might not even get a sip of soup.”

  Midnight Killer rolled his eyes.

  ”You’re bragging!”


  The two smiled and exchanged a few pleasantries. They didn’t feel nervous at all as they were at the forefront of the battlefield, even though the Torch’s Inquisition team and mutant scouts were active in the nearby mountainous area.

  Many reconnaissance companies under the Storm Troopers have penetrated into the areas actually controlled by the Torch’s remnants, and marked the Torch’s strategic facilities and suspected strategic facilities.

  At the same time as the two armies met, the Storm Troopers’ artillery positions were ready.

  With just one order, the Torch’s remnant positions can be turned into a sea of ​​fire!

  On the other hand, the remnants of the Torch who retreated to the Luosong Mountain area were in low morale, and they no longer had the arrogance they had when they were in Jinchuan and River Valley Province.

  Those who were able to escape here, whether they were apostles, the Inquisition, or mutants, had suffered at least three defeats and were beaten dizzy by the coalition forces on the front battlefield.

  Not only that.

  On their way to the south, the Alliance’s planes flew over their heads every now and then, and dropped a bomb from time to time.

  They were bombed and cannoned a lot along the way, and many people were frightened by the sound of the plane’s engine. When they heard the movement from the sky, they hurriedly looked for shelter.

  Although the terrain on Luosong Mountain is dangerous, it cannot be more dangerous than the area around Shifeng Mountain.

  Standing on the top of the rocky mountain, the Human Emperor stared at the Alliance’s position in the distance with an expressionless face, and a trace of sadness gradually rose in his heart.

  Even if he was unwilling in his heart, he had to admit that the Kingdom of Heaven in Haiya Province had reached its final moment.

  But what he didn’t expect was that when he realized that the final moment was approaching, he was calmer than he thought.

  It was as if he had accepted the final outcome.

  At this time, heavy footsteps came from the direction of the mountain. An apostle wearing power armor stopped behind him and said in a low voice.

  ”Respected Forerunner, we have lost contact with the base in Haibei City… I tried to contact the headquarters before, but the signal of the Son of God seemed to have disappeared.”

  His name is Baskin, an apostle serving in the “Iron Front” Knights and also the leader of this knight group.

  There are only 677 apostles who retreated to the Luosong Mountain area, including 417 judges of the Tribunal and a small number of non-combat researchers.

  As the most complete knight group at present, the “Iron Peak” Knights only have 120 people left, and it is difficult to support the consumption of a battle.

  Although there are more than 4,000 mutants on the front line, it is impossible to turn the tables with those cannon fodder alone.

  They need more reinforcements!

  Whether it is personnel or equipment, even just a little weapons and ammunition!

  He wanted to learn the whereabouts of the Son of God from the Human Emperor. He believed that the omnipotent Son of God must have other cards!

  However, to his disappointment – and even despair, after hearing the news of the Son of God’s disappearance, the Human Emperor standing in front of him just nodded slightly.

  ”I know.”

  As his voice fell, the air around him returned to silence.

  Looking at the indifferent Human Emperor, Baskin was stunned, and a rare trace of anxiety appeared in his eyes.

  ”My Lord…”

  The Human Emperor turned around and looked at him calmly.

  ”Is there anything else?”

  He was not surprised at the departure of the Son of God. The only surprise was that the guy actually walked ahead of him.

  It seems that the Alliance got intelligence from other places and found Shelter No. 20 before getting rid of him.

  But it doesn’t matter anymore.

  This moment is the last moment.

  From that calm look, Baskin felt a trace of fear of an uncertain future. His Adam’s apple moved, and finally squeezed out a trembling word from his throat.

  ”We…what should we do now?”

  What should we do…

  Hearing the voice trembling with despair, a trace of bitterness appeared on the calm face of the Human Emperor.

  He also wanted to know what to do.

  However, at this critical moment, no matter what he did, it seemed to be in vain.

  For a moment, he suddenly felt that he was sorry for those who followed him.

  He had promised to take them to heaven, but in the end he could only watch them being pulled back to the earth by the heavy gravity.

  The collapse of heaven was inevitable, and they didn’t have to drown in the water with him.

  The Human Emperor was silent for a while, and suddenly spoke.

  ”Escape from here.”

  Baskin was stunned, looking at the Human Emperor in disbelief, as if he couldn’t believe that these words came out of his mouth.

  However, the pioneer he respected continued to say those treasonous words.

