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Chapter 809: Good people don’t live long in troubled times

Chapter 809: Good people don’t live long in troubled times


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 809: Good people don’t live long in troubled times.

  As Miss Bella said, the situation in the urban area of ​​Mammoth City is completely different from the “concession” of the Silver Moon Sect. It can even be said that they are two distinct worlds.

  The latter has beautiful marble buildings and clean and tidy streets. Most of the pedestrians on the streets are well-dressed, which is almost the same as the Silver Moon Bay next door.

  However, the former is a mess. Not to mention stone buildings, there is nothing that can be called a street.

  Most of the dirt roads are made by people’s footprints,

  and there are only two open-air drainage ditches on the roadside. On both sides of the road, there are shacks made of wood, branches or plastic boards.

  The locals call it a row house. Two or three families can often fit into a row house. It is so crowded that there is no place to step, but they still have to squeeze in.

  After all, many families here are like the slums in the Nihak period of Jingalon Port. A family can’t even get two pieces of clothes together, and they can’t stand naked on the street.

  As for the privacy between the families, they could only make do with a partition in the row house.

  In addition, there were almost no young men here.

  The local young and strong men either joined the army, went to nearby factories or concessions to help, or boarded labor export ships to go to the reconstruction of Beidao.

  As for the old, weak, women and children who stayed behind, those who had clothes to wear sat at the door to work, and those who had no clothes to wear sat at home in a daze, waiting for the relief point to serve porridge.

  To be honest, the people here are indeed suffering, but the authorities did not let them eat dirt, but still distributed some of the remaining food to them.

  After all, the authorities still need their men to work hard.

  Sisi did not go in to see, because Rourou’s size was really inconvenient, and she was afraid of scaring the people here, so she just looked at the endless slums from a distance. Next

  to the relief point, there were rows of wooden boards with some sloppy slogans written on them, such as “Every family contributes one person, and every family has enough food.”

  ”…This is simply treating people as goods.” Rourou’s heart was touched, and she couldn’t help but mutter.

  She was a straightforward person, always saying whatever she wanted, and she didn’t hide anything in her heart.

  Just now she thought Laxi might be a good person, but now she felt that he was not a good thing.

  Sisi thought for a while and said.

  ”…It’s hard to say whether it’s a good thing or a bad thing to turn from livestock into goods, but at least they have food to eat.”

  Bella didn’t seem to want them to stay here for too long. No one likes to have their scars exposed, so she said quickly.

  ”There’s no road ahead, I’ll take you to see other places.”

  Sisi nodded.

  ”Well, thank you.”

  The group returned to the main road and walked towards an industrial area near the sea.

  This is probably one of the places in the entire Mammoth City where reconstruction work has been carried out most smoothly, except for the leased parish.

  Especially the factory of the Lister Group and the surrounding area, there are almost no signs of disaster.

  The tall factory building is located on a higher ground near the sea in Mammoth City. A wide cement road is closely connected to the port area, and there is also a railway transportation line that has been opened to traffic.

  Large and small processing plants and workshops surround the factory building in the center, extending along the only road towards the direction of the train station.

  Most of them are Lister’s industries, but some are also made by locals themselves, especially hardware, machinery repair and even arms production.

  Tail and Rourou were even surprised to find that there was a scrapped Conqueror No. 10 tank parked here!

  ”My giao! The tank of the Legion!”

  ”Good guy… Is this captured?”

  Looking at Tail and Rourou who were shouting, Sisi said thoughtfully.

  ”Ninety percent of it is captured. The Legion will not sell arms here… I guess the authorities don’t have many dinars in foreign exchange reserves. This thing is not cheap.”

  The entire tank body structure is basically intact, only two tracks are broken.

  It was obvious that the track of this tank was broken at the front line, and the crew of the Empire abandoned the tank and fled, and then was dragged back from the front line by the guerrillas.

  Two repairmen wearing exoskeletons were surrounding the tank, and an officer of high rank was standing next to them, seemingly thinking together about how to repair this thing.

  Although the layout of this area was a bit sloppy, it already had the prototype of some industrial areas.

  On the periphery of the industrial area, there were rows of “corn buildings” with a strong League flavor.

  These residences made of prefabricated concrete panels can be regarded as the most “luxurious” buildings in this area. What

  impressed the locals was not only the solid roof, but also the “luxurious” supporting facilities.

  In addition to the polished cement road, every few buildings are equipped with boiler rooms, collective bathrooms, public canteens, and literacy schools that teach children during the day and adults at night.

  The configuration here is completely copied from the dormitory buildings in the Boulder City Industrial Zone, and some improvements have been made to suit local conditions on the original basis.

  For example, the winter in Mammoth State is not as cold as that in River Valley Province, and the weather in December only requires an extra coat. Therefore, there are no radiators installed in the dormitory building, and the boiler room only heats bath water.

  The workers living here are all the “new rich” in Mammoth City.

  Being able to find a job in the Lister factory, even if it is just cutting vegetables in the employee cafeteria or being a sorter on the assembly line, can be regarded as a decent person in the entire Mammoth City.

  Although the authorities have also spent money to build a batch of affordable housing in the city, the supporting facilities are still much worse than those of the employee dormitories of the Lister factory.

  It is no exaggeration to say that the places where these workers live are even better than those of the officers of the resistance army, not to mention the vast majority of civilians in the city who still live in row houses and eat relief porridge.

  I am afraid that Lister himself did not expect that he, who was regarded as a “flood beast” by the workers’ union in the alliance, would become a great man in the eyes of the locals here.

  The locals did not hesitate to praise him, and it was even circulated in the streets that if anyone’s family could produce a worker who worked in the Lister factory, it would be a great honor for the ancestors!

  That is why when Bella and her group came here and introduced the situation here, she could not hide her envy.

  ”…This whole factory area is Mr. Lister’s factory, with more than 10,000 people working for him directly or indirectly. He introduced steel, aluminum and solid hydrogen battery production lines to our settlement, but the only products here are hydrogen ejectors, high-pressure storage tanks and fuel electrodes.”

  Sis looked at the towering factory building and said with heartfelt emotion.

  ”You don’t have any industrial support here, so it’s great that you can produce these.”

  Recently, the electrification process of the alliance has been promoted from household appliances such as TVs, refrigerators and air conditioners to the private car industry. The South China Sea Alliance is planning to rebuild a large ocean current power station. There is an extremely strong demand for both small and large energy storage equipment.

  Hydrogen ejectors, high-pressure storage tanks, and fuel electrodes are all key parts of solid-state hydrogen batteries, and the latter has a large market both in the alliance and the South China Sea Alliance.

  In particular, the Lister Group itself operates exoskeletons and new energy vehicles and other industries. As long as the quality of the products produced meets the standards, there is no need to worry about no sales.

  It can be seen that Lister is indeed optimistic about this market, otherwise he would not put such a key thing here for production.

  ”Indeed, the foundation here is too poor. Thanks to the help of that gentleman, we can get to where we are today,” Bella nodded, with gratitude in her eyes, and continued, “Before he came here, there was not a single factory in the entire Mammoth City. Now we not only have a coal power station, railways, roads, steel mills and aluminum mills, but we can also process some export products.”

  ”I heard that the monthly output value of this factory has reached 10 million silver coins, and the production capacity is still growing!”

  ”If this trend continues, it may grow to 30 million next year, which is 300 million in our own currency! Mammoth State’s poverty alleviation and prosperity depends on it!”

  Looking at the energetic girl, Sisi couldn’t help but smile.

  ”Don’t be too self-deprecating, the most we can do is to bring some fire, and it will ultimately depend on you to light the fire. If one day you succeed in becoming rich, it will not only be because of our help, but more because of your own hard work.”

  In this process, the alliance is of course profitable, after all, prosperity is something that promotes each other.

  For example, the Alliance and the South China Sea Alliance.

  Before entering the Baiyue Province, the Alliance’s “蟞-style” engineering armor could only do some engineering on the shore, but after absorbing the submarine construction technology of the southern seas and contracting the submarine freshwater pipeline project, it immediately evolved into a series of models such as “蟹-style” and “帝鹤蟹”.

  Nowadays, whether it is the coast of the Baiyue Strait or the islands in the southern seas, the development is like a rocket.

  Not to mention the earlier Luoxia Province, the Alliance’s fertilizers, seeds and agricultural machinery have more than doubled the grain production there. Not only did the residents of Luoxia Province live a better life, but the residents of the Valley Province also had enough food.

  If Mammoth State and even the entire Borneo Province, like Jingalon Port, also joined the camp of the civilized world, it would be a great benefit to both the locals and the Alliance itself.

  If all the survivors in the wasteland unite, this wasteland era full of suffering and death will definitely end.

  I hope that day won’t be too far away…


  For the whole day, Sisi and Weiba and his group were investigating near the industrial zone of Mammoth Continent.

  Generally speaking, this is a thriving market. Many factories have the potential to grow, but they lack technology and capital, which is exactly what the Alliance lacks the most now.

  It is no exaggeration to say that even if you buy a few plots of land here and develop them into real estate and wait for them to appreciate in value, you will definitely not lose money.

  The group walked until the sun set before returning to the hotel in the parish.

  This trip can be said to be fruitful.

  The only regret is that Weiba and Rourou didn’t see the mammoth they had been thinking about until the end…

  The night gradually deepened, and only the parish was still lit on the entire coastline.

  And one of the lights belonged to the office of the General Administration of Customs.

  Although it was time to get off work, Yaxi did not leave here, but paced back and forth in front of his desk.

  After waiting for a long time, he finally waited for the phone on the table to ring. He hurried over and picked up the receiver. Without waiting for the other party to speak, he asked anxiously.

  ”How is the situation? Are those distinguished guests from the alliance satisfied?”

  He has been thinking about this all day, fearing that something might go wrong.

  The other end of the phone soon answered, and Bella, who was standing in the post office phone booth, reported meticulously.

  ”… In general, they are quite satisfied, and their evaluation of us is neutral or above, and they are also very interested in the local development potential. I heard from the lady named Sis that they plan to invest in us to open a branch to assist us in completing financial reforms.” Upon

  hearing this, Ya Xi’s face suddenly showed an ecstatic expression, and he clenched his fists excitedly.


  Although the influence of the White Bear Knights is far less than that of the Baiyue Company, it is also a bank of considerable size.

  It started in the Petra Fortress during the Luoxia Province War, and later based itself in the Silver Moon Bay. It developed overseas along the trade routes of the alliance. Its business scope covers the coast of the Borneo Sea and even the southern waters, and has incubated many potential enterprises and business groups.

  If the White Bear Knights Bank can be attracted here, its significance is no less than successfully attracting investment from another Lister Group!

  Listening to the surprised voice from the other end of the phone, Bella was silent for a while and continued to report.

  ”In addition, there is one more thing. Although I persuaded them not to leave the parish as much as possible, they still went to the nearby urban area. I couldn’t refuse, so I took them to visit the industrial area and the nearby residential area… But on the way, I still let them see the situation in the slums.”

  The slums in Mammoth City are like an ugly scar. No one can have any good feelings towards the authorities after seeing it.

  Although the authorities have made some efforts, it is not a problem that can be solved in a short time.

  Hearing that the distinguished guests of the alliance went there, Ya Xi suddenly became nervous and asked cautiously.

  ”Did they say anything?”

  Bella carefully recalled the previous events, then shook her head and said.

  ”That’s not the case.”

  In fact, it can’t be said that there was no one at all, but they spoke a language she didn’t understand at the time, so she didn’t understand what they were saying.

  Ya Xi, standing in front of the desk, fell into silence and finally sighed.

  ”…We can only hope that they can understand our difficulties.”

  He could feel that the purpose of these distinguished guests coming to Mammoth City was not just a simple business investigation. Maybe they also had tasks assigned by the Alliance managers, such as studying whether the Mammoth State authorities were worthy of Alliance investment.

  Although it was a bit difficult to say, the support of the Alliance was too important to them.

  He hoped that they could give him a definite answer, even if it was a negative evaluation, so that he could explain it and make some changes based on their opinions.

  No word, which made him most nervous.

  ”Are they dissatisfied with anything? Like complaining about something… No matter what it is, tell me everything!”

  Bella was stunned, hesitated for a moment, and then said in an uncertain tone.

  ”Uh… the lady named Tail seemed to be very sorry for not seeing the mammoth, it seems that’s all.”

  Can this be considered a complaint?

  Just when she was confused, Ya Xi slammed the desk hard.

  ”Quick! Contact the Mammoth City Militia immediately and ask them to go to the north bank of the Tasang River to catch one – no, catch two and send them back! One male and one female!”

  Hearing this unreasonable order, Bella was completely stunned, with her mouth wide open.

  ”Send, send two mammoths?” Does

  this guy know how big that thing is?

  However, Ya Xi didn’t care and said confidently.

  ”This is a necessary investment! It is also for the future of Mammoth City! Do as I say, and don’t let the guests of the alliance leave regrets!”

  Seeing that this guy was not joking, Bella could only restrain her confused expression and cheer up to accept the order.



  At the same time, on the border of Mammoth State, in the military tent of the Empire Grey Wolf Army.

  General Alaiyang, the commander-in-chief of the Grey Wolf Army, was looking at the list sent by the logistics officer, and his two thick eyebrows gradually twisted into two centipedes.

  The logistics officer standing in front of him did not dare to breathe, and could only stand there trembling.

  However, what is coming will eventually come.

  A sharp look shot at him, and Alaiyang slapped the list in his hand on the command table, staring at the logistics officer aggressively.

  ”Where are the tanks? Why haven’t the Conqueror No. 10 tanks I want been delivered yet? Why are all the logistics supplies that have arrived in this batch of light weapons and dry food!”

  The logistics officer complained in his heart when he heard this, and explained with a bitter face.

  ”You don’t know… recently the Alliance and the Legion suddenly had a dispute, and the Alliance withheld the arms that it had promised to send to the Falcon Kingdom for the Legion.”

  Alaiyang was stunned when he heard this, and his mouth opened for a long time.

  ”The weapons of the Legion…were seized by the Alliance?”

  This sentence contained too much information, and he did not understand it for a while.

  How did the weapons of the Legion get to the Alliance? And they had to go through the Alliance to be delivered to him.

  The problem caused by information blockage is precisely this. Being on the front line, he did not know what agreement the Empire and the Legion had reached, nor did he know what the Legion and the Alliance had argued about at the Sticky Community Conference.

  He had a vague feeling in his heart that he was like a chess piece, caught between two fists.

  It was not just him, but also Laxi standing opposite him.

  They were involved in a new game from an undecided victory or defeat.

  His intuition told him that this war might not end so easily…

  The logistics officer sighed and said helplessly.

  ”That’s all I know… Not to mention you, His Majesty is also very anxious now, but we can’t rush this matter. According to the Legion, if the Alliance knew that the arms were transported here after a long detour, things would become troublesome.”

  In fact, he didn’t need to be so polite to this Alayyang. If it were in the past, the latter should have said nice things to him.

  Unfortunately, the local forces are becoming more and more disobedient, and Tiandu can only rely on the central army that is suppressing bandits on the border.

  Now Alaiyang is in the heyday of Xilan’s court. Both the emperor and the dukes and marquises regard him as a life-saving straw.

  Looking at the helpless logistics officer, Alaiyang took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

  ”What should we do now? Those rebels took the equipment of the alliance and built the defense line like an iron barrel. Without the support of heavy equipment, we can’t beat them at all! Even if we force the attack, it will only let the soldiers die in vain!”

  The logistics officer’s eyes wandered for a while, and he hesitated for a while and said.

  ”It’s really not possible… It’s not impossible to slow down the offensive on the front line. The news from the legion is that they will find a way to solve the problem, so let’s be patient.”

  If the alliance can’t find the evidence they are looking for, they can only fulfill the contract and release the seized arms in the end.

  Even if they found evidence, they couldn’t confiscate the weapons. At most, they would send them back to the Weifu Wasteland and let the Legion deal with it on its own. The

  Legion didn’t have no ships. Those equipment would be delivered here sooner or later, but it would take some time… At least that’s what the Willant people told them.

  ”Wait a minute…” Alaiyang sneered, “If you wait any longer, the rebels’ railway will be built to the front line!”

  I don’t know where those poor guys got so much steel and cement.

  The spies he sent into Mammoth City to gather intelligence have not found out anything yet. They just heard that some of the ships carrying building materials came from Golden Gallon Port and some from the southern waters.

  ”If it doesn’t work… we can do this,” the logistics officer gritted his teeth and finally took out the last card, “Before leaving, His Majesty told me that if the war situation is really difficult, the general can recruit soldiers in Mazhou and Bird State.”

