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Chapter 829 The stench of corpse has already drifted out of the coffin

Chapter 829 The stench of corpse has already drifted out of the coffin


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 829 The stench of corpses has drifted out of the coffin.

  Downstream of the Yongliu River, at the inland wharf of Jinjialun Port, several young men in uniform are standing next to the newsstand.

  They are the marine police in this area, mainly responsible for investigating smuggling, maintaining order at the wharf and shipping, and salvaging drowned stowaways.

  Compared with the warlords of Huzhou and Baozhou who used guns to shoot refugees who crossed the border, the authorities of Jinjialun Port are more tolerant of smuggling.

  Out of morality, the authorities will not repatriate them, but they cannot let the refugees rush into the city.

  Usually, they will send refugees to resettlement sites in the suburbs, let these people live there temporarily, find some jobs at the wharf, or help them introduce some jobs, and teach them some simple life skills and laws that they must know.

  After leaving the resettlement site, these refugees will get a work card with a tax number written on it, which is regarded as their identity proof.

  If they get an ID card in the future, the tax number will directly become their ID number.

  In fact, in order to obtain an identity as soon as possible, most stowaways will take the initiative to find them after landing.

  That is why their work is relatively easy. When they are not busy, they will come to the newsstand to hang out.

  The newspaper they are holding at this moment is the latest issue of “Survivor Daily”. The content published on the headline is the tragedy of Xifan Port that happened a week ago.

  The newspaper records the cause and effect of the incident in detail.

  The cause is that a laborer named Orisa died of exhaustion on the dock, which led to the strike and protest of other local free laborers.

  The labor agency controlled by the authorities pretended to agree to the protesters’ demands, but when the peak shipping period passed, they immediately regretted it and introduced slaves from other places on a large scale to try to replace the uncooperative free people, which completely ignited the anger of the free people.

  It happened that the warehouse in the port was piled with munitions that the legion intended to transport to the front line.

  Therefore, an uprising with fire as the fuse began, and it was obviously out of control in the end.

  Due to the lag in the news, they didn’t know until now that such a terrible thing happened on the other side of the coast of the land under their feet…

  ”You deserve it…” A young water police officer couldn’t help cursing and turned a page of the newspaper angrily.

  The next page is about Janusz, the guy who called himself the king.

  However, the reporter of the Survivor Daily branch in French Fries Port did not have a clairvoyant eye after all, so he did not know much about this guy. He only knew that he had been under the command of Alayyan and had participated in the butterfly swimming competition outside Golden Gallon Port. He was considered a veteran.

  The 13th army set out from Xifan Port and was burning the heartland of the empire. It was still unknown where they would fight to…

  Unlike the young water police, the slightly older man next to him shrugged his shoulders.

  ”But civilians are innocent.”


  The young man looked at his colleague with wide eyes, as if he had heard something unbelievable.

  ”Are your compatriots from the Weylandt people? Did the uprising break out for no reason? The first person to die was called Orissa, and there were more than 3,000 Brahmans who died there! How could you sympathize with slave owners and imperialists?”

  Many people may not even look at it, and selectively ignore the “lowly” name of Orissa, but he clearly remembers that this name is the beginning of everything.

  He no longer cared about the man’s race. In his eyes, that man was his compatriot, a Borneo native!

  As for Janus and the Heavenly King’s Army, they were just flames that floated later.

  Willant was the real arsonist!

  The lackeys of the empire were playing with fire, skewering his compatriots and roasting them on the fire!

  Now that they have played too much, it is only their own fault.

  He only hated that the fire could not burn to Triumph City, but burned on the land of Borneo Province, making those who were exploited the price of exploitation and making his compatriots endure the torment of war.

  He believed that more than one person in the entire Golden Galleon Port thought so, and he had seen what Xifan Port looked like in more than one newspaper.

  Looking at the excited young man, the older water police sighed and said.

  ”That’s exactly what I mean by innocent. The survivors of West Sail Port are innocent… Of course, this also includes the dead civilians of the Weilant people. They left their homes and came to our home to expand the territory for the legion, and finally became victims of politicians. I don’t think they have enjoyed much of the benefits of the colony.”

  Everything is compared, macro and macro, micro and micro.

