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Chapter 807: Mammoth City under the Rising Sun

Chapter 807: Mammoth City under the Rising Sun


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 807 Mammoth City under the Rising Sun

  ”Oh oh oh! Is this the legendary Mammoth State?”

  On the deck of Rourou, the short-haired girl was holding a telescope, lying on the back of a big white bear and looking excitedly at the land in the distance.

  Rourou, who was being ridden, also looked at the shore with excitement and shouted loudly.

  ”What a big port… and Zhimahu’s church!”

  ”What does it have to do with me…” Zhimahu said with a smile, shaking the cat ears on her head from side to side.

  Every time she felt embarrassed, the ears on her head would become unlike her own.

  Looking at the port that was getting closer and closer with curiosity, Wei’s mouth kept shouting excitedly.

  ”Giao! By the way, this place is similar to Silver Moon Bay! It’s like they were carved from the same mold!”

  ”Even the statue on the dock is!”

  ”That’s actually Zhimahu, right?”

  ”How is it possible…”

  Listening to the noise of the crowd, Sisi, who came down the gangway on the side of the cockpit to the deck, smiled and said.

  ”Well, this is also a clever trick of the locals.”

  Just now, from a high place, she had seen the whole picture of the Mammoth City Port, which was almost exactly the same as the most prosperous area of ​​Silver Moon Bay, and even more beautiful than the latter.

  After all, the latter was built bit by bit by the believers of Silver Moon Bay in their exploration, like a building block that can be built wherever you want.

  The former, on the other hand, drew on the experience and lessons of the latter and re-painted the work on a blank canvas.

  With the support of the Mammoth State authorities, it not only absorbed the strengths of Silver Moon Bay, but also made up for its shortcomings.

  Rourou tilted her head to look at Sisi and asked curiously.

  ”A little clever trick?”

  Sisi nodded and explained.

  ”Whether the merchant ships of Silver Moon Bay are going to Golden Galleon Port or the west of the Central Continent, they will pass through the east coast of the Borneo Province. No one will refuse to have an additional supply point on this route, not to mention that Mammoth Continent itself has a huge population, and population itself is a resource.”

  ”The authorities have gained the trust of the believers of Silver Moon Bay through a series of measures, and then rented the land to them, and those believers also built churches, banks and ports here… It is equivalent to the Mammoth State authorities getting a port for free without spending a penny.”

  Before that, it was just a piece of rotten land. No matter how you look at it, the Mammoth State authorities made a lot of money from this deal.

  Sisi estimated that the Mammoth State authorities should have referred to the experience of Golden Galleon Port. After all, the group of “lone” officers all came from Golden Galleon Port. Even if you haven’t eaten pork, you have seen pigs run.

  ”So that’s it… Is this the legendary win-win situation?”

  Rourou nodded with sudden enlightenment, while Tail lying on her back was thinking about other things.

  ”Will there be mammoths!”

  Hearing that mindless speech, Rourou couldn’t help but spray.

  ”How can such a thing exist!”

  Tail: “Eh! Then why is it called Mammoth State?”

  Listening to the conversation between the two, Sisi showed a subtle expression, coughed lightly and said.

  ”Actually… there is.”


  Hearing this unexpected statement, Rourou and Zhimahu looked at her in surprise.

  Especially Tail, he was so excited that he almost jumped on her, and asked with shining eyes.


  Looking at the expectant expression, Sisi nodded slightly, while recalling the clues he had seen in the literature, he spoke.

  ”I heard that because of its popularity, the research institute of the Human Union resurrected the prehistoric mammoths through genetic engineering in the prosperous era, and helped them adapt to the environment of the new century… They usually live on the plateau under the Zhuobal Mountains in the northernmost part of Mammoth State. It is said that they only go down from the plateau to live in the Tasang River area in winter.”

  ”It was resurrected because of its popularity,” Zhimahu looked at a helpless expression, not knowing how to complain, “… The residents of the Human Union really do whatever they want.”

  Rourou scratched his head and asked incomprehensibly.

  ”Will this not affect the ecological environment on Earth?”

  Sis thought for a while and said casually.

  ”The Borneo Province in the Human Union era is itself a large zoo… Putting some strange things in it doesn’t seem to have any effect.”

  What’s more, the Wasteland Era has fully proved that the adaptive ability of the ecological environment is actually stronger than humans imagine.

  Not to mention mammoths, prehistoric creatures that once existed on Earth, even Death Claws, monsters, and centipedes, which are alive from head to toe, are just part of the food chain.

  Rourou couldn’t help but sigh.

  ”…What a crazy era.”

  Wei Tail touched his chin and thought for a long time, and suddenly asked a question.

  ”Since mammoths have been made, why not dinosaurs?”

  Sis: “Uh… maybe it’s not in time yet?”

  Just as the group was talking, Rourou sounded a long whistle.

  The large cargo ship slowly approached the edge of the dock.

  With the efforts of a group of crew members and sailors, the ship finally docked and stopped.

  The actual situation here is completely different from the rumors.

  The Survivor’s Daily of Golden Gallon Port said that the flooded river had turned this place into a ruin, but what they saw was a flat brick road and marble-carved Silver Moon Bay buildings.

  The city not far away was indeed hit by the disaster. Some construction waste and shacks could be seen from afar, but some concrete houses were also built on the ruins. The

  sharp-eyed Rourou soon discovered that those houses seemed to be made of prefabricated concrete panels, and the shapes of those prefabricated concrete panels were exactly the same as those in Boulder City.

  Some cranes could be seen at the construction site farther away, and these engineering equipment further confirmed Rourou’s guess.

  Rourou estimated that the authorities should have used some foreign exchange reserves to import the production equipment and lifting technology of prefabricated concrete panels from the Alliance, and then used cement and steel bought from other places to complete these “corn buildings”.

  It is said that the Mammoth State has a population of tens of millions, and most people used to live a life worse than that of livestock, and even suffered a flood that affected one-third of the state not long ago.

  It was unrealistic to expect them to move into a big house right after moving out of the bullpen. The alliance had spent a lot of effort just to provide food and clothing for 100,000 people.

  But the good news was that the situation here seemed to be getting better little by little.

  Just like the Dawn City back then.

  She was not optimistic about Laxi’s meat, but her thoughts suddenly changed a little.

  Perhaps these tough officers were not as bad as she thought? It

  was too early to talk about equality here. They had to take the people here to eat first…

  After completing a series of formalities such as the cargo delivery order, the group was planning to walk around the dock and visit this developing settlement, but suddenly ran into an acquaintance.

  A man in a colorful robe was arguing with several people in uniforms.

  Or, he was arguing about something –

  ”I’m selling frozen livestock! Why do you charge me tariffs based on fur!”

  ”Bullshit,” the man in uniform laughed and said bluntly, “Sable fur grows on pigs? Go find me a pig with mink fur!”

  Mogavi blushed.

  ”You just haven’t seen it! How dare you say there isn’t one in the wasteland? In Baiyue Province… there are so many strange things like this!”

  The man in uniform rolled his eyes, and his expression seemed to say “You are simply insulting my intelligence.”

  Just at this moment, a pleasant voice jumped from the side.

  ”Oh! Really? But why haven’t I seen Tail for so long?”


  ”Do you have anything else to quibble about?” The man in uniform looked at Mogawi with a mocking face, but the latter opened his eyes wide as if he had seen a ghost, looking at the strange combination of three people and a bear in disbelief.

  ”… Sisi? Tail?”

  Tail stared at him for a while, only to find that he looked familiar.

  And at this moment, the distant memory suddenly matched, and she cried out in surprise.

  ”Oh oh oh! You are the one who sells skins!”

  Mogawi was almost choked by her own saliva after being shocked by this sentence, and coughed several times before she recovered.

  ”What do you mean by selling skins? I have my own name, okay!”

  ”Hehe, sorry I forgot!” Tail scratched the back of his head embarrassedly.

  The men in uniform immediately followed his line of sight and were obviously nervous when they saw the big white bear, but they were only nervous for a moment.

  Especially when they found that the white bear could talk, they relaxed their tense nerves.

  Is there anything strange in the wasteland?

  It doesn’t matter if there is a talking bear.

  As long as we can communicate, it’s fine.

  ”Are you…customs people?” Walking in front of the men, Sisi glanced at their uniforms and asked curiously, “By the way, what are you arguing about? It’s convenient for us to eat melons… uh, I mean, it’s convenient for us to know?” The

  leading customs officer glanced at Mogavi next to him and sneered.

  ”This guy wrapped pork with mink fur and declared it in the name of livestock products, trying to take advantage of the tax-free import of grain!”

  When Mammoth State was in urgent need of foreign exchange, these profiteers tried to steal the silver coins earned by overseas workers from their pockets!

  If their superiors had not asked them to “appeal to the emotions and reason” of these foreign merchants, they would not have been talking so much nonsense here, and would have been shot long ago! Rourou

  looked at Mogawei with a look of frustration, and couldn’t help but said.

  ”Good fellow, you are too much of a dog.”

  Mogawei knew he was in the wrong, but he still argued.

  ”What does this have to do with me… It’s the loopholes in the rules they designed themselves.”

  Sisi subtly moved his eyes away.

  ”… Having said that, I think you are a little too much.”

  Shouldn’t you give some money in such occasions?

  But looking at the guy’s anxious look, he must have tried but was rejected.

  The commotion near the dock quickly attracted the attention of others, and a large circle of people surrounded the street in just a few minutes.

  At this time, an old man who looked about 40 or 50 years old walked over here with two young men. Just when he was about to ask what happened, he saw several familiar figures in the crowd.

  ”What happened-Sisi?!”

  Looking at the surprised old man, Sisi and his group also showed unexpected expressions on their faces.

  ”…Are you Ya Xi?”

  ”You still remember me!” The old man came forward excitedly and held her hands tightly. “Long time no see!”

  Sisi smiled and shook his hand back, shaking it vigorously.

  ”Yes, long time no see.”

  This man was one of the elders of the Moon Clan Resistance Army.

  When the White Bear Knights made a big fuss in Golden Gallon Harbor, it was this old man named Ya Xi and other Moon Clan members who resolutely stayed and gave the opportunity to escape by boat to the rescued women and children, which led to the later Moon Clan Resistance Army.

  Although this resistance army fought a lot of stupid battles and was later even used by the warlords as an “experience pack” for repeated monster hunting, objectively speaking, since they dared to stay and fight against the regular army, it was a great thing in itself.

  The old man was so excited that he cried and snotted, and the new guys next to him were all stunned.

  ”Everyone misses you so much… By the way, is Grandma Sangru doing well?”

  ”Oh! She’s doing fine! Last time I saw her drinking a big bottle of beer!” Tail replied enthusiastically.

  After hearing this, the old man smiled with relief.

  ”That’s good… It seems that they are all living well, so I feel relieved.”

  As he said this, he looked at Mogawei who was standing aside, and then looked at Sisi and asked.

  ”Is this… your friend?”

  Sisi’s face showed a subtle expression, ignoring Mogawei’s pleading eyes.

  ”For now… But even so, I hope you won’t let him off the hook because of our relationship. Just follow the rules you set before.”

  No matter what, robbing the poor is too much.

  Seeing that this old friend didn’t help him, Mogawei became anxious and started to play the emotional card.

  ”Oh! How can you do this… I helped you in the past! Have you forgotten?”

  Sisi looked at him indifferently and said.

  ”These are two different things… And even at that time, it was a transaction where money was exchanged and goods were delivered. Did we let you suffer any loss?”

  Hearing this, Mogawei looked frustrated and could no longer say anything to quibble.

  Seeing a pair of eyes looking at him, he raised his hands in surrender and said in self-abandonment.

  ”Okay, I surrender, I pay… I’ll pay the tariff, okay!”

  The customs guy cast his eyes on his immediate superior, Ya Xi, who nodded seriously.

  ”Give him a ticket. Since it’s his first offense, the fine will be waived, but the tax must be paid!”

  ”Yes!” The young man nodded, then pulled out a receipt and threw it into Mogawei’s hand with a smile, “Thank our director, remember not to be so clever next time.” Mogawei glared at

  him fiercely, and without saying a word, he took the receipt and hurried away.

  Seeing that there was no more excitement to watch, the crowds of people who were watching the excitement dispersed.

  Looking at the benefactors who had not seen him for many days, the serious look on Ya Xi’s face was instantly swept away, and he said enthusiastically.

  ”What are your plans next?”

  Sisi glanced around.

  ”We were originally planning to go around here and see if there are any investment opportunities… Oh, by the way, we are also planning to go to the customs.”

  Ya Xi’s eyes lit up and he immediately suggested.

