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Chapter 807 Wen Ning: He is so beautiful!

Chapter 807 Wen Ning: He is so beautiful!


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 807 Wen Ning: He is so beautiful!

  There are only two ways to a woman’s heart.

  One is what Zhang Ailing said.

  The remaining one is music.

  Because music has the ability to penetrate objects and reach the soul.

  Plus Xu Xiuwen’s excellent voice.

  He just opened his mouth.

  The girls present opened their mouths in surprise.

  Whether they were chatting or drinking, they all quieted down and listened to the song carefully.

  Even Wen Ning was no exception.

  Xu Xiuwen was not deliberately showing off his singing ability to try to attract more little fans.


  Wen Ning’s friends seemed to be older than him.

  It should be the fans.

  He just likes to do everything perfectly.

  It would be fine if he didn’t sing, but since he sang, he naturally had to sing seriously and put in his emotions.

  As for the girls’ reactions, he didn’t care.

  As the song went on.

  The girls in the box seemed to see a man who was heartbroken by a woman.

  Even though this man was hurt, he was still affectionate.

  The girls were all moved.

  Zhang Qi’s eyes were even more moved when she heard it, and she almost couldn’t help rushing up, hugging Xu Xiuwen, and comforting him.

  Wen Ning’s eyes were also shining.

  Xu Xiuwen, this bastard, sings quite well.

  After the song ended.

  Xu Xiuwen turned around.

  The girls all looked at him quietly, all speechless.

  Xu Xiuwen smiled, “What’s wrong, the singing is not good?”

  The girls came back to their senses and applauded.

  Zhang Qi even shouted: “Brother Xu, you sing so well, even better than the singers.”

  ”Thank you.”

  Xu Xiuwen walked back to the sofa and sat down.

  Zhang Qi was like a curious baby, constantly asking Xu Xiuwen if he had studied vocal music and whether he would release songs in the future.

  Xu Xiuwen waved his hand and said no.

  Zhang Qi was very disappointed to hear this, and said that if Xu Xiuwen released a song, he would definitely buy an album to support him.

  The girls also wanted Xu Xiuwen to sing a few more songs.

  Xu Xiuwen shook his head and refused.

  The girls were very disappointed, but they didn’t force it.

  Next, the girls took turns to request songs and sing on stage.

  One of the songs was a dance song.

  The two girls suddenly danced, and they danced in a very good way.

  This dance was naturally performed for Xu Xiuwen.

  They hoped to attract his attention.

  But when the girls looked at it, they were disappointed.

  Xu Xiuwen did not stare at them, but turned around and chatted with Wen Ning next to him.

  That’s right.

  Xu Xiuwen did not look at them for long.

  He noticed that Wen Ning was too quiet and did not go up to sing, so he turned around and asked, “Wen Ning, why don’t you go up to sing?”

  Wen Ning glanced at Xu Xiuwen and said, “Is it okay if you don’t want to sing?”

  Xu Xiuwen glanced at the side.

  Seeing that Zhang Qi was also staring at the two dancing girls, he moved closer and whispered, “Are you still angry about what happened at noon?”

  What happened at noon…

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t mention it.

  When Wen Ning thought of it, she felt ashamed.

  She was the captain, but she was spanked by a man.

  After she separated from Xu Xiuwen, she became more and more angry.

  She felt that she had suffered a great loss.

  But there was no way to tell others about this.

  She was embarrassed to say it.

  It seemed that she had to admit this loss.

  She didn’t expect Xu Xiuwen to dare to bring it up at this moment.

  Did he deliberately challenge her bottom line, thinking that she would not dare to turn hostile?

  Wen Ning glanced at Xu Xiuwen.

  Handsome features, deep eyes, and a faint smirk at the corners of his mouth. He

  a kind of bohemian aura.

  He looked so affectionate when he was singing just now.

  He was completely different.

  Wen Ning rolled her eyes at him and said, “Shut up!”

  Did Xu Xiuwen deliberately provoke Wen Ning?

  Maybe, maybe not.

  Xu Xiuwen asked only because he saw that she was too quiet.

  Hearing her ask him to shut up.

  He shrugged and didn’t continue.

  Zhang Qi on the side finally turned her eyes away from the two dancing women.

  She noticed that Xu Xiuwen and Wen Ning seemed to be chatting together.

  But the voice was too low.

  She couldn’t hear what they were saying.

  Zhang Qi asked directly: “Brother Xu, Ningning, what are you two talking about?”

  Wen Ning said lightly: “Nothing.” Xu Xiuwen

  said: “I just asked her why she didn’t go up to sing.”

  Zhang Qi didn’t doubt it at all, and immediately turned to Wen Ning and said: “Yes, Ningning, why don’t you go up to sing? You didn’t sing a song today.”

  Without waiting for Wen Ning to speak, Xu Xiuwen asked Zhang Qi: “Doesn’t she know how to sing?”

  Zhang Qi heard this and shook his head: “How is it possible? Our Ningning sings very well. It’s just that she rarely comes to KTV, and most people don’t have the pleasure of hearing her.”

  Xu Xiuwen nodded gently, “If you say so, I would like to listen…”

  Zhang Qi continued to persuade: “Ningning, just sing a song for Brother Xu to listen.”

  Wen Ning didn’t want to sing.

  Why should she sing if Xu Xiuwen wants to listen?

  He spanked her at noon.

  And asked her to sing for him.

  It’s so beautiful!

  Why did he think of this again.

  Wen Ning hurriedly shook her head to get rid of the matter.

  She frowned slightly, “Qiqi, I don’t want to sing…”

  At this time, the girls next to her also heard the conversation between the three and followed suit.

  ”Sing a song… sing a song…”

  Wen Ning was instantly blocked.

  she sang, she would fulfill Xu Xiuwen’s wishes.

  But if she didn’t sing, her friends all said so.

  It seemed that she was not giving face.

  In addition, Zhang Qi also looked at her expectantly. After all,

  today was Zhang Qi’s birthday.

  Wen Ning finally decided to sing a song.

  Not for Xu Xiuwen.

  But for Zhang Qi.

  Seeing her stand up, the girls shouted even louder.

  After Wen Ning went on stage, she requested a song.

  ”Write to tell me what color the sea is today, and what is your mood for the sea that accompanies you every night. Gray means you don’t want to say it, blue means melancholy, and you who are wandering, your wild heart, where do you stop…” The

  song that Wen Ning sang was released by Zhang Huimei in 1997 and included in her personal album “Bad Boy”.

  Xu Xiuwen was slightly surprised to hear Wen Ning sing this song.

  Bad boy, does it refer to He Jiang?

  Wen Ning sang very well, her voice was clear and pleasant, and there was a hint of sadness hidden in it.

  Xu Xiuwen heard it.

  Zhang Qi also heard it.

  Zhang Qi murmured, “Ning Ning is so pitiful, why doesn’t He Jiang like her?”

  The song ended.

  Everyone applauded.

  Xu Xiuwen was no exception.

  Wen Ning walked back and glanced at him vaguely.

  Her expression was a little arrogant.

  As if to say, do you still doubt that I can’t sing?

  Xu Xiuwen smiled.

  After Wen Ning sang the song, the atmosphere in the box became more lively.

  Some people sang, some chatted.

  Some people held up bottles of wine to Xu Xiuwen to drink and play games.

  Xu Xiuwen did not refuse for Wen Ning’s sake.

  Happy times are always short.

  In a blink of an eye, it was 10 o’clock.

  Wen Ning felt that it was getting late and suggested to end early.

  Zhang Qi was a little reluctant, but did not object.

  Seeing this, others naturally would not object.

  Before leaving.

  Zhang Qi took the initiative to find Xu Xiuwen and said, “Brother Xu, thank you for coming to celebrate my birthday with me today.”

  Xu Xiuwen said, “I had a lot of fun too.”

  ”That’s good…”

  Xu Xiuwen saw that Zhang Qi was hesitant to speak, and joked with a smile: “Am I scary?”


  ”Just say whatever you want to say, I don’t eat people.”

  Zhang Qi said with a lost tone: “This is the happiest birthday I’ve ever had, but it’s a pity that I won’t have it again in the future.”

  Xu Xiuwen heard what Zhang Qi meant.

  He thought for a while and said, “Did you bring your cell phone?”

  ”I did.”

  ”My number is xxx.”

  Zhang Qi was stunned at first, and then ecstatic.

  ”Brother Xu, please speak slowly…”

  As he said that, he hurriedly took out his cell phone from his pocket.

  Xu Xiuwen smiled, “Okay, I’ll speak slowly, and you don’t have to rush.”

  ​​Then Xu Xiuwen reported his cell phone number again.

  Zhang Qi carefully saved the number in her cell phone.

  She put down her cell phone, looked at Xu Xiuwen, and asked, “Brother Xu, can I call you later?”

  Xu Xiuwen did not answer.

  Silence is sometimes a kind of answer.

  But Zhang Qi didn’t seem to see it, and was still waiting for Xu Xiuwen to answer.

  Wen Ning on the side noticed it.

  In order to avoid embarrassment,

  she hurriedly said, “Qiqi, you are drunk, go back and rest.”

  Zhang Qi was surprised and said, “I am not drunk.”

  ”I said you are drunk, and you are drunk.”

  Zhang Qi realized it later, “Okay.”

  At this time, Xu Xiuwen finally spoke.

  ”I am usually busy and may not have time to answer the phone every time. It is best to send a text message. I will see it and reply when I have time. If there are fun activities or gatherings in the future, you can call me. I will come when I am free.”

  Zhang Qi nodded desperately, smiling so hard that she couldn’t close her mouth.

  As a fan, she couldn’t be more satisfied than now.


  A certain box.

  There were more than a dozen young men and women in the box.

  Some were singing, some were drinking, and some were hiding in the corner and whispering.

  The tea table in the box was piled with various kinds of wine, and there were a pile of empty bottles scattered on the ground.

  At this moment,

  several boys were forcing a girl to drink.

  The girl had only drunk three glasses of beer tonight.

  This little beer was not enough to make her drunk.

  But she didn’t want to drink anymore.

  Because she was not familiar with the boys in front of her.

  Although she was rebellious,

  she was not a fool.

  The boys looked at her with extremely fiery eyes.

  She was very worried that she would suffer if she drank too much.

  If it wasn’t the birthday of a female classmate who was usually good tonight,

  she might have left long ago.

  She was considering whether to tell the female classmate and leave early.

  The boy who urged the most drinking was a boy named Zhang Ge.

  Zhang Ge looked at the girl in front of him carefully and kept swallowing his saliva.

  A standard melon-seed face, willow eyebrows and almond eyes, fair and delicate skin, and two small dimples when she smiled.

  This girl is so beautiful.

  Today is the birthday of the girlfriend of the younger brother he met at school.

  He came here to play.

  Before coming, he didn’t expect to meet such a beautiful girl. She

  is so much prettier than the girls he usually hooked up with.

  Because she is relatively young, she looks a little green.

  Unlike those little gangsters he usually contacts, who don’t know how many times they have been slept with.

  This girl is definitely still a virgin.


  Although the girl is still a little green, she is not lacking in feminine charm.

  An unintentional look, movement or smile is enough to make people obsessed.

  If you can get such a girl…

  even if you die tonight, Zhang Ge will think it is worth it.

  Zhang Ge really wants to get her tonight.

  And the best way is to get the other party drunk.

  However, the girl didn’t drink a few glasses of wine all night.

  Now he couldn’t sit still. He

  had to take the initiative to get wine for the girl to drink. But

  the other party refused on the grounds that she couldn’t drink.

  She didn’t want to drink with him.

  Being rejected in front of several younger brothers, Zhang Ge suddenly felt embarrassed.

  He tried to maintain a smile and continued to persuade the girl to drink.

  The younger brothers next to her also chimed in, saying that she was not giving face and forcing her to drink.

  The girl hesitated.

  Ge winked at the younger brother who was celebrating his girlfriend’s birthday.

  The other party immediately understood.

  He was a little resistant and didn’t want to help.

  But the other party gave him a warning look.

  The boy immediately backed down.

  He also joined the ranks of persuading people to drink.

  But the girl still didn’t agree.

  The atmosphere suddenly became a little cold.

  The girl ignored them.

  She had already decided that after the female classmate finished singing the song, she would tell the other party and leave early.

  She didn’t want to stay in this environment any longer.

  Seeing the girl’s reaction.

  Zhang Ge’s face was very ugly, and his younger brothers were all unhappy.

  Zhang Ge suddenly leaned close to the boy’s ear and whispered a few words.

  The boy hesitated, but finally got up and walked towards his girlfriend who was singing.

  Coming to his girlfriend, the boy said, “Baby, your classmate is so unsociable. My big brother offered her a drink, but she refused to drink it. How can my big brother save his face? You persuade her.”

  The girl naturally understood the girl’s character.

  Hearing this, she smiled and said, “Okay.”

  Then the two walked towards the sofa together.

  Seeing the girl coming back after singing.

  The girl immediately stood up and said, “Han Ping, it’s getting late, I have to go back.”

  The girl’s words of leaving immediately disrupted everyone’s plans.

  Han Ping was stunned for a moment, then swallowed back what she wanted to say just now, nodded and said, “Okay, then you go back early.”

  Zhang Ge disagreed.

  The girl couldn’t leave!

  He had finally met such a beautiful girl.

  How could he let her leave like this?

  At this time, Zhang Ge had a crooked idea.

  The girl urged, “Han Ping, you should go home early too. It’s not safe to go home too late.”

  Han Ping smiled and said, “It’s okay, my boyfriend is here. He will protect me.”

  The girl didn’t say anything more after hearing this.

  Turned and walked towards the door of the box.

  Zhang Ge immediately gave his younger brothers a look.

