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Chapter 808: Isn’t eating three more meals a day a reward?

Chapter 808: Isn’t eating three more meals a day a reward?


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 808 Isn’t eating three more meals a day a reward?

  ”…The life support device is OK.”

  Looking at the report submitted by a certain player, Chu Guang showed a helpless expression on his face.

  What a pity.

  Although he has the power to decide who to send the game helmet to, he does not have the authority to “increase the production line of new products.”


  isn’t eating three more meals a day a “reward”?

  From what he has learned, many players are quite happy about becoming gluttons. Especially the group of drunkards headed by Lao Bai, their favorite thing to do is to get drunk online, and then continue drinking offline.

  In fact, it’s not just about eating.

  The fun and enjoyment that “Second Life” brings to players is not limited to eating, but also includes and is not limited to the Emperor Yu who washes his feet and skin online, and then goes to wash again offline.

  Chu Guang really has no way to deal with personal tastes. After all, “Wasteland OL” is not a customized stand-alone game.

  ”I’m full online and have no appetite to eat offline” This kind of personal matter can only be solved by yourself.

  But then again, why did this guy write this in the report to the manager?

  Did his smurfing reveal itself?

  Chu Guang had a little doubt in his mind, but after thinking about it for a while, he dispelled it.

  This possibility is very small.

  According to normal people’s thinking, the little player should think that the planners will definitely actively peek at the screen of the game in the closed beta stage, especially for this kind of “review opinions” written by players themselves, they will definitely take the opportunity to sneak a peek.

  And in fact, even if they guessed it, it doesn’t matter.

  The truth that is accidentally known or guessed is like an expired lottery number that happens to be dreamed of. It can neither be acknowledged nor redeemed.

  Just knowing that such a thing exists is meaningless. Just

  when Chu Guang was about to close this report, Xiao Qi, who was sitting on the pen holder, suddenly came over and gave advice with great interest.

  ”In fact, it’s not difficult from a technical point of view. The master just needs to outsource this part of the equipment to a company with relevant qualifications in the parallel world!”

  According to its observation, many players and cloud players in reality run industries related to the game business. Some of them make money by information asymmetry, some make money by technical differences, and some exchange currency and sell peripherals.

  Especially the one who exchanges currency, he does the most business. Not only did he pull in the top players in the server, but he also used his advantage in silver coin reserves to expand his business scope to the fields of artificial intelligence and precision machinery manufacturing.

  I believe that with the ability of that player, it should not be a big problem to make a cultivation cabin with less technical content in reality!

  After Xiao Qi’s words, Chu Guang just smiled faintly.

  ”I thought about the method you mentioned a long time ago.”


  Xiao Qi tilted his head and asked in confusion.

  ”Then why doesn’t the master do this?”

  Chu Guang said after thinking for a while.

  ”Because… I don’t really want to weaken their social relationships in reality. What they get from Wasteland OL is not just money and status in reality, but also knowledge, technology, experience, methods and principles, etc.”

  ”They should use these things to bring some good changes to their hometown, create their own era of prosperity, and explore their own future.”

  ”Although I can’t go back, it’s my hometown after all.”

  Whether they choose moderate reforms or radical changes, Chu Guang believes that they will eventually take a different path from the wasteland world. Even

  if most players haven’t realized it yet, they have united together in fact.

  And they do have the power to change the world.


  The next morning.

  Sisi, who was lying in the hotel, opened her eyes, got up and walked to the door to check the several marks left at the door. After confirming that there was no abnormality, she went into the bathroom to wash up simply, and then went out to the lobby of the hotel.

  This is a habit she developed during her journey, and it is also a habit that many players have when camping outside.

  After all, you can’t control the game character after going offline.

  Although VM has the functions of “online life monitoring and offline message reminder”, it does not mean absolute safety. It can only prevent fatal dangers.

  When Sisi went downstairs, the four guides and bodyguards arranged by the Mammoth State authorities were already waiting in the lobby.

  The person in the lead was named Bella, a young girl. She was wearing a neat military uniform, carrying an LD-47 assault rifle on her back, with short hair that was neatly cut over her ears, and a sharp look like she had been on the battlefield.

  Judging from her epaulettes, her rank was sergeant. As for the specific position, Ya Xi did not mention it, but it was probably a squad leader, equivalent to a centurion in the old imperial military system.

  As for the others, they were all privates, but there were no signs of training on their bodies, and they did not look like people who had been on the battlefield. Perhaps they were new recruits who had just joined the army. I think their daily work should be service or civilian work.

  After seeing Sisi, Bella put her right fist on her chest and saluted, and said politely.

  ”Dear guest from the Alliance, good morning. Did you have a good rest last night?”

  ”Good morning, I had a good rest…” Sis gave her a relaxing smile, and then said, “Don’t be so polite, just call me Sis.”

  Bella’s face showed a troubled expression, but she nodded obediently.

  ”Okay, Miss Sis.”

  The task assigned to her by her superiors was to do her best to meet all the reasonable needs of these distinguished guests from the Alliance and leave a positive impression on the Alliance as much as possible.

  If the Mammoth State authorities want to survive in this crisis-ridden wasteland, they must obtain the support of at least one major force in the wasteland.

  She knew very well how important her mission was.

  Looking at Ms. Bella who was too serious, Sis made a helpless expression, but it was difficult to say anything.

  Seeing that Sis didn’t speak, Bella continued to speak politely.

  ”Excuse me, do you have any plans for today?”

  ”Well,” Sis thought for a while and looked towards the stairs, “I’m waiting for my companions to get up. After that, we plan to walk around and check out the environment here. Oh, by the way, is there any place to eat nearby? The kind that the locals often go to eat. We plan to have breakfast.”

  Bella said immediately after hearing this.

  ”A place to eat? I see. Just let me know when you are ready to leave.”

  As the two were talking, a big white bear and a short-haired girl walked down the stairs.

  Not long after, Zhimahu also rubbed his sleepy eyes and yawned down the stairs.

  Accompanied by four bodyguards and guides, the three people and the bear left the hotel and soon came to a street full of fireworks.

  Standing at the entrance of the street, Bella looked at Sisi and his group and said a little stiffly.

  ”This is the snack street of the parish. The shop owners are all residents from Silver Moon Bay. They are the only ones who usually have the habit of eating breakfast… I don’t know if it suits your appetite.”

  Sisi smiled when he heard it.

  ”Your worries are unnecessary.”

  Weiba interrupted with great energy.

  ”Oh! That’s right! The eating habits of the residents of Silver Moon Bay are actually learned from us!”

  Bella was stunned.

  ”Eh? Is… that so? That’s great. I’ve always been worried that you won’t get used to it.”

  She really didn’t know there was such a connection.

  Zhimahu said with a smile.

  ”You are too polite. Actually, it is not necessary. Everyone is very easy-going.”

  ”By the way, there are ramen shops here. This has spread too far…” Rourou looked at the street and was surprised to find that this place was simply a replica of Shuguang City North Street.

  Not only ramen shops, but also buns, shaomai, soy milk and fried dough sticks, and even fish powder and hot dry noodles.

  The tempting aroma aroused the greed in her stomach, and she couldn’t help swallowing several times.

  The tail standing next to her was the same, nodding his chin with a look of satisfaction.

  ”Not bad, not bad, there are successors under Haiji… Old man Zhang will probably be relieved.”

  Rourou couldn’t help but complain.

  ”What the hell is Haiji, and you have already assumed that he is an old man?”

  The tail said proudly.

  ”Isn’t it obvious? Which young person would use his real name as an online name?”

  ”By the way, don’t you eat breakfast?” Zhimahu looked at Bella curiously and asked.

  Bella shook her head, and the ends of her hair swayed gently beside her ears.

  ”That’s too extravagant for us. We only had one meal before, and occasionally had to make do with dirt… We’ve only had two meals recently.”

  ”Sorry.” Realizing that he had asked an inappropriate question, Zhimahu’s voice was a little apologetic.

  But Bella smiled and said indifferently.

  ”Nothing, that was in the past.”

  The group walked to the ramen shop and sat down. Bella wanted to pay, but was stopped by Sisi.

  ”We changed money when we got off the ship. I’ll pay.”

  As she said that, she left two mammoth banknotes with a face value of 100 yuan on the table and continued to say to the boss.

  ”Give me eight bowls of noodles.”

  Seeing that this distinguished guest wanted to treat them to noodles, Bella and the other three guides were a little surprised.

  ”This… is not good.”

  Looking at Bella with an embarrassed expression, Sisi smiled and said.

  ”It’s just a bowl of noodles. It can’t be a bribe.”

  Bella waved her hand and said.

  ”That’s not what I meant…”

  Sisi pulled open the chair in front of the table and said with a smile.

  ”Then sit down and eat together.”

  Although she didn’t have the habit of eating breakfast, Bella didn’t feel like refusing the kindness of the guests, and sat at the table with the other three guides.

  Sisi secretly observed the four people. Their reserved look didn’t seem to be pretended. It can be seen that they rarely come to such “luxury” restaurants to eat.

  Although it is unclear about the living standards of the top officials of the Mammoth State, the style of the grassroots is still relatively simple for the time being.

  In addition, she also noticed that in addition to the exchange rate of Mammoth Coins being similar to that of Gallons, the official exchange rate of Mammoth Coins against Silver Coins is also 10:1. In the local market, the purchasing power of the former is even slightly higher than that of the latter.

  A bowl of ramen here costs about 15 Mammoth Coins, while it costs 20 gallons in the Golden Gallon Port.

  This may be related to the fact that Mammoth Coins have just been launched and are not circulated in the market.

  Of course, whether it is 15 Mammoths or 20 gallons, it is still much cheaper than the beef noodles in Dawn City that cost 3~4 silver coins per bowl, although the former is also less than the latter.

  In addition, since Mammoth State is relatively poor and has limited foreign exchange reserves, Mammoth Coins cannot be freely exchanged like Gallons. Locals can only use it as a “consumption voucher”, and only foreign merchants can exchange it at designated exchange offices according to their respective quota limits.

  Of course, there is no limit on exchanging silver coins for Mammoth Coins, and a large number of exchanges can even get a few points of discount.

  The authorities seem to have learned from the lessons of Tiger State and Leopard State and adopted stricter foreign exchange control measures instead of blindly copying the wealth-making experience of Golden Gallon Port.

  While waiting for the noodles to be served, she had already learned a lot about the local purchasing power and living standards.

  However, this is the parish where the residents of Silver Moon Bay live after all, and the cost of living is obviously higher than other districts in Mammoth City.

  If you want to understand the real situation in the local area, you still have to go to the place where the locals live.

  When Sis was thinking about what kind of excuse to find to let Bella take her to the place where the locals live, the familiar and glib voice floated over from the door.

  ”Hey! Si! And Wei, Sesame Paste and Ms. Rourou… Haha, what a coincidence, we meet again!”

  Hearing the familiar voice, Wei raised his head from eating noodles and greeted with a smile.

  ”Oh! Leather seller! Good morning!”

  ”Hey… Don’t call me a leather seller anymore, I also do other business, okay!” Hearing the impolite name, Mogawei glared at Wei with an embarrassed look, but finally did not get angry. Even

  if not for the goddess’s face, he had to restrain himself for the sake of money.

  Shareholders of the White Bear Knights Bank and Baiyue Company, no matter which title, is too heavy for him, a guy in shipping.

  Seeing the pair of fiery eyes looking at her, Si sighed. Although she was not interested in this slick guy, she still greeted him politely.

  ”Good morning.”

  Sitting at the next table, Mogawei said helplessly.

  ”You are still so cold.”

  After taking a sip of noodle soup, she replied casually.

  ”Why are you so enthusiastic so early in the morning? What do you want?”

  ”No, I’m just here for breakfast, and I’m going to go to the market in the nearby city later.”

  Seeing the bodyguard with a gun staring at him intently, Mogawei spread his hands to indicate that he had no ill intentions, and then took out a bill and handed it to the waiter next to him.

  ”Give me a bowl of noodles too…just like the lady next to me.”

  ”Okay, sir.”

  Not wanting to get involved in the private affairs of these big guys, the waiter took the bill and hurriedly hid behind the counter.

  Sisi’s eyes flickered slightly, and he glanced at Mogawei who was pulling out chopsticks to eat noodles, and asked with interest.

  ”Do you know the market around here very well?”

  Seeing the interest in his eyes, Mogawei immediately showed a happy smile on his face and talked freely.

  ”Of course! Before you came here, I had been doing business here for two months. No one knows the market here better than me…Speaking of which business are you doing here?”

  Sisi did not hide it and said it directly.

  ”We imported a batch of food from Silver Moon Bay, as well as some anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs to prevent malaria.”

  ”Anti-inflammatory drugs, these are good things. I heard that the demand on the front line is quite high… But the profit margin of food is still too low. The flood occurred after the autumn harvest. The food here is not that scarce, especially for those who can afford it.” Mogawei shook his head, and his expression seemed to feel a little pity.

  Sisi continued to ask with interest.

  ”Then what kind of business is good here?”

  ”You asked the right person! I won’t tell him about ordinary people, but if it’s you… I can tell you for free,” Mogawei frowned mysteriously and said in a low voice, “Priceless jewelry, handicrafts from Ideal City, and precious furs… Especially the furs loved by the local tyrants in the desert, can all be sold at a high price here!”

  Hearing this, Weiba and Zhimahu looked at each other, both confused. Rourou, who was sitting next to him, was outspoken and asked him in confusion.

  ”The furs favored by the local tyrants in the desert… why don’t you sell them directly to the local tyrants in the desert?”

  Zhimahu asked in confusion.

  ”Yeah… can the price offered by the people here be higher than that of Silver Moon Bay?”

  Mogawei smiled mysteriously and continued to talk.

  ”You don’t understand this. There are rich people in even the poorest places. They buy these luxury goods not only for their own use, but also for the purpose of preserving their value. Therefore, they can even offer a more generous premium than the local tyrants in the desert.”

  Sisi asked thoughtfully.

  ”Are there many rich people here?”

  Mogawei laughed.

  ”That’s much more than you think! Especially those old nobles. Although the new authorities bought their land at the bottom, they also bought it with money… with mammoth coins.”

  Hearing this, Sisi’s eyes suddenly flashed with a gleam of brilliance, and he saw the trick at a glance.

  ”So that’s it, you are doing money laundering business…”

  Mogawei raised his thumb and said with a grin.

  ”As expected of you, nothing can escape your eyes.”

  Rourou looked at Sisi in confusion and asked in a low voice in Mandarin.

  ”What do you mean… Why did it become money laundering?”

  Sisi said in a very light voice.

  ”This is actually easy to understand. The Laxi authorities issued a large number of mammoth coins to buy the land flooded by the old nobles from their hands. However, mammoth coins cannot be freely exchanged, so those old nobles used the money to buy relatively value-preserving luxury goods. These things are easier to transport than coins. As long as they are transferred to Silver Moon Bay, they can be exchanged for a lot of silver coins.”

  Although Baiyue Province is rich in fur, there are also differences in rarity. The cheap ones are cheaper than cotton cloth, and the expensive ones are ridiculously expensive.

  According to her understanding, a high-quality blood mink skin can even sell for a million silver coins.

  There is a newcomer on the forum who became rich overnight by catching a blood mink by chance.

  After hearing this, Rourou showed an expression of emotion on her face.

  ”These nobles are really dogs…”

  Zhimahu still couldn’t understand, looking at Sisi in confusion.

  ”But… why did Laxi give them money? Can’t we just take the land away from them?”

  Sisi explained patiently.

  ”Paying money also has its advantages. A regime cannot rely on fear alone to achieve domination of a region, not to mention that the Moon Clan Resistance Army is an external force. If they want to achieve domination and want to abolish slavery and liberate productivity, they must cooperate with local forces at some level.”

  ”Of course, it is not ruled out that Laxi didn’t think so much. He may just refer to the Burning Corps’ practice in Jingalon Port.”

  The same was true when the Burning Corps occupied Jingalon Port.

  In addition to throwing Nihak and several war criminals into prison, Elder Fang and his men did not take a penny from other local residents, whether nobles or civilians.

  Although many old nobles were abandoned by the carriage of the times because they could not adapt to the new era, the entire process of class mobility was carried out in a relatively mild state, at least without arousing a large-scale backlash from conservative forces.

  Laxi made some improvements on this basis, especially on the issue of land.

  After all, the Alliance does not need to make money from land, and neither does Golden Galleon Port. However, the economy of Mammoth State is mainly based on agriculture, and the industrial base is zero, so it can only focus on land and population.

  After a pause, Sisi thought and continued.

  ”In addition to winning people’s hearts, I guess he probably also hopes that those old nobles will use the money to invest in industry. Even if they go to Mammoth City to hire people to build some houses, it will be helpful to the economy of Mammoth State…”

  ”But those old nobles obviously don’t all think highly of him. Some of them may really invest in industries with the money, but obviously some of them are just thinking about how to exchange the Mammoth coins or commodities in their hands for silver coins and cash out.”

  Seeing Sisi and his companions communicating in an incomprehensible language, and the soldiers looking at him with murderous eyes, Mogawei felt uncomfortable all over, and the chair under his butt was as hot as if it was on fire.

  Of course, he was not worried about a few big-headed soldiers reporting him.

  Not to mention that he was from Silver Moon Bay, he enjoyed a certain “immunity” in the local area.

  He can do this shady business, obviously he has his own backers in the local area.

  The most important thing is that the authorities have not made relevant laws to stop him from doing this?

  Even if it is indeed immoral.

  ”Ahem… I have something else to do, I’ll leave first. If you are interested in the market here, we can talk alone next time.” After quickly finishing the noodles, Mogawei threw down his chopsticks, winked at Sisi who was sitting at the next table, and then stood up and left.

  Watching the back figure disappear at the door, a female soldier sitting at the table couldn’t help but curse in a low voice.

  ”These termites…”

  The foreign exchange of Mammoth State is all carried out by the workers working overseas, but there are always these villains trying to take the little money from their pockets.

  Bella glanced at the girl, who immediately realized that she shouldn’t talk nonsense and quickly shut up.

  However, Tail, who was sitting next to her, heard her muttering and nodded in agreement.

  ”That’s right, Tail thinks so too… Even stealing the money of the poor, his conscience is simply bad!”

  Bella was silent for a while, looking at the door with complicated eyes, and finally sighed and said.

  ”Although that’s what I said, we still need these people… I’m afraid it’s a problem to survive if we rely on ourselves.”

  Rourou looked at her in confusion.

  ”Can’t we just let the good people in and drive the bad people out?”

  Bella shook her head.

  ”Mr. Lasi said that Mammoth State is like a moldy old house. We can’t just move in and leave it alone. Not only do we have to clean the place, but we also have to find a way to open a window to let in some air. There will definitely be a few flies and mosquitoes, but we can’t just not open the window because we’re afraid of flies crawling and mosquitoes biting.”

  Tail’s eyes widened in surprise, and he whispered in the “code language” used exclusively in Shelter 404. ”

  My giao… is this something that Lasi can say?”

  Sisi’s face also showed a surprised expression. She also felt that this was not something that the bandit-like guy could say.

  After calming down, she cautiously suggested.

  ”Actually… your Mr. Lasi is right, but why don’t you install a screen on the window?”

  Bella was stunned.

  ”… Install a screen?”

  Sisi nodded and continued.

  ”Even in the Alliance, we are not completely unregulated in silver coins. We are still improving the legislation in this regard. You are just starting out. I don’t suggest that you copy our approach completely, but you might as well consider setting up a central bank to formulate monetary policy and guide funds to flow more to where society needs them, rather than expecting the conscience of businessmen. These people don’t have the concept of conscience.”

  Mogawi didn’t dare to do money laundering when he was in French Fries Port. After all, a fine would be enough to bankrupt him.

  This guy is not a bad person. He has done some good things. He is just greedy for money.

  Bella looked at Sis hesitantly.

  ”But… Mr. Lister is still good. We all have a good impression of him.”

  At this point, she suddenly seemed to think of something and added in a low voice.

  ”Ah, of course, there are you… I think you are all good people. You won’t be like that guy, always thinking of various ways to exploit our loopholes.”

  Hearing this naive statement, Sis couldn’t help but hold his forehead and said helplessly.

  ”He has been trained by our managers, and… with his asset size and status, there is no need to take risks. If someone else comes, it might be different.”

  For example, Mosquito.

  That guy is just doing things for fun, and to a certain extent, he doesn’t even do it for money.

  Although this guy is not a bad person, it’s hard to say whether he will do bad things.

  Thinking that this seems to make sense, Bella’s expression gradually became serious, and she looked at her sincerely.

  ”I see… Thank you for your advice, I will try my best to report it to my superiors.”

  Seeing her humble and eager to learn, Sisi couldn’t help but smile, and took the opportunity to propose the idea that had been brewing in his mind for a long time.

  ”We are planning to expand the banking business of the White Bear Knights here, and maybe we can provide you with some reference suggestions at that time.”

  Bella’s eyes lit up, and she looked at her excitedly, almost standing up from the table.

  ”Really? Thank you so much!”

  The look was so similar.

  It was exactly like the look of those wastelanders looking up at the Pioneer when the Pioneer first arrived in the suburbs of Qingquan City.

  Sisi was also filled with emotion, and continued to talk as he looked at her.

  ”Of course it’s true… But before that, I want to learn more about the local situation. If it’s convenient, can you take us to the nearby city where the locals live?”

  Hearing this request, Bella’s face showed a trace of hesitation, but she finally nodded.

  ”No problem… Although there’s nothing to see there, I might disappoint you.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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