  Upon hearing this, Alaiyang narrowed his eyes and stared at the logistics officer.

  ”Did His Majesty really say that?”

  The logistics officer said tremblingly, sweating profusely under the gaze.

  ”Absolutely true! How dare I fool you about such a thing?”

  Alayyang stared at him expressionlessly.

  ”Are there any relevant documents?”

  The logistics officer shook his head quickly.

  ”No… His Majesty just told me verbally.”

  Alayyang stared at him meaningfully, and then looked at the list in his hand.

  No wonder so many rifles were sent, so this is the meaning…

  ”I see, you go down.”

  ”Yes, sir!” The logistics officer finally breathed a sigh of relief and respectfully left.

  Watching the logistics officer leave, the staff officer Gopal, who had been silent, looked at Alayyang.

  ”His Majesty allows you to recruit soldiers locally, isn’t this a good thing? Why is the general so sad?”

  ”Good thing?”

  A hint of complex emotions appeared in Alayyang’s eyes, and he said lightly after a moment.

  ”Can’t you see… after this war is over, we will be abandoned.”

  There is no written order, only a verbal decree. At that time, it will only take a word for His Majesty to recognize or not.

  If he recognizes it, it’s fine.

  If you don’t recognize it, even if it’s a small matter, it’s driving the people to the front line as cannon fodder.

  And if your majesty wants to investigate further, it will be a capital crime of treason.

  If things go wrong, it may even harm your family.

  Seeing the concerns in Alayan’s eyes, Gopal just smiled faintly.

  ”Whether it’s abandoned or not, the soldiers are in our hands.”

  Alayan narrowed his eyes and looked at Gopal with a hint of danger.

  ”What do you want to do?”

  Gopal continued without changing his expression.

  ”The wolf tribe will not follow you, after all, their relatives are in the Wolf State, but the horse tribe and the bird tribe may not be. In my opinion, you should not only obey the order, but also obey it severely, but not use those horse tribe and bird tribe as cannon fodder, but instead cultivate your own direct lineage who are truly loyal to you-”

  ”Enough! Don’t say that anymore!” Alayan shouted angrily, interrupting him.

  Gopal, who was interrupted, was not angry, but just nodded respectfully.

  ”I’m just giving you a suggestion…”

  ”The Empire is going to be in chaos, and good people won’t live long in troubled times.”

  After saying that, he left Alayyang, who was full of uncertainty, and turned around and left the military tent alone.

  Just when the Empire’s Grey Wolves were stagnant due to the lack of heavy equipment support, the Moon Clan resistance army was busy sending people across the river to catch mammoths overnight.

  Obviously, every family has its own problems, and the seemingly prosperous Mammoth State authorities are not having a good time.

  At the same time, new changes are brewing in the wasteland.

  The next day, the morning sun had just risen from the sea level in the southern sea area, and the Alliance’s Conch Submarine surfaced in the sea near Coral City.

  At this time, a small transport plane from Ideal City flew in from afar and slowly landed on the helipad on the deck of the Conch.

  It was a model that Chu Guang had never seen before. It looked a bit like the Alliance’s Viper. It seemed to be another new thing made by the enterprise, and it might be copied from the Alliance.

  But it doesn’t really matter. Chu Guang is quite open-minded.

  After all, the Alliance has also taken advantage of the Enterprise. The engine of the Overlord transport plane was taken from the Killer Whale transport plane. It’s no big deal to ask people to reciprocate.

  And what makes Chu Guang quite happy is that the otakus in Ideal City have finally come to their senses recently.

  The Enterprise’s Board of Directors probably finally realized that they are also part of the wasteland. If there are really lunatics who make things bigger, they will have to come forward to clean up the mess.

  This is exactly the trouble of the Torch Church.

  If they intervened in the crisis of Singularity City earlier, things would not have developed to the point where they got out of control later.

  Based on the reflection on their own problems, they have become more and more active in participating in the affairs of the wasteland recently, and various long-range and ultra-high-speed aircraft have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

  Soon, a middle-aged man in a formal suit and leather shoes walked out of the cabin door.

  With a sunny smile on his face, he stretched out his right hand to Chu Guang, who was standing next to the apron, from a distance.

  ”Dear Manager, I’m glad we meet again!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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