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Chapter 823 Reinforcements on the way

Chapter 823 Reinforcements on the way


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 823: Reinforcements on the way


  The hot lava shot up into the sky, and the rising smoke and gravel drifted for more than hundreds of meters.

  The sand dunes in the distance had been moved into a flat land, leaving only circles of ripples.

  This is the training ground in the north of Yongye Port.

  And the terrifying explosion just now was the work of the 902mm heavy artillery!

  As a symbol of power that the Southern Army is proud of, this heavy artillery is said to have shown its power in the “Battle of Heaven”… But those who really know it know that the thing was actually only demonstrated before entering the Haiya Province.

  After all, the mobility of this heavy artillery is too deadly, and only trains can carry it and its shells.

  It was not until the Battle of Heaven was over that the railways and roads of the Alliance passed through the Ten Peaks Mountain.

  With his palm covering the wine glass, General McLen, sitting in the spectator seat of the training ground, held his chin in boredom, looking at the group of vassal troops charging forward with little interest.

  Only when the rolling dust settled did he remove his hand from the wine glass and calmly drink a sip of the wine.

  The Southern Legion was completely different from the Eastern Legion in terms of both combat style and governance philosophy. They relied too much on caliber and infantry and completely ignored mobility.

  The Eastern Legion was just the opposite. The steel torrent was their belief, whether in the sky or on the ground!

  That was why he was not very interested in this “toy” that tortured the logistics personnel.

  Even though its power was indeed amazing, it was completely useless in the wilderness controlled by the Eastern Legion. No predator tribe or resistance army would wait for it to fire. No matter how

  stupid those guys were, they knew to move to another place after firing a shot.

  However, in stark contrast to his lack of interest, the captain of the Orlett army sitting next to him had an excited and proud expression on his face, with a bright smile on his face.

  ”Nothing can withstand a blow from 902! Especially when dealing with mutants, this thing is even more useful than tactical nuclear weapons!”

  Mutants have a certain resistance to radiation. Things like the Cracked Claw Crab or the Death Claw will even build their nests near the radiation source.

  Mutants can be considered a type of artificial mutant. Simple radioactive damage cannot be said to be completely ineffective against them, but it is indeed not as fast as their recovery speed.

  It is precisely for this reason that, under the same equivalent, high-detonation-rate explosives are often more efficient than nuclear weapons.

  It is also easier to deal with the aftermath.

  Listening to the boasting of this one-star commander, McLennan smiled faintly and said indifferently.

  ”Even the ‘grays’ in the Great Desert have begun to build fortresses?”

  Olett was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said.

  ”That’s not the case… but they did learn to build some villages like those predator tribes. I even heard that some intelligent mutant tribes would even trade with human merchants.”

  He felt that McLen should be familiar with this thing. There were mutant mercenaries in the war in Luoxia Province, even if the number was not large.

  The mutants in the Great Desert and the mutants on the East Coast have different origins. Although the two are extremely similar in habits, with the same bloodthirstiness and tyranny, the latter are slightly more civilized. The

  Southern Legion also has a very small number of mutant mercenaries, who they call “gray soldiers.”

  However, for most of the gray mutant tribes that are unwilling to cooperate, the Southern Legion still focuses on extermination. After all, these guys are always looting everywhere, affecting the trade between their colonies and the native tribes in the Great Desert.

  And those gray mercenaries have no taboos about slaughtering their compatriots.

  After all, in essence, they are still primitive people without intelligence, but they have learned how to use human weapons.

  Without paying attention to the guy’s explanation, McLen said indifferently.

  ”Then using this kind of thing is like using a cannon to kill a mosquito? Or do mutants have such a thing as morale? In my opinion, it is better to get a few more 100mm cannons, which will not only cover a wider range, but also reduce the pressure on logistics.”

  Hearing this guy’s sabotage, Olet’s eyebrows twitched fiercely, and he couldn’t help but mocked back.

