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Chapter 811: Conclusive Evidence

Chapter 811: Conclusive Evidence


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 811 Conclusive Evidence Being

  able to bring the big tree of the enterprise on board at the “angel round” stage was definitely a pleasant surprise for Chu Guang.

  Originally, he thought that if he wanted to get the enterprise to join, he had to wait until the experimental demonstration had results.

  After all, based on Chu Guang’s understanding of these people, they were all the kind of people who would not release the eagle until they saw the rabbit.

  At the beginning, the enterprise was attacked by the Legion, but the Council still held a month-long meeting in a tepid manner before making up its mind to send reinforcements to the Alliance.

  But now, Li Changkong couldn’t hold his temper just by taking a look at the Alliance’s offshore engineering equipment and the construction site that had already started, which really made Chu Guang a little surprised.

  Although Ideal Group is not the same as an enterprise, there is no difference for Chu Guang.

  After all, what he needs is the “experience in building wonders” and various engineering talents of Ideal Group. It may not be useful if other groups of the five major groups come here.

  After getting off the Conch, Li Changkong took a special plane to Beidao in the southern waters and stayed in the Beidao Hotel, which has the highest specifications there.

  Such a big thing is obviously not something a manager can decide alone.

  Chu Guang knew that he needed to communicate with other shareholders of Ideal Group, so he did not urge him. He just stuffed all the project plans, concept drawings and other miscellaneous things to him and asked him to take them back to the hotel to study slowly.

  Li Changkong thanked him for his kindness, and then locked himself in the hotel without making any noise. During this period, he borrowed the hotel’s holographic conference room several times.

  Although the communication network of the South China Sea Alliance is not connected to Ideal City, it can still contact Ideal City through the alliance as a springboard.

  Since the establishment of the sticky community, the alliance and enterprises have set up many signal repeaters along Tianshui in order to strengthen information exchange.

  Although the communication channel width is limited, at least it is not necessary to rely on airplanes to send letters for small matters and satellites for big matters like before.

  Chu Guang did not wait for a long time. On the third day after the first meeting between the two sides, the representative from Ideal Group met with him again.

  The two sides decided to meet at the Beidao Hotel.

  After three days of discussion, Ideal Group has reached a preliminary cooperation intention, and the two sides have negotiated the specific details of the cooperation.

  ”…According to the company’s laws, for such a large project with an estimated total price of more than 10 billion Cr, our Ideal Group cannot make a decision alone, and the decision must be approved by the board of directors. But you don’t have to worry about this matter. We will try to convince other members of the board of directors. As long as we get half of the votes in favor, it will be fine.”

  This is not a difficult task for Ideal Group.

  First of all, there is no direct conflict of interest between the space elevator and several other groups, and it is not as sensitive as the “biomimetic participation in public affairs” proposed by Kangmao Group before.

  Secondly, Ideal Group also has sufficient reasons. If it wants to solve the future energy crisis of Ideal City, it must resume the Earth-Moon flight before the energy is exhausted.

  Based on these two factors, the vote of the board of directors is estimated to be a formality, and Ideal Group will most likely not encounter any resistance.

  As long as the investment and return are not too outrageous, there is a clear suspicion of “transferring assets”.

  Chu Guang knew about the many rules of Ideal City, so he didn’t feel anything when he heard Li Changkong’s words. Instead, he was relieved that he didn’t object to the estimated cost of “100 billion silver coins”.

  This number was actually a conservative estimate made by him based on the opinions of the scientific expedition team. The actual cost in the end might not be that much, but it might have one more zero than this.

  After all, it was an epoch-making project. There were no past cases to refer to. The relevant units of the alliance were also in the stage of taking one step at a time. It was unrealistic to expect him to come up with an accurate budget figure.

  As the manager of the construction department, Li Changkong was obviously aware of this, so he didn’t find any faults in the budget, but only raised questions about a few unclear parts of the plan.

  ”I noticed that in addition to the space elevator itself, your plan also mentioned guiding the survivors of the eastern provinces to migrate to the coastal areas… What is this?”

  This part was written at the end of the plan.

  Although it took up a small amount of space and was just mentioned casually, it still aroused his curiosity because this part was not mentioned by the alliance at the Sticky Community Conference.

  Chu Guang didn’t keep him in suspense and directly told him his plan.