  The Alliance did not engage in colonization, but rather in win-win cooperation, and the residents of the Alliance lived a good life. He had never been to Dawn City, but he had seen the changes in Golden Gallon Port. It couldn’t be that the other party was doing charity and the development outside the home was better than the home.

  ”… They are all victims. What should really be condemned is the rules of exploitation and endless greed.”

  But this was also hindsight.

  When he got the newspaper, everything was over.

  The Weilant people were probably venting their anger in West Sail Port, but the survivors of the Bharat Province had gradually woken up.

  Just like the young man next to him, the first reaction was no longer what tribe Orisa was from, but that group of big noses dared to kill my people!

  If the Legion thought that they could conquer them by killing the people of a city, then that would be naive.

  In the history of the People’s Union, imperialism has never really won. It has always been moving from one quagmire to another, and finally being submerged in the torrent of the times.

  This war has just begun.

  So what if there are airships?

  So what if they have inherited the legacy?

  Who didn’t walk out of the desert two hundred years ago?

  As long as history moves forward, they will eventually be submerged in the endless sea of ​​people…

  While the two were arguing and even quarreling, Kapil was flipping through Mr. Rat’s collection of essays.

  He was not interested in war.

  Since the shell took away his right arm and sent him to a prisoner-of-war camp, those deafening sounds could no longer shock him.

  But those shocking words still could.

  He was a reader of “Mr. Rat” when he was in the prisoner-of-war camp.

  And it was because of reading the article “Red Soil” that he made the decision to stay.

  The authorities of Kinggallon Port reached a consensus with the Empire on the return of prisoners of war, but because of the Ten Peaks Incident, the people of Kinggallon Port took to the streets to petition, so the authorities did not force the prisoners of war to go home, but changed it to a voluntary stay.

  At that time, Kapil spent a sum of money, and used the salary he saved to let the centurion who came to receive the prisoners of war count him as severely disabled, allowing him to stay in Kinggallon Port to continue to receive “humanitarian treatment.”

  In fact, after he installed the prosthesis produced in Boulder City, except for charging it every few days, it had no impact on his daily life and work. He gave money just to preserve the honor of his family and clan.

  After that, the prisoner-of-war camp was transformed into a refugee settlement, and he was transferred here to serve as a marine police.

  Just as Kapil was flipping through the collection, a bell rang from the dock in the distance.

  A cargo ship with a green double-sword flag and royal emblem was seen slowly entering the river port.

  ”A big ship is coming.” Putting the newspaper back on the newsstand, the slightly older marine police put on his hat, “Strange, is there any flight report from the port today?”

  Another marine police next to him narrowed his eyes and grinned.

  ”The merchant ship of the Xilan royal family, these people never report the number when they come here… They still think it’s their own home, haha.”

  It is not a hard and fast rule to send a telegram to apply for the flight number and berth before the big ship departs, just to reduce the trouble between the two sides.

  After all, the berths at the inland river ports are tight and the transportation resources are limited, so there are not always berths for ships to dock.

  When the capacity reached its peak before, the river was blocked, and relevant regulations were made.

  However, the emperor of the province of Bharat never abided by it, and his merchant ships often forgot to apply, or arrived a day early or a day late.

  Several water police grumbled.

  ”Tsk, I hate this unruly person the most.”

  ”Check him!”

  ”… There is no emperor in Jinjialun Port, everyone is the same, go up and take a look.”

  ”Here, wait for me.”

  Kapil also put the collection back on the newspapers and left a banknote to the stall owner, asking him to keep the unfinished collection for him and come back to get it later.

  The group walked to the dock and saw the owner of the merchant ship shouting at the port staff on the dock.

  ”We arrived a day early, help us find a berth!”

  The port staff rolled his eyes.

  ”Where is the berth for you, line up on the river!” The

  distinguished guest behind him urged him, and the ship owner was anxious, but it was not convenient to make his words clear, so he could only threaten.

  ”Aren’t you afraid that we will block the river?”

  The port official joked,

  ”You are trying to scare me. Try to block one.”

  The boat owner was so angry that his teeth itched, but he could do nothing.

  Fortunately, Wu Tuo and a group of ministers had no time to pay attention to him at this moment. They all stared at the shore blankly, and without exception, they opened their mouths in surprise .

  Especially Prince Dilip, he came here with Alaiyan and squatted in a small house in the Klaba market on the outskirts of the city.

  As for this place, it was originally a muddy reed marsh, and he even remembered the path along the river.

  But that path is no longer visible, replaced by a wider and longer cement road.

  Single-family houses are scattered on the edge of the river port. Bicycles are tied to the door of the small courtyard full of flowers and plants, and there is a mailbox painted green.

  Although not every house is so exquisite, those exquisite houses are no less than the citizens of Tiandu.

  Occasionally, there are one or two unique mansions. Even a prince with taste like him can’t help but show his admiration and envy on his face, and he has the idea of ​​buying two.

  Speaking of which…

  the Governor’s Mansion in Nihak is not as grand, right?

  Dilip thought he had entered the rich area of ​​Kinggallon Port, but he didn’t know that this was only its suburbs, and it was a far suburb across the seaport. Those who

  live nearby are either dock workers at the inland port, female workers in the textile factory, or merchants and dignitaries who often travel between Tiger State and Leopard State.

  Because the land in the suburbs is cheap and there are not so many rules in the city, the rich people in Tiger State and Leopard State like to make their second home here, buy a large piece of land, and then hire a designer from Kinggallon Port to build a mansion in the style of the Alliance or the Legion.

  In addition to those elegantly decorated buildings, you can also vaguely see rows of square buildings as high as city walls when you look far away.

  These buildings are usually not far from factories and stations. The walls are lined with rows of windows, like ears of corn, and are inhabited by newly moved residents.

  ”This is… my Golden Galleon Port?”

  Wu Tuo was completely confused, and it took him a long time to squeeze out such a sentence.

  Dilip had been here last year, and his impression of this place was even more distant. He only remembered that there was a piece of red soil beside the Yongliu River, a plantation on the other side, and an endless stream of low shacks and high-walled Lowell Camp in the distance.

  Being a governor here is an absolute hard job. After all, there are slums outside the port, and the whole street is full of stench in the hot dry season.

  But now everything that comes into view completely subverts his impression.

  He can’t even imagine that this settlement will appear on the land of the Borneo Province.

  The ministers behind him looked at each other, unable to say a word.

  Obviously, they were also shocked.

  At this time, a speedboat with a police badge drove over here.

  The water police standing on the speedboat shouted to the deck.

  ”Guards, check the boat!”

  The ship owner, who was arguing with the port authorities, looked at the speedboat and explained with a smile.

  ”We are a royal merchant ship!”

  The water police standing on the deck said impatiently.

  ”Royal merchant ships must also be inspected. Put down the ladder, hurry up.”

  The ship owner was in a dilemma and looked at his majesty and Prince Dilip behind him for help.

  Wu Tuo had a dark face, but he whispered a few words with the ministers beside him and finally nodded.

  The eunuch on the side stepped forward.

  ”Allow them to come up.”

  The ship owner breathed a sigh of relief and knelt down to thank him.

  ”Yes, your majesty.”

  A line of water police boarded the ship and looked at the surprised expressions on the faces of the nobles standing on the deck.

  Although these people did not wear titles, the robes they wore and the accessories hanging on their waists were worth a lot of money, maybe tens of millions of gallons. What is

  even more puzzling is that these nobles actually entered the port on a cargo ship.

  Even if this is a royal merchant ship, it is also a cargo ship…

  Kapil always felt that the face of the leader looked familiar, but he couldn’t remember where he had seen it.

  As a routine, he said to the few people.

  ”Do you have any documents for customs clearance or any identity documents? If not, you have to go to the customs to register…”

  Before he finished speaking, the man of high status suddenly glared at him with an angry face.

  ”What nonsense! What documents do I need to go back to my own home?”

  Kapil was stunned, and the several water police around him were also stunned, wondering what this guy was crazy about.

  But at this moment, Kapil suddenly recognized this familiar face, and a trace of incredible surprise gradually appeared in his eyes.

  How is this possible? !

  In Jinjialun Port?

  He opened his mouth wide, unable to close his chin, and blurted out subconsciously.

  ”…Your Majesty?!”


  Wu Tuo appeared in Jinjialun Port.

  And he emerged from the reed beach in the far suburbs with those illegal immigrants.

  Once the news was published in the newspaper, it immediately caused a huge sensation in the entire Jinjialun Port.

  The inland port, which usually had few idle people, was crowded with people.

  Some people even ran from the port area of ​​the seaport just to take a look at what the emperor looked like.

  Since the crowds of onlookers affected the order of shipping, the port authorities could only send more people to maintain order while parking the royal merchant ship carrying the Xilan Empire’s civil and military officials outside the port, asking the Wutuo to float on the water for a while.

  In fact, the authorities didn’t need to mention this at all.

  Seeing the huge crowds of people on the shore, Wutuo was also scared enough. Not to mention getting off the ship, he hid in the cabin all day and didn’t even dare to open a window, for fear of seeing the light and letting people know which room he was in. After all,

  the empire is not an alliance, and he dared not stand in the crowd like a manager.

  After all, what if there is an assassin mixed in?

  Most people with a guilty conscience are like this, and they think that anyone wants to harm him.

  That night.

  Wutuo, who was sitting by the bed, was depressed and drank tea and played chess with Prince Dilip.

  At this moment, his most loyal eunuch came in from outside the door and kowtowed to the ground.

  ”… Your Majesty, reporters from the Jinjialun Port branch of the Survivor Daily want to interview you.”

  Wutuo frowned.

  ”Reporter? What is that?”

  the eunuch explained tremblingly.

  ”It’s… providing materials for newspapers.”


  Wu Tuo frowned, as if he had heard of it vaguely, anyway, it was not a good thing.

  So he waved his hand and threw down a sentence impatiently.

  ”No, let him go.”

  The eunuch nodded timidly and was about to leave this “palace”.

  Prince Dilip, who was sitting in front of Wu Tuo, suddenly had an idea. He first waved to stop the eunuch who was about to leave the door, and then looked at Wu Tuo and said.

  ”Wait… Your Majesty, I don’t think it’s a bad thing to be interviewed. The reason why the residents of Jinjialun Port are gathering on the shore now is nothing more than to admire your majesty and saintly spirit-”

  Wu Tuo interrupted his interruption impatiently.

  ”How can my majesty be admired by those servants?”

  Prince Dilip said with a dry cough.

  ”That being said… but think about it from another angle, it’s better to drain than to block. If you are willing to satisfy the curiosity of those ignorant guys, maybe they can disperse from the river. And then we can stay on the shore, so we don’t have to float on the river all the time.” It’s unknown

  when the bandits in the west will make trouble, and the imperial army has not given any news.

  If the residents of Jingalon Port come here to join in the fun all day, they may not be able to get ashore.

  The humidity on the Yongliu River is heavy, and the deck is always shaking. He can’t stand staying on the boat all the time.

  Wu Tuo obviously had the same idea. He held the chess piece and thought for a moment, then nodded slowly.


  The chess piece fell on the chessboard.

  He glanced at the eunuch who was standing at the door with his head hunched, and said calmly.

  ”Then let me meet the reporter.”


  The night gradually deepened, and there was silence on the Yongliu River, with only the slow sound of frogs in the reeds.

  Although the crowd on the shore dispersed, the people on the boat still did not dare to come down.

  However, even though he didn’t dare to get off the boat, Wu Tuo slept peacefully on the boat. Just after ten o’clock, he began to snore loudly in the “bedroom”, even more soundly than when he passed through the warlord’s territory.

  But he slept comfortably, but some people in Jinjialun Port couldn’t sleep.

  For example, Yodu, the secretary of the Governor’s Office.

  As the acting governor of Jinjialun Port, he was basically responsible for the affairs of the entire port. He

  had never received a diplomatic note from the Empire before, and he didn’t know that the emperor of the Empire was coming to Jinjialun Port. Therefore, when he heard that Wu Tuo appeared at the port of Yongliu River, he was stunned.

  ”…Is the emperor really here?”

  Standing opposite Yodu, Sheriff Bihari smiled bitterly and wiped the sweat from his forehead with a tissue.

  ”It’s true…I didn’t believe it at first, and I went on the boat to take a look.”

  He was the director of the Port District Security Bureau during the Nihak period, and was later promoted to sheriff because of his outstanding performance during the occupation.

  Although he rarely mentioned his noble title, he was indeed a noble of the Empire.

  Therefore, others don’t know what Wutuo looks like, but he remembers it clearly.

  Including the several dukes and princes on the deck.

  Pacing back and forth in front of the desk, Yodu stopped and couldn’t help asking.

  ”Could it be a fake?”

  Bihari said with a smile.

  ”How is it possible… And it’s not just the emperor, Prince Dilip is also here. He has recorded biometric information in our prison, and he will come out once tested. If you don’t believe it, I’ll take him for a test?”

  Yodu said hurriedly.

  ”That’s not necessary… They are not suspects, so don’t arrest people at will.”

  Chief Inspector Bihari said with a wry smile.

  ”Then what should we do about this? Just let them float on the river?”

  ”It’s not easy…”

  Yodu fell into deep thought.

  His political sense told him that the matter might not be that simple.

  Since Wutuo chose to come here, he must have judged that there was nowhere else to go.

  Even the emperor himself felt that he could no longer control the situation…

  A faint smell of corpse stench came into Yodu’s mind from the wind blowing from the Ever Flowing River.

  This empire might be coming to an end!

  It was like a corpse whose funeral was kept secret. No matter how tightly the coffin was covered, it couldn’t cover the stench coming out of the gap.

  A drop of sweat oozed from Yodu’s forehead.

  At this moment, what he was thinking about was not the future fate of the empire, but the impact and influence that the collapse of this behemoth would have on Golden Gallon Port.

  As one of the candidates for the future mayor, he must first be responsible for the residents of Golden Gallon Port.

  Especially for their deposits.

  ”… Let’s ask the alliance for their opinion on this matter first and see what they say. It’s better for us not to get involved.”

  Hearing Yodu’s statement, Bihari also nodded hurriedly in agreement.

  ”I thought so too. Please contact the Alliance as soon as possible.”

  ”I have sent a telegram to the Alliance as soon as possible, but it is late at night in Dawn City. I am afraid they will have to wait until tomorrow to reply to us…”

  When he said this, Yodu paused for a moment, walked to his desk, picked up the phone, and called his secretary.

  ”Ask the president of the Golden Gallon Bank to come to my office, and the director of the Foreign Trade Administration Bureau… Well, right now, I don’t care if they are lying in bed or soaking in the bathtub, put on your clothes and come to me immediately!”

  ”I have important things to discuss with them face to face.”


  The next morning, the sun was shining brightly, and the port area of ​​Golden Gallon Port was as bustling as ever.

  The tragedy of Xifan Port was just spreading the news the day before yesterday, and today the emperor of Xilan came to Golden Gallon Port again.

  People were discussing whether Tiandu had been taken down by the Heavenly King Army.

  It’s a pity that neither Lion City nor Tiandu has a branch of the Survivor Daily, so they can only rely on guessing.

  But it would be great if it was true.

  The Heavenly King’s Army at least shouted the slogan of abolishing slavery and dividing the land, and it is said that they did divide the land, which is at least a little progress.

  And regardless of whether it is progress or not, they have long disliked the empire and the emperor!

  In the beef noodle breakfast shop, a group of diners were talking about the newly-published newspaper while eating noodles.

  ”What a good death! It’s better to kill all the officials in the court! Grind their bones and scatter their ashes!”

  An old man shook his head and sighed.

  ”I’m afraid it’s not that simple. The legion will not sit idly by and watch the empire collapse like this, and they killed so many people in the legion. The thirteen armies seem to be surging, but they are all farmers, and the logistics can’t keep up. It’s hard to predict the outcome if they really fight.”

  A man who looked elegant also shook his head and said regretfully.

  ”I’m afraid their blood will be shed in vain.”

  Not far from them, a dock worker was so angry that he slapped the table and said.

  ”These bastards with big noses! They enslaved my compatriots and now want to interfere in our internal affairs! Do they think we are soft persimmons?”

  This statement received a lot of responses, and the diners sitting in the noodle shop were filled with indignation.

  ”This is really too much!”

  ”I’ll go donate to the Federation right now! I’ll donate one month’s salary!”

  ”What’s the point of donating money to the Federation? They support Lacy, and that guy is still fighting in Mammoth State and Alayan!”

  ”Lacy’s business is getting bigger and bigger, but he’s still not as good as that Janusch.”

  ”Oh, I don’t think highly of that guy… I’m not afraid of him becoming an emperor, I’m just afraid that he wants to live in Dawn City as a retired official.”

  ”Hahaha! Compared to him, Janusch is more straightforward. He just picks up a gun and starts doing it!”

  ”It’s a pity that it’s not easy to transport supplies from here. It will be convenient for them to start an uprising on the east coast.”

  ”It’s useless. No matter how many guns you donate to them, can you stop the Legion? The Legion is going to be defeated… Alas! It’s hard to say who will get these 4 million square kilometers…”

  Just as everyone was talking, a group of unusual people entered the noodle shop.

  Sitting down in the corner of the noodle shop, Asin ordered a bowl of scallion oil noodles and a basket of soup dumplings as usual, then spread out a newspaper in his hand, drinking tea and reading slowly.

  He has been able to read for some time, and now he has no problem reading and writing.

  Even if no one is reading to him, he can understand it by himself.

  Standing behind him, Kunar couldn’t help but clench his fist and mutter as he listened to the indignant conversation of the diners.

  ”This damn emperor dares to come to Jinjialun Port… Boss, how about we kill him?”

  It’s just an inland cargo ship. Just send someone to dig a hole in the bottom of the ship, and they can also taste the water of the Yongliu River.

  ”Are you crazy?”

  Asin was stunned, turned his head to glance at his stupid little brother, shook his head with regret, and turned back.

  Kill the emperor?

  Can the problem of Xilan be solved by killing the emperor?

  It would be better for these small businessmen not to meddle in the affairs of big shots, otherwise they would die without knowing how.

  Of course, if a big shot with enough weight asked him to do this, he would gladly accept it.

  It is indeed not difficult to kill a person.

  Especially on his territory.

  But it is also very strange. Why did Wu Tuo, who just announced the “Northern Hunt”, suddenly appear here?

  After staring at the newspaper for a while, a gleam of brilliance suddenly flashed in Asin’s eyes.

  ”This emperor… I’m afraid he came to avoid disaster.”

  Kunar was stunned when he heard this and asked in a low voice.

  ”You mean, the Heavenly King Army has reached Tiandu?”

  Asin said casually.

  ”It took him two days to get here. Maybe he is fighting now.”

  Kunar was shocked when he heard this, and subconsciously thought about the map of the Bharata Province.

  Good guy!

  Isn’t this two states in a week? !

  Even on the plains where the legion had helped build infrastructure, the speed of the march was a bit exaggerated.

  ”So, that Heavenly King is even more powerful than Lassi…”

  Hearing this, Asin laughed and shook his head.

  ”You can’t just look at the surface. It depends on who the opponent is. Janusz faced a group of peasants, while Lassi faced Alayyan. Don’t underestimate that wolf man. He did suffer a loss at the hands of the Alliance, but he didn’t lose entirely on the battlefield.”

  Few people in the entire Golden Gallon Port hope that the Empire will win. It would be a coincidence if the Gray Wolf Army could win.

  In fact, including himself, it was precisely because he learned the lesson of the Empire’s failure that he was particularly careful when expanding his business. He never did anything to the extreme and always left a way out.

  Not only that, the leaders of other gangs wanted to write the word “ruthless” on their faces, but he was polite to everyone, even sitting with neighbors to eat noodles and giving red envelopes to children during the New Year.

  It is precisely because of this that the Assassins can become bigger and stronger.

  Kunar touched the back of his head and said with a smile.

  ”That’s right, hehe… When you mention it, I remember that you killed one yourself.”

  Asin glanced at him.

  ”This is not a good thing… don’t mention it.”

  ”Okay, boss,” Kunar nodded, paused for a moment and asked again, “Then this emperor…”

  Asin patted him on the back of his head in frustration.

  ”Why don’t you learn your lesson? Why do you always think about that guy? This is not our job at all. Just take care of your own business!”

  Kunar scratched the back of his head.

  ”But you said that you wanted to bring down the emperor… I just want to share your worries.”

  Asin was stunned for a moment, then he remembered that he had said this, and it was during the farewell party for Laxi.

  In this situation, looking at the downtrodden emperor in the newspaper, he couldn’t help laughing.

  Thinking about it, it’s really nostalgic.

  In the blink of an eye, everything he dreamed of in his dream is about to come true.

  ”Yes, that’s right… Kunar, my friend, I did say this.”

  ”And I can tell you that my wish will come true soon, haha!”


  (Thanks to the leader of “Xingqing Buyu” for the reward!!!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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