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Chapter 810 Our names will be engraved on this immortal monument

Chapter 810 Our names will be engraved on this immortal monument


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 810 Our names will be engraved on this immortal monument.

  Looking at his old friend who walked down from the open hatch, Chu Guang also stretched out his right hand with a smile.

  ”Nice to meet you! Mr. Li, it’s been a long time since we last met!”

  The person standing in front of him at this moment was Li Changkong, the manager of the Construction Department of Ideal Group.

  As one of the representatives sent to Shuguang City by the Enterprise Assistance Alliance, Chu Guang had not seen him for some time since the war in Luoxia Province ended.

  For a long time, the foreign affairs exchanges between the Council and the Alliance were handled by the staff of the General Management Department and Yi Chuan of the Overseas Business Department.

  This time, Li Changkong visited the southern sea area not on behalf of the Enterprise Council, but on behalf of the oldest “king of infrastructure” among the five major enterprise groups – Ideal Group.

  The infrastructure of Ideal City was built by Ideal Group. As for the transformation into property and operation and maintenance, that was all after the completion of Ideal City.

  As for the purpose of Li Changkong’s visit, it was naturally to conduct a field investigation of the “orbitless space elevator” project proposed by the Alliance at the Sticky Community Conference.

  Maintaining the operation of Ideal City requires a lot of energy, and this work happens to fall within the business scope of Ideal Group.

  If the stable route from the surface to outer space can be reopened, or even the Earth-Moon flight that has been suspended for two centuries can be restored, it will undoubtedly fundamentally solve the hidden danger of energy depletion that Ideal City may face in the future.

  It is for this reason that Ideal Group has shown extraordinary interest since the Alliance proposed this plan.

  When hearing that the Alliance has joined hands with the South China Sea Alliance to start site selection in the southern waters, the chairman of Ideal Group immediately sent an application to Shu Yu, the Alliance’s ambassador to Ideal City, to go to the southern waters for a field trip.

  Seeing that the local tyrants in Ideal City are so interested in his plan, Chu Guang is naturally happy to hear about it. He immediately asked Shu Yu to approve their application and even personally sat on the Conch Submarine to greet him.

  Standing on the sturdy steel deck, Li Changkong looked around, half of his surprised eyes were shocked and half of them were admired.


  The settlement that was once shabby and had nothing but hope has now completed such an incredible project!

  Although Ideal City is located on the coastline and is also developing resources in the ocean, it is not outstanding in shipbuilding technology, at least not as outstanding as their aviation equipment. It is

  not difficult to understand why such a situation would occur.

  After all, in the Prosperous Era, the development focus of the Human Union has been constantly shifting to outer space, and the logistics and manufacturing industries on the surface have also moved more or less towards the four major industrial areas near the space elevator.

  Under this general trend, the market share of rail transportation and air transportation has ushered in high growth, while maritime transportation has actually stagnated or even shrunk.

  In addition, the Human Union has adopted a restrictive development strategy for marine resources to protect the marine ecological environment. Therefore, in more than a century of the Prosperous Era, the navigation technology of human civilization has not actually made any special progress, and the ecology of the entire industry has basically maintained the appearance of the early Prosperous Era.

  Even if some ships have made some progress in materials and power sources, they are mostly driven by other high-growth industries and are passively led forward.

  Ideal City has inherited the attributes of the Human Union era to a large extent. Although it does not pedantically continue the environmental protection policies of the Human Union era, its investment in marine equipment is far lower than that in other fields.

  At least none of the five major groups considers marine engineering and navigation equipment manufacturing as their main business.

  That is why Li Changkong was so shocked.

  Although in Chu Guang’s view, the strategic significance of the “Overlord” transport aircraft is much greater than that of the “Conch” submarine, in Li Changkong’s eyes, it is completely the opposite.

  This thing is much more amazing than the alliance’s aircraft!

  ”It’s amazing… a mobile airport that can dive, is this designed by you?”

  Looking at Li Changkong’s fuss, Chu Guang laughed and said.

  ”I don’t dare to take it. To be precise, it is a work completed by us and the people of the South China Sea Alliance.”

  It’s really touching to think about it.

  Once upon a time, he also had such a fuss when he saw the Pioneer of the enterprise.