  ”This part of the plan is the latest one we added. In addition to planning to build a space elevator in the southern sea area, we also plan to build ten new coastal settlements in the eastern coastal areas of Zhongzhou to accommodate the survivors in the wasteland, and at the same time focus on developing industries related to the development of outer space.”

  For example, salvaging and sorting space garbage.

  After all, the final destination of those space garbage floating in outer space is mostly the sea under his feet. At that time, picking up garbage in the sea and panning for gold from garbage will inevitably become a hot industry. It

  is not realistic to expect those wastelanders to help build spacecraft, but it is still no problem to let them do their old job of scavenging.

  By then, the southern sea area will surely be much more lively than it is now.

  When the population gathers and forms a stable settlement along the coastline, the alliance can replicate what it has done in other settlements.

  For example, establishing order, popularizing education, etc.

  When these settlements develop into settlements that are no less prosperous than Dawn City, Stone City, and Dawn City, they can also radiate their light and heat along the footsteps they came from, toward the vast uninhabited areas of the eastern provinces.

  This strategy actually has another benefit, which is that it can form a population siphon effect on most of the chaotic areas in the eastern provinces.

  It is difficult for unproductive predators to survive alone in the wilderness.

  As the number of objects that can be sucked blood gradually decreases, they either give up the primitive tribal lifestyle and try to farm and produce on their own. Or they can only abandon their bases and migrate towards the coastline with the people who migrated south. It’s

  not just the predators, but also the slave owners of all sizes. With fewer and fewer fresh blood and caravans, life will definitely not be as good as before.

  In a sense, this is also a disguised shock therapy.

  When there are only predators, mutants, slave owners, mutant slime molds and alien species left in the eastern provinces, the alliance can clean up the mess more cleanly.

  Li Changkong was stunned for a moment, but the first thing he thought of was not the alliance’s layout behind these ten settlements, but something else.

  ”This… won’t there be a risk of being attacked by aquatic mutants?”

  Chu Guang explained patiently.

  ”Aquatic mutants are dangerous, but there are also many dangers on land, not to mention that there are also mutant activities on land. If we build settlements along the coast, at least the fleet of the South China Sea Alliance can help patrol, and if the location of the mutant nest is determined, our Conch Submarine will also carry ground troops to help clear it out. In general, these ten settlements will not be more dangerous than the original living environment of the wastelanders.”

  Li Changkong nodded.

  This sounds quite reliable.

  After all, he knows the army of the alliance. Those guys are much more ruthless than mutants. It is said that they killed the captive fishmen of the Torch Church on the Death Coast and made them flee in panic.

  But there is still one thing he doesn’t understand.

  ”…Is this also part of the space elevator plan?”

  Chu Guang said with a smile.

  ”That’s not the case, but we plan to advance this work simultaneously while promoting the space elevator project.”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”This is a long-term plan. In the future, we plan to build the coastal area of ​​the southern sea area into a new ‘space elevator industrial zone’, just like the four major industrial zones surrounding the old space elevator.”

  Li Changkong made a surprised expression when he heard this, and nodded with his index finger pinching his chin.

  ”I see…” It

  is indeed not enough to just build a space elevator. There must also be supporting industrial and logistics facilities nearby to process the resources transported from space to the surface into products.

  The former Human Union chose to build the sky elevator in the central part of Zhongzhou, where the population is relatively sparse, and then gradually moved the population and jobs of other provinces to the vicinity of the space elevator, which is now the Great Desert.

  It is obviously unrealistic to want to rebuild the space elevator in the central part of Zhongzhou. The ruins of the buildings there are as astronomical as the garbage floating in outer space.

  However, the southern sea area is an undeveloped Feng Shui treasure land!

  Thinking of this, Li Changkong’s eyes became brighter and brighter. He now feels more and more that moving the space elevator to the sea is a genius idea!

  Noticing the change in Li Changkong’s eyes, Chu Guang also showed a happy smile on his face.

  ”Although this plan is not strictly part of the space elevator project, I may still need your help when the time comes.”

  Li Changkong said with a smile.

  ”This little favor is nothing… But I still have to say that Ideal Group is a listed company after all. We need to be responsible for our shareholders and financial statements. It is impossible for us to provide you with free assistance for construction in coastal areas.”

  Chu Guang also smiled and said.

