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Chapter 833 I am your uncle, the pangolin!

Chapter 833 I am your uncle, the pangolin!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 833 I am your uncle’s pangolin!

  The air in the church was as cold as the howling wind on the Wandering Swamp, and Xifan Port, which is located in the tropics, has no winter.

  It’s all the price…

  everyone in this settlement.

  Anwo, with struggling eyes, suddenly despaired. He no longer had any hope for the rebels and raised his gun again, although he didn’t turn on the safety.

  ”… I don’t care about these. Even if we are being used, it doesn’t matter. Give me and my brothers around me a way to live! I will give you a way to live!”

  ”… If you hadn’t interrupted, I was just going to say this. Back to the previous topic, if you want to survive, you have to pretend to kill someone, but the person is not dead.”

  Yishel glanced at this cowardly wolf with a mocking look, and then continued slowly.

  ”Don’t stand there stupidly, go to the port to get some corpses, and get some trucks to transport corpses, put the corpses in the church, shoot them and drag them out.”

  Although there is a suspicion of desecrating corpses, there is no time to care about so much now.

  Staying alive is the most important thing.

  Anwo asked nervously.

  ”Then what?”

  Isher’s mind was spinning rapidly, but his speech was steady, without the slightest panic.

  ”Then these survivors will have to lie with the corpses and follow the corpse-carrying vehicles out of the city. Just make up a reason, saying that those who died in the Silver Moon Church must be buried in peace… The rebels have no grudge against Mr. Melgio, so they shouldn’t cause him trouble. But Mr. Melgio has to follow in this matter, and there is still a certain risk-”

  ”It doesn’t matter, as long as these poor people can be saved, this little risk is nothing,” Melgio interrupted him, looked at him seriously and said, “I will follow the convoy out of the city, and with me reciting scriptures along the way, I can act more realistically.”

  ”Thank you, thank you for your hard work.”

  Isher looked at the priest and nodded, then looked at the old butler Sahadu who hadn’t said a word from beginning to end.

  ”Is Count Sharma’s estate far from here? How big is it? Can it accommodate 200 people?”

  Sahadu came back to his senses and asked hurriedly.

  ”Not far! If we set out now, we will definitely arrive before dawn! We have a large plantation! Not to mention 200 people, 2,000 people will be no problem!”

  ”Very good…” Ishel nodded and said, “Once we leave the city, you will take everyone to Count Sharma’s estate and find a manor that is neither too big nor too small to hide everyone. Remember! The fewer people who know about this, the better!”

  The young man named Paven couldn’t help asking.

  ”Don’t we have to hide separately?”

  Ishel rolled his eyes.

  ”Are you a pig? What’s the difference between catching one and catching ten? It’s safest for everyone to stay together! And only one person can deliver food and water… No, don’t choose it, it’s you, you are responsible for these 200 lives.”

  As he said this, he grabbed Paven’s shoulders and stared into the young man’s eyes until the fear in his pupils turned into calmness, and then he let go.

  ”You are a smart man… Since you know that there is no future if you get involved with this bunch of bastards, then seize this last chance to survive.”

  Pavan nodded with courage and agreed.


  ”Very good.”

  Hearing the young man’s answer, Isher pushed him to Anwo’s side.

  ”Now this kid is yours, you can find a chance to promote him, at least let him be a centurion. After you take down the manor of Count Sharma, let him go and let him be responsible for looking after Count Sharma’s estate and family.”

  Anwo glanced at the boy and nodded.

  ”It shouldn’t be a big problem… I heard that Janus promised the Lion State to Abuseik, my direct superior. At that time, he will definitely leave some people to clean up the nearby land.”

  Isher was delighted.


  Butler Sahadu asked tremblingly.

  ”Since this is already a place of right and wrong… Can’t we just run away?”


  As if he had heard a very funny joke, Anwo looked at the old butler happily.

  ”Should we go with dry food or empty-handed? And how much dry food do you plan to take and where do you plan to go? When the news here spreads, there will be people everywhere who want to kill you. You will not have time to escape, and you can’t run far at all! Believe me, it is safest to stay still. The Willant people will also land here at that time… I bet that Janus will definitely not stay here to guard, most likely to find a scapegoat here.”

