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Chapter 809 Chen Shumi

Chapter 809 Chen Shumi


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 809 Chen Shumi

  Xu Xiuwen used the key to open the door in front of him.

  After the door opened,

  he bent down and picked up the girl again.

  Perhaps because she was completely drunk,

  the girl no longer refused or resisted.

  She took the initiative to hook her hands around Xu Xiuwen’s neck. Her

  flushed cheeks were buried in his chest, rubbing gently.

  Entering the house,

  Xu Xiuwen went straight to the sisters’ room.

  It is worth mentioning that

  the two sisters share a room, but the beds are separate.

  Xu Xiuwen walked to Chen Shumi’s bed and put her down.

  But Chen Shumi still hugged his neck tightly and refused to let go.

  Xu Xiuwen had no choice but to take the initiative to untie the girl’s hands.

  After some effort, he untied Chen Shumi’s hands and let her lie flat on the bed.

  Chen Shumi’s face was very red.

  It looked a little abnormal.

  She kept twisting her body.

  Because of her slender figure

  , she felt like a water snake.

  Xu Xiuwen looked at the girl and said to himself, “How much did she drink? Little girls nowadays really have no sense of crisis. If you hadn’t met me today, you would have lost your virginity. You won’t have any tears to cry when you wake up tomorrow.”

  In fact, if she just lost her virginity due to drunkenness, it would be considered good.

  The worse case is that she got sick or got pregnant.

  That would be a lifelong pain.

  He only hoped that after this, Chen Shumi would be more sensible and not go to that kind of place again.

  Even if she wanted to go, she must have a friend to accompany her.

  Xu Xiuwen took off Chen Shumi’s coat, revealing the sweater inside.

  He hesitated for a moment and took off the sweater again. She

  was wearing an autumn shirt inside.

  So she didn’t show anything.

  This process was not easy.

  Chen Shumi was very dishonest.

  When it was her turn to take off the pants.

  Xu Xiuwen hesitated for a moment, but still reached out and unbuttoned the pants for the girl.

  Then he grabbed the waist of the pants with one hand and slowly took them off.

  But the girl was wearing tight jeans.

  It was really difficult to take them off.

  In addition, Chen Shumi twisted and turned and was very uncooperative.

  Xu Xiuwen took a lot of effort to take off his pants.

  In the end, Chen Shumi was left with only her autumn clothes.

  Xu Xiuwen opened the quilt that had been piled up on the side and carefully covered the girl.

  As soon as the quilt was covered,

  Chen Shumi lifted the quilt from her body with her hands.

  Xu Xiuwen covered her with the quilt again.

  But it took less than three seconds.

  Chen Shumi lifted the quilt again.

  Xu Xiuwen raised his voice and said in a slightly serious tone: “Chen Shumi, don’t lift the quilt!”

  I don’t know if she understood what he said.

  Chen Shumi didn’t lift the quilt again.

  But the girl groaned and said, “I feel so uncomfortable…”

  Xu Xiuwen was stunned when he heard it.

  Looking at the girl’s overly red face.

  It was indeed a bit abnormal.

  He was a little worried.

  So he reached out and touched the girl’s cheek.

  It was very hot.

  It is normal for the face to get hot after being drunk.

  But Chen Shumi’s face was too hot.

  Xu Xiuwen felt something was wrong, but he didn’t think much about it.

  Because he promised Chen Shuwan to help take care of Chen Shumi,

  he couldn’t just leave.

  Xu Xiuwen thought about it, turned around and went to the bathroom.

  He got a wet towel and wiped Chen Shuwan’s face and forehead.

  The cool wet towel absorbed some of the heat.

  After doing this, Xu Xiuwen called out with concern: “Do you feel better?”

  Chen Shumi opened her eyes dazedly.

  Her eyes were clearer than before.

  She seemed to be much more awake.

  At this time,

  Chen Shumi suddenly took her hand out from under the quilt.

  Then, the girl raised her arms and made a gesture for a hug.

  Xu Xiuwen was stunned.

  Subconsciously, he thought the girl was going to get up to drink water, or go to the bathroom or something like that.

  He leaned over and was about to pick up Chen Shumi.

  the other party suddenly put her arms around his neck.

  And pulled him towards her with force.

  Xu Xiuwen was stunned.

  Coming back to

  his senses, Xu Xiuwen was about to ask her what was wrong.

  At this moment, Chen Shumi seemed to have become a different person.

  She was like a person who had been thirsty in the desert for a long time and suddenly saw a source of water.

  She hugged Xu Xiuwen’s neck tightly and refused to let go.

  ”Chen Shumi, stop it, let go.” Xu Xiuwen shouted.

  Chen Shumi said, “I feel so bad…”

  Xu Xiuwen said, “If you feel bad, I can take you to the hospital, let go first.”

  Chen Shumi still didn’t let go.

  Xu Xiuwen had to put his hands behind his neck and planned to untie the girl’s hands again.

  Just when Xu Xiuwen was concentrating at this time.

  Something he didn’t expect happened.

  Chen Shumi suddenly came up to kiss him.

