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Chapter 834: The Destruction of the Empire

Chapter 834: The Destruction of the Empire


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 834: The Destruction of the Empire

  The Warlord followed General McLennan and walked to the deepest part of the military camp.

  Along the way, he carefully observed the deployment of the military camp, and the more he observed, the more frightened he became.

  He saw 100mm field guns placed under the camouflage nets, and in addition, there were 380mm warships that were also pushed ashore on tracks.

  In addition, there were some strange steel machines, some of which looked like vehicles for transporting supplies, and others seemed to be for air defense and support purposes.

  It was different from the time in Luoxia Province.

  At that time, due to the long logistics supply line, the 10 10,000-man teams of the East Expansion Party were in urgent need of ammunition.

  But the situation here was different.

  Not only did they prepare sufficient ammunition, they even prepared the consumption required for the entire war.

  To be honest, it didn’t seem like so many supplies could be temporarily transferred…

  Just as the Warlord was observing around, General McLennan stopped in front of a gray camouflage tent, nodded to the guard at the door, and then walked in through the raised curtain.

  The Warlord quickly followed him and entered the spacious tent.

  McLen picked up the kettle and poured a cup of tea for the two of them, then sat down at the table and made a gesture of invitation.

  ”Sit down.”

  The Warlord nodded and sat opposite him, wondering what McLen wanted to say to him.

  However, to his surprise, McLen said nothing, just drank a sip of tea, and asked him first.

  ”What do you think of this place?”

  The Warlord was stunned and puzzled.

  ”Excuse me, what aspect are you asking about, General?”

  McLen said casually.

  ”All aspects, just talk about your opinion on the deployment here.”

  So just say it casually?

  The Warlord was most afraid of hearing the word “casually”, but he still said it with a stiff upper lip.

  ”There are a lot of equipment stored here… I’m afraid we will have to fight more than one or two battles.”

  After a pause, he suddenly had an idea and said again.

  ”It’s exactly the same as our front line in Luoxia Province!”

  McLen’s mouth curled up a smile and nodded approvingly.

  ”Yes, your observation ability has not deteriorated.”

  What kind of observation ability is needed…

  Isn’t it obvious?

  The battlefield guy smiled, resisted the urge to complain, and then frowned and asked.

  ”What does the Southern Legion want to do?”

  McLen said with a smile.

  ”What they want to do is obvious. Can’t you see it even though you are here?”


  What they want to do is already written on the faces of the soldiers at the port.

  It’s nothing more than killing all the damn Xilan people! There is no need to

  mobilize for war.

  As a foreigner, it is difficult for the battlefield guy to empathize with them, but it is precisely because of this that he can think calmly.

  ”I don’t really understand… Why does the civil service group cooperate with them to do this? Even if the legion gets a large piece of land, the civil service prestige of Triumph City is destroyed, and the only sphere of influence is taken away. Is this really in their interests?”

  McLen said with a faint smile.

  ”It’s good that you can consider the different interests of the various factions within the Legion. Most outsiders… even the Weyland people themselves, have many people who misunderstand this huge political entity as a mother nest of one mind and one heart. But it’s not enough to just know the different interests of the various factions. You also have to analyze what they do to achieve their demands.”

  Seeing that McLen looked like he had something to say, the warlord immediately gave him the opportunity to show off and said graciously.

  ”Please give me some advice, General!”

  McLen didn’t beat around the bush and went straight to the point, starting with the cause of the incident.

  ”…You should be well aware that the civil service group has always been complaining about the empire’s weakness in various affairs.”

  ”The Duke of Galava’s performance at the Sticky Community Conference made us, as allies, very passive. Captain Benoit has expressed his dissatisfaction with him more than once. You can imagine how incompetent Wu Tuo is to put such a idiot in such an important position. That guy may be good at checks and balances, but the trick of ‘add water if there is too much flour, and add flour if there is too much water’ is only applicable to feudal dynasties.”

  The Warlord nodded.

  ”Indeed… Duke Galava has offended almost everyone he can in the Alliance.”

  ”Diplomacy is only one aspect, not to mention the economy and industry. The little wealth we worked so hard to accumulate for them ended up going to the Alliance’s little brothers, and the steel and cement we produced for them all ended up in the hands of the rebels… We actually see it all, but there’s no point in just worrying. That Wu Tuo is like a deaf-mute, still fantasizing that a piece of technology or a battleship can make the empire better.”

  McLen smiled and continued.

  ”So the civil service group came up with an idea. It would be great if the empire could change its emperor.”

  ”A tougher emperor would be better able to inject some militarist ideas into the feudal empire, which would make the empire more useful. The new empire does not need to be very strong. It only needs to be like a ferocious wolf and show its fangs when we need it.”

  ”It is easy to achieve this. The wolf people who have fought for the empire have accumulated a lot of dissatisfaction. Their children have shed blood for the empire on the front lines, but the empire never cares about their lives. They are like a rag, bearing all the dirt, and then thrown into Xifan Port to squeeze out the last bit of value.”

  ”I am the instructor of many wolf officers. I can feel their inner struggles. They are actually more eager to promote change than those pens that write “Red Soil”, and they do have power that those pens do not have.”

  ”What they lack is just a start-up capital for starting a business. This is easy to do. Just borrow it from the Eastern Legion. They are good at spending other people’s money to do their own things, just like borrowing me here as an instructor.”

  ”…You mean, this is the Civilian Group…” The Warlord wanted to use the word conspiracy, but when the words came to his lips, he remembered that this was not a forum, and the person standing in front of him was the commander of the legion, so he closed his mouth again.

  McClane obviously saw what he wanted to say, but just smiled faintly.

  ”When I was captured by the Alliance, I learned a word, or a slang, called the mantis stalks the cicada, while the oriole is behind.”

  The Warlord suddenly reacted, but his voice was unconsciously lowered.

  ”You mean… the Southern Legion took advantage of the layout of the Civilian Group?”


  McLen nodded approvingly and continued in a slow voice.

  ”If I guess correctly, the plan of the Civilian Group should be to let the retired Grey Wolf Army officers and soldiers launch a coup, take advantage of the Grey Wolf Army on the front line, quickly seize Tiandu and then establish a militarist regime.”

  ”In this way, the legion will increase from four to five, and the fifth legion formed by the Poro people and remotely controlled by the Civilian Group will not be bound by the ancient contract, and can attack and defend as a native force in the wasteland.”

  ”They played a little trick, and the enterprise happens to be the best at appeasement and self-deception, and will definitely not interfere in this matter. The only variable is the alliance, but the alliance can’t do anything. After all, the legion does not have a military presence in the eastern region, but this vassal is a little bigger.”

  ”Everything is within the scope of the rules. We did not cross the red line, but just rubbed the edge of the red line.”

  The warlord looked at him with his eyes open, his face full of surprise.

  Before coming here, Benoit told him that they were set up by their allies, but he didn’t say it in such detail.

  At that time, he thought that the “ally” referred to the Empire, and after a long time, it turned out to be the Southern Legion.

  Looking at the surprised Pangolin, McLen smiled faintly and continued.

  ”However, not everyone is satisfied with just rubbing in. Some guys who are ready to make a move not only took advantage of the layout of the Civilian Group, but also added their own chips to the originally balanced scale.”

  ”All those who should have evacuated have evacuated, and the uprising happened as expected, but the one who came to power was a guy named Janusz, an obvious scapegoat.”

  ”Then the fire soared into the sky, more fierce than anyone expected, and the liquidation of the Empire completely turned into a liquidation of the Empire and the Willant people, and more than 3,000 Willant civilians were burned to death. Now even the Civilian Group itself dares not boast that this is their handiwork, and can only pretend to be deaf and dumb, and then find ways to put out the fire.”

  The battlefield guy couldn’t help asking.

  ”…Is this any good for the Southern Legion?”

  McLen glanced at the direction of the tent door and said with a faint smile.

  ”The benefits are what you see outside. They will soon be able to continue to expand.”

  ”Once the war starts, the flames of war will not only burn in the Boro Province, but our vassals in the Luoxia Province will also be involved. With the current national strength of the Falcon Kingdom, I am afraid that it will be penetrated by the honey badgers next to it in an instant, as long as the alliance is willing to help them.”

  The battlefield man asked in a deep voice.

  ”Do you want this war to start?”

  McLen did not answer the question directly, but poured himself another cup of tea and asked back casually.

  ”What do you think?”

  The battlefield man said truthfully.

  ”I think you told me this because you don’t want the fire to continue burning.”

  ”You are very smart.”

  McLen’s face showed an expression of approval again, and he took a sip of hot tea, moistened his throat and continued.

  ”I can tell you that this fire is indeed a little good for me personally, but it may not be if it continues to burn. This is true for both me and the Eastern Legion.”

  The battlefield man said directly without any nonsense.

  ”Then what can I do to stop this fire?”

  McLen waved his hand, motioning him to come closer, and then said in a very soft voice.

  ”Some people in the Heavenly King’s Army betrayed the people who initially funded them, or to be more precise, the people of the Southern Legion gave them more benefits and promises… These people will be very sensitive to the envoys of the Civilian Group. I believe Bennot must have reminded you which people to pay attention to after you go to Tiandu.”

  The battlefield man nodded seriously.

  ”That man’s name is Abusek. It seems that he was named the Grand Duke of Lion State by that king–”

  ”Shh.” McLen made a gesture to silence, lowered his voice and continued, “I don’t care what that man or those people’s names are, and I’m not interested. Just remember them. When you get there, you must first show Janusz your attitude of peace talks and declare that you are here on behalf of Triumph City.”

  ”I bet that no matter how tough Janusz looks on the surface, he must be very happy in his heart. That man is not stupid. He knows that it is impossible to defeat the Legion with his own strength. Whether he joins the Legion or the Alliance, he has to find a way out for himself. And those who were killed are easy to deal with. Just put all the sins on those who have been liquidated. 80,000 lives in compensation for 3,000 lives is enough… But all this has a prerequisite, that is, whether the Legion recognizes the “explanation” he gave.”

  ”You have to make him believe that the Legion has the idea of ​​​​acknowledging this explanation, but 80,000 lives are not enough. Lion State must be offered as compensation.”

  The battlefield man looked at McLen in a daze.

  ”That’s Abusek’s fiefdom. You want to stir up internal conflicts among them…”

  McLen shook his head and nodded.

  ”It doesn’t matter whose fiefdom it is. What’s important is that the conditions you put forward should make those guys who cooperate with the Southern Legion realize that the civil service group just wants to change an ally at most, and the Southern Legion wants the land in their hands. Those guys will never fulfill their promises, and they won’t even mind abandoning them and cooperating with Janusz instead.”

  ”This will make them fearful and uneasy. After all, they have killed so many Willant people. If the Southern Legion doesn’t fulfill its promises, they will be buried in the ground like a clown… and as long as these people are afraid, they will try to ask the Southern Legion for more promises and things that can guarantee these promises, and they may even be unable to restrain themselves. And this is our chance.”

  A ray of brilliance flashed in the eyes of the battlefield man.

  ”You want me to find evidence that the Southern Legion is involved?”

  McLen nodded.

  ”That’s right, but evidence alone is not enough. It’s easy to deny and distance yourself from the matter. Just kill a ‘Griffin’. You have to find a way from the outside, such as leaking it to the Alliance. The Alliance has warships, as well as relationships with companies and colleges. Only if they intervene can the madman who plays with fire remain calm… at least consider the consequences of personally getting involved.”

  The Warlord looked at McLen in surprise. He didn’t expect him to say such a thing.

  Use the Alliance to check and balance the Southern Legion.

  Is this what he should say? !

  ”Ah, this…”

  Looking at the wide-eyed pangolin, General McLen thought he was shocked by his “betrayal”.

  However, he did not explain, but leaned back in his chair with his legs on his knees.

  ”I don’t think this is a betrayal. It’s to stop a group of ambitious people from dragging us into an abyss that we can’t see the bottom of.”

  ”Although I don’t seem to be in a position to say such things… but if you believe me, then do as I say.”


  The night in Xifan Port was quiet. The Southern Army was preparing for a full-scale invasion of the Borneo Province. The fuse inserted in the larger gunpowder barrel seemed to have begun to burn.

  The next morning.

  Another passenger ship docked at the port of Xifan Port.

  The blood and corpses on the port had been cleaned up, but the traces of the artillery fire still remained.

  Some people knelt on the deck, and others burst into tears.

  They were all relatives of the victims…

  Looking at the messy port, Penny, who was standing on the deck, couldn’t help but cover her mouth, and her shoulders couldn’t help but tremble slightly.

  ”… Too much.”

  It was said that only some children survived by chance by relying on the shelter of the Silver Moon Church.

  And those who didn’t survive were all tortured and died in humiliation and despair…

  At this moment, Penny suddenly remembered that her father had urged her to go home before, at least to go to Yongye Port to find her uncle Ross first.

  Shortly after that, the Governor’s Office in Xifan Port released the news that a large number of arms sold by the pound were waiting to be purchased on the Death Coast… First come, first served.

  Her eyes suddenly widened, and the light of disbelief reflected in her sad eyes.

  A terrible possibility suddenly emerged in her mind.

  That was her intuition as a reporter.

  Could it be her father…


  The Willant people on the ship looked at the port, and the people on the port were also looking at the people on the ship.

  The [Fighting Wolf] carrying a bag was silent for a long time, and suddenly spoke.

  ”I suddenly feel that the Legion is not that good.”

  They were about to leave for Tiandu, and they just returned to Yarman’s ship to pack their luggage.

  The Shit Stirring Stick looked at this guy strangely, and put his hand on his shoulder with a smirk.

  ”Brother, interview, when did you have the illusion that they were very good.”

  The old wolf glanced at him, and then looked at the passenger ship and the people on the deck of the passenger ship.

  ”I don’t know, maybe it’s intuition… I feel that they are pretty good to their own people.”

  The Shit Stirring Stick continued with a smirk.

  ”This is good. How is it reflected specifically? Is it the triumphant B-cup Weilant macho, or is it their use of thick and large caliber to avenge their dead compatriots? To be honest, no matter how loud the cannon is, can the dead come back to life? In my opinion, it is better to burn paper money, at least it can make them live more comfortably underground.”

  The Weilant officers who stayed in the alliance did burn paper money for the dead expeditionary soldiers.

  I don’t know who taught them.

  Old Wolf argued stubbornly.

  ”But at least revenge was taken.”

  As if he saw something very interesting, Old Gun smiled and said jokingly.

  ”Really? I thought the enemy was in Tiandu, but it turned out to be in Xifan Port.”

  ”But if you must say, where does the hatred come from? Not all the people who died in the craters outside the Great Rift Valley are clones. Those poor guys also have their own parents or children, but there is no one to collect their bodies, only a group of scavengers to search them. Is this the guy who treats his compatriots as human beings? There are many more people who died there than here!”

  Old Wolf was speechless for a while.

  He wanted to say that the dead were soldiers, and they were different from the civilians who died here, but he couldn’t tell what the difference was in essence.

  They seemed to be all bets.

  Although they were playing different games, they were all betting on an almost impossible victory.

  If they won, their sacrifice would be worthwhile, but he couldn’t tell what this so-called value was. Did

  n’t the Legion have enough land?

  However, they were still extremely far away from their own utopia.

  As for the Great Expedition, of course they won.

  In the Triumph Newspaper, the Alliance and the Desert Countries, who had not lost an inch of land, were defeated and survived only with the mediation of enterprises and colleges. The

  Great Rift Valley huddled in the Holy Shield and dared not move, and did not even participate in the negotiations…

  ”Militarism plus racism, the debuffs have been fully stacked, and it’s better to leave it there. Even if there is no wife, there is still a cake. These guys can only ‘one-kill’ and ‘tata-open’, and they are the most cruel to their own people.” Lao Gun continued to make up for it, laughing at the speechless Old Wolf.

  Not wanting the two to quarrel again, the eagle coughed to stop them.

  ”Okay, stop talking about these useless bullshit, go somewhere else to play cosplay… As for whether the legion is good, you can ask Vanus, he is a military noble after all.”

  The old wolf nodded seriously.

  ”… I will visit him when I return to Dawn City.”

  The eagle sighed, squinted his eyes and looked at the port, and then looked at the nearby city.

  ”Let’s talk about the future later, first think about how to complete this damn task.”

  The dog of the conduit couldn’t help rolling his eyes.

  ”Can you stop talking nonsense all day long? I am the least talkative.”

  The stick of the shit said with a smirk.

  ”But you talk too much nonsense!”

  The dog of the conduit: “@#%@!”

  Looking at the two people quarreling again, the eagle couldn’t help but hold his forehead. Just when he was about to say something, the friendly hometown dialect suddenly came from the side.

  ”Oh, what a coincidence, you are also here to do the task?”

  The four of them turned around at the same time, only to see a player without a VM standing there.




  Seeing the boss standing in front of them, the four newbies immediately showed excitement on their faces.

  Especially Eagle.

  Pangolin, the Alliance’s double agent!

  With this boss here, the mission is done!

  He didn’t want to use his brain anymore and was ready to lie down.

  Looking at this group of energetic newcomers, Battlefield Guy gave a helpless smile.

  Just because of the joke that bunch of bastards played that day, his nickname has become more famous than his ID.

