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Chapter 817 Chain Reaction

Chapter 817 Chain Reaction

2024-05-29 作者: 晨星LL

  Chapter 817 Chain Reaction

  ”…All the survivors who suffered in the wasteland are comrades on the same front. Although we have not fought side by side, I believe that you, who are kind-hearted, will not refuse to become friends with the people of the Borneo Province.”

  Zayed’s mind turned quickly.

  Although he had not yet escaped from the chaotic downtime, he subconsciously lowered his posture and tried to regain some goodwill from the little girl.

  ”My name is Zayed… Dear Miss Alyssa, I am really sorry to disturb you in this way.”

  Although the glib humor can resolve embarrassment, it is obviously not pleasing.

  However, seeing that he took the initiative to give his name, Alyssa still relaxed her frown and spoke in a gentle tone.

  ”Alyssa, nice to meet you… and you?”

  Unexpectedly, this distinguished lady actually cast her eyes on him. Sava, who was standing behind Zayed, did not dare to look at those beautiful eyes and stammered.

  ”I… Sava.”

  Seeing this guy’s useless appearance, Zaid sighed and looked at Alyssa with a little apology.

  ”Sorry, he is… my student and also my assistant. Although he has good abilities, he is a little shy.”

  ”Sorry!” Sava quickly bowed to apologize.

  Seeing this clumsy young man, Alyssa suddenly thought of herself last year. She couldn’t help but smile and said in a gentle tone.

  ”Don’t be sorry for such things. No one is born to be able to stand on his own. My… a friend used to cry when she encountered difficulties, but now she can calmly think of some countermeasures. I believe you can do the same. After all, you have walked a much longer road than her.”

  She didn’t know how far the Boro Province was, but it should be much farther than the distance between Boulder City and Dawn City.

  ”Thank you…”

  The voice was like a spring breeze blowing across her face. The boy buried his head lower, staring at the tip of his shoes, and the redness climbed from his cheeks to the roots of his ears.

  What a kind girl!

  No one had ever encouraged him like this, not even his closest family.

  Although he had no doubt that Mr. Zayed was right, he couldn’t help but feel confused… Did this gentleman who had always helped and taught him misunderstand something?

  Turning his eyes to Zayed’s face, Alyssa continued in a slightly serious voice.

  ”Mr. Zayed, I’m not a petty person. If you are sincerely sorry, just tell me directly. Please don’t use the survivors of the Borneo Province as a shield. We are of course happy to be friends with the survivors of the Borneo Province, but you can’t represent them yet.”

  ”Indeed… I didn’t think it through.” Zayed admitted his mistake very straightforwardly and frankly.

  Maybe there was something wrong with his reasoning.

  This woman who was fussy about trivial matters didn’t look like a particularly sophisticated person. Instead, she made him feel a little… silly?

  If it was because she looked down on her own capital, it would be fine, but it was obviously not because of this reason. It seemed like she was just throwing a tantrum. Is it

  important to lie or not on such a harmless issue? In the end, it didn’t cause any bad effects.

  Not to mention that he finally smoothed things over without giving the other party face, anyone with a little political training would laugh it off.

  And if he wins in the end, it might become a good story among people.

  However, he did not think that there was anything wrong with his analysis, but that the intelligence was missing.

  It is extremely difficult to investigate a person in Dawn City, especially for him who is still in the start-up stage. He does not have a group of guards who are loyal to him, and he does not even have diplomatic immunity. He has to be careful not to violate the laws of the alliance.

  Alyssa nodded slightly and whispered a few words to the staff member next to her who looked unfriendly.

  ”I have indeed not seen them, but they should not be bad people, but there may be some misunderstandings.”

  The staff member still looked worried and asked seriously.

  ”Do you really not need me to call the security?”

  Alyssa said with a smile.

  ”No, no, don’t cause trouble to others for such a small matter. I will take care of it.”

  The latter’s expression gradually eased, and he stared at Zayed with a warning look, as if to say “I remember your face”, and then turned around and walked back to the arena.

  After watching him leave, Alyssa looked at Zayed again.

  ”Let’s talk about business. What do you want to talk to me about? Well… But before that, I actually want to know where you heard my name from?”

  Zayed had a pleasant smile on his face. After all, he still wanted to ask the girl in front of him.

  ”You underestimate your popularity. Your name is known to everyone in Boulder City, and it is not inferior to that fictional Bol at all.”

  Alyssa said politely.

  ”You are too flattering. I am not such a great person.”

  Zayed continued with a smile.

  ”No, I don’t mean to flatter you at all. It’s better to say… I admire you very much.”

  Alyssa’s polite expression on her face did not change, but that smile was still a thousand miles away.

  ”Even if you praise me, it won’t do any good.”

  ”You are too wary of me. Actually, every word I say is from the heart…” Looking at those eyes full of wisdom, Zayed pretended to be innocent, sighed and said, “From the drunkard in the beer hall, to the newspaper boy delivering newspapers, and the teller behind the bank counter… everyone has given you a high evaluation.”

  ”They all praised your courage and kindness, thinking that it was you who helped them avoid the worst outcome and finally achieved that almost impossible miracle.”

  ”To be honest, I don’t believe that there are gods in this world, but I still can’t help but wonder if you are blessed by gods. After all, it would be difficult for anyone else to have a good ending.”

  After hearing the emotional words, Alyssa suddenly believed what this person said.

  He may indeed have some worship filters for himself, but what he worships is neither his personality nor the things he is proud of. It’s

  something else…

  just like the shadows used to set off the light spots in a sketch.

  But if that was the case, then the residents of the Borneo Province were too pitiful.

  There was most likely a casino that was even bigger than the former Stone City, and the chips placed in that casino were most likely an astronomical figure that she had never heard of.

  A fine bead of sweat oozed from Alyssa’s forehead.

  She instinctively wanted to save those people, so she spoke subconsciously.

  ”… Indeed, even today when I think of what happened that day, I still feel scared. But I don’t think I’m blessed by the gods, and I don’t think I’m a miracle.”

  Not knowing what she was thinking at the moment, Zayed smiled and said in a coaxing tone.

  ”If this is not a miracle, then what kind of thing can be considered a miracle?”

  Alyssa said without hesitation.

  ”It’s the residents of Boulder City.”

  Zayed was slightly stunned.

  ”The residents of Boulder City? Ah… Of course, I don’t deny that they are indeed indispensable, and their courage and ideals are equally impressive-” ”

  It’s the residents of Boulder City.”

  Alyssa repeated her words again, with a hint of expectation, or pleading in her unquestionable voice.

  ”Why do you think I’m a miracle… They are the ones who are still looking for light when the night falls, the ones who have not given up even though the flame of hope has been extinguished countless times, and the ones you have met before you found me are all miracles. Why do you think I am a miracle?”

  Zayed was stunned for a moment.

  It was not because the girl in front of him said something that was not in line with her age, but because he didn’t know why she was so excited.

  What is this…


  The polite words he said were just to gain her favor, but now it seems that his flattery seems to have hit the horse’s leg again. What

  does this guy want?

  Zayed couldn’t help but feel a little annoyed, but he didn’t write that annoyed expression on his face.

  As if sensing his impatience or resistance, Alyssa stared at his eyes seriously and couldn’t help but speed up her speech.

  ”…Mr. Zayed, I must say it again. My life and death are not worth mentioning in front of the real wave! Whether I died that night or not, no matter where my body ended up, it will not have any impact on the future of Boulder City. The sun will still rise and then set at the right time.”

  ”I am not the miracle you imagined. Those who let me go are the real miracles.”

  ”They could have let the fire burn wantonly, put all the blame on a little girl, and then moved into the inner city on our bodies. They could have become the new owner of the casino, but they closed the casino with their own hands… Everyone who walked out of the casino is a miracle.”

  What a naive statement…


  It should be said to be stupid.

  Zayed looked at her coldly, but his smile as warm as spring breeze did not change at all.

  In fact, she did not completely miss the point. At least there was one sentence that he agreed with, and it unexpectedly made him brighten his eyes.

  If the fire was allowed to burn wantonly…

  But in this way, I am afraid that many people would die.

  ”Mr. Zayed?”

  Hearing the concerned voice, Zayed suddenly came back to his senses, and then looked at Alyssa with a smile.

  ”What’s wrong?”


  Alyssa’s eyes were a little scared. Just now, for a moment, she saw something terrible in his eyes.

  She swallowed again and spoke hurriedly.

  ”If you want to ask how to save the residents of the Borneo Province, you might as well try to start with a newspaper and let the survivors make their own voices…”

  Zayed coughed lightly, interrupting her chattering.

  ”I’m really sorry… Although I am very interested in your theory, the sun is about to set. Maybe we can have a good chat next time we meet. By the way, I don’t know if it’s convenient, I want to ask you to do me a favor.”

  Alyssa was stunned, but still nodded gently.

  ”What favor?”

  ”I want to ask you to introduce me to the administrator of the alliance.”

  ”Manager, Mr. Administrator?” Alyssa looked at him blankly, not following the jumping train of thought.

  Zayed nodded, stared into her eyes, and said seriously.

  ”I need his help… or rather, we need it.”

  Facing those fiery eyes, Alyssa immediately understood what he meant, but fell silent.

  Objectively speaking, the Alliance did reduce the suffering that the survivors of Boulder City had to endure, but it was the survivors of Boulder City themselves who ended all this suffering.

  When it is uncertain what is under the mountain, speeding up does not always bring good results.

  ”Can I ask you a question?”

  ”Please ask.”

  ”When everything is over… when the wasteland era is over, is there anything you want to do?”

  Alyssa seemed to be worried that Zayed would go astray again, so she quickly added a sentence.

  ”I’m not talking about wishes or anything like that. I’m just talking about something I want to do. Like riding a horse or painting… any hobby is fine.”

  ”Those things are just the sentiments of the nobles. I won’t be corrupted by them,” Zayed smiled. “I haven’t thought about such far-reaching things yet. I just want to save the residents of the Borneo Province and let the light of equality spread over every inch of land along the Yongliu River. There’s nothing else in my mind.”

  A trace of disappointment flashed in her eyes, and Elisa’s lips moved. In the end, all her words turned into a soft sigh.

  ”I know a very kind old grandfather… He said that after he retires, he wants to build a small wooden house by the lake, plant some flowers and plants, go fishing, etc.”

  Zayed: “Who is he?”

  ”Mr. Fang Ming’s designer…”

  Elisa suddenly raised her head, her eyes were more determined than ever, and she took a deep breath and said.

  ”I will never introduce you to Mr. Manager… Please go back!”

  She refused without any tact.

  If she was undecided just now, she is now completely convinced that talking to this guy about anything is like talking to a cow.

  This guy who always talks about equality despises what he says more than anyone else.

  He planned everything, but he never planned where he would be in the new world.

  In the end, he just wanted to be the god of the new world and change the name of the casino to continue operating.

  I won’t see you next time.

  She would not say another word to him, and even regretted what she had just said. She should not have told him what the real miracle was.

  This guy is not a comrade at all! He

  might even be an enemy…

  Once he really succeeds, he will immediately block all the leaky windows in the casino!

  Facing the gradually cold eyes, Zayed was not angry, but bowed slightly.

  ”It seems that I have caused you unhappiness… I’m sorry.”

  Although it was a pity, there was nothing he could do.

  The meeting ended unpleasantly.

  Zayed had lost the meaning of staying here, so he left here with his little apprentice without looking back.

  On the way back, Sava looked at Mr. Zayed with a puzzled look on his face, and finally couldn’t help asking the confusion in his heart.

  ”I said… we should try a more tactful way to contact her.”

  ”The result is the same. If she is the person we are looking for, we can meet the administrator through her no matter what. But unfortunately she is not, so this way is not feasible.”

  As if to find some reasons for his miscalculation, and it seems that he really thinks so, Zayed paused and continued.

  ”In fact, it is not a bad thing.”

  ”A good thing?” Sava was confused.


  Zayed nodded lightly and continued indifferently.

  ”At least, through the test just now, I can confirm that she and the administrator of the alliance do maintain correspondence… No matter what form of communication, at least their views on certain issues are intertwined.”

  ”It only took us one afternoon to figure out the preferences of the administrator. As a test of investment… This deal is still quite cost-effective.”

  Sava said a little disappointedly.

  ”But she won’t help us…”

  He was not sure whether he regretted that he might never see the beautiful lady again, or whether he really regretted the fate of his family.

  Maybe it was both.

  Zayed smiled faintly.

  ”It doesn’t matter. There are many ways to meet that gentleman. The key is what happens after meeting him.”

  Although he did try to please Alyssa, a potential political ally, at the beginning, he immediately gave up the idea after realizing that she was essentially still a child.

  It is very troublesome to be an ally with a naive person. It is better to use her as a touchstone.

  The next time he meets the administrator of the alliance, he will try to avoid all the minefields.

  Just like listening to the opinions of the residents of the shelter and changing the Equality Association to the Family Association.

