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Chapter 816: People always create gods in their own image

Chapter 816: People always create gods in their own image


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 816 People always create gods in their own image

  Although tragic things are everywhere in the wasteland, it is a completely different picture in places where players are active.

  The “PVP” arena in Camp 101.

  Two “Xiaguang II Experimental Edition” power armors are wrestling with each other, and dazzling sparks are flying between steel and steel!

  As the only arena in the alliance that “determines both superiority and inferiority, and life and death”, this is a battlefield that only players can set foot on.

  Generally speaking, unless you want to compete with your good brothers, real high-level players rarely come here to waste time.

  However, since the arena occasionally launches some experimental equipment, whether you win or lose, you can get a bounty and contribution points by signing up for the test, so this facility is quite popular among new players below the T3 echelon.

  The two brothers wrestling here at this moment are the best among the newcomers!

  The one with the red identification strip is [Born in Summer] from the Abstract Corps, and the one with the blue identification strip is [Tiger of Litang] from the Climber Corps!

  Since the Type II experimental version of Xiaguang replaced the front armor with ceramic steel, the front armor was strengthened at the expense of mobility, so the explosive arrows of both sides could not do anything to each other.

  After all the bullets in the magazine were used up, the red and blue sides almost simultaneously drew out their combat knives and hatchets, and entered the popular close combat amid the boiling cheers of the audience.

  The atmosphere of the entire battle was pushed to a climax with the adrenaline-soaring battle!

  ”Good job, Xia Tian!!!”

  ”Fuck him! Smash him on the head!”

  ”Abstract Corps is awesome!!!”


  ”Fuck! Brother Tiger, can you do it!”

  ”Am I testing you——”

  The noise in the viewing area continued, and the arena was also noisy.

  The red and blue sides fought passionately while shouting in the communication channel.

  At first, Xia Tiansheng had the upper hand and unilaterally suppressed the Tiger of Litang.

  However, due to the overly aggressive rhythm of the attack, the bulky Xiaguang II lost its balance for a moment, and Xia Tiansheng stumbled and hit the chest of Litang Tiger. The latter seized the opportunity and swung his short axe and smashed it.

  If the axe was a hot-melt cutting axe, Xia Tian, ​​who was bent over and hit Tiger’s chest, would have become a roast chicken with a crispy outside and a tender inside, and the combat knife in his hand could never pierce the front armor made of ceramic steel.

  Unfortunately, there is no if on the battlefield.

  Although the combat effectiveness of the Abstract Corps is completely incomparable to the Climber Corps that stood out in the Battle of Heaven, fighting alone and fighting in a corps are also two completely different concepts.

  Precisely because none of the teammates are reliable, the four senior members of the Abstract Corps have rich battlefield survival experience and the ability to adapt to changes.

  The window for counterattack flashed!

  Just when the axe hit his lower back for the second time, he took advantage of the moment when the opponent’s center of gravity pressed down on his back, raised his arms suddenly, kicked the ground with his feet, and pulled up the Litang Tiger that was pressing on him, and threw it behind him!

  ”I bet–!”

  Amid the exclamations of the audience, Brother Tiger roared unwillingly, turned over from Xia Tian’s back, and fell heavily on his back. ”


  The rolling dust was stirred up, and he was about to turn over and climb up after being knocked unconscious. The combat knife had already pressed into the gap between his helmet and shoulder armor, and a palm was firmly pressed on his head. Panting

  Xia Tian grinned, pressed the guy’s helmet tightly, and said proudly.

  ”Don’t move, be honest!”


  The Litang Tiger was so angry that his teeth itched. He struggled several times but couldn’t move, so he had to stop.

  According to the PK rules, if either side loses the ability to resist, the PK is deemed

  to be over. The winning side receives a bonus.

  After the judgment is completed, if either side continues to fight, it will be considered a violation and punished.

  This rule is designed mainly to reduce the loss of equipment.

  Although the power armor in the arena is a simplified castrated version, for example, the ultra-long-life nuclear battery is replaced with a hydrogen battery that is only enough to sustain one battle, the other parts are still valuable.

  At the moment when the victory and defeat were determined, a line of text floated across the big screen.

  [The game is over, the red side wins]

  [Winner ID: Born in summer]

  The viewing area outside the arena burst into excited cheers, especially those players who bet and won money, who stood up and shouted excitedly.

  Standing in the center of the crowd, the outlaw clapped his hands, with a smile like a worldly master, and commented freely.

  ”Not bad, not bad, one-third of the style when I dominated the arena back then.”

  [Sleepy when I wake up] standing next to him rolled his eyes when he heard it.

  ”Stop bragging! And you’re already at what level, is it fun to compete with a newcomer!”

  The Outlaw said with a grin.

  ”Isn’t this a competition with me of the same period? I wasn’t a newcomer when I dominated the arena!”

  Sleepy after waking up: “How come you’ve only won a few times?”

  Outlaw: “It doesn’t matter! I have a high winning rate!”

  Sleepy after waking up: “@#%!”

  [I’m responsible for dying first] stopped clapping and sighed, looking at the two helplessly.

  ”… If you have time to quarrel, why don’t you go down and practice a game?”

  Because some players’ operations were too shocking, the player’s viewing area and the NPC’s viewing area have been separated since Beta0.6.

  The former is mainly open to players who have nothing to do and come to watch the excitement, while the latter’s audience is mainly researchers, engineers and trainees from Camp 101.

  It is precisely because of this that the NPC’s viewing area is much quieter than the player’s viewing area. Not only do you need to wear headphones to hear the sounds of battle, but the atmosphere of communication is also more academic.

  ”The hardness of the ceramic steel armor is a little beyond expectations…”

  ”Well… it was hit by 10 explosive arrows in a row without any damage, and even blocked a portable armor-piercing shell with a penetration depth of 350 mm.”

  ”This guy is like a walking chariot…”

  ”The failure of the armor-piercing shell to penetrate should be caused by the spaced armor, not entirely the credit of the ceramic steel.”

  ”Not necessarily, we have to dismantle the armor lining near the impact point to confirm it.”

  ”I’m wondering what kind of individual equipment can destroy this thing from the front…”

  ”Is it too early to consider this now?”

  ”Not too early. The spread of technology is a matter of time. I’m sure the Legion is already thinking about this. We have to predict their solutions and consider countermeasures before they find a solution.”

  Sitting in the corner of the viewing area, Xia Yan, wearing headphones, stared at the notebook in her hand with a thoughtful look.

  As the designer of the whole set of armor, she is not focusing on a certain module on the armor, but the overall situation of the whole set of armor.

  She has been making equipment for players since before the birth of the alliance. She knows the players’ fighting style better than anyone else here, and knows better how to make them play the greatest advantage in a specific battlefield environment.

  And this is exactly what Chu Guang once told her, “a unique and irreplaceable talent that only she has.”

  Since she understood this, she has never been confused because she “has no awakened talent” and “can’t find the value of her existence.”

  Through observing the battle just now, she has generated new inspiration in her mind.

  It’s just that the vague inspiration is still very abstract in her mind for the time being.

  She needs some time to organize it into something concrete and integrate it into the original design.

  ”… Sorry, I still need a little time. Can you wait for me a little longer? Ten minutes… uh, maybe half an hour, no more than an hour at most!”

  Grabbing her messy fiery red hair, Xia Yan raised her head from the screen and looked at Alyssa sitting opposite her with an apologetic look, revealing a pleading look.

  Due to similar professional reasons, Alyssa and Xiaoyu are very close, so she has become a good friend of hers.

  However, Xiaoyu and Pai have been busy with projects related to the exchange in Dawn City recently, so they have been eating in the cafeteria these days.

  Seeing Xia Yan’s troubles from her frowning brows, Alyssa smiled and said softly.

  ”It’s okay, I’m not very hungry.”

  ”Thank you!”

  After hastily throwing this sentence, Xia Yan continued to devote herself to the work of conception.

  And Alyssa, who was sitting opposite her, did not disturb her thinking. Just like before, she quietly tasted the fragrant coffee while flipping through the unfinished book in her hand.

  The reason why she chose to read here was not because she was interested in the fighting of power armor, but purely because the coffee here was free and unlimited, and occasionally there would be free biscuits and cakes that were not sold out in the cafeteria yesterday.

  Since she resigned from the position of the Boulder City Crisis Committee, she has lived an ordinary life, with a monthly living expense of about 1,000 silver coins.

  Thanks to the scholarships set up by the Alliance Education Department and the local authorities of Boulder City, she can learn the knowledge she desires here without worries after everything is over.

  However, although her life is not tight, since she does not earn her own money after all, she still lives with the attitude of saving as much as possible, especially on non-essential expenses.

  I believe that the respected manager will not mind that a little girl who has no independent financial ability secretly takes advantage of him.

  And she will not eat and drink for free.

  After she has achieved success in her studies, she will repay him with her profound knowledge for the help he has extended to herself and Boulder City.

  She was still very weak before, and she only knew the results of many things but not the reasons.

  But now it is different.

  After a whole year of study, she is no longer the same person she was back then…

  ”Excuse me, is this Ms. Alyssa?”

  Hearing the voice coming from the side, Alyssa realized that her fingertips had been fixed on the footer of the next page for a full ten minutes without turning the page, and the hundreds of thousands of words that flashed through her mind just now could write a book.

  Realizing that she was distracted, she couldn’t help but blush, coughed lightly and tidied her appearance, then looked up at the staff standing at the table.

  ”It’s me… May I ask what I can do for you?”

  The staff smiled and said.

  ”There is a gentleman at the door looking for you. He claims to be your friend and said he has something to ask you.”

  During the equipment test, except for authorized residents of the shelter, non-working or studying personnel in Camp 101 cannot apply to enter the arena to watch the game.

  However, Camp 101 itself is very open, and anyone who registers at the gate can come in.

  Hearing that it was her friend, Alyssa’s first thought was Mr. Joey.

  His child is also studying in Camp 101, and occasionally when he comes to see his child, he will visit her by the way.

  ”I see.”

  Alyssa didn’t think much about it, closed the book, and then looked at Xia Yan who was sitting opposite.

  ”Then I’ll go out for a while.”

  Xia Yan, who was busy in front of the screen, nodded hurriedly. She was already in the state and didn’t even have time to move her eyes away.

  ”Yeah! Bon voyage! Oh no, remember to come back later!”

  ”Don’t worry, how could I leave you alone for dinner… I’ll be back soon.”

  Alyssa couldn’t help but smile at Boss Xia’s flustered look.

  In order not to keep Mr. Joey waiting for a long time, she didn’t delay any further, got up and left her seat and walked out of the door of the arena viewing area.

  At the same time, at the door of the arena, two men, one tall and one short, were standing one after the other.

  Compared with the tall man standing in front, the shorter man was obviously much younger, and he might not even be an adult yet.

  It was precisely because of this that he, who lacked experience, was much thinner in both face and confidence than the one standing in front.

  ”…Mr. Zayed, is it really okay for us to do this?” The young man glanced at the door nervously, but he couldn’t help but lower his voice.

  Zayed had just lied to the staff at the door. They were not actually friends of Ms. Alyssa, and they had never even met that lady.

  Although Mr. Zayed relied on his fluent conversation and proper etiquette to deceive the young man who was not familiar with the business, so that the latter did not even ask the name and went in to help them find someone, this lie could not last long.

  He was very worried now that the lady would directly call the guards here after seeing their unfamiliar faces…

  Zayed glanced at his impatient follower and said in a very light voice.

  ”Relax, we are not bad people, we will explain it to her and apologize later.”

  Looking at the guy’s nervous look, he paused for a moment and said another sentence.

  ”People who do big things usually don’t get hung up on small details. With that lady’s ability and ambition, she won’t bother with us over such trivial matters. But you, you look around so much that I’m really worried that the guards will throw you out.”

  The young man’s name is Sava. He is a member of the Serpent Tribe like him, and he is also a younger brother he recruited not long after he came to Dawn City.

  Hearing what Zayed said, Sava hurriedly stopped looking around, but his expression was still nervous.

  ”But… can’t we use other methods? For example, send a letter to formally ask her to talk or something.”

  ”Do you think I haven’t tried it?”

  Zayed asked him back, and continued in a calm tone.

  ”And we don’t have time to wait any longer. The window of time is getting closer and closer. Under the joint tearing of external and internal forces, the empire can’t hold on for too long. We must get the support of the alliance, and to do this, we must contact the administrator of the alliance.”

  Since he listened to the idea of ​​a resident of the shelter and changed the Equality Association to the Family Association, he really attracted a lot of members and sponsorship funds.

  Especially after hearing that the members of the Family Association all call each other family members, and that they are equal, friendly and help each other without distinction, many residents of Shelter 404 really happily opened their wallets and supported their cause without asking for anything in return.

  However, even so, they who grew up relying on these “improvisational” supports are still far behind the Federation established by the residents of Golden Gallon Port.

  The scale of the two is completely different. The latter not only has the support of the residents of French Fries Port, but also the support of the giant Baiyue Company.

  Zayed actually wanted to wait patiently. After all, some things can’t be rushed. In order to meet a big shot, he even served tea and water for a long time at the morning stall, and naturally he didn’t mind talking about ramen in Dawn City for a few months.

  However, a series of recent events made him a little restless.

  On the one hand, Lacy’s performance was a little beyond his expectations. The Dawn City edition of the Survivor Daily reported the results of the recovery of the Mammoth State for the first time.

  On the other hand, the imperial court was stupid beyond his expectation, making almost all the mistakes that could be made, and still going all the way on the wrong path. It is

  unlikely that any intelligent person would make completely opposite decisions on a series of issues, but the witch camel miraculously achieved this achievement.

