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Chapter 824 The End of Blood

Chapter 824 The End of Blood


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 824 The End of Blood

  ”My Lord… It’s my fault, I deserve to die… I shouldn’t have…”

  Beside the dock of Xifan Port.

  Nagy, who was tied up, knelt on the ground tremblingly, his pants were wet, and he begged for mercy with a trembling mouth, cursing himself for being a piece of shit.

  However, it just happened that when he was about to say “deserve to die”, his tongue got tied, and for a moment he forgot which “shouldn’t” to start with.

  The firelight next to him flickered, and after a while he finally adapted to the darkness here.

  It was at this moment that he saw the thick blood plasma on the ground, the sausages hanging on the broken wooden box, and the white meat discarded on the street… His stomach churned, and he almost couldn’t help vomiting.


  After a while of dry heaving, he trembled and begged for mercy again.

  Janusz admired the expression on his face playfully, as if he was admiring a wild dog with broken limbs.

  ”Oh, oh, oh… Orisa,” Nagy finally remembered the name, and looked around at the people surrounding him with a pleading face, “It’s my fault… I killed him! I beg you to give me a chance to atone for my sins…”

  Regardless of whether he killed the man or not, he could only take the blame.

  He knew.

  These people were unreasonable, and they would only calm down if they were satisfied.

  As if he had seen enough of his performance, and as if he had not enjoyed enough of the Weyland people, Janusz yawned and waved to the people next to him.

  ”Screw up this evil guy, and use the flag at the door of the Governor’s Mansion.”

  Nagy, who was kneeling on the ground, had not yet come to his senses, and the workers around him had not come to their senses either.

  However, there were still smart people who reacted, and their faces immediately showed either a grim smile or other wonderful expressions.

  ”That’s a good idea!”


  ”You are worthy of being the boss!”

  In the end, it seemed that only Nagy was kept in the dark, looking at the people approaching him in confusion and fear.

  ”You, you…what do you want to do…Ahhh! No–! Let me go!”

  People ignored his screams and pleas for mercy, and dragged him by the arms without saying a word to the direction of the Governor’s Mansion…


  After the defeat of the Willant people, the centurion of the Xifan Port City Defense Army immediately ran away.

  He knew best

  what kind of people he had under his command. What’s more, they originally only had a team of a thousand people, and their weapons and equipment were not much better than those of the guards. At most, they had some artillery and other things.

  These alone were useless, and the explosion occurred from the inside of the fortress.

  Not to mention that their firepower was suppressed by the rebels, they were also vulnerable in terms of numbers.

  Not to mention that there were some veterans of the Grey Wolf Army mixed in with these rebels.

  Janusz personally led people into the city defense army’s base, and that was after “finishing the business.”

  He thought there might be a tough battle, but he didn’t expect that the captain of this gang would just run away. When the rest of the gang saw that there were so many people outside, they simply raised the white flag and surrendered. After

  disarming these leaderless guys, Janusz didn’t treat them like the lions in the port. He just dispersed them and incorporated them into his own team. He told the decapitators and centurions to keep an eye on the guys from the city defense army, and then returned to the port area to continue the “carnival” that had not yet ended.

  This “carnival” lasted until three o’clock in the morning, until the snoring of the sleeping sounded, replacing the hoarse screams.

  The thugs finally had enough, and the entire Xifan Port was as quiet as if it had fallen asleep.

  And it was terrifyingly quiet.

  All residents closed their windows and doors, fearing that any noise would attract the “rebels” with cloth strips wrapped around their arms.

  Their slogans were loud and clear. They wanted to not only kill all the Weilants, but also kill all the nobles and lackeys who cooperated with the Weilants, and establish a country where everything was equal… But in the end, it wasn’t just the Weilants who were killed.

  Naji was the first to be liquidated.

  Of course, this guy really deserved it.

  And ironically, the person who betrayed him was a fellow of the Long Stick Team – a slave who had just been redeemed by him.

  In fact, if he hadn’t been betrayed, it would be hard to say whether he could survive.

  After all, the place he hid in was really unpleasant. Seeing that things were not going well, he actually found an empty house of the Weilants to hide in.

  He thought that the thugs would not dare to touch the Weilants, but he didn’t expect that they were so bold that they didn’t care about their lives and kicked the door directly.

  The angry people didn’t care about his shouting at all, and took him to the port, humiliated him first, and then strung him on the charred flagpole.

  And they strung him from the bottom to the top.

  It is said that he could still scream at the beginning, but later it was so painful that he bit off the root of his tongue and died.

  As for the “long sticks” who betrayed Naji, they didn’t get any benefits in the end.

  The angry rebels took revenge for their grievances and revenge for their grievances. They took the long sticks they used to beat them and beat them into pulp.

  This is not the end.

  The real reckoning has just begun!

  Those who wore the clothes of the Weilantes, used the things of the Weilantes, or helped the Weilantes, or had dinars in their pockets but no cloth on their arms, or those who had nothing to do with them were also accidentally injured by the butcher knife.

  For example, Govinda’s neighbor.

  It’s just that the guy was too timid, and the “bayonet” didn’t see blood.

  People were scared by these guys who were bloodthirsty.

  Maybe some of those guys were scared by themselves, but at this point, they could only tie the bandages on their sleeves tighter.

  Otherwise, let alone the revenge of the Weilant people, they might be accidentally injured by their own people first.

  However, those who were covered in blood but still conscious were actually a minority.

  Most of the guys who were bloodshot didn’t think so much, and were even blinded by victory. They even thought that if the Legion didn’t want to talk, they would just take down Tiandu and then fight all the way to Kaixuan City!

  This was not Janusz’s deception, they felt so from the bottom of their hearts.

  After all, how could the hundreds or thousands of cannon fodders who died on the street be considered human beings?

  On the contrary, they counted the Weilant guards who fell in the port area clearly, no more, no less, exactly 61, all of whom were killed miserably.

  The rest were either citizens of Xifan Port or servants from other colonies of the Legion, and they could not even make up two hundred people in total.

  Some of them probably took off their clothes and ran away, and they were too lazy to count them carefully.

  What Legion?

  It was nothing more than that!


  The church of the Silver Moon Sect.

  Ishel, hiding under the curtains, looked outside quietly, frowning.

  The believer squatting next to him swallowed his saliva and said in a trembling voice.

  ”…These people have gone crazy.”

  He just saw with his own eyes that several people with cloth strips tied on their arms kicked the door open and pulled a group of people out.

  The man seemed to be a security guard at the Labor Registration Office. He had some impression of the guy, who seemed to be a horseman.

  However, it was precisely because of this impression that he knew that the guy was definitely not guilty of the death… But

  those people obviously didn’t care so much. Soon there was the sound of smashing things in the room, the roar of men, the crying of children, the screams of women, and the gunshots that stopped everything.

  Looking at the group of demons coming out of the door, Isher gritted his teeth, wishing that his gums would bleed.

  He couldn’t believe that these guys were actually his compatriots. Even if they were persecuting the Weyland people, it would make him feel a little better…

  But what made him even more tormented was that the tall and burly image in his heart was collapsing bit by bit.

  He once admired “Boll” very much.

  He once thought that people could unite, even if they were a group of people who had nothing and couldn’t even read a few words.

  However, reality gave him a hard slap in the face.

  In the end, he suddenly realized that he, who was saying some nonsense, was the clown who was driven to the corner by everyone with sticks – that is, the guy named “Ken” in “Boll the Awakener”. The

  snow in Boulder City fell again and again in his heart, burying all hope and beauty.

  He wrote all his hatred in his eyes.

  He hated the Legion and the Empire, but he hated the insects in front of him even more!

  If one day in the future, the survivors of the Borneo Province can finally walk out of this humiliating memory, and the person who leads them out of the wasteland will definitely trample these evil ghosts under his feet and bury them all in the red soil!


  The leader obviously noticed his sight, but smiled indifferently, and even made a provocative gesture to him, as if to say “Come out and talk if you have the guts.”

  Perhaps his superiors have ordered that this church with the moon hanging on it is temporarily not allowed to touch it. The patrolmen passed by here several times, and no one really came up to knock on the door.

  However, even so, no one dared to relax, and no one could say how long this order could last.

  After all, this group of people is unreasonable. They do whatever they think of, and they go wherever they go. Changing their minds is just a matter of patting their heads.

  ”…There are too many Willant people left here, and we shouldn’t take them in.”

  A believer looked back, swallowed his saliva, and said tremblingly.

  There are more than 200 Weilants hiding here, even more than the believers here.

  Most of them are women, and there are also some children, and their eyes are full of panic.

  ”It doesn’t matter who they are… We want to abolish the privileges of the nobles and outsiders, not to massacre the unarmed people, otherwise… sooner or later we will become the evil ghosts we once feared.”

  Ishel’s words suddenly stopped, because he found that this set of rhetoric could not convince anyone.

  He was still trying to imitate those guys.

  At this moment, he suddenly understood what Mr. Melgio said to him before the sun set.

  This can’t go on…

  He took a deep breath, changed his tone, and continued in a narrative way that all people in the province of Boro could understand.

  ”…Think about it, the colony of the Weyland people is not too far from here. When the army arrives, those people outside will die sooner or later. If we want to survive, we must prove that we are innocent… They are the best evidence. If they die, none of us can survive. But as long as they are still here, not only can we survive, but our families can also survive.”

  A pair of eyes finally showed an expression of understanding, and some people who were still struggling or hesitating finally settled down and stopped talking about driving those people away.

  Even if it’s just one person, someone must remember that not all people in this city are crazy.

  Otherwise, as Isher said, they will probably have to be buried in the ground and buried with those crazy people…

  Sitting on the edge of the crowd, Margaret’s face was pale, and her forehead was covered with sweat. She had not yet recovered from the previous shock.

  At that time, she didn’t think about it, and she didn’t even take the luggage. She ran out by Ruby’s hand, ran out of the port area before the battle was over, and hid in this church.

  There were actually quite a few people who thought the same as her, but only about a hundred of them succeeded.

  She simply couldn’t imagine…

  If she had taken a wrong step at that time, what a tragic end she and Ruby would have suffered…


  ”Don’t be afraid,” Margaret held Ruby’s little hand, trying to keep her voice from trembling, and comforted her softly, “It’ll be fine… Don’t you still have to go play with sister Ansuya? You’ll see her soon. Do you want her to see a Ruby who cries when she encounters difficulties? She really admires you.”

  With red eyes, Ruby nodded, shook her head, and finally held back the tears in her eyes and didn’t cry out loud.

  Margaret forced a smile from her face and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

  ”So good…”

  ”The Willant people don’t cry. Our tears dried up the moment we were born.”

  The church was quiet.

  Except for the whispering and the quiet sobbing, no one really cried out loud.

  Looking at the Willant people hiding in the church, Melgio’s face was full of sorrow.

  The old nun standing next to him looked at him and said in a very low and soft voice,

  ”Our food is not enough for so many people, not even enough for one meal. Moreover, if the rebels find out that there are so many Willant people hiding here… they will tear everyone here to pieces.”

  ”I know…”

  Melgio looked at the bright moonlight outside the window with a frown, sighed and said,

  ”But I can’t just leave these poor people alone…”

  Although he had never been to the port, it was not difficult for him to imagine what happened there just by listening to the shrill screams.

  Even though he didn’t like the Weilants and even hated their noses, he still couldn’t push these innocent people into the fire pit… even if he was standing on the edge of the fire pit.

  This was not only because of the teachings of the Silver Moon Goddess and the Spirit of the Sand Sea, but also because of his conscience.

  ”I know… we can’t leave them alone, but letting them stay here is not a solution,” the old nun said with a bitter expression on her face, lowering her voice, “We have to find a way to send them out of the city… Only when they leave the city can they be truly safe.”

  The rebels had just taken control of the port and had not yet completely mastered the entire settlement.

  If they wanted to leave the city, now might be the only chance…

  But how could so many Weilants get out?

  Melgio’s face was full of sorrow, and at this moment there was a knock on the door, which instantly made everyone in the church’s heart rise to their throats.


  The clear knock on the door was like the footsteps of the god of death.

  Margaret, who was sitting on the bench, held her breath like her compatriots here, and held her daughter’s hand tightly.

  But at this moment, a low and gentle call floated in from the closed door.

  ”Excuse me… Is Miss Margaret in there? I am Sharma’s housekeeper… If you are in there, please answer the call.”

  Hearing the voice, Margaret covered her mouth excitedly, and then raised her hand to indicate that the person calling outside the door was herself.

  A pair of eyes looked at her, including Isher who was standing at the door.

  Isher was also undecided and looked at Pastor Melgio who was standing in the church.

  The latter was silent for a moment, and then nodded.

  ”… Open the door.”

  Hiding here is definitely a dead end, maybe the person who came in can find a way.

  As the door of the church opened, an old man with a strong body walked in with a man with a cloth wrapped around his arm.

  Seeing the cloth wrapped around his arm, Isher’s eyes widened in an instant, and everyone around him grabbed the weapons in their hands.

  It’s Janusz’s people!

  We must not let this guy go back alive!

  As if he saw the murderous intent in those eyes, the old man raised his hand quickly.

  ”Don’t get excited… Sahadu, it’s Sharma master’s servant. This is my nephew, Parveen. He may have done something stupid, but I can guarantee with my life that he is different from those people outside. He woke up in time.”

  The young man named Parveen was obviously also scared, but when he saw Sahadu’s eyes, he came back to his senses and hurriedly explained.

  ”I… I was also forced. Those guys killed everyone they saw…”

  ”How can I believe you.” Ishel lowered his voice and clenched the knife in his hand.

  Parveen swallowed his saliva and said in a trembling voice.

  ”I can’t make you trust me… But anyone who is not crazy should know that those guys are doomed. Not to mention that the Alliance will not help them, I’m afraid even the devil Laxi will not help them. I don’t want to die… Is this reason enough?”

  ”Enough, very clear,” Isher walked up and patted his shoulder, then pulled him aside, “Please forgive my previous offense, we are just as forced as you.”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”Do you have a way out?”

  Paven nodded hurriedly and spoke quickly.

  ”Yes… I will be the captain of ten men. In ten minutes, around four o’clock in the morning, this street will be under my control. I will find a way to get rid of the people. Many people have been looking for fun in the port all night. I estimate that four o’clock should be the time when the patrol is the most relaxed.”

  Noticing the eager eyes looking at him, Paven felt his scalp tingling slightly and said in a low voice.

  ”… That’s right, it’s not realistic for everyone to escape, but a few people are still no problem.”

  The old butler named Sahadu also said hurriedly.

  ”I parked a carriage outside the city… to pick up Lady Margaret and Miss Ruby.”

  Margaret asked anxiously.

  ”Can you get a few more carriages?”

  Sahadu swallowed and nodded hurriedly.

  ”It should be possible… but that has to be after returning to the master’s manor. I can’t contact the master now.”

  He didn’t want to cause any trouble at all. He took a big risk to enter the city at this juncture. If he was not careful, he might lose his life and that of his nephew.

  Margaret gritted her teeth, grasped Ruby’s little hand, then gave the maid beside her a look and stood up from the chair.

  ”Wait for me here… After we get out of here, I will definitely bring people to rescue you!”

  She would not give up these compatriots.

  She would do her best to persuade Earl Sharma.

  Hasn’t that guy always been eager to be promoted to the core power circle of Tiandu with the help of the Willant people?

  This opportunity is right in front of us!

  As long as he can rescue some people, even if he can only rescue a dozen or twenty, after the situation calms down, he can at least be made a duke!

  ”Silver Moon Goddess witnessed your oath… Go, ma’am,” Melgio said softly, “I believe you will not forget your compatriots.”

  Margaret nodded seriously.

  ”That’s for sure, I can swear to my little Ruby–”

  As soon as her voice fell, the devil-like voice suddenly floated in from outside the door.

  Everyone’s heartbeat was frozen in an instant, as if they were under a spell.

  ”Ruby? Tsk tsk… What a nice name.”


  The palace of Tiandu.

  Wu Tuo was sleeping soundly in the bedroom, dreaming about battleships and Xilan coins.

  However, at this moment, a burst of hurried footsteps and a hurried report suddenly woke him up from his dream.

  ”Your Majesty! Something terrible has happened! Rebellion, rebels–”

  ”Rebels?” Wu Tuo sat up from the bed with a start. He hurriedly tidied his appearance, stared at the eunuch who was kneeling on one knee and asked, “Where is the rebellion again?”

  The eunuch did not dare to breathe, his head pressed against the plush carpet with gold edges.

  ”…Xifan Port! It’s Xifan Port!”

  Xifan Port?

  Wu Tuo was stunned for a moment, and the sleepiness that had just been interrupted surged up again. He rubbed his eyebrows and said.

  ”Isn’t that the territory of the Weilante people… I have already handed it over to the Weilante people to take care of.”

  The eunuch continued with a bitter expression.

  ”That’s what I said… But the problem lies with the Weilante people. I don’t know why those laborers were so bold that they robbed the weapons placed in the port warehouse by the Weilante people and took down the Xifan Port!”

  Wu Tuo’s heart suddenly skipped a beat, his mouth opened wide, and he was stunned on the bed.

  Took down…

  the port of the Weilante people? !

  He himself didn’t know that the group of inferior people under his command had such ability!

  No –

  if they were really so powerful, how could they have fought so badly on the Ten Peaks Mountain?

  Because the expeditionary army was so embarrassing, he didn’t even bother to issue an edict to call them back, and just left them in the small enclave of the empire in the Haiya Province.

  Looking at the stunned Majesty, the eunuch stammered.

  ”The rebels have occupied the port… Now the Willant people living there are in danger. I’m worried that the legion will vent their anger on us. We’d better think of a way to save the people there.”

  Wu Tuo, who came to his senses, first reacted to ask the legion for help, but he soon realized that both Governor Huye and General McLen had gone home for the New Year.

  To be precise, it was the “birthday” on the second weekend after the New Year.

  Wu Tuo got out of bed and paced back and forth anxiously.

  In an instant, he suddenly thought of something, so he hurried to the eunuch, looked down at him and asked.

  ”Where are the soldiers trained by General McLen? Aren’t there still some in Lion State?”

  The eunuch said with a sad face.

  ”Those are officers and non-commissioned officers. They only add up to a little over 1,000. They are no match for the rebels at all…”

  Wu Tuo asked anxiously.

  ”How many rebels are there!”

  ”No, I don’t know… It’s hard to tell the exact number. Some reports say 50,000 or 60,000, and some say 100,000 or so.” The eunuch swallowed his saliva and said in a panic, “Your Majesty… Issue an edict. Only by sending your imperial guards over there can we get rid of those guys!”

  Wu Tuo’s thoughts turned quickly in his mind. He couldn’t ignore this matter.

  If he didn’t help, the Willant people would definitely settle accounts with him later.

  However, he had to consider not only the safety of the Willant people, but also his own safety!

  Now that the Gray Wolf Army is fighting in Mammoth State, he only has the imperial guards as his last card.

  If his imperial guards are sent out, who else can protect his safety?

  Rely on the city defense forces of Tiandu?

  The most embarrassing thing about the Xilan Empire is this bunch of stuff. Those poor guys covered in mud are of no use at all!

  Sending the city defense forces over there is of course not an option, which is almost equivalent to sending people to their deaths.

  Among all the evils, Wu Tuo gritted his teeth and made a decisive decision.

  ”Let the local army of Lion State gather!”

  The eunuch was stunned for a moment. He remembered that His Majesty had repeatedly emphasized some time ago that we should not only be wary of alliances, but also be wary of local forces taking the opportunity to expand.

  Both will hurt the foundation of the empire.

  If the local army of Lion State is allowed to gather, wouldn’t it be equivalent to copying another Tiger State and Leopard State in the west? !

  Those local nobles are of course happy to recruit soldiers, but it is difficult to get these soldiers to unarmor and return to the fields.


  ”There are Willant people in Lion State, so even if the local forces become bigger, they are not to be feared. No need to say more, just do as I say!” Wu Tuo’s eyes flashed with brilliance, and the decisive tone made the eunuch kneeling on the ground shake.

  He was not scared to pee by the kingly aura of His Majesty’s tiger body. He rarely peed without a tube, but every time his respected Majesty patted his head and made a decision, it was definitely not a good thing. He was worried that this time would be the same.

  How about discussing it with the cabinet before making a decision?

  He really thought so in his heart, but he didn’t dare to say anything more, so he could only respond timidly.


  Just as His Majesty Wu Tuo’s edict and the envoys were galloping towards Shizhou, the sun of the next day had already set on the blood-stained port again. The

  stench filled the entire dock, attracting countless flies and rats, as well as vultures soaring in the sky…

  It was impossible to count how many people died last night, but one thing was certain: this cleansing was absolutely thorough enough. Even Kent, who looked down on the workers’ union from the bottom of his heart and thought that they were no different from the inner city nobles, would be silent and speechless.

  Enough people died this time.

  It was also thorough enough.

  But I always felt that… something was wrong.

  In this way, the bloody carnival lasted for two days and two nights.

  It was not until the morning of the third day that Janusz finally remembered what he was going to do, and finally recognized his supporters. So he waved his arm and led the slaves who had broken free from the shackles and chains out of the city, saying that he was going to save more slaves.

  Slavery must be abolished. The examples of Xifan Port and Jingalon Port are enough to prove that there is a kind of chain in this world that is more reliable than the contract, and the new empire will have to use this thing in the future.

  When he thought of what he was going to do, he was so excited that his whole body trembled and his face was flushed.

  It was at this time that he suddenly felt that the title of “King” was still too small and was not enough to summarize his merits.

  So he rewarded it to his subordinates, and divided it into thirteen kings, corresponding to the thirteen states of the Borneo Province.

  As for himself, he proclaimed himself the King of Heaven, the only king in the world!

  In order to make his name sound more resounding, he also incorporated some legends about the wolf swallowing the sun into the title of Heavenly King, saying that the wolf tribe had been waiting for this moment for a long time, and he was the one chosen by the wolf god.

  As for the future capital of the new empire, it would also be located in Wolf State, which was his hometown.

  There were as many as 200,000 people gathered under his command, and most of them were slaves and serfs.

  They were not all from Xifan Port, and some were from nearby manors.

  As for the dock workers who first ignited the fire, they became a minority in the team…

  This was inevitable.

  After all, although Xifan Port gathered 99% of the wealth of the entire Lion State, its population only accounted for a little more than one-ninth of the entire state.

  All the rebels knew that they couldn’t stir up any big waves with just that few people. They had to involve more people and burn the fire farther away. Only in this way could they hope to survive!

  In addition, since they decided to do something big, they naturally couldn’t call themselves rebels.

  Janusz quickly gave his organization a name, the Heavenly King Savior Army, or Heavenly Army for short!

  Although it sounds rustic, it’s enough to be impressive. Anyway, his men are not educated people.

  And the most important thing is that he himself couldn’t figure it out. He couldn’t think of a better name, so he could only stuff it in with something bluffing.

  To be honest, this name really bluffed a man who had just returned to Dawn City from the southern seas to celebrate the New Year.

  Heavenly Army!

  Why does this name sound “sky-like”?

  When the intelligence of the “Heavenly Army” was passed to Chu Guang after several twists and turns, it was already the fourth morning of the “Xifan Port Massacre”.

  That is, New Year’s Day in the year 214 of the Wasteland Era.

  At the same time, the thousand-man team led by Ross finally approached Xifan Port and prepared to start support.

  There were two transport ships, a supply ship, and a shallow-water heavy gunboat carrying out the transport mission.

  This thing is called a near-shore ship, but it can actually be used in the open sea.

  The Legion did not master the mind interference technology, but the sound waves of a specific frequency emitted by the sonar device can also drive away some dangerous alien species.

  After unloading the supplies, the two transport ships and the supply ship will immediately start the evacuation mission.

  The submarine heavy gunboat will stay on the shore for support.

  The plan is perfect.

  The only pity is that no matter how you look at it, they are too late…

  Looking at the messy and bloody port, Ross felt his eyes go black and he almost fainted.

  His hands tightly grasped the railing of the ship’s string to keep himself steady, and the paint flakes even pierced into his flesh.

  McLen, who was standing next to him, had an equally gloomy face. He held a telescope in his hand and stared at the port with cold eyes.

  There was a blackened flagpole on the roof of the Governor’s Mansion, on which was a corpse that was almost eaten by crows, with only bones and meat left…

  and there were more on the open ground, and the blood plasma almost painted every brick red.

  It seemed to be a provocation to the Legion.

  What was even more ridiculous was that there were several 100mm cannons that they gave to the locals on the port.

  Those toothpicks were just standing there, motionless and facing themselves.

  Those artillerymen and soldiers squatting on the port didn’t seem to take their four ships seriously at all.


  After chewing this word a thousand times in his mouth, Ross finally let go of the almost twisted railing and cast his eyes behind him.

  It wasn’t just him.

  All the soldiers on the deck were ignited with anger, their pupils were staring with bloodshot eyes, and their iron-blue faces were as cold as blades.

  ”It’s the plunderer…”

  Ross stretched out a trembling index finger and pointed in the direction of the port, and the expression on his face gradually twisted.

  Then, he took off the intercom hanging on his shoulder and shouted in a voice that was almost roaring.

  ”Cannon! Reload!”

  ”Fire for me–!!!”

  ”Fire until I shout stop!!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode