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Chapter 821 Burning Sails

Chapter 821 Burning Sails

2024-05-29 作者: 晨星LL

  Chapter 821: Burning Sails

  The night gradually descended on the southern seas and gradually deepened. At this moment, the distant Xifan Port had just ushered in dusk. The scorching red color seemed to dry up the sea water. There

  is no such thing as winter near the equator. Seeing the scorching sun about to sink into the sea, the workers on the dock finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  The sun has finally set!

  After the busy days a few days ago, the dock was empty for several days, and there was no ship.

  Everyone had no work to do, and finally experienced what it meant to “prosper together and suffer together”.

  If Xifan Port really went bankrupt, everyone would have to sell themselves back to the nobles’ plantations.

  Although there is one good thing about the Borneo Province, you can live by eating soil, but people can’t eat soil forever.

  Eating that thing will not grow any meat, and the more you eat, the less strength you have, and the less strength you have, the less you can work. In the end, the vicious cycle will have to bury the whole family in the soil.

  It is safe to eat like that two or three days a week, and it is acceptable to eat it three or four days a week, but it is a bit troublesome to eat it for five or six days in a row. No one would eat like that unless it is a famine.

  Fortunately, shipping has recently resumed a little, and people who have been idle for a long time have work to do again.

  Thinking of Lord Naji’s promise to increase wages, everyone put in all their efforts.

  Their ideas are simple, even a little “simple”.

  The boss gave them money, and they couldn’t let them suffer a loss, working slower than those slaves who slacked off.


  not everyone got the benefit.

  For example, the guy who carried Orisa’s body a few days ago to stand up for his family.

  For example, those guys who clamored to increase their wages to ten dinars a day.

  All of these people were made to suffer without exception and entered Lord Naji’s little book.

  First, the labor registration office, in principle, only introduces jobs to honest workers, and those disobedient troublemakers will not be introduced if they can, or only arrange the lowest-paid jobs. It

  is impossible to go back to the dock.

  As for going to the steel mill and cement plant, that is also a fantasy.

  After all, the shareholders behind any industry that can make money are actually the same kind of people.

  Either the Weilants or the nobles of the empire.

  Under the connection of interests, these people are extremely united.

  And those free people who are blacklisted either wait for notification at home or do some cleaning of sewage or other cleaning work.

  And their vacant positions are slowly replaced by other slaves who are promoted to free people.

  Anyway, there are slaves in the Borneo Province.

  It’s like a set of metabolic mechanisms, forming a perfect closed loop.

  In this regard, Xifan Port is actually very similar to the previous Jingalon Port.

  These scraps of work are generally done by slaves, after all, there is no need to worry about them slacking off.

  But for free people, if they only do these jobs, it is impossible to support a family.

  Some people tried to find the workers who had benefited from the help, and wanted to pull them to unite again for the common interests and strike again in a non-violent non-cooperation, but they were treated as a flood and beast by the latter.

  They have already got what they wanted.

  Eight dinars a day is enough for them to live, and they didn’t want much.

  As for those guys who were left behind…

  blame them for not being honest.

  Besides, these guys who carry manure, sweep the streets, and even have no work to do can’t be considered “our own people”.

  Guys who earn two dinars a day dare to shout that they are their compatriots?

  It’s an usurpation!

  In fact, at the beginning, they were embarrassed when they refused.

  After all, they actually knew where the dinars in their hands came from.

  But later there was news that the guys who led the riot were all from the Silver Moon Sect. When they were injured, many of them were bandaged at the Silver Moon Church.

  Then there was a rumor that Pastor Melgio sympathized with the Moon Clan.

  The Moon Clan!

  That’s the empire’s heartache!

  All the clues seemed to be “clear”. Those troublemakers were instigated by the Moon Bandits and even received money from Lacy, and the exclusion of these people immediately became justified.

  From a hero admired by thousands of people to a bear despised by thousands of people, Isher sat in the church with a bandage on his forehead, looking depressed.

  This was the only place where he could get a moment of peace.

  Naji’s long stick team did not dare to provoke here for the time being, perhaps waiting for an opportunity, or perhaps asking the master for instructions. And those guys who spit at the emblem of the Silver Moon Sect did not dare to approach here because they were afraid of being mistaken for moon bandits.

  Ten days ago, it was he who carried Orisa’s body and confronted Naji.

  At that time, he was just hot-blooded and felt that this could not go on, so he stood up bravely.

  He had never seen Laxi at all, and it was impossible to think about it. After all, the evil ghost was thousands of kilometers away from here, not to mention that the invincible god of war General Alayyan was fighting with that guy on the front line.

  However, those people were sure that he had met Laxi one night, and they swore that he had a long talk with that guy for several hours.

  The scar on his forehead was still aching, as if it was inflamed.

  Melgio, wearing a robe, came over and asked the old nun beside him to remove the bandage for him, then applied alcohol disinfectant to him, and then put on a new one.

  The intense pain tortured Isher’s consciousness.

  However, compared with the physical pain, what he could not bear more was the pain in his heart.

  ”… I don’t understand why those people just don’t understand… What happened to me today will happen to them one day, or to their children. It’s obvious that this is Naji’s way of dividing us. He is trying to use a group of guys we have never seen to instigate us to kill each other.”

  This typical drama appeared in “Boll the Awakener”. The nobles of the inner city tried to bribe Boll with black cards, and after the latter took the black card, he immediately showed his claws and tried to discredit the hero, fabricated a scandal between him and a prostitute, and instigated the residents of Boulder City to hate him…

  But the residents of Boulder City saw through the tricks of the inner city. Instead of trampling Boll under their feet, they united by his side and became the spark that dispelled the long night.

  The climax of the novel was also here.

  He still remembered that the night he heard this passage, he was so excited that he couldn’t sleep all night.

  ”You are too anxious,” Melchior sighed as he treated his wounds. “What seems obvious to you is still new to the people here.”

  Ishel frowned and tried to argue.

  ”But Bol…”

  Melchior interrupted him hastily.

  ”That’s just a novel, a cannery worker named Sberg contributed to the sub-publication of the Survivor Daily. After all, it is not real history… How can you ask real people to be exactly the same as in the novel?”

  ”But Boulder City is not in this novel.” Ishel said in a calm voice, “I heard that Bol has a prototype.”

  Melchior fell silent.

  Maybe he was the one who was anxious.

  His original intention of running the Silver Gospel was just to teach people here to read. People who learn to write will naturally write their own stories.

  Just like Sberg, who could not read a single word, he did write that earth-shaking article in the end.

  Before that, Hal, the founder of the Survivor Daily, only wrote some meaningless doggerel in the newspaper in addition to writing news.

  But now it seems…

  I seem to have done something terrible.

  He had no doubt that he was on the path guided by the Silver Moon Goddess, but he was too impatient.

  ”I’ve been there before, and you and the people there… are actually different.”

  Isher raised his head, looked at him puzzled and asked.


  Melgio nodded.

  ”Well, they know that Bol is fake, but most people believe that he can be real, and they sincerely hope that he is real, so everyone becomes Bol. As for ‘Ken’, he is a minority among them.” ”

  You are actually smarter than them, but you use your wisdom in the wrong place. You also know that Bol is fake, but you blame a fictional character for not being real. What’s the difference between this and fishing for the moon out of the water? Since the moon in the water cannot be fished out, it proves that the moon is fake.”

  ”I believe he exists! I never thought he was fake!” Isher interrupted him and stood up from his chair excitedly, “More than that, I am willing to be him!”

  ”You are brave, but this makes no sense… Everyone who stands with you doesn’t believe it. There is darkness around you, and the darkness is destined to be full of speculators. If you continue like this, you will either become a short-lived flame that burns out before dawn, or you will burn vigorously… But in any case, your end will not be good, and the people here will not change anything.”

  Looking at him with reluctance, Melgio continued in a soothing tone.

  ”I don’t want you to be too depressed. You are a good person, but I can only tell you that the time has not come yet. Xifan Port has been established for less than a year, including you… It has only become a free citizen in the past two months, and most people here are still slaves.”