  Generally speaking, it is not easy to write a test paper with all the correct answers, but it is also quite difficult to get all the wrong answers.

  ”…Can Ms. Alyssa contact the administrator of the alliance?” Sava looked at Zayd with a puzzled look, still with a trace of unbelievable hesitation on his face.

  The latter was too lazy to explain to him, just looking at the door indifferently, and said in a flat tone.

  ”No matter if it works or not, we have to give it a try.”

  Although he said so, he still had great confidence in his heart that this thing could succeed.

  Like Mr. Rat who wrote “Red Soil”, he also studied the materials of the Great Change Period of Boulder City, and his research was much more in-depth than the former… At least in his own opinion, this was beyond doubt.

  After all, when the former was still focusing on the cultural level, he had already deeply analyzed the core of the new and old regimes and the power changes during the great transformation of Boulder City! The

  final winners were never idealists. Those who overthrew the inner city nobles were actually all people who grasped human nature to the extreme.

  Especially the woman named Alyssa, she is not simple at all!

  Not only is she the daughter of Melvin, the former president of Boulder City Bank, but she is also a member of the Crisis Response Committee jointly established by the Workers’ Union and the Militia!

  This committee is incredible.

  Now the top leaders of the local authorities in Boulder City are basically inherited from that committee.

  Whether it is the City Hall or the Militia!

  Being able to stay out of the change of old and new powers and save herself and the family behind her is enough to show the skill of this woman!

  Not only that –

  he also learned that during the crisis committee period, this Ms. Alyssa also presided over the liquidation of the assets of the inner city nobles and the bankruptcy reorganization of Boulder City Bank!

  This is a brilliant move, and it is also the most praiseworthy thing for him.

  After doing these things, she has completely cut off from the past! From now on, her political enemies will no longer be able to use her background to attack her!

  Even the stains on her body will become a shining medal!

  Whether it is to finish this beautifully, or to successfully gain the trust of other members of the Crisis Committee and take this work into her own hands, it is enough to prove her cleverness and deep scheming!

  On the surface, she lost all her property, but in fact, she got something closer to the essence –

  that is power!

  Even if she finally chooses to fade out of the core layer of power in Boulder City after everything is over, in Zayd’s view, this is more like a retreat to advance.

  Going to the highest institution of the alliance for further study, she will have an additional imprint of the alliance on her body, and at the same time, she will have more aura than her colleagues in the Crisis Committee.

  If she takes a step forward in the future, she will move from the power core of the small pond of Boulder City to the power core of the entire alliance.

  And even if she takes a step back, she can easily stand on the heads of her former colleagues with the imprint of the alliance on her body and the achievements of the great changes in Boulder City!

  Not to mention that she also has a strong relationship with the Alliance Manager!

  That was a rumor that Zayed heard by chance. It was said that Alyssa and the Alliance Manager often exchanged letters.

  Although this news was not reliable, it was just a boast from a drunkard in the Boulder City Tavern when he was drunk, but judging from the reaction of others laughing together, it might be true.

  And if that is true… then the future of this Ms. Alyssa is even more difficult to underestimate!

  Zayed did not know much about the power structure of the Alliance, and could only understand it by referring to the imperial court.

  He tried to imagine that if he were the emperor of the empire, he would definitely not reject such a queen who was powerful and could bring enough resources to the royal family.

  As long as this lady was not too old, or even had missed the childbearing age.

  Thinking of this, Zayed’s face gradually showed a smile of victory.

  Now the only thing he needed to think about was how to prove his value to Ms. Alyssa and whether she was worthy of her investment.

  If he could hold on to the future queen of the alliance, it would be of great benefit not only to his family, but also to the new country to be established in the future in the province of Borneo!

  Just as Zayed was thinking this, the person he had been thinking about finally appeared at the entrance of the arena.

  However, when he confirmed that the figure was Alyssa, he was stunned and stood there, with his mouth open and unable to say a word.

  She looked no more than fifteen or sixteen years old, which completely overturned the image of the queen in his mind as a shrewd and unfathomable person.

  This guy…

  is that Alyssa?

  Could there be something wrong? !

  All his assumptions were disrupted, and Zayd looked at her in confusion until the latter followed the arena staff to get closer.

  Looking at the strange man in front of her and the timid follower behind him, Alyssa had a hint of displeasure on her face, and her two beautiful eyebrows slightly wrinkled.

  This kind of chat-up that started with deception has deducted zero points from her first impression of this guy.

  ”I don’t know you, and I don’t remember anyone with the same name as me here.”

  ”I need an explanation.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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