  Now the two sides have exchanged their positions, and it is the alliance’s manufacturing industry that has opened the eyes of the enterprise.

  ”It’s incredible…”

  Looking at the flat deck under his feet and the tall bridge, Li Changkong still had an expression that could not calm down, and looked at Chu Guang puzzledly and asked.

  ”Our ship will grow barnacles and oysters after floating on the sea for a few months. How do you prevent those things from climbing onto the deck?”

  This was not a secret worth hiding, Chu Guang said in a casual tone.

  ”The mind interference device can not only be used to drive away alien species, but also some more difficult shellfish creatures.”

  Li Changkong showed a look of surprise on his face.

  ”I see.”

  Although he was not a professional, this unconventional method was indeed something.

  ”The more incredible thing is still to come,” Chu Guang smiled faintly and continued, “Come with me, I’ll take you to the cabin to have a look.”

  As he said that, he walked in front, and together with the guards beside him, he led Li Changkong and his party to the direction of the bridge.

  The entrance to the cabin was just below the bridge. The group stood on the elevator and quickly descended into the interior of the submarine with a slight movement.

  In the wide space, more than 20 alliance carrier-based aircraft were parked in a row.

  Among them are vertical take-off and landing transport aircraft such as Viper, fixed-wing aircraft such as Lightning and Thunder, and even the “Cloud Ting” flapping-wing aircraft imported from Ideal City.

  The electromagnetic catapult rail is directly connected to the upward-tiled hatch at the front end, and a straight main rail is connected to multiple branch rails connected to fixed-wing carrier-based aircraft.

  Once a battle occurs, the Conch submarine can immediately launch all the aviation equipment stored in the cabin into the air after surfacing, forming an air attack formation in a very short time, and using the outer deck runway to provide a transfer springboard for the land-based aviation team.

  In addition to those aviation equipment, the ammunition reserves in the submarine are also impressive.

  I saw that the missile rack next to the rail was filled with missiles of different models. Judging

  from the quantity alone, with the current ammunition reserves of this submarine, it is more than enough to meet the consumption of three battles!

  And not only that, in the dome mezzanine of the spacious space, there are also folded “King Crab” amphibious engineering armors waiting for battle.

  When not in use, they stay quietly on the charging station.

  Once the deployment order is issued, they can be immediately hoisted and placed on the inner deck by the mechanical arm fixed on the rail, and go out of the cabin to fight through the special buffer channel.

  From the moment he entered the cabin, Li Changkong was shocked.

  This is simply a mobile sea fortress!

  And it can dive at any time!

  However, what Chu Guang wanted to show him was not how abundant the martial virtue of the alliance was, but something else, so he took him reluctantly and walked straight to the observation cabin at the front of the submarine.

  On the way to the observation cabin, Li Changkong seemed to finally remember why he came here, and looked at Chu Guang who was walking beside him and asked.

  ”Speaking of which, how is your site selection going? Is it going well?”

  Chu Guang said with a smile.

  ”The site selection was last week, and now it has entered the experimental demonstration stage.”

  Li Changkong looked at him with surprise and said in surprise.

  ”The site selection is complete? So fast?”

  He originally thought that the Alliance would wait until the discussion at the Sticky Community Conference came to a conclusion, at least to attract some investment before starting the next stage of work, but he didn’t expect that the project had already advanced to the stage of experimental demonstration.

  This efficiency is unparalleled!

  Not at all surprised by Li Changkong’s surprise, Chu Guang stopped at the door of the observation cabin, looked out the wide panoramic window and continued.

  ”We think that there is no precedent for a trackless elevator, and we can only know whether it will work after a try.”

  Regardless of whether it can eventually gain the support of the Sticky Community, the Alliance will advance the project as planned.

  Not only because of the threat of “celestial beings”, but also because the future of human civilization is there.

  It is not enough to inherit the legacy of the Human Alliance to get out of the wasteland.

  To truly end the wasteland era and keep the fire of civilization burning, the Alliance must face the various problems left over from the Human Alliance era.

  Rebuilding the space elevator is only one part of his plan, and there is no better time to do this than now.

  Of course, although he will continue to do it regardless of whether there is support, it would be good if he could attract some “investment”.

  After all, this century-long project, whether from a political perspective or from a brainstorming perspective, the more power that can be concentrated, the higher the probability of success in the end.

  Putting away his surprise, Li Changkong calmed down and looked at Chu Guang and continued to ask.

  ”I agree with your point of view. But… from a practical point of view, how do you plan to deal with the garbage floating in the orbit? That is an astronomical level of debris. If you can’t solve this problem, let alone a space elevator, it will be a problem to launch a spacecraft up there.” The

  enterprise has not tried to launch a spacecraft into outer space, but basically it becomes part of the garbage after crossing the low-Earth orbit.

  It’s okay if it’s just garbage.

  There are also ultra-long standby automated defense equipment cruising in orbit, which can identify foreign intruders.

  Although the enterprise has cracked a few of the orbital weapons, it is still a drop in the ocean in front of the astronomical level of debris.

  Compared with whether the idea of ​​”orbitless elevator” can be realized, he is more concerned about this more realistic problem.

  Not surprised by Li Changkong’s question, Chu Guang answered fluently.

  ”We have already considered the problem you mentioned. We are considering using ‘gravity wells’ to remove the garbage on the orbit.”

  ”Gravity well?” Li Changkong frowned slightly, with a confused expression on his face.

  Chu Guang continued.

  ”The gravity well I’m talking about is not the natural gravity well, but the artificial gravity well. Simply put, it uses graviton manipulation technology to interfere with the earth’s own gravitational field, creating a downward-concave ‘well’-shaped graviton channel in a specific area, and guiding the orbital garbage that moves to the area to actively fall to the area we specify.” Li

  Changkong stared at Chu Guang in confusion, and it took a long time before he spoke.

  ”Can such a thing be done?”

  He had never heard of it!

  Chu Guang smiled embarrassedly and said.

  ”We are actually in the conceptual stage, just like the ‘trackless elevator’. As for the specific implementation, it may be quite difficult. After all, the graviton-related technology we have is too limited, and the only ‘prototype’ was seized from the Legion.” Graviton-related

  technology is a relatively cutting-edge technology even in the prosperous era, but its application scenarios are not few at all.

  For example, the most classic FTL engine, the hyperspace channel between massive celestial bodies, anti-gravity technology and even deflector shield technology, etc., are actually achieved through the manipulation of gravitons.

  Although the current manufacturing level of the alliance has risen to a new level with the help of the manufacturing center on the B7 floor, it has only reached the level of being able to produce deflector shields. It is still difficult to replicate the “frigate core” on the Iron Heart, not to mention the black technology that is comparable to “forbidden magic” to interfere with the gravitational field of large celestial bodies.

  To be honest, when the experts of the scientific expedition team proposed this idea to him, he couldn’t help but wonder if the expert’s brain was broken.

  Before this, Chu Guang was actually more inclined to the brain hole on the forum –

  that is, launch N rockets to low-Earth orbit, throw some large nets into the sky, just like flying a kite, and catch as much as you can. After a while, shoot another rocket up to pick up the things, and just like this, transport the garbage to the ground bit by bit.

  Although the method proposed by the experts of the scientific expedition team sounds more convenient than this method of moving mountains, the theoretical part is too difficult for him to understand. However,

  despite his hesitation, Chu Guang finally did not make the mistake of an amateur commanding an expert, and handed the demonstration to the experts of the scientific expedition team.

  At present, the preliminary opinion given by Yin Fang is that “the technology is feasible, but the difficulty of realization may not be small”, and it has not directly rejected this possibility.

  Li Changkong was obviously also stunned by this unrealistic idea. After a long silence, he smiled awkwardly and said.

  ”This… is really beyond my knowledge. I’m afraid I have to go back and ask the professors of Yunjian University. But I didn’t expect that you have even considered such a special method. It seems that Mr. Chu Guang is really optimistic about the prospects of outer space development.”

  Chu Guang smiled faintly and said.

  ”Of course, I believe that the meaning behind this should not be told to you.”

  Li Changkong sighed and said.

  ”That’s what I said, but our board of directors is actually more focused on the interests at hand.”

  Chu Guang continued in a gentle tone.

  ”There’s nothing wrong with focusing on the interests at hand. Only by walking well on the road at hand can you go further. But in my opinion, you have actually developed the land at hand very well. In that case, why don’t you expand your ambitions a little bit? You obviously have the ability, so why bother with a small ideal city?”

