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Chapter 832 We Are All the Price

Chapter 832 We Are All the Price


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 832 We Are All the Price

  The veil of night gradually enveloped the earth, but it did not bring any peace to the precarious Tiandu.

  The siege had been going on for the fifth day, and it had finally reached the bloodiest and most tragic street fighting.

  The imperial guards guarding Tiandu were scattered into various streets, fighting with the rebels who had entered the city street by street, but they were ultimately no match for the endless number.

  They had no reinforcements.

  The enemy’s reinforcements were endless, and their weapons and ammunition seemed to be endless.

  Five thousand versus five hundred thousand.

  The outcome of this battle with a huge disparity in combat power seemed to be doomed from the beginning.

  The floating “palace” was of no use at all.

  Although the starship as the foundation was still working, only the reactor and the anti-gravity device were actually operational.

  It was too old.

  Built during the Three Years’ War, it had been hovering in an oxidizing environment for more than two hundred years, and the people living on this land had built a luxurious palace on its backbone.

  The load on its back was so heavy that it couldn’t even fly to the clouds. It could only watch the soldiers swarming around it.

  It once again witnessed the change of dynasties, but never waited for its true master.

  ”Ah, ah, ah! This group of rebels! I wish I could kill them all, peel off their skin, and pull out their tendons!”

  At the steps of the palace, the chief of the imperial guards looked at the sea of ​​fire in the capital with red eyes.

  The last line of defense leading to the palace has been breached!

  His subordinates staggered to him, knelt on one knee on the ground, and said while enduring the gunshot wound on his shoulder.

  ”General! Retreat quickly! The brothers are almost dead, Tiandu… can’t be defended anymore!”

  ”Retreat?! Never!”

  The chief of the imperial guards roared, snatched the rifle from the subordinate’s hand, and went to the front line himself, shooting at the rebels at the steps.

  There was a burst of gunfire in front of the palace!

  The streets under the steps were littered with corpses!

  People piled up the bodies into a breastwork, crawled behind the bunkers and shot at each other.

  The turbid blood plasma flowed up the steps from the bottom, and finally broke through the gate of the palace.

  In the siege of the rebels, the chief of the guards was shot to death, and fell in front of the blood-stained palace gate with his eyes wide open.

  All 5,000 guards died for their country, and no one retreated.

  In the end, their bodies were strung on flagpoles and hung at the entrance of the north gate of Tiandu.

  It is said that the emperor ran in that direction.

  Tiandu finally changed its owner…


  That night, Janusz ordered a big banquet to reward the whole army, and then swaggered into Wutuo’s palace.

  When the northern hunt was announced, Wutuo fled in a hurry and did not take away all the rare treasures and eunuchs and their wives in the palace.

  And those white-skinned and beautiful concubines and palace maids, as well as the gold, silver, jewelry, artworks, sacrificial utensils, etc. piled in the warehouse, were also accepted by the king one by one.

  Some were kept for his own use, while others were given to the brave soldiers and confidants, so that he had a good reputation for being fair and impartial.

  As for the eunuchs, Janusz did not waste them, but made them stand on the chessboard in the palace, holding swords and daggers, wearing animal headdresses, and playing “human chess” in the firelight of the bonfire to cheer for his coronation.

  He sat in the emperor’s position, favoring the earl’s daughter who Wutuo had not yet favored, admiring the weak and boneless pear blossoms in the rain, while watching the wailing and crying of blood flowing on the chessboard.

  ”It’s so fun! Hahaha! It’s so fucking fun!”

  Janusz laughed loudly and patted the armrest of the throne with his hands.

  ”That McLen always looks down on this war chess, but I think it’s quite interesting!”

  The military advisor standing next to him said with a chuckle.

  ”It’s your majesty who has given it new fun.”

  Your majesty…

  Janusz narrowed his eyes slightly, with an indescribable pleasure between his eyebrows.

  Become a king and a prime minister.

  This is the pinnacle of life!

  ”The legend of the wolf swallowing the sun should be fulfilled… Let’s put the Niu people aside for now, after all, this is Niuzhou, but we can start the reckoning of the Ri people.”

  ”Pass my order down, confiscate all their property, demote them to slaves, whoever catches them will own them.”

  ”And those nobles canonized by Wutuo, let them stay at home and wait for their fate, dare to go out and kill them!”

  The military advisor standing beside him said respectfully.

  ”Your Majesty is wise!”

  The rising smoke obscured the night sky.

  The coronation ceremony was scheduled for three days later.

  Janus announced that the Xilan Empire had collapsed, the Xilan Dynasty no longer existed, the new empire was called the Janus Empire, and the new dynasty was called the Janus Dynasty.

  Like many great families, his name became the surname of the future family, and this surname, which was crowned with many legends, would be extremely glorious, just like the incarnation of the wolf god in the world.

  The entire Heavenly King Army was in jubilation from top to bottom, slaughtering pigs and sheep, drinking and eating meat.

  Unfortunately, the Willant people of Tiandu ran away quickly, and not a single one was left.

  And those nobles were also very smart, running even faster than their majesty!

  Only those nobles who were born as military officers did not flee, but resisted together with the guards.

  There were also those stubborn old people who still had illusions about the Xilan Royal Court.

  They soon paid the price for this.

  Not only were all the male members of the family slaughtered, but the female family members were also reduced to slaves and became the playthings of the Heavenly King Army.

  In the northern suburbs of Tiandu, Abusek’s lion flag fluttered in the night and bonfires.

  Although Abusek himself was a wolf and was born in the Gray Wolf Army, it did not prevent Janus from making him the Lion King.

  The future Grand Duke of Lion State must also be a wolf, and the lion people must be under the leadership of the wolf people.

  This can be regarded as a lesson learned from the previous dynasty and an improvement made on this basis.

  In the military tent, the centurions were talking and laughing happily, but there was only one person who was worried.

  The centurion’s name was Anwo, and he was a wolf tribe member like everyone else in the military tent. He was also a close confidant of General Abusek, the future Grand Duke of the New Empire, and he even worked at the same dock with Abusek.

  The only difference was that he did not believe in the Wolf God, but the Silver Moon Goddess.

  Although faith is not a label of identity in the Borneo Province, but bloodline is, his worried expression still seems out of tune with the jubilant atmosphere around him.

  Abusek walked to his side, laughed and patted his shoulder.

  ”Anwo, be happy! From now on, the empire belongs to our wolf tribe! Whether it is the hardworking cow or the arrogant sun, they must bow their heads in front of us! When the king of heaven appoints me as a general, including you and everyone present, everyone will be a captain of ten thousand men above ten thousand people!”

  He said the last half of the sentence word by word, and then drank the wine in the glass. The heroic alcohol tolerance and ups and downs of the voice attracted cheers and applause from the military tent.

  Looking at the laughing commander, Anwo was not happy at all, and drank the glass in one gulp, but the worry in his eyes did not diminish at all.

  Instead, it became more serious.

  ”Thank you for the promotion, General. But maybe I’m overthinking. I always feel that our troubles have just begun…”

  Seeing the worried look, Abusek laughed out loud.

  ”Are you still worried about those big noses?”

  ”Isn’t it worth worrying about?” Anwo looked at his superior, the future Grand Duke of the New Empire, and said in a low voice, “We killed so many of them and robbed their weapons… Those Weilantes will not let us go.”

  When he heard this, the drunk Abusek’s eyes suddenly flashed with a gleam of brilliance.

  Looking at his subordinate meaningfully, he suddenly put his hand on his shoulder.

  ”Don’t be too naive, Anwo. In this cruel wasteland, naivety is the most deadly.”

  Anwo’s Adam’s apple moved.

  ”What does the general mean?”

  Abusek said with a grin.

  ”Some people will indeed die, but that person is not us, but the emperor of the ‘old dynasty’… It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand this sentence, but you might as well guess why we can win so easily.”

  ”Do you even need to ask this?” Anwo answered without hesitation, “Of course it’s because we are united enough. When others were still smashing things to vent their anger, we organized ourselves and commanded them like wolves chasing their prey–” ”

  Hahahaha!” A heroic laugh interrupted Anwo’s speech. Abusek patted him on the shoulder with a cruel smile on his lips, “Is that it? You can overthrow the empire with these? Anwo, my good brother, I treat you as a brother, so I have to give you some advice. This naive idea may not even pass the test of Sanjay, the Grand Duke of Lion State!”

  ”You are doing a great job, but that’s not enough. Don’t always believe what you see and hear. Use your head to think about ‘why’ and ‘what’.”

  Anwo looked at him blankly, and suddenly his expression became serious. He respectfully poured a glass of wine for the general and filled a glass for himself, then raised his head and drank it all.

  ”Please give me some advice, general!”

  Abusek was very satisfied with this guy’s diligent and studious attitude. He was a little drunk, so he patted his shoulder and sat next to him.

  ”I will teach you… but you have to keep these words in your stomach.”

  Anwo nodded seriously and listened respectfully.

  ”I will definitely remember the general’s teachings!”

  Abusek lowered his voice so that the words were drowned in the noisy waves.

  ”Janush is from the Grey Wolf Army, I am also from the Grey Wolf Army, and many people are… The kings of the thirteen armies are all his confidants and his comrades, but there is also a circle among them that he does not understand.”

  ”We quickly united around him and pushed him to the throne, not because of how high his prestige is among us, but because we need a guy like this… to take on the responsibilities that belong to the king, and he took the initiative to stand up, so let him do it.” The

  drunken smell blew into Anwo’s ears, and the words spoken by the unshaven guy made Anwo feel cold in his heart, and his hands and feet felt cold.

  Especially the next sentence, it froze his breathing that was getting heavier due to nervousness.

  ”The ammunition piled in the port warehouse, the military trains anchored on the railway line, and the military rations and supplies that were about to rot in the warehouse and were not sent to the front line…”

  ”Do you really think… that those were prepared for Alayan?”


  What you see with your eyes may not be true, and the same is true for what you hear with your ears.

  However, Eagle still did not expect that the truth of the matter was so exaggerated.

  Why were the munitions that were supposed to be sent to the front piled up in the warehouse at the port, and at a time when the storage pressure at the port was the greatest?

  Why were such important materials not guarded, so that the rebels found them at the first time and used them on the guards immediately.

  And the most important thing… why when the accident happened, none of the people who really deserved to die were there.

  When the last piece of the puzzle was put together, all the doubts that he couldn’t figure out were connected by the interlocking clues…

  It was indeed an accident.

  But accident is not all about it…

  After nightfall.

  The old nun lit a candle and led a group of people to the basement of the church.

  This is the wine cellar and study of Pastor Melgio. Because there are often people staying there, the ventilation is not bad.

  The Silver Moon Sect does not prohibit alcohol, and even highly respects wine, often using it for sacrifice.

  According to the old nun, he always soaked in the aroma of grape wine and wrote at his desk, sorting out stories about Bol and writing the “Silver Gospel”.

  When the accident happened, the children hid in this not very spacious basement.

  The wooden stairs leading to the basement were crudely made, and they would creak when stepped on, which could serve as a warning to those hiding inside.

  Alman thought he would see his wife here, but he didn’t expect the basement to be empty.

  However, after arriving here, the old nun holding the silver candlestick breathed a sigh of relief, and her tense shoulders seemed to relax.

  ”…You were too sad at the time, and I was worried that if you knew she was still alive, you would go to find her at all costs, or tell General McLennan and his subordinates about it.”

  Alman asked subconsciously.

  ”Shouldn’t we do this?”

  The Shit Stirrer whistled.

  ”It depends on the situation. If it’s in Dawn City, we certainly recommend that you call the police as soon as possible. After all, saving people is the most lucrative job. But if it’s a ghost place like Westport, even if you call the police… you will be caught and taken back to the park, right?”

  ”West… Westport?”

  Looking at Alman with a confused face, the warlike wolf coughed lightly and said in a stuttering voice.

  ”He, got lost… That’s a story from another dimension, it has nothing to do with this place.”


  The old eagle coughed dryly, interrupting the jokes of his friends.

  ”Okay, think about your manual… Well, let’s get down to business. Since you are willing to bring us here, it must be because we have gained your trust, right?”

  ”Indeed,” the old nun nodded slowly, “Please forgive me for not being frank and honest at the beginning, and now I come to beg for your help. After all, this is related to two hundred lives, I must be cautious about every choice I make.”

  The dog in the catheter said happily.

  ”It doesn’t matter, isn’t the game mission like this? I understand-”

  ”Shut up.”

  The old eagle covered the guy’s mouth, signaling the old nun not to care and just continue talking.

  The old nun was stunned for a while, then nodded slightly.

  ”…So I waited for Mr. Alman to calm down while observing you. Now I am sure that if even you are not trustworthy… then I am afraid that no one in this world can help us.”

  Facing the eyes staring at her, she slowly opened her mouth and told the story of what happened that night that no one in the entire settlement was willing to mention…


  Time went back to the night when the fuse of everything was ignited.

  A group of people waited anxiously in the church, but heard the devilish voice floating in from outside the door.

  ”Ruby? Tsk tsk… What a nice name.”

  As the voice fell, the door of the church was slammed open.

  There was a commotion among the people sitting in the hall, and they all cast horrified glances at the door.

  The mother hugged the child tightly in her arms, and the husband stood in front of his wife.

  Looking at those annoying faces, Anwo’s face was filled with hatred and contempt, and he led more than 20 soldiers with live ammunition behind him and stepped into the place where he had prayed devoutly.


  Recognizing the face, Isher stared at him intently and scolded with an angry face, “Do you know what you are doing!”

  ”What am I doing? What about you? Do you know what you are doing?”

  Anwo retorted unceremoniously, roaring in anger.

  ”You brought people who shouldn’t have survived here! More than two hundred Willant people! It’s you! It’s you who let the blood defile the church of the Silver Moon Goddess!”

  ”Blood can’t defile the church, but dirty souls can!” Melgio also stood up, staring at the man who had prayed to him devoutly, “You shouldn’t have come here. If you commit a crime today, no one can forgive you.”

  When Anwo saw Melgio, his pupils trembled a little, and he subconsciously wanted to avoid those sharp eyes, but the gun in his hand gave him courage, and finally he stared back fiercely.

  ”…Mr. Melgio, I respect you and thank you for always telling us stories and teaching us to read… That’s why I have to advise you not to worry about this! After all, you are not a member of the Alliance, but a citizen of the Hump Kingdom!”

  ”I am not talking to you as a member of the Alliance, nor as a member of the Hump Kingdom, but as a human being,” Melgio looked at him neither humbly nor arrogantly, and said word by word, “Go back, just pretend you have never been here… This is your only chance to be forgiven for your sins, one step forward is the abyss.”

  Anwo fell into silence.

  All the eyes in the church were staring at him, and everyone held their breath, waiting for him to make a decision.

  He took a deep breath, and finally said the words that were colder than the moonlight.

  ”… This is an order from Janusz. Do you think I want to do this… I don’t want to do it at all, but I have no choice.”

  Without waiting for Isher and Melgio to speak, he glanced at Margaret, who was holding the child tightly in her arms, and then at the butler Sahadu who was staring at him in horror, and the rebel boy named Pavan, and then continued.

  ”All the Weilantes must die. This is the order of Lord Janusz and my superior Abusek. If I go back empty-handed, I can’t explain to them.”

  Then he looked at Isher again, with a complicated look in his eyes.

  ”Wake up, Bol doesn’t exist… You think you can save some people, but in fact you will only make things worse.”

  Then he looked at Melgio, the priest who always took them with him, prayed and read newspapers to them.

  ”Mr. Melgio, I am very grateful to you. You have shown me that there is another possibility in the world… whether it is a belief other than the thousands of tribes and gods, or another country outside the empire.”

  ”I sincerely hope that it will come to this salted land and change the fate of me and my compatriots… but you and I should know that there is no change without bloodshed, and when mud and sand are mixed together, it must be painful.”

  ”Besides, even in your story, there is not a single corpse under the snow of Boulder City. That night, too many people were buried in the past, and not everyone saw the sunrise the next day.”

  Melgio was speechless, just staring at him in a daze, as if he didn’t expect him to have such an awareness.

  In addition to the surprise, the pastor’s eyes were full of regret –

  it’s a pity that he was insignificant and could not stop the rushing mud and sand, and could only go downstream with the mud and sand.

  Or he could only be completely submerged in the mud and sand like Ishel.

  Anwo continued to look silently at the mother who was protecting the child behind her.

  ”Margaret, right?”

  Without retreating, Margaret straightened her chest and looked into his eyes.


  Anwo nodded and continued.

  ”The people standing beside me today are all believers of the Silver Moon Goddess. I personally selected them to come with me because I don’t want to desecrate the temple of the Silver Moon Goddess.”

  ”I can guarantee that you and your child will die with dignity, without being insulted before death like those people outside. Execution or hanging, you choose one for yourself and your child.”

  Ruby’s eyes were filled with tears, and she almost couldn’t hold back the tears.

  But at this time, Margaret suddenly put her palm on her head, gently stroking her like her father usually stroked her head, and then held her little hand.

  For some reason.

  She was suddenly not so scared.

  ”Anwo, is that your name?” Margaret looked at him and said in a humble voice.

  Anwo said in a straightforward tone.

  ”Yes, ma’am. If you hate me, just curse me when you go down, and I will go to hell to atone for my sins.”

  Margaret shook her head and looked at him and continued.

  ”I don’t hate you. I am not innocent either. Even if I didn’t oppress you personally, my husband and others did. Silence is also a great sin.”

  ”No, madam…”

  The maid standing next to him suddenly knelt on the ground and begged Anwo who was standing at the door.

  ”Madam, she is innocent. She has always been gentle to me and others… I lost my relatives when I was very young. She took me in when I was sold to the colony and took care of me like a family member. Maybe others did do bad things to you, but please believe me, she is different from those people-”

  ”Enough, Yolanda, please stop talking,” Margaret stopped her in a gentle tone, and then looked at Anwo who was standing at the door, “She is a survivor of the Great Desert, not a Weylandt. There is actually not much difference between her and you. Can you spare her life?”

  Anwo did not object, but just shrugged.

  ”Then I’ll have to trouble Mr. Melgio to dress her up as a nun.”

  He didn’t want to kill innocent people, although he hated slaves kneeling on the ground to plead for their masters.

  Melgio sighed and drew a moon on his chest. The maid kneeling on the ground shook her head pleadingly.

  ”No… I can die. Please let Madam and Ruby–”

  ”Enough, Yolanda, do you really want me to shut up?” Margaret suddenly raised her voice and interrupted her chattering.

  Anwo watched the quarrel in the church indifferently until the woman named Margaret looked over again.

  ”Anything else to plead for?”

  ”I don’t want to plead for myself. As I said before, we deserve what happened today.”

  At this point, Margaret held her daughter’s hand tightly.

  ”But please let me say, at least let the children go. They have no right to choose how to come into this world. They should not bear the sins that belong to us. Our sins should be paid for by ourselves.”

  Anwo was silent for a while and said in a very soft voice.

  ”What I said doesn’t count. Even if I let them go, it’s hard to say what will happen when the next wave of people comes–”

  Melgio suddenly said.

  ”You can let them hide in the cellar. You know that place… As long as they are well hidden, they will not be discovered.”

  Anwo was stunned. Looking into the eyes of Melgio and the old nun, his originally resolute expression gradually wavered.

  He hesitated for a long time and squeezed out a sentence.

  ”… I don’t care what happens.”

  The old nun stood up and looked at him and said softly.

  ”I will hide them well. If there is any trouble, let me take it. Anyway, I don’t have much time left at my age… They still have a long way to go.”

  After struggling for a long time, he finally nodded.

  ”Hurry up, just treat it as if I was five minutes late.”

  ”Thank you.”

  Margaret looked at him and bowed sincerely.

  But Anwo didn’t look at her, but just took out a bloody cigarette box and shook out a cigarette.

  Because of the trembling of his index finger, he broke three matches before lighting the cigarette.

  The Willant people in the church knew their situation very well. They did not make any more meaningless pleas for mercy. They said some farewell words and instructions to their children, and then handed them over to the old nun in the church.

  ”Mom…” Ruby held her mother’s hand and was unwilling to let go, looking at her pleadingly.

  ”Be good…” Margaret squatted down and gently touched her head, “No matter what happens, don’t make a sound, and you must wait quietly until Dad comes back… Promise Mom, okay?”


  Ruby let out a very light sob, and finally followed the old nun and was taken to the basement of the church by the latter.

  Some children couldn’t help crying out loud, but under the gaze of their parents, they finally held back the tears that filled their eyes.

  They are Willant people.

  Willant people don’t shed tears.

  At the moment of birth, their tears had already dried up…

  the time of a cigarette.

  The children were all taken to the basement, including the old nun who came back, and only adults were left in the hall of the church.

  Anwo threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stepped on it, then looked at Margaret.

  ”Have you thought of a way to die?”

  Margaret glanced at her compatriots around her, then looked at him and said calmly.

  ”Use a gun. Seeing blood and hearing the sound, no one should come.”

  Anwo grinned.

  ”They will still come, but maybe they won’t look so carefully… Goddess of Silver Moon, please forgive the helpless actions of your believers.”

  As he said that, he pulled the bolt and loaded the bullet.

  However, just as he was about to take action, Isher, who had been silent all the time, stood in front of him and looked at him motionlessly.

  Anwo frowned, staring at the guy with a bandage on his forehead with sharp eyes.

  ”What you are doing is nothing more than adding another corpse. Don’t think I can’t do it.”

  Isher looked at him expressionlessly.

  ”…I haven’t thought about it that way. There is nothing you can’t do in this world, but what happens after you take action?”

  Anwo said coldly.

  ”You don’t need to worry about that.”

  ”Don’t I need to worry? We are church members, how can I not worry about you.”

  Isher narrowed his eyes, and a trace of cunning suddenly appeared on his righteous face.

  ”Those children know your name. If I were them, I would definitely not thank you for not killing them, but would avenge my father’s death.”

  The moment the voice fell, there was a commotion at the door of the church, and a trace of surprise and panic appeared on their faces almost at the same time.

  It’s not just them!

  Even Melgio and Margaret cast a look of surprise and horror at Isher, not knowing why he said that.

  Is this guy crazy? !

  They finally saved the children!

  Sure enough, Anwo’s eyes narrowed, like a hungry wolf.

  He rubbed the trigger with his index finger and said softly.

  ”…Should I thank you for your reminder?”

  ”Don’t thank me, because except for those children, everyone here knows who killed them. Including me in front of you, including Mr. Melgio.”

  Ishel grinned and stared into his eyes.

  At this moment, he no longer looked like the illusory Bol, but a cunning mouse.

  And it was a mouse that dared to bare its teeth at a hungry wolf!

  ”…I guess you must be regretting it now, and even want to kill me, other believers here, and even Mr. Melgio. But I tell you, it’s useless. Even if everyone here dies, people outside will still remember what happened here.”

  ”How many people can you kill? Can you kill your superior too? You can’t do it. He will ask for credit for you, and you can’t refuse! The Weilants will definitely come back, and by then you will be dead, and this blood debt will definitely be counted on your head!”

  ”Don’t even mention the Weilants, the Alliance will not let you go… You, don’t talk big about going to hell after you die, I know you too well!”

  ”You don’t believe in that at all. You just want to find an excuse to comfort yourself, am I right? Otherwise, what are you afraid of? What if you are retaliated by the Weilants? What are you afraid of?”

  ”Shut up!” Anwo roared angrily, pointing the gun at his nose, “Don’t judge others by your own standards, you dirty rat! Even if I kill those children, it’s to eliminate future troubles for the New Empire!”

  Yishel looked at him with contempt, without even raising his hands, just smacking his lips.

  ”…Tsk tsk, look, the Thousand Clans and Thousand Gods are not the beliefs of the Silver Moon Sect, and the believers of the Silver Moon Goddess will not treat people as rats. You wolf in sheep’s clothing, open your eyes and look carefully, the pious people are standing here. As for you, you don’t believe what you say in your bones!”

  ”So what?” Anwo stared into his eyes, murderous intent boiling in his body.

  ”So what?” Ishel stared at Anwo who was angry and embarrassed, and spoke word by word, “I can let you live! Or you have only one way to live! That is to pretend to kill everyone here, but not kill anyone.”

  ”That’s impossible!” Anwo lowered his voice and let out a low roar, “The city defense army has surrendered, and now the entire West Sail Port is Janus’s people! Soon the suburbs… and even the entire Lion State will become his world! They can’t escape at all!”

  ”Does it include you?” Ishel stared at him seriously and continued, “There is something I have been thinking about for a long time and I can’t figure it out. Maybe you can give me an answer. Why are the people who are sent to the Silver Moon Church to do the dirty work just the believers of the Silver Moon Sect?”

  Anwo said in a hoarse voice.

  ”Because I am more familiar with the roads here.”

  Ishel sneered.

  ”Do you believe this yourself?”

  ”…” Anwo looked at him silently, and had vaguely found the answer in his heart, but was unwilling to say it.

  Ishel looked into his eyes and said it for him.

  ”If this is not out of some kind of bad taste or desperate madness, then there is only one possibility… They have already thought of a way out and they know that this is a dirty job, so they have to pick the least trustworthy guy from the surrounding people to do it.”

  ”You are a member of the Silver Moon Sect. No one is more suitable than you. This is your token of allegiance. If you do a good job, they can trust you for a while. But if something goes wrong in the end, they will definitely hand you over instead of themselves.”

  Anwo gritted his teeth.

  ”…What evidence do you have?”

  Yisher sneered and took a step forward, staring at him and the slightly shaking rifle in his hand.

  ”What kind of evidence do you need? Is this a judge making a judgment? There are indeed lunatics in the rebel army, but are all of them crazy? Someone told me a long time ago that there are speculators everywhere here, and they are smarter than anyone else! I can believe that one of Janusz and your direct superior Abusek is crazy, but I don’t believe that they are all crazy!”

  ”You mean… someone gave them a way out?” Anwo looked at him in disbelief, swallowed hard and said, “… Who?”

  Isher curled his lips.

  ”Who knows? Maybe it’s the Legion, maybe it’s the Alliance, or even the Enterprise or the Academy? It’s nothing more than those big guys in the wasteland, you and I are their pawns. No, it should be said that you are… an incompetent guy like me doesn’t have that honor.”

  He didn’t have the ability to analyze the mastermind behind the scenes.

  He didn’t know the Legion and the Alliance at all, and he knew nothing about the Enterprise and the Academy. He just learned these terms by chance when listening to Mr. Melgio reading the newspaper.

  Those people have their own plans for the future of the wasteland. Now that their spheres of influence have bordered, friction is inevitable.

  Maybe someone intends to turn the province of Borneo into a battlefield.

  He didn’t know who that person was.

  But he simply didn’t believe that in this land full of speculators, one or two people who appeared were all crazy.

  How could this be possible?

  There was only one explanation.

  Some people were pretending to be crazy, or everyone was pretending to be crazy.

  It’s just that they rely on different things, and I just don’t know what they rely on, so I, who was kept in the dark, think they are all crazy.

  The only guy who didn’t understand the situation, looked like a normal person.

  The church was quiet.

  Anwo unconsciously lowered the muzzle of the gun in his hand and stared at the guy in front of him in disbelief.

  At this moment, Margaret suddenly spoke.

  ”You’re right, this matter is indeed a bit strange…”

  A pair of eyes looked at her in unison.

  Including Isher, including the maid kneeling on the ground, including Melgio and the old nun, and the other survivors of the Willant people present.

  In addition, there is Anwo, who controls the life and death of everyone present, and the twenty soldiers who followed him.

  They all want to know the answer.

  Although she was very sorry, she didn’t know the answer, but she vaguely felt a sense of unusual disharmony.

  ”…What a coincidence.”

  ”What do you mean by coincidence?” Anwo was no longer in a hurry to kill her, but urged her to continue with his eyes.

  Margaret pondered for a moment, sorted out her thoughts, and continued.

  ”Governor Huye returned to Triumph City. Let’s assume that he had a legitimate reason to return, but what about others? For example, General McLennan, he has no family and has not made any military achievements. Even if he returns to Triumph City

  , he will only be ridiculed by others, right?” “Birthday is not a festival for the Willant people to go to Triumph City. It is enough to stay with your family. It is the same wherever you celebrate this festival. However, at this time, many people who had no reason to leave suddenly left for various reasons.” The

  highest-ranking officials left in the entire Xifan Port are probably the captain of the port’s guard and Governor Huye’s secretary.

  It seems that all the Willant people who stayed in the port are civilians?

  It seems that there is no one who deserves to be liquidated!

  This is the clue she suddenly remembered.

  I still remember that when the explosion just happened, she rushed home with Ruby.

  At that time, she noticed that many mansions around were empty, and only a few were still occupied.

  The neighborhood where their family lived was considered a wealthy area in the port. At that time, her husband bought a house there specifically to live closer to big shots including the governor.

  As a result, it was not just the governor.

  Many people who held important positions in the governor’s mansion left.

  Only they were left.

  It was like a coincidence formed by some tacit understanding.

  When she realized this, she suddenly felt a chill creeping up her heart, as if she was pinched and swallowed a mouthful of cold poisoned wine.

  Even she had the awareness of being a slave owner, how could those people not know what consequences their decisions would lead to? !

  They knew everything!

  But they still did it!

  And they did it without hesitation!

  Whether it was intentionally weakening the security here or leaving the deadly butcher knife just right in the port, it could be said to be decisive.

  Obviously, Huye only returned to Triumph City, but he took all the guards with him.

  Obviously, the front line needed ammunition the most, but the weapons were left at the port!

  The whole city was full of angry survivors, but what did they do?

  They picked the most evil hyena from the cage!

  That Naji…

  was carefully selected by them!

  Margaret’s eyes gradually widened, and suddenly she subconsciously covered her pale lips to hold back the churning in her stomach.

  Anwo held his breath and almost couldn’t hold the gun in his hand.

  Looking at the lady in front of him, he said in a trembling voice.

  ”You mean… our uprising… was instructed by someone?!”

  How is this possible!

  ”Rather than being instructed, it’s better to say that it was used…”

  Her expression gradually regained calmness. Margaret gently flicked the hair stuck to her forehead by sweat with her index finger, trying to keep herself calm and continued.

  ”They don’t need to do anything, just put the fuel where it needs to be, hand the match to the madman who wants to set fire, make a complete countermeasure, calculate the time of the fire, make all preparations, and then watch it burn quietly.”

  ”This fire will definitely burn, but it won’t cause any serious damage, and then they will be able to get everything they want naturally… and we are the price.”

  At that moment.

  She understood everything.

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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