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Chapter 822 The Fall of Xifan

Chapter 822 The Fall of Xifan


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 822 The Fall of Xifan

  The captain and the deputy captain of the guard were both killed in the battle. Hunt never thought that he, an old man who was about to retire, would be ordered to take over the command of the guard in an emergency.

  There was no other way.

  He had to go.

  There were more than 10,000 people in the entire port area, and 30% of them were Willant people.

  No matter what, these people must not be in trouble!

  Even if he died, he had to stop the group of thugs outside!

  Looking at the guards who were still in shock, Hunt gritted his teeth and shouted loudly.

  ”Drag some boxes here! Empty ones are fine! Whether it’s sand, stones or even rotten apples, stuff them all in and block several major intersections! Hurry! Move!”

  Then he looked at the youngest guy in the guard team and shouted at him.

  ”Newman! Go back and send a telegram! Ask for help from Yongye Port! Be sure to tell them that something big has happened here, and ask them to send at least a thousand-man team… no, a ten-thousand-man team!”

  He was not sure whether Yongye Port had so many troops stationed, but the current situation was no longer something that he could handle with the few people he had.

  I heard that the munitions temporarily stored in the warehouse could arm a whole ten-thousand-man team. Once those thugs formed an organization, this chaos might affect the entire Lion State!

  The young man named Newman nodded his head quickly and ran in the direction of the Guard Bureau.

  Under Hunter’s order, the guards on the scene quickly took action and quickly built a defense line in groups of ten.

  It must be said that at the critical moment, the Willant people were still relatively united.

  Some young and strong guys saw that the guards were short of manpower, so they joined in and helped them transport the roadblocks to the entrance and exit of the street.

  The roads leading to the port area from other urban areas were quickly blocked, and some civilians who tried to squeeze into the port area for refuge were all driven away by the Willant guards firing guns.

  As for those who tried to force their way through the checkpoint, Hunt did not hesitate and decisively ordered to shoot them all.

  At this time, it was impossible to distinguish who was a civilian and who was a thug. Who could have a grenade or a pistol in his pocket?

  His brothers could not even form a team of 100 people, and he could not take any risks.

  ”Fire!” He shouted loudly, holding a rifle and pulling the trigger first.

  Amid the bangs of gunfire, several unlucky guys fell to the ground, and in a blink of an eye, there were five more bodies on the street.

  Seeing that the Willant people were all bloodthirsty, the civilians who escaped from their homes did not dare to go to the port, and turned around and ran out of the city.

  But not everyone was so lucky, and most people were stopped before they ran a few steps.

  These people had strips of cloth wrapped around their arms, and they looked ferocious, and they did not look like good people at first glance.

  Govinda instinctively wanted to turn around and leave, and run in another direction, but it was too late.

  One of them stared into his eyes, strode up to him, and then without saying anything, he stuffed a rifle with a bayonet into his hand.

  ”The Willant people killed my compatriots, sucked our bones, and humiliated us. They must pay the price with blood!”

  Looking at the blood-stained rifle in his hand, Govinda was completely frightened and stammered.

  ”But, but I don’t know how to…”

  The man didn’t listen to him at all, just grinning and said.

  ”It doesn’t matter if you don’t know how to use it. This thing is very simple to use. The old soldiers of the Gray Wolf Army said that the bullets are loaded, the safety is turned on, the two points are aligned, and the trigger is pulled at those big noses!”

  The guards shot so accurately that the bullets seemed to have eyes.

  Although they could kill a few people, they often had to pay several times or even dozens of times the price.

  At this time, cannon fodder is very important.

  Even if these guys can’t hit anyone, they can consume some ammunition in the port area.

  When they find a way to drag the 100mm gun over, all problems will be solved.

  Govinda was so anxious that he almost cried, but seeing the ferocious expression, he swallowed his words of begging for mercy.

  Seeing that he was so sensible, the guy with the cloth on his arm showed a grim smile on his face and pushed his shoulder.

  ”Go, go, show those Willant people a little color! Let them know that mice will bite when they are angry!”

  ”Now, now?” Govinda asked in a panic.

  ”What else? Did I give you a gun for you to use as a crutch? Hurry up and stop talking nonsense!” The man pushed him impatiently and pushed him forward.

  Moving his legs that seemed to be filled with lead, Govinda walked towards the port in despair. The bangs of gunshots in the distance sounded like a death curse in his ears.

  Not far away, there was a guy who fled from the port like him, who seemed to be a citizen of the Lion Clan.

  The lunatics also tried to push the gun to him, but the guy not only refused to take it, but also cursed them arrogantly, and was knocked down by the butt of the gun.

  Govinda didn’t dare to look back, and only heard a gunshot behind him, and then the man was silent.

  He closed his eyes in pain.

  Rat God.

  He rarely prayed on weekdays, but at this moment he couldn’t help but recite the sutra.

  Please bless your children…


  Just as the fighting was fierce in several streets around the port area, the usually bustling dock was in chaos.

  People screamed and pushed, trying to get through the wall of people in front and grab the narrow dock.

  The only two ships were already packed and had to leave the dock.

  Even so, some people did not give up and simply threw their luggage and swam over.

  In order to escape from this chaotic port, people have gone completely crazy and tried to board any means of transportation that can be used to go to sea.

  Even the small fishing boats temporarily moored at the dock were bought by the Willant people and the lion nobles who were eager to escape, forcing the fishermen to go out to sea.

  However, these small fishing boats had no ability to cross the ocean.

  One of the fishing boats, which was less than eight meters long, was crammed with more than 40 people. As a result, it was not far from the sea when a wave overturned it!

  Seeing the people who were hit by the waves into the water, there was a cry of surprise on the shore.

  Some brave young men jumped into the sea to save people, but in the end, less than half of them were rescued.

  Looking at the miserable state of those who fell into the water, the people who were eager to escape finally calmed down a little, but the despair in their hearts did not diminish at all, and even became stronger.

  The whole port was crazy.

  Until now, most people still don’t know what happened.

  They only heard a loud explosion from the warehouse area, followed by black smoke. Everyone was busy trying to put out the fire, but the fire was getting bigger and bigger.

  A pot-bellied Willant merchant stood at the port and cursed in shock and anger in the direction of the port area.

  ”Damn… this bunch of useless people who are more likely to cause trouble than to do anything! They can’t manage so few people! When Governor Huye comes back, I must write him a letter and ask him to fire all these useless people!”

  The curse was quickly drowned out by the noisy waves, just like a grain of rice in a rice warehouse.

  Looking at the crowded dock, Margaret, holding her daughter’s hand, looked slightly pale.

  There are no ships anymore.

  Although she thought that something might happen at the port these days, she didn’t expect the accident to happen so quickly and so violently!

  To be honest, she felt more than once that the local aboriginal nobles were a little too exploitative of their compatriots.

  The Southern Legion controlled many colonies and often hired locals to work, but she had never heard of anyone there living on one or two hundred dinars a month.

  How could they survive!

  Sure enough, endless greed eventually backfired. Just a fire turned the boiling resentment into a complete rebellion.

  The maid with a slightly darker complexion stood behind the mother and daughter, her eyes full of worry.

  ”Madam… I don’t feel safe on the street, let’s go home first.”

  Hearing the advice, Margaret smiled bitterly.

  Is home safe?

  Although the guards were still fighting, to be honest, she was not very optimistic about those people.

  First of all, they were not regular troops, and secondly, they were too few in number, and their equipment was even more problematic.

  If they could not control the situation in a short period of time, they would soon face ten or even dozens of times more thugs.

  Looking at her mother with anxiety on her face, Ruby gently pulled her hand.

  ”Mom… aren’t we going to look for sister Ansuya?”

  Although she was anxious, in order not to worry her daughter, Margaret still forced a gentle smile from her face, and reached out to gently touch her fluffy and soft hair.

  ”Mom was planning to take you there tomorrow… but now something unexpected has happened.”

  Ruby tilted her head, with curiosity on her face.


  Margaret nodded gently and said softly.

  ”Well, but don’t worry… give mom some time, there will be a way.”

  Ruby nodded very sensibly, closed her mouth obediently and stopped talking.

