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Chapter 813: Always Ahead of the Version

Chapter 813: Always Ahead of the Version


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 813 Always Ahead of the Version


  At the military base on the Coast of Death, Mosquito, who was standing next to the warehouse, suddenly sneezed without warning and muttered while sniffing his nose.

  ”Damn it, who is secretly in love with me behind my back…”

  Hearing the “A-choo”, the little brother of the rat tribe who followed him quickly took off his coat and put it on his shoulders attentively.

  Although it was not cold at all, Mosquito still appreciated his kindness.

  In fact, although he did not think highly of his follower in front of Brother Fang, he was just talking about it.

  And this kind of talk is probably similar to a father complaining about how useless his son is in front of other fathers, which is obviously not accurate.

  To be fair, although this guy is a little timid and looks a little wretched, not energetic enough, especially without the spirit of an ace pilot, he still has many advantages. For example, he can read people’s

  expressions and handle things, etc.

  Although it is impossible to expect such a person to inherit his mantle, it is still a good idea to train him as the CEO or CSO of Goblin Technology.

  In short, let’s make the best use of him!

  Thinking of this, Mosquito’s urge to do something came back, so he waved his hand.

  ”Jerry, come here.”

  This name was made up by him at the request of this ratman brother.

  According to him, this was to get rid of the mark left on him by the Borneo Province, to better integrate into the society of the Alliance, and also to avoid entering the reincarnation of thousands of tribes and thousands of gods in the future.

  Although Mosquito himself is an atheist and does not believe in that at all, he still responded to his brother’s request. After all, he also hopes that this guy can live a more human life.

  The survivors of Borneo Province are not the same group of people who lived in Borneo Province three centuries ago. They are not much different in appearance from other survivors who escaped from the Great Desert. After changing their names, no one can really tell where they are from. At

  least the survivors outside Borneo Province can’t be distinguished.

  Hearing Mosquito calling him, Jerry hurriedly stepped forward and bent over to listen.

  ”What do you want, sir?”

  Mosquito pulled his coat on his shoulders and tilted his head slightly, saying in style.

  ”Watch more, learn more, I like you very much… It’s a waste of your talent to let you sell small cards. I will take you to do bigger business in the future.”

  Hearing the big cake painted by Master Mosquito, Jerry was so moved that he almost knelt down on the spot to recognize him as his godfather.

  ”Okay, look at your achievements.”

  Mosquito waved his hand to stop his gratitude, then cleared his throat and shouted to the officer who came out of the warehouse.

  ”Hey! What do you think?”

  The one who came out of the warehouse was Chopra, the quartermaster under the commander-in-chief of the Tiger Army, Captain Jehawan, a big customer from Tiger State. Chopra, who was a member of the Tiger Clan,

  glanced at the rat man standing next to Mosquito, and his eyes instinctively showed a trace of contempt.

  But when he looked at Mosquito, he had a respectful expression on his face.

  ”We’ve finished looking at it… We are very satisfied with your goods! These weapons will help us a lot!”

  A total of twelve Conqueror No. 10 heavy tanks, thirty-six Conqueror No. 5 light tanks, and forty-eight 100mm artillery!

  In addition, there are a large number of “Blade” assault rifles and 7mm ammunition!

  This stuff is 90% new. Although it is not as durable as the Alliance’s LD series weapons, it is much more powerful than the “Rippers” sold in Xifan Port!

  With these sophisticated weapons, the Tiger Army can easily pull out another armored 10,000-man team and another four or five infantry 10,000-man teams!

  And it’s still in accordance with the standard of the legion!

  At that time, let alone the dignitaries of Tiandu, even if his mother McLen came to White Tiger City, he would have to kowtow to their Lord Jha before leaving!

  Thinking about it, Chopra’s grinning mouth almost drooled, and he wanted to fly back to White Tiger City with this batch of equipment immediately to ask for credit.

