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Chapter 827 Punishment and Mediation

Chapter 827 Punishment and Mediation


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 827 Punishment and Mediation

  On the outskirts of Xifan Port, on a piece of red land near the coastline.

  A dozen Willant people were carrying rifles in their hands, smoking and looking at the people digging pits in the distance.

  There were men, women, old people and even young children in the pits.

  Obviously, the Willant people did not intend to measure their heights with wheels, but chose the most equal approach.

  They held shovels in their hands, sobbed and trembled all over, and buried their heads in the blood-red soil.

  Although most of them knew in their hearts who the pit was used to bury, no one dared to stop.

  After all, if they cooperated, they could live a little longer.

  If they stopped, they would have to be beaten before they died.

  As for resistance…

  these Willant people wished they would do so.

  After all, firing at unarmed people still had to bear some guilt.

  ”Work hard, mud bugs, finish the work as soon as possible and lie down to rest, haha.”

  Walking on the edge of the crowd, a Willant soldier holding a rifle cursed fiercely, not hiding the humiliation in his words.

  Hearing the curse that sounded like from hell, the shoulders of the people who had buried their heads shook uncontrollably, and their sobbing could not stop.

  Finally, someone could not hold on any longer, and collapsed to the ground with his eyes

  blurred. It was not until he saw the Willant soldier striding over that he showed a fearful expression, turned over and knelt on the ground to beg.

  ”Sir… I’m hungry… Can you… let me eat something before digging.”

  ”Hungry? Eat,” the soldier grabbed his head and pressed it to the ground like catching a loach, grinning and cursing, “It’s all over the ground, and you still want me to feed you?” The man who was

  pressed to the ground struggled and begged for mercy, but he could not make a sound at all. Instead, he ate a lot of mud and sand in his mouth, and only after swallowing it could he barely get a chance to breathe.

  ”No, I dare not… Sir…”

  ”Then do it quickly! Waste!” It

  was really disgusting, and the soldier was too lazy to continue to torture the dying ghost. He cursed and hit him with the butt of the gun, and then stopped paying attention to the dying man.

  Everyone standing around looked at this side tremblingly, looking at the guy who was wriggling like an earthworm, but no one dared to speak, let alone resist.

  Not all the people here were old, weak, sick and disabled, there was no shortage of strong young men, and even some of the city defense troops who had been defeated the day before yesterday were mixed in.

  However, facing those ferocious Willant soldiers, they didn’t even have the courage to pick up their guns and resist.

  In addition to those who cried while working, there were also some people who had put in all their strength.

  Not only did they have endless energy, but they also had a “big picture” that ordinary people didn’t have.

  They worked hard, trying to dig a bigger pit, trying to prove that they could endure more hardships than others, as if this would allow them to survive.

  However, those people didn’t know that their futile diligence was like a clown in the eyes of those big noses, which would only make the already disdainful eyes more contemptuous.

  They were even too lazy to distinguish which of these people were lions, which were suns or cattle, and which were lowly snakes, rats, insects and birds.

  They are all hopeless anyway. They

  didn’t resist even at this point. Burying them alive was too kind to them. They should just leave them to the “grays”.

  In fact, they were planning to do this. Unfortunately, there were no gray mercenaries in the accompanying troops this time. It would be too inefficient to transfer some of them. Their commander finally gave up the idea.

  A batch was buried yesterday, and the second batch is today. Two months should be enough.

  Looking at those people sweating on the red soil, Pete flicked the cigarette butts that burned out between his fingers, then took out the cigarette box and lit another one for himself.

  From early morning to dusk, this was the second box he had smoked today.

  ”…Sometimes I really think that we came to this world to do these dirty and tiring jobs.”

  The big man standing aside looked at his centurion and muttered in a low voice.


  Pete grinned and smiled self-deprecatingly in the ashes.

  ”That’s right, clean up the slime mold, clean up the garbage, and the corrupt blood. All the work that the old guys in the prosperous era are unwilling to do and can’t do is handed over to us. We are responsible for cleaning up these things, just like the thing that does dialysis for the kidneys. Only in this way can this moldy world return to normal… What do you think?”

  Just like a scavenger.

  And after all this is over, it must be time for them to be swept into the garbage dump.

  The new era has no future for the Weilant people at all. Their ending has been determined from the moment they were born. They will be swept into the garbage dump as the last piece of dust in the wasteland era and become the last wastelanders.

  But it is precisely because of this that the greatness of the Marshal is highlighted.

  The distinguished lord saw through the filth in the hearts of those high and mighty people from the beginning, and did not hesitate to unite them and overthrow the hypocritical peace.

  Although he was just a small centurion, he respected the lord from the bottom of his heart.

  ”I don’t know, but they must die.” The big man’s face was full of hatred, and his ferocious face was trembling slightly with anger.

  ”I agree…”

  Pete, holding a cigarette butt in his mouth, grinned and cast his eyes towards the sea level in the distance, but at this time he squinted slightly.

  I saw a few faint black spots appearing where the sea and the sky met.

  It seemed to be a cargo ship.

  He took off the walkie-talkie hanging on his shoulder, pressed the button and spoke.

  ”…The ship is coming.”

  ”Yes, from the east.”


  Alman’s fleet almost rushed to the port, and almost hit the dock due to its high speed.

  The fleet arrived 24 hours earlier than expected.

  Under Alman’s almost crazy urging, his sailors almost turned the ship over.

  Looking at the messy port in front of him, Alman rushed to the edge of the deck like a madman.

  ”Let me go! Let me down!”

  Seeing their boss about to jump from the deck four or five meters above the ground, the captain and several sailors nearby rushed forward to catch him and pressed him against the railing.

  ”Boss, calm down! At least wait for the gangway to be lowered! Do you want to fall to your death?”

  ”Then let me die! I’ll go down to accompany them!” Alman yelled hysterically, trying to struggle out of those hands.

  Several sailors nearby were terrified and hurriedly spoke up.

  ”That won’t work. What will we do if you die?”

  ”All my assets are on your ship!”

  ”The wages for this trip haven’t been paid yet–”

  ”Shut up!” The captain yelled at those heartless sailors, looked at Alman, swallowed his saliva and said hurriedly, “… Open your eyes and see clearly. The people on the shore are ours. Your family may still be alive. If they know that you fell to your death on the dock, what will they think?”

  This sentence calmed Alman down a little, and his tense shoulders stopped shaking.

  The captain winked at the sailors next to him, asking them to keep a close eye on their boss and wait until the gangway is lowered before watching him get off the ship.

  Looking at the man who was in a state of despair, the dog brother standing on the deck couldn’t bear it and sighed.

  ”Think positively, brother. Life is bound to be unhappy… Uh, what I mean is that a blessing in disguise… Bah! Well, at least you don’t have to pay the bank back…”

  Looking at this guy who couldn’t speak human language, the shit-stirring stick couldn’t help but spit.

  ”You should stop talking.”

  The dog of the catheter muttered unconvinced.

  ”What does it matter… He can’t understand what I say anyway.”

  The far-sighted eagle suddenly said something from his mouth.

  ”That may not be the case.”

  The dog of the catheter: “???”

  The warlike wolf was silent for a moment, staring at the back of the man, and finally shook his head.

  ”… My condolences.”

  Without any reaction to the noise behind him, Alman just pressed his face against the wet deck with a deathly pale face, and the whole person seemed to have been drained of his soul. It

  was not until the anchor chain and the gangway were lowered one after another and the ship finally stopped that he finally reacted, broke free from the hands that bound him, and stumbled off the ship.

  Having noticed these ships long ago, a group of Weilant soldiers came over with guns on their backs.

  Alman staggered to them and grabbed the arm of one of the guys.

  His blue lips trembled, and he opened and closed for a long time but couldn’t say a word.

  But everyone here knew what he was saying, as if they had heard it.

  Looking at this poor guy, several soldiers showed pity on their faces.

  One of the centurions came up, put his hand on his shoulder and shook it, and said in a comforting tone.

  ”…We found some survivors, but we’re not sure if there are any of your family members.”

  A glimmer of hope shone in his gray eyes, and Alman asked in a trembling voice.

  ”Where are they?”

  The centurion looked at the boy whose arm he was holding.

  ”Take him over.”

  ”Yes!” The boy stood up straight, then looked at Alman and said, “Please follow me.”

  Alman let go of his arm and followed him closely.

  The centurion then looked at the four guys who were obviously not Weilant who got off the boat, and frowned slightly.

  He vaguely guessed the identities of these people.

  ”From the Alliance?”


  The centurion’s expression turned cold.

  ”What are you doing here?”

  The dog of the catheter was about to say “We are here to mediate the fight”, but the wolf brother next to him quickly covered his mouth.

  Farsighted Eagle quickly stepped forward to take over the conversation and explained in a fairly proficient human language.

  ”We are his partners… uh, we can also be considered friends. Can we accompany him? We are worried that something will happen to him.”

  The centurion looked at him, and his eyes seemed to warn him to mind his own business.

  ”Don’t make trouble… if you don’t want to cause trouble.”

  He knew that this guy was from the Alliance, and he also knew that Triumph City and the Alliance had a lot of cooperation on issues related to the Sticky Community, but this did not mean that he was afraid of this guy.

  Farsighted Eagle said thank you and hurriedly followed behind Alman.

  The Shit Stirring Stick caught up with him and asked in confusion.

  ”Aren’t we here to mediate the fight?”

  Farsighted Eagle rolled his eyes.

  ”What kind of persuasion is that? There are only a few of us. The manager told us to act according to circumstances. He didn’t tell us to die, and he didn’t tell us to mess things up… The most urgent thing is to collect intelligence first and see what happened here first.”

  They knew nothing about the local situation. Now the most urgent thing is to find out what happened.

  Since there are survivors, why not go and see what the situation of those people is now…

  Watching the four people leave, the centurion took off the intercom hanging on his shoulder, pressed it and said.

  ”…Four of the people who just got off the ship are from the Alliance.”

  An echo came from the other end of the communication channel soon.


  Hearing the understated reply, the centurion hesitated slightly.

  ”Just leave them alone?” The person on the other

  end of the communication channel said without thinking.

  ”Aren’t they coming towards me? Leave the rest to me.”

  Seeing that the superior said so, the centurion no longer hesitated.



  The church of the Silver Moon Sect.

  The floor was scattered with garbage and dust, just like the dilapidated port.

  General McLennan, who was sitting on a bench, put the communicator aside, picked up the newspaper spread on his knees again, and continued to flip through it with interest.

  This was a treasure he picked up from the ruins, called “Silver Gospel”.

  Judging from the title, the person who published this newspaper was very particular. In order to take care of the fragile self-esteem of the locals, he carefully avoided those taboos that only the Willant people could violate.

  Perhaps it was because of this caution.

  Although he had been in and out of Xifan Port many times before, he had never noticed this church with a moon hanging on it, let alone that this church actually published such an interesting newspaper.

  The newspaper did not contain much news or the teachings of the Silver Moon Cult. Instead, it devoted a large amount of space to a novel called “Boll the Awakener”.

  He had actually heard of this novel before. It was said that it was written by the people of Boulder City during the period after the ceasefire between the Legion and the Alliance.

  Now, due to the rise of cross-regional trade, this romantic novel was taken to a “primitive jungle” called West Sail Port by a priest named Melgio.

  Since he was free anyway, McLen asked someone to collect the newspapers.

  This thing was too advanced for slaves, but it was just right for him who happened to have some free time.

  He was also very curious about what the Alliance that defeated him with a pile of scrap copper and iron was.

  This question has troubled him for too long, and he has been thinking about it for a long, long time.

  Perhaps this newspaper can give him some inspiration…

  Just then, the door of the church was pushed open, and a panicked man walked in behind a soldier.

  ”My family…”

  McLen didn’t say anything, nor did he turn around. He just nodded to the old nun standing beside him, and then continued to look at the old newspaper in his hand.

  The latter had a complicated look on her face and walked up to the gentleman.

  ”What’s your child’s name?”

  Alman was stunned for a moment, and gave a subconscious answer with a trembling voice.


  ”Please wait.” The old nun nodded slightly and turned back to the side hall.

  After a while, she came out with a little girl.

  Alman’s eyes were red for a moment, and he covered his nose with his clasped hands.

  The dark brown hair that should have been smooth and soft was now draped messily on her shoulders, like a balled sweater, and what made him feel even more painful was the pale and lifeless face and empty eyes.

  At this moment, she stood in this dilapidated church like a piece of ceramic buried under the ruins, which made people feel both distressed and fortunate.

  She is still alive!

  Praise the Silver Moon Goddess!

  He never believed in any gods, only in the great marshal, but at this moment he offered the most sincere prayer and rushed forward regardless of everything.


  Alman hugged Ruby and couldn’t hold back the tears.

  The tall man burst into tears in an instant.

  Hearing the familiar voice, Ruby finally responded, and a faint light finally shone in her empty eyes. She reached out and gently touched the head that was pressed against her shoulder.


  ”…I’m sorry…Dad came back late…I’m sorry for you…”

  Feeling the hot tears, Ruby’s eyes gradually turned red.

  But it seemed that she thought of what her mother said, and she didn’t cry in the end, but put her tender little hand on her hair that was as messy as hers.

  ”It’s okay, Daddy… Ruby, it’s okay, don’t cry… Mom said that the Weilantes don’t cry…”

  ”Yeah! My Ruby, you’re right… I’m sorry that you saw the embarrassing side of Daddy…”

  ”It’s okay… It’s okay now.”

  Ruby forced a smile from her face, as if she wanted to comfort him.

  However, her sensible look made Alman feel even more distressed.

  However, in order not to worry his daughter, he wiped the tears from his face, hugged Ruby tightly in his arms, and stood up from the ground. At

  this moment, he just wanted to take the child away from this hellhole as soon as possible.

  But before that, he had one more thing to inquire about…

  Looking at the old nun standing in front of him, Alman said in a trembling voice.

  ”… Where is the child’s mother, her name is Margaret, may I ask, where is she?”

  In fact, before he said this, he already had the answer in his heart.

  This is an obvious thing.

  If Margaret was still alive, she would never allow Ruby’s hair to be so messy, and she would never leave her alone in the church…

  The old nun looked at him with reluctance, and then looked at the child in his arms who was so strong that it made people feel distressed. Finally, she spoke in a hoarse voice.

  ”I remember the name Margaret. Your wife is a very brave mother…”


  At the door of the church.

  Brother Wolf, who had been silent all the time, suddenly spoke.

  ”I don’t understand.”

  The other people looked at him.

  Noticing his friends’ gazes, he paused and continued.

  ”…How did they do it? It makes people feel both sympathetic and disgusted.”

  He didn’t like the Legion, and could even summarize his feelings towards them with the word disgust.

  This was not only because of the Alliance’s camp and the position of civilized people, but also because most of the NPCs he knew were survivors of the River Valley Province.

  Those who helped him during his novice period, everyone remembered what the Legion had done.

  These guys would do anything to achieve their goals. Not only did they give the plunderers weapons, but they also sent officers to those plunderer tribes as military advisers to teach them how to drive the Legion’s war machines and more efficiently massacre the River Valley Province.

  Although they finally put all the problems on the eastward expansionists, weren’t they the ones who condoned those people’s eastward expansion?

  Now they are playing similar tricks again, and as expected, they have shot themselves in the foot.

  He didn’t sympathize with the slave owners’ plight at all, but the strange thing was that he couldn’t have any good feelings for the slaves here.

  He sympathized with the sufferings of these people and recognized their innocence, but he felt that this was what they deserved.

  He even thought that it would be good to do nothing and just watch them fight each other.

  ”I don’t care…” The dog in the catheter shrugged his shoulders, “It’s just a group of NPCs, why do you study them so deeply. The wasteland is so big, there are all kinds of strange things.”

  The shit-stirring stick whistled.

  ”Actually, I don’t care… But if you insist on discussing this issue, what about the children of this settlement? Is it their own fault for not having eyes and reincarnating into the shelter?”

  Brother Wolf looked aside silently, not knowing how to answer.

  ”Come on, stop talking nonsense. Let’s just get on with the task…” Farsighted Eagle sighed and ended the conversation with his brothers before it turned into an argument.

  Simple good and evil are not the same as morality, and morality can be divided into collective morality and individual morality.

  The Alliance does not have only one 404 shelter, and countless residents of the shelter, and even people from Ideal City and the Academy have come from afar to join them. It is obviously not because they yearn for the good days of the Alliance, but because they believe that the Alliance can end the wasteland.

  If they betray their oath, even if they are not beaten back to their original form, the best outcome is to become a smaller version of “Cyber ​​Xilan”.

  So he can understand Chu Guang’s approach.

  In this wasteland, except for Xilan, almost every camp has its own bottom line and position.

  Even a place as small as Mafu Town.

  So he thinks that Brother Wolf is not completely wrong. The Empire deserves what happened, but this word should not be used to describe its people.

  At least, the survivors who have also suffered persecution from the mob are innocent.

  And what he has to do is to save these people as much as possible, which is also his understanding of the task assigned by Mr. Manager.

  Seeing Brother Eagle interrupting, Brother Dog, who is professional in mixing points, immediately said.

  ”You are the best at human communication, so I’ll leave it to you.”

  Farsighted Eagle rolled his eyes.

  ”Nonsense, if I don’t go, why would I let you go?”

  This guy opened his mouth, and I’m afraid he would make trouble for no reason.


  When Farsighted Eagle walked into the church, he found that Alman and his daughter had left.

  Including the old nun.

  At this moment, there was only one person left in the church, that was McLen, who was sitting on the bench and flipping through the newspaper. I

  had seen this guy’s fun on the forum before, and the old eagle almost couldn’t hold back his laughter for a while.

  Fortunately, old Mac didn’t notice.

  Hearing the noise behind him, he shook the newspaper in his hand and said lightly.

  ”It’s a very interesting novel… It coincides with our ideas.”

  Unexpectedly, he would take the initiative to talk to him about novels, and the old eagle walked to sit next to him.

  ”What aspect?”

  McLen smiled faintly and read out what he saw in the newspaper.

  ”…It wasn’t Bol who saved the Stone City, but the survivors of the Stone City chose Bol. The workers protected the innocent children, and the soldiers raised their guns an inch higher. They finally realized that they were compatriots, not enemies, and then issued a common declaration, pointing their guns at the real enemy…”

  ”The same is true for the Weilant people. We were created as slaves and we did not succumb to fate and authority. We bravely broke free from the shackles… The marshal told us more than once that it was not him who led us to victory, but our struggle that won it.”

  Eagle was a little overwhelmed.

  ”And then you turned around and enslaved others?”

  ”Yes,” McLen admitted this frankly and without hesitation, without any shame on his face. “Didn’t you create us just to let us conquer something? We are just fulfilling the mission written in our DNA.”

  McLen turned a page of the newspaper in his hand and continued in a nonchalant tone.

  ”Besides, when those people have had enough, they will naturally fight for their own freedom… Isn’t that how you defeated me?”

  Eagle looked at him in surprise, not expecting him to admit that the Alliance won anyway.

  It was really strange.

  Although the eastward expansion faction was not very popular in the army, up to now no Willant has admitted that they lost the unjust and hasty war.

  However, arguing about winning or losing is subjective and meaningless. Both the pros and cons have many reasons to argue, and the result is that no one can convince anyone.

  Not wanting to create unnecessary disagreements, Eagle coughed lightly and said with a stiff upper lip.

  ”General McLennan, let’s talk about the matter of Xifan Port.”

  He thought that the arrogant general in front of him would refuse outright, but he didn’t expect to hear an unexpected answer.

  ”Well, let’s talk about it. You are indeed qualified now.”

  The unexpected answer caught Eagle off guard. The roundabout tactics that had been prepared were completely useless at this moment.

  However, his mind turned quickly and he immediately switched to negotiation tactics.

  ”…Your revenge seems thorough, but in our opinion, it’s more like a child’s temper.”

  McLennan didn’t care about his provocation and said indifferently.

  ”We don’t care what others think of us.”

  Eagle did not give up and continued, “Then you should care about your compatriots! Those who died.”

  McLen corrected casually.

  ”The dead Willant people.”

  Eagle continued.

  ”I’m talking about them! West Sail Port is their hard work. They crossed the ocean for your respected marshal and other Willant people who longed for land under the sun, and opened up a new home in a strange land… Of course, I don’t like the saying of robbing other people’s houses, but this settlement built from nothing is indeed their achievement, isn’t it?”

  McLen smiled faintly.

  ”It doesn’t matter. After the blood here is drained, we will build a new West Sail Port.”

  Eagle swallowed his saliva and continued.

  ”What about them? Apart from the name of Xifan Port, there is no trace of them in this new settlement. In my opinion, what you are doing is no different from the Enlightenment! No one in the new Xifan Port will remember those who died. No one will remember what happened here except the scarlet mud under your feet. No one will ever think about why things turned out like this, and it will definitely happen again one day in the future!” When he

  heard this, McLen’s expression finally showed some reaction.

  He put down the newspaper on his knees, took out a cigar from his arms, cut off the cigarette butt and put it in his mouth, then rubbed the lighter while talking.

  ”Then tell me, what should we do about this matter… Haha, I’ll listen to the opinions of the great benevolent people of the alliance.”

  Seeing that things had taken a turn for the better, Eagle said immediately.

  ”This is easy… revenge for hatred and grievances, you can judge them!”

  Hearing this whimsical idea, McLen couldn’t help but sneer.

  ”We don’t have so many judges.”

  Eagle shouted with a stiff face.

  ”Then hold a public trial! Let them identify each other!”

  He didn’t actually want to come up with this idea, but there was no better way at the moment.

  There would definitely be wrongful killings.

  But no matter how many were killed by mistake, it was better than killing them all.

  Hearing this idea, McLen, who was holding a cigar, was stunned for a moment, and suddenly burst into laughter. He

  laughed for a full half a minute before stopping. He looked sideways at Eagle, grinned and said.

  ”Let me be frank, it’s really fun to see you plead for these scumbags. As for me, I don’t think other people in this city are innocent. In our philosophy, silence is also a sin, a sin of mediocrity, and it is unforgivable.”

  ”Just turn a blind eye, let those thugs continue to make trouble, drive the Willant people away, and then we can sit back and reap the benefits as victims and keep ourselves safe… Tsk tsk, what gave them the illusion that they could keep themselves safe? Do we look like reasonable people?”

  ”We’ve given them a chance. They can choose to die gloriously on the battlefield like a hero fighting for freedom, and we might even consider letting their families go. However, they would rather dig a hole to bury themselves than pick up the discarded guns, and even hide behind their families. We just helped them.”

  When he said this, McLen paused and looked at the front of the church.

  ”However, I still intend to consider your proposal. On the one hand, what you said makes sense. Someone has to remember what happened here. On the other hand… this sounds like it would be more interesting than letting the gray man torture them.”

  McLen smiled, looking like a devil.

  ”How about this, each person must identify ‘one’ in units of streets, and then the other people in the city will decide whether the person identified should die.” “Let

  me think about it… We have killed 20,000 people, and it should be enough to pick out another 10,000. Those who have more will not be eliminated, and those who are less will be supplemented in order. What do you think of this game rule? I gave them another chance, hehe.”

  Looking at this guy who decided the life and death of tens of thousands of people in a casual manner, Eagle took a deep breath.

  ”Then… can we start?”

  Both sides took a step back on their respective positions, which was the best result.

  He remembered that there were still a group of people digging pits in the suburbs. The youngest child was not much older than Ruby, and those little ghosts who had not grown all their hair could not be murderers.

  If he was a little later, maybe they would have started to fill in.

  At least… those children must be saved!

  Looking at this resident of the shelter who was urging him, McLen suddenly found it very interesting and laughed out loud.

  ”Actually, I really want to know, what benefits will it bring to you if you get involved in this mess?”

  ”Or let me ask it another way. Isn’t it fun to watch us destroy our own colony?”

  Farsighted Eagle wanted to say that it would not be fun at all, and that his mission would be ruined.

  But then he suddenly remembered the content of the player’s manual, so he changed his words.

  ”…Since we have already shouted the slogan of ‘Survivors unite’, we can’t go back and say that the survivors of the Borneo Province are not survivors, or that whether the survivors live or die is none of my business.”

  McLen was stunned when he heard this, and suddenly laughed out loud.

  The laughter echoed in the empty church, like a hoarse bell.

  ”…Hahaha! Interesting, you call this a ‘benefit’?”

  Farsighted Eagle gestured with his fingers and explained.

  ”That’s for sure. There are many kinds of benefits, not just making money or coloring on the map…”


  McLen curled his lips and took off the walkie-talkie hanging on his shoulder.

  ”Ross, let your people stop for a while. I suddenly thought of a better idea… Bring those survivors to the port to gather.”

  At the same time when General McLen gave the order, a massive battle broke out in the central region of Lion State.

  The attacking side was the main force of the Heavenly King Army, led by Janusz himself, with about 50,000 people, known as a million-strong army.

  As for the defending side, it was the Lord of Lion City, Grand Duke Sanjay, who had 40,000 people under his command, half of whom were serfs recruited from various manors, and the other half were city defense troops. The

  difference in numbers between the two sides was not actually that great. The degree of training, organization and equipment were also similar. Sanjay even recruited some of the noble officers newly trained by McLen. Logically, the local army should have more advantages.

  However, when Janusz shouted slogans about abolishing slavery and dividing up the land and property of the nobles, Sanjay’s troops collapsed in an instant.

  Although the battle lasted from dawn to dusk, the outcome was not in doubt.

  In the end, Grand Duke Sanjay was chased and shot dead by Janusz’s guards while escaping.

  After entering the city, Janusz not only slaughtered all the nobles above the earl level in Lion City and their families, but also piled their heads at the gate of the city to build a tower.

  Except for those beautiful women, he kept them or rewarded them to his subordinates.

  The bloody means frightened everyone, and the whole Lion City was in panic.

  It was not just Lion City.

  At the same time when the news of Sanjay’s defeat was transmitted back to Tiandu, the whole Tiandu had become a mess, and the road out of the city was blocked by the fleeing convoy.

  Next to Lion State is Niu State, and Tiandu is in Niu State!

  Especially from Lion City to Tiandu, the road is flat and there is no danger to defend!

  This time Wu Tuo was completely panicked.

  He never thought that a group of rebellious slaves could stir up such a big storm!

  In the palace of Tiandu.

  Looking at Wu Tuo who was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, Prince Dilip carefully wiped the sweat from his forehead and tremblingly proposed.

  ”Your Majesty… There is no time to hesitate, please move quickly!”

  Wu Tuo widened his eyes and roared in shock and anger.

  ”Move?! Where do you want me to go! There are lions in the west and hungry wolves in the south! That Alayyang can’t be trusted! He is a wolf tribe member and is of the same tribe as that Yanush!”

  And it is said that he is his old subordinate! Maybe he was the one who ordered this matter!

  Wu Tuo’s beard trembled with anger, and he clenched his teeth, wishing that his gums would bleed, and he would chew up these guys who were full of rebellious bones and swallow them. They are all treacherous


  All of them!

  Not loyal at all!

  Prince Dilip was also anxious in his heart. After all, they were in a relationship of prosperity and loss.

  If the royal family fell, his fate would probably not be much better than Wu Tuo’s.

  ”Snake State, Tiger State, Leopard State, Bird State, Horse State… You can’t trust them. Local forces are ready to make a move. It will be difficult for you to leave if you go there.”

  ”Then what do you say we should do!” Wu Tuo roared.

  Although he had done a lot of stupid things in his life, when his life was at stake, Prince Dilip was smart for once and thought of a place in a hurry.

  ”…There is another place to go.”

  Wu Tuo asked hurriedly.


  ”Golden Gallen Port…”

  Looking at the stunned Wu Tuo, Prince Dilip swallowed his saliva and continued carefully, “Although it is the territory of the alliance, they always abide by the rules, and eating is not a problem.”

  ”The Weilant people are angry right now… Maybe that place is the only place that can guarantee our safety.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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