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Chapter 806: A batch of weapons caused a disturbance

Chapter 806: A batch of weapons caused a disturbance


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 806 A batch of weapons caused a disturbance.

  A Goblin excavator was exchanged for a Conqueror No. 10 tank. Mosquito felt that the price he offered was very fair.

  It was the same two tracks. Is it too much to exchange one for one?

  It’s not too much at all!

  He didn’t even consider depreciation.

  Besides, the tanks of the Legion were originally the type that were in large quantities and full, and there was almost no black technology that would make people’s eyes shine. The only bright spot was the ridiculously high equivalent thickness of the armor.

  He bought this thing for only one purpose, that is, to sell it to the province of Borneo.

  Except for a few warlords there, I’m afraid no one is interested in this thing.

  However, what he didn’t expect was that this Willant man didn’t know what was good for him, and he threw his hand away in anger.

  ”Go away!”

  An excavator was exchanged for a tank, and it was a Conqueror No. 10 heavy tank!

  In his opinion, this offer was simply humiliating! Seeing

  that this deal could not be done, Mosquito was also anxious, but he was not discouraged, and hurriedly pulled him and said again.

  ”Brother, don’t rush to refuse. Listen to my analysis. The money you spent on pulling these equipment back from the front line can be used to build another batch in the rear. Even if you don’t deal with them to me, they will be scrapped on the spot. Why not take the opportunity to make a fortune?”

  The centurion couldn’t help but spray when he heard this.

  ”What do you mean by making a fortune? Tell me how to make a fortune by replacing tanks with excavators! Can’t I sell it myself?”

  Mosquito said with a grin.

  ”Well, then you have to have a place to sell it… You don’t have ships or railways here, and you can’t transport it too far. Who else will buy it except me? Besides, the excavators I replaced with you are all good stuff. Even if you finish the construction site here, you can drive the excavator to other construction sites to dig earth, and you can easily make back the money for the tanks!”

  Confused by this nonsense, the centurion was stunned for a while, and his mind didn’t turn around for a while.

  ”…What do you mean by going to other construction sites to dig earth?”

  Mosquito’s mind turned quickly and he explained quickly.

  ”Of course, this other construction site refers to other construction sites… Ahem! The Alliance plans to build a port and a settlement nearby. When the time comes, you will definitely be paid to work. You have people and engineering equipment, so why worry about not having work? Even if you don’t want to do it yourself, it doesn’t matter. You can still earn rent by renting the equipment to people who need it. It’s just a matter of how much you earn.”

  When the centurion heard that the Alliance was going to build a port and a settlement nearby, he suddenly reacted.

  ”This is not right… You are members of the Alliance, why should we help you work!”

  Mosquito said with a smile.

  ”Why can’t you think about it? What does this have to do with whether we are members of the Alliance… Even if you don’t like us, you don’t have a grudge against money, right?”

  Hearing this, the centurion pondered in his head, and it seemed to be the same.

  Although the Alliance is not likable, those white silver coins are quite likable and can buy a lot of good things.

  Seeing that the centurion seemed to be moved, Mosquito continued to speak while the iron was hot.

  ”Look, the war is over, and those tanks and cannons are definitely not needed, but you guys probably can’t withdraw for a while, and you probably have to stay here for a while, why don’t you take the opportunity to earn some pocket money to improve your life?”

  The centurion thought for a while and whispered.

  ”How much do you need?”

  Mosquito said with a smile, suppressing his excitement.

  ”As many as you can get! And not just tanks, but also airplanes, cannons and even rifles… As long as it’s something you don’t need for the time being, we’ll take it all, and the price is negotiable!”

  ”I can’t make a decision on this matter… but I can ask my superiors for you. My name is Anthony, and yours? What’s your name?”

  ”Mosquito! Hehe, just call me Mosquito. Almost everyone in the blue jackets on the Alliance side knows me,” Mosquito smiled knowingly, and handed the prepared money bag to the Willant man in a very polite way, “It’s just a little gift, not a respect.”

  The centurion weighed the money bag in his hand for a while, and his expression was also very happy. He readily agreed.

  ”Wait for my news!”

  After throwing down this sentence, he called the teammates who had just come out of the ruins and walked towards the camp.

  Watching the man leave, Mosquito grinned, threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stepped on it, and then walked towards the bulletproof off-road vehicle parked under an abandoned building.

  This bulletproof off-road vehicle was exactly the one produced by Beidao Heavy Industry.

  Since he found out that the doors of this thing can withstand RPG armor-piercing shells, he decisively placed an order to purchase a whole fleet of vehicles.

  Sitting in the driver’s seat was one of his “little brothers” [Duming], who was holding the steering wheel and waiting for him boredly.

  Seeing Mosquito open the car door and sit on the co-pilot, Duming said helplessly.

  ”…Speaking of which, we have our own products, why don’t we sell our own goods?”

  The work of Goblin Technology is much more ruthless than that of the Willant people.

  However, Mosquito looked disapproving and said confidently.

  ”The money earned from selling products is not as good as picking up for free.”

  Of course, he also sold his own arms, but this did not prevent him from doing business with the Willant people.

  What’s more, the war is over now, and it is not suitable to open a new production line.

  Judging from the series of actions taken by the managers in the southern waters, outer space exploration is the answer to the next version!

  If you want to be ahead of the version, you have to learn to predict!

  Mosquito has already thought about it, and there is no problem in making two or three hundred million silver coins from this business!

  He plans to invest all the money in Goblin Technology’s new business – the outer space equipment development project!

  Just when Mosquito was dreaming about his life, he always felt that there was something wrong while sitting in the driver’s seat. After holding it in for a long time, he couldn’t help but ask.

  ”…Is this business reliable?”

  Mosquito smiled and waved his hand.

  ”Don’t worry, 90% is done!”

  It seems that there is still a 10% failure rate…

  Du Ming thought so in his heart, looked at him and continued to ask.

  ”Where are we going now?” ”

  To the port,” Mosquito said, and he had already placed the coordinates on the VM. With a confident smile on his face, he chattered, “I have contacted the buyer, who is the representative of General Jeha, the warlord of Tiger State. People are waiting at the port of Death Coast now, don’t leave our guests alone for too long!”

  Tiger State… seems to be the state north of Kingalen Port?

  Du Ming had never been to the Po Luo Province. He opened the VM map and looked around before he found the place.

  It was hard to imagine.

  Such a Feng Shui treasure land far away from all the core crises in the wasteland could actually consume hundreds of millions of silver coins of arms.

  ”What do the warlords there want to do? To attack the Legion?”

  Mosquito said with a chuckle.

  ”Who cares what they do? Even if they are brothers who attack the Burning Legion, we should still sell the equipment we should sell… It’s just a good opportunity to find something for those hanged people to do.”

  Just selling weapons does not violate the player’s manual. The best-selling item in the wasteland is arms.

  There is only one situation that may be punished, that is, selling weapons to forces that have declared hostility or embargoes to the Alliance.

  However, the transaction object this time is obviously not that kind of situation, and there is no potential for being targeted by the Alliance.


  Du Ming glanced at this guy speechlessly, and his eyes fell on the map again. It

  is clearly an oasis that is much larger than the “oasis” in Luoxia Province. There is neither a mother nest nor alien species, let alone mutants or other messy things.

  Although it was also part of the wasteland, there was no place in the wasteland that was closer to heaven, or more suitable for farming…

  After staring at the Feng Shui treasure land for a long time, Du Ming finally couldn’t help but sigh.

  ”…There are so many turtles in shallow water.”


  In the magnificent banquet hall of the North Island Hotel, well-dressed guests came and went in front of the long table.

  Most of the people present were well-known figures in the Alliance and the South China Sea Alliance.

  Among them were officials from the political circles, representatives from the industrial circles, and bigwigs from the academic circles.

  For example, shareholders of Baiyue Company, senior executives of North Island Heavy Industry, researchers from the scientific expedition team, etc.

  In addition, some survivor forces that had good relations with the South China Sea Alliance were also invited.

  For example, the Mammoth State authorities, which had a labor export relationship with the South China Sea Alliance, and the Golden Gallon Port authorities and the Hump Kingdom, which had close trade relations with the South China Sea.

  The guests chatted with each other at the banquet, and the content of the discussion was not only about the new order after the War of Heaven and the Civil War in the South China Sea, but also about the “orbitless space elevator” that was being selected and other possible cooperation.

  As a mysterious and wealthy tycoon of Borneo Province, Duke Nihak stole the limelight at the banquet.

  The organizers were a little concerned about inviting Duke Nihak and representatives of Golden Gallon Port at the same time, but the former soon found that this concern was completely unnecessary.

  Duke Nihak not only did not care about the unpleasant things that happened in the past, but also generously allocated an interest-free loan of 10 billion Xilan coins to Golden Gallon Port.

  The generous gesture of throwing money won the exclamations and applause of the crowd, and the former also became more and more arrogant in the pursuit of the crowd, and even the Camelback Kingdom got a loan of 10 billion.

  Looking at the ruddy Duke Nihak, Lao Bai, who was standing in the corner of the banquet hall, couldn’t help but complain.

  ”…What is the largest denomination of Xilan coins? One hundred million?”

  Fang Chang said with a smile.

  ”It seems to be 1,000, I can’t remember.”

  Lao Bai was silent for a while, then shook his head and said.

  ”…It’s really crazy.”

  Although he didn’t know how many silver coins Xilan coins could be exchanged for, he heard that the exchange rate between that thing and gallons was 5:4, and the exchange rate between the latter and silver coins was stable at around 10:1.

  Ten billion Xilan coins, almost 1 billion silver coins. After all, this thing is not real paper, but can be exchanged for real goods.

  Looking at Lao Bai with an expression of incomprehension, Fang Chang smiled faintly and said.

  ”Most slave owners are like this. Anyway, they don’t spend their own money, and in the end, those who screw the screws will pay it back… Do you think he cares? If I were him, I would definitely not care.”

  Crazy printing of banknotes will continue to dilute the debts tied to them. At this time, as long as there is a way to exchange Xilan coins for silver coins or Cr, dinars, you can earn money if you can borrow.

  After all, it is an interest-free loan.

  Even if you don’t make any investment, just exchange it for silver coins to buy some alliance bonds for principal protection financial management, you can earn a lot of interest out of thin air.

  As for the exchange rate loss caused by the future appreciation of Xilan coins?

  With the speed at which Duke Nihak writes checks, even if the serfs of the empire run their sewing machines until smoke comes out, they can’t stop the downward trend.

  There are only two possibilities that will make the “speculators” of the South Sea Alliance and the Hump Kingdom lose money, that is, the alliance bonds they buy cannot outrun the inflation of the alliance.

  Or, the low-caste serfs of the empire will step on the antimatter reactor when they run their sewing machines.

  This possibility is not impossible, but it is likely to happen only in Duke Nihak’s daydreams.

  However, although he said so, Fang Chang actually felt a little sour in his heart.

  Especially when he saw that the envoy of the Hump Kingdom only complimented him a few times and got a 10 billion interest-free loan from Nihak, he was even more envious.

  These bastards have no ability to make the cake bigger, but they are more active than each other when cutting the cake.

  The most outrageous thing is that the cake being cut is more active than the knife cutting the cake.

  On the contrary, he, the baker, can only honestly bake his big cake.

  ”That’s so unfair.”

  Fang Chang shook his head, sighed and walked away, thinking that out of sight, out of mind.

  What he didn’t know was that when he shook his head and left, Governor Nihak’s eyes were fixed on him, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

  What a stupid guy.

  In just one banquet, he almost bribed all the partners of the Alliance, and the Alliance, which was poached, had no idea.

  Now the pockets of the Wastelanders are filled with Xilan coins, just as the Alliance stuffed silver coins into the pockets of the Wastelanders.

  Let’s wait and see.

  These arrogant guys will sooner or later lose to their arrogance!

  Just when Duke Nihak was imagining how the Alliance would collapse in ten or twenty years, the managers of the Alliance were painting a big pie with a group of younger brothers in ten or twenty years.

  ”…We can’t keep eating the old capital left over from the Human Alliance era. Only by returning to outer space to recover the territory of the Human Alliance era can we create a greater era than the past!”

  Warm applause surrounded Chu Guang, and he stood in the crowd more like the protagonist than Duke Nihak.

  An era greater than the prosperous era!

  This sounded not only wonderful, but even a bit dreamy.

  Almost everyone had an excited expression on their faces.

  Of course, some people also showed concerns and worries on their faces.

  A minister from the Camelback Kingdom raised his right hand and nodded slightly after getting Chu Guang’s attention.

  ”Dear Administrator, I must admit that your plan is grand… but I want to ask one thing.”

  Chu Guang said with a pleasant face.

  ”Please ask.”

  The minister looked at him seriously and continued.

  ”When the time you said comes, where will we… or the people of the Sand Sea Spirit be?”

  Whispering sounds spread around.

  Chu Guang’s expression did not change at all, and his tone was still gentle.

  ”The new era we expect is the result of discussions among people of all ethnic groups. You can stay anywhere you want, as long as you don’t affect others on the same ship. We will give those who don’t want to go to the new era enough time to think about their position in the universe and decide when to take that last step… This is not forced.”

  After hearing Chu Guang’s answer, the minister was obviously relieved, nodded slightly and said “thank you”, and then retreated into the crowd behind him.

  Compared with other kingdoms in the desert, the Hump Kingdom is actually quite open-minded.

  Especially the residents of Silver Moon Bay, who are just as receptive to new ideas as the residents of Dawn City.

  The royal family of the Hump Kingdom is not worried about the birth of new ideas in the land protected by the Silver Moon Goddess, but is only worried that the flame of progress is too hot and will burn their prosperity to ashes.

  However, from the manager’s answer, it can be seen that the Alliance has no intention of doing so.

  At least for now, they don’t have to worry about being burned by the scorching flame.

  After chatting with the guests who were interested in the space elevator plan, Chu Guang suddenly felt thirsty, so he moved to the long table and took a bottle of champagne.

  Due to the unpleasant memories of his previous life, he didn’t like alcohol very much, but he didn’t dislike low-alcohol sparkling wine.

  Just when Chu Guang was taking a few sips alone, a young man suddenly came over from the side and looked at him respectfully and said.

  ”Dear Administrator, I am Welu, the envoy from Mammoth State. Please allow me to take up a little of your time.”

  Hearing the voice from beside him, Chu Guang put down the wine glass in his hand and looked at the young man in front of him. He unexpectedly saw a little shadow of Shuyu in him.

  Especially the bright eyes and the vigorous temperament on him.

  Chu Guang was more fond of the polite young man, and said with a pleasant face.

  ”Of course, what can I do for you?”

  Welu took a deep breath and said respectfully.

  ”I want to promote us to you…”

  Chu Guang raised his eyebrows slightly and said with a smile.

  ”It’s an interesting statement.”

  ”Since you find it interesting, I will continue,” Welu walked in front of Chu Guang and continued with a bright look in his eyes, “The trade route of the Borneo Sea is an important foreign trade channel for the Alliance. Merchant ships departing from Silver Moon Bay bring the Alliance’s goods to various coastlines of the Middle Continent… However, the Alliance only has one military base on the coast of the Borneo Sea. Don’t you think it’s too little?”

  Chu Guang looked at him with interest.

  ”So what do you mean?”

  Weru continued without stopping.

  ”The Mammoth State authorities can provide the Alliance with a piece of coastal land as a strategic fulcrum for the Alliance in the northern part of the east coast of Borneo Province! We don’t charge any fees, and we are even willing to bear part of the logistical expenses of your local garrison!”

  Good guy.

  Is this trying to kill someone with a borrowed knife?

  Hearing this amazing proposal, Chu Guang looked at the young man in surprise.

  ”Is this your idea, or yours?”

  Weru: “Of course it’s our idea!”

  Chu Guang smiled and said.

  ”I know what you want to do, but unfortunately, the Alliance’s army cannot help you fight the civil war. We have more important things to do.”

  Hearing the rejection, Weru did not give up, but continued.

  ”We will not ask you to participate in our war, in any form, I can assure you of this!”

  ”But if we want to continue to keep that military port, we have to try to prevent you from losing in the civil war, right?” Chu Guang saw through his thoughts at a glance and exposed them without hesitation.

  However, Weru, who was exposed, did not show an embarrassed expression on his face, but continued to speak without changing his face.

  ”Why not? We are obviously more worthy of investment than the Xilan Empire. The first thing we will do after seizing control of the Mammoth State is to abolish slavery! We will write what we are doing into the constitution, and after we seize the entire empire, we will immediately do the same thing in the entire Borneo Province!”

  ”It sounds good,” Chu Guang nodded, “but have you ever thought that if we are out, you will no longer be facing just the Empire.”

  Once the Alliance intervenes in the civil war in Borneo Province, the Legion will immediately be out.

  The final result is nothing more than a proxy war between the Alliance and the Legion in Borneo Province, which is what Chu Guang least wants to see.

  He still has a lot of things to do, including the development of the Tianting, the development of outer space, and so on.

  Another fight with the Legion will not benefit either the Alliance or the Sticky Community. Instead, it will cause the survivors who have finally united to fall into internal friction again.

  Seeing that Chu Guang had no interest in intervening in Borneo Province, Wei Lu couldn’t help but get a little anxious and couldn’t help but speak out.

  ”I know you’re worried about the fate of the Legion… but in fact, those Weilants have already been defeated. They are sending everything they can except the troops to our border! Some of them are even using your supply lines!”

  Hearing the key information in this sentence, Chu Guang frowned slightly.

  ”My supply line?”

  Wei Lu lowered his head and said in a deep voice.

  ”It is… they used your railway to transfer part of the military supplies from the Weifu Wasteland to the Falcon Kingdom, and then from the eastern industrial zone of the Great Desert to the northwest of the Borneo Province, and finally delivered it to the hands of the Gray Wolf Army.”

  Chu Guang looked into his eyes.

  ”But I heard that they planned to transport those supplies back to the Legion’s homeland.”

  Wei Lu said immediately.

  ”Obviously they deceived you! They planned to use the weapons sent to the front line in the name of ‘fighting for the fate of all mankind’ to arm the Xilan Empire!”

  The military supplies stored in the Weifu Wasteland were astronomical in number, and it was a hassle to keep them there. Therefore, when the Legion proposed to use the Alliance’s railway to transport the supplies back home, Chu Guang readily agreed.

  After all, “providing convenience for soldiers who went to the front to return home after the war” was also part of the coalition agreement.

  He even gave the Legion a discount for the transportation resources it occupied, and both parties shared the freight.

  However, it now seems that Mr. Bennott was obviously playing a trick, and the weapons were transported to the Legion’s sphere of influence and then turned around.

  If this is true, then this matter is not just a matter of Mammoth State.

  Chu Guang thought for two seconds and nodded.

  ”…I know, I will find out the relevant situation. If the situation is true, we will give you some compensation.”

  After hearing Chu Guang’s reply, Wei Lu was very tactful and did not continue to pester him, and nodded slightly respectfully.

  ”Thank you for your understanding… We look forward to your reply.”

  Watching the representatives of Mammoth State leave, Chu Guang first called Lu Bei and asked the Guards to verify the relevant situation. Then he found Vanus who was also at the banquet and repeated what Veru had just mentioned.

  Vanus lowered his head and pondered for a long time before speaking.

  ”This seems like something that the Civilian Group can do… They should have reached some kind of agreement with the Eastern Legion.”

  Chu Guang frowned.

  ”… What tricks are these people trying to do again.”

  Vanus hesitated for a moment and asked tentatively.

  ”Could it be because of… the space elevator?”

  The Alliance had previously spread rumors at the Sticky Community meeting that it planned to build a space elevator in the southern waters.

  Enterprises were very interested in this, the Academy was indifferent to it, and the Legion clearly opposed the plan, believing that such things should not be discussed at the Sticky Community, and raised objections to the location of the space elevator.