  Hearing this, Li Changkong couldn’t help but twitch his eyebrows.

  ”Is the ideal city still small?”

  He felt that this guy was a little bit arrogant.

  Although he admitted that the development of Dawn City was good, it was a bit too arrogant to want to compare with the ideal city.

  However, Mr. Chu didn’t give him any face at all and continued to speak unceremoniously.

  ”Small, and not just you, including our alliance, and even the legion that spans half of the continent, are nothing compared to the territory of the Human Alliance era. In fact, if I were to say, you can do a bigger business, for example… How about opening a branch of Ideal City 5 light years away?”

  Li Changkong was stunned, and forgot about the previous unhappiness.

  ”… Five light years away?”

  ”That’s right.”

  Chu Guang nodded and continued in a gentle tone.

  ”Farther than Nanmen II… Don’t your colony ship’s core have the coordinates of the new world? When we have dealt with the troubles on this planet, we will have to continue what we have not completed before.”

  Li Changkong said with a smile.

  ”That kind of thing is too far away.”

  Chu Guang shook his head and said.

  ”In fact, it is not very far away. We can prepare for that day from now on. I think the reason why your fathers turned back was probably not to let their descendants be trapped forever on this hopeless planet. They must have believed that new hope can be born here, and that you can set off again, so they turned back without hesitation.”

  In fact, it was not appropriate for him to say this, after all, those people were the ancestors of Ideal City, not his ancestors.

  But Chu Guang didn’t know why, when he talked about the stories of those people, although he had admiration in his heart, he didn’t feel a bit of awe, and even easily brought them into their perspective and thought from their perspective.

  This is actually somewhat self-righteous.

  However, he said this very naturally.

  Maybe it’s because he is an outsider.

  When he mentioned that period of history, it was as if he was telling an ordinary story, just like describing the plot in the game.

  Li Changkong stared at him blankly, and after a long while, he smiled faintly and said,

  ”… Maybe.”

  The residents of Ideal City are actually not afraid of others mentioning and evaluating their ancestors. They are not as sensitive as the Legion.

  However, his indifferent expression clearly showed that he did not take Chu Guang’s pie to heart.

  However, what Li Changkong did not know was that the speech that did not stir up any waves in his heart inadvertently planted a seed in his heart.

  The engineering machinery of Ideal Group has indeed been parked in the warehouse for too long, so long that the equipment is almost rusted.

  The Ideal Group once created incredible miracles on the wasteland, but now they can only do some repair work based on the foundation of their predecessors.

  Although he is only a manager of the Construction Department, he has indeed envisioned the great achievements completed by his predecessors two centuries ago.

  Chu Guang’s words touched his heart.

  The reason why the Zhiyuan colony ship turned around was definitely not to let their descendants be trapped on this planet and rot.

  They must have believed that their descendants would be able to pick up their unfinished mission one day in the future, so they chose to turn back without hesitation to save those who still had hope of being saved. If

  you think about it this way…

  the big cake hanging five light years away actually smells pretty good.

  ”I’m very interested in your proposal, but… can you let me see something practical?” Following Chu Guang’s line of sight and looking out the panoramic window, Li Changkong looked at the endless sea level and continued, “The surprise you mentioned to me on the phone… is it just this Conch?”

  Before coming here, he had a telephone conversation with Chu Guang, and Chu Guang promised him on the phone that he would give him a surprise when he received him.

  He was looking forward to it at the time, especially when he learned that the Alliance had advanced the project to the experimental demonstration stage.

  However, standing in this observation cabin, he saw nothing.

  Although the Conch was also amazing from an engineering point of view, he didn’t come here specifically to understand the Alliance’s maritime power after all.

  Perhaps the board of directors would be interested, but this had nothing to do with the purpose of his trip.

  ”Of course not. As for the surprise I mentioned, you’ll know in a moment.” Chu Guang smiled mysteriously, then looked at the captain who was following closely beside him and ordered, “Prepare to dive!”

  After receiving Chu Guang’s order, the captain immediately stood up straight and saluted neatly.


  The captain took off the intercom hanging on his shoulder and gave the order in a sonorous and powerful voice.