  ”You’d better not act too close to me… I beg you for a favor.”

  Eagle’s expression immediately became serious, and he made a hateful expression and whispered with gritted teeth.

  ”I understand brother… we are enemies. By the way, I didn’t see you coming on the forum?”

  The warlord didn’t act so realistically, just turned into a poker face as usual, shrugged his shoulders and whispered.

  ”The forum is so big, it’s normal for the post to be flooded. I just sent you a private message on the forum, but you didn’t reply, so I came online.”

  The stick of trouble suggested.

  ”… This is not the place to talk, how about we go offline to communicate?”

  The warlord whispered.

  ”Don’t communicate, you guys come with me to Tiandu… Uh, I’m the envoy of the Legion, you guys play the Alliance, and when we get to Tiandu, we will find someone.”

  The dog of the catheter said excitedly.

  ”I understand! We are looking for that undercover, right?”


  What undercover?

  That Abusek?

  The warlord was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

  ”Yes, it’s considered an undercover… Good guy, you have accepted the mission? That’s easy to do, let’s go directly.”

  The old wolf asked with some concern.

  ”If we act together, will the Tianwang Army think we have reached an agreement?”

  The warlord smiled and said.

  ”That’s okay. Let them misunderstand. It will also be good for what we want to do.”

  Just as the five people were discussing the next itinerary, the news of the fall of Tiandu City finally spread throughout the province of Borneo.

  King Janus announced his accession to the throne! Titled the Janus Dynasty! And he crowned thirteen wolf kings at once!

  Not only that, a series of gossips also spread out of Tiandu, such as the atrocities committed by the King’s army in the city.

  The empire was in an uproar.

  Hearing that his harem was occupied, Wu Tuo, who was having a big banquet on the ship, suddenly blacked out and fell straight into the arms of a group of old ministers.

  ”Your Majesty has fainted!”

  ”Quick! Call the imperial physician!”

  ”What imperial physician are you calling? You bunch of rubbish are going to piss me off to death. Hurry up and get to the shore and send her to the hospital!”

  The deck of the royal merchant ship was in chaos.

  The old nobles who were halfway through their meal saw that the banquet was about to end, and they didn’t care about the emperor. They hurriedly pulled out plastic bags and put the messy cups and plates into the bags.

  And they put the utensils together.

  The situation on the scene was in chaos, and no one cared about them taking advantage of the situation.

  However, their panicked appearance made the people who came to rescue the emperor on the other side more comical…

  It was not just a small boat on the Yongliu River that was in chaos.

  There was also the nearby Lowell State, the not-too-far Tiger State and Leopard State, and even the Ma State next to the Mammoth State.

  The warlord of the Tiger Army sent a telegram first, denouncing the barbaric acts committed by the Heavenly King Army and stating that he would never admit that a dirty hyena was riding on the heads of the tiger people.

  Although the Black Panther Army, which was busy making a fortune quietly, was slow to react, it also sent a telegram to Tiandu in time, denouncing the traitors’ treasonous acts and expressing its firm support for His Majesty the Emperor and the Xilan Dynasty. Then it sent a letter to Jinjialun Port, saying that if the emperor didn’t know where to go, he could stay in Baozhou if he didn’t mind.

  In addition, the Black Panther Army also telegraphed the Tiger Army, agreeing that the two armies would protect each other.

  If either side is attacked by the Heavenly King Army or the Legion, the other side will also send troops to resist.

  Obviously, there are still smart people under the two warlords, and even the situation of the Legion’s troops being sent out has been considered.

  In addition to the relatively tough Black Panther Army and Tiger Army, the bones of the other states are not so hard.

  For example, the three states in the north.

  The central Xiangzhou, the southern Snake State, the western Lion State, Niu State, and Wolf State have all given up resistance.

  In fact, there is no way to resist.

  Relying on the little combat effectiveness of the city defense army, I am afraid that they will not have enough time to buy them escape.

  As for Mammoth State, which was close to Mammoth State, it did not say a word, but it was obviously lying down, and placed all its hopes on Alayyang, who was suppressing bandits.

  Ironically, in the end, the two states that least listened to the emperor, and Alayyang, who was least trusted by the emperor, became the last loyal ministers of the empire.

  Even if the whole world abandoned Xilan, they still did not give up their Majesty and were still trying to rescue him.

  However, it is hard to say how much use it will be.

  The wheel of time cannot be resisted by human power. The dying dusk finally sank into the sea, and