  Chu Guang was actually very easy to talk to. Those who wanted to participate could participate, and those who didn’t want to participate could not participate.

  Anyway, the distribution of capacity shares and profit dividends will be set according to the proportion of capital, labor and technology in the construction of the elevator.

  However, the representatives of the Legion still expressed dissatisfaction with such a plan and challenged the Alliance’s Foreign Minister Cheng Yan on a series of issues.

  The Legion’s large-scale delivery of arms to the Empire at this time does not rule out the possibility that they intend to use actions to prevent the Alliance from advancing the space elevator plan.

  After all, before the completion of the port of the Death Coast and the railway connecting the Sea End Province, Silver Moon Bay and the Borneo Sea will still be the Alliance’s important and only maritime transportation hub for a long time in the future. It is

  also very simple to disgust the Alliance at this time. It is enough to burn the war from the Mammoth State to the adjacent Silver Moon Bay.

  The two sides are separated by a few hundred kilometers by sea and a mountain range by land. It is not difficult to implement this plan.


  this is very much like something the Empire can do.

  Realizing that someone is trying to disgust him with his own money, Chu Guang’s brows twitched and he took out his mobile phone to make a second call to Lu Bei.

  ”How is the investigation going on?”

  Lü Bei, who received the call, was also confused. He paused for two seconds before speaking awkwardly.

  ”…Sir, this may take some time. We are contacting the intelligence network in the Falcon Kingdom. Only they can figure out where the weapons were transported after being unloaded in the Falcon Kingdom.”

  Chu Guang nodded and continued.

  ”You check first… By the way, keep the military supplies that need to be transported to the Falcon Kingdom in the warehouse. If the people in the legion ask, tell them that the military column has a fault and needs to be repaired, and ask them to come to me if they have any questions.”

  Lü Bei, who heard the order, did not ask any more questions and answered the order in a sonorous and powerful voice.


  Just five minutes after Chu Guang put down the phone, the entire railway of the alliance from the Weifu Wasteland in Jinchuan Province to the Bister Town in Luoxia Province seemed to have pressed the pause button.

  In addition to the trains that were moving, all the arms that were being sent or were about to be sent to Bister Town were transferred to the nearest warehouse for storage.

  The Alliance could not use its own railways to help the Legion transport weapons from one front to another. These weapons would not move any further in any direction until the matter was investigated.

  Later that day, the Legion’s ambassador to the Alliance, Captain Bennot, learned about the situation from the quartermaster on the train. He immediately got up from the bed and called the Alliance’s Foreign Minister Cheng Yan in anger. However, he only got a perfunctory answer that “the train broke down and needed to be repaired.”

  When Bennot heard this answer, he immediately realized that his cleverness might have been exposed, but the Alliance had not found conclusive evidence, so he used this clumsy “reciprocal means.”

  The arms left by the Legion at the Weifu Wasteland Military Base were more than enough to arm 300,000 troops, and they were still in accordance with the standards of the Eastern Legion’s regular army.

  At present, only less than one-sixth of these equipment have been successfully transferred, and there are still a lot of them stranded in the Weifu Wasteland and the Alliance’s logistics transportation routes.

  Once the Alliance discovers the trick, they can only find a way to deal with these weapons themselves.

  When Benoit thought about transporting the mountains of weapons and equipment without relying on the Alliance Railway, he felt like his head was about to explode.

  If he had known that the Alliance was so sensitive, he should have stored the things in the Falcon Kingdom first, and then sold them to the Empire after all the arms were transported from Jinchuan Province!

  However, it was too late to regret now.

  He could only send a telegram to the Falcon Kingdom, trying to destroy as much evidence as possible, and at the same time contact Captain Lium who was on the front line, asking the guy driving the airship to help think of a solution.

  Just when the Alliance and the Legion had a dispute over the transportation of arms, the Mammoth State, which was at the center of this vortex, also welcomed several special guests.

  Speaking of the identities of these guests, they have a lot of connections with the Moon Clan Resistance Army…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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