  The younger brothers immediately rushed up and blocked the girl’s way.

  ”What are you going to do?”

  One of the boys said, “Who told you to leave! My big brother toasted you, and you dare not drink! You are not allowed to leave today without drinking!”

  Other boys began to join in.

  The girl was instantly in a difficult situation.

  Han Ping couldn’t stand it anymore and said, “Don’t embarrass her, let her go.”

  ”No, you are not allowed to leave until you finish this bottle of wine today!”

  Han Ping wanted to say something else.

  Zhang Ge glanced at Han Ping’s boyfriend.

  The latter instantly became cowardly and hurriedly advised, “Don’t say anything. Brother Zhang is unhappy.”

  Although Han Ping was dissatisfied with her boyfriend’s cowardice, she shut up when she saw Zhang Ge’s gloomy face.

  The other girls in the box saw that something was wrong and quieted down.

  In the end, it was Zhang Ge who broke the deadlock.

  He suddenly smiled and said, “Beauty, I won’t make it difficult for you. If you drink this bottle of beer, I will let you go and will never stop you.”

  The girl was hesitant when she heard this.

  But seeing Han Ping’s expression, she finally nodded in agreement.

  Zhang Ge took a bottle of beer that had just been opened from the younger brother and handed it to him.

  The girl walked back and took the bottle.

  She didn’t know.

  When she took the bottle, she had already fallen into the trap.

  Seeing that the girl agreed to stay and drink a bottle of wine.

  The atmosphere eased a lot.

  A younger brother said, “Okay, okay, everyone continue to play, continue to drink, and pretend that nothing happened…”

  The girl originally planned to finish a bottle of beer as soon as possible.

  If you can’t finish it in one gulp, then two gulps.

  If two gulps don’t work, then three gulps.

  Anyway, the faster the better.

  But Zhang Ge suddenly proposed to play a game and said that they should drink while playing.

  The girl couldn’t refuse, so she had to agree to Zhang Ge’s proposal.

  Fortunately, Zhang Ge said that the loser would drink a glass of wine.

  As long as the girl finished a bottle, she would be allowed to leave immediately.

  Next, Han Ping, her boyfriend, two girls and two boys joined in to play games together.

  The game Zhang Ge played was very simple.

  Roll the dice and guess the size.

  One person is the dealer and is responsible for rolling the dice.

  The others are responsible for guessing.

  If you guess correctly, you win and the dealer drinks.

  If you guess wrong, you lose and you have to drink a glass of wine.

  But only one person is allowed to guess each time.

  The others can only watch.

  Only when one person guesses wrong, the next person will guess.

  The game starts with the girl.

  The beer provided by the bar can be poured into about four glasses of wine.

  In other words, as long as the girl guesses wrong four times and drinks four glasses, she can leave.

  Zhang Ge shook the dice box a few times and then put it on the table.

  The girl’s only purpose is to finish a bottle of wine and leave as soon as possible.

  So she didn’t think about it at all and just guessed blindly. It’s hard to

  say whether her luck is good or bad.

  She got it wrong the first time.

  The girl immediately drank a glass.

  So the next person guessed.

  Because the game is relatively simple, it goes faster.

  In a blink of an eye, it was the girl’s turn to guess.

  But this time she guessed right.

  Zhang Ge immediately picked up the glass in front of him and drank it all in one gulp.

  The younger brothers around him cheered, “Brother Zhang has a good alcohol tolerance!”

  After several rounds,

  the girl won and lost, and lost a total of three times, which means she drank three glasses.

  Her face was a little red, and her heartbeat was much faster than before.

  Another time.

  You can leave after
you finish drinking.

  When it was her turn again.

  The girl guessed wrong again.

  She poured all the last bit of wine in the bottle into the cup, turned the bottle over and poured it down.

  There was nothing left except a little foam.

  Then the girl drank the beer in the cup. After

  drinking, she stood up and said, “I finished a bottle of wine. Now I can go!”

  I don’t know if it was because she stood up too quickly or because she was a little drunk.

  The girl’s body was a little unstable.

  Fortunately, Han Ping next to her helped her in time.

  So that the girl didn’t have to sit back on the sofa.

  The girl felt a little dizzy. She felt

  something was wrong in her heart.

  She steadied her body, turned her head and said to Han Ping, “I’m leaving.”

  Zhang Ge suddenly said, “Beauty, are you drunk? Let me take you home.”

  As he said that, he walked over and pretended to help the girl.

  But his hand went directly to the girl’s shoulder.

  It seemed that he wanted to hug the girl’s shoulders directly.

  The girl was still sober and dodged to the side.

  Zhang Ge didn’t continue.

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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