  ”All ships dive!”

  At the same time as the order was issued, the towering steel body pushed away circles of waves and slowly sank into the sea level.

  Looking at the panoramic window that sank into the sea, Li Changkong suddenly remembered that his plane was still on the apron, and hurriedly looked at Chu Guang and said.

  ”My plane——”

  ”Don’t worry,” Chu Guang gave him a reassuring look, knowing what he was worried about, “We have already brought the plane in for you.”

  The apron itself is a lift. When they stood on the lift just now, the transport plane that looked like the “Viper” also sank into the cabin with them.

  Hearing this, Li Changkong finally felt at ease and cast his eyes out of the panoramic window.

  At this moment, the scene that came into his eyes made him freeze in place.

  In the depths of the azure, flashing arcs of light were like “elves” dancing under the sea.

  A towering alloy giant structure was surrounded by countless flashing “elves” in the center, and the metal structures extending outward gathered little by little with the flashing light.

  Li Changkong’s eyes widened in surprise. Just when he was about to ask Chu Guang, who was standing next to him, what this thing was, the latter seemed to see the surprise in his eyes and waved to the captain beside him.

  The captain immediately understood and ordered his men to turn on the searchlight at the front of the submarine.

  As the milky white light lit up, the entire dark space was illuminated. Only then did Li Changkong see clearly what the flickering elf was.

  All I saw were mechanical bodies shaped like manta rays, flapping their huge pectoral fins, surrounding a construction site.

  The flickering light was the low-temperature arc emitted from the welding equipment above their heads.

  Under the flickering of the arc, metal pipes and plates were quickly welded to the pre-assembled metal skeleton.

  And around the metal skeleton, there were many mechanical bodies shaped like crabs busy, completing some more detailed work on behalf of those “manta rays”.

  ”…The guy who looks like a manta ray is called an electric ray. It is an underwater automatic welding unmanned boat we developed not long ago. I forgot which company’s product it is. Those crabs are the “crab-style” that we improved based on the “蟞-style” engineering armor. You are in engineering, so you should have heard of it.”

  Li Changkong nodded blankly, and after a moment he sighed sincerely.


  Although the company is not lacking in innovation, the terrifying innovation speed of the alliance really opened his eyes.

  This development speed is simply too fast!

  Even snowballing can’t describe this speed!

  Although part of this is due to the enterprise, everything here at this moment is obviously unrelated to the enterprise. It is completely created by the residents of the shelter and the wastelanders of the alliance.

  He was not only unbelievable in his heart, but also admired from the bottom of his heart.

  These people are really amazing.

  In the past two centuries, everything that Ideal City has done is just a repetition of the Prosperous Era, and it has not taken a step forward on this basis.

  However, a survivor alliance that has only been born for a few years has the courage to challenge the peak they dare not even think about – building a new tower that has never existed in the Prosperous Era!

  No wonder the Council favors them!

  With these people holding torches walking in front, even the lazy residents of Ideal City will involuntarily take a step forward.

  Including myself –

  that’s why I’m standing here!

  Looking at the man in front of him, Li Changkong suddenly saw a possibility that he had never imagined from him.

  If it were him, there might really be hope to end this wasteland!

  ”… Before I came here, I actually had some doubts in my heart, including but not limited to whether it was too early to rebuild the space elevator at this point in time.”

  After a pause, Li Changkong looked at Chu Guang and continued in a serious tone.

  ”But after seeing what is in front of me, I am only ashamed of my previous doubts.”

  ”Using asset return rate to calculate the value of this project is simply an insult to it. This is a project that can open a new era!”

  ”As you said, if we can really rebuild the bridge between the surface and space, maybe one day we can really recover all the territories of the Human Union era.”

  ”This magnificent monument should have the names of the citizens of Ideal City. Please use our strength as well!”

  The impassioned speech made Chu Guang embarrassed, and he almost couldn’t help blushing.

  However, he is now a veteran and has long developed a face as thick as a city wall.

  Looking at those sincere eyes, Chu Guang solemnly grasped Li Changkong’s outstretched right hand and shook it heavily.

  ”I have to say thank you to all the survivors who have united and are uniting!”

  ”Thank you for joining us!”

  ”I promise you that our names will be engraved on this immortal monument!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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