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Chapter 828: Dying

Chapter 828: Dying


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 828: On the verge

  of death The pit was about to be dug, and Govinda thought he was doomed, but unexpectedly, at the last moment, things took a turn for the better.

  The Weilantes called them to the port, saying that they wanted to have a fair trial, so the pale face suddenly glowed with rosy light.

  Rat God!

  There is also the Silver Moon Goddess, the Spirit of the Sea of ​​Sand and the Great Horned Deer God!

  He finally waited for his great master!

  ”I have never killed Weilantes!”

  He proudly looked at the people around him and boasted, as if he had bet on the right treasure at the gambling table of fate again.

  In stark contrast to his “kind-hearted” self, some of the men digging the pit still looked ashen, as if the news of the pardon had nothing to do with them, and they were still shoveling the red soil with shovels.

  Those men had cloth strips wrapped around their arms, and I guess they owed a lot of blood debts that night.

  Govinda was secretly delighted, and then he despised the thugs for being brainless and not as cunning and smart as himself.

  He returned the shovel to the bucket cart, followed the crowd, and hurriedly left this troubled place. As for the deaf people who didn’t hear, after being taught a lesson by the butt of the rifle, they also joined the team. He walked with his

  head held high on the way to the square, and only shrank back when passing by the Weirant soldiers, which made him less obtrusive.

  However, the Weirant soldiers didn’t even bother to look at him, but just held their guns and monitored the crowd.

  Finally, they walked to the square. Govinda saw the man smoking a cigar and was very excited.

  McLen didn’t say anything nonsense, but asked the subordinates next to him to announce the new “rules of the game”.

  Although it had been announced once before coming here, the formal announcement of all the rules and details still caused a commotion among the people on the scene.

  Some people who understood had already shown concerns on their faces, but there were also people who were excited and cried with joy.

  For example, Govinda.

  His “piety” to the Willant people was written on his face. Hearing this “fair and just” rule, he almost wanted to kowtow to this straight-backed officer.

  Standing next to General McClane, Ross frowned slightly.

  ”Isn’t 10,000 too few?”

  McClane’s expression did not change, but he tilted his head and said slowly.

  ”That’s just bait to arouse their blood, so that they won’t all point to one person to fool around. I can even bet with you that there will be more than 10,000 people dead in the end.”

  As he said that, he pulled out his pistol and fired a shot at the sky, looking at the frightened crowd and shouted.

  ”What are you waiting for? Are you waiting for me to help you choose who should die? This is your last chance! Hand over the thugs that night, we will avenge our grudges and grievances, and only kill those who deserve to die.”

  The air at the scene was quiet for a while, and no one spoke.

  Everyone looked at each other, feeling that the people around them were both comrades and enemies. They wanted to say something, but were afraid that others would speak first.

  McLen didn’t waste any words and waved his hand.

  ”If there is nothing, go back and keep digging.”

  This voice was like a match thrown into an oil barrel, instantly igniting people’s desire to survive.

  The first person to speak was a dark and thin man, whose sunburned skin was obviously working at the dock.

  ”I say! I say!”

  The moment he shouted this, his index finger immediately pointed at Govinda, who was “eager to try” on the side, and shouted louder. “This guy is from the Heavenly King’s Army!”

  Govinda’s eyes widened, and he looked like a goldfish on the shore. His eyeballs were about to bulge out of his eye sockets, his chest rose and fell violently, and cold and hot sweat broke out all at once. “You!

  You slander me!

  I swear to the Rat God! I haven’t killed a single Willant! Those bandaged men forced their guns into my hands, and I haven’t killed a single one!”

  This was not a lie.

  He said it with a clear conscience.

  He had done bad things, such as sleeping with a widow, but he had never killed a Willant.

  After all, he was afraid of the big nose, so how could he point his gun at them?

  It was true that he was the first to attack that evening, and he was forced to do so. However, with his shooting skills, he was lucky that he didn’t hit his own people, and there was no way he could hit the guards guarding the port. If

  I remember correctly, those people were blown away by an exploding truck.

  It is absolutely unfair to say that he is a thug!

  However, the Willant had no intention of intervening in the trial, and just watched them fight each other with a teasing look.

  Even Ross, who had previously felt that the punishment was too light, couldn’t help but have a faint sneer on his face.

  What a bunch of dirty guys.

  Is this the case in the province of Borneo?

  If it weren’t for that ancient contract, the Legion would not be able to expand to the east of the Great Desert, and the colony of the Southern Legion would stop at Evernight Harbor. This fat cake would never be tasted by the laymen of the Civilian Group.

  Those shouting people didn’t care about Govinda’s explanation at all. They had consciously drawn a line with him, leaving a circle around him and staying away from this scum.

  They didn’t know this guy.

  But it was just right not to know him.

  The guilt of killing a stranger who had nothing to do with him was the least.

  But not everyone didn’t know Govinda. After all, there were still one or two of his subordinates in the crowd.

  Suddenly someone shouted.

  ”He is not only a soldier of the King of Heaven, but also a centurion!”

  When this loud voice sounded, the crowd was in an uproar, and even a few Willant soldiers standing on the edge of the crowd looked at Govinda twice.

  And Govinda, who was originally arguing with the crowd, felt his heart stop suddenly when he heard that voice. His whole face was ashen, and his tongue was knotted.


  He is a centurion.

  He almost forgot, but someone helped him remember.

  Looking at the port that looked like a vegetable market, McLen shouted impatiently.

  ”What’s the point of making so much noise? Let’s vote!”

  Hands were raised one after another. Some people didn’t want to raise their hands at first, but seeing that everyone around them raised their hands, they could only silently say “sin” and raised their hands.

  If they didn’t raise their hands now, they might be targeted by the people around them and be the next target to be knocked down.

  Regardless of whether what he said was true or half-truthful, it was not worth risking one’s life for a rotten person.

  Staying alive was the most important thing.

  Almost everyone who raised their hands thought so.

  This time, Govinda was completely desperate.

  He didn’t even resist or struggle, just stood in the center of the stage left by the rats, letting the Willant soldier come over and carry him out like a chicken and throw him aside.

  ”Be honest!” The Willant glared at him fiercely and warned him not to run away.

  In fact, there was no need to warn him at all.

  Govinda had no intention of running away at all, but just stood there like a lost soul.

  He couldn’t understand why people pointed at him.

  He was indeed not a good person, but at least he had fought for the freedom of the survivors of Xifan Port.

  It was really strange, why did they listen to the Willant people obediently, first digging those pits in the suburbs, and then pointing at each other here, constantly enduring humiliation.

  Why can’t they unite, unite again, and drive away those slave owners!

  But it’s too late to say this now.

  Everything is over…


  Wait! It’s not over yet!

  Govinda suddenly remembered that he was a centurion, and it was someone else who reminded him!

  How could he forget such an important thing? !

  With the last glimmer of hope, he looked at the Willant soldiers who were watching them beside him as if he was grabbing a life-saving straw, and squeezed out a stiff smile from his desperate face.

  ”Wait, wait a minute, sir! I, I want to identify too!”

  ”They said I was a centurion, yes, I am indeed a centurion! But I can swear to you that I absolutely did not touch a Willant from beginning to end! I, I have evidence of my absence that night!”

  ”…But I can’t say anything about my twelve subordinates. I was a strong man who was forced to join the team, but I can’t control them, these real villains. I am an honest and decent person, but they might have done something!”

  Peter, who was looking at him, was stunned for a moment. After hearing this set of rhetoric, the cigarette butt in his mouth almost fell off.

  Unable to decide what to do, Pete picked up the intercom and first asked his superiors for instructions, then took out a piece of note paper and a marker and handed it to the guy.

  ”Name, write it down.”

  Thinking that he had a chance to be treated leniently, Govinda took the things with surprise, but soon remembered that he couldn’t write, so he spoke tremblingly.

  ”Sir, I can’t write… but, but they are all people living nearby, I know where their homes are!”

  Pete, biting the cigarette butt, looked at him with disdain, too lazy to talk nonsense, and took back the paper and pen from his hand.

  ”Read it, I’ll write it.”

  ”Okay, okay! Thank you for your hard work.” Not daring to hesitate, Govinda nodded and bowed, but the corners of his mouth that curled up revealed the joy in his heart, as if the gun was back in his hand.

  He wrote down all the names, not only the twelve people in the team, but also the names of other people in the team that he could call out, and found twenty in total.

  These twenty people are definitely evil and treacherous. I think they should be able to replace him, an honest man.

  Govinda thought so in his heart.

  The soldier took the list to the port and handed it to General McLen.

  McLen didn’t even look at it. He asked the soldier to follow the procedure and read out the names on the list.

  If the person whose name is read is among the group of people, there will always be people who know him next to him. Naturally, they will “cut ties” with him and push this person out of the crowd.

  Then there will be the public trial that is repeated in the same way, and everyone at the scene will decide together whether they are guilty.

  The final result is obvious. Those people were picked out of the crowd by the Willant people without exception.

  Looking at the panicked faces that were taken out of the crowd, Govinda’s face showed a smile of relief and secret joy.

  But soon he couldn’t laugh anymore.

  Those Willant people had no intention of letting him go at all. He waited for a long time but didn’t get the pardon for release.

  Could it be…

  they had to wait until the execution to secretly release him?

  The more Govinda thought about it, the more panicked and frightened he became, but he was still trying to comfort himself.

  He would definitely let him go, but the timing and method had to be considered. After all, he had to give an explanation to those who had pointed him out.

  If he let himself go in front of other people, wouldn’t the established rules become a joke?

  However, just as he was fantasizing about this in his mind, a woman who was brought out from the crowd made him panic instantly.

  That was his “alibi” – the widow of his rival’s family!

  The woman who was always humble and spoke in a soft and thin voice, and no one dared to offend her, was now crying heartbreakingly and wailing.

  She looked so heartbroken, and I don’t know if it was because she was about to die, or because the humiliation that was chasing after her tore off her last bit of dignity.

  ”That shrew, I know her! Her husband died only a few months ago and she already found a new lover!”

  ”Bah! Shameless thing, she’s still looking for those bandits with cloth wrapped around their arms!”

  ”I saw the Heavenly King’s Army go to her house with my own eyes!”

  ”It was that Govinda, right? I saw him too. I saw him give her a handful of dinars as a reward!”

  ”You were there too?”

  ”How is that possible! I, I saw it outside the window! If you don’t believe me, go search her house, you’ll definitely find it!”

  ”Maybe it was the dirty money she stole from the port!”

  ”Kill her! Avenge the dead Willant people!”

  Avenge the Willant people…

  At that moment.

  Govinda felt dizzy and even forgot to breathe.

  Although he was still standing on this port, he suddenly felt that he had been buried in the soil a long, long time ago…


  Looking at the last 3,000 people pushed out, the far-sighted Eagle was speechless for a moment.

  Good fellow…

  Three tenths of the ten thousand people went directly!

  He was desperately trying to bargain for these people, but they were desperately killing their own people.

  There should be few fish that slipped through the net among the remaining 7,000 people.

  Expecting to escape this ridiculous trial by banding together or in other ways was simply wishful thinking.

  At this point, regardless of whether they were the king’s men or not, anyone who dared to jump out would be killed without exception, and the only ones who could survive were those who had been extremely timid from beginning to end.

  That is, they raised their hands without hesitation when they should, and shut up without hesitation when they should, silently thinking that they were dead, and completely blended into the mob around them, not being remembered by anyone, so that they could survive in the face of death.

  As for the more than 3,000 people who were picked out, as he expected, there were obviously some who were killed by mistake.

  And there were quite a few.

  For example, a few young men in their early twenties, and a widow in her twenties…

  Seeing McLen glance at him meaningfully, the far-sighted Eagle Heart ignored his provocation and just silently said Amitabha in his heart.

  Three thousand is always less than ten thousand.

  Besides, this was originally a matter between the Legion and the Empire, and if there was any anxiety, it should be the Empire that was anxious.

  From the perspective of an outsider, he had done everything he could.

  After all, there was no problem in completing the mission…


  The news of the Legion landing in Xifan Port quickly spread throughout the Lion State, and the record of killing 30,000 people in three days quickly reached the ears of the various units of the Heavenly King Army.

  This news undoubtedly poured a bucket of cold water on the heads of the Heavenly King Army soldiers who had just broken into the city.

  The Legion is finished!

  Although most of the Heavenly Soldiers were surprised and didn’t take it too seriously, some sober people still panicked.

  For example, Yudono.

  He was a Lion, but not a noble. In fact, because of his poor background, he was sold to a noble manor when he was young and lost his freedom.

  Although he was not arranged to pick cotton in the plantation because of his noble surname, and was taught to read and write and aristocratic etiquette by the noble master, his childhood experience still made him full of hatred for the unequal system of the Xilan Empire.

  Later, he was recommended to enter the military academy established by the Legion to assist the empire. He studied military knowledge under General McLen, which made him have the ambition to overthrow the empire.

  That is why, when Janusz shouted the slogan of abolition of slavery and land distribution, he responded to his call almost without hesitation, becoming the first local army officer to defect, and stabbed Grand Duke Sanjay in the back. Although

  for some reason, Janusz did not trust those who defected to him halfway, this seemed to be an exception for him who was “from the same school”.

  After joining the Heavenly King’s Army, he not only became the captain of ten thousand men in the army, but was also kept by Janusz as a “military advisor”.

  However, just when he was full of confidence, he heard the bad news from the west.

  As an officer trained by the Willant people, he knew very well how strong the combat effectiveness of the legion was.

  This strength is not only reflected on the battlefield, but also outside the battlefield.

  It is no exaggeration to say that the Willant people are a race born for war, and their system is designed for war.

  With the strength of the Heavenly King’s Army, which “does not even have a stable logistics supply line”, there is no chance of winning against those guys.

  Thinking of what the Heavenly King Army had done in Xifan Port before, Yudono became more and more afraid, and finally couldn’t help but find Janus to discuss solutions.

  However, after hearing his concerns, Janus laughed and comforted him in return.

  ”Don’t be too naive. There are only interests between countries. As for morality, it is a private matter. The people in Xifan Port have been killed. Can they still survive?”

  After a pause, he continued in a slow voice.

  ”Besides, I have left Xifan Port to them to vent their anger. Even if I kill one and pay a hundred, six or seven hundred thousand people are definitely enough to calm the anger of the legion.”

  ”At least for those big guys, it is enough to give an explanation to their supporters.”

  There was no surveillance that night, so it was not difficult to blame the dead.

  As long as the people are dead, who will remember what he did?

  Those guys who want to keep some Willant people as hostages are the real cowards and stupid!

  Is there a difference between killing 1,000 people and killing 3,000 people?

  At least in Janus’s opinion, there is no difference.

  Even if you don’t dare to provoke a fly, the damned will eventually die. If you don’t want to die, you have to prove that you are worth living!

  As long as they can replace the empire and conquer Tiandu, they are worth being won over by the legion!

  Keep them as hostages?

  What a joke!

  Is he doing a kidnapping business?

  Objectively speaking, his subordinates are indeed full of guys with only a mess in their heads, lacking clear programs and interests, but as the king of heaven, he has them! What

  he wants to do is treason!

  It is subversion!

  It is usurpation!

  He must use the dirtiest charges to tie everyone to his chariot, so that they can only bet that they can win in the end, otherwise no one can survive!

  As for the evaluation and settlement of history, that is a matter after the demise of his new empire.

  Now even Xilan is still hanging on, how can it be someone else’s turn to settle his problems!

  Now is his time, it is time for him to settle Xilan’s sins, including the empire’s persecution of the Moon Clan and so on!

  As long as they win in the end, the uprising in Xifan Port will be a glorious change!

  Hearing Janusz’s words, Yudono, who was standing in front of him, instantly had a drop of cold sweat on his forehead.

  He had mostly turned a blind eye to Janusz’s ruthless actions. After all, there was no reform without bloodshed.

  However, after hearing what this guy said, his heart still trembled.

  This guy…

  had actually thought about it from the beginning, to use those 600,000 or 700,000 people to bury more than 3,000 residents of the Weilant!

  In this guy’s eyes, what exactly is a human being? !


  How could the words “liberate the slaves of the Borneo Province” come out of his mouth?

  And everyone, including himself, actually believed it!

  Yudono finally remembered the things he had selectively forgotten.

  Including the piles of bones piled at the city gate, including those noble women who were taken into Janusz’s account to play with, or rewarded to his subordinates…

  He was suddenly shocked and his back was full of sweat, and his voice trembled unconsciously.

  ”But what if the interests of the Weilants are for us all to die…”

  Janusz curled his lips in disdain.

  ”That possibility does exist, but the Alliance, the Enterprise, and the Academy will not sit idly by and watch the Legion continue to expand eastward for any reason. This is the bottom line they fought in the last war. Even the Legion must seriously consider the benefits and risks of crossing the red line.”

  ”Besides, why don’t you guess why those Willant people who landed didn’t continue to advance? Is it because they can’t guess what we left for them? Even if they can’t guess, don’t those cowards in the city defense army have their own mouths?”

  ”I even dare to tell you that there must be more front-line officers like centurions or thousand-man commanders who will land this time. There must be real big shots following.”

  ”That guy knows it very well. Maybe he has already used the chips we left for him to act!”

  He could even guess that this matter might not have been reported to Triumph City and was detained at some link along the way.

  Someone is waiting for his result.

  Although he doesn’t know who that adult is, he can be sure that conquering Tiandu is his only way to survive!

  Thinking that it was almost time to rest for a day, Janusz patted his knee with his right hand, stood up from the chair in the City Lord’s Mansion, stared at his subordinates standing at the door and ordered.

  ”Pass my order, let the Lion King, Horse King, Leopard King, Tiger King, and Ox King go to the border of Niuzhou to assemble!”

  ”At the same time, send an order to all my troops to set off immediately! Attack Tiandu!”

  ”Yes!” The officer immediately saluted and ran down in a hurry.

  Walking to the side of the sweaty military advisor, Janusz showed a happy smile on his face and patted him on the shoulder gently.

  ”… Lion City is handed over to you. This is our rear base. Before you receive good news from us, keep it safe for me!” Is

  this his token of surrender?

  The Heavenly King Army is not an ordinary army, but an avalanche caused by an earthquake.

  How can such an army have a rear base? Morale and supplies are all robbed along the way!

  As for Lion City…

  to put it nicely, it is a rear base, and to put it bluntly, it is just a stone blocking the legion’s feet.

  Like the city defense troops of Xifan Port, they were left behind to “cut off the rear”!

  Yudono, who had already sobered up, understood everything now.

  He should have guessed that this cunning guy would not trust him so easily, and finally understood why he promoted him to be the captain of ten thousand men.

  This guy was sure that he had no way out.

  Just for the pile of heads at the city gate, he could not and had no chance to surrender.

  Swallowing hard, Yudono could only nod his stiff head and take this hot potato even if he was reluctant in his heart.



  At the same time when the Heavenly King Army marched eastward, the royal family of the Xilan Empire, after urgently “mobilizing” the conscripts of Lion State, immediately issued a summons for “Northern Hunting”. The summons

  was written very sloppily, even perfunctorily.

  In short, His Majesty had not visited several states in the north for a long time, and asked the grand dukes from all over the northern states to prepare the palace for His Majesty to stay and the expenses of his family and servants.

  However, the summons was written like this, but at this critical moment of war and chaos, everyone in Tiandu could see what the real intention of His Majesty’s issuing this edict was.

  The three states of Dog, Sheep, and Bird in the north were confused by the summons. They never thought that His Majesty would come, and they really made serious preparations.

  As for the Tiger State and Leopard State in the east, they were both wealthy and powerful, and they had their own spies in Tiandu.

  Upon hearing the edict, the local warlords immediately sent telegrams to the court diligently, and the telegrams were summarized as – “Your Majesty, come to me!”, “Your Majesty, run to me quickly!”

  Even the Mammoth State, which was fighting against the Gray Wolf Army, joined in the fun and sent a telegram to Tiandu – “Your Majesty, look at me, I have an elephant here.”

  As for the Snake State in the south, since it was the bottom of the empire’s finances, it knew that His Majesty would not come, so it did not say anything.

  Although Xiangzhou in the central part is relatively wealthy, it is after all right next to Niuzhou. If Niuzhou loses, it will be the next one, so the local nobles did not say anything.

  As for the parts of Lowell State that are administered by the warlords of Huzhou and Baozhou, the nominal capital is still in Jinjialun Port, and there is not even a governor, so they also did not say a word and continued to work on the sewing machine.

  Wu Tuo certainly could not listen to the deception of the warlords in the east, but he did not really run to the north. Instead, he played a trick and played a trick of “making a noise in the north and attacking the east”.

  He first let a team of people escort the prince and the concubines in the harem out of the north gate.

  As for himself, he took the queen, his beloved concubine, the prince who had no right of inheritance, and a group of servants and confidants to sneak out of the east gate and boarded the royal merchant ship waiting by the Yongliu River. You

  can’t put all your eggs in one basket. Although Wu Tuo breathed a sigh of relief when he left the palace, he also made tragic plans for the worst in his heart.

  If he were to die, or be detained while passing through the territory of the warlords, the throne would be inherited by the prince who actually went to “Hunting in the North”.

  Fortunately, the Xilan Empire still had a breath left, and it was not really dead. Even

  though the dignity of the royal family had been destroyed, no one dared to stop the royal merchant ship with a green double-sword flag and the royal emblem on the way to the Golden Gallon Port.

  This was true even in the waters controlled by the warlords.

  Perhaps those warlords did not expect that their Majesties would really run to their side.

  In this way, after two days and two nights of sailing, Wu Tuo, with a nervous mood, finally slipped into the land full of humiliation as a “stowaway” without any danger.

  At this moment, most of the residents of Golden Gallon Port did not know that their “respected” emperor had come to see them by boat…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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