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Chapter 812 Daily Life of the Alliance’s Foreign Affairs Department

Chapter 812 Daily Life of the Alliance’s Foreign Affairs Department


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 812 Daily Life of the Alliance Foreign Affairs Department

  The next morning.

  The Alliance Building was still as busy as ever.

  Especially the office area of ​​the Foreign Affairs Department.

  Since the Sticky Community opened the electronic settlement channel for the currencies of the member countries, different new faces came here every day to “report” and ask if their settlements could also be connected to this system.

  After all, the currencies issued by most survivor settlements in the wasteland actually have no circulation value.

  For example, the red and blue notes issued by the Red River Alliance.

  If you can exchange your money for silver coins or Cr, dinars, even the Golden Lion Coins and Golden Camels of Luoxia Province, or even the Xilan Coins of Boro Province, it would be great. Although

  economic cooperation is not the job of the Foreign Affairs Department, establishing diplomatic relations is the prerequisite for cooperation.

  If the Alliance needed to find other settlements in the wasteland and actively promote itself to the outside world before, then with the end of the War in Heaven, this situation has been completely reversed-now the settlements in the wasteland have taken the initiative to go to the Valley Province to find the Alliance.

  In a sense, Chu Guang is indeed fulfilling his original promise – Dawn City is becoming another form of ideal city.

  Although the facilities of the former are far less luxurious than those of the latter, even the survivors who have not settled in this settlement, or even those who have never been here, can benefit from the prosperity of this settlement.

  And this characteristic is also not possessed by the ideal city.

  As usual, the Foreign Minister of the Alliance, Cheng Yan, came to his office on time for work and threw the information sent by the Guards into the drawer.

  Not surprisingly, this information will be used soon.

  And just as he expected, not long after he sat down at his desk, and even before he could sit in the chair, there was a thumping sound of footsteps in the corridor outside the door, and then the footsteps broke in from outside the door.

  The rude voice rushed in with him –

  ”Minister Cheng, I want to know what’s going on with your train!”

  The man who came was the Legion’s ambassador to the Alliance, Captain Bennot, and Cheng Yan’s secretary was chasing behind him. Obviously, this guy broke in here directly.

  The angry face had dark circles under his eyes, and it was obvious that he didn’t sleep well last night. However, perhaps because he was worried that he would come to disturb him in vain, he still chose to come and disturb him at work. He

  was not surprised by Benoit’s arrival. If this guy hadn’t come, Cheng Yan would have been curious about what tricks these Willant people were playing.

  Cheng Yan first gave his secretary a look that said “go and do something else first”, and then leaned back in his chair.

  Looking at the angry big nose leisurely, he crossed his ten fingers on his knees and spoke in a friendly manner.

  ”Dear Captain Benoit, what happened? You are so anxious.”

  Seeing that this guy was still pretending to be stupid, Benoit narrowed his eyes and stared at this guy who looked indifferent.

  ”I received news that you reloaded the military supplies that were originally scheduled to be delivered to Bicester Town and delivered to our personnel onto the train last night.”

  ”I’ve heard about this,” Cheng Yan nodded with concern, “I heard that our train has been repaired again.”

  ”Repaired? The question is whether it is repaired or not!” Benoit almost pointed at this guy and scolded him, and said indignantly, “Don’t tell me that all your drivers got drunk on the same day! Why are all your trains going in the opposite direction!”

  As he said that, he put his hands on the table and spoke word by word.

  ”Aren’t you the most contract-abiding? This is different from what was agreed in the contract. You’d better give me an explanation!”


  Cheng Yan laughed, opened the drawer of the desk casually, took out a file bag and threw it on the desk.

  ”Then please explain to me, Captain Benoit, what are these things about.”

  The moment he saw the file bag, Benoit’s heart suddenly “clicked” and he secretly said that he was going to be in trouble.

  What you fear is what will happen!

  Although he had guessed what was in it, in order to show that he didn’t know, Benoit pretended to be calm and took up the file bag and opened it.

  There were photos taken by drones inside, and there was also a thumb-sized hard drive.

  Looking at Benoit with his eyebrows throbbing wildly, Cheng Yan raised a barely perceptible smile at the corner of his mouth and gently placed a holographic computer pen imported from Ideal City on the table.

  ”The hard drive contains some recordings and images about how the arms from the Weifu Wasteland were transported to the Borneo Province. You can take them back and study them slowly. Anyway, I have a lot of them here… Or, I have a playback device here, and I can play it for you on the spot.”

  ”No need.”

  These photos alone are enough to form a complete chain of evidence. Even if the contents of the hard drive are played out, it would only be self-humiliation.

  Having completely torn their faces apart, Benoit no longer concealed it, and threw the file bag in his hand on the table in front of Cheng Yan with a dark face.

  To be honest, Cheng Yan admired this guy very much.

  Although the tricks he had done behind his back were exposed, the tough expression on this guy’s face did not change at all.

  At least when it comes to playing rogue, the Willant people claim to be second, and no one dares to claim to be first.

  ”…This is our munitions. It’s our business where we want to transport it! It’s not your turn to point fingers!”

  Guessing what this guy would say, Cheng Yan spread his hands and imitated his tone.

  ”The railway is ours. It’s our business where we want to open it. What are you complaining to me about?”


  Bennott’s eyes widened and his fists clenched, but in the end he did not pound his fists on the table, forcibly suppressing the anger in his heart.

  The munitions stockpiled in the Weifu Wasteland are an astronomical figure. Even with the alliance’s logistics supply lines, it took half a year to transport them.

  If he were to find a way to get rid of them himself, it would be almost impossible! Otherwise, they would not have needed to borrow the alliance’s railway in the first place!

  As for the fact that they have been stockpiled in the Weifu Wasteland, it is not a big deal. Not to mention the problem of weapon maintenance, it costs a lot of money to rent a warehouse alone.

  Not only that, if the weapons cannot be withdrawn, the ten thousand-man troops will not be able to return home, and logistics will be a considerable expense.

  Although the legion needs to station troops in Haiya Province, it is enough to station a ten thousand-man force, and there is no need to station so many people.

  And the most important thing is that these equipment are not the junk of the civil service group, but the assets of the Eastern Legion!

  The Eastern Legion did not provide these equipment to them for free, but hoped that they would put pressure on the Alliance through the Armed Empire, so as to force the Alliance to make concessions on issues such as “division of spoils” and at least get the “perfect life form” technology mastered by the Torch Church.

  As a result, they were discovered by the Alliance when they had only transported one-sixth of the weapons, resulting in the remaining five-sixths of the weapons being detained in the Alliance.

  This matter was obviously messed up!

  Thinking of this, Bennott’s forehead was sweating, and after hesitating for a moment, he finally lowered his head.

  ”…Mr. Cheng, we did do something wrong in this matter. I promise you that it will not happen again.”

  ”It’s not a question of whether it’s appropriate or not, but you have violated the contract between us,” Cheng Yan stared at Benoit, and continued in a serious tone, “If I remember correctly, we should have written in the contract that these weapons are shipped to the territory of the Eastern Legion, and we will be responsible for the transportation from Jinchuan Province to the western part of Luoxia Province.”


  ”But now these arms did not cross the Great Desert, but turned a corner in the east of the Great Desert and went directly to the south.”

  Looking at Benoit’s stiff face, Cheng Yan continued with a smile, “If your understanding of keeping the contract is that we must abide by the contract in full, and you can arbitrarily regret what is written in black and white, then I can only express my regret.” ”

  Wait… I know that what we did was not appropriate, but I still hope that we can solve this problem. You don’t want to see so many arms and troops stranded in the territory of the alliance, right?” When saying this, Benoit’s tone unconsciously carried a hint of threat.

  He did have the confidence to threaten.

  After all, that was an army of more than 100,000 people, and three times the amount of ammunition. No matter where they were placed in the wasteland, they would be enough to form an extremely terrifying force.

  However, after hearing this, Cheng Yan narrowed his eyes.

  ”What do you mean?”

  ”I don’t mean anything, I’m just worried about accidents.”

  Looking at Cheng Yan with narrowed eyes, Benoit continued indifferently.

  ”After all, the Eastern Legion is not as easy to talk to as us. You have seized so much of their munitions, and there are so many soldiers stranded on the front line. Do you think they will let it go?”

  Cheng Yan raised his eyebrows slightly.

  ”Oh? What can you do if you don’t give up?”

  ”What can you do?” Benoit looked at him and laughed, “How can you ask such a stupid question? What do you think will happen-”

  ”I think if you haven’t suffered enough, you can try again,” Cheng Yan stood up from the desk, looked straight into his eyes, and continued in a cold tone, “I want to see whether these hundreds of thousands of people can turn the world upside down or what on our territory.” Benoit stared at

  Cheng Yan with an annoyed face. Although he looked like he was about to explode, he didn’t turn his face in the end.

  Cooperating with the Alliance on issues related to the Sticky Community is the strategy set by the Marshal. As the ambassador to the Alliance, although he has a certain degree of decision-making power, the general direction of the entire decision-making is not something that he, a mere captain of ten thousand men, can change. Besides,

  he is the captain of ten thousand men of the civil service group.

  The eastward expansion faction has died out. There are few senior officials in the entire Eastern Legion who support expansion to the east of the Great Desert. No one will accompany him to go crazy.

  ”We’ll see.”

  Benoit’s anger turned into a harsh word. In the end, he just glared at Cheng Yan fiercely, then turned and walked out the door.

  ”Then we’ll see.”

  Hearing the heavy sound of the door closing, Cheng Yan smiled faintly, picked up the file bag on the table and threw it back into the drawer, and then called Chu Guang who was far away in the southern sea.

  After the call was connected, he immediately reported.

  ”Mr. Manager, the envoy of the Legion just came.”

  Chu Guang asked immediately.

  ”What did they say?”

  Cheng Yan continued.

  ”Benoit expressed his dissatisfaction with us, but there was no substantial action. After all, they breached the contract first, and it is reasonable for us to cancel the transportation contract.”

  After a pause, Cheng Yan continued in a serious tone.

  ”But that being said, with the character of the Legion, I don’t think they will give up… I still suggest that you don’t push them too hard.”

  Although he showed a tough attitude when communicating with Benoit before, it was just a diplomatic gesture.

  The Legion is well-known for bullying the weak and fearing the strong. If you show any fear towards them, you will be bullied as a fool… just like the Empire.

  In fact, like Benoit, he doesn’t agree with doing things too drastically.

  After all, as Captain Benoit said, with the transportation capacity of the Eastern Legion itself, it is obviously impossible to get all the arms back.

  That is enough to arm 30 divisions.

  If they are really pushed to the limit, they will directly sell it at a discount to the plunderers in the eastern provinces, and then there may be another “bone-chewing rebellion”.

  With the character of the Legion, such a thing is definitely possible.

  Hearing the implication of Cheng Yan’s unspoken words, Chu Guang did not take it too seriously, but just smiled faintly.

  ”I didn’t think of forcing them, but they have to pay for their actions. As for the things you’re worried about… Don’t worry, I know what’s going on.”

  This matter was actually very clear from the beginning. The Eastern Legion hoped that the Civilian Group of Triumph City would use its influence in the Borneo Province to put pressure on the Alliance, and the Civilian Group hoped to use the Eastern Legion’s arms to do their own things.

  There was nothing wrong with this wave of cooperation, but if you want to blame them, blame them for being too impatient.

  When the Mammoth State authorities saw that even tanks appeared on the front line, they immediately realized the problem and went to the Alliance to complain.

  Now that the Civilian Group has messed up the matter, the Alliance directly terminated the transportation agreement according to the terms of the contract, and even the arms that the Eastern Legion originally planned to transport back home were affected.

  I guess Bennott is having a headache about how to explain the reason to the Eastern Legion.

  Chu Guang is also very curious about how the Legion will deal with this matter. According to the various intelligence provided by Brother Pangolin, the four major legions are much stronger than the Civilian Group of Triumph City, and the Eastern Legion is unlikely to swallow this breath.

  Although Chu Guang said not to worry, Cheng Yan couldn’t help but feel anxious after hearing his lukewarm tone, worried that he didn’t realize the seriousness of the problem, and couldn’t help asking.

  ”What if they sell arms locally?”

  Chu Guang said concisely.

  ”No need to worry, they have already done this.”

  Cheng Yan was stunned.

  ”Already…already doing it?”

  ”Yes, it probably started last week, and the middleman was one of ours.”

  Hearing the surprised voice, Chu Guang smiled faintly and continued in a gentle tone.

  ”So I told you not to worry. Except for the one time when they cheated us by being clever, they have always been under our noses.”

  ”It’s just that they don’t know it themselves.”

   Something happened in real life, so I didn’t finish the second half. It’s a little short today, sorry! QAQ


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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