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Chapter 81 Achun

Chapter 81 Achun


Author: The Bell Outside the Besieged City

  Chapter 81 Ah Chun

  When Liang Qin appeared in front of Liang Zhen and others holding Wei Changtian’s hand, everyone was a little surprised but didn’t think there was anything wrong. All the people

  present were warriors, and they didn’t care much about the issue of sex. In addition, they all knew that the two had a close relationship, so they pretended not to see it.

  ”Changtian, come quickly!”

  Liang Zhen called out, and everyone sat down at the table.

  The tables and chairs were just moved from the post station by the postmaster and placed in the shade under a big locust tree, with many dishes and bowls on them.

  Although there were no delicious dishes, it was also rich.

  The few people didn’t care so much, they sat down and started eating, enjoying the mountain scenery in the distance and chatting.

  A deputy general reported:

  ”General, Master, we have now entered the territory of Tanzhou, and we will be able to reach Zhongling County in the evening.”

  ”This county is not very big. I have already sent someone to the city to inform the government.”

  ”By the way, it is said that there is a strange mountain called ‘Duantian’ to the west of the county. General and Master can go and see it if you are interested…”

  Liang Zhen and his men did not take the Tanzhou route when they returned to Beijing, so the scenery they encountered along the way in the past few days was quite fresh. Every time they arrived at a place, they would visit the local wonders.

  It was originally a trip to “escort prisoners” to the border, but now it is quite like an autumn outing…

  Of course, the speed of travel will definitely be slower, but it seems that no one cares much about this. Anyway,

  there is nothing important, and it is also good to travel and enjoy the mountains and rivers while traveling.

  It’s just that the name of the mountain “Duantian”… Liang Qin frowned and expressed his objection.

  ”This mountain is not good. It conflicts with Brother Changtian’s name. I think we should not go there.”


  Liang Zhen also reacted after hearing this and immediately responded: “Qin’er is right! This mountain doesn’t look interesting when you hear the name!”

  ”We won’t stay in Zhongling for long. We will rest in the county for one night and then continue on our way!”

  ”Yes, General!”

  The deputy general quickly put down his chopsticks and bowed to admit his mistake: “Don’t blame me, sir. I didn’t think it through!”

  ”It’s okay.”

  Wei Changtian waved his hands with a smile, thinking that the ancients were very particular.

  He obviously wanted to go to this mountain to have a look, but it was not easy to say anything now, so he had to keep his head down and continue eating.

  Warriors generally eat faster, and it didn’t take long for everyone to fill their stomachs.

  ”Brother Changtian, are you full?” Liang Qin asked in a low voice beside him.

  ”Well, I’m full.”

  Wei Changtian put down his chopsticks and burped, looking around casually until his sight stopped somewhere.

  It was a thin and small girl, wearing obviously ill-fitting linen clothes and messy hair.

  She seemed a little afraid of people. She didn’t dare to get too close to Wei Changtian and his group, nor did she dare to get too close to the post station. She sat alone on a stone between the two places, holding a mixed grain steamed bun in her hand and eating it slowly.

  Following Wei Changtian’s gaze, Liang Qin also noticed this pitiful little girl, and suddenly a feeling of pity surged in her heart.

  She hesitated for a moment, and immediately waved her hand to call a soldier to her side.

  ”Go and bring the little girl over. Speak softly and don’t scare her.”


  The soldier responded and walked to the side of the little girl, bending down and saying something.

  It can be seen that the girl was a little scared, but in the end she still carried a large bamboo basket and timidly followed the soldier back.

  She stood a few steps away from the crowd, lowered her head and didn’t speak.

  ”Don’t be afraid, we are not bad people.”

  Liang Qin smiled and waved her hand: “Come closer.”


  The little girl looked up at Liang Qin, and perhaps she felt that she was indeed not a bad person, and finally hesitated and walked a little closer.

  ”How old are you? What’s your name?” Liang Qin asked, holding her little hand.

  ”Nine, nine years old, my name is Ah Chun…”

  The girl’s voice was very nice, but the volume was too soft, as if it could be blown away by a gust of wind.