  ”That being said, after all, we never fight in places where our supply ships can’t reach, so there is no situation that the front-line troops can’t keep up with the supply. What’s the use of so much land? There are ruins everywhere, and the last thing we lack is mud and sand. Is the glory of the Weyland people displayed by coloring the map?”

  Hearing the yin and yang in the voice, McLen’s eyebrows twitched fiercely, and his face instantly darkened.

  ”What do you mean?”

  Seeing that McLen looked unhappy, Olet immediately changed the subject.

  There is no way, a higher-ranking official can crush a person, even if this guy has lost power.

  ”Well, I don’t mean to offend you, respected General McLen… Let’s get back to the point. Although those gray-skinned savages didn’t build a solid concrete fortress, they have indeed become much more difficult to deal with recently.”

  McLen frowned slightly.

  ”In what aspect?”

  Otley lowered his voice with a mysterious look on his face.


  ”Immortality?!” McLen’s eyes slightly opened, and there was disbelief in his pupils.

  Seeing the expression on his face, Otley hurriedly explained.

  ”Of course, it’s not true immortality… but even if the head and heart are broken, they can still fight. Only when their body functions are completely destroyed will they really fall down.”

  McLen pondered for a while and spoke thoughtfully.

  ”… This sounds a bit similar to the situation on the Ten Peaks Mountain.”

  Although he had been training new troops and officers in the Empire some time ago, he was not completely unfamiliar with the situation of the “Battle of Heaven”.

  Especially after the post office in Xifan Port opened, telegraph communications were basically able to communicate with Triumph City.

  When the cable is laid from Yongye Port in the future, even instant messaging will be no problem.

  After hearing what McLen said, Olet touched his chin.

  ”Well… indeed, I saw it in the Triumph Newspaper. There is something called ‘Zombie Mutation’ there, right? What kind of memory can be cached in the neurons distributed throughout the body, so even if the head is lost, it can grow back. It seems that the Alliance discovered it.”

  McLen asked puzzled.

  ”How could this thing appear in the Great Desert? Did mutants escape to the Great Desert?”

  Olet shrugged.

  ”Who knows, maybe the remnants of the Torch escaped in… After all, it is much easier to hide people than mutants.”

  Hearing this, McLennan’s face immediately showed an expression of interest.

  ”This is incredible intelligence… Have you asked someone to verify it?”

  ”I’m actually doing this…” Aotelai smiled, and suddenly his expression became serious, “General McLennan, don’t you think this is an opportunity?”

  Without waiting for McLennan to ask in detail, he continued without stopping.

  ”The Communities are unwilling to hand over the relevant technology of the ‘perfect life form’ to us. It’s useless even if you talk your mouths off at the conference table. They are afraid of us, the Willant people, from the bottom of their hearts… We don’t actually need them. As long as we can catch the guy who escaped into the desert, we can get everything we want.”

  The gestalt life form technology has an extraordinary meaning for the Willant people.

  After all, the latter was born from the former.

  The Willant people have always believed that there is a kind of “shackle” in their DNA that is still enslaving them.

  And in order to completely unlock this shackle, the “perfect life form” technology must be completely broken.

  Therefore, even if we put aside the military value of this technology itself, there are sufficient political demands to push them to do this.

  General McLen narrowed his eyes slightly, and interest was revealed in the gaps between his eyelashes.

  ”This sounds interesting… I will let the Eastern Legion pay attention to it.”

  The eastern territory of the Eastern Legion borders the northern part of the Great Desert and a small area in the western part, and the vassal state is spread to the Luoxia Province in the east of the Great Desert.

  As long as the Eastern Legion and the Southern Legion join forces, it is enough to cover the entire Great Desert.

  On the other hand, the Alliance only has one pioneering city located in the east of the Great Desert.

  Hearing General McLen’s promise, Outles immediately showed a happy smile on his face.

  ”That’s great, with your cooperation, this matter will be much safer.”

  ”I hope to gain something… After all, that is the long-cherished wish of all the Willant people.”

  McLen smiled faintly and took a sip of red wine.

  At this moment, the exercise in the distance has come to an end, and the native soldiers carrying rifles are withdrawing from the craters.

  Aotelai’s face was filled with a bright smile. Suddenly, he thought of something and continued.

  ”By the way, are you interested in buying a 902mm heavy artillery to play with?”

  McLen refused calmly.

  ”No need, this thing will crush the road we built with great difficulty.”

  Seeing that he misunderstood his meaning, Aotelai waved his hand and said.

  ”No, no, no, I mean to sell it to Xilan… Aren’t they worried about the Mammoth State in the east? With this thing, no matter what kind of fortress it is, as long as it is fired at-”

  Before he finished speaking, an officer suddenly trotted over, stood in front of him and saluted.

  ”Report to the general, a request for help was sent from Xifan Port, saying that it encountered a very difficult rebellion! The situation is critical!”

  Aotelai was stunned for a moment, with a surprised expression on his face, but what was more surprised was McLen who was sitting next to him, with his hands on the armrests of the chair, and almost stood up.

  ”Xifan Port? Rebellion?”

  Those cowardly guys, do they have the ability to do this? !

  No one knows better than McLen how obedient the people there are to their superiors.

  The “Human Centipede” he saw was not just in Wutuo’s court, but spread throughout the entire power structure of the empire, and was transmitted downward level by level.

  In order to please their superiors, they would sacrifice all their dignity, trample their own personality into the dust, betray their oaths, beliefs, souls and even sacred marriages, comfort themselves that everything is for profit, and then ruthlessly make up for what they owe to those who are weaker than themselves.

  The Weilants don’t always keep their words, but at least there are some things that cannot be compromised.

  It’s simply a fantasy that such a guy would rebel!

  The officer glanced at General McLen hurriedly, then looked at his immediate superior, Otley, and saw the latter nod, then spoke quickly.

  ”That’s right… The locals took advantage of the absence of Governor Huye and his guards to rob the warehouses in the port area of ​​​​arms. Now the more than 3,000 Willant residents living there are in danger. The local guard bureau and the governor’s office sent distress signals at the same time, hoping that we will immediately send troops and ships to help, and help the local Willant people evacuate.”

  Otley frowned.

  ”How long will it take to get there from here?”

  The officer said immediately.

  ”Three days should be enough!”

  After thinking for a moment, Otley tapped his knee with his index finger and made a quick decision.

  ”Let Captain Ross go with a thousand men.”

  Since Xifan Port did not ask for help from the Empire, but went to Yongye Port for help, it means that the situation is not an ordinary emergency.

  It is for this reason that he did not hesitate to send his best generals.


  The officer looked solemn, stood at attention and saluted, ready to leave, but General McLen, who was sitting on the chair, called him.

  ”Wait a minute, I’ll go with you.” Putting down the boots that were perched on his knees, McLen stood up from the chair, picked up the officer’s hat thrown on the table and put it on.

  Otley, who was sitting next to him, was stunned for a moment, and looked up at him in surprise.

  ”Aren’t you going back to Triumph City?”

  McLen said indifferently.

  ”It doesn’t matter whether I go back or not. Anyway, I have nothing to triumph for, so I won’t go back this year… Don’t worry, I’ll just take a look and won’t interfere with your command.”

  He was just curious about what the rebellion of the rats would look like.

  Seeing that the subordinate was looking at him to make a decision, Otley hesitated for half a second, and finally nodded.

  ”Okay… Then I’ll leave it to you to supervise the battle.”

  McLen nodded, said nothing, and left behind the officer…


  Near the port of Evernight Harbor, in a quiet and elegantly decorated mansion, Penny, sitting at the desk, was stuffing the letter she had just written into an envelope.

  This is her uncle’s house. Since there is no ship back to Triumph City, she can only continue to live here. When she has nothing to do, she has the idea of ​​writing a letter.

  There are two letters to be sent, and both are sent to Dawn City.

  One is written to her father, Captain Bennot, and the other is written to Mr. Pangolin.

  They haven’t seen each other for some time since he followed his father to Dawn City.

  I wonder if he is doing well.

  Penny glanced at the setting sun outside the window and stuffed the two letters in her hand into the drawer.

  The post office should have closed at this time. She planned to go there in person tomorrow morning to deliver the letter and see if there was a ship home at the port.

  At this time, her aunt’s voice came from downstairs.

  ”Penny, dinner is about to start.”

  ”Oh! I’m here.”

  Penny responded, simply put away the paper and pen on the table, and hurried downstairs.

  When she went downstairs, her aunt Demi had already sat down at the dining table, and her youngest cousin, Bill, who was only 6 years old, was sitting next to her.

  Speaking of her aunt Demi, she was a very traditional Willant woman.

  Whether it was her elegant, gentle and generous personality, or her dark brown hair and high nose bridge.

  Penny liked to chat with her. Although she did not always agree with her views, her pure Triumph City accent sounded very comfortable, and she felt like a spring breeze.

  The maid with a slightly darker complexion was bringing the dinner plate to the table.

  Looking at Penny walking down the stairs, she nodded slightly and saluted, then went to the side room to eat.

  Compared with the Eastern Legion, the Southern Legion’s attitude towards slaves is relatively mild, and the civil nobles from Triumph City are more likely to bring Triumph City’s traditions to the colonies.

  Her uncle Ross served in the Southern Legion, but his origin was marked by the civil group after all, so the family’s attitude towards servants was relatively mild.

  After all, in Triumph City, torturing slaves is neither legal nor decent, and most civil nobles are proud to have a servant who is familiar with aristocratic etiquette and well-educated.

  Sitting at the dining table, Penny noticed that Uncle Ross was not here, so she looked at her aunt Demi.

  ”Where’s Uncle? Isn’t he eating with us today?”

  Demi shook her head gently, with a helpless expression on her face.

  ”He may still be busy with work… I heard that the mutants in the Great Desert have become active again recently, and some tribes that have a good relationship with us have sent out signals for help.”

  Those beasts…

  Penny frowned.

  ”Nothing serious will happen, right?”

  Seeing the worry on her niece’s face, Demi smiled and comforted her.

  ”What can go wrong? We have a 10,000-man army stationed here… I’m worried about you, my Penny.”

  When she said this, a trace of worry appeared on her face.

  ”I heard that the province of Boro is not safe. There are wars everywhere, and we don’t have any troops stationed there. I really don’t know how that Huye can manage so many people. If possible, after you go home this time, you should think of a way to transfer back to Triumph City, or come to us.”

  Penny couldn’t help but show a helpless expression on her face. Her aunt’s words were exactly the same as her own mother.

  However, she didn’t think there was any danger in Xifan Port. There were many Willant people living there.

  And she watched the port develop little by little from nothing.

  As part of her father’s political achievements, she was also very proud of it.

  ”The province of Borneo is very large. In fact, most states are safe. It’s just that the Mammoth State in the east is more dangerous. And the people there are very peaceful and polite, especially to outsiders… If you have really been there, you will know that it is not as bad as you think.”

  Looking at her stubborn niece, Demi’s face showed a helpless expression, not knowing how to persuade her.

  Although Penny is not her biological daughter, she and her mother are very good friends, and she has always treated this maverick girl as her own.

  It is precisely because of this that she is particularly worried about her.

  Although “Triumph” is the largest newspaper in the Legion and being a reporter for “Triumph” is also an extremely glorious thing, she still hopes that she can find a more stable job and then find a reliable and good family to marry.

  ”Is that so… But you’d better be careful. You are a girl after all, and war is a man’s business.”

  ”I am not a child anymore, and… I don’t think it is just a man’s business, but the business of every Willant. We should know where our front line is, who we are fighting against, and what victory or defeat means to us.”

  Penny snorted lightly, not very satisfied with her aunt’s words.

  Although she had never fought with the enemy on the front line, she had also been to the front line for first-hand information. Even

  though she did not have a military rank, she did not think her work was unimportant.

  At this time, the sound of the door opening came from the direction of the entrance, and not long after, a strong middle-aged man walked into the dining room from the direction of the living room.

  That man was Penny’s uncle Ross, with a military rank of a thousand-man captain, serving under General Orlet.

  There was a deep scar on his face, and his eyes were as sharp as a knife. He looked a little scary, but Penny knew very well that he was actually a very polite gentleman, at least much more gentlemanly than some rough-handed barbarians in the Eastern Legion.

  ”Sorry, something happened in the army, I came back a little late… Please prepare one for me.”

  ”Okay, sir.”

  The maid who heard the noise came over from the side room, nodded respectfully, and then went into the kitchen. When

  little Bill saw his father coming back, he immediately shouted “Dad” happily.

  Ross walked forward with a smile, and just as he was about to touch his son’s head lovingly, Demi, who was sitting next to him, slapped his hand away.

  ”Go wash your hands quickly, I can smell the sand from a long distance away.”

  ”Okay, okay.” Ross scratched the back of his head with a wry smile, and turned to go to the bathroom.

  Penny, who was sitting next to him, smiled and couldn’t help laughing. It was not until her uncle returned to the dining table that she curiously asked.

  ”What took you so long? Is it convenient for me to know?”

  Ross, who was sitting at the dining table, smiled heartily and said in a joking voice.

  ”The reporter from Triumph wants to know, so I will tell you everything I know… Well, don’t glare at me, I was just joking with my niece.”

  Seeing his wife glaring at him, Ross shrank his neck, coughed lightly, put on a serious expression, and continued.

  ”Something happened in West Sail Port.”

  Penny was stunned for a moment, and her aunt sitting opposite her was also stunned. The two had been talking about West Sail Port before.

  ”West Sail Port?”

  Ross nodded, picked up a piece of bread, spread some meat sauce on it, and talked while eating.

  ”Well, the specific situation is unclear. Some news said that the alliance incited the locals to revolt, and some said that it was that Lassi who did it. Someone has been tracking that batch of arms, and it happened that something happened with this batch of arms.”

  Demi frowned slightly.

  ”The demon who massacred millions of people?”

  She had heard of this name. It was said that in order to stop the regular army of the Empire, he implemented a strategy of clearing the border of Mammoth State and massacred as many as one million people.

  She had no good feelings towards this man who was so cruel to his own compatriots.

  Ross shrugged and hurriedly started to eat the second piece of bread, and this time he spread it with tuna paste.

  ”Who knows, anyway, we have to go there to understand the situation… I came back to pack my luggage. The warship has entered the port. I will board the ship in two hours.”

  Penny and Demi were stunned and spoke at the same time almost subconsciously.

  ”Are you in such a hurry?”

  ”Have to leave today?”

  Ross nodded.

  ”Well, I heard that the matter is urgent… We have to go on the road for three days. The birthday is coming soon. I hope nothing serious will happen.”

  Little Bill blinked and looked at him.

  ”Dad, can you come back before the birthday?”

  Ross touched Little Bill’s head lovingly.

  ”… Don’t worry, Dad will definitely not leave you and your son alone at home on such an important holiday.”

  Demi looked at Ross worriedly and said seriously.

  ”You should concentrate on your work and don’t be distracted by us. My lovely niece is with us at home… Even if we can’t spend our birthday together this year, there are still many days to come.”

  Penny looked at her aunt and said helplessly.

  ”Have you already assumed that I can’t wait for the flight back?”

  Demi smiled and said.

  ”I’m afraid it’s too late for you to go back now. Instead of spending the holiday on the ship, why not spend the holiday with us this year.”

  As long as there is a ship in these three days, it can actually be rushed back before the second weekend after New Year’s Eve.

  Penny complained in her heart, but she didn’t hold too much hope.

  All civilian ships were transferred to the East by his father. I’m afraid they have just arrived at the Death Coast. I don’t know when they will be able to return to normal.

  ”Then I’ll trouble my lovely niece to accompany my wife. Sorry, I will bring you gifts.”

  Holding a fork in his hand, Little Bill shouted happily.

  ”Oh! I want mutant eyes! I want green ones!”

  Demi glared at the restless little guy.

  ”Why do you want that? It’s so dirty!”

  Ross laughed, stretched out his big palm, and rubbed his son’s hair lovingly.

  ”Hahaha! Dad, let’s look for it, but there are no mutants in the province of Borneo… How about mammoth tusks?”

  Looking at the happy family, Penny couldn’t help but smile knowingly.

  She suddenly didn’t want to go back so much.

  In fact, as long as the family is safe, it doesn’t matter where you celebrate the festival…

  After finishing dinner in a hurry, Ross picked up the suitcase that the maid had helped to pack, kissed his wife goodbye, and strode out of the house and got on the off-road vehicle parked at the door.

  A thousand Weyland soldiers have put on military uniforms, carried rifles and bags, and assembled at the dock of Evernight Port.

  Unlike the cops in Xifan Port, they are real soldiers, fighting with those gray-black mutants in the desert all day long, and they are full of a solemn murderous aura.

  Not only their backs were straight, but also the weapons in their hands.

  From automatic and semi-automatic rifles to light machine guns and rotary machine guns, and even grenade launchers and flamethrowers, they all showed their fierce force!

  Unlike the Eastern Legion, which despised the role of infantry, the Southern Legion had put a lot of effort into supporting equipment and light weapons. After all, the latter did not have as many airships as the former, nor did it have a battlefield where the steel torrent could gallop.

  At this moment, the entire bustling port was completely shrouded in the night.

  Ross, who was wearing military uniforms, walked in front of a group of soldiers and shouted in a loud voice.

  ”A group of rats in the gutter not only knocked over our oil lamps and stole our cheese, but also wanted to gnaw our fingers! We will let them know that they picked the wrong opponent! Now! Let’s go–!!”


  In response to him, there were roars of high morale, and the soldiers carrying equipment calmly boarded the deck of the transport ship.

  They had no doubts.

  Once they were on the shore, they only needed to charge and they could beat the group of weak guys down.

  The whistle on the dock sounded, and the passengers stranded on the shore looked at each other in bewilderment.

  ”…Where are we going to fight?”

  someone suddenly said.

  ”I heard that there was an accident in Xifan Port…”

  ”Xifan Port?!” A man carrying a suitcase suddenly showed a panic on his face, and trembled as he said, “My wife and children are still there…”

  Everyone around looked at each other in bewilderment.

  A passenger patted him on the shoulder and comforted him sympathetically.

  ”Don’t be so nervous. Our relationship with the Empire is so close that even if something happens, it’s probably not a big deal.”

  Others also comforted him in the same way.


  ”It will be fine.”

  ”After all, those rebels are only fighting the Empire. I haven’t heard that they are looking for trouble with us or the Alliance.”

  The man smiled bitterly, but his pale face did not change.

  ”I hope so…”

  For some reason, his eyelids twitched violently, and his heartbeat was also dazed…

  At the same time, Xifan Port on the other side of the Borneo Sea was engulfed in a sea of ​​fire.

  From the dock to the sea, there was a bloody mess, with scattered luggage and corpses everywhere.

  Unbridled laughter and miserable screams could be heard faintly from the broken windows and the marble buildings. The smell of blood and the smell of the sea mixed together, and even the sea breeze that kept blowing towards the port could not blow it away.

  A disheveled Willant woman crawled towards the dock in a trance, and her hoarse voice kept reciting, as if she was calling someone’s name.

  The sea water by the dock was turbid, but it was the only place that could wash away the dirt on her body.

  She was not afraid of death.

  She only regretted not jumping into the sea at the beginning, but had an illusion in her heart, imagining that these beasts would calm down and take the Willant people here as hostages to negotiate with the Legion.

  When they followed the orders of those people and went into different houses in batches, those guys immediately tore off their disguises.

  ”I’m sorry…” She sobbed and stretched out her bloody hands, gritting her teeth and crawling towards the pier that had been stained red with blood.

  However, just when she was about to crawl, a hand suddenly grabbed her ankle and pulled her back to the bloody hell with a hoarse scream.

  ”Hey, hey! You called the wrong person, your husband is here.”


  ”The interrogation is not over yet, who allowed you to leave, come back!”


  The miserable cry quickly disappeared in the evening breeze, and it was not worth mentioning compared to the sounds that came and went at the port.

  It was not just the Willant people who suffered.

  There were also lion people, horse people, sun people, cow people…even rat people and snake people.

  Not all of them were nobles, and it could even be said that most of them were civilians.

  However, bullets did not distinguish between high and low, and the guys carrying guns were not interested in distinguishing.

  Most people have already killed people with bloodshot eyes.

  As for Janus, who became the king, he was just one of them.

  In the face of the torrent of the times, the choice of a certain person is not worth mentioning at all.

  After all, the former is the common choice of countless people, even if the people who made the choice are not aware of it.

  Ishel wanted to stand up and do something, just like “Boll” in Boulder City.

  But unfortunately, he did not have Boll’s power after all.

  His shouting was insignificant. Even if he tried his best, people didn’t care. In the end, even the listeners of the Silver Gospel were shaken, wondering if they followed the wrong person and took the wrong path.

  In desperation, he could only take those church members who still stood with him and retreat to the church first.

  If those thugs still fantasized about getting the support of the alliance, at least they should not attack the church of the Silver Moon Sect.

  If there was still a little bit of rationality in their heads…

  Compared with the regretful Ishel, Govinda, who went with the flow, was smooth sailing.

  Although he was pushed onto the battlefield as cannon fodder, he was lucky enough not to die in the initial attack. Instead, he was accepted by the thugs because of his “heroic fighting” and became one of them.


  He had never thought in his life that he could become a centurion!

  He was so excited that he almost shouted out loud, wishing that the whole street would know!

  However, perhaps out of fear of the Weilants and the nobles, or perhaps because he was worried about being liquidated in the future, he did not go as crazy as those guys, and did not dare to touch those Weilants and lion girls.

  He was an easily satisfied person, or an honest person.

  Even if Naji cut the 8 dinars that belonged to him into 6, he never thought of burning the warehouse, but just spat on the ground.

  Although he was glad that he made the right bet, he did not stay in the dock area to hold a celebration party, but “quit while he was ahead” and went home with his gun to find the widow in the shack opposite.

  He had been thinking about that woman for a long time. Every time he saw her white skin, he had wild thoughts, but he had never had the courage to speak out and only dared to think about it in his head.

  But things are different now.

  He has become rich!

  ”Why are you crying… Look at your ugly face, what’s wrong with following me to eat delicious food and drink spicy drinks?”

  Looking at the crying woman, Govinda, who was holding up his pants, cursed and anxiously counted out four dinars from his pocket and threw them on the table. He felt that it was not appropriate, so he added another 10-denomination coin.

  ”Take it… From now on, if I have a bite to eat, you will have a bite.”

  As if saying this would bring some comfort, he threw this sentence casually, then grabbed the rifle leaning against the wall and rushed out the door.

  Fourteen dinars…

  Damn it!

  He had to work at the dock for two or three days to earn so much!

  Afterwards, Govinda felt a little painful in his heart, but he was embarrassed to take back the money he had given, so he could only speed up his pace and walk towards the brightly lit port.

  While the “celebration banquet” is still going on, he has to go there to pick up some more – oh no, should I say grab some!

  Thinking of this, the honest and conscientious man tried to make a ferocious expression.

  This day has changed.

  He has to learn to think differently…

  (Thanks to the leader “Holding the Sword and Drinking Tea” for the reward!!!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode