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Chapter 819 The Mosquito That Adds Fuel to the Fire

Chapter 819 The Mosquito That Adds Fuel to the Fire


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 819 The Mosquito Who Adds Fury

  At the port in front of Settlement No. 1, two men with ruddy faces were holding hands tightly.

  One of them was WC, the boss of Goblin Technology, and the other was equally well-known, being the quartermaster under the Tiger Army warlord.

  Although this gentleman’s military rank was not high, being only a captain of a thousand men, he spent more than 10 billion.

  Even for the sake of money, Mosquito showed some respect and courtesy, shaking his hand enthusiastically.

  ”Happy cooperation!”

  ”Hahaha! Happy cooperation!”

  When Chopra said this, although his heart ached, he still forced a smile on his face.

  One silver coin for 100 Xilan coins…

  This price is simply a loss!

  Seeing the pain on his client’s face, Mosquito couldn’t help but feel sorry for him.

  It’s not that he felt compassion, but mainly because he was not specialized in foreign exchange transactions. In the end, it was Fang Chang that bastard who helped him exchange the money, and he also paid 20 points of profit for this.

  In other words, Fang Chang, that bastard, did nothing, but took 20 points from his own profit in the name of “financial service fee”.

  Although this means that he earns more, Mosquito still feels angry when he thinks of that smug face.

  Let that bastard win again!


  But at this moment, his eyes turned, and he suddenly thought of a brilliant idea, looking at the Chopra centurion with a smile and said.

  ”My friend, I treat you as my own, and my customers are my family, but there is something I don’t know whether to say or not.”

  Chopra said hurriedly after hearing this.

  ”Please go ahead!”

  ”This Xilan currency, I guess it will be finished sooner or later. Instead of letting you be cut by the bank in Jin Gallon Port, it’s better for me – cough! I mean I can help you!”

  Mosquito originally wanted to slowly explain to him the relationship between currency circulation and value from the perspective of inflation, but seeing this guy’s smart face, he gave up the idea.

  No way.

  Even if he drooled all over, I’m afraid this guy wouldn’t understand the inner logic of the devaluation of Xilan currency.

  Moreover, even if this guy understood, when he relayed it to his boss, General Jha, I’m afraid the credibility of the information would be discounted again. It would be a coincidence that the latter could understand it.

  His eyes rolled again, and Mosquito’s face was covered with a spring breeze smile again, and he continued to speak earnestly.

  ”The Xilan currency keeps falling, and I’m very worried about you. Now you need more than 100 million to buy a tank, maybe 1 billion next year. How many shirts do you have to knit to buy one? Not to mention that our wardrobes are almost filled with you. If we don’t change something new, you may not be able to take out so many Xilan coins next year.”

  Chopra said with a bitter expression.

  ”Do you think we want to? We have no other options. The printing press is in the hands of His Majesty, and he has the final say on how to use it. The same applies to silver coins, including dinars… All the foreign exchange we earn and the tariffs for export settlement are in the Royal Mint. We received Xilan coins from them at a rate of 1:12.5, but we wanted to exchange them for silver coins at this price but couldn’t.”

  Mosquito said with great sorrow.

  ”Stupid! Why did you ask the Emperor to print money? Can’t you print it yourself?”

  Chopra said with a cold sweat.

  ”Don’t talk nonsense. Printing money privately will cost you your head!”

  Mosquito said with a sigh.

  ”Who asked you to print Xilan coins? Printing that waste paper is useless. Can’t you just print cat coins or tiger coins?”

  Chopra didn’t know how to laugh or cry when he heard this. He really didn’t know how to complain about this guy’s bad idea.

  Isn’t it the same!

  No –

  to be precise, the nature is actually different. If you are not careful, you may offend someone more.

  The local authorities privately issued currency and backed it with their own sovereign credit.

  Isn’t this equivalent to treason?

  Chopra felt cold sweat flowing like a stream, and raised his arm to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

  Seeing this guy’s cowardly appearance, Mosquito didn’t dislike him, but smiled and handed him a cigarette.

  ”Don’t be so nervous, I just saw that you bought so many money printing machines, but you don’t plan to use them, and I think it’s a pity.”

  Chopra was stunned after taking the cigarette, and didn’t understand what this guy said.

  ”Buy… a money printing machine?”

  Mosquito looked around, especially his eyes fell on the Conqueror No. 10 tanks.

  ”Isn’t this thing a money printing machine? If you buy one or two hundred and take them back, I don’t believe that Wutu dares to cause trouble for you.”

  Chopra swallowed his saliva while smoking a cigarette, and was a little moved, but his eyes were obviously still a little nervous.

  ”You’re overthinking things. After all, issuing sovereign currency is an act of tearing up relationships. Not to mention that no one recognizes our currency, the political risks are not small. The royal family can’t do it even for the sake of face-”

  Mosquito sighed and said.

  ”It’s not that I’m overthinking things, it’s that your brains don’t work. You don’t dare to issue sovereign currency, but you don’t dare to learn from Jin Jialong Port to get a silver coin voucher? For every silver coin of cash or equivalent financial assets in reserve, issue ten vouchers, and you can use vouchers for settlement in the future.”

  The moment Chopra heard this, he felt like a switch was turned on in his brain, and suddenly he was enlightened.


  They copied the banking system of Jin Jialong Port, why did they forget to copy this most critical homework!

  With the economic scale of Tiger State and the trade throughput with the alliance, they are fully capable of issuing silver coin vouchers. At that time, they can bypass Xilan coins for trade settlement and completely get rid of the blood-drawing of the Tiandu royal family.

  Once the idea was opened, Chopra’s breathing gradually became rapid.

  If this can be done, it will be like solving Huzhou’s worries!

  And his contribution may be even greater than the purchase of arms!

  Chopra looked at Mosquito excitedly, and clasped his fists like the Alliance.

  ”Thanks, brother!”

  Seeing that he was so smart, Mosquito also showed a happy smile on his face.

  ”You’re welcome… Well, I just said that casually. You’d better find someone to complete the details. I heard that there are many people in the financial industry in Jingalon Port.”

  His knowledge of bulk economics was also heard from Fang Chang, and at most he knew that there was such a thing.

  After all, this stuff is not his specialty, and it would be bad if he cheated his customers.

  After all, no matter how cheap the purchase price of this batch of arms in his hands is, someone has to buy it.

  Not long after Mosquito sent Chopra away, Yarman, who was near the dock, finally went ashore along the gangway.

  Desolate but full of mechanical texture, like a spaceship stranded in the desert, this is his most intuitive first impression of this port and even the settlement behind the port.

  One-third of the docks here are made of metal, like floating bridges made of steel plates, and the remaining two-thirds are concrete docks that are not much different from Xifan Port, extending straight from the coastline to the deep water area.

  In addition, there are some docks under construction, which seem to be prepared for large cargo ships carrying containers.

  These docks are not only much wider than other docks, but also equipped with fixed cranes like cranes, as well as door-shaped suspensions.

  Not only is the dock part impressive, but the situation in the warehouse area also makes him look sideways.

  Containers are piled on the wide concrete ground like building blocks.

  Forklifts and lift trucks shuttled back and forth between containers. In addition, dock workers wearing exoskeletons were busy unloading goods from open containers…

  I have to admit that the Alliance’s mechanical technology is really good. These dock workers work in groups of two, and one person does more work than five people in Xifan Port.

  Although Alman was surprised, he didn’t care too much.

  After all, although exoskeletons are rare in the Borneo Province, they are not rare in the Legion. If necessary, he can certainly afford it.

  As for the container transportation method, although it is indeed more efficient than bulk transportation, the shipping demand in the wasteland itself is not that great.

  If you want to open a container flight, you need not only a special ship, but also a special dock.

  Compared with the expensive maintenance cost, the increased efficiency is simply dispensable.

  At least that’s what Alman thinks.

  Moreover, the backlog of containers is also a big problem. Those containers are not only piled up in the port, but also piled up in the settlement.

  However, the survivors were quite clever. They simply changed the doors and windows of the iron boxes and used them as houses. It

  was not too cold for the subtropical Haiya Province. The only thing to worry about seemed to be extreme weather. The empty boxes might be blown away by a gust of wind.

  In short, compared with the Xifan Port, which was covered with marble buildings and luxurious street lights, this place was undoubtedly much more shabby.

  Alman did not waste time to carefully examine the port, because he had more important things to do.

  Seeing another container ship full of munitions leaving the port, he hurriedly walked towards the port staff who was walking towards him.

  ”We have a total of eight ships here. What procedures do we need to go through?”

  Looking at the empty decks of the cargo ships, the port office staff standing on the dock looked at the Willant man who got off the ship with a strange expression.

  One or two empty ships are not uncommon, but it is indeed rare for a whole fleet of eight ships to be empty.

  ”…There are no formalities to go through when docking. Just pay the berthing fee before leaving the shore. However, the goods that arrive at the shore need to be registered before unloading. This is a necessary procedure to prevent smuggling…Do you need a cargo declaration form?”

  Alman shook his head quickly.


  ”…Okay, I guess you don’t need it. If you need additional information later, you can go to the port office to apply for it yourself.”

  The staff of the port office shrugged and closed the opened bill book again.

  Seeing that the staff turned around and was about to leave, Alman hurriedly stopped him and asked.

  ”By the way, what is this place?”

  The staff heard his question and looked at him with a strange expression.

  ”You mean here? This was the landing point of the Burning Legion before. The respected administrator intends to help the locals rebuild their homes, so now this is the Alliance’s No. 1 Settlement.”

  This guy doesn’t even know where this is, why is he here to join in the fun?

  Alman was even more stunned when he heard his explanation, and subconsciously glanced to the side again.

  This settlement…

  was only built in the past two months? !

  ”Is there no name for this place?” Alman couldn’t help asking in shock.

  The staff member smiled and said,

  ”Not yet. The manager said it’s a small matter. The gentleman plans to wait until the number of survivors settled here exceeds 100,000, and let the locals decide what to call this place… You can ask a local about these things yourself. I’ll go do something else if there’s nothing else.”

  Alman nodded blankly, watching the staff member leave, and then looked in the direction of the port area, feeling his scalp tingling.

  He was sure that those things were definitely the equipment of the Eastern Corps Expeditionary Force!

  However, what he couldn’t figure out was why these equipment appeared in the port of the Alliance?

  Could it be that…

  the respected General Lium had sold them to the Alliance? !

  Alman’s face changed slightly, and he gradually had a sense of foreboding.

  In order to reach the Coast of Death as soon as possible, he deliberately emptied the warehouse and ran over with an empty ship.

  If this deal fails, he will really lose a lot of money!

  Apparently noticing the situation in the warehouse area of ​​the port, the captain who was leading the ship got off the cargo ship and asked Alman.

  ”What’s the situation…”

  He got a share of the profits from this deal, so he had to care even for the sake of the dinar.

  Alman looked at him with an unpleasant expression and shook his head.

  ”I don’t know… There seems to be a problem here.”

  Just a little problem?

  The captain looked at Alman nervously and asked hesitantly.

  ”Do we still need to go to that Haibei City?”

  ”Of course, but before I go there, I have to ask around…”

  He had to find out what the situation was with the munitions stored here!

  Without hesitation, Alman immediately returned to the ship and picked a few followers, and led everyone to the warehouse. Coincidentally

  , when he walked to the door of the warehouse area, Mosquito just came out.

  The two met and immediately realized that the other party’s identity was not simple.

  Looking at the big nose, Mosquito took the lead in handing out the business card in his hand and said with a smile.

  ”Goblin Technology! We provide the most professional and tough work. Wherever there is an explosion, there is us. This is my business card, take a look!”

  Yarman took the business card in his hand with a confused look on his face, and happened to see the big words “Military Equipment” written in the business scope column on the business card.

  ”Wait, are you in the arms trade?”

  When the other party mentioned arms, Mosquito immediately became excited and said eagerly.

  ”Of course! The most popular sales of our company are arms, from rifles to airplanes and tanks! Do you need me to recommend them to you!”

  ”Wait… wait a minute!”

  Yarman didn’t bother to listen to his introduction, and hurriedly searched his body, and soon found the subscription certificate and letter of introduction issued by the Governor’s Office.

  Seeing the paper handed to him by this guy, Mosquito was stunned for a moment.

  ”What the hell is this?”

  Yarman swallowed his saliva, forced a smile on his face, and said nervously.

  ”The subscription certificate and letter of introduction issued by the Governor’s Office of Xifan Port…”

  At this moment, he was like a drowned man, trying his best to grab all the straws that floated past him.

  He also knew that this was not realistic, but he still had a one-in-ten-thousandth hope that the Governor’s Office had communicated with the Alliance and that the man in front of him could recognize this thing.


  the man who took the paper roll had a confused expression on his face. He looked at the paper and then looked at him.

  ”What is this?”

  Faced with the expression that obviously did not recognize the document, Alman was completely desperate.

  All the negotiation skills were useless at this moment.

  He felt like a clown standing here at this moment, but he still subconsciously spoke in a stuttering voice.

  ”That’s, that’s the subscription certificate and letter of introduction I mentioned. We came here to help transport arms at the call of the Governor’s Office of Xifan Port…”

  Mosquito interrupted him impatiently.

  ”Okay, okay, I don’t want to hear these things. If you want, just name a price.”

  He didn’t care where these Willant people transported this batch of equipment.

  They’d better sell it to the Empire.

  That way he can sell things that can cut these iron lumps to the warlords in the province of Borneo.

  For example, the Type II B tank, the W-2 aircraft, and even the W-3 that is under development, etc.

  With the last glimmer of unrealistic hope, Alman spoke almost desperately.

  ”According to the quotation on the subscription certificate, we can recycle this batch of weapons at a price of 10,000 dinars per ton–”

  Hearing this outrageous quotation, Mosquito almost choked to death on his own saliva.

  ”10,000 dinars per ton? What are you buying? Cabbage?”

  After all, he exchanged those tanks for excavators!

  These profiteers actually want to wholesale by tons, and call it recycling, which is really shameless!

  ”But, but the Governor’s Office…”

  Looking at this stuttering big nose, Mosquito interrupted him impatiently.

  ”Don’t tell me about your Governor’s Office. We are an alliance! You might as well give me Xilan coins instead of this waste paper… Bah, we don’t accept Xilan coins here. You either pay silver coins or Cr!”

  Alman felt that every cell in his body was trembling, and finally squeezed out a word from his blue lips.

  ”Then… how much do you sell it for?”

  Mosquito said lazily, not holding much hope for this buyer.

  ”It depends on what you buy. Conqueror No. 10 will cost one million silver coins.”

  ”One million silver coins?!” Alman widened his eyes and stared at him angrily, “How dare you sell second-hand equipment so expensively? Why don’t you go and rob it!”

  If it was 100,000 or 200,000 silver coins, he could bear the pain and buy it, and then sell it at the price of 6 or 7 million dinars, so he wouldn’t lose too much.

  However, Mosquito didn’t say anything polite to him, and didn’t even plan to talk to him about the price.

  ”Don’t buy it if you think it’s too expensive!”

  Rolling his eyes, he stuffed the roll of paper back into the big-nosed man’s hand, and took the business card he had just handed out.


  After all this time, these people are here to get something for free!

  He was so excited for nothing!

  Without stopping for a moment, Mosquito and his little brother got on the off-road vehicle parked at the door. In less than half a minute, they disappeared at the end of the road, leaving only a group of Willant standing in a mess at the entrance of the warehouse area.

  Looking at the boss who had not moved for a long time, a follower following Alman said cautiously.

  ”…Maybe the Eastern Legion only sold a part of it, and Haibei City still has some inventory that has not been sold out. Otherwise…we go there to try our luck?”

  ”I hope so…” With a bitter smile on his face, Alman looked like he was a dozen years older at this moment, and there was no trace of the high spirits he had on the way here.

  He wasted at least a month on this trip.

  He had originally hoped that the money earned from this deal would exceed the profit a little to pay the penalty for delayed delivery of goods such as sugar cubes and tea.

  But now it seems that he has to eat this loss himself.

  Not only that, the goods stored in the warehouse at the Xifan Port dock need to pay rent, which is also a considerable expense…

  Just when Alman was worrying about the bills, a series of ship shadows appeared on the sea in the distance.

  They rushed towards the port of Settlement No. 1 like happy ducks.

  Zhang Ze, who was carrying goods in the port area, raised his head with a surprised expression on his face.

  ”Why are there so many ships?”

  This porter’s job was introduced to him by the Employment Guidance Center of Settlement No. 1. The hourly wage was eight silver coins, the same as Renault who got off the bus halfway. As for the intensity of work, it is hard to say.

  But he is still young and it is impossible for him to work here for a lifetime. This job is just a transition for him.

  When he saves up a sum of capital and gets the identity of the alliance, he will sooner or later go back to his old business and do some business. A

  colleague wearing an exoskeleton put down the cargo box in his hand and said with a smile.

  ”No matter how many ships come, it has nothing to do with us. Let’s go to the pub for a drink after work.”

  Another worker standing next to him grinned and raised his arm to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

  ”I think it’s going to be tough. With so many ships, I’m afraid we’ll have to work overtime… We might have to work until dark.”

  This is not a French fries port. There are bars open until late at night. Most of the small shops serve the scavengers who come back from the nearby ruins and close after eight o’clock.

  Zhang Ze stared at the distance for a while, thought for a moment and said.

  ”… Not necessarily, I think the batch of cargo ships that just came seems to be empty.”

  ”Empty ships?” A colleague who worked with him was stunned. “Come here?”

  The entire No. 1 settlement is still in the initial stage of construction. There is no output. What can an empty ship do here?

  Buy garbage?

  Everyone had a confused expression on their faces, looking at the cargo ships rushing to the dock in confusion.

  Not only the workers at the dock were puzzled, but the director of the port office was also stunned after listening to the report of his subordinates.

  ”Strange… Are these Willant people here for vacation?”

  There were even a few passenger ships in those teams, although they seemed to be empty…

  While the alliance staff were stunned, the Willant people standing at the port were also stunned when they saw those cargo ships full of arms passing by them.

  Good guy…

  They just touched the Seaside Province, and some people have already returned with full loads? !

  This is too fast!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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