  ”Don’t worry, I can tell the difference between you and the council. This is purely a business cooperation. We will pay the fees that should be paid!”

  ”Thank you for your understanding,” Li Changkong nodded, paused for a moment and continued, “Finally, I would like to confirm the details of the cooperation contract.”

  ”According to the terms provided by your side in the plan, we plan to bear one-third of the engineering expenses of the entire space elevator, but the use and change of the budget must be signed and agreed by us.”

  ”In addition, we have doubts about the allocation method of the capacity quota. Considering that the space elevator is not only a means of transportation, but also may generate other benefits, we hope that you will adopt a more fair allocation method, such as establishing a joint-stock project management company to replace the ‘one-third of the capacity quota’ that returns our investment with ‘one-third of the shares’.”

  One-third of the shares is not too much, after all, the entire space elevator is still at the stage of only having a PPT.

  The “one-third of the expenses” promised by Ideal Group are all real money, and this investment is not a one-time investment, but will be adjusted according to the project budget and followed up until the completion of the entire project.

  If the relationship between the two parties was not close enough, and the alliance gave Ideal Group hope of making the big pie come true, I am afraid the other party would not have made such a heavy bet right from the start.

  Facing the request made by Li Changkong, although Chu Guang’s heart was beating hard, he did not show it on his face. He pretended to be in deep thought for a moment before speaking.

  ”That’s no problem. We did not consider the method of transport capacity allocation. This can be improved according to your wishes. But on the contrary, I hope that you can provide not only funds, but also your valuable construction experience and related technologies… In short, we hope that you can participate in our project from the design stage.”

  Li Changkong nodded readily.

  ”No problem, we just have this idea! To be honest, construction in the marine environment is our weakness, and we also hope to learn from you through this opportunity!”

  ”Let’s not flatter each other,” Chu Guang coughed lightly and continued, “In addition, if the benefits are distributed through the shareholding system, I hope to add a supplementary clause. If there are other people joining in the middle, our respective shares will be diluted in the same proportion.”

  If it is a one-third capacity quota, he can agree to give it to the company, but if it covers other benefits, he can’t be the victim.

  ”No problem!” Li Changkong agreed very readily, and then said, “But in contrast, we require the right to nominate new members and the right to veto… Of course, this is an equal power, and you also enjoy it.”

  ”No problem, this is a reasonable request, and we don’t want any troublemakers to come in and ruin things,” Chu Guang added at this point, “Of course, we must have sufficient communication on the identification of troublemakers. In principle, I prefer to let more survivors on the wasteland participate more.”

  Li Changkong smiled and said.

  ”Don’t worry about this. Our position is the same as yours! Even if it is a troublemaker like the Legion, as long as they behave themselves, we will not exclude them from joining, even if we have some historical grievances.”

  Chu Guang stretched his eyebrows, nodded and said with a smile.

  ”That’s reassuring to me.”

  He did not reject this kind of exclusive cooperation agreement, but was just worried that the enterprise would take advantage of its advantage of joining first and use its vote of opposition at will.

  But in fact, if you think about it carefully, the enterprise is not the Legion, not to mention that the alliance and the enterprise can always reach an agreement on “who is the troublemaker”.

  Thinking of this, Chu Guang no longer cared about those minor flaws and happily signed a contract with Ideal Group.

  From this moment on, the “Sky Ladder Orbital Transportation Company” was officially established, and Ideal Group officially joined the space elevator project!

  Ideal Group plans to form a team of experts with a scale of 1,000 people to invest in the project, and will send a professional technical team to the southern waters in the near future to participate in the design of the elevator with experts from the Alliance and the South China Sea Alliance.

  In order not to delay the project, Li Changkong, who had received the contract, immediately contacted his private plane and asked it to park on the rooftop of the hotel.

  Seeing Li Changkong about to leave, Chu Guang politely asked him to stay.

  ”Don’t you want to stay here for a few more days? I was planning to take you to visit Coral City.”

  ”Thank you for your kindness, but maybe next time! After the project is launched, I’m afraid I’ll have to stay here permanently, so I’ll bother you again.”

  Li Changkong gently piled up the contracts in his hand and continued with a smile.

  ”Our chairman is already urging me, and I have to rush back to Ideal City as soon as possible to bring this good news back to the board of directors.”

