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Chapter 802 Undercurrents of Victory

Chapter 802 Undercurrents of Victory


Author: Morningstar LL










  There were no mutants standing on the smoke-filled ruins.

  The one lying in front of him seemed to be the last one!

  A hint of excitement appeared on his blood-stained face. He pulled the chainsaw out of the mutant’s chest with all his strength and swung it into the air, scattering the minced meat and blood plasma on the place where he had fought before.

  It’s over!

  This battle in heaven!


  Looking up at the dark cloud-covered sky, he let out a hearty shout.

  Soon someone responded to him, and shouts of victory resounded throughout the battlefield.


  ”Long live the Administrator!!!”

  ”Long live the Alliance!!!”


  The endless voices gradually drifted away, even shaking off the dark clouds in the sky and floating onto the deck of the Heart of Steel…

  Chu Guang, who was standing in the bridge of the airship, finally had a hint of a sincere smile on his expressionless face.

  ”It’s finally over.”


  Things really developed as Vanus said. The battle to end the Torch Church ended before dusk fell on the top of Mount Losong.

  A warrior wearing an “Iron Wall” exoskeleton planted the Alliance flag at the highest point of the entire battlefield.

  As the last apostle and mutant fell, the last bionic chip carrying the Temple also stopped working, and melted into the soil along with the brain and blood.

  From now on, there will be no more forerunners who pretend to be gods and ghosts, pointing fingers at the people on the ground from a high position.

  Their sinful deeds and twisted ideals were burned to ashes in the sparks that ignited on the wasteland.

  Later that day, Chu Guang, as the Marshal of the Sticky Community, gave a speech on the bridge of the Iron Heart.

  ”… Today is destined to be a great day. Our history will remember this day forever.”

  ”In the past six months, our troops have crossed the grasslands, climbed over the hills, and even crossed the oceans, going deep into the most vicious hell and fighting the ugliest and most barbaric monsters…”

  ”Now all the blood and sweat we have paid for justice have finally been rewarded. We have finally completely driven the torch of evil out of the land under our feet!”

  ”We have proved our bravery with our actions and proved that we are invincible!”

  ”Cheers for this moment! Celebrate!”

  ”For those who have been saved!

  ” “For this hard-won victory-”

  ”And our union!”

  The deafening voice echoed in the bridge and was broadcast to the entire alliance and the various units of the Joint Community through the radio.

  At this moment worth celebrating, almost all TVs and radios were playing the same content.

  At the Weifucheng Military Base, cheers of victory rose and fell in the camp.

  People turned on all the lights in the base, lighting up the entire sky and venting their joy.

  The wounded who were recuperating in the hospital even pulled out the needles from their bodies, ran out of the ward, and hugged excitedly with other celebrating comrades.

  Whether they were residents from Ideal City or the Willants from Triumph City.

  No matter what their identities were or where they came from, people were cheering for the same joy at this moment.

  In the tavern near the military base, the guys from the 100th Mountain Division wanted to flip the roof off.

  After being on the battlefield for so long, their mentality, having seen many lives and deaths, was different from that of half a year ago. How warlike they were before, how much they miss home now.

  Using the bottle in his hand as a microphone, Tang Feng excitedly jumped onto the wine table and shouted loudly to the brothers who were cheering.

  ”Praise the administrators! Praise the alliance! Praise the ruthless people of the Storm Corps! This damn war is finally over!”

  The bars, nightclubs, and the most missed Endpoint Cloud in Ideal City!

  Everything is coming back!

  At this moment, his heart was extremely excited, and his excitement seemed to have wings.

  He swore that when he returned as a war hero, he would have a good rest for a while, such as bragging on the endpoint cloud for a whole week!

  Of course, the most important thing is that he has to bring back the popular Kun cards on the front line!

  It would be a pity if such an interesting game is not shared with everyone!

  Their superiors have already said in the barracks that when the “Orca” transport plane lands at the airport of the military base tomorrow, they can immediately take the flight home and leave this damn place.

  Looking at Tang Feng who was dancing with excitement, Adam of the Hound Special Forces also had a sincere smile on his face and raised his glass to clink with him.

  ”Congratulations! Finally, we can go home!”

  To be honest, these guys don’t look like they are here to fight, but rather to go on an outing.

  But now that the war is finally over, it should be a relief for them.

  Xinran clinked the glass handed to him, Tang Feng drank the wine in the glass, then burped, and said with a drunken smile.

  ”Hahaha, congratulations! Not only us, you can go home too!”

  Adam smiled upon hearing this, with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

  ”We? I’m afraid we won’t be able to go that fast… and even if we go back, I’m afraid there will be new work waiting for us.”

  The Hound Special Forces is a profit-making organization, and they don’t keep idle people there.

  As long as the wasteland exists, they will have endless work to do.

  Moreover, he still has a loan to pay.

  Perhaps, he actually doesn’t want the war to end any more than Mr. Sigma, who is sitting in the Firestone Group Building.

  If the war really ends, he, who used to live a decent life, may really have to sleep on the street and beg for food…

  The sound of clinking of glasses in the tavern in Weifu City is endless, and the same is true on the Legion’s Loyalty airship.

  Standing by the porthole, Lium tasted the wine in the goblet in his hand happily, and his eyes narrowed into two crescents as he looked to the south.

  ”…These disgusting cockroaches are finally dead.”

  Although the battle on the Ten Peaks Mountain was just a small episode in the entire war, he still didn’t forget the face he had lost on that mountain.

  I really don’t understand what those Eastward Expansionists are thinking, and they actually made peace with these disgusting things…

  But to be honest, the Torch Church is really good at biotechnology.

  It would be great if the technology of regenerating broken limbs and clones that grow eight times faster could be combined.

  In that way, the Legion will be able to create a truly undead legion!

  Their footsteps will make the entire continent tremble!

  Standing next to General Lium, Captain Modlin sighed softly, but his eyes were quite regretful.

  ”…It’s a pity that the research institutes we occupied only have some scraps. I heard that the truly valuable technology is stored in a place called Shelter No. 20.”

  ”Shelter No. 20…” Lium’s pupils narrowed slightly, and I don’t know what he was thinking.

  Glancing at General Lium, Captain Modlin continued in a very light voice.

  ”I suspect that the Alliance and the Enterprise have secretly controlled this shelter, otherwise they would not be so sure that the war is over… But unfortunately, we have no evidence, and even if we point it out, they will deny it.”

  In fact, not only the Alliance and the Enterprise, but also the silent academy and even the Legion itself, are actually recruiting the research team of the Torch Church behind the scenes.

  This was a tacit agreement reached by both parties at the beginning of the war. Whoever occupied the occupied area of ​​Haiya Province would be in charge. Unless the actual controller took the initiative to withdraw, no one else could intervene.

  The benefits of this were obvious. In order to increase their bargaining chips, the armies showed their true abilities on the battlefield, instead of waiting for the friendly forces to work hard in the front and picking up the bargaining chips in the back.

  However, now that the war was over and it was time to divide the spoils, the situation changed again.

  Now that the other parties in the Sticky Community were no longer just friendly forces to the Legion, they had also gradually become competitors.

  After listening to Modlin’s suggestive words, General Lium just laughed softly, looking as if he didn’t take it seriously.

  ”Evidence? Do you need that thing?”

  This is a battlefield, not a court.

  Now that the big trouble of the Torch Church has finally been solved, they should also settle the old accounts with the Alliance.

  After a pause for thought, Lium placed the wine glass on the windowsill of the porthole, looked at the adjutant standing beside him, and said in a flat tone.

  ”Go and contact Captain Bennot in Dawn City later.”

  ”Tell him for me that the Civilian Group has reaped so many benefits behind the scenes, and it’s time for them to do something.”

  The adjutant standing next to him stood at attention and saluted, looking serious.



  The news of victory spread quickly throughout the army of the Sticky Community as if it had wings.

  While everyone was celebrating this hard-won victory, an invisible undercurrent was restlessly stirring under the calm water. The hidden

  dangers that threaten peace come not only from within the Sticky Community, but also from a distance of 1.5 million kilometers away.

  In order to understand the situation of the Lagrange point, Chu Guang summoned representatives from the Academy at Yin Fang’s suggestion.

  As one of the three major forces that inherited the legacy of the Post-War Reconstruction Committee, the Academy is probably the one that has conducted the most in-depth research on the Torch Church, and is also the force that is most likely to understand the “Lagrange point” and the situation of the “Heavenly Man”.

  Looking at Yang Kai who appeared in the holographic conference room, Chu Guang did not greet him and went straight to the point.

  ”What do you know about the Celestial Beings?”

  Hearing the word “Celestial Beings”, Yang Kai’s expression obviously showed a little strangeness.

  This also made Chu Guang more certain that the people in the academy really knew something.

  ”I want to say that I don’t know much… Although I think you probably won’t believe me if I say so.”

  Seeing that he was trying to fool around, Chu Guang stared at him intently and continued.

  ”I am asking you this very seriously.”

  Seeing that Yang Kai’s expression was indifferent, he continued in a serious tone.

  ”According to the intelligence collected by our front-line troops, the top leaders of the Torch Church digitized their thoughts and uploaded them to a server 1.5 million kilometers away. When our front-line troops were arresting the latter, they learned that a group of forces called ‘Celestial Beings’ accepted them.”

  When hearing Chu Guang say this, Yang Kai’s expression finally showed a little relaxation.

  ”Why are you so sure that I know something?”

  Chu Guang shrugged his shoulders lightly and said as a matter of course.

  ”Isn’t it obvious? No one pays more attention to things outside the earth than you.”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”I know you have no right to decide whether to reveal the news to me, but I hope you think clearly. There is a group of guys who are hostile to us hiding somewhere in outer space and eyeing us covetously. You want to leave the solar system and find a new home. I don’t object to your choice after careful consideration, but do you think you can get away given the current situation?”

  Yang Kai fell into silence for a long time after hearing this.

  After a moment, he sighed and said.

  ”Tianren… To be honest, we really don’t want to provoke those guys, and I advise you not to care about them. Isn’t your goal to end the Wasteland Era? Now that the war is over, you can just do it. Why do you have to make trouble?” It

  was the decision of the top management of the academy to use the alliance to extinguish the torch. Although being dragged into this war by the alliance and personally participating in it was an unexpected twist, the final result was good after all, and the goals expected by the top management of the academy were completed without compromise.

  Neither the Chief Technology Officer nor Dr. Conclusion himself wanted the war to continue to expand. This was the best result so far.

  Although he did not understand the decision of the top management, he agreed with the wisdom of the Chief Technology Officer.

  However, after listening to Yang Kai’s words, Chu Guang frowned slightly.

  He always felt that there was something behind this sentence.

  ”You said that, but I am more and more curious. What kind of guy is it that you dare not easily provoke?”

  Listening to the tone of provocation, Yang Kai sighed and said.

  ”I don’t deny your statement. We really don’t want to be enemies with them. In addition, you might as well think about a question… Why did the Holy Son do so many unnecessary things when he was about to die? Not only did he reveal his whereabouts, but he also kindly reminded you who took them in. Think about it!”

  Looking at Yang Kai’s distressed expression, Chu Guang continued indifferently.

  ”I know what that guy wants to do. He just wants to lure us to investigate the matter about the celestial beings.”

  Yang Kai’s eyebrows twitched fiercely, and he couldn’t help but say.

  ”Since you know this is a trap, why are you asking so many questions?”

  ”Whether it is a trap or not is another topic. I will naturally judge the risks based on the intelligence and clues I have,” Chu Guang stared at him intently, and said in a serious tone, “However, what I cannot tolerate is that there is a group of dirty things hiding in the dark, ready to give us a surprise at any time. Compared with the traps that have been exposed in the open, the risks hidden in the dark are more worthy of my vigilance.”

  Yang Kai fell into silence.

  As if he had consulted his superiors, he sighed and said after a moment.

  ”We don’t know much about them… I can only tell you the part I know.”

  Chu Guang signaled him to continue with his eyes. After

  sorting out his thoughts in his mind for a moment, Yang Kai slowly spoke.

  ”If you know the history of the Human Union, you should know that two centuries ago, the Human Union sent an expeditionary force to Nanmen 2.”

  Chu Guang’s heart moved and he asked immediately.

  ”Are those celestial beings the descendants of the expeditionary force?”

  ”You can say that.” Yang Kai nodded slowly, agreeing with his guess.

  However, after getting a positive answer, Chu Guang’s heart was filled with more doubts.

  ”…But I don’t understand. If they are the descendants of the expeditionary army, shouldn’t they stand on our side? Why help the Torch?”

  Yang Kai continued, not surprised by Chu Guang’s confusion.

  ”Stand on our side… What do you mean by ‘we’?”

  Chu Guang couldn’t help but frown slightly when he heard this meaningful sentence.

  ”What do you mean?”

  Yang Kai said concisely.

  ”It means exactly what it says.”

  ”This planet is full of retro militarists, farsighted escapists, and hedonists who have already lived a good life… Of course, it also includes some other messy things. Do you think they have any hope of ending the Wasteland Era? Maybe they themselves have never thought about ending the Wasteland Era. For example, we think it doesn’t matter, anyway, we will leave here one day.”

  Chu Guang: “But there are also people who think it matters, right?”

  Yang Kai smiled meaningfully.

  ”Are you talking about yourselves? Of course it’s true in your eyes, but it’s another story for us bystanders. You did unite some people, which is great, but you can’t do anything about the wider wasteland… I don’t mean to offend you, you know that some people can’t unite.”

  Chu Guang nodded.

  ”There’s nothing wrong with admitting this. We have prepared another plan.”

  Yang Kai shrugged his shoulders without comment and continued.

  ”Maybe, but no matter what plan you prepared, at least in the eyes of bystanders, those plans may not be more efficient than the methods of the Weirant people.”

  ”It may take 500 years for the Weirant people to end the wasteland, and it may take 400 years for you, but it may also be 600 years… Who knows? I guess you don’t have an accurate number in your mind.”

  Chu Guang neither denied his statement nor interrupted him, but just waited quietly for him to continue.

  After a pause, Yang Kai continued.

  ”As for the Celestial Beings… in your opinion, they are the compatriots of the Human Union era, the heirs of that era, but this is just your own opinion. In their opinion, they are not heirs, but the Human Union itself.”

  ”As for you, us, and everyone on this planet, in their eyes, we are just the ‘children’ of the Human Union. They don’t care who will win, as long as human civilization can continue in the end.”

  Chu Guang’s brows tightened.

  ”Even if it continues at the cost of sacrificing everyone…”

  Yang Kai laughed.

  ”Dear Administrator, aren’t there enough people who died because of the Wasteland Era? The price that we think is unacceptable may be another matter to their real bystanders… It’s not impossible. But in most cases, they will not directly interfere in the affairs on the surface, as long as you don’t behave in a way that makes them feel threatened.”

  Chu Guang asked in a deep voice.

  ”For example?”

  ”I don’t know, maybe the chess pieces on the board took the initiative to break the isolation wall between the spectators and the chessboard, or maybe you did something that made them feel that the end of the wasteland era is hopeless…” Yang Kai spread out his hands, with a helpless expression on his face, “We know very little about them, including what I said before, a lot of them are actually our guesses.”

  ”But one thing is certain, this group of people are more eager for quick success than we thought, which may be related to the fact that they have little time left… In short, they hope to end the wasteland before their time runs out, and some unconventional methods are acceptable to them, even including the practices of the Torch Church and the Enlightenment.”

  ”After all, according to our calculations, if the Torch’s plan can succeed, this planet can enter a new era in at most fifty years… Of course, the price may be very high, especially for those of us who are still alive.” After

  a pause, Yang Kai looked at Chu Guang and continued in a sincere tone.

  ”So I hope you better not provoke those guys. It’s not that difficult to pretend they don’t exist… Anyway, the power of the Torch on this planet has been eliminated. Even if those guys escape 1.5 million kilometers away, they can’t cause any trouble, right? Moreover, if there is any fatal danger on this planet again, we will remind you, just like before.”

  Chu Guang shook his head after hearing this naive rhetoric.

  ”…If the idea of ​​the heavenly people only makes me feel that these people are crazy, your behavior of burying your head in the sand like an ostrich makes me feel stupid.”

  Looking at Yang Kai, who was angry but speechless, Chu Guang continued to speak bluntly.

  ”Since you know that these people are more eager for quick success than you think, how can you come to such a naive conclusion that ‘they will not interfere in surface affairs’?”

  ”Let me be frank, they have already been involved in the matter. The black boxes held by Torch may have been provided by them, but you are unwilling to admit it.”

  ”If we really leave them alone, this time it’s just Torch, and next time there may be some other messed up things!”

  Yang Kai couldn’t help asking.

  ”Then what can you do? They may have a whole fleet in their hands, and what about you? You can’t even go to outer space.”

  He still hoped that the alliance would better not provoke those “celestial beings”, so he tried to persuade Chu Guang to give up that unrealistic idea. After all, provoking those guys, let alone whether it is practical, has no benefit at all, and may even cause greater trouble.

  However, Chu Guang did not do as he wished, but replied in a decisive tone.

  ”We will naturally use our own methods.”

  ”No matter what choice we make in the end, we will never sit and wait for death.”


  (Thanks to “BoliedFish” for the reward!!!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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