  ”But if I stay in Lion State, those Willant people will kill me…” Pavan said in horror.

  ”As long as these people are alive, you will not die. If they die, it does n’t matter where you escape to.”

  Anwo glanced at the young man, his expression was a little complicated, but he didn’t say anything in the end. Then he looked at Lady Margaret and asked.

  ”What about the children? Are they going out of the city together?”

  Margaret was silent for a while, with some hesitation in her eyes, but she finally made up her mind.

  ”It’s too dangerous… We can’t put all our eggs in the same basket. Someone must survive and tell the people outside what happened tonight.”

  Anwo nodded.

  ”I think so too. The risk to the children is too great. If they cry halfway, everyone will die… So are you going to say goodbye to the children?”

  ”No need.”

  Margaret shook her head gently, then walked to the old nun and held her hands.

  Looking at her eyes, she said sincerely.

  ”Please take care of our children. In a few days, the Willant people will definitely come here… But unless you think that the news that we are still alive can reduce the suffering of the people here, please don’t tell the Willant people that we are still alive for the time being. Just say that we were taken out and executed.”

  Those people will not let them survive.

  Maybe they will save them.

  But in the end, they will definitely be “late” for a minute or two, and arrive after everything is over.

  This is an obvious thing.

  A train that has already started will not stop because of an ant lying on the rails.

  Can the death of 200 people save the more than 3,000 people who have already died come back to life?

  The war will still start.

  In order to avoid involving the puppets controlled by the mastermind in the rebel army and allowing the “personnel changes” to affect subsequent plans, the puppets controlled by the mastermind will definitely get the news before the “people who go to rescue them.”


  because they were originally in the “budget”.

  Margaret took a deep breath and continued.

  ”It should be not only the Legion… but also the Alliance. But the Alliance is not completely trustworthy. They have close cooperation with the Legion on the sticky community, and it is not ruled out that they will take appeasement measures. There are too many things happening behind this that we don’t know about. Please take a good look at those people and see if they are worth it…”

  In fact, it doesn’t matter if they are not worth it.

  If even the Alliance stands on the side of the Legion and supports the Legion’s invasion of the Empire, the two bandits join hands to ravage this land, then no matter how dazzling the light of the truth is, it will definitely be covered up.

  And by then.

  Perhaps only people from the enterprise or the academy can come to collect their bodies and record what happened here.

  Margaret held the old nun’s hand tightly, with a hint of unconscious pleading in her earnest voice.

  ”Please… please take good care of them. If we are unfortunately killed, please tell the children the truth after everything is over.”

  The old nun nodded seriously.

  ”I will! And Madam… please take care of yourself too. Children cannot live without a mother. Even if it is to prevent those bad guys from putting ugly things into their heads, please stay alive.”

  Melgio walked to the side of the two and said in a very soft voice.

  ”Brave people don’t die so easily… It’s getting late, let’s start preparing as soon as possible.”

  ”I have arranged for people to go to the port to get the bodies,” Anwo glanced at the door, and then glanced at the more than 200 Willant people in the hall, “You should also prepare, see if you need to change clothes or something. As for the luggage, forget about it, just throw it here.”

  Anwo looked at Isher who was standing next to him with his arms folded, and then looked at the dozen or so church members behind him.

  ”What about you? Go home? Or go to Count Sharma with these Willant people?”

  ”They don’t need me to follow them. You are actually more important than them. I am more worried about your safety… If you mess up, we will all be dead.”

  Isher looked around, tore off a large piece of cloth from his sleeve, and tied it to his arm under the dull eyes of everyone.

  This really looks like that.

  Anyway, the things tied on the arms of the rebels were not made to order.

  Looking at the stunned Anwo, Isher raised his eyebrows.

  ”I rebelled too.”

  ”Now I am your subordinate.”


  Everything went as planned. Anwo arranged for his trusted men to go to the port and get more than 300 corpses.

  Most people at the port were drunk, and no one cared about those things at all. They just thought that some nosy leader arranged people to come and clean up the bodies.

  The rebels have not yet formed an organization, and the command system is in chaos. There is no unified instruction.

  Even the “retired veterans” of the Grey Wolf Army who united around Janusz have not figured out the seniority issue, let alone those small groups.

  However, if it is true as Lady Margaret guessed, there is an invisible black hand controlling everything here, then the chaos of the rebels should not last long.

  At least it will not be delayed until the reinforcements from Evernight Harbor arrive.

  They only need to push someone out as the leader, pull up a big flag as the military flag, and then make up a reason for the uprising, decide who will stay behind to die, and then they can march out of the city in a mighty manner and march towards Tiandu.

  If nothing unexpected happens, the people who are left behind should be those guys from the city defense army.

  They are the most unpleasant and have low combat effectiveness. It is most appropriate to leave them to the Willant people to vent their anger. Those big noses can use them as targets.

  Of course, this will definitely not be said explicitly. In the end, most of them will be promised in the name of “letter of surrender”, just like me who came to the Silver Moon Church to kill people.

  But they are different from me. The letter of surrender they have to pay is something they can’t afford even if they put their whole family’s lives on it…

  Looking at his confidants placing the bodies in the church, Anwo’s expression was cold.

  The young man named Paven walked up to him and said tremblingly.


  Although he didn’t kill anyone, his body was covered in blood at this moment, as if he had crawled out of a pile of dead bodies.

  Anwo nodded, waved his hand to the twenty or so confidants beside him to aim at the crooked corpses sitting on the church benches, and waved his hand cleanly.


  The moment the voice fell, the crackling sound of gunfire resounded in the church. Everyone closed their eyes reluctantly, and the children in the basement also made suppressed cries.

  The cart carrying the corpses was pushed in, and it was even fuller when it came out.

  The soulless priest followed the car step by step, holding the silver crescent moon on his chest with one hand and resting his other hand on the blood-stained cart.

  A few patrolling “bandages” not far away saw it and showed envious expressions.

  ”These guys must have had a good time.”

  ”Damn… There are too many people and little meat in the port. I didn’t even get a sip of soup.”

  Suddenly someone smiled obscenely.

  ”By the way, isn’t there a nun in the church? Why don’t you go in and take a look?”

  Before he finished speaking, the centurion next to him patted his head.

  ”You are fucking crazy. Janusz didn’t dare to touch those people chanting. Are you more awesome than the boss?”

  He saw with his own eyes that Melgio was not only alive, but also dared to chant and pray for the dead beside the wolf man.

  What this meant was self-evident.

  Another soldier next to him, who had probably been to the church, also glanced at the guy with disdain.

  ”That nun must be at least fifty or sixty years old… Are you interested in that old guy?”

  The soldier with a lewd smile finally fell silent and scratched the back of his head.

  ”I don’t know…”

  The laughter and scolding drifted away along the street, like a farewell to the convoy carrying corpses.

  In the church on the other side, the old nun just lowered her head in silence, holding a mop, cleaning the blood-stained hall in vain.

  Later, some people came to the church.

  However, these people just looked at her, then looked at the blood on the ground, and hurried away without saying a word.

  This church seemed to have been forgotten, and it stayed in a corner of the hell of corpses and blood for three whole days.

  It didn’t end until the deafening roar sounded and the Weylandt’s military boots stepped onto the port…


  The candlelight on the silver candlestick flickered gently, and a sudden trance brought that distant time back to the present.

  After telling the whole story, the old nun slowly opened her mouth and continued.

  ”If everything goes well, your wife and other survivors should be hiding in a house or plantation of Count Sharma, under the care of a decurion named Pavan… or maybe a centurion. And Mr. Melgio should be there too.”

  ”As for Anwo, he should be with his superior Abusek, and this is also Mr. Isher’s suggestion. The most dangerous place is actually the safest. If you are suspected by those people, you will die no matter what you do.”

  ”…But if you can gain their trust, there is hope that you will be pulled into their circle and find evidence that the Legion is involved in this conspiracy.”

  The basement was unusually quiet.

  The players were watching the subtitles translated by VM, and Alman held his breath.

  The first to break the silence was the young Ruby.

  A layer of faint mist was like a spring gushing out of a dry well, soaking the gray eyes.

  Hope shone in her eyes again, and her lips opened and closed softly.

  ”Mom… is still alive…”

  ”Margaret… Oh, Goddess of Silver Moon!”

  Alman was so excited that he was incoherent, and he put his lips and nose tip on his clasped hands.

  He wanted to kowtow to the Goddess of Silver Moon right on the spot!

  Praise the moon!

  No matter whether the Goddess of Silver Moon lives there or not!

  If this is not a miracle, what else can be called a miracle? !

  ”Where is she now? No… What should I do to bring her back?”

  Alman, who gradually calmed down, had gradually realized that this matter was not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

  First of all, he couldn’t leave Xifan Port.

  The soldiers outside would definitely keep him here for safety reasons and ask him why he went out.

  This is completely reasonable.

  And if he said that Margaret was still alive and was with the people who stayed in the church that night, the people of the King’s Army would definitely find them before the Willant troops who went to rescue them.

  By then, not only Margaret would die, but everyone who stayed with her would die!

  Even the good man who let her go that night – Mr. Anwo who was ambushing in the Heavenly King’s army will die!

  They will die in silence and take all the secrets to the grave.

  ”Your wife doesn’t know either, but she believes that you must have a way to save everyone! Not only her and the two hundred survivors, but also all the people who will be involved in this war…” The old nun sighed softly and looked at the people in the alliance.

  Alman followed her line of sight and looked around for help, especially the Eagle of Farsightedness who seemed to be the only reliable one.

  The latter had not spoken, but pinched his chin in thought, until Alman’s eyes looked over, and then he slowly spoke.

  ”This is not easy to handle… If we leave Xifan Port, the Willant people will definitely follow us vigilantly. Besides, it’s useless to rely on us alone. The Lion State’s Heavenly King Army has at least hundreds of thousands of people, right? Let alone covering the evacuation of 200 people, without heavy equipment and support, two teams of ten people are enough to give us a hard time.”

  [The Shit Stirring Stick] scratched his head, with a difficult expression on his face.

  ”Indeed, and if the rescue fails, the Legion may blame us, ‘Why didn’t you report it to the authorities when you knew it was so dangerous!’… Tsk, it’s difficult to handle. If these bastards bite back, we will really have no reason to say anything.”

  ”Send an airborne force?” The War Wolf looked at him puzzledly, “Since we know it’s the Legion’s people who are doing this, why don’t we just send the troops over!”

  The old stick rolled his eyes.

  ”Are you kidding? They are citizens of the Legion. It’s not the Alliance’s turn to rescue them. Besides, you can mobilize the army whenever you want. If you keep doing this, I think the Alliance will stop doing anything and just focus on this small place.”

  The old wolf was anxious.


  Eagle interrupted what he wanted to say and said after thinking seriously.

  ”Brother Stick is right. Calm down. Even if we have resurrection coins, it doesn’t mean we can do whatever we want.”

  ”And let me be realistic. From the Alliance’s point of view, it’s not enough to just save those 200 people. That guy named Anwo is even more important to us than those 200 lives. Maybe he has found clues that some high-ranking officials of the Heavenly King Army are colluding with people inside the Legion… This may be the only thing that can stop the Legion, although it’s just a possibility.”

  In other words, they have to find that Anwo before saving those survivors.

  When Eagle said this, a trace of worry appeared on his brow.

  ”But the trouble is that we can’t contact that guy at all, and we don’t even know where he is.”

  The stick that stirs up shit suddenly spoke.

  ”That’s easy to say.”

  Three pairs of eyes looked at him, including the eagle who looked embarrassed.

  The old stick cleared his throat and switched to the non-standard human language.

  ”Hasn’t Janusz surrounded Tiandu? Those ‘direct descendants’ who pushed him to the top should be with him, right? For example, Abusek, if we find him, it’s the same as finding Anwo… We can just go directly to Tiandu.”

  ”Go to Tiandu?! Are you crazy?” The warlike wolf looked at him in surprise.

  ”Then put it another way, go to Tiandu as an envoy?”

  The shit-stirring stick chuckled, looked at the three stunned brothers, and shook the VM hanging on his arm.

  ”Since they are all shouting slogans for abolition and equality, we, as the ‘big brother’, should at least go and take a look. Don’t write the wrong words.”


  ”You don’t want to play anymore?!”

  ”I have to ask the boss first! Damn it, I won’t go crazy with you!”

  Just when Eagle, Wolf and Guan were shocked by this guy’s bad idea, a yacht about ten meters wide slowly approached the dock of Xifan Port.

  A haggard man walked down the gangway, and he retched on his knees after taking two steps.

  ”MMP! This damn place is really far away!”

  Although he was not seasick with his awakened physique, he couldn’t stand the transfer of transportation and the seafood he ate along the way.

  There is no fixed flight from Jinjialun Port to Xifan Port. This yacht was temporarily rented in Jinjialun Port, and the supplies on the boat were all caught along the way.

  After taking two breaths, he finally felt better.

  At this time, the soldiers at the port had already noticed this uninvited guest, and they all came over with their weapons.

  ”Xifan Port is closed, and no one except local residents is allowed to dock! Who are you!” The centurion Pete, who was on duty, walked forward, stared at the yacht and the man standing next to the yacht, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

  This kind of small boat doesn’t look like it can run in the open sea.

  This guy must have come from Golden Gallon Port!

  Realizing that this guy might be from the Alliance, Pete’s face suddenly turned cold, and his eyes gradually became unfriendly.

  ”You are from the Alliance–”

  ”Bah! You are the one from the Alliance!” The man rolled his eyes and interrupted him unceremoniously.

  Looking at the stunned little centurion in front of him, the battlefield atmosphere group cursed unceremoniously.

  ”I am your uncle Pangolin! The rank of Thousand Sergeants! When I killed the blue mole, you didn’t know which sand pile you were playing house on!”

  His human language is no longer as stuttering as before, and he uses modal particles so skillfully.

  ”Which centurion squad are you from? Call your leader over!”

  Pete: “???”

  As soon as the battlefield guy finished speaking, the soldiers surrounding the dock suddenly made a commotion and made way to both sides. A man wearing an officer’s cap walked towards the two people who were confronting each other on the dock.

  Looking at the old friend he hadn’t seen for a long time, McLen suddenly seemed to be immersed in some memories, and a nostalgic smile relaxed at the corners of his cold mouth.

  ”Long time no see, you seem to talk more.”

  Hearing the familiar voice, Pete turned his head suddenly with a surprised expression on his face.

  ”General McLen?! You…are you still awake at this time?”

  Hearing the familiar name, the battlefield atmosphere group, who were pretending to be cool, was stunned for a moment, and finally saw who the man with his back to the street lamp was, and their expressions instantly became awkward.


  This rank is higher than mine.

  ”…Hello, General.” The battlefield guy saluted with a stiff face.


  What is the fun of the captain of ten thousand men here!


  McClane smiled, returned a military salute, and then continued to talk in a casual tone.

  ”I remember you worked for Kolwe?”

  The Warlord nodded awkwardly.

  ”Uh, yeah! But I was seconded there… I didn’t actually command the troops directly, but was responsible for handling some matters involving the relationship between the locals and the Willant people. After all, there is a 10,000-man troop stationed there.”

  McClane said casually.

  ”The 370,000th troop, right? I remember that Kolwe’s troop was this number.”

  ”Yeah!” The Warlord nodded, but muttered in his heart that this guy was thousands of kilometers away, but he knew the deployment status of the Seaside Province quite well.

  McClane continued.

  ”Did Bennott send you here?”


  Looking at this honest man who kept nodding, McClane asked with a smile.

  ”What did he want you to do?”

  The Warlord hesitated whether to say it, but seeing that McClan seemed to know everything, he simply said it with the idea of ​​throwing a stone to test the water.

  ”Go to Tiandu and negotiate with the Tianwang Army.”

  There was a commotion among the soldiers around, including that Pete, who couldn’t help but clench his fists, with visible anger burning in his eyes.


  Go to the negotiation!

  He just wanted to kill the people in this settlement, and then go to slaughter the so-called Tiandu and Tianwang Army!

  Glancing at the centurion next to him without leaving a trace, McLen then looked back at the pangolin standing next to the yacht and nodded slightly.

  ”This is not the place to talk, let’s go ashore first.”


  You fucking know that this is not the place to talk!

  The battlefield atmosphere group held back their words in their hearts, pretending to be honest people and followed McLen, passing through the murderous sight of the group of soldiers.

  Enduring the feeling of being on edge, the battlefield guy couldn’t help but complain in his heart.

  Damn old Mac!

  He has learned to play tricks!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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