  A big project worth 100 billion silver coins!

  If this space elevator can be successfully completed, Ideal Group may be able to return to its peak more than a century ago!

  In the past three days, he has successfully convinced the board of directors, and he used the same rhetoric that Chu Guang had told him.

  Now, let alone the shareholders of Ideal Group, even the netizens on the endpoint cloud are hotly discussing the big pie five light years away!

  He is now carrying not only the expectations of the Ideal Group’s board of directors, but also the expectations of the entire Ideal City!

  At least that’s what he thinks.

  After hearing what Li Changkong said, Chu Guang nodded and stopped trying to keep him.

  ”Thank you for your hard work.”

  Li Changkong nodded slightly and said with a smile.

  ”No problem, this is my job.”

  After sending Li Changkong to the plane, the “angel round” financing of the space elevator came to an end. The next step is to wait for the experimental demonstration results of experts from all parties.

  Chu Guang knows nothing about professional matters. All he can do is to help the researchers of the alliance to obtain more resources and support them as much as possible outside the laboratory.

  Since the representative of Ideal Group left in a hurry and left without eating lunch, Chu Guang’s schedule suddenly became empty.

  Just as Chu Guang was staring at the holographic screen and thinking about what to do next, Xiao Qi suddenly appeared from the screen and said with a worried look.

  ”Master, it’s better to take a proper rest. It’s rare to have so much rest time. Otherwise… how about going to the beach to see bikinis?”

  This is the information she crawled from a post titled “Top Ten Recommended Ways to Play Fun Casual Games” on the forum. It is said to be a way to make your mood happy.

  However, after hearing its words, Chu Guang almost choked on his own saliva, and black lines appeared on his forehead.

  What kind of strange entertainment is this?


  which smart guy did this guy learn this from?

  ”Huh? Don’t like it? Then… a reply from a player with the ID debt-eyes recommends that there is an exotic alley in the mysterious Golden Gallon Port-”

  ”Go to Beidao Heavy Industry. Xiaoqi, arrange it for me.” Before the artificial idiot could finish his words, Chu Guang interrupted his mindless speech.

  Hearing that it was another work arrangement, Xiaoqi sighed helplessly and said in a long tone.

  ”Okay… Master.”

  Although it also understood that Chu Guang had a lot of important work to deal with, it still hoped that he could have a good rest.

  Since the end of the War in Heaven, he said he came to the southern seas for vacation, but he didn’t have a moment to rest…

  For Chu Guang’s sudden visit, all the senior executives of Beidao Heavy Industry were flattered.

  Some of them were surprised, and naturally some were scared.

  There was no way. There were

  too many equipments they produced found in Haiya Province. Although the alliance did not trouble them in the end, they just went through the normal process of bankruptcy reorganization, business splitting, and capital injection and holding, but they still couldn’t resist their uneasiness.

  Especially this time, it was not Fang Chang who came, but the manager of the alliance! At

  such a high level, no one could be sure what it meant.

  Seeing that the convoy was about to arrive, the CEO of Beidao Heavy Industry could only bite the bullet and come downstairs with a group of senior executives.

  Seeing that the off-road vehicle produced by his own company was parked at the door, the CEO hurriedly took the initiative to greet it, personally helped Chu Guang open the door, and said attentively.

  ”Dear manager, what brings you here?”

  Of course, Chu Guang couldn’t tell him that he didn’t have any special purpose. It was just that the afternoon schedule was temporarily cancelled and he came here to take a look to kill time.

  Unexpectedly, the other party was so enthusiastic. A large group of people crowded downstairs like a team building.

  Not wanting to disturb their work, Chu Guang smiled and said in a gentle tone.

  ”Just do your own things, don’t worry about me, I’ll just take a look.”

  Hearing this, the senior executives looked at each other, and they couldn’t understand what the big boss meant.

  Seeing that they looked like they were ready for battle, Chu Guang knew that if he really left them alone, they might be distracted until the day after tomorrow.

  So Chu Guang glanced around and set his sights on the CEO.

  ”Are you not busy?”

  The CEO stood up straight and stood at attention, almost saluting with his fist on his chest.

  ”Not busy! Just tell us what you want, and we will fully cooperate!”