  ”Why are you here alone? Where are your parents?” Liang Qin asked again.


  The little girl timidly pointed to the low mountain not far away.


  Liang Qin and Wei Changtian looked at each other, and then looked at the fire starter in the bamboo basket. They all understood that the little girl’s parents might have passed away, and she should have gone to the mountain to visit the grave today.

  This kind of situation of losing one’s parents at an early age is actually not uncommon in this era.

  If it is a boy, it is okay, he may be adopted by other relatives.

  But if it is a girl, there is a high probability that she can only rely on herself, and there are not a few who will eventually starve to death or freeze to death.


  Liang Qin sighed softly, turned around and scooped a large bowl of food from the table and handed it to the little girl.

  ”Are you hungry? Eat something.”


  Ah Chun swallowed hard and put the bowl back on the table: “Madam, I brought some dry food.”


  Liang Qin was stunned for a moment, but soon understood.

  For such children living in remote areas, “Master” and “Madam” should be the most respectful titles they can know.

  Liang Qin smiled and didn’t correct her. Instead, she softly advised, “Don’t be embarrassed. We will throw away these dishes even if you don’t eat them.”


  Ah Chun was stunned. Her big eyes flickered in confusion, as if she couldn’t understand why such good dishes should be thrown away.

  ”Then, then I’ll eat…”

  She hesitated for a long time, and finally picked up the bowl and chopsticks again. Encouraged by Liang Qin’s eyes, she began to eat in small bites.

  Liang Zhen and others didn’t say anything when they saw this, and continued to chat and talk among themselves.

  Soon, Ah Chun ate a large bowl of food.

  Maybe it was because she hadn’t eaten so much for a long time, the little girl couldn’t help but burp.

  ”Drink some water… Are you full?”

  Liang Qin smiled and handed her another bowl of water.

  ”Eat, burp, I’m full…”

  Ah Chun still couldn’t stop burping after drinking the water, and her little face was red with shame: “Thank you, burp, ma’am…”

  ”You’re welcome.”

  Liang Qin wanted to pat her on the back, but Ah Chun suddenly bent down at this time and shook out the few mountain products in the bamboo basket.

  Wild mushrooms, wild fungus, and a few medicinal herbs… She hiccuped as she gathered these things together, tied them into a bundle carefully with a straw rope, and gently placed them at Liang Qin’s feet.

  ”Husband, Madam, these are for you.”

  ”Take them back, I don’t want your things.”

  Liang Qin picked up the mountain products and wanted to put them back into the bamboo basket.

  But Ah Chun took a step back, lowered her head and said seriously: “Madam, you give me food because you are kind-hearted, it’s not my due.”


  Liang Qin’s eyes were a little surprised.

  She didn’t know what to say for a moment, and Ah Chun bowed to everyone at this time, and then walked away with the empty bamboo basket on her back.

  The thin figure quickly walked a distance away. Liang Qin was silent for a while and couldn’t help but sigh to Wei Changtian: “I didn’t expect this child to be so sensible…”


  Wei Changtian looked at the bundle of mountain products under his feet: “If she sells these things in exchange for food, she will probably be able to eat for a while longer.”


  Liang Qin was stunned for a moment.

  Wei Changtian didn’t say anything else, just shook his head and took out a piece of silver from his sleeve, and threw it away.

  The silver drew an arc in the air and fell into Ah Chun’s bamboo basket.

   Today there is still… I’m writing, I’m writing…


  (End of this chapter)


I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am Villain In The Book I Turned Out to Be the Arch-Villain of the Book 我竟是书中大反派
Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

Wei Tian transmigrated to a fantasy novel, and found out that he was the villain who was beaten up by the protagonist from beginning to end? ? ?

He has a powerful family background, but all he does is eat, drink, and have fun; he has a handsome face, but all he does is commit evil deeds; he has abundant cultivation resources, but all he does is waste them away… and he can’t even lie down properly, because the protagonist is about to come and steal his wife!

I used to want to be a good person, but now I really have no choice!


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