  The girl’s lips were very soft.

  The breath exhaled from her mouth.

  Smells of alcohol.

  But not bad.

  Instead, it has an intoxicating sweetness.

  It makes people’s heartbeat speed up unconsciously.

  Xu Xiuwen was caught off guard by Chen Shumi’s behavior.

  He was sitting on the edge of the bed, and his upper body was leaning down because Chen Shumi hooked her hands around his neck.

  He stretched his hands behind his neck to untie the girl’s hands.

  And Chen Shumi suddenly kissed him.

  He was stunned. He

  fell down without paying attention.

  Although there was a layer of quilt between them.

  But he could still feel the softness of the girl.

  Chen Shumi’s condition was becoming more and more abnormal.

  If Xu Xiuwen still couldn’t detect that Chen Shumi was wrong at this time,

  then he would have lived in vain.

  Chen Shumi’s reaction and behavior.

  This is definitely not as simple as being drunk.

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly thought of a possibility: Could Chen Shumi have been drugged?

  All the signs are very similar to the symptoms of being drugged.

  Thinking of the malicious man he met in the KTV just now,

  Xu Xiuwen suspected that it was the other party who did it.

  It seems that he can’t let the other party go so easily.

  Xu Xiuwen originally planned to contact Wen Ning immediately and tell the latter about this.

  But this is not the focus of his attention at the moment.

  Xu Xiuwen is a little annoyed at the moment.

  In fact, he should have noticed that something was wrong with Chen Shumi earlier.

  If he had discovered it earlier and sent her to the hospital earlier,

  Chen Shumi would not have to feel so uncomfortable at the moment.

  It is obvious that

  the drug has taken effect in Chen Shumi’s body.

  Xu Xiuwen has experienced it personally.

  Once the drug takes effect, it is difficult to control it by willpower.

  Not to mention Chen Shumi, a girl.

  Even he couldn’t resist it at the beginning.

  And when the drug took effect, Xu Xiuwen still remembered the feeling very clearly.

  He would become extremely eager to contact with the opposite sex.

  At this time, as long as there is a person of the opposite sex around him,

  he would try every means to get close to the other person.

  And most importantly,

  although the body is out of control,

  the mind is actually sober.

  will know very well what he is doing.

  In other words,

  Chen Shumi must know what she is doing at this moment.

  It’s just that she is powerless to stop it.

  Thinking of this,

  Xu Xiuwen moved his head away with difficulty, trying to avoid the girl’s kiss.

  The result.

  Chen Shumi felt that he wanted to escape.

  She bit his lips directly.

  She bit very hard.
He could

  n’t help but let out a painful hiss. But he

  still endured the pain and dodged.

  If Chen Shumi bit someone in a normal state,

  even if she was a beauty,

  Xu Xiuwen would be angry.

  But the girl’s current situation.

  He knew that the girl didn’t do it on purpose, so he couldn’t even get angry.

  He felt helpless.

  He calmed down and said to Chen Shumi: “Chen Shumi, wake up! It’s me!”

  Chen Shumi opened her eyes again.

  Xu Xiuwen knew that she must be able to hear it now.

  Then he said: “You look like you have been drugged now. I will take you to the hospital first.”

  I thought Chen Shumi would agree.

  The result was the opposite.

  Chen Shumi shook her head and said: “I don’t want to go to the hospital. My mother’s colleagues are in the hospital… I can’t let my mother’s colleagues know…” Xu Xiuwen

  remembered at this time.

  The mother of the twin sisters works in the hospital.

  Xu Xiuwen frowned and said in a deep voice: “It’s already this time, why are you still caring about this. You’ve been drugged, how can you not go to the hospital?”

  Chen Shumi begged: “Brother Wen, please help me…”

  Xu Xiuwen was puzzled at first, but then he guessed something and his heart skipped a beat.

  Xu Xiuwen immediately said with a serious face: “What do you know, let me help you, how can I help you.”

  Chen Shumi said: “Just like in the TV series… I… I don’t blame you…”

  Chen Shumi closed her eyes again after she finished speaking.

  Her breathing became more and more rapid.

  The symptoms became more and more intense.

  Xu Xiuwen understood what Chen Shumi meant.

  She wanted him to help her get rid of the drug.

  Isn’t this kind of plot often seen in martial arts TV series?

  One person is drugged, and the other person sacrifices himself to save others.

  But reality is not a martial arts drama.

  If Xu Xiuwen really saved Chen Shumi in this way.

  Wouldn’t he be a villain who took advantage of others’ misfortune?

  Xu Xiuwen cursed in his heart: TV series are really harmful, making these bloody plots all day long and corrupting children.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t have much thought about Chen Shumi.

  But he had a good impression of Chen Shuwan.

  Chen Shumi looked exactly like Chen Shuwan.

  Although he knew that the two were not the same person,

  it was hard not to connect them

  when they saw the same face

  But after all, he was not the type to take advantage of others.

  Seeing that Chen Shumi was unwilling to go to the hospital,

  Xu Xiuwen had a headache.

  He could probably guess why Chen Shumi was unwilling to go to the hospital.

  There were colleagues of her mother in the hospital.

  Once recognized,

  it would affect her reputation for both himself and her mother.

  In fact, she could change to another hospital.

  But Xu Xiuwen was very familiar with the hospitals in Jinling.

  The nearest hospital also took twenty minutes.

  The farther hospital

  would take at least half an hour. Could Chen Shumi survive half an hour

  ? Would this half an hour cause harm to her body?

  Xu Xiuwen had some understanding of this kind of medicine.

  Some of the drugs were very strong.

  If the drug power was not dissolved in time, or if it was not dissolved cleanly,

  it could cause irreversible damage to the body.

  Xu Xiuwen finally decided to send the girl to the hospital.

  He quickly pried the girl’s hands apart and stood up again.


  Xu Xiuwen lifted the quilt and began to dress Chen Shumi.

  If he had known, he would not have taken off her clothes just now.

  It would have wasted a lot of time.

  There is a saying that it is easy to go up the mountain but difficult to go down the mountain.

  It was easy to take off Chen Shumi’s clothes.

  But it became very difficult to put her clothes on

  without Chen Shumi’s cooperation.

  Before her pants were even up to her knees, they were kicked away by Chen Shumi.

  Xu Xiuwen worked hard for a long time but failed to help her put on her pants.

  Xu Xiuwen was really annoyed.

  Looking at Chen Shumi who was twisting and turning and not being honest at all.

  Although he knew that she didn’t mean it,

  he couldn’t help but feel annoyed.

  If the other party was An Shishi or Song Siyu,

  he would definitely spank the other party twice.

  Xu Xiuwen stopped his messy thoughts and said, “Chen Shumi, can you stop making trouble? Put on your clothes quickly and I’ll take you to the hospital.”

  Chen Shumi opened her eyes again and said, “I don’t want to go to the hospital… Help me… I feel so uncomfortable…”

  The girl refused to go to the hospital and her attitude was firm.

  Xu Xiuwen was also very headache at the moment and didn’t know what to do.

  Do I really have to save her myself?

  Although the other party is a young and beautiful girl with a good figure.

  And there is also the temptation of the identity of twin sisters.

  But Xu Xiuwen still doesn’t want to hurt Chen Shumi.

  Chen Shumi is still young and may meet a boy she likes in the future.

  If the boy knows that Chen Shumi is gone for the first time.

  What will he think?

  Maybe it will cause the relationship between the two to take a sharp turn for the worse.

  Xu Xiuwen doesn’t want to be a bad person.

  But he can’t ignore Chen Shumi and

  let her suffer like this.

  What if irreparable harm is caused?

  Not only will Xu Xiuwen be unable to report to Chen Shuwan,

  but he will also be unable to get over it in his heart.

  When he was hesitant,

  he suddenly thought of a way.

  That is to flip a coin.

  In the past, when he was not sure whether he should do something,

  he liked to flip a coin.

  Tossing a coin to make a decision

  seem stupid,

  but it is actually a great wisdom.

  Because the result of a coin flip does not directly affect a person’s decision.

  Instead, at the moment of flipping the coin,

  the person already has the answer in his heart.

  Xu Xiuwen found a coin in his wallet.

  He looked down at Chen Shumi on the bed and said, “Chen Shumi, my thoughts are a little confused now. I don’t know whether I should play with you. I decided to leave everything to fate. If it is a word, I will help you. If it is a flower, I will send you to the hospital and no longer care about your thoughts.”

  Chen Shumi said weakly, “Okay.”

  Xiuwen immediately started to flip a coin.

  He threw the coin into the air.

  The coin kept spinning in the air.

  After reaching the highest point, it began to fall.

  Xu Xiuwen immediately covered the coin with both hands.


  Xu Xiuwen slowly took his hand away.

  The coin in his palm happened to be facing up with the written side.

  Xu Xiuwen was stunned.

  He looked at Chen Shumi on the bed with complicated eyes.

  The other party seemed to have guessed the result and begged: “Brother Wen, save me, I really feel so uncomfortable… I can’t stand it anymore…”

  Xu Xiuwen stopped talking nonsense.

  Since he had decided to save people himself.

  He didn’t hesitate any more.

  Xu Xiuwen stood by the bed and quickly took off his clothes.

  Then he was about to lift the quilt.

  But he suddenly thought of something, turned back to the door and locked it.

  After doing all this, Xu Xiuwen climbed onto the bed with confidence.


  After everything was over.

  Xu Xiuwen turned over and lay on the bed.

  He looked down at the girl next to him.

  Maybe it was because she was drugged.

  Chen Shumi was crazy.

  At this moment, she fell asleep quickly because she was exhausted.

  But Xu Xiuwen couldn’t sleep.

  He leaned against the head of the bed and looked down at the girl’s quiet sleeping face.

  He felt a little complicated. He

  really didn’t think of the sisters at first.

  But he accidentally got his sister’s first time.

  Xu Xiuwen doesn’t know how to face Chen Shumi when she wakes up tomorrow.

  He doesn’t know how to face Chen Shuwan.

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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