  ”Don’t be so serious,” Chu Guang smiled and patted his shoulder. The latter, who was flattered, said friendly, “Let the others go, and you just take me to visit your production line.”


  The CEO responded with a flushed face, and then turned back to look at the executives behind him.

  ”The managers are here to visit our production line! Let’s go! Do what we should do!”

  Hearing the boss’s words, the executives breathed a sigh of relief and dispersed from the square under the building.

  Looking at their cautious appearance, Chu Guang was quite helpless in his heart, but it was hard to say anything.

  But at this moment, he suddenly thought of something and said in a low voice.

  ”Xiao Qi.”

  ”What’s the matter, master?”

  ”What did you say to them when you helped me arrange the itinerary?”

  A mischievous giggle came from the communication channel.

  ”Hehe… I didn’t say anything. It’s just that the respected manager is coming to inspect, let them handle it themselves and come out to greet him.”

  As expected.

  Chu Guang sighed and scolded.

  ”Don’t do such unnecessary things next time.”

  ”Wu… Master doesn’t like it?”

  The aggrieved voice came from the communication channel. Chu Guang didn’t have the heart to criticize it too harshly for a while.

  ”Power is a double-edged sword. We must be extremely careful when using it. Especially now, it’s different from the past. This sword is getting heavier and heavier.”

  ”I hope you can convey my meaning more accurately next time, be serious when it is necessary to be serious, be tactful when it is necessary to be tactful, and not do some unnecessary things on your own initiative…especially such boring things as making me happy.”

  ”Xiao Qi knows that I was wrong…I’m sorry, Master.” The aggrieved voice sounded like it was reflecting on itself.

  Chu Guang knew that Xiao Qi was also kind-hearted and did not deliberately play a prank, so he did not blame it too much.

  However, what Chu Guang did not notice was that the CEO walking next to him, who had originally had a rosy expression on his face, turned into the previous uneasy expression because of his sigh. All

  the way, he was thinking about where he had offended this manager.

  At this time, Lu Bei, who had been following Chu Guang closely without saying a word, suddenly stepped forward a few steps and whispered a few words beside Chu Guang.

  ”Sir, the matter you asked me to investigate has a result.”

  Chu Guang immediately stopped and looked at him and asked.


  Lu Bei gave a look to the guards next to him, indicating that they should keep the irrelevant people aside, and continued to speak to Chu Guang in a low voice.

  ”According to our informant in the Falcon Kingdom, a batch of arms has recently left the country from the south of the Falcon Kingdom, passing through the eastern part of the Great Desert and heading to the southwest of the Borneo Province.”

  ”Xifan Port?”

  ”Not sure… But what we can be sure of is that this batch of arms from the Weifu Wasteland did appear in the Borneo Province, and we have a complete chain of evidence.”

  Chu Guang’s eyes narrowed dangerously.

  This bunch of big noses…

  actually dared to make small moves under his nose, really treating the alliance as a soft persimmon.

  ”Pass my order down, all the arms of the Willant people should be dragged back to where they came from! In addition, send a copy of the evidence you have to Cheng Yan.”

  Lu Bei’s expression became solemn and he stood at attention.


  As soon as he finished speaking, a noisy voice came from the side.

  ”My lord, I am innocent! Please listen to my explanation!”

  The voice sounded like a huge injustice.

  Chu Guang was stunned for a moment, then looked in the direction of the sound, only to see the CEO of Beidao Heavy Industry looking frightened, with no trace of blood on his pale face, stretching out his hand to try to squeeze next to him.

  The two guards in front of him were both confused, not knowing what this guy was crazy about, but they still dutifully stopped him with their arms.

  Their immediate superior was reporting confidential information to the respected manager, how could they let this guy squeeze in and eavesdrop!

  Seeing that he didn’t listen to the dissuasion, one of them exerted force with his arm and pressed him to the ground on the spot.

  All members of the Guards Corps are awakened, and that power is naturally not something that ordinary people can break free of.

  The incident happened too suddenly, and Chu Guang was also overwhelmed by this guy’s injustice.

  He thought that he didn’t say that this guy was guilty.

  Lu Bei looked at the guy who was obviously guilty with a subtle look on his face, and then looked at the manager standing next to him cautiously.

  ”How about… I check it out?”

  Chu Guang sighed.

  ”Hurry up and help him up.”

  Lu Bei responded quickly.


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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