  Seeing that his customers were so happy, Mosquito also showed a happy smile on his face.

  ”As long as you are satisfied! We don’t sell on credit for small business. If it’s convenient, please settle the bill first. I will ship the goods as soon as I receive the money! We guarantee delivery to your door!”

  ”No problem!”

  Chopra agreed immediately, but then he smiled embarrassedly and whispered, “By the way, can I pay with Xilan currency?”

  Pay with Xilan currency?

  Mosquito was stunned at first, then raised his eyebrows and stared at the guy in front of him.

  ”You want to default on your debt?”

  Good guy!

  Playing tricks on his territory?

  He is so tired of living!

  Not only Mosquito’s eyes became unfriendly, Jerry standing next to him also stared at the group of tiger people with a dark face, as well as Mosquito’s younger brothers such as the Persuasion and Killing God.

  Seeing that the big guys of the alliance looked unfriendly, Chopra hurriedly explained.

  ”Sir, calm down! How dare we refuse your debt? It’s just that… our silver coin reserves are really tight and we can’t make ends meet for a while.”

  ”What does that have to do with me?” Mosquito said with a dark face, “I only accept silver coins here, who wants your waste paper!”

  Seeing that this big man was not willing to compromise at all, Chopra was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, and his forehead was covered with beads of sweat.

  Seeing that he couldn’t say a word for a long time, Mosquito sighed and waved his hand.

  ”Forget it, if you don’t want to buy, then don’t buy. We can’t force you to buy. Besides, I don’t think you have the sincerity to do business. I’d better talk to the warlord of Leopard State.”

  Upon hearing this, Chopra couldn’t sit still, especially when he saw Mosquito turning around to leave, he shouted at the top of his voice.

  ”Wait a minute!”

  Mosquito stopped and looked at him, raising his eyebrows.

  ”What? Money again?”

  Chopra struggled for a moment in his heart, and finally gritted his teeth and said with determination.

  ”Silver coins… We really can’t take them out. The Imperial Royal Mint has been reluctant to approve the silver coin quota for us. But, but! We still have a lot of Xilan coins in our account! If you are willing to accept Xilan coins as payment, we can do it at… 80 – no, 90! Wait! 100! 100 Xilan coins for 1 silver coin! We will do this deal with you at an exchange rate of 100:1!”

  This was the last card Captain Jehawan handed him.

  If this batch of equipment was not so important, he would not want to play this card. After all, if the liquidity in the bank account of Baihu City was released, the large and small workshops and the residents working in the workshops would have to suffer.

  You know, a few months ago, when the empire just ended the embargo on the Golden Gallon Port, the exchange rate between Xilan coins and gallons was still 5:4, and the conversion into silver coins was only 12.5:1.

  Now using the exchange rate of 100:1 to do this deal, it would be a huge loss!

  After hearing Chopra’s words, Mosquito really stopped and looked back at the quartermaster standing at the door of the warehouse again.


  This exchange rate is basically the cost price of the major banks in the alliance “buying in bulk” from the Central Bank of the South Sea Alliance, which is already quite conscientious!

  If it is a bank in the Golden Gallon Port, the actual exchange rate of Xilan coins to silver coins may be even higher, reaching around 80:1.

  In other words, if this deal is signed, Goblin Technology can make a 25% profit just by relying on the exchange rate difference!

  The only risk is that the money is thrown at him…

  Although he was very reluctant to accept the “consumption voucher” of Xilan Coin, he had no choice but to accept too much. After

  a struggle in his heart, Mosquito finally made the decision that went against his ancestors.

  ”MMP! Deal!”

  Anyway, after getting this batch of Xilan Coins, he will immediately get them to Jin Gallon Port to sell them for silver coins. I think it shouldn’t be a big problem!

  And if the warlords of Huzhou can become bigger and stronger with this batch of equipment, who knows, they may have silver coins to trade with him in the future?

  This is a long-term deal.