  ”Go to a place in the wasteland where no one knows you, where the Alliance can’t find you, bury your ideals, names, and pasts in the soil, and then live your life in anonymity-”


  Baskin suddenly roared angrily, interrupting the Human Emperor’s words.

  At this moment, he was like a wounded beast, with red eyes oozing with terrifying bloodshot.

  Staring at the expressionless Human Emperor, he clenched his fists and spoke word by word.

  ”What I seek from you is a way to continue fighting, not how to live a miserable life. If it is such a humiliating ending, I would rather die at the last moment of the fall of the Kingdom of Heaven!”

  After hearing the words of the apostle, the Human Emperor was silent for a long time and sighed softly.

  ”Is that so… Then I respect your choice. I admit that you are a true warrior. You fought for your ideals until the last moment.”

  Baskin’s lips twitched, looking at the Forerunner who seemed to have given up, and said in a voice with a hint of pleading.

  ”Is there no chance anymore?”

  The Human Emperor shook his head.

  ”… probably no more.”

  After saying this, he slowly raised his head, cast his gaze towards the sky ahead, and whispered to himself.

  Here it comes…

  As soon as the words seemed to have just fallen, a towering figure appeared in the distant sky as promised.

  The indestructible bow split the clouds, revealing the huge 400mm gun barrel and the outline of the armor covered with steel.

  Heart of Steel!

  The long-drawn sound of the air whistle seemed to have sounded the horn of attack.

  Looking at the airship slowly entering the battlefield, the expressionless face of the Emperor suddenly showed a trace of relaxation, and the tense heartstrings also relaxed a little.

  This moment has finally come.

  Everything is over…

  At this moment, there is no madness or despair in his heart, only a sense of relief…

  At the same time, Baskin, who was standing not far behind him, showed a trace of fear in his bloodshot pupils.

  Especially when he saw the fire bursting from the muzzle of the 400mm main gun, he felt his eyes burned by the dazzling fire, and the blood vessels in his body were boiling, as if they were filled with boiling magma.

  ”Prepare for battle!!”

  He roared with all his strength, and then drove all his strength to the nearest bunker.

  He would never admit the failure of the torch!


  Almost at the moment he jumped into the anti-gun cave, the shells that fell from the sky landed on the top of the mountain, and the hot shock wave swept the entire battlefield with billowing smoke!


  The boiling flames were like erupting magma, and everywhere they swept was a scorched earth!

  The soil and rubble poured in from the cave entrance almost buried Baskin who was hiding in the anti-gun cave alive.

  And he was lucky.

  Those apostles who were near the landing point of the shells, especially those who did not have time to run into the anti-gun cave, were directly bombarded by the devastating flames without leaving any slag!

  Baskin struggled to push away the rubble and dirt pressing on his body, barely crawled out of the anti-gun hole, and looked around in horror.

  At this moment, the scene that he would never forget in his life appeared in his desperate eyes.


  The dense rain of fire covered the sky, and the whistling rockets even connected in the air.

  The roar of the buzzer dominated the entire battlefield, even the roar of the explosion was covered.

  Whether it was a mechanical exoskeleton or a power armor, it was like paper in front of the doomsday-like firepower.

  He had just stuck his head out of the explosion hole when he was dizzy by the shock wave of the explosion and stumbled back into the anti-gun hole.

  It was obvious that the Alliance, like them, regarded this battle as the final decisive battle, and had no intention of saving ammunition, let alone any intention of holding back.

  Amid the roar of the rockets, the W-2 ground attack aircraft also swarmed up like locusts, and the machine guns continued to roar, pouring wave after wave of bullets on the battlefield that had just been ploughed by the artillery. The

  judges of the Tribunal were completely stunned.

  Including the apostles of the “Iron Front” Knights, under the fierce firepower, they could only curl up on the ground and wail for mercy.

  Even the mutants who didn’t know what death was, let out a terrified wail under the baptism of the artillery fire.


  A wounded mutant struggled to get up from the trench, waving a shotgun at the sky, and kept firing at the sky.

  It tried to shoot down the flying planes, but it couldn’t even touch the latter’s shadow.

  The incompetent and furious roar not only did not have any effect, but made it look like a clown.

  At this moment, the sound of artillery fire in the distance finally stopped, and was replaced by gunshots from all directions surrounding Luo Songshan.

  The big guys wearing K-10 “Iron Wall” exoskeletons took the lead in launching the attack.

  With a bolter in one hand and a chainsaw in the other, they rushed up the mountain like a flood.

  Finally seeing the enemy there, the mutants who were dizzy from the explosion howled and rushed over, trying to teach the enemy in front of them a profound lesson with their rifles and hammers.

  However, before they even touched the side of the big guys, they were blown into pieces of meat and blood by the roaring bolters, and fell unwillingly on the dark mud.

  However, these mutants had the upper hand in numbers after all, and with the cover of modified prostheses and bulletproof armor, there were still a few lucky ones who broke through the dense firepower network.

  A mutant finally rushed to the door

  of the group of fully armed big guys. However, before it could howl and smash the battle axe in its hand, it was cut open in the chest by the oncoming chainsaw, and cut in half.

  ”Crazy!! Completely crazy!! Hahaha!!!”

  Midnight Chicken roared excitedly as he was in the mood to kill, his body covered with the blood pouring down.

  Seeing the devil-like appearance, the mutants around were scared out of their wits, and for a moment they even forgot who was the man-eater and who was the thing being eaten.

  Not only the mutants were scared, but also the judges of the Tribunal and the apostles of the Knights, almost all of them showed expressions of fear in their eyes, fearing that the plague god would approach them.

  Seeing that man striding in front of him, Baskin swallowed his saliva, and his calves kept going weak.

  Even though he was wearing power armor, the heavy steel did not bring him a trace of security.

  Midnight Chicken stopped, looked down at the guy who was half buried in the anti-gun hole, and cruelly cracked his mouth.

  ”You, just surrender.”

  Although this guy was wearing power armor, Midnight Chicken did not feel any threat from him.

  Too weak.

  This guy is not even an awakener, and he may not have even received genetic modification.

  Hearing the word “surrender”, Baskin felt a surge of blood rushing to his head, and a trace of humiliation surged in his heart.



  ”Go to hell!”

  He struggled to climb out of the explosion-proof hole, pulled out the large-caliber assault rifle hanging on the power armor, stared at the guy holding the chainsaw, and pulled the trigger with a roar.

  Bullets flew towards the man in front of him like raindrops, and were about to hit the burly guy.

  However, just when he was about to succeed, he felt an incredible flash in front of him.

  So fast!!!

  The speed was beyond his understanding of the human body structure, so fast that he couldn’t even see the fleeting afterimage.

  The whistling chainsaw hit his shoulder armor almost instantly, and the air in his lungs was knocked out of his body.


  Just after a short scream came out of his mouth, Baskin felt half of his body flying in the air, and then fell heavily to the ground.

  With his last remaining consciousness, he saw that he was standing motionless with only half of his body left, and the part above his shoulders was just a gushing column of blood.

  The guy with the chainsaw strode past him without even looking at him falling to the ground.

  ”Too weak.”

  The voice with a hint of mockery pushed his remaining consciousness into the abyss, and also completely overthrew the last bit of resistance of the Torch Church.

  Under the cover of artillery fire, the jungle corps that rushed to the mountain was like a branding iron poking into a snowdrift, and without any suspense, it pierced through the Torch Church’s position.

  The positions on Mount Luosong were collapsing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and blood plasma flowed into small rivers in the trenches.

  This can no longer be called a battle, it is simply a one-sided massacre!

  Whether it is the apostles of the Torch or the mutants.

  Since they have chosen to resist to the end, the Alliance will also bring equal death to all of them without mercy…

  On the bridge of the Iron Heart, Chu Guang, standing in front of the French window, overlooked the entire battlefield, without a trace of ripples in his heart.

  Standing beside him, Vanus put down the telescope in his hand and spoke slowly.

  ”This mountainous area should be the last position of the Torch… It seems that before the sun sets today, you can declare victory.”


  Chu Guang nodded, but his thoughts had already drifted away from the battlefield.

  For him, there is nothing to mention about such a sure thing.

  In fact, the coalition had already won the final victory a few days ago.

  Now it’s just the end.

  Suddenly thinking of something, Chu Guang spoke.

  ”After this war is over, I plan to go to the island in the south to have a look.”

  Vanus was slightly stunned, not understanding why the respected manager suddenly mentioned the island in the south.

  However, it seems that there must be some intention that he did not understand.

  Without thinking any more, Vanus nodded slightly and said respectfully.

  ”I will go with you.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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