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Chapter 830: Xilan’s “Last Emperor”

Chapter 830: Xilan’s “Last Emperor”


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 830 The “Last Emperor” of Xilan

  Shortly before the Weilantes ushered in the most important festival of the year, two major events occurred in the Golden Gallon Port on the east coast of the Borneo Province.

  The first thing was that the head office of the Golden Gallon Port Bank issued a message, issuing a risk warning for the transaction of Xilan currency, restricting related financial instruments and currency exchange channels, and strictly preventing systemic financial risks.

  Simply put, foreign exchange speculators cannot increase leverage, and private depositors holding Xilan currency will be advised by account managers to sell as soon as possible.

  At the same time, the trade management department also issued a notice to suspend all export business settled in Xilan currency, while import business will not be affected.

  This incident caused a huge sensation in the upper class of Golden Gallon Port, especially for those who hold a lot of Xilan currency.

  As for the vast majority of the working class, they were not affected at all.

  After all, the gallon is anchored to silver coins, not Xilan coins, and the rise and fall of that thing will not affect the lives of local people in a short period of time.

  In contrast, they were more interested in the second thing –

  that is, the exclusive interview of the “Survivor Daily” with the Xilan Emperor Wu Tuo in Jinjialun Port.

  Compared with the previous serious topic, this second thing was full of humor from beginning to end.

  The two sides met on the royal merchant ship. Wu Tuo suddenly changed his mind before the interview and asked the reporter team of the “Survivor Daily” to kneel down for the interview on the grounds of Xilan law.

  The latter certainly couldn’t spoil him, and suddenly had an idea and hired a Weilante actor from the Grand Theater.

  As expected, when Wu Tuo saw the big nose, he smiled and asked the other party to sit down and talk politely as if he had seen his father.

  The interview went very smoothly.

  On one side, the script was memorized as lines, and on the other side, it was improvised on the spot. Both sides frequently talked nonsense, and it was full of comedy from beginning to end.

  After the interview, the Jinjialun Port branch of the “Survivor Daily” published a special issue on the same day to report on this “dialogue of the century”.

  However, perhaps because the “kneel down!” episode offended the editorial team of the newspaper, the editor used the word “the last emperor” in the title with ill intentions.

  Fortunately, Wu Tuo only read the “special supply newspaper” sent by Duke Galawa. The people below did not dare to show him this treasonous title, otherwise he might be so angry that he would be injured and cause some diplomatic disputes.

  And soon after the special issue was published, people who satisfied their curiosity gradually lost interest in this emperor.

  The guy riding on the heads of the survivors of Borneo Province turned out to be such a thing.

  Objectively speaking, he may be a little better than ordinary people, but not much, and even worse than those nouveau riche in Jinjialun Port who made a fortune by demolition.

  When talking about military theory, he vividly described the rules on the beast fighting chessboard. When talking about international strategy, he used the monkeys and dogs in the zoo to “simplify the complex”, and the temporary Weilant worker who interviewed him was speechless.

  As for the future of the empire.

  When the battleships of the South Sea Alliance are delivered, everything will be fine!

  Some things are not afraid of being put together, but they are afraid of being exposed to the light.

  Those who have read the special issue were disappointed, but they felt sorry for the 4 gallons of newspapers.

  With this money, you can sit in a teahouse and hear more exciting things!

  However, it is precisely because of these 4 gallons of special issues that people finally see Wu Tuo’s “face”.

  In the future, no matter how those old guards say that the emperor of Xilan is actually wise and foolish, unfathomable, and has unknown magical powers and a big picture behind him, few normal people will believe those nonsense.

  At this moment, Wu Tuo is still unaware of the public opinion outside, but he is very satisfied that there are no more people watching the excitement by the river.

  With fewer people on the riverside, he finally dared to open the window to get some fresh air, and even put the dining table on the deck to host a banquet for the nobles of King Gallon Port to win their hearts.

  All the nobles above the baron rank in King Gallon Port were invited by him, but the response was mediocre.

  Those great nobles had either moved away or were doing well, so they would not go to see him even to avoid suspicion.

  For example, Sheriff Bihari.

  Not to mention whether he would go or not, he even wanted to stuff the invitation letter and title into the sewer to completely erase the mark of the empire on him.

  In the end, those who came to the appointment were all nobles who were not doing well.

  Most of them were people who were left behind by the wheel of the times. Although they might have something in their stomachs, they were unwilling to lower themselves to do things, or they were ambitious but incompetent, and eventually they either went bankrupt or owed a lot of debts, and their lives were a mess.

  That is why, when they stood on the deck of the royal merchant ship wearing the most expensive dress in their wardrobe and saw their emperor, the great and beautiful “Nihak era” seemed to have returned to them. At

  this moment, almost everyone couldn’t help but burst into tears and wanted to plop on the ground.

  ”Your Majesty! Do you remember us?”

  ”We miss you so much, Your Majesty!”

  ”Please come back soon!”

  ”The Alliance is really a piece of shit! Woo woo woo, you don’t know how they treat us!”

  ”We are so miserable!”

  ”Please get up quickly, my lords, I made you suffer.” Standing in front of everyone with a compassionate expression, Wu Tuo stepped forward and made a gesture of lifting his hands up, trying to help everyone up.

  Looking at the nobles with tears in his eyes, he had an expression of reluctance on his face, but his heart was full of joy.

  Although even if it is proved that the Alliance is a pile of shit, it cannot prove that the Empire is a pile of shit, but he can’t help but love to hear this.

  After all, the more miserable they cry and the deeper the pain, the more it proves that he is right.

  After a tearful greeting, Wu Tuo asked his servants to invite them to the table.

  As for himself, he sat at the main seat of the banquet and nodded to the chef hired from the Triumph Hotel, indicating that the dishes could be served.

  Rows of dining carts were quickly pushed onto the deck, and on them were all delicious dishes.

  The nobles were drooling, staring at the waiters who were serving the dishes, and they wanted to rush over and grab them with their hands.

  Wu Tuo was very satisfied with this meal, as if he had made up for all the grievances he had suffered along the way.

  After three rounds of wine, the nobles were a little drunk, and some even snored on the table.

  Seeing that they were almost done, Wu Tuo suddenly stood up under the influence of drunkenness and raised his glass.

  ”Hearing your complaints, I feel very distressed. It’s all because of Alaiyang’s inability to resist the enemy, which made you all wronged!”

  After a pause, he said again.

  ”Well, when the situation calms down, are you willing to follow me back to Tiandu? I promise you that the past is written off and you are still my most loyal servants!” As soon as

  the words fell, the deck was silent, and even the snoring stopped.

  Those guys who had been crying and cursing the alliance for being a piece of shit before, suddenly buried their heads and kept silent, as if they were dumb.

  Seeing that the atmosphere on the scene was gradually getting cold, Prince Dilip quickly stepped out to smooth things over, saying with an awkward smile.

  ”Everyone, eat the food, eat the food! You are wronged by not having food on weekdays, but today His Majesty is treating you, don’t be polite, eat more!”

  Hearing this, the nobles who had buried their heads seemed to have been cured of their muteness and began to praise.

  ”Your Majesty is generous!”

  ”That alliance is really stingy! They gave me that little compensation after robbing my house. It’s unlike Your Majesty’s broad-mindedness!”

  ”Ah… I miss Grand Duke Nihak all the time! I wonder if he is safe in the Nanman Sea!”

  ”… Please come back soon! We miss you so much, Your Majesty!”

  The atmosphere at the scene heated up again.

  Those downtrodden nobles started to complain again, with snot and tears.

  As for going to Tiandu, no one mentioned it.

  They seemed to be drunk, but each one was more sober than the other, and each one was a smart person.

  Wu Tuo looked unhappy, drinking alone, wanting to explode, but didn’t know where to start.

  They were all good words, who should he scold?

  Unable to bear this hypocritical atmosphere, he snorted coldly after seeing enough of the warmth and coldness of human nature, got up from the table and left…

  The crying sound continued, but it sounded like laughter and joy in the midst of the clinking of glasses.

  And the crazy laughter was even more piercing and unpleasant than crying…

  Finally noticing that His Majesty had left, the drunken Prince Dilip quickly wiped his mouth and raised his glass to toast.

  ”Your Majesty is not good at drinking, everyone enjoy drinking, enjoy drinking!”

  The nobles, whose mouths were full of oil and whose bellies were bulging, didn’t care at all, and even forgot that the people they missed had left the table, and burped one after another.

  ”Praise Your Majesty!”


  ”Your Majesty is wise!”


  Wu Tuo held a big banquet on the Yongliu River, and the empire that had lost its emperor was in chaos.

  It was not because the Tianwang Army broke the gate of Tiandu, but no one expected that Wu Tuo would actually come up with a “feint to the east and attack in the west” operation.

  This is the king of a country!

  How can he treat his subjects like monkeys like this?

  With the interview published in the newspaper and the special issue of “Survivor Daily” issued, the news that Wu Tuo was in Jinjialun Port spread immediately.

  The three northern states that were busy welcoming His Majesty were the first to be dumbfounded, especially when they saw that it was the prince who came. The people who followed the emperor’s etiquette to receive the emperor were immediately confused.

  The warlords of Tiger State and Leopard State near Jinjialun Port shouted “Wow!” They didn’t expect to be fooled by their own emperor!

  In fact, they may not have thought of rebellion, at least not at all at the moment.

  After all, with the current situation of the empire, whoever becomes the emperor will be roasted on the fire. Isn’t it good to be a local emperor who has the final say?

  However, although they have no idea of ​​rebellion, they have to beware of their neighbor who is also a warlord and has two hearts, holding the emperor hostage to play some tricks.

  Now that the emperor slipped through their territory without saying a word, the two warlords were uneasy.

  The emperor no longer trusts them.

  The Tiandu is surrounded by water, and it is unlikely to continue to send military pay.

  The empire has no time to take care of them at the moment, but it is hard to say when the empire is free.

  So are they against it or not?

  The Tiger Army and the Black Panther Army, who were originally busy making a fortune in silence, now have to face this realistic problem.

  While the entire empire was at a loss because of Wu Tuo’s coquettish operation, Dawn City, thousands of kilometers away, was a unique scenery.

  The first Wasteland Survival Equipment Expo officially came to an end and was widely praised by the wastelanders, creating a sales volume of 1 billion silver coins!

  All survivor forces that have been certified by the Alliance and abide by the basic conventions can purchase military equipment according to the diplomatic level to fight against predators and mutant forces.

  The Alliance’s military factories will even provide professional private customization services based on the customer’s coordinates and actual needs.

  For example, installing fixed turrets on the walls, installing patrol drones near production facilities, etc.

  If it were in the past, with the purchasing power of the survivors around the Alliance, it would be almost impossible to afford these high-value-added things.

  Even if the Alliance’s banks lent them money, they would not be able to pay it back with their financial situation.

  However, in the past year, the Alliance has been constantly upgrading its industry with the support of technicians attracted to Dawn City by the Alliance.

  In the process, the Alliance itself also “transferred” a lot of relatively outdated production equipment to relatively reliable but underdeveloped partners.

  For example, Jinjialun Port is the most typical example.

  Although Jinjialun Port was poor in the early days, it received a large investment with the support of Baiyue Company and quickly took over the production line that the Alliance was moving to the Silver Moon Bay at that time.

  These include sugar making, wine making, cotton spinning, clothing, agricultural machinery, bicycles and even exoskeleton accessories.

  Although the added value of these industries is not high, it is just right for Jinjialun Port, which has a intensive labor force and a relatively low education rate.

  Jinjialun Port, which has made a fortune with the Alliance, certainly cannot only take in and not go out, and the rules of the game of the Alliance cannot allow it to play like this.

  In addition to using it to repay installment loans and to purchase silver coin bonds issued by the Alliance Bank to earn interest, a considerable part of this money is also used on imported goods.

  As one of the high value-added products, arms account for a considerable proportion of them.

  In addition to the Golden Gallon Port, other settlements, including Luoxia Province, the southern seas, and the eastern provinces, are actually the same, with similar cycles of currency and goods.

  While these survivor settlements have become rich with the alliance, while using silver coins to improve their lives, they naturally don’t mind spending a little money to upgrade their security measures to avoid being targeted by predators outside.

  In addition to those collective purchase orders, there are also some individual buyers.

  After all, compared to those high-tech products produced by companies that are difficult to maintain, the simple and easy-to-use weapons manufactured by the alliance are quite popular among the wastelanders.

  However, several groups from the enterprise also sold a lot of good products at the exhibition.

  For example, the wearable smart devices of the Endpoint Group, the military exoskeleton and prosthetics of the Changge Group, and the bionic man of the Kangmao Group.

  Most of these equipment were bought by players of the Alliance, accounting for 30% of the total transaction share of the entire exhibition.

  As a special guest, Chu Guang also participated in this exhibition, although he did not buy anything.

  He himself did not need to change equipment, and the equipment of the Alliance had more professional channels for procurement, so he did not have to pick and choose at this exhibition.

  Moreover, they generally do not sell the real good things casually.

  For example, the P-2 “Lightning” attack aircraft that showed its prowess in the Battle of Beidao, and the L-10 “Thunder” fighter, etc. After

  chatting with old friends from the enterprise at the exhibition, Chu Guang was about to go and see what new work Brother Mosquito had done, but suddenly received a video call request from Cheng Yan, the foreign minister of the Alliance, so he went to the lounge next to the exhibition center.

  ”Xiao Qi, help me watch the door.”


  After hearing Chu Guang’s order, Xiao Qi responded enthusiastically, and then immediately connected to the monitoring system of the exhibition center to make sure that no one was eavesdropping nearby.

  As for Chu Guang, he skillfully took out a holographic computer pen from his arms and placed it on the coffee table, unfolding the light blue holographic image. There are

  many people in the exhibition center, so it is better to be careful.

  Besides, this matter is of great importance.

  Although the video call has not been connected yet, Chu Guang has roughly guessed what his foreign minister is going to report…

  As expected.

  As soon as the call was connected, Cheng Yan spoke anxiously.

  ”…According to the intelligence we have obtained through diplomatic channels, the Empire has formally requested assistance from the Legion! A 10,000-man team is taking an airship from Triumph City to Xifan Port. It is not yet clear which unit and which legion it is from.”

  ”Although their dispatch of troops is within our expectations, I am worried that the Legion will use this as an excuse to expand the war and even take the opportunity to annex the entire Borneo Province… The Southern Legion is different from the Eastern Legion. The former controls Yongye Port, which is not too far from Xifan Port. Moreover, they have always had the ambition to conquer the East, and have the realistic conditions to dominate Xifan Port and even the entire Borneo Province!”

  ”At present, they are facing two obstacles. One is the opposition from within the Legion, that is, the opposition from the civil service group. According to the statement provided by Bennot, Xifan Port and Borneo Province are strictly speaking the sphere of influence of the Triumph City Civil Service Group… But their voices seem to be suppressed at present.”

  Chu Guang nodded.

  ”It is obvious, after all, so many people died.”


  Cheng Yan smiled bitterly and nodded, and continued.

  ”The second obstacle faced by the Southern Legion comes from the ancient contract. I don’t need to elaborate on this. You should know that a long time ago, the Legion and the Enterprise agreed on their respective spheres of influence under the witness of the Great Rift Valley and the Academy, especially the scope of expansion of the Legion… That is, under no circumstances can the Legion directly control the territory east of the Great Desert.”

  ”But in fact, you also know that the Legion’s promise is like toilet paper. They have been rubbing on the edge of the red line. For example, the Falcon Kingdom is controlled by the Eastern Legion as a vassal. As for Xifan Port, although the Legion nominally has no military presence in the area, in fact there are still some people stationed there, but the scale is not very large.”

  After listening to the clues provided by Cheng Yan, Chu Guang thought for a moment and suddenly spoke.

  ”In fact, I have been reviewing the whole thing these days. Is it possible… This is a farce directed and performed by the Weilant people themselves?”

  ”You hit the point!”

  Cheng Yan praised and gave a thumbs up, but soon restrained the inappropriate frivolity and continued to speak carefully.

  ”In fact, don’t say you think so… Bennott also told me so. The Civilian Group has no troops directly under its control, and there are always people who are eyeing the cake in their hands. He always feels that things are not that simple, and someone may be playing tricks.”

  This possibility cannot be ruled out.

  And it is not low.

  After all, the strength of the Civilian Group is too weak, and the cake in their hands is easy to be coveted by others, and it happens that the Legion is in a very embarrassing stage-that is, this behemoth designed for war has not continued to expand for a long time.

  For a country of militarism, this is almost incredible.

  If the Heavenly King Army is an avalanche in the Borneo Province, then they are an avalanche sweeping the entire wasteland, and there is no such thing as stopping wherever they hit. The

  Eastward Expansion Faction does not only exist in the Eastern Legion.

  Obviously, there must be similar factions in the Southern Legion, and the Evernight Port standing on the central axis of the Great Desert is the best proof.

  The settlement is located on the red line drawn by the “Ancient Contract”, and there is a whole team of 10,000 people stationed there for a long time.

  That settlement is like the nose of the Weilantes. They reject everything about the War Construction Committee from the bottom of their hearts. Whether it is the order that the latter once decided or the contract signed under the latter’s leadership.

  However, this is just Chu Guang’s guess.

  After all, that is 3,000 lives…

  In the absence of evidence, he can’t presume to attribute it all to some huge conspiracy. After all, Bennot also has the motive of lying to “excusing his own incompetence”.

  ”What is your suggestion?”

  Seeing Chu Guang suddenly throw the question to him, Cheng Yan was stunned for a moment, and then immediately said.

  ”I propose to send more troops to Jin Jialun Port! We must maintain a military presence of more than two corps in the area! Regardless of whether the incident in Xifan Port is the result of a faction of the Corps directing and acting, we must be vigilant against them taking the opportunity to cross the red line.”

  Hearing his proposal, Chu Guang nodded approvingly.

  ”What is the opinion of Jin Jialun Port?”

  Cheng Yan smiled and said.

  ”They are eager for us to go over to protect their safety, and even proposed to be willing to bear the full military expenses of our stationing.”

  Military expenses are actually a small matter.

  It is more important to keep the army calm.

  Chu Guang thought for a moment and nodded.

  ”Okay, I will dispatch two corps.”

  When Cheng Yan heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

  ”By the way, there is one more thing. Wu Tuo suddenly appeared in Jin Jialun Port. This matter seems to have caused a big fuss in the Borneo Province. The Jin Jialun Port authorities are undecided about how to deal with it, and hope to seek our advice…”

  This matter is actually an internal affair of the Xilan Empire. The alliance has no reason to intervene, nor does it make sense to do so.

  An emperor who has lost control of his empire can only be a puppet at best.

  This guy might be useful to the Legion, but the Alliance is not a Legion after all, so it is impossible for them to do the same thing as the Willant people.

  Although Cheng Yan looked like he wanted to use this guy, Chu Guang did not take him seriously.

  ”Let Jin Gallon Port decide for itself. The Legion has been invited in by that guy. Is there any point in forcing him to change his mind? The Willant people are not taxi drivers who stop when you wave and leave when you wave.”

  In fact, at this point, it doesn’t matter whether they are invited or not.

  The Legion itself is not very disciplined. Even if the Empire does not ask for help from them, they will come here on their own.


  If the Willant people really care so much, they will not break the contract again and again.

  ”That’s what I said, but I think it’s a pity not to take advantage of this opportunity that has been delivered to my door.” Cheng Yan said with some regret.

  Chu Guang smiled faintly.

  ”There’s nothing to regret.”

  ”From the moment he left Tiandu, his era was over.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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