  Mosquito comforted himself in his heart.

  Hearing this deal, Chopra’s heart was also dripping with blood, and the few followers behind him closed their eyes in pain.


  Conqueror No. 10, which is equivalent to one million silver coins per vehicle, they have to use 100 million Xilan coins to buy it!

  Just a few months ago, the import price of the same tank was still 12.5 million Xilan coins! Even 20 shells were attached!

  The arms in the import list accounted for one-sixth of the total arms reserve of the legion in the entire Weifu Wasteland. If the equipment delivered later was also counted, the total transaction amount of this arms sales contract would reach a terrifying 50 billion Xilan coins!

  And the first batch of arms delivered alone was worth 10 billion Xilan coins!

  Almost all the soldiers from Huzhou present were cursing in their hearts.

  Damn it…

  Who the hell stole their money!


  At this moment, Bennot, who was far away in Dawn City, didn’t know about the episode that happened on the Death Coast, let alone that the batch of arms he was thinking about had been sold out quietly by one-sixth.

  After slamming the door of the Union Foreign Minister’s office, he regretted it as soon as he walked to the door, but it was too embarrassing to turn back immediately.

  Especially thinking of that annoying face, Bennot gritted his teeth, and finally stomped his feet, and walked towards the direction of the stairs.

  Seeing that the guys queuing in the foreign affairs registration office were looking at him, Bennot, who was angry, immediately glared back.

  ”What are you looking at?”

  Stared at by that look, whether it was the real diplomat or the fake diplomat, they quickly looked away, not daring to provoke this plague god.

  The Weilant people are famous for their pettiness.

  Although this group of people does not have the ability to deal with the alliance, it is more than enough to deal with them, especially since the ten thousand-man team is in the eastern part of the Central Continent.

  After watching the angry back disappear at the end of the corridor, a group of survivors queuing at the door began to whisper.

  ”Is that… the ambassador of the Legion?”

  ”Look at that nose, it must be him!”

  ”What’s the matter that makes him so angry?”

  ”Who knows… They’ve been arguing with the Alliance over the Sticky Community a lot recently. I guess they didn’t have enough arguments during the meeting.”

  ”Will the Alliance and the Legion fight again?”

  ”It’s hard to say. I heard that the Legion is not satisfied with the way the spoils were divided in the Seaside Province. They think that the Alliance and the enterprise colluded to conceal the relevant technology of the Perfect Life Form. It seems that the Academy, which didn’t say much at the meeting, was also involved.”

  ”I think it’s possible that the Academy really got the upper hand. These cunning people in the swamp… like to make a fortune in silence.”

  ”Well, I just hope there won’t be a real fight.”

  Hearing the rumors about the war, almost the vast majority of the survivors couldn’t help but show a trace of sadness or even gloom on their faces.

  Most of the survivors standing here came from settlements with lawful neutral or higher status. Most of them came here to take advantage of the rapid development of the Sticky Community, not to participate in the dispute between the two behemoths.

  However, although most of the survivors hope that both sides can make peace, there are also some people who smell the potential business opportunities.

  The possibility of a direct conflict between the Alliance and the Legion is not high.

  First, the cost of the Legion launching an expedition to the Great Desert is too high, and the benefits are minimal.

  Second, the Legion’s eastward expansion enterprises will inevitably fail, and it may even involve the academy that is busy recovering the lost technology of the Haiya Province.


  although the possibility of direct conflict is minimal, a war between agents is not completely impossible.

  For example, Bicester Town is the eternal pain in the heart of the Falcon Kingdom, and the neighboring Honey Badger Kingdom is always thinking about a complete revenge on the latter.

  As long as the Legion and the Alliance have the idea of ​​​​making a move, Luoxia Province can immediately become a powder keg with a fuse.

  There is also the Poro Province.

  Although it is the territory of the Kaixuan City Civilian Group and the Legion has no direct military presence there, it is relatively a market that the Alliance focuses on developing, especially the Baiyue Company has invested heavily in the east coast of Poro Province.

  If the Legion wants to disgust the Alliance, starting from the Borneo Province is also a good choice. It is possible that the property of the residents of Dawn City will be severely damaged.

  While everyone was discussing their own thoughts, the angry Benoit had already got on the special car parked downstairs of the Alliance Building.

  ”Go back to Embassy Street!”

  He threw a sentence to the driver, and then he closed his eyes and said nothing in the back seat, but his thoughts were turning rapidly.

  Secretary Dominic, who was sitting next to him, carefully observed the expression on his face, and whispered until the latter calmed down a little.

  ”My lord, what does the Alliance mean?”

  Benoit snorted coldly.

  ”I don’t think they want to talk to us properly.”

  Dominic smiled bitterly and said.

  ”I think… you’d better not act on impulse. The Alliance probably doesn’t want us to leave so much equipment in the east of the Central Continent.”

  Upon hearing this, Benoit, who had just calmed down, immediately got angry and cursed.

  ”Am I acting on impulse!”

  ”Am I acting on impulse? These damn blue gophers… just had the luck to win against the remnants of the Eastern Legion once, and they dare to shit on our necks!”

  Benoit kept cursing. Dominic, who was sitting next to him, had nothing to say when he heard it, and could only smile bitterly to comfort him.

  At this moment, the car communicator hanging on the car door suddenly rang. The bodyguard

  sitting in the co-pilot seat glanced at the central control screen, and immediately turned sideways to Benoit, who was sitting in the back seat, and said.

  ”My lord, it’s General Lium’s call.”

  Hearing Lium’s name, Benoit’s eyebrows twitched fiercely.

  This is definitely the name he least wants to hear at this moment.

  Without saying a word, Benoit reached out and took off the communicator. As soon as he put it to his ear, he heard the thunderous roar.

  ”What happened to the batch of arms sent to Bicester Town! Why were they all transported back to the Weifu Wasteland! Benoit, I want you to give me an explanation immediately!” It

  ’s okay to give an explanation immediately… I

  ’m not your subordinate!

  Benoit cursed in his heart, but after all, it was his side that messed up the matter, so he could only hold back his temper and said.

  ”There was an accident with the batch of arms-”

  ”A little accident? What kind of accident could make the arms that had been sent to Bicester Town loaded onto a truck and transported back to the Weifu Wasteland!”

  After being scolded, Benoit’s temper also rose, and he said angrily.

  ”What can I do? It’s the Alliance that is not trustworthy! They tore up the transportation contract with us!”

  ”The Alliance is not trustworthy?” Lium sneered, “Why did I hear that the idiots under your command were caught by the other side?”

  Benoit’s expression froze, and he said with a twitch at the corner of his mouth.

  ”It is true that this factor cannot be ruled out–”

  Lium did not treat him politely at all, and continued with a sneer.

  ”Haha, I have said it long ago, the friends you made in the zoo are unreliable. They are useless except for dragging their feet–”

  ”Then who asked me to put pressure on the alliance?” Benoit suddenly exploded, roaring, “If it weren’t for some idiot urging me to do something quickly, would things have developed to this point? And you, Lium, don’t forget that you are also involved in this matter! You agreed to the plan of the armed empire! Don’t think of throwing all the pot on my head!”

  The car was silent, with only Benoit’s heavy breathing in and out.

  The driver held the steering wheel nervously, the bodyguard sitting in the co-pilot’s seat looked out the window, and Dominic wiped the sweat from his head.

  Not just in the car.

  Lium on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, and then spoke after a while.

  ”… Let’s find a way to solve this problem.”

  Knowing that now was not the time to quarrel, Benoit quickly calmed down.

  His index finger tapped lightly on his knee, his mind was working fast, and he soon came up with an idea.

  ”The Western Legion… The Western Legion’s ships can help. I will contact them to send a few transport ships to the southern waters. As long as the equipment is brought to Xifan Port, we have enough transport capacity there to tow the equipment back to Triumph City… at least tow part of it back.”

  Lium lowered his voice and said.

  ”Then you’d better hurry up. Our soldiers are in a hurry to go home. If it doesn’t work, I will dispose of the excess equipment on the spot.”

  Benoit said hurriedly after hearing this.

  ”Wait, I don’t object to you disposing of it on the spot, but you have to leave us at least one-third, otherwise the current inventory we have is not enough to put pressure on the alliance’s military presence in the Borneo Province-”

  ”That’s your business. Every extra day we stay in the eastern region, we will lose millions of dinars. In any case, we must withdraw more than 90% of our troops to the west of the Great Desert before the end of the year. This is the task assigned by the legion commander.”

  After throwing down this sentence, Lium hung up the phone without waiting for Benoit to speak.

  Listening to the busy tone on the other end of the phone, Benoit cursed and hung the communicator back on the car door.

  ”…This bastard! He gives me problems all day long!”

  Before the end of the year…

  It’s almost mid-December now!

  Even if he doesn’t take the land route but the sea route, where can he get so many ships in such a short time!

  Dominic hesitated for a moment and whispered.

  ”In fact, if they can dispose of the arms locally, it doesn’t matter if they dispose of them… Those weapons left in the eastern part of the Middle Continent can cause some trouble to the Alliance and the company, which is not a loss for us.”

  ”Who cares about them,” Benoit curled his lips, “What I care about is the batch of arms in their hands… That is the key to our armed empire! At least we have to take the part they promised us!”

  Dominic pinched his chin and thought.

  ”It’s definitely too late to entrust the Western Legion. Not to mention how much it would cost to invite those people, even if they really come, it will be the beginning of next month at the earliest…”

  ”Let’s gather a fleet from Xifan Port and mobilize the local expatriates. Those businessmen should have some ships. Anyway, we should rob as many as we can.” Benoit pinched his sour eyebrows and said tiredly.

  For Xilan, this “ally”, he can be said to be worried to death. He helped develop industry, helped them find instructors for training, and sold equipment to them at a discount.

  It’s a pity that these guys are useless. Not only can they not beat the alliance, they can’t even beat a bunch of bandits from the mountains, and even lost a state that is not much smaller than Haiya Province!

  If these people had a little bit of fighting spirit, he wouldn’t be so anxious…

  Looking at the worried Benoit, the captain, Dominic said hurriedly.

  ”I will pass the news to Xifan Port as soon as possible!”

  Benoit nodded.

  ”Well, I’ll leave it to you.”

  It’s not as convenient to pass the news from here to Xifan Port as to make a phone call to the front line. After all, at present, only Jinjialun Port in the entire Borneo Province is connected to the Alliance’s cable, and even the Mammoth State authorities, which is also a younger brother of the Alliance, are still in the stage of submitting applications.


  Triumph City can consider investing in the construction of a cable in Xifan Port.

  At least by connecting the Falcon Kingdom, the vassal of the Legion in the east of the Central Continent, we can get the news of the Borneo Province faster.

  Thinking so in his heart, Benoit picked up the “Survivor Daily” inserted on the inside of the car door, ready to read the news to kill the rest of the time.

  However, the moment his eyes fell on the headline of the newspaper, he was stunned.

  The title read:

  [The “Ladder to Heaven” orbital transportation company was registered and established! Ideal Group holds a 33% stake, and the “Ladder to Heaven” plan has officially entered the construction preparation stage! ]

  He always thought that the Alliance chose to launch the space elevator plan at this point in time and created a bunch of conspiracy theories about “Heavenly Man”. The main purpose was to divert the attention of many member states of the Sticky Community to cover up a series of problems such as the uneven distribution of spoils of the War of Heaven.

  Unexpectedly, –

  ”…are these guys serious?!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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