  ”That’s perfect, just follow me! Mammoth City has a tax-free policy for the import of production machinery, improved crop seeds, food, and medicines. I am the person in charge of this area, so I can introduce it to you.”

  ”Then I’d rather obey than be respectful.”

  Sisi gladly accepted the old man’s kindness. After all, she just wanted to know the relevant information about this settlement.

  On the one hand, this is her habit of traveling, and on the other hand, it is also a task assigned by the manager.

  According to reliable information, the Legion tried to use the powder keg of Mammoth State to put pressure on the Alliance to prevent the Alliance from advancing the space elevator-related agenda at the Sticky Community Conference.

  Of course, the Alliance could not watch the Willant people make small moves under their noses.

  However, before formulating specific countermeasures, the Alliance must first understand the situation here in Mammoth State.

  And this glorious and easy task naturally fell on them who were engaged in business activities near Mammoth State.

  Accompanied by Ya Xi, the group went to the lounge of the customs office at the port of Mammoth City.

  It was not until the group sat down in the lounge that they learned that the old man with a warm smile was actually the director of the General Customs Department of the Mammoth State authorities!

  Tail widened his eyes in surprise and looked at the old man in surprise.

  ”Good guy, you have become such a high-ranking official!”

  Being stared at by the surprised eyes, Ya Xi was also a little embarrassed and hurriedly explained.

  ”It’s not a high-ranking official. My position is not as exaggerated as you think… The port of Mammoth City has only been opened to trade for a short time. The monthly import and export volume is only about one million silver coins, and the entire General Customs Department has only more than 40 people in total, which can’t even make up a platoon.”

  When he said this, Ya Xi also had a look of melancholy and shook his head.

  ”Originally, I was in charge of a battalion. If I hadn’t been squeezed out by Laxi’s followers, I wouldn’t have been driven here to retire.”

  Hearing this, Tail, Rourou and Zhimahu looked at each other.

  It’s okay to be squeezed out to be the director of the customs…

  Can this be called squeeze?

  Except for the fact that there are fewer people under command, this is a promotion anyway!

  Sisi’s expression was a little subtle, and he coughed lightly to change the subject.

  ”I heard that there was a flood here before, and we brought some food and medicine this time… I wonder how the disaster is here?”

  ”The flood happened in the fall. The Empire built a strong wall and cleared the fields in Mammoth State and blew up the river bank of the Tasang River… Fortunately, the river bank was not built high, so it didn’t cause much damage. We plan to build a wider irrigation area and generate electricity later.”

  When talking about the flood again, Ya Xi’s eyes flickered a little, and she didn’t seem to want to talk about this topic. She just focused on how smooth the post-disaster reconstruction work was, but she glossed over the losses caused by the disaster itself.

  This should have been a good opportunity to sell misery.

  Although Sisi was a little confused, she didn’t think too much, and just continued to ask.

  ”What about the plague? There was no plague?”

  There will inevitably be a big epidemic after a big disaster, and this is what she is more worried about.

  But Ya Xi shook her head and dispelled her concerns.

  ”No, we quickly controlled the situation… Although there were some patients at the beginning, we isolated them and almost cured them.”

  This is somewhat different from the report in the “Survivor Daily”, but it is inevitable that such a situation will occur.

  After all, most residents of Jingalon Port are full of sympathy for the Moon Clan Resistance Army and hatred for the Empire that oppresses people of all ethnic groups. They even spontaneously organize to raise funds for the resistance army.

  In addition to fulfilling the obligation to report the truth, a regional media will also become a projection of the audience’s consciousness.

  After all, objectivity is always only a relative concept. Even the “Survivor Daily” of Dawn City cannot be absolutely objective.

  Hearing that the local situation is relatively stable, Sisi finally nodded with relief.

  ”That’s good… It seems that our worries are unnecessary.”

  ”How can it be unnecessary? It’s just that things may not be as exaggerated as you think.”

  Ya Xi smiled to adjust the atmosphere and continued.

  ”And thanks to your help, we were able to recover so quickly. Recently, many merchants from the alliance have come here to set up factories, especially Mr. Lister. I envy the houses he built for the workers! Don’t be afraid of you laughing at me, my house is still leaking, and the workers of Lister’s factory have already moved into the building!”

  Zhima Paste’s face showed a surprised expression.

  ”Did he build the houses we saw at the port?”

  Rourou was the same, muttering in surprise.

  ”That guy is so kind.”

  Sisi didn’t feel any surprise and said softly.

  ”Merchants who have fully experienced the great changes in Boulder City are more disciplined. There is nothing strange about this.”

  Tail also nodded seriously .

  ”After all, the guys who don’t follow the rules are either bankrupt or dead.”

  Looking at the three people and one bear communicating in a language he couldn’t understand, Ya Xi cleared his throat and continued.

  ”Although I cannot represent the Mammoth State authorities, as someone who has received your help, I sincerely hope that you can stay here for a while longer, so that we can have a chance to entertain you.”

  ”However, during the time you stay, I suggest that you stay in the Silver Moon Church’s parish as much as possible. If you must leave here, try not to go to the southwest… especially the area close to the front line. Recently, the Gray Wolf Army got a batch of weapons from somewhere, and their offensive is getting more and more fierce. We have suffered a lot on the front line.”

  Rourou looked at him with some concern and asked.

  ”Are you really okay?”

  Ya Xi smiled kindly and said.

  ”Don’t worry, we have survived the most difficult days! Now we finally have our own base, and it will not be more difficult than before.”

  When he said this, his eyes were filled with obvious hope and pride.


  Even though he was dissatisfied with Laxi’s “exclusion” of him from the military system, he could not find any fault with the development of Mammoth State itself, and even praised it in his words.

  Although Laxi looked down on the veterans of the resistance army, he did not completely trample them under his feet after he gained power. Instead, he arranged them into the “cabinet”.

  Regardless of whether this was a promotion or suppression, and whether he was doing it to show off to the financiers of Golden Gallon Port and French Fries Port, or even the alliance behind the financiers, at least he was relatively tolerant of opposing voices.

  Just for this reason, this warlord is much stronger than the warlords of Tiger State and Leopard State, who don’t even act.

  Sisi thought for a long time and felt that changing someone might not necessarily do better than them.

  That night, the three people and the bear stayed in a hotel near the General Administration of Customs.

  Yaxi not only entertained them warmly, but also helped them solve all the food and accommodation problems during their stay in Mammoth State, and even politely arranged four female soldiers for them to serve as bodyguards and guides.

  After going offline.

  Sis, who had just had a full meal online, didn’t feel hungry at all, but she had hypoglycemia, so she went to the refrigerator to open a can of Coke, and then returned to the living room to pick up the laptop that she had thrown on the sofa yesterday.

  Sitting cross-legged in front of the coffee table, she bit a straw and thought about it while typing on the keyboard to complete the 2,000-word “investigation report” required by the manager.

  This included her observations on the local development potential and cultural landscape, as well as her first impression of the Laxi authorities.

  […It is difficult for me to evaluate whether the Mammoth State authorities are a qualified ruling authority, after all, they came here only a few months ago. Although the locals’ evaluation of Laxi is not bad, it is difficult to say whether this is because their lives can’t get worse.

  But objectively speaking, they are indeed doing something and are willing to use their limited resources to make people here live a better life.

  My report does not constitute an investment opinion, but I am indeed considering expanding the business of the White Bear Knights Bank here.


  Unknowingly, the two thousand-word report has become a long article of tens of thousands of words.

  After realizing this, it was too late to change it.

  Sisi read the report over and over again, but couldn’t figure out which line to delete, so she simply gave up on making changes and copied the report of tens of thousands of words verbatim.

  Later, she will upload this report to the forum to share with everyone who is interested.

  ”Finally done…”

  Sisi, who had finished her work, stretched and leaned comfortably on the sofa. It was only then that she felt empty in her stomach and rubbed her already deflated belly.

  This is the annoying thing about this game.

  I have already eaten in the game, but I have to eat again after logging off.

  Especially when I eat too much in the game, I have no appetite at all after logging off. This feeling of being hungry and not hungry is simply too torturous!

  Although she knew that the dog planner would probably not see it, and that guy had never replied to her emails, she still couldn’t help but sit up again and inserted two lines of “private goods” under the report sent to the NPC.

  […If the respected planner can see this, could you please design a game cabin with a life-support device for Wasteland OL? I believe this should not be a difficult task for your company, and most players will definitely be willing to pay for it. ]

  [Eating two meals in a row is really too much. If this continues, I feel that sooner or later I will starve to death in bed…]

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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