  He can further improve his own personality and try to say more things that the gentleman likes to hear…

  ”What if she writes to the administrator?” Sava whispered.

  If it was him, and there were other voices in the Family Association that were ready to make a move, he would tell Mr. Zayed without hesitation.

  He felt that the lady would do the same thing as himself.

  Zayed’s expression froze slightly, but soon relaxed.

  ”It’s possible… Children do like to tell tales, but I believe that gentleman will not unilaterally believe one side’s words, but listen to both sides.”

  And people like him who come from humble backgrounds lack connections.

  ”If she really mentioned me in the letter to the administrator, I should thank her for her favor.”


  At the southernmost end of the central axis of the distant Middle Continent, there is a port called Evernight Port.

  It is located at the southernmost corner of the ruins of the southern industrial zone of the Human Union, across the sea from the Antarctic wasteland.

  Because the location is too far away, it is a place that even the White Bear Knights who are keen on exploring maps have never been to.

  If compared with the real map, the location of this port is probably in South Africa, but the latitude is higher than the latter.

  At the same time, this is probably the southernmost settlement in the entire wasteland.

  Because when the legion first set foot on this land, it was winter in the southern hemisphere, when the days were short and the nights were long.

  Therefore, this settlement was named Evernight Port by the Weyland colonists.

  Unlike the Eastern Legion, which occupies vast plains, the Southern Legion’s land is more fragmented. Except for a peninsula on the mainland, most of the territory is mainly distributed in the western industrial zone ruins of the Great Desert and the coastline of the southern industrial zone ruins.

  Although the soil of these lands is poor and crops cannot be grown, they are rich in minerals.

  Due to this series of factors, the Southern Legion’s style of doing things is also very different from that of the Eastern Legion.

  Compared with the military nobles who own large pastures and manors, they are more like colonists in the late Middle Ages.

  Although they are also ruthless in exploiting other ethnic groups, they do not rule out using more euphemistic means when it is in line with their own interests.

  For example, buying off local people to rule local people.

  For example, allowing slaves to redeem themselves.

  Another example is using debt slaves instead of contract slaves, etc.

  After all, they don’t have as much land resources as the Eastern Legion to waste, so they have to spend some time thinking about how to increase the production capacity of the colony.

  It is precisely because of this style of doing things that they are very close to the civil service group of Triumph City.

  Of course, the similarity of form and style is only one aspect. In the final analysis, it is because the interests of both parties are tied together.

  For example, the ports of the Southern Legion are located along the route from Borneo Province to Triumph City.

  The ships of the Civilian Group often bring back not only spices, tea and sugar that Triumph City is keen on from Borneo Province, but also slaves and livestock needed by the colonies of the Southern Legion.

  Compared with the nomads and alien species living in the desert, the survivors and livestock of Borneo Province are undoubtedly much more docile and more popular with the southern colonists.

  By the way, when these ships return to Triumph City, they will also bring some special products of the colony.

  For example, various ores, gems and gold.

  It is precisely for this reason that the port of Yongye Port is never short of ships from Borneo Province.

  Especially the ships from Xifan Port.

  But recently, there was a little accident here…

  The port of Yongye Port was crowded with people, and a large number of passengers carrying suitcases gathered at the door of the ticket office, shouting loudly.

  December is summer in Yongye Port. The sea breeze blowing from the sea is already a little hot, and people’s emotions are like a powder keg that can explode at any time.

  A Willant passenger finally squeezed to the counter, and pounded the fist holding the ticket on the counter, wishing to stick his nose into the narrow window.

  ”Where’s the ship? I bought a ticket to Triumph City! Where is the ship!”

  ”Please calm down, sir, let me see which flight you bought… I can help you refund it.”

  The staff reached out to take the ticket, but was snatched back by the passenger.

  Staring at the window angrily, the Willant passenger roared loudly.

  ”I didn’t say I wanted a refund! I want to go home!”

  The staff looked at him helplessly with a wry smile.

  ”I know… but there’s nothing I can do. If the flight you booked doesn’t show up at the dock, it’s most likely a breach of contract. We will compensate you for your ticket according to the contract-”

  ”What do you mean by a high probability of breach of contract!” The Willant man roared angrily, “It’s already the end of the year, and I only go back to Triumph City once a year! Damn it, why do you have to rush before your birthday!”

  The staff member’s forehead was sweating, trying to calm him and the other passengers behind him.

  ”Please, please calm down… I understand how you feel, sir, but there’s nothing we can do. It was the carrier who canceled the flight, and I heard that the reason seemed to be because they were going to the east to pick up a batch of arms-”

  The passenger obviously didn’t buy it and rudely interrupted his explanation.

  ”I bought a passenger ship! It’s a passenger ship! Do you take me for a fool!”

  The staff member sighed helplessly.

  ”I know… but I heard that those people gave too much. You are lucky. Yesterday, a ship was about to dock, but when it heard the news from Xifan Port, it just abandoned the passengers on the shore and turned around and left.”

  Willant passenger: “???”

  Penny, who was standing in the crowd, heard the quarrel in front of her and looked confused.

  She came here from Xifan Port by boat a week ago. She originally booked a transfer ticket for today to return to Triumph City, but she didn’t expect to hear such bad news.

  Finally, she got to the window and looked at the ticket in her hand and said blankly.

  ”…The ship is gone?”

  The staff sitting behind the window looked at her, and the anxious expression was obviously not the first time he answered this question.

  ”It’s gone since yesterday… You are lucky, miss. I heard that there were people who got on the ship and were kicked off.”

  Penny said with a smile.

  ”Then how can I go home?”

  The staff also had an embarrassed expression.

  ”I don’t know… uh, but according to my experience, it should be fine to wait for two days. After all, not all ships will continue to sail eastward. Some ships will return after arriving at Evernight Port. There are also some cargo ships that carry goods. If the price is right, they will not mind working as passenger ships. We will also help you keep an eye out for relevant information.”


  Penny only regrets one thing now, that is, she declined Governor Huye’s kindness and did not take his direct ship to Triumph City, but chose to transfer at Evernight Port.

  Unexpectedly, after just three days of playing here, she couldn’t go back.

  ”What happened?” She asked with a worried look.

  The staff sighed.

  ”We don’t know for sure, we only heard that it was the work of Captain Bennot. He reached some unclear agreement with the Eastern Legion, and then all the ships on the entire route ran eastward, all rushing to pick up money.”

  It is said that not only some people went there for the equipment of the expeditionary force, but also some fantasized about picking up some “garbage” that could not be used up on the front line from the academy, enterprises or alliances.

  But he thought those people were just dreaming.

  And with so many people rushing over to grab it, it is still unknown whether they can make money by then.

  Penny was completely dumbfounded. She didn’t expect that the one who prevented her from returning home was her father who was serving as an ambassador in Dawn City.

  This is really…

  Looking at the lady in front of her with a face that wanted to cry but had no tears, the staff kindly reminded her.

  ”Things have come to this, and there is nothing we can do. You’d better book a hotel at the port as soon as possible… By the evening, I’m afraid there will be no place to stay even if you have money. My uncle runs a hotel near the port. Do you need me to contact him for you?”

  Penny shook her head.

  ”…No need, I have a place to stay.”

  Her uncle is an officer of the Southern Corps. His rank is the same as Mr. Pangolin, a thousand-man captain, and he serves as the defense chief in Evernight Port.

  She has been staying at her uncle’s house these days. At most, she will disturb him for a few more days.

  However, in order not to worry her mother who is far away in Triumph City, she has to go to the post office and send a telegram home.

  The staff sighed and said apologetically.

  ”Is that so… Anyway, I’m very sorry, please forgive me.” Is

  there any way to not forgive him?

  Penny gave him a helpless expression, nodded and thanked him, then left the ticket office with her suitcase, called a tricycle at the port, and asked the driver to take her to the door of the post office.

  Soon the marble building came into view.

  After taking out a golden dinar to pay the money, Penny stepped up the steps of the post office with her suitcase.

  However, just as she stepped through the door, she heard several hurried conversations passing by her.

  ”Is there a boat? I need a boat that goes to the east the nearest! The sooner the better!”

  ”A boat to the east? What are you talking about? There is no boat at this pier!”

  ”Damn it! Why did you have to rush to this juncture!”

  Penny turned her head and saw a middle-aged man wearing a felt hat, punching the marble pillar at the door.

  The man next to him looked at his companion in astonishment and hurriedly stepped forward to ask.

  ”What happened?”

  The man’s face was gloomy, and his hoarse voice was low and deep.

  However, even so, Penny still vaguely heard the words –

  ”Xifan Port! There…something big happened over there!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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