  ”And in Boulder City, slaves have never become the mainstream of their society from beginning to end. They only appear in some farms outside the giant wall. During this period, countless shelters opened their doors to bring them the technology and ideas of the prosperous era, but even so, they still sank for a hundred years… Even before the dawn of victory, they indirectly brewed monsters like the Torch.”

  He also hated the Legion, or it should be said that no one didn’t hate those big noses.

  Especially for the people of Luoxia Province, they were just like demons, doing all the bad things.

  However, after staying in Xifan Port for some time, his thoughts changed slightly.

  The discussion of any issue cannot be separated from the background of the times. It is certainly not good to put people in cages, but if people are driven from a narrow cage into another slightly wider cage, it can still be regarded as a kind of progress.

  Even though this slightly wider cage was still worthy of criticism, the progress itself was worthy of praise.

  Isher lowered his head and remained silent.

  He was very grateful for the priest’s free help. A poor man like him could not get precious things like alcohol.

  But it was obvious that Mr. Melgio could not fully understand their suffering.

  Their life in the farm manor was not as hard as when they were in West Sail Port.

  Although they were all the private property of the master at that time, the master would not pick out a piece of furniture every day to drag out and smash it even for the sake of his money.

  Moreover, no matter how bad the master was, there was only one. Most people had never seen what the master looked like in their lives, let alone how luxurious he lived. They could live in peace.

  But it was a completely different story in West Sail Port. Those masters and the Willant people joined hands and wanted to knock out their marrow and suck it out.

  And now, they were not satisfied with this, and even formed an alliance in private, so that “thorns” like him could not find work and were excluded everywhere.

  There is no doubt that they wanted him dead!

  A glimmer of hatred gradually appeared in Isher’s eyes.

  He had no way out.

  Others could just sell themselves as slaves, but he was sure that if he did that, Naji would buy him and his family without mercy, use his pain for fun, and then use his head to make an example of others.

  He had to do something!

  He was not the only one who thought so, the other people sitting in the church were the same.

  They were different from the busy workers on the dock, and their common faith had united them.

  Since they dared to stand up and speak for Orisa, they dared to fight for the fate of their compatriots again!

  ”… Thank you, Mr. Melgio, thank you for bringing us the teachings of the Silver Moon Goddess, teaching us to read, and helping us bandage our wounds.”

  Melgio stared at Isher blankly, and noticed something unusual in his eyes.

  The eyes covered by the hostility made him feel a little scared.

  ”What do you want to do.”

  Isher said in a low voice.

  ”Go get what belongs to us, before Naji and his sticks do it. We have to act first… This is also for you and your church, we don’t have much time.”

  His voice was vague, and he seemed reluctant to say too much. It was obvious that he himself felt that this idea was unreliable and worried about implicating the church.

  That’s why he needed to go to another place to discuss with other like-minded people.

  Melgio looked at the man in astonishment, watching him stand up and walk out the door, and then watching the other people in the church stand up from the benches and follow him silently.

  In a blink of an eye, there were only some old men with weak legs and feet, and him standing in the church and the old nun next to him in the huge church.

  ”I’m worried that something will happen to them…” The old nun’s eyes were full of worry. She looked at Melgio beside her, as if she hoped that the latter would persuade them.

  Melgio’s face was also full of worry, and there was a trace of deep worry.

  ”I’m worried too… But what can I say? Should I hold him and tell him not to go? It’s useless. They don’t even want to tell me what they are going to do. I just hope he can wake up on his own.”

  Of course, the worst thing is that those people have completely pushed them to a dead end.

  Can he persuade these people to accept their fate?

  With a sigh, Melgio lowered his eyebrows and silently drew an arc on his chest to pray.

  May the light of the Silver Moon Goddess protect them and keep these lost lambs from going astray…

  This is the only thing he can do as a priest.


  Dusk sank into the sea, and the night of Xifan Port will soon fall. It’s finally time to change shifts.

  There was a long queue at the door of the labor registration office, and the workers who had changed shifts were taking their wages from the window one by one.

  Everyone gets paid at a different time, but they get paid once they have worked a full week.

  When it was finally his turn, Govinda walked up quickly, looked at the lion-tribe guy behind the counter with a flattering smile, and respectfully held out his hands.

  Although this would not make him a penny more, he still did it subconsciously.

  The staff here see thousands of people like him every day.

  The guy was too lazy to waste time with him. He counted out four ten-denominated coins and two one-denominated coins and threw them on the counter, then continued to eat melon seeds.

  Govinda quickly picked up the coins, put them in his hand and counted them, but his eyes widened.

  ”Wait, why are there only 42 coins!? I worked for a week, but I didn’t rest for a day. It should be 56 dinars, you gave me 14 less!”

  The guy behind the counter looked at the poor guy with contempt and said impatiently.

  ”Who needs your few dinars? That’s all you have. If you have any questions, ask Naji.”

  Govinda’s nose was crooked with anger. He held the coins tightly in his hand and pointed at the window.

  ”How can you cheat! We agreed to eight dinars a day!”

  The young man didn’t waste any time talking to him and directly called the duty director here.

  The duty director seemed to be very good at dealing with such things. He yelled at the top of his voice before he even got here.

  ”What are you arguing about? There are not many ships these days. You know that! It’s good to have six dinars. Are you as busy every day as you were two weeks ago?”

  Govinda was anxious. That was the salary he had fought for with great difficulty,

  but these people turned their faces and refused to acknowledge it! Although six dinars a day was also very high compared to before, it made him feel like he was slapped in the face after working hard for a week.

  ”But… two weeks ago, we only worked for half a day and you also gave us eight!”

  The director said impatiently.

  ”If you think it’s too little, don’t come tomorrow… What’s the name of this guy? Circle him.”

  Upon hearing this, Govinda lost his temper and his face turned as white as snow.

  ”No, no! I’ll do it! I’ll come again tomorrow!”

  The director gave a look to the young man behind the counter, who put down the pen in his hand and acted leniently.

  ”Do your job well, don’t yell all day long, get out quickly after receiving the money, there are still people queuing here.”

  The director on duty waved his hand and made a gesture to shoo away flies.

  The workers around were silent, and they dared not speak out, for fear of being the first to speak out.

  They had seen what happened to those moon bandits, who were beaten into untouchables alive.

  Govinda walked out of the registration office in disgrace, looked at the shrunken coins in his hand, and glanced at the plaque behind him, and couldn’t help but spit on the ground fiercely.


  I should have listened to Isher earlier.

  He didn’t dare to say this, but thinking in his heart, it was still no big deal.

  Dragging his tired body, he limped home, thinking about how to spend the considerable amount of money in his pocket.

  In fact, think about it, six dinars a day is not a small amount, it is no problem for the family’s expenses, and there may be some left.

  Just as he was thinking so, there was a sudden bang behind him.

  The sound made him stunned, and he turned his head subconsciously, only to see thick smoke rising from the direction of the warehouse in the port area, and the explosion seemed to come from there.

  He was very familiar with that place, after all, it was the place he went to most every day.

  It was full of tea and sugar, as well as some cotton or cotton cloth.

  Or cement and steel.

  Although cement cannot be ignited, sugar is a fierce thing, plus there are flammable materials such as cotton.

  Govinda heard people shouting and waves of commotion in the distance.

  ”It’s on fire! It’s the warehouse area!”

  ”It’s on fire!”

  ”Quick! Go put out the fire!”

  It’s on fire…

  Seeing the fruits of his day’s labor burnt down, there was no panic on his face, but a gloating smile.

  Good thing it’s burning!

  Anyway, it’s not his stuff, it’s better to burn more vigorously and set the whole port on fire!

  Thinking of this, he walked home with a lighter step…

  On the other side, Isher and a group of believers who had just walked out of the church also heard the explosion and were stunned.

  Soon someone reacted and said in a low voice.

  ”It’s the warehouse area!”

  ”Is it on fire?”

  Realizing what might have happened there, everyone’s faces suddenly showed a relieved expression.

  However, Isher frowned, and a trace of worry floated between his eyebrows.

  ”Don’t rush to gloat over the misfortune. No matter who set the fire, Naji will definitely frame us.”

  It’s not that he didn’t think about setting fire to the warehouse, and this idea came to his mind more than once, but he gave up in the end.

  With his familiarity with the terrain, it was not difficult to accomplish this, but the difficulty lay in how to deal with it afterwards. It was

  impossible for those Willant people to reason with them, and in the end they would only end up sending their people to the gallows.

  The correct approach should be to organize the workers first, just like what Boll and his fellow workers did.

  Although this matter is difficult, there is still a chance, especially since the stupid Nagy seems to have forgotten the pain after the wound healed and cut the wages of the dock workers.

  As long as they are united enough, they will have the capital to play games with those nobles.

  After all, the Weilants are here to make money, not to cause trouble for themselves.

  Everyone also realized that this job might burn them, and worried expressions appeared on their faces.

  ”What should we do now?”

  Facing those worried eyes, Isher had no idea in his mind and could only grit his teeth and said.

  ”Let’s see first…”


  At the same time, Margaret, who was picking and choosing in the bustling market in the port area, also heard the explosion and stopped and looked in the direction of the sound.

  The stall owner also stretched his neck to look over there, and looked at the floating black smoke with surprise.

  ”It’s the warehouse area…”

  With such a loud noise, could it be that the shells were ignited?

  He vaguely remembered hearing someone say that Xifan Port stored some artillery shells shipped from the west of Luoxia Province. They were withdrawn from the front line by the Eastern Legion and were ready to be sent to General Alayyan.

  People in the market looked at each other, whispered to each other, and showed uneasy expressions on their faces.

  ”Madam…” The maid with a slightly darker complexion standing next to Margaret said in a low voice, “The port is not very safe recently. Let’s go back quickly.”

  She just heard that the port bought a batch of slaves from the nearby manor, and it seemed that they were going to replace the troublemakers before.

  Although this matter has nothing to do with their family, there are obviously more idle poor ghosts near the port recently.

  Those people looked at them with wolves’ eyes, and some people were doing some sneaky work. I heard that the prison of the Guard Bureau was almost full.

  It was only two weeks, and the situation in Xifan Port deteriorated at a visible speed.

  Although the contradictions have been accumulating for a long time…

  ”Well, let’s go back early…”

  Margaret nodded, handed the jewelry she liked to the maid and asked her to help collect it, then paid the stall owner, then took her daughter’s hand and set off on the way home.

  As Alman’s wife, she was also born in a merchant family and was once a citizen of Triumph City.

  She has a keen sense of smell like her husband.

  That’s why when the explosion sounded, she immediately smelled an unusual smell.

  She had a premonition.

  Something big is going to happen here…

  The group quickly returned to the house near the port area. This is probably the safest place in the entire port, but as the end of the year approaches, it has become a little lax recently.

  Margaret noticed that several families were not there, probably because they had returned to Triumph City.

  Or they went to the far east to do that big business like her husband.

  Standing at the entrance and taking off her boots, she was thinking in her heart when she suddenly thought of something, leaned over and looked at her daughter Ruby and said softly.

  ”By the way, Ruby, don’t you want to go play with Earl Sharma’s little daughter?”

  Ruby’s eyes lit up and she nodded vigorously.

  ”Yes! Sister Ansuya and I have made an appointment to play hide-and-seek together next time we meet.”

  Margaret touched her fluffy hair lovingly.

  ”Mom will take you.”

  Ruby jumped up excitedly.

  ”Really?! How long will we be gone?”

  Margaret thought for a moment and said with a smile.

  ”Two weeks, then Dad should be back.”


  With the sound of the explosion, the entire Xifan Port was restless.

  The flames rose suddenly.

  And in just ten minutes, it spread to several warehouses.

  The billowing smoke covered the sky and the sun, even the setting sun that was sinking into the sea was blocked.

  Naji’s face was full of panic, his face was pale, his lips were blue and trembling slightly.

  Looking at the lackeys who were also at a loss, he shouted at the top of his lungs.

  ”What are you all standing there for? Go put out the fire!”

  The lackeys holding long sticks looked at each other, all with bitter faces.

  ”Sir… the fire is too big, we only have so few people, we can’t get in at all.”

  Naji shouted without thinking.

  ”Then get more people over! Do I need to teach you?”

  Seeing Naji getting angry, everyone immediately dared not stay, and rushed to the guys who were watching the excitement with sticks, forcing them to put out the fire half by coercion and half by inducement.

  Most of the people who could gather here to watch the excitement were free people who lived close to the port area.

  These people were not all short-lived ghosts who worked as coolies on the docks, and some were citizens who had decent jobs.

  Logically, Naji could not control these people, but in a hurry, he could not care so much.

  Due to the heavy sticks in the hands of these “long sticks”, everyone reluctantly participated in the firefighting work, and buckets of water were transported to the fire scene.

  With the help of the first group of people, the rest of the work was much easier.

  They had never seen such a big fire before, and some people who didn’t know the truth also joined in the fun.

  These people didn’t want money, they just wanted to have fun, but don’t even think about how well they can do things.

  Fortunately, the warehouse area is close to the sea and not far from the water source, so the busy tossing did have some effect.

  Looking at the people busy putting out the fire, Naji gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

  This bunch of damn arsonists!

  It’s too much!

  Obviously, this was done by someone familiar with this place, otherwise it wouldn’t be so coincidental!

  Several fires were all around the warehouse where sugar was stored, and an explosion occurred at the scene.

  He swore!

  He must catch the arsonist!

  No doubt –

  if he can’t find that guy and give an explanation to the Willant people, his master will definitely hand him over as a scapegoat!

  Sweat was pouring down his forehead, and Naji already had a suspect in his mind. It must be the believers of the Silver Moon Church who set the fire!

  There is no doubt that only those guys have the motivation to do this!

  After about five or six minutes, the fire brigade of the port finally arrived.

  This thing, like the post office, was brought by the Willant people from Triumph City.

  Those people drove the water truck and rushed over, and rushed towards the burning warehouse, and immediately controlled the fire.

  It was a pity that the good sugar and tea were also soaked in the soup.

  Looking at the tea and cotton cloth that were washed everywhere, as well as some unmelted sugar sand, the residents who were fighting the fire at the scene couldn’t help but feel “compassion”, especially those poor ghosts who came later to join in the fun.

  This is a good thing they can’t enjoy in their lifetime!

  Although it was stained with mud and sewage, it was not a big problem for them who already ate mud.

  At first, only one or two people rushed up to grab it, and soon the chaotic crowd rushed up like mice seeing food.

  Those buckets of water became the most sought-after objects, and people stuffed whatever they wanted into the buckets.

  At first, they only picked up the goods that were scattered by the water guns, but later, the intact goods also suffered. Later, the unemployed workers also rushed in, and those who were not unemployed could not resist the urge to take advantage.

  They knew where the most valuable containers were, and they knew how to flip in and take them.

  The smart people followed them, carrying boxes and bundles of cloth and fleeing.

  The warehouse area was in chaos, as if half of the people in Xifan Port ran over.

  When Naji finally realized that the situation on the scene was out of control, it was already too late.

  He shouldn’t have mobilized the masses.

  If the fire was allowed to burn, at most a few warehouses would be burned before the fire brigade arrived, and it might not cause such a big loss now.

  Compared with the sudden flames, these guys who looked like they were helping were the real locusts!

  ”Stop! Stop now! Those are the things of the Weyland people, you are going to die!”

  Naji roared helplessly, commanding his long stick team to move forward.

  However, the slaves holding sticks looked at each other in bewilderment, not daring to move at all.

  There were at least tens of thousands of people gathered here, and they were only a little over a hundred.

  Without guns, they would die faster if they really fought with sticks.

  The fire brigade, which had already controlled the fire, tried to disperse the looting crowd with water guns, but unexpectedly angered the people.

  In the chaos, someone shouted, and a group of people rushed up and overturned the water truck.

  The Willant people who drove the water truck hid in the carriage and dared not come out. They trembled and called for reinforcements on the intercom.

  At this time, the port guards finally arrived belatedly.

  About fifty people stood in a line at the door of the warehouse area, which was almost all the police force nearby!

  They probably didn’t expect that it was just a fire, so why would it be their turn to fight.

  The captain of the guard, who was carrying a ripper rifle, strode to Naji, grabbed his collar, and roared with spit flying.

  ”What’s going on!”

  There were two chaos in two weeks. He had never seen such a useless agent – or foreman.

  Naji certainly couldn’t say that these guys were called by him to put out the fire, but they just started to loot things after the fire was put out, so he immediately said with a turn of his eyes.

  ”Sir, this group of mobs took advantage of the fire to loot, I can’t stop them…”

  From the situation at the scene, it was indeed the case.

  The captain of the guard team’s face suddenly turned cold. Without saying a word, he picked up the rifle in his hand and aimed at the mob running home with a bag of candy not far away. There was a gunshot.

  The bullet pierced the man’s neck without bias, and blood spurted out immediately.

  The unlucky guy fell to the ground without a word and soaked in the puddle.

  I guess he will never understand until his death why everyone was looting, but only he was shot.

  The people who were looting around were also confused. They didn’t expect the Willant people to shoot and kill people directly.

  One by one, they stood in the warehouse area, and it was not right to run or not to run.

  ”Put down the stolen goods!”

  The captain of the guard shouted loudly, holding up the rifle in his hand, and at the same time signaled his teammates behind him to load the bullets.

  ”Everyone stand still and raise your hands. I see who dares–”

  Before he finished speaking, a gunshot suddenly came from the distance.

  It was also the sound of the rifle of the ripper, and the bullet penetrated his chest without bias.

  The captain of the guard was stunned for a moment, and only felt a pain in his chest, and then blood gushed out of the wound and mouth.

  Time seemed to slow down, he widened his eyes, and fell heavily into the arms of his comrades behind him.

  Where did these guys get the guns? !

  Could it be-

  the blood blocked his throat, and he couldn’t say a word, but of course he made a gesture to order to open fire.

  In any case, the batch of weapons must be taken back!

  At all costs!

  Looking at the unconscious captain, the guards behind him were instantly furious.

  These scum!

  How dare they kill their captain! The

  angry pupils were full of hatred. At this moment, they could no longer distinguish between civilians and thugs.

  Those standing here

  are all enemies!

  ”Enemy attack!”

  ”Prepare for battle!”

  Amid roars, they first quickly dragged the captain who was shot and fell to the ground to the back of the bunker.

  Then, under the command of the deputy captain, everyone decisively took a fighting stance and fired indiscriminately in the direction of the bullets.

  Bullets flew around the warehouse area, killing and wounding countless people in a moment.

  The young man holding the rifle he picked up hid behind the warehouse, his face pale.

  He had robbed this thing from a warehouse where ammunition was stored with the group of laborers.

  The brave guys knocked out the guards at the door of the warehouse and tied them up.

  These rifles are much more valuable than those white sugars. It is said that they can be sold for a lot of money on the black market.

  He originally just wanted to scare the big-nosed guys who usually ride on their heads and bully them, so that they can see the power of the rat people, but he didn’t expect that he would shoot them to death with one shot.

  The situation had obviously gotten out of hand, with bodies lying everywhere in the warehouse area…

  Seeing the group of guards surrounding him, he instinctively wanted to slip away, but he heard a bang not far away.

  Bullets whizzed past, and the fierce firepower pinned a team of guards behind the bunker, unable to even lift their heads.

  The young man looked tremblingly in the direction of the gunshots, and saw a tall and thin man changing the magazine.

  He was holding a “blade” assault rifle!

  This thing is much more powerful than the ripper rifle, and it can fire a whole magazine with the trigger pulled!

  It is estimated that one of the dead people in front is his own family. The man was also blood-thirsty and spat on the ground.

  ”Damn it, why run away! Our firepower is much stronger than these big noses!”

  This roar was immediately responded to by others.

  The person who originally planned to run away took a look at the gun in his hand and changed his mind in an instant.

  Where can he run to?

  This is the province of Borneo. Even if they run to the ends of the earth, they will be caught by the Weilantes.

  It is better to learn from Narashi and use the guns in their hands to create a piece of heaven that belongs to them!

  The evil ghosts that they spitted on a few days ago have now become a comfort in their hearts.

  The faces that were originally uneasy gradually became ferocious under the stimulation of the gunshots.

  They are not actually timid, but they have been disciplined to suppress the attributes of beasts.

  At this moment, the cage has been opened and the beasts locked in it have been released.

  ”Damn Weilantes!”

  ”Fuck their ancestors!”

  ”Kill them all!!!”


  The exchange of fire between the two sides became more and more intense, and for a while no one could do anything to anyone.

  Although the Weilante guards have rich experience in suppression, it is the first time they have dealt with such a difficult situation.

  There are too many thugs guarding near the arsenal, and people are constantly joining them.

  Some of these people came to avenge their relatives, some were excited by the slogans of the thugs, and most of them were just trying to take advantage of the situation.

  There were guns for everyone!

  Even children could get a pistol.

  After leaving three bodies behind, the Willant guards still failed to hit the entrance of the warehouse.

  Lying behind the bunker, the deputy captain shouted with a walkie-talkie.

  ”The warehouse area needs reinforcements! Repeat, the warehouse area needs reinforcements!”

  As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a towed artillery being pushed out of the door of the warehouse.

  As the largest leased port on the west coast, Xifan Port gathered all kinds of people.

  The free people here are not only slaves who redeemed themselves, but also some veterans who retired due to injuries.

  Most of these people served in the Gray Wolf Army before, and retreated here after being defeated in Jingallon Port.

  They have received training from the legion, so they are naturally clear about how to operate this thing.

  As for why these people would help these thugs, he couldn’t figure it out.

  Anyway, the moment he saw those people loading the artillery, the deputy captain’s face changed instantly.

  ”Damn it——”

  He just cursed, and an orange-red tracer flew over and hit him ten meters in front of him.

  The blast wave pushed him and the bunker out, and the guards squatting around were killed and injured.

  At the same time, the thugs guarding the door of the warehouse area shouted excitedly.


  ”Blast these bastards to death!”

  ”Reload! Reload quickly! Fire one at the port too!”

  ”Damn it! Don’t waste time, deal with the guards in front of you first!”

  A group of people slowly ejected the shells and stuffed another high-explosive bomb into the gun barrel.

  In the distance, the police armored vehicle of the Willant people that was parked in the warehouse and covered with dust finally drove out, but when they saw the flat 100mm artillery aimed at them, they were scared and retreated.

  As if they realized that the trouble here was beyond their ability to deal with, the Weilant guards began to withdraw from the warehouse area one after another, and seemed to be planning to retreat to the port area.

  A shell flew in the direction of their retreat, not only knocking down several unlucky guards, but also collapsing the houses next to them, and many people fled in a panic.

  Screams and howls came one after another, and these people were completely bloodthirsty.

  They quickly selected the “alpha wolf”, then gathered together and shouted, calling on the brothers with guns to prepare to attack the port.

  Although those who were involved were reluctant, they still instinctively moved around them.

  The sky has changed.

  No matter what it becomes, they have no choice but to stay a little closer to those big guys.

  At least, they will not immediately become fish on the chopping board.

  No one expected that a small fire would eventually turn into this.

  Whether it was the Weilant people, the lion nobles, or the free people of Xifan Port, they were all stunned.

  Perhaps there were too many coincidental factors coming together, so that this gunpowder barrel full of fuses could explode at any time.

  In short, this chaos can no longer be stopped…

  Squatting near the warehouse area with a group of believers, Isher swallowed hard, and his originally brave pupils couldn’t help but tremble.

  Until now, he has not recovered from the series of changes in front of him, but there is only one thing he is extremely clear about.

  There is no doubt that this group of people messed up.

  Although it was not entirely their fault, the troublemaker who first ignited the warehouse, Naji who forced the onlookers to rush in to put out the fire, and the Willant who fired the first shot were all responsible, but it is meaningless to say these now.

  Isher’s Adam’s apple moved.

  ”This is trouble…”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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