  The maid with a slightly darker complexion looked at Margaret and tried to suggest.

  ”What if… let Earl Sharma send someone to pick us up? With the relationship between the gentleman and him, it should be worth taking the risk.”

  Margaret said worriedly.

  ”Then we have to wait until at least the second half of the night… I’m afraid the people here can’t hold out until the second half of the night.”

  The maid said worriedly.

  ”But it’s impossible to take a boat. I think you should still find a way to get help from the locals.”

  ”That makes sense…” Margaret took a deep breath and calmed herself down. “Go home first and send a telegram to Count Sharma to arrange a meeting place. If the port area of ​​West Sail Port has not fallen, we will meet at the exit of Nightingale Street nearby. If…if it has fallen…”

  ”You can go to the church of the Silver Moon Church,” the maid said immediately. “Pastor Melgio is a very good person. I go there to pray occasionally. He will definitely help us.”

  Margaret was stunned for a moment, with some worry in her eyes, but she could only nod in the end.

  The reputation of the Willant people in Silver Moon Bay is not good. After all, the Eastern Legion once burned the war to the edge of Petra Fortress in the Hump Kingdom.


  now we can only ask for help from them.

  There is a telephone system in West Sail Port, but the only way to contact other settlements outside the city is by telegraph.

  In order not to waste time, the group hurried back home again and rushed to the telegraph machine in a hurry.

  As expected by Margaret, after learning of their situation, Earl Sharma immediately sent his servants to Xifan Port, and it was expected to arrive at twelve o’clock in the morning. The

  port area is no longer accessible at will. The two sides agreed on a secret code for the meeting in the telegram, which was to raise a white flag and wave it left and right.

  Later, Margaret would ask her acquaintances in the guard team to let the guards guarding the entrance of Nightingale Street let the people who came to pick her in…

  Seeing the reply in the telegraph, Margaret breathed a sigh of relief and sat limply on the chair.

  Unconsciously, her back was soaked with sweat.

  The maid standing by handed her a towel and said with heartfelt emotion.

  ”Finally saved…”

  Margaret smiled bitterly.

  ”…I hope so.”

  It’s too early to say that she was saved now…


  The night has just covered the port.

  On the streets adjacent to the port area and other urban areas, the battle has gone from the initial test to a white-hot stage.

  At present, there are more than ten thousand people besieging the port area.

  Among them were dock workers, workers from steel and cement plants, or cotton mills and sugar mills.

  In addition, there were some slaves who were involved, disabled retired Grey Wolf Army veterans, and even Lion citizens who joined in out of helplessness.

  Some people had no choice but to be pointed at by other thugs with guns. If they did not hand in the pledge, did not fight the Willant people, and did not join the “rebellion”, they would be accomplices of the Willant people, slaves of the nobles, and the objects of robbery, plunder and violence by others.

  Others were speculators, that is, the guys who pointed guns at the former.

  They quickly pulled up a flagpole, attracted a group of people who were as fierce as themselves, and intimidated some of those who were still hesitating, clamoring to establish a Lion State or something similar in Lion State, just like Narashi.

  However, the difference was that they had not thought about what program to use at all, and had not thought about what to do after the success. They just wanted to take advantage of this east wind to get up first.

  As for the majority of the others, most of them joined this clueless “uprising” willingly.

  Some were underpaid, some were fed up with the humiliation of the Weylanders, and some were jealous of the Weylanders’ authority and wealth.

  It didn’t matter who started the fire, the boiling flame had already burned in their hearts.

  The explosion in the port area was the fuse of everything, and so was the whip in Najib’s hand?

  In word of mouth, they wrapped the cotton cloth snatched from the port area around their arms as a sign to identify the enemy and us, and agreed that whoever’s brother took down the Governor’s Mansion and pulled down the flag hanging on it would be the king of the Lion Country!

  As for the others, they would be the king’s ten thousand men!

  After sacrificing nearly a hundred cannon fodders, the “rebels” gradually discovered the shortage of manpower in the guards and began to take a more violent offensive.

  At the same time, the 100mm artillery that had been so powerful in the previous fierce battle in the warehouse area was also pushed onto the street.

  However, Hunt did not let these thugs succeed, but seized the opportunity to decisively issue an order to let the police armored vehicle hidden in the alley rush directly up.

  While the artillery had not yet been deployed, the 10mm heavy machine gun on the roof of the car was loaded with a click, and it was “Tu Tu Tu” sweeping at the thugs.

  Shrapnel raged in the streets, leaving rows of fist-sized craters and even collapsing a wall!

  The thugs hiding behind the artillery died instantly, leaving only a pile of minced meat-like bodies.

  The bloody scene shocked many people.

  Especially those guys who were ready to rush up with assault rifles were frightened by the shocking scene and retreated back to the bunker.

  ”Hang the towing rope on the artillery and drag it back! Quick!” Hunt, who was commanding from a distance, yelled into the intercom and gave an order.

  A guard quickly jumped off the car and hurriedly hooked the hook to the tail of the artillery, while his teammates picked up the ammunition box with the shells and hid back in the car.

  As the car door closed, the armored vehicle started the engine again, dragging the 100mm artillery and driving towards the port area desperately.

  A Iron Fist rocket flew over from a distance, but fortunately it did not hit, but instead collapsed a civilian house on the side.

  The armored vehicle that drove back to the position stopped steadily, and the guards who got off the car all had a look of shock on their faces.

  One of them didn’t even realize that he had been shot in the calf until he got off the car, and blood was flowing non-stop.

  Hunter ordered the nurses transferred from the port area to bandage their wounds, and then saw the secretary of the Governor’s Office walking over here.

  ”How is the battle going?”

  Looking at the anxious face, Hunter said in a deep voice.

  ”It’s difficult. How long we can hold on depends purely on when they can organize themselves.”

  The secretary’s breathing stagnated and asked in a trembling voice.

  ”Then…how many people do we have left…”

  Hunter said with a sneer.

  ”Counting the local guards summoned from other areas, it should be no problem to get 200 people.”

  ”Why is it only this little?!”

  ”It’s good to have this little bit. We couldn’t even get 50 people here just now…”

  When he said this, Hunter couldn’t help but curse.

  ”There are too few people here! I don’t understand why Yongye Port, which has only a few hundred thousand people, can station a 10,000-man army, while Xifan Port, which has more than a million people, only has a 100-man army! And it’s an extra-staff guard!” Is it

  meaningful to talk about this now?

  The secretary smiled bitterly, but still explained.

  ”We also have our difficulties… Triumphant City’s direct troops are not many, only the Marshal’s imperial guards and city defense troops. After all, we are different from the Southern Legion.”

  To put it bluntly, the civil service group does not have its own troops, and if there is a problem, it can only find someone else to clean up the mess. Fortunately

  , they have a good relationship with the Southern Legion, and there are even people in the guard who have served in the Southern Legion before.

  Hunt cursed inwardly.

  ”You’d better think of a way… There are more than 3,000 Willant people here, and many of them are well-known figures in Triumph City. If they hurt a finger, you should be prepared to bear the wrath of Triumph City!”

  ”I’ll think of another way…” The governor’s secretary wiped the sweat from his forehead and suddenly asked, “By the way, where is Naji? Let that guy persuade–”

  ”Don’t think about that idiot! Half of these people–no, at least two-thirds are here for that idiot!” Hunt cursed, “If I catch him, I’ll skin him alive!”

  He didn’t expect that the agreed wages would be turned against him in less than a month. He

  couldn’t understand why he had to take those two dinars from a group of short-lived ghosts. Even the feudal lords of the Eastern Legion would not do such a stupid thing. Was

  n’t the profit they gave to those guys enough?

  Why didn’t they learn their lesson!

  At this moment, a clerk from the Security Bureau ran over in a panic, stopped in front of Hunt, and panted.

  ”Ye Ye Port called back! Their troops have set off, let’s hold on!”

  Hunt asked immediately.

  ”How long will it take them to arrive!”

  The clerk swallowed his saliva.

  ”They are in the southern hemisphere… the fastest time will probably be three days.”

  Three days…

  Hearing this number, Hunt’s mood instantly sank into the abyss of despair.

  People’s lives here are counted in hours, they can’t hold on that long!

  And at this moment, a deafening explosion suddenly came from the street not far away.

  The hot shock wave destroyed several houses and swept a hundred meters away like a hurricane.

  The three people subconsciously ducked to avoid it, and the hot stones almost brushed their scalps.

  ”Damn it! What’s going on?”

  Struggling to get up from the ground in a panic, the secretary looked in the direction of the explosion with a frightened expression, but only saw a bloody corpse on the ground.

  Those thugs got a cargo truck from somewhere, stuffed it with explosives and shells, and then stepped on the accelerator and crashed it directly into their bunker.

  The police armored vehicle was directly overturned.

  Including the 100mm cannon they just robbed, it was also blown to the side of the road.

  The dozen guards guarding the bunker at the street corner were almost all killed! Those who were not dead were twitching on the ground…

  and those civilians who helped transport supplies were also killed or injured.

  Looking at the instantly collapsed defense line, Hunt’s face was printed with a trace of complete despair.


  These crazy people!

  The group of thugs with guns seemed to have underestimated the power of the explosion, and were also shocked by the shock wave.

  However, they had the upper hand in numbers, and even if some people were affected by the aftermath of the explosion, it would not affect the situation of the entire battle.

  When they saw that a gap had finally been blown open in the port area’s defense line, their originally shaky morale was instantly raised again, and even the cannon fodder who were instigated to push to the front line began to shout excitedly.

  A man holding a blade assault rifle walked to the front of the team, and fired wildly in front, and then yelled at his teammates behind him.

  ”Brothers! Charge! The Willant people put all the valuable treasures in the port!”

  ”Before, we looked at them and thought they were dirty. Now it’s our turn to slap them hard!”

  ”Whoever grabs it will get it!”

  The roar attracted countless responses, and the voices filled the entire street. Pairs of killing eyes emitted a more ferocious red light, like hungry wolves seeing fat meat.

  ”Brothers, charge!”

  ”Grab the money! Grab the people!”

  ”Oh, oh, oh!”

  The crowds of people rushed to the gap in the defense line like a flood. The remaining hundred guards were as small as the floating leaves shaking the tree.

  Even if they still had a police armored vehicle, it would be useless.

  The thugs had already dug out the Iron Fist rocket launcher in the warehouse. In front of the armor-piercing shells, the iron sheet of the police armored vehicle was like paper.

  The flames of the explosions rose and fell amid the exclamations of the crowd, and the eyes of the people crowded at the dock were full of despair.

  On the way to cover the retreat of the governor’s secretary, Hunter was finally shot through the throat after killing three thugs, and fell to the ground with his eyes wide open.

  Just like his captain and vice captain…

  Although the Weylanders are a race born for fighting, they are not outright monsters like mutants after all.

  At most, they have stronger physical functions than ordinary people, mature at a slightly earlier age, and have a higher fighting will than ordinary people.

  Also, there is no “pension” and no resources of the War Construction Committee are occupied.

  Putting aside these, they will die just like the players if they are shot in the vitals.

  ”I surrender!”

  Facing the thugs who surged like a tide, the governor’s secretary decisively chose to surrender.

  This is not only for himself, but also for the more than 3,000 Willant residents in the port area, and even for the more than 10,000 people living here.

  Looking at the guys who were about to pull the muzzle of the gun to his nostrils, he cleared his throat and said in a serious tone.

  ”You won, and this port belongs to you now. But before you celebrate your victory, please let me see your representative, I want to talk to him.”

  He lowered his posture very low, although he did not take the guys in front of him seriously.

  A group of thugs with neither an action program nor clear demands are not much better than those plunderers in the wasteland.

  When the reinforcements from Evernight Port come, they can be pressed against the wall in minutes.

  He has no doubt in his heart.

  After a moment of waiting, a man carrying a legion flag walked out of the crowd.

  The man had a scar on his jaw, which looked like a bullet wound. He was lucky to be alive.

  Although his eyes were light, they concealed a subtle ruthlessness, like a wolf dormant in the snow.

  It was obvious that he had been on the battlefield.

  Maybe he was brought here by McLen…

  ”What do you want to talk to me about?”

  Staring at the man in front of him, the governor’s secretary swallowed his saliva and said.

  ”… All the wealth here belongs to you, let us go.”

  The man laughed, looked around, and looked at him again.

  ”Then what happened today will be written off?”

  The governor’s secretary was silent for a while and said vaguely.

  ”… We can talk about it.”

  Talk about it!

  If we don’t send this guy to the gallows, his name will be written backwards in the future!

  The civil service group does not have any troops directly under its control, but this does not mean that they are soft persimmons.

  They have money and can buy those mercenaries from the colonies to fight for them.

  Not only that, they can even call friends from the Southern Legion to come and help.

  The man curled his lips, obviously not believing what he said, but said it lightly.

  ”We have talked to you again and again, and each time we were met with either perfunctory responses or ridicule… Is it fun? Eight dinars turned into six.”

  The governor’s secretary swallowed his saliva and cursed the idiot named Naji in his heart again.

  ”We just found out about this… It’s not appropriate for you to blame us.”

  The man sneered.

  ”It doesn’t matter. You are in the same group. What will happen if you know? Can you help us?”

  The governor’s secretary stared into his eyes.

  ”So… you set the fire?”

  ”I wish it was me, but unfortunately someone was one step faster than me,” the man shook his head gently, with a regretful expression on his face, “That fire was not set by anyone, but the anger of the residents of Xifan Port, the anger of everyone except you.”

  ”… Are you ready to bear the anger of the legion?” The governor’s secretary’s voice was a little threatening, trying to force the other party to make concessions.

  However, the man had an indifferent expression, just took the torch from his accomplice and lit the flag on his shoulder.

  It was pulled down from the Governor’s Mansion.

  He had already used this flag to prove his identity as the “Lion King”, so it was useless to keep it.

  Although he was a wolf, it was not a bad idea for a wolf to lead a group of lions.

  Looking at the burning flag in the flames, the face of the governor’s secretary was full of anger.

  The man threw the burning flag aside, then grinned and put the pistol to his head.

  ”I was thrown by you to fight the Alliance and Laxi before, and finally thrown here to rot. Believe me, I have heard more than ten times more lies than the people here, so I know what kind of people you are better than them…No word you say is credible.” There is

  no way to survive in negotiations, especially now.

  His only way to survive is to involve the entire Lion State and burn this fire that started from the warehouse area to a farther place.

  For example, Tiandu.

  As long as he captured Tiandu and became the master of the Bora Province, he could really get the capital to negotiate with the Legion.

  And if it doesn’t work out, they can turn to the Alliance.

  Looking at this crazy guy, the governor’s secretary’s forehead oozed a trace of sweat, and he kept glancing at the gun against his forehead.

  ”So you don’t plan to talk…”

  The man smiled.

  ”My name is Janusz, and like most people here, I was just an unknown little guy before tonight… But I swear, from now on, my name will shake the whole continent.”

  He didn’t shoot, and didn’t even turn on the safety, just waved to his companion beside him.

  ”Bury this big nose in the red soil.”

  After a pause, he added a sentence at the end.

  ”Remember, bury him alive.”

  ”Let him reincarnate here in his next life and taste the suffering we have suffered.”

  The governor’s secretary stared at him with wide eyes and roared angrily as he was dragged away by two thugs holding his arms.

  ”You guy… do you know what you are doing? You are courting death!”

  Janusz ignored the guy who was about to die, but looked at his companion behind him, and then at the brightly lit and crowded dock.

  The corners of his mouth curled up into a ferocious smile, and he opened his voice and shouted.

  ”Enjoy your victory! Do whatever you want, this is the reward you deserve!”

  ”And those who have been humiliating us should pay some interest for their stupidity.”

  ”This is what they deserve! Let me settle accounts with these guys!”

  ”Oh oh oh!!”

  Excited cheers rang out all around, and pairs of eyes glowed green.

  Thanks to General Alayan’s scorching walls and clearing the countryside, he did taste some despair on the border of Mammoth State. The only regret is that he hasn’t tasted the Willant people yet.

  A race born for battle must be as difficult to tame as a wild horse.

  I hope he won’t be disappointed.

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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