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Chapter 831 People with a sincere faith don’t die so easily

Chapter 831 People with a sincere faith don’t die so easily


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 831 People with pious faith don’t die so easily

  [… Dear Mr. Administrator, I have mediated the local events as you instructed. The legion commander agreed to distinguish between innocent people and thugs and adopt a public trial method… I know this is not a good idea, but honestly, do I have a better way? Forgive my limited ability, this is the limit of what I can do with my mouth. ]

  [In addition, I have not found any clues about the “arsonist” you asked me to investigate. I investigated the warehouse and interviewed nearby residents. Some said that they saw members of the Silver Moon Sect on the edge of the warehouse area, and some said that they saw someone sneaking over the wall… Their testimonies contradicted each other, and they were unwilling to talk more about what happened that day. As for the Willant people, they found hundreds of “arsonists”, but I feel that each of them seems to have been wronged. ]

  [The guy who first shot and killed the captain of the guard was found by me. Or to be more precise, it was someone else who exposed him. No matter how you look at it, the ratman guy is just an ordinary person, not like he was ordered by someone. I can’t help but wonder if the shot he fired really hit the target. Although I wanted to ask him further, the Weirant people didn’t seem to care who fired the shot. After the evening bell rang, he was pushed to the execution ground with the others. 】

  【My mood was extremely complicated. Some of my companions sympathized with the Weirant people, while others sympathized with the dead laborers. They had argued more than once. Mr. Yarman’s experience certainly made me sympathize, but I couldn’t help but wonder if all this was the fault of the slave owners… However, looking at Ruby’s lovable eyes, I wanted to avenge her. 】

  【But later, a girl about her age asked me in confusion, what her father had done wrong, shouldn’t they resist, and kneel down and surrender in the face of power… I must admit that I was a little bit broken at the time. But the Alliance is not a wish-making machine after all. We don’t have the ability to change all the laws of the world. No one has this, and I know this too. 】

  【I admire the players who participated in the Boulder City incident. How did they achieve the perfect ending? Should I put a goblin rocket on Alman’s ship? But we were a whole week late. Even if I think about it, I can’t think of a better idea… Or did the perfect ending never exist in this land from the beginning? 】

  【The torment finally ended today. The Legion finally stopped killing and started planning for the future. According to statistics, there were 80,000 dead. General McLennan said that he lost the bet with Captain Ross. He originally expected 100,000 people, but he was still 20,000 short. However, I was not happy at all. 】

  【In addition, the Legion did not intend to stop there. A large amount of supplies were being transported from Evernight Port to West Sail Port. I heard that Evernight Port seemed to be the territory of the Southern Legion… the one that gave us a 902mm gun. 】

  【I was actually confused about what they were planning. Didn’t they agree not to expand eastward? However, more and more infantry are landing… I don’t know, but they don’t seem to be planning to withdraw in the short term. 】

  【Currently, this is all the information I have about Xifan Port. There are also some gossips that the Heavenly King Army seems to have surrounded Tiandu, and the two sides are said to be fighting extremely fiercely. In addition, the three states of Lion, Wolf, and Ox have fallen into the hands of the Heavenly King Army, and countless liberated slaves and serfs along the way have joined them. The size of this force is probably more than two million…】

  【Finally, do you want to form a peacekeeping force in the Sticky Community? I always feel that the situation is no longer under our control. It may be a good idea to pull more survivors down, especially enterprises and colleges. 】

  When the far-sighted Eagle typed these words on the keyboard, he himself felt that it was a bit unrealistic.

  The wasteland is not reality, and the Sticky Community is not the United Nations. How can it be possible to form a peacekeeping force.

  Those who can move have already joined the regular army, and only those who can’t move will go up to talk.

  But after thinking about it, he finally didn’t delete a word and hit the enter key.

  【Send completed. 】

  ”MMP! Finally it’s done!”

  Eagle, who had let out a long sigh, leaned back in his chair, picked up the helmet on the table, and put it on as if escaping from reality.

  In the blink of an eye, the ceiling above his head had changed.

  This is the utility room of the Silver Moon Church. There are four beds in an area of ​​less than 15 square meters.

  Since the port area was bombed to pieces by the 380 heavy artillery, there are no hotels nearby. These days, they have been staying in a small compartment of the church. Alman and his daughter live next to them.

  Lao Gun and Lao Guan are still sleeping in the bed. Lao Lang has gone outside, probably to visit the masses to collect clues.

  But to be honest, Eagle thinks he is wasting his efforts.

  Now the whole settlement is in panic, and everyone looks like a murderer. Except for some ignorant children who are willing to tell them the truth, others dare not say much even if they know something, especially when they mention what happened that night, they avoid the topic.

  Eagle estimated that the arson case itself might have been investigated to the end, and even if it was investigated, it would probably be meaningless.

  The most urgent task now is to find out what the Legion is planning.

  Three thousand-man teams have landed in Xifan Port, which is three regiments according to the Alliance’s standards.

  The entire Lion State is full of the Heavenly King Army. Instead of suppressing the bandits, they bully and cause trouble for the honest people in Xifan Port. It is somewhat unreasonable. It is

  indeed difficult to fight a few thousand against hundreds of thousands, but it is always possible to steal a butt when the Heavenly King Army and the regular army of the Empire are fighting, right?

  What they are doing now is like allowing this avalanche to submerge the Empire…

  That is their “ally”.

  At least that’s what it says in the setting collection.

  Maybe it’s just an illusion, he always feels that things are not that simple.

  In particular, he suddenly remembered McLen who was sitting in the church reading the newspaper. That guy has completely different faces when he is in the church and when he is at the port.

  Sometimes he is calm as if he is negotiating a business deal, slowly discussing conditions and interests, and sometimes he is like a furious devil, wishing to slaughter all the survivors in Xifan Port.

  That doesn’t look like a general.

  Instead, it looks like a politician wearing a general’s coat.

  If he remembered correctly, this guy shouldn’t be like this before he entered the game.

  Although people can change, the change of McLen is a bit too big.

  What on earth stimulated him?

  Asking McLen directly would definitely not give him any information, not to mention that he hadn’t seen that guy at the port for some time.

  As for those Willant soldiers, there was no need to think about them at all, as their relationship was not very good.

  Taking all these factors into consideration, Eagle decided to take a different approach and start with the NPCs who had a good relationship with them.

  For example, Alman.

  Although this guy was not a military man, the grassroots soldiers and officers stationed there were full of sympathy for his experience.

  In addition, this guy has a good network of connections in the local area, and he might be able to pry open the mouths of some locals and obtain some intelligence that they could not investigate on their own… After

  making today’s plan on the VM, Eagle saw that the two had not yet come online, so he did not intend to wait any longer, and pushed the door open to go out and wash up by the well in the backyard.

  Coincidentally, just as he pushed open the door, Alman just came out of the door next door and met him. In

  just one week, this once high-spirited man has lost a lot of weight, and his chin is covered with a sloppy beard. The successive changes have pulled out his spine, and now he is decadent like a drunkard who has lost everything.

  But fortunately, he has not lost everything, at least his Ruby is still there.

  The heartbreaking face is hidden behind him, and a weak little hand has been gently grasping the corner of his clothes.

  Eagle gave the little girl a friendly smile, and then looked at the partner in front of him and said hello.

  ”Feeling better?”

  Alman hesitated, nodded slowly, and then walked past him with his head down.


  Seeing that the two were also going to the well in the backyard, Eagle followed him.

  ”What are you going to do next? Go back to Triumph City? Or continue here… uh, our previous business.”

  Eagle certainly hoped that Alman would choose the latter, whether for the current task or for future business.

  However, after such a tragic thing happened, he couldn’t force him to do it, so he could only leave it to this partner to choose.

  Alman fell into silence and didn’t speak for a long time, as if he was distracted.

  ”It doesn’t matter, you don’t have to rush to make a decision immediately. If you haven’t adjusted yet, I can continue to wait for you–” Realizing that his question might be a bit harsh, Eagle hurriedly smiled and tried to change the subject.

  But at this moment, the silent Alman suddenly interrupted him.

  ”These days… I’ve actually been thinking about something.”

  His Adam’s apple moved, and he continued in a complicated tone.

  ”I…did we go too far with the local survivors?”

  This time it was Eagle’s turn to remain silent.

  After about half a minute, he finally chose to stand on the side of conscience and shrugged his shoulders.

  ”Brother…if you want me to be honest, you did go a little too far.”

  Objectively speaking, the Legion seemed to have brought freedom to the survivors of Xifan Port.

  However, combined with the local actual situation, this illusory freedom is more like a beautiful soap bubble, which bursts with a poke and runs away with a blow.

  All the resources and rules of the entire Xifan Port are firmly monopolized by the Willant people and the local nobles.

  The survivors of Bugla at least have the hope of repaying their debts and turning over a new leaf, while the survivors of Xifan Port have no choice but to wait for reincarnation.

  Obviously, fairness is not something that can be called fairness by writing these two words on a piece of paper.

  He once thought that the Legion had at least turned the locals from livestock into goods, which was a good thing, but he didn’t expect that after coming here, he found that he was still too naive. Livestock are still livestock, but they are stamped with a seal of approval, and the tools and processes for slaughtering are automated.

  Being a slave is more comfortable than being a freeman. How can this be called progress?

  Knowing that his words were not pleasant to hear, Eagle thought that this guy would stare at him angrily, or even quarrel with him, but he was silent for a while, and finally only squeezed out a bitter smile from his face.

  ”As expected…”

  Alman scratched his messy hair, looked at the well outside the corridor window, and continued with mixed feelings.

  ”In fact, I am somewhat aware of it in my heart… This will end sooner or later. It’s not that there has been no rebellion in the colonies of the Legion, and it has happened again and again. I shouldn’t comfort myself that Xifan Port is an exception just because the survivors in the Borneo Province are more docile. Especially here is different from other places. There is not even an organized garrison. Once the situation gets out of control, no one can survive.”

  He paused, and the regret in his eyes became stronger, but with a hint of unwillingness.

  ”But I can’t do anything, nothing at all. I’m just a small person. My will and my opinions are insignificant in front of those real big people.”

  He still remembers it clearly.

  When he entered the door, General McLennan just tilted his head slightly and didn’t even look at him, as if he was just a piece of dust floating under the eaves.

  When he said this, Alman became emotional.

  He took a deep breath, buried his nose in his palms, and suppressed the trembling of his voice.

  ”You are right… I actually feel the same way in my heart.”

  ”If I hadn’t pushed Naji so hard, the laborer named Orissa might not have died, and there would have been no subsequent strike. Maybe the warehouse would not have caught fire, and even if it did, it would not have gotten out of control.”

  No one expected that the fire would burn more and more fiercely, not only burning down Xifan Port, but also burning down Lion State…

  and even igniting the entire empire.

  What hurt him the most was not the empire burning in the flames and the countless dead compatriots, but the fact that he suddenly found out that his wife was indirectly killed by him…

  Unable to bear to see this guy getting stuck in a dead end, Old Eagle sighed and walked forward, patting his shoulder.

  ”Okay… Don’t be too hard on yourself. This is not one person’s fault at all. It’s better to blame the munitions piled up in the port warehouse than to blame you. Damn… Fortunately, our managers are wise and know that these big-nosed people are not good people. They directly seized the munitions and dragged them back halfway.” After

  finishing his words, Old Eagle suddenly felt something was wrong. He suddenly realized that he had also scolded the two people in front of him, so he coughed to make amends.

  ”Ah, of course, the big noses I’m talking about don’t include you and little Ruby–”

  Alman shook his head.

  ”You’re right, these big-nosed people are really not good people, including the old me… Of course, Ruby is still young, and this matter has nothing to do with her. This is the responsibility of our generation.”

  When he said this, he paused for a moment, and his originally gloomy eyes gradually became firm.

  ”Without a doubt, the cannibalistic rule and endless greed are what should be condemned. If no one corrects these mistakes, the price of mistakes will be paid again and again… and the karma owed will sooner or later be counted on our children.”

  As he spoke, he placed his hand on Ruby’s head and gently stroked it.

  The latter tilted her head in confusion, looking at the haggard but kind father looking at her, obviously not understanding what he said.

  This is obvious.

  For her age, it was a little too early to talk about responsibilities and obligations.

  However, the old eagle standing opposite understood what he meant and couldn’t help but give him a thumbs up.

  What a pattern, brother!

  There are Weilants in the Alliance, and there are quite a few of them, such as Vanus.

  They obviously have similar ideas and stand on the opposite side of the Legion for the Weilants.

  After all, if the Legion is not defeated, the Weilants will never become a normal race.

  Their descendants will bleed for bloodshed, revenge for revenge, and sacrifice again and again in endless battles, and will never get the equality, dignity and recognition they really desire.

  However, it’s not that he wants to pour cold water.

  With the identity of this gentleman as a merchant, it seems that he can’t really change anything.

  However, just when he was thinking about this, a trembling voice suddenly came from the side.

  ”Mr. Melgio is actually still alive… People with devout faith don’t die so easily.”

  ”Including brave people.”

  The three of them looked to one side of the corridor at the same time, and saw the old nun of the church standing at the door.

  She was wearing her usual simple robe, her skinny index finger touched the silver moon pendant on her chest, and her lips kept opening and closing as if she was reciting something.

  The voice sounded like a prayer.

  It also sounded like a confession.

  ”Mr. Alman, please forgive me for hiding some facts from you, but please believe that I have no malice.”

  ”I promised that lady… her children cannot be without a mother.”

  (The physical book is out, brothers! Crowdfunding the physical book on the WeChat mini program Dimension Juhe! Friends who are interested in collecting can consider buying it. For details of the building lottery event, please refer to the book friend circle and book friend group. I heard that there are many peripherals that can be unlocked~)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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