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Chapter 802: One Night Oolong

Chapter 802: One Night Oolong


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 802 A Night of Mistakes Li

  Haimei, An Shishi, and Lu Xinyao.

  Xu Xiuwen thought about it seriously and finally decided to find Lu Xinyao.

  In fact, Xu Xiuwen wanted to find Li Haimei more.

  He and Li Haimei hadn’t seen each other for a while.

  But considering the existence of Li Ke.

  Xu Xiuwen still chose Lu Xinyao, who lived alone.

  These days, Xu Xiuwen has deliberately ignored Lu Xinyao.

  The main reason is that he hasn’t figured out how to arrange Lu Xinyao.

  When he came to the outside of Lu Xinyao’s residence,

  Xu Xiuwen opened the door directly with the key.

  On the way just now, he didn’t call Lu Xinyao to tell her that he was here.

  He didn’t do this to check on her unexpectedly.

  Although the process of being with Lu Xinyao was tortuous.

  There were also plots such as coercion.

  But he still trusted Lu Xinyao in his heart.

  She is a woman with a good sense of propriety.

  In the past in the company, he had never heard that Lu Xinyao was close to any male employee.

  Instead, he heard that some male colleagues invited her out to play or asked her to have dinner and watch movies.

  She rejected all of them because she had a boyfriend.

  But no one had ever seen her boyfriend.

  So there has always been an unconfirmed rumor in the company.

  That is, Lu Xinyao’s boyfriend is actually the boss.

  Lu Xinyao is actually being kept.

  Whether the rumor is true or not, the employees don’t know.

  But since the rumor appeared.

  No male colleague in the company dared to invite Lu Xinyao alone.

  Even some private colleagues had dinner together, male colleagues didn’t dare to invite Lu Xinyao to join.

  Over time.

  Lu Xinyao’s friends in the company were only some female colleagues.

  As for friends outside the company,

  Lu Xinyao rarely saw them since she became pregnant.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t call in advance to inform her.

  He just wanted to give her a surprise.

  But many times.

  Surprise and shock are only a fine line apart.

  After Xu Xiuwen opened the door and entered the house, he changed into slippers and walked towards the bedroom.

  He didn’t turn on the light, and the sound of his footsteps was very light.

  When he came to the door of the bedroom,

  Xu Xiuwen gently pressed the door handle and opened the door a little bit.

  The bedroom was still dark.

  He still didn’t choose to turn on the light.

  It’s possible to climb into the wrong bed and recognize the wrong person at Gu Pandi’s house.

  But it’s impossible here.

  Xu Xiuwen turned around and closed the door, then walked to the bed.

  He took off his clothes directly in the dark.

  After taking off his clothes.

  Xu Xiuwen directly lifted the quilt and got into bed.

  This time there was no unpleasant smell of alcohol.

  There was a faint fragrance.

  Like mint, and like the smell of lilies.

  In short, it smelled good.

  Xu Xiuwen lay on his side, not being reserved.

  He slowly hugged Lu Xinyao from behind.

  The first feeling was that Lu Xinyao seemed to have lost weight again.

  Not as comfortable as before.

  A little too thin.

  Thinking of what Lu Xinyao had experienced these days.

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly felt a little distressed.


  Xu Xiuwen found something wrong.

  Before at Gu Pandi’s house.

  He had also found something wrong.

  He didn’t take it seriously at the time.

  But later he found out that he had recognized the wrong person.

  So at this moment he quickly stopped.

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly had an idea.

  Could he have recognized the wrong person again?

  Xu Xiuwen was shocked by this idea.

  It was not easy to admit a mistake once, but to admit it twice in one night.

  This was too ridiculous.

  No one would believe it if he told it to others.

  But how could he have mistaken someone?

  It didn’t make sense.

  Lu Xinyao lived alone.

  Who else could the person sleeping in her bed be if not her?

  He thought of a possibility.

  That is, he went to the wrong floor and entered the wrong house.

  But it didn’t make sense either.


  If he went to the wrong place.

  He couldn’t have opened the door of another house with his key.

  And the position of the slippers on the shoe rack was exactly the same as when he came before.

  Since he didn’t go to the wrong place.

  Then why did he feel so strange?

  Could it be the nanny?

  Xu Xiuwen immediately rejected this absurd idea.

  How old is Aunt Shen

  The smoothness and fineness of the skin of an older woman is very different from that of a young girl.

  If it was Aunt Shen,

  he would have noticed it at the first time.

  The girl in his arms still exuded a faint scent of mint and lily.

  It was obvious that she was not very old.

  At this time.

  Xu Xiuwen vaguely thought of someone.

  But he didn’t want to believe it.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t give up and did another verification.

  It wasn’t to take advantage.

  He just didn’t give up.

  But when he finished checking,

  he was dumbfounded.

  He was 100% sure that the girl in his arms was definitely not Lu Xinyao.

  After knowing that he had recognized the wrong person again,

  Xu Xiuwen prepared to sneak away.

  He prayed in his heart.

  Don’t let anything go wrong at this time!

  However, things did not go as he wished.

  Xu Xiuwen stepped back, carefully lifted the corner of the quilt, and planned to turn over and get out of bed.

  But at this moment,

  the girl suddenly turned over and lay on her side facing Xu Xiuwen.

  Not only that,

  the girl also hugged Xu Xiuwen’s waist casually, muttering, “Sister Xinyao made sweet and sour pork ribs tonight. It’s delicious.”

  The girl’s upper body was tightly pressed against Xu Xiuwen’s body.

  He didn’t dare to move,

  for fear of waking the girl up.

  At this time, he had confirmed the girl’s identity.

  That’s right.

  It was Song Xiaomi.

  Lu Xinyao’s best friend in the company.

  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t figure out one thing.

  Song Xiaomi obviously had a dormitory to live in, why didn’t she go back?

  Instead, she slept in the same bed with Lu Xinyao.
That’s right


  Xu Xiuwen’s eyes gradually adapted to the dark environment, and he calmed down.

  He had noticed that there was a girl lying on the bed.

  It must be Lu Xinyao without a doubt.

  Why did Song Xiaomi appear here?

  Xu Xiuwen also figured out the reason.

  Because today, no, to be more precise, yesterday was the Lantern Festival.

  Song Xiaomi didn’t have many relatives in Jinling.

  Lu Xinyao was her best friend.

  It was normal for her to celebrate the festival with Lu Xinyao.

  But that was not the point.

  The point was, how to quietly leave the bedroom without waking up Lu Xinyao and Song Xiaomi?

  Xu Xiuwen waited for a while.

  Seeing that Song Xiaomi was still sleeping soundly.

  He breathed a sigh of relief.

  Because Song Xiaomi was hugging his waist.

  Xu Xiuwen tried to press Song Xiaomi’s fingers.

  He was about to take Song Xiaomi’s hand away from his waist.

  But Song Xiaomi suddenly snorted: “Sister Xinyao, let me hug you for a while, you are so warm.”

  This sentence made Xu Xiuwen’s heart instantly rise to his throat.

  He almost thought Song Xiaomi had woken up.

  But after saying this, Song Xiaomi did not continue, but sounded a bit like talking in her sleep.

  Xu Xiuwen was about to breathe a sigh of relief. But

  Song Xiaomi hugged him tighter.

  She also put her left leg on Xu Xiuwen.

  Such a clingy sleeping posture made it much more difficult for Xu Xiuwen to sneak out of bed.

  He frowned and thought of a way.

  However, even if the father-in-law came.

  There was only one way at this moment.

  That was to take Song Xiaomi’s hands and feet away.

  Xu Xiuwen was still quite anxious.

  He knew that there was no time to lose.

  Every second of delay would increase the risk of being discovered.

  But he was about to continue.

  Song Xiaomi started talking in her sleep again, “Brother Dao is so handsome…”

  Xu Xiuwen immediately stopped moving when he heard

  this. After Song Xiaomi finished talking in her sleep, she did not take the next step.

  Xu Xiuwen breathed a sigh of relief again.

  He felt a little curious.

  Song Xiaomi just called her brother.

  Who is that person?

  Song Xiaomi has a boyfriend? It

  ’s actually quite normal for Song Xiaomi to have a boyfriend.

  Xu Xiuwen still remembers the scene when he first saw Song Xiaomi when he went to the talent market to recruit people.

  At that time, Song Xiaomi was wearing a black women’s suit and high heels.

  She had an oval face, delicate features, tall figure, young and beautiful.

  As a beauty, he was very satisfied with Song Xiaomi’s appearance at the time.

  You have to know that Xu Xiuwen’s vision has long been raised by girls such as Xiao Youran, Cheng Lu, Song Xiaomi, and Tang Weiwei.

  But despite this, he still thinks Song Xiaomi is beautiful.

  It can be seen that she is really beautiful.

  In college, even if she is not a school flower, she is at least a beauty at the level of a school flower.

  Such a girl is a hot commodity no matter where she is.

  To be honest, Song Xiaomi can persist until now to have a boyfriend.

  It itself shows that Song Xiaomi is a very self-disciplined girl.

  Although Xu Xiuwen recruits female employees, he requires outstanding appearance.

  But he does not regard the company as his harem.

  Let alone prohibit female employees from dating.

  At this time, the thought of Song Xiaomi having a boyfriend.

  And what he had just done to her.

  He felt embarrassed and sorry.

  But now was not the time to apologize.

  Xu Xiuwen planned to compensate Song Xiaomi later, such as giving her a raise.

  The most urgent thing now was to get out of trouble first.

  Xu Xiuwen began to clasp his hands again.

  This time Song Xiaomi did not talk in her sleep.

  Soon Xu Xiuwen took her hands away.

  Then he took Song Xiaomi’s legs away.

  Xu Xiuwen stretched his hands under Song Xiaomi’s knees.

  His palms supported the place where Song Xiaomi’s thighs and knees were connected.

  Then he lifted them up hard, intending to put her legs back.

  But just when he was about to do it.

  An accident happened.

  Song Xiaomi suddenly opened her eyes in a daze.

  She immediately felt a pair of big hands touching her thighs.

  She thought it was Sister Xinyao at first.

  But Lu Xinyao’s breathing was coming from behind.

  Sister Xinyao was behind her.

  And from the size of the hand, it could be felt that it was not Sister Xinyao’s hand. So

  who was touching her leg at this moment?

  Song Xiaomi reacted suddenly.

  There was a third person on the bed.

  She was startled and opened her mouth to shout.

  Although Xu Xiuwen was busy with his hands, his eyes never left Song Xiaomi’s eyes.

  Although the room was dark,

  his eyes had adapted to the environment.

  So the moment Song Xiaomi opened her eyes, he immediately noticed it.

  When Song Xiaomi reacted and was about to shout,

  Xu Xiuwen reacted faster and immediately covered Song Xiaomi’s mouth tightly with his hands.

  Song Xiaomi was frightened.

  She subconsciously wanted to push Xu Xiuwen away from her.

  Xiuwen saw that the situation was about to get out of control.

  Suddenly he turned over and pressed down Song Xiaomi’s hands and feet.

  At the same time, he lowered his voice and said in the girl’s ear: “Xiaomi, don’t shout or move. It’s me! Xu Xiuwen!”

  Song Xiaomi couldn’t move her hands and feet, and she panicked even more.

  She was definitely not the kind of girl who would surrender without resistance.

  Song Xiaomi was about to struggle more strongly.

  But when she heard the three words Xu Xiuwen,

  these three words seemed to have magic.

  All of Song Xiaomi’s struggles suddenly stopped.

  Because her mouth was covered, she couldn’t speak.

  She didn’t dare to speak at this moment.

  In order to let Xu Xiuwen understand, she would not shout or scream.

  She chose to lie quietly.

  A pair of eyes that still looked bright in the darkness stared straight into Xu Xiuwen’s eyes.

  Xu Xiuwen also quickly understood what Song Xiaomi meant.

  He exhaled.

  But he forgot that he was still pressing Song Xiaomi.

  The hot air fell on Song Xiaomi’s face.

  The girl’s face suddenly turned red.

  After calming down a little, Xu Xiuwen lowered his voice and said, “I will let go immediately, don’t shout. If you have any questions, I can explain it to you. If you agree, just nod.”

  Song Xiaomi nodded.

  Xu Xiuwen then took his hand away from Song Xiaomi’s mouth.

  Song Xiaomi waited for a while, and when she saw that Xu Xiuwen did not make any more movements, she blushed and whispered, “Mr. Xu, you are pressing me.”

  Xu Xiuwen realized it later, and hurriedly turned over and let go of the girl.

  He said awkwardly, “I didn’t mean to do it. I was afraid that you would shout and move around.”

  Song Xiaomi did not pursue these trivial matters.

  She suddenly asked, “Mr. Xu, why are you here?”

  As soon as the words came out,

  Song Xiaomi reacted.

  Xu Xiuwen showed up at Lu Xinyao’s house in the middle of the night. He obviously didn’t go to the wrong place.

  A young man showed up at a woman’s house.

  Even a fool could guess that the two of them had a close relationship.

  No matter what the relationship was,

  it was close.

  Plus, she noticed that Xu Xiuwen was not wearing any clothes. She

  immediately thought of why Xu Xiuwen appeared in the bed. Did

  Mr. Xu take her for Lu Xinyao just now, so he took off all his clothes and got into the bed?

  Song Xiaomi’s heart was beating fast.

  She suddenly didn’t know what to do.

  Xu Xiuwen knew that this was not the time to chat.

  He hurriedly said, “We’ll talk later. I’m leaving now. Don’t tell Xinyao I was here.”

  You ask Xu Xiuwen why he was so nervous.

  If he was nervous at first, it was because he was worried about being discovered by Song Xiaomi.

  But he has been discovered by Song Xiaomi now.

  Why is he still nervous?

  That’s because he suddenly thought of it.

  If Lu Xinyao woke up now and found that he and Song Xiaomi were both awake.

  And he was not dressed yet.

  What would Lu Xinyao think?

  She would definitely wonder if they had done something just now.

  To be precise, whether he had done something to Song Xiaomi.

  Xu Xiuwen has always known that he had a very bad impression in Lu Xinyao’s heart. He

  had forced her many times before.

  This happened again this time.

  Lu Xinyao would definitely think that he was plotting against Song Xiaomi.

  By then, it would be a disaster.

  In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, and also to prevent him from becoming even worse in Lu Xinyao’s eyes.

  It would be better not to let Lu Xinyao find out.

  Song Xiaomi hummed in a very low voice.

  Seeing this, Xu Xiuwen immediately lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

  He was about to pick up the clothes on the ground and prepare to leave the room.


  The bedside lamp was suddenly turned on.

  The orange light instantly illuminated most of the room.

  Xu Xiuwen’s heart skipped a beat, thinking that it was Song Xiaomi who turned on the light.

  He barely covered his body with clothes and turned his head to look back.

  But he happened to meet the eyes of Lu Xinyao who had just turned on the light.

  Xu Xiuwen smiled bitterly.

  At first, he prayed that Song Xiaomi would not wake up.

  Song Xiaomi woke up.

  Just now, he prayed that Lu Xinyao would not wake up.

  Lu Xinyao also woke up.

  It can be seen that prayer is useless.

  At this moment, he was not nervous.

  there was no point in being nervous.

  Lu Xinyao didn’t seem surprised when she saw Xu Xiuwen.

  Lu Xinyao lowered her head and glanced at Song Xiaomi who was sleeping beside her.

  That’s right.

  At the moment the light was turned on.

  Song Xiaomi cleverly closed her eyes and chose to pretend to sleep.

  Lu Xinyao thought for a while and said, “Let’s go out and talk, don’t wake Xiaomi up.” Xu

  Xiuwen also noticed that Song Xiaomi had closed his eyes.

  He was awake just now, it’s impossible for him to fall asleep so quickly.

  It’s obvious that he was pretending to sleep.

  Xu Xiuwen did not expose Song Xiaomi’s act of pretending to sleep, and nodded and said, “Okay.”

  He grabbed his clothes, went to the living room, and quickly put them on.

  Turning back.

  Lu Xinyao came over.

  Lu Xinyao asked calmly, “Why are you here?” Xu

  Xiuwen said, “I missed you, so I came.”

  Lu Xinyao did not comment, “Then why didn’t you wake me up, and what’s the matter with your clothes?”

  Xu Xiuwen explained, “I want to give you a surprise. As for clothes, take off your clothes before going to bed. Is there a problem?”

  Lu Xinyao did not speak after hearing this, and it was unknown what she was thinking.

  Xu Xiuwen continued, “I didn’t know there were other people. If I knew, I would come again tomorrow. It’s getting late, you have a good rest, I’m leaving first.”

  ”It’s so late, you still want to see An Shishi?”

  Lu Xinyao’s tone was very calm.

  It was hard to tell whether she cared or not.

  But Xu Xiuwen still shook his head to deny, “Of course not, I plan to go back to Jiangning Garden and come to see you tomorrow.”

  Lu Xinyao stared at him for a few seconds, and suddenly said, “Don’t bother, you stay and sleep.”

  ”Stay?” Xu Xiuwen was stunned.

  Hesitated for a moment.

  ”Okay, then you get me a bed and quilt, I’ll sleep in the next room.”

  Lu Xinyao shook her head: “We don’t have that many quilts, just sleep with us.”


  Xu Xiuwen suspected that he had heard it wrong.

  Sleep together?

  Who would he

  sleep with? Lu Xinyao or the three of them.

  Xu Xiuwen laughed dryly and said, “Xinyao, don’t joke, Xiaomi is here too, how can I sleep with you guys.”

  Lu Xinyao said: “Anyway, there are not that many quilts at home, if you don’t want to forget it, then go back to sleep.”

  After she said that, she wanted to go back to her room.

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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