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Chapter 825: Hell and Heaven Are Only Thousands of Kilometers Apart

Chapter 825: Hell and Heaven Are Only Thousands of Kilometers Apart


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 825: Hell and Heaven Are Only Thousands of Kilometers Apart

  At the same time when the reinforcements led by Ross arrived at the port, the soldiers of the Heavenly King Army stationed in Xifan Port were also eagerly waiting, ready to teach these big noses a lesson.

  Imran, the centurion in charge of commanding the first line of defense.

  At this moment, he was holding a telescope of the Weilant Army, “secretly observing” the four warships coming from afar.

  Three of them seemed to be transport ships, and there was a black thing that should be a warship, but it was too far away to see the specific situation.

  Seeing that there was only one warship, Imran felt a little relieved.

  It seems that just as His Majesty Janush said, the legion can’t send many people over.

  In fact, until four days ago, he was still a centurion of the city defense army, living a happy life of fishing and drying nets on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and bullying men and women on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Saturdays.

  However, because the leader fled in the face of the enemy, they defected and joined the rebels without firing a shot.

  In fact, it is no wonder that they did not resist.

  Due to the special “ecological environment” of Xilan, Tiandu had to guard against local forces, and the local nobles were not interested in raising a group of soldiers that they could not command.

  Therefore, in the Xilan Empire, the city defense army, which was not loved by grandma and uncle, was the lowest in combat effectiveness. Although there was a city defense in the name, what they did on weekdays had nothing to do with city defense, that is, bullying those mud legs who worked on the farmland, vendors who set up stalls, or ruffians like them.

  Janus, who came from the Gray Wolf Army, actually looked down on them.

  However, perhaps for the purpose of more the better, or perhaps out of helplessness because there was really no one available, he finally accepted them all.

  Not only that.

  This benevolent Heavenly King not only retained the original officers of the City Defense Army, but also generously promoted and even reused them, and even rewarded them with the rich Xifan Port!

  Imran could see that their Heavenly King had a big plan!

  This honorable Heavenly King really intended to overthrow the corrupt and incompetent empire!

  They actually did have a chance.

  At present, the empire’s trump card is in the distant Mammoth State, and there is no time to return to defend, and it is impossible to return to defend.

  On the other hand, their king, relying on the legend of the wolf swallowing the sun and the declaration of liberating all slaves, has raised a large army of 200,000 people in just a few days!

  Even though the quality of this army is uneven, and there are serious problems with equipment and supplies, they are huge in size! And the morale is high!

  They are like snowballs rolling down the mountain, not only rolling bigger and bigger, but also more and more powerful, and will eventually turn into an avalanche that sweeps everything!

  And if this guy really succeeds, then he will also be a follower of the dragon!

  Maybe he can be made an earl…

  Just when Imran was daydreaming, a cannon shot in the distance suddenly pulled him back to reality.

  He shuddered all over, and almost reflexively used all his strength, grabbed the walkie-talkie and shouted loudly.

  ”It’s the Legion! The Willants! Those big noses are coming! Everyone prepare to fight!”

  The loud voice spread across the battlefield through the mic.

  Encouraged by the hoarse voice, shouts rose and fell along the entire defense line.

  ”Oh, oh, oh!”

  ”Damn the Willants!”

  ”Fuck! Show those big noses some color!”

  The noisy sound was like the squeaking of mice. At this moment, they were still clamoring for war, not realizing that they were in big trouble.

  The first to launch the attack was the 380mm naval gun on the shallow water heavy gunboat.

  The thick flames shot up from the dark steel deck, like a sword piercing the sky, and like a thunder piercing the clear sky!

  When the deafening roar pushed away the heavy waves, the little mice guarding the port finally realized vaguely what kind of enemy they were facing.

  No one had ever dared to provoke these guys who were born for war like they did.


  The boiling lava exploded on the brick-paved road!

  Pieces of bricks flew up like onions in dry land, and the shock wave swept across the street in an instant!

  The two 100mm guns at the street entrance had no time to fire, and they didn’t even see the shadow of the target completely, and they were crushed into a ball of twisted scrap metal by the hot shock wave.

  The gunners and loaders squatting on the side didn’t even have time to scream, and they were crushed into debris along with the broken windows on both sides of the street.

  It was the unlucky ones squatting on the edge of the explosion area who lay in the ruins like rags.

  Being half dead was the worst.

  Those who were injured in the explosion were twitching and trembling, struggling in the ruins…


  ”My… legs…”


  ”Help… Don’t… I don’t want to die…”

  The whole port was dead silent.

  There was only the crackling sound of the broken beams and the howling of wolves and ghosts in the thick smoke.

  Some people cried bitterly while holding their broken legs, some curled up like shrimp balls, and some tried in vain to stuff their leaking intestines back into their stomachs…

  The soldiers of the Heavenly King Army holding guns were all stunned.

  Facing the street that turned into ruins in an instant, they were speechless in an instant.

  What was that…?

  It seemed like just a blink of an eye.

  The defense line they spent two days and two nights building was rolled into a ball and thrown into the sky.

  Half of the 100-man team was wiped out in an instant, and they didn’t even see where the Willant people were…


  ”Black rain” suddenly fell from the sky.

  The stones and mud that were blown away by the artillery fire fell “swoosh swoosh” and hit the bunkers in front of the soldiers, hit their helmets, and even got into their collars…

  waking up countless people from their sleep!

  Imran, the captain standing at the front line, opened his mouth, not realizing that he had wet his pants.

  He finally understood why Janush left in such a hurry.

  His thoughts at this moment were exactly the same as that guy’s, and also exactly the same as his former superior!

  In the end, his former superior was the real smart man, the guy who usually kept a low profile was more sober than anyone else.

  That guy knew from the beginning that from the moment the rebels occupied the port area, Xifan Port was finished, no matter if they resisted or not, they were dead!

  In that case, why resist?

  Run for your life!

  Imran opened his mouth, restrained the panic on his face, and shouted loudly with a fierce look.

  ”… Don’t panic! We have a lot of people here! They only have three… oh no, four ships! If they have the ability, don’t go ashore. When they go ashore… I will definitely make them look good!”

  Even if it was to buy time for himself to escape, he had to let those little mice hold the front line.

  While shouting arrogantly, he retreated, and finally turned off the intercom connected to the radio, and threw the job of commanding the soldiers to fight to the adjutant who was also trembling.

  As for himself, he made up some messy excuses at random, and fled from the command post of the front-line position in a panic in the desperate eyes of a group of makeshift teams.

  Just as he prayed, the Willant people did not plan to go ashore.

  At least not now.

  The previous shell was just a calibration shot.

  After confirming the impact point, the thick barrel once again – and again and again, it spewed out flames!

  The roaring shells covered the entire port, blasting the defenders huddled in the building and making them run away, screaming and clamoring.

  Xifan Port is not a military port, and there are no solid fortresses or bunkers here.

  As for the marble buildings brought here by the Willant people, they can’t provide the mice hiding inside with a trace of cover. They almost collapsed in front of the 380mm heavy artillery.

  Just like tofu smashed by a knife!

  When the third shell fell, the morale of the 1,000-man team of the Tianwang Army stationed in the port had completely collapsed.

  In the final analysis, most people here don’t actually know why they are fighting. What’s the point of winning this game? They just feel that they can win.

  It was not until the moment when the cannon sounded that they realized how abstract the mess in their heads was. The real war was not like what they imagined!

  However, it was too late to regret…

  The roar of the cannon did not stop because of their fear and wailing, but rolled over their heads and rolled all the way into the nearby urban area.

  Not only did the defenders suffer countless casualties, but the civilians in the urban area were also the same. They had just been ravaged by the rebels a few days ago, and this time they were beaten by the Willant people.

  The cannon sounded for more than ten minutes, and the once prosperous port was filled with thick smoke.


  McLen reached out and grabbed Ross’s shoulders, turning the latter’s face around.

  Ross’s eyes were red, like a devil crawling out of hell, and the corners of his mouth kept twitching.

  ”Enough… Enough? Not enough at all! You saw it too! Look at what they did! These beasts… I’m going to kill them all! They must pay with blood!”

  He roared hysterically, and every inch of muscle on his face was shaking.

  After all, he didn’t have to listen to McLen’s orders, and at this moment he even forgot the respect of the subordinates for their superiors.

  McLen didn’t blame him for his rudeness, after all, he felt the same.

  ”I agree with your point of view, but don’t forget, that’s our port.”

  McLen stared at him intently, his eyes were cold, and his hands holding his shoulders slightly tightened.

  ”Besides, don’t you think it’s too easy for these beasts to be executed by cannon?”

  Ross was stunned for a moment, and although his breathing was still heavy, he was no longer as crazy as before.

  McLen continued slowly.

  ”Don’t you have the ‘Gray Man’ mercenaries… I have a good idea. They are so brave, let’s see how brave they are.”

  When he said this, the corners of his tight mouth gradually showed a cruel smile.

  Seeing that cruel smile, Ross suddenly felt a chill on his back.

  He understood what this guy wanted to do.

  As expected of a barbarian from the Eastern Legion, his way of torturing people is different from ordinary ones.


  this sounds like a good idea.

  Ross’s mouth gradually curled up a cruel arc, and he reached a consensus with the demon from the Eastern Legion in front of him.


  cannon execution is too easy for them.

  How about fighting the mutants with bare hands?

  Based on his understanding of the “grays”, those animals will tear them into parts, and will tear them down bit by bit to keep the food fresh…

  He no longer wants to treat those guys on the shore as human beings, he just wants to kill them all in the most cruel way!

  Restraining the grim smile on his mouth, McLen patted his shoulder, and then looked towards the coastline.

  ”…Even if there is a surviving Willant, we have to save them.”

  ”It’s enough to vent your anger, now it’s our turn for the boys.”


  As the gunfire stopped, two transport ships full of soldiers rushed to the port together.

  The soldiers standing on the deck had already been full of anger, tightly grasping their rifles, wishing to eat the beasts on the shore alive!

  The “Purge” team stood in the front row. The big guys wearing heavy bulletproof armor held flamethrowers and revolver barrels in their hands.

  These big guys were all Weylanders who failed to awaken. The unstable fragments buried in their DNA gave them extraordinary toughness and strength, but took away their IQ.

  However, even those stupid faces were filled with bloodthirsty anger at this moment.


  A big guy roared, and the barrel of the revolver in his hand was placed half an inch above his knees. In the whistling of the revolver, he vented a storm of bullets! The

  Tianwang Army soldiers lying behind the bunkers were suppressed by the violent firepower and could not raise their heads. They had no way to fight back. They could only stick their rifles out of the bunkers and shoot randomly.

  This trick is effective in street fighting, but when used at a distance of hundreds of meters, the bullets either flew into the sky or all swept onto the ground.

  In addition to wasting ammunition, they can be said to have no effect at all!

  The beach firepower position near the port was quickly prepared, and the 100-man team that landed first was immediately divided into ten teams, divided into three echelons and rushed to the wreckage of the building that had been plowed by artillery fire.

  Not long after, the sound of gunfire and the wailing of the fallen could be heard from the ruins.

  A Willant soldier first shot a soldier of the Heavenly King Army through the wall and broke his leg. Then, as the latter begged for mercy, he smashed his forehead with the butt of his rifle.

  ”Damn it! What kind of skill is it to attack civilians? If you have the guts, come at me! Get up!!!”

  The man yelled, smashing the bloody face with the butt of his rifle like pounding garlic, and stopped only when his teammates pulled him behind the bunker.

  ”Enough, the beast is dead!”

  The man’s face was also full of hatred after skillfully reloading the bullet, and he squeezed out a sentence from his lips with gritted teeth.

  ”…There are still so many alive.”


  These Willant soldiers have gone crazy and killed almost everyone they saw!

  Shooting with guns, roasting with fire, smashing with butts of guns, stabbing with bayonets!

  Stepping over the broken windows and streets, they rushed to the faces of the Heavenly King Army soldiers and used almost all means of killing!

  Facing this group of crazy Willant people, the soldiers of the Heavenly King Army were all scared out of their wits, and no longer had the look of clamoring for a decisive battle.

  At first, they tried to make a desperate struggle, but after realizing that they could not win, they immediately tore off the bandages on their arms, threw away their weapons and fled for their lives.

  Just as they had hurriedly wrapped the bandages, they now threw away the faith they had picked up.

  In the final analysis, this battle was not evenly matched from the beginning.

  Most of the defenders squatting here were civilians a few days ago, and they had just figured out how to shoot and aim.

  If they really had the courage to fear no death, or the faith they were willing to defend to the death, these defects would not be so fatal, and they could have exchanged some lives for their lives.

  But it was obvious that they did not.

  At least most of the people who died here did not.

  On the other hand, the people on the other side were all “genetic warriors” produced using the technology of the prosperous era!

  Not to mention that the strength, physique and reflexes of these Willant people are about 20% stronger than those of ordinary people, which is equivalent to one more “attribute point” for strength, physique and agility. Standing here are not ordinary Willant people, but a group of well-trained soldiers!

  Although the proportion of awakened people in the legion is not as exaggerated as that of dozens of legions in the alliance, they have also struggled out of the hell of iron and fire.

  And this group of thugs who only dare to swing knives at the weak are naturally no match for these evil ghosts!

  Looking at the Tianwang soldiers running away with their tails between their legs, the killing-red-eyed Willant soldiers roared and chased after them, shooting and roaring.

  ”Fuck… Aren’t you very capable? Why are you running! Come on! Pick up your guns!”

  Bullets whizzed around behind them, and the Tianwang soldiers who had torn off the cloth strips dared not stop. They ran around in the ruins without a life, like crazy rats.

  The two teams of ten people who were crippled were driven into a house with a collapsed second floor.

  They were so frightened that they pointed their guns at each other reflexively and almost fought with each other.

  At this time, the Weilants had already chased them outside the door. They hurriedly lifted the cabinet that had fallen on the glass house to block the door and the window on the front wall, and then found a white cloth and hung it on the broken leg of a stool and handed it out of the window.

  ”We surrender!”

  ”My lord… we will never dare to do it again! Please spare us!”

  ”We are… we are from the city defense army! We are not in the same group with them. It was that Janusz who forced us to fight you!”

  The two soldiers standing at the door looked at each other and grinned. One of them pulled out a grenade, but the other pushed it back and patted the white phosphorus bomb hanging on his waist.

  ”Use this one of mine.”

  The fuse was pulled out, and the soldier standing at the door squeezed a crack in the sealed window, skillfully threw the thing in his hand into the house, and then pulled the bunker blocking the window tightly.

  A burst of strange noises came from the room, like a mouse in a flooded mouse hole.

  The brilliant and deadly flames bloomed like fireworks, dragging pungent poisonous smoke flying wantonly, and set everything in the house on fire. Miserable

  screams rang out in the house, and the burning heavenly soldiers tried to move the cabinets blocking the door, but were kicked back into the sea of ​​fire by the people guarding the door.

  Screams rose and fell on the battlefield.

  This can no longer be called a battle, it was a one-sided massacre…

  As the Willant people landed one after another, the massacre lasted from early morning until noon.

  When McLennan and Ross and his party stepped onto the port, the entire port was almost dyed red with blood.

  In the end, the Weilant people suffered nearly a hundred casualties, and nearly 5,000 of the 20,000 Heavenly King soldiers stationed at the port were killed. Most of the rest fled to various urban areas of the settlement and hid.

  Xifan Port is also a gathering place with a population of one million. Even after the turmoil of the Heavenly King, there are still 700,000 to 800,000 people left.

  Ross first reported the local situation to Yongye Port, called for a batch of reinforcements and supplies, and then sent three teams of 100 people to block several major exits from the settlement, and issued a death order of “killing anyone who dares to approach the checkpoint directly.”

  Blood debt must be paid with blood.

  Their revenge has just begun…


  Like other high-ranking Heavenly Kings stationed in the settlement, Imran, the thousand-man commander, did not have time to run out of the city or hide himself, and was arrested and taken back to the place where he had fought before. To

  be precise, he was voluntarily handed over by the residents of Xifan Port.

  The group of Weilant people who were bloodthirsty scared everyone, and no one dared to keep this guy.

  Kneeling on the floor tiles of the port.

  Imran looked up at the two Willant officers standing in front of him with trembling mouth, trying to beg for mercy.

  ”My lord…”

  ”I, I was also forced… I really had nothing to do with that night! It was all that guy named Janusz… They were the ones who looted the port area! I, I can help you–”

  McLennan didn’t even look at the stray dog, just took off the cigar in his mouth and blew out a smoke ring.

  Then he suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed the guy’s head, and then fiercely poked the burning cigarette butt into his left eye, and was severely crushed.



  The pig-like screams echoed in the room, instantly drowning out the sizzling sound of the Maillard reaction.

  Only when the blood oozing out extinguished the fire of the cigar did McLen throw the bloody cigar into the sea, and then grabbed the guy’s hair and lifted his head.

  ”Did I ask you?”

  Imran, whose face was covered in blood, trembled, twitched as if he had been electrocuted, and swallowed the air in big mouthfuls, like a dead fish thrown on the shore.

  ”You still have one eye left,” McLen stared at his only remaining eye and said word by word, “What I ask, you answer, understand?”

  ”Yes… yes! Oh no, understand! I understand, sir!” Imran nodded his weak head with all his strength.

  McLen threw him to the ground in disgust, looked at this guy twisting like a maggot, and asked all the questions he wanted to ask in a cold tone.

  Including who was involved that night, the mastermind involved, how many people died, how they died, and how many people survived, etc.

  As long as he knew something, Imran poured out everything in one go.

  After asking for the information he wanted, McLen nodded, then pulled out his gun neatly and pointed it at the stunned face with a “bang”.

  He never said that he would spare this guy’s life, but he would suffer less if he told the truth.

  ”Bury it according to local customs.”


  The soldier next to him stood at attention, saluted, and then dragged the dead dog-like body to the side.

  ”Ten thousand a day, it will take two months… Tsk,” Ross clicked his tongue, his face still angry, and clenched his fists fiercely, “Damn… or apply for a strategic nuclear warhead.”

  If he continued to kill at this rate, he would not be able to go home before his birthday.

  ”Come on, we have to find another place to rebuild the port.” McLen took off his gloves, threw them into the sea, and then took out a new cigar to light himself.

  Although this colony is the political achievement of the civil service group, it is the property of the Willant people after all.

  He paused after blowing a smoke ring, and continued in a cold tone.

  ”Just replace the dirty blood.”

  ”We still need the land.”


  In the wasteland, the distribution of information transmission speed is as extremely uneven as the distribution of wealth.

  This is not only limited by the influence of the level of technology, but also to a greater extent by a series of problems such as the degree of infrastructure construction, orbital garbage and the interference of the radioactive layer on electromagnetic wave signals.

  It is for such reasons that some places in the wasteland have even restored the “Internet of Everything” of the prosperous era, which not only allows high-intensity surfing anytime and anywhere 24 hours a day, but also can flush refrigerators.

  However, some places still need to rely on telegraphs or even more primitive ways to exchange information, highlighting a pure nature.

  It is for this reason.

  The tragedy that occurred in Xifan Port is only known to the executioners who fired the guns and the poor people who were shot.

  On the morning of the first day of the 214th year of the wasteland era, most of the settlements of the alliance were still immersed in the festive joy.

  Last night, Dawn City set off fireworks for a full two hours to celebrate the New Year.

  The survivor settlements that had good relations with the Alliance not only celebrated New Year’s Day and New Year’s Eve in a fashionable way, but also broadcast the fireworks feast on their own TVs or other media devices! The

  festive atmosphere lasted until the next morning.

  Just a few hours before the Weylanders launched their attack on Xifan Port, the streets of Dawn City were full of people and cheers.

  Both local residents and wastelanders who lived here got up early and gathered in the square of Dawn City early.

  Although it snowed all night last night, it did not extinguish the enthusiasm in people’s hearts.

  A pair of eyes filled with excitement and joy stared at the center of the square.

  And where the eyes converged, a blue power armor was standing there.

  With a smile that made people feel like spring breeze on his resolute and handsome face, he gently waved to the people who were watching him, just like greeting an old friend who had not seen him for a long time.

  At this moment, people’s enthusiasm was completely ignited. Small flags as big as palms waved like waves, and the whole square burst into warm cheers.

  ”Long live the administrator!!”

  ”Long live the alliance!!!”

  Of course.

  In addition to the stereotyped calls, there are also some unique voices.

  Mainly from the players.

  ”Brother Guang is awesome!”

  ”Brother Guang, look at me! Brother Guang!”

  ”Remember the garbage dump by Linghu Lake? I helped you pick up junk!”

  ”Daddy, look at me!”

  ”Get lost, stop trying to make connections!”

  ”Hey… the NPCs in this game are so handsome, they are almost half as good as me.”


  Although some NPCs in the alliance have learned Mandarin, such as Boss Xia,

  because the players’ speeches were too abstract, even Xiaoyu, who learned Mandarin the earliest, could not understand.

  Pai, standing in the crowd, tiptoed and curiously poked his head towards the residents of the shelter.

  ”What is that person shouting over there?”

  Xiaoyu, who didn’t care much at first, closed her eyes and listened carefully for a while, and said seriously.

  ”It seems that he is shouting that he wants to give birth to a child for Brother Chu.”

  Pai was stunned for a moment and turned his head.

  ”Ah? But that guy is a man?”

  Xiaoyu’s eyebrows immediately stood up.

  ”That won’t work!”

  Alyssa, who was standing aside, said with a smile.

  ”Let’s not talk about whether it is possible or not… That kind of thing is simply impossible.”

  Heya smiled with her arms folded, and gently pushed the holographic glasses on her nose.

  ”From a technical point of view…”

  Before she could finish her words, she was covered by Boss Xia beside her.

  ”Okay, okay, don’t talk about technology, I don’t want to hear that stuff, thank you!”

  Standing here are not only residents of the Alliance, but also many wastelanders who came from afar, as well as residents of other survivor forces

  . The legend of the Alliance Manager no longer belongs only to the Alliance or the River Valley Province.

  The returning coalition forces and all those who yearn for order have already brought the deeds of him and the residents of Shelter 404 to every corner of the wasteland.

  Those stories were like dandelion seeds, taking root and sprouting in one piece of strange land after another.

  And those who admired him, at this moment, all came here with a pilgrimage mood.

  Countless people came here from the distant Ideal City and even Triumph City to see him in person and see what this guy who led the coalition to victory looked like.

  ”…Is that the manager of the alliance?”

  ”He actually looks quite young.”

  ”I thought he would be an old man… I didn’t expect him to look only in his early twenties.”

  ”Could it be that he has actually lived for a long time, but it’s just not visible.”

  ”Are you talking about the old men in the academy?”

  ”It’s hard to say, who knows about this kind of thing.”

  Several Willant people folded their arms and stood at the edge of the crowd in the square, looking at the figure standing in the center.

  Not far away from them, several survivors from Ideal City were shouting with joy with several mercenaries from the Free State next to them.

  ”I heard that in the Weifu Wasteland, he smashed a pioneer wearing biological power armor with a hammer!”

  ”He also went to the front line in person?!”

  ”Haha, then he has a lot of legendary deeds. If you have time, just find a tavern in Dawn City and ask, those drunkards can brag about it all day long.”


  ”It sounds like bragging.”

  ”Hey! I dare not guarantee other things, but this one is absolutely true. To be honest, I used to serve in the 100th Mountain Division, and I saw it with my own eyes!”

  In the boiling noise, the eight o’clock bell rang on time in the square.

  That was the time of the day when the morning sun shone the brightest.

  Standing in the center of the square, Chu Guang looked around at the expectant faces in the square, and spoke in a solemn but friendly voice, sending congratulations to those who were looking forward to it on the first day of the new year.

  ”Today is the 214th year of the Wasteland Era. More than two centuries have passed since we lost everything and fell from heaven into the abyss.”

  ”But at this moment, what I want to commemorate is not the two centuries of decline, but the 213th year of the Wasteland Era that has just passed–”

  ”The history of that entire year was written by our own hands!”

  ”…In the past year, we not only conquered the mother nest that has poisoned this land for more than two hundred years, but also spread the seeds of civilization to the far south, and drove away the plague, chaos and barbarism that were eyeing our prosperity.”

  ”This road is not easy, and it is even full of hardships, setbacks and death. We have stood at the crossroads of destiny more than once, and have fallen into chaos and disagreements several times.”

  ”But fortunately, we did not give up, but united to put aside all disputes, stood side by side for our common destiny, and jointly forged a line of defense to defend the bottom line and dignity of human civilization, and have been fighting for it until this moment, until we achieve the final victory!”

  ”This great and glorious victory belongs not only to the Alliance, but also to those who fought alongside us and all those who have dreams and hopes for ending the Wasteland Era!”

  ”Today we will face new challenges, including how to resolve those unresolved disputes, how to continue to extend the road that has been illuminated, how to sow the seeds of civilization to more distant places, and nurture them to grow and take shape.”

  ”I believe we have enough ability and determination to fulfill all our assumptions about tomorrow. Our predecessors have left us enough experience, blueprints and inspirations. Now it’s time to take over the torch in their hands and pass on the flame!”

  ”The Wasteland Era will definitely end in our hands. This victory that is two centuries late will eventually belong to us!”

  ”Belongs to all the survivors who have united!”

  The moment Chu Guang’s voice fell, the square was instantly filled with torrential applause and thunderous cheers and applause.

  Looking at those energetic faces, Chu Guang smiled and waved, then handed over the hosting rights of the celebration to the emcee waiting behind him, and announced the official start of the celebration.

  As before, Chu Guang did not intend to take up too much of people’s time.

  After distributing the medals of honor to the players, he left the square belonging to all the survivors surrounded by flowers and applause.

  He has always felt that on this day worth celebrating, people should spend more time with their families instead of spending their energy on themselves.

  Besides, he also needs some private time to deal with some trivial matters in life and interpersonal relationships, and to walk around this settlement.

  Especially the latter.

  He wanted to spend more time to see how people were doing during his absence, and what new tricks his lovely little players had come up with.

  However, just as Chu Guang was thinking about where to go for a meal first, Lu Bei, who was following behind him, suddenly seemed to have received some news, and his face instantly became serious.

  He quickened his pace and walked to Chu Guang’s side, lowering his voice and whispering.

  ”Sir…something big has happened!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode