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Chapter 805 Conspiracy of All Parties

Chapter 805 Conspiracy of All Parties


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 805 Conspiracy of all parties

  At the same time when the legion ambassador from Triumph City secretly met with the Duke of Galava stationed in Dawn City by the Empire, another secret meeting was also going on. A

  spacious and empty conference room.

  Yang Kai, wearing a white coat, stood respectfully on the side of the pulled-out chair, as if waiting for something.

  At the moment when the minute hand reached the hour, a figure suddenly appeared on the chair opposite the conference table.

  The man looked ordinary and had no memorable features. Coupled with the paralyzed expression, he was the kind that could not be found in a crowd.

  However, even so, from the respectful demeanor of a certain B-level researcher, it could not be seen that this person had an extraordinary status in the academy.

  ”Sit down.”

  Hearing the voice coming from the opposite side of the conference table, Yang Kai sat on a chair beside him without any hesitation.

  At the same time he sat down, the high-handed voice continued to come.

  ”Report your work.”

  ”Yes, Mr. Chief Technology Officer.”

  Yang Kai said respectfully, and then reported in detail a series of events that had occurred in the area south of the Wandering Swamp during this period.

  In particular, he focused on the detailed report on the Alliance.

  ”…According to our understanding, the Alliance is planning to build a space elevator. I guess they should have recovered the blueprint of Shelter No. 20, including its idea of ​​a trackless elevator. Relevant clues can be found in the observation records of our monitoring equipment.”

  After a pause, Yang Kai continued.

  ”In addition, as we expected before, they set their sights on the ‘celestial being’.”

  The conference room was quiet for a while, and the Chief Technology Officer sitting at the conference table seemed to be lost in thought.

  Yang Kai did not speak, but patiently waited for the adult to think.

  After a long time, the voice came from the front again.

  ”Very good.”

  Just hearing the tone without ups and downs, Yang Kai could not tell whether this sentence meant good or bad.

  After hesitating for a moment, he said in a tentative tone.

  ”If the current situation continues, the alliance should try to clean up the garbage in orbit and even build a space station in orbit… Although this is not a bad thing, I am worried that the situation may get out of control.”

  ”You know, the most taboo thing for the Celestials is that someone reaches out to outer space. If the alliance insists on advancing the space program, it may lead to the early arrival of the Celestials.”

  In fact, the scientific research ships equipped with anti-gravity devices in the academy have always been able to travel freely between the surface and outer space.

  However, almost no one will try to drive the scientific research ship to the vicinity of low-Earth orbit, and even if they do, they will not stay there for too long.

  The locking of space debris and automatic weapons is only one reason, and more importantly, the academy does not want to touch the bottom line of the “Celestials”.

  As early as the post-war reconstruction committee period, the technical department had noticed the Lagrange point space station’s intention to block the earth through constant testing and exploration-

  the descendants of the expeditionary force did not want the survivors of the Wasteland Era to return to outer space for some reason.

  This idea is actually not difficult to understand.

  Although rebuilding the wasteland requires the technology and resources of the prosperous era, the technology and resources left over from the prosperous era may in turn aggravate the chaos on the surface and become the nourishment to maintain the continued existence of the wasteland era.

  It is like giving a super weapon to a primitive tribe. It will not make this primitive tribe evolve to a more enlightened era, but may make this primitive tribe “happy” in the old era. It is

  for the same reason that the academy deliberately restricts the outflow of technology. Even their vassal, the Golden Lizard Kingdom, has not been able to obtain too much technological benefits.

  However, the confusing thing is that the “celestial beings” have not set the standard for the end of the wasteland era.

  The result of this behavior is that their blockade of the human alliance mother planet is indiscriminate.

  It is precisely for this reason that the academy’s Ark Plan can only be carried out secretly on the surface, and it cannot be carried out in outer space with great fanfare.

  It is very likely that Shelter No. 20 finally gave up the “trackless elevator plan” for the same reason and adopted the extremely unstable Plan No. 2 of “mind projection”.

  The irony lies here. The “celestial beings” tried to create a pure “sterile environment” for human civilization and complete the transition from the wasteland era to the new era at a lower cost. However, in the end, they created one hell after another.

  Not only that.

  At the same time, they are also absorbing those “extreme consciousness bodies” that have created one hell after another as part of themselves in the name of “preserving the fire of civilization.”

  According to Dr. Conclusion’s speculation, with the continuous accumulation of extreme consciousness bodies, the “celestial beings” are very likely to directly intervene in the affairs of the wasteland after triggering a certain critical point.

  This critical point may be related to the remaining time for themselves, or it may be related to the phenomena they observe from the wasteland.

  It is for this reason that the researchers of the academy have been carefully dismantling those bombs that may detonate crises in the wasteland.

  The Torch Church is one of them.

  In fact, they are not ignorant of the “celestial beings” who are interfering in the affairs of the wasteland more and more directly, as the alliance managers accused.

  They have noticed it a long time ago!

  And this is what they are most worried about…

  After listening to Yang Kai’s report, the chief technology officer pondered for a long time and finally sighed softly.

  ”…Even if we worry about this kind of thing, it’s useless. What’s going to happen will happen sooner or later. And compared to the risks that may arise from the alliance taking a series of actions, I’m more looking forward to whether their actions will bring a glimmer of hope to the stagnant situation.”

  Yang Kai’s face showed a hint of realization.

  ”…You hope they will become troublemakers?”

  The chief technology officer said slowly.

  ”This is the way with the lowest cost and risk… Haven’t you noticed that the company’s board of directors has always done this?”

  Yang Kai smiled bitterly.

  ”That being said… But I’m always worried that they will drag us down. These people are not honest.”

  The chief technology officer said in a very light voice.

  ”We can’t expect things to develop 100% to our wishes, but if we only have to pay a small price, I think it’s acceptable even if we are dragged down.” ”

  I understand…” Yang Kai nodded seriously and continued respectfully, “Then may I ask if you have any new instructions?”

  The chief technology officer thought for a while and said.

  ”Not yet, let’s wait and see… By the way, we can consider transferring the relevant technology of gravity well to them, which should be of some help to their space elevator plan.”

  Yang Kai breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. It seemed that there were no new problems waiting for him.

  He nodded slightly and said respectfully.

  ”Yes, sir…”

  At the same time as his voice fell, the light blue holographic light and shadow around him immediately turned into dots of pixels, dissipating like sand blown away by the wind…


  In the center of the Great Desert, the flying yellow sand rolled like clouds rolling on the ground.

  This is the center of the entire Zhongzhou continent.

  Going west along the equator is the territory of the Legion, and across the vast ocean to the east is the Borneo Province.

  At this moment, a man in a blue coat was standing on the sand dunes, looking at the horizon of the Far East.

  He narrowed his eyes slightly and murmured softly.

  ”…These idiots are so miserable.”

  His name is Guixu. He is the president of the Enlightenment Society and the director of Shelter No. 0… Although these two titles are self-proclaimed.

  Since the outbreak of the “War in Heaven”, he has been paying close attention to the situation in Haiya Province.

  And the final result is as he expected. The heretics in the East were beaten up by the ancient survivors and beaten to pieces.

  Those guys were like a crushed cockroach, and they were pressed to death on the ground without any suspense.

  As for the fate of the Torch Church, he naturally laughed at it.

  Those people are really not smart and act too high-profile. They have offended almost everyone they can offend. If they can still survive, it would be a coincidence. The

  true inheritor of the “Torch Project” – the Enlightenment Society is completely different.

  The secretive style of action makes those ancient survivors unable to find where they are hiding even if they hate them, and they can only go around in circles under their shadows.

  Another thing is that the endless wind and sand in the Great Desert are the best cover.

  The sand mixed with rust not only blocks all the inquiring sight, but also shields the noisy electromagnetic waves, dividing the inside and outside of the Great Desert into two worlds with no information exchange.

  As long as they don’t get out of here, no one can do anything to them.

  Looking coldly at the east, Guixu was about to turn around and leave.

  However, at this moment, there was a sudden movement above his head.

  Keenly aware of the rapidly approaching object, he stopped and looked up, only to see a black shadow passing through the sky and crashing heavily into the sand dunes in the distance.

  ”…What the hell?”

  A scrapped satellite?

  It just happened to fall here?

  Guixu’s face showed a gloomy expression, his eyes kept moving between the sky and the ground,

  and he seemed to be making some kind of trade-off in his heart. Although some orbital garbage occasionally falls in the Great Desert, it is the first time that it happens to fall near the entrance of the Enlightenment headquarters.

  This thing doesn’t seem to have fallen by itself, but rather someone sent it to them…

  He pointed his index finger to his ear and said cautiously.

  ”…Ye Ge, something has fallen near us, go and take a look.”

  A reply came quickly from the communication channel.


  At the same time as the voice fell, a series of figures emerged from the sandstorm that covered the sky and walked towards the sand dune that was hit by something.

  They were well-equipped, holding the standard assault rifles of the Human Union Army in their hands, and their exoskeletons were all painted in desert.

  The disciple walking at the front of the team was Ye Ge.

  Unlike the others in the team, he was not a real resident of the shelter, but a bionic man designed by the residents of the shelter.

  It was precisely because of this that he was deeply trusted by Gui Xu and regarded as his right-hand man by the latter.

  Looking at the team walking in the distance, Gui Xu waited patiently for a moment.

  He didn’t have to wait for long, and a reply came quickly from the communication channel.

  ”…It’s a scrapped satellite, sir.”

  It was indeed so.

  Hearing that it was just a scrapped satellite, Guixu immediately lost interest and gave a concise order.

  ”Recover it and hand it over to the technical department to figure it out.”

  There are at least tens of millions of satellites in the Human Alliance era. Expecting to find something useful from them is no different from looking for a needle in a haystack.

  He didn’t have much hope of finding any treasures from them.

  Ye Ge responded “yes” on the communication channel, and then walked forward to pick up the satellite from the ground.

  However, at the moment when its hands touched the satellite, something strange happened suddenly.

  Its eyes suddenly widened, and the whole person froze in place, with shoulders shaking as if they were electrocuted, and then a stream of light blue data flashed in its pupils.

  The soldiers standing around were stunned by this scene. They didn’t know what happened to their captain, and stood there at a loss, not knowing what to do.

  ”What happened?!”

  ”It’s that satellite!”

  ”Take that thing away from him!”

  The deputy captain standing next to him made a quick decision and rushed over to take the satellite from Captain Ye Ge’s hand. However, just as he stretched out his hand to show his intention to do so, a cold light flashed from his wrist.

  The beam seemed to be shot from somewhere on the abandoned satellite and directly penetrated his wrist. Then he watched his hands and exoskeleton separate.

  Blood gushed out from the flat cross-section.

  It was not until then that the piercing pain slowly climbed up his nerve endings.

  ”Ahhh!!!” The deputy captain screamed and fell to his knees on the ground with a plop. In just a few breaths, the sand in front of him was dyed red.

  Seeing this sudden scene, the surrounding soldiers were stunned. Almost reflexively, they raised their rifles and aimed at the out-of-control Ye Ge.

  However, at this moment, Ye Ge’s pupils suddenly turned scarlet, and he stared at the soldiers holding guns around him as if he had changed into a different person.

  Then the soldiers were horrified to find that their limbs were like being firmly locked to the exoskeleton, and they could not move no matter how hard they struggled.

  Looking at this group of lambs to be slaughtered, Ye Ge moved his neck, and a hint of mockery appeared at the corner of his mouth.

  Just when it was about to teach these rude people a lesson, a drone suddenly popped out from a soldier’s backpack.

  But a blue holographic beam shot out from the bottom of the drone’s chassis, interweaving Guixu’s figure on the soft sand.


  Ye Ge slowly put down his outstretched hand, looked up and down at the holographic image, and curled up the corners of his mouth.

  ”Nice to meet you.”

  Guixu, standing in the holographic light and shadow, stared at it coldly and said expressionlessly.

  ”What the hell are you?”

  Although he didn’t know what happened, he could clearly feel that his confidant was occupied by something dirty.

  And the root of all this was the satellite that suddenly fell from the sky…

  While speaking, his eyes moved down and fell on Guixu’s hands held in front of his chest and the silver-white sphere in his hands.

  In response to Guixu’s question, the person who occupied Ye Ge’s body did not hide anything and said directly.

  ”I am the heretic you are talking about.”

  Guixu’s eyes narrowed completely into a slit, and there was a hint of danger in his tone.

  The moment he said the word “heretic”, he had already guessed the identity of this guy.

  There was no need to guess.

  This guy was the Forerunner of the Torch!

  ”…What are you doing here?”

  ”Save you.”

  Save us?

  Guixu was stunned at first, and then he laughed out loud as if he had heard a very funny joke.

  ”Saving us is fine… What a pity, we don’t need you to save us. If you have the time, you should save yourself.”

  The Forerunner who controlled Ye Ge waited quietly for him to finish laughing, and then said slowly.

  ”…Look at how pathetic you are now, hiding in the depths of the desert and eating sand, and still hoping to realize the Torch Plan… Haha, forgive me for being blunt, the survivors outside don’t take you seriously at all.”

  Hearing this mocking voice, Guixu’s eyes flashed with annoyance, and he lowered his voice dangerously.

  ”We just keep a low profile… Do you think we are the same as you?”

  ”I never thought so. It’s an insult to us,” the pioneer said in a calm voice, looking at Guixu who was on the verge of a fit. “You inherited all the shortcomings of the blue coat, including weakness, arrogance and self-righteousness. Although we lost, we at least burned vigorously, while you were rats hiding in the gutter from beginning to end. Is it worth being proud of to survive? In my opinion, the only difference between you and the dead is that you haven’t laid in the coffin yet.”

  Guixu looked at him coldly and said.

  ”No matter how much you say, it can’t change the fact that you are a loser.”

  ”That’s right.”

  Without taking this sentence to heart, the pioneer just said in a very light voice.

  ”Although it is very unwilling, the kingdom of heaven in Haiya Province has indeed collapsed… But are you really not interested in us at all? We have left a huge legacy, and even the ancient survivors are arguing for this legacy.”

  Guixu’s eyes narrowed again, staring at the bionic man in front of him.

  ”How do you want to help us?”

  Seeing the interested expression on the face of the man in front of him, the corner of the Forerunner’s mouth finally curled up a smile.

  Under Guixu’s gaze, he slowly spoke.

  ”I know that it’s not just us who are researching the project of perfect life forms. You have also been researching… but it is obvious that your scholars have not studied as deeply as our scholars.”

  Guixu: “… So what?”

  ”So, I plan to transfer the knowledge we have mastered to you.”

  The moment he heard this, Guixu was stunned for two seconds, looking at the guy in front of him in disbelief.

  Two completely different emotions, vigilance and greed, kept changing in his eyes, and in the end the latter prevailed.

  He admitted that he was indeed tempted.

  However, due to his deep suspicion, he still asked cautiously.

  ”… Why are you doing this?”

  The Forerunner said in a matter-of-fact tone.

  ”Isn’t it obvious? I want to take advantage of your ambition, and at present, you are the most qualified to use the legacy we left behind.”

  Those gray-black skinned “improved varieties” are the work of the Enlightenment Society.

  The technology that can be used on green-skinned mutants can also be used on those gray-black skinned mutants.

  Guixu couldn’t help but feel a little ecstatic.

  Especially after hearing this guy’s confession, he laughed out loud again.

  ”Hahaha! How interesting… You want to use us, what do you expect from us?”

  The Forerunner said slowly.

  ”I don’t need much for now, just lend me this body.”

  Hearing such a simple request, Guixu didn’t care about whether he was a confidant or not, and agreed readily under the stunned eyes of the soldiers.

  ”No problem, it’s already yours.”

  Compared to a mere bionic man, it is worth it to be able to hire a former Forerunner of the Torch Church as a helper!

  Especially with the research results of the “perfect life form” project!

  Through the technology of the Torch Church, he has full confidence that he can create a mutant army that is several times larger than the Torch Church!

  This is a legion composed of tyranny and destruction, which will completely engrave the word fear in the hearts of all survivors!

  After getting a positive answer, the Forerunner who controlled the bionic man showed a smile on his face.

  ”Thank you.”

  Guixu also looked at him with a smile, and his voice unconsciously carried a hint of respect.

  ”What should I call you? Forerunner? Or… do you want to be an elder here?”

  ”No need, I have my own name.”

  The android holding the satellite in both hands thought for a moment, and then spoke.

  ”Just call me…’Apocalypse’.”

  ”Apocalypse… Haha, not bad, not bad, it’s a good name!” The smile on Guixu’s face became more and more cheerful, and the soldiers standing next to the holographic light and shadow looked at each other in bewilderment.

  Looking at the deputy captain who was in shock due to excessive blood loss on the ground, one of the soldiers swallowed his saliva, lowered his voice and whispered in the communication channel.

  ”Mr. President… our deputy captain, what should we do?”

  Hearing this quiet reminder, Guixu finally noticed the guy who had lost both hands and was lying on the ground unable to move.

  Without wasting too much time thinking about such an insignificant matter, he casually ordered in a nonchalant tone.

  ”Let’s find a place to bury it.”

  Hearing this, the soldiers around looked at each other, exchanging surprise in their eyes, unable to believe that this sentence came from the mouth of their respected president.

  However, the order was like this.

  Thinking of the consequences of disobeying orders, even if they were unwilling in their hearts, they could only lower their stiff heads and obey the order in a deep voice.


  Watching the group of soldiers dragging the corpse on the ground away, Guixu then looked at Tianqi who was standing there holding the satellite, and said with a smile.

  ”The body you occupied was originally their captain, and they will be your subordinates in the future… Please follow me, I will take you to the place where we usually rest and live.”

  Knowing that this guy did not completely trust him, Tianqi did not say much, but just looked at Guixu meaningfully, and then followed his footsteps, disappearing in the flying yellow sand with the drone projecting light and shadow…

  A new confrontation has begun quietly, but at this moment, those trivial troubles have not yet affected the survivors on the wasteland’s joy and celebration of the victory of the Battle of Heaven.

  Chu Guang is still visiting the islands in the southern waters.

  At the same time, Camp 101 has officially approved the space elevator plan, and the experts of the project team have arrived in the southern waters by special plane, and accompanied by engineers from Shelter 70, they have conducted an investigation of the sea near Coral City.

  Before designing the base of the entire space elevator, they must first do a good job of site selection.

  In this way, when the representatives of the alliance take the PPT to the meeting of the sticky community to discuss with the representatives of other survivor forces, they can also appear to be “not so joking” a little bit.

  While Chu Guang was working hard for the survivors of the alliance, his little players were not idle either.

  According to past practice, after each expansion pack ends, the server will usher in a relatively peaceful development period.

  This is the cycle of life professional players.

  After all, the combat professional players have had enough fun, and the life professional players must also have fun. Moreover, development and construction are the main themes of “Wasteland OL”, a casual cultivation game that focuses on fun.

  At present, most of the core settlements of the alliance have entered the bottleneck period of development. Some players have gradually turned their attention to the province of Borneo, and some players have turned their attention to the province of Haiya, which has just been conquered by the coalition forces of the sticky community.

  Of course, in addition to those players with normal thinking, “Wasteland OL” always has no shortage of players with novel brain circuits.

  While most players are thinking about how to keep up with the pace of the version, a small number of players have begun to think about how to lead the trend of the version and find things to do.

  For example, Mosquito, who had just walked the red carpet with the manager not long ago, had set his sights on the 370,000th Corps who were digging hard at the front line.

  In the ruins of Haibei City.

  Looking at the Willant centurion in front of him, whose face was black and looked like he had just crawled out of a coal mine, Mosquito politely handed him a cigarette and lit it.

  ”… It’s too hard for you to dig little by little with a shovel. Why don’t you buy two excavators?”

  The Willant blushed and held it in for a long time before he could say a word.

  ”We don’t have money.”

  ”No money? That’s easy! Our excavators are free!” Mosquito smiled and enthusiastically hooked the shoulder of the confused big-nosed man, and continued, “I’ll exchange your equipment for it, and I’ll suffer a little loss… One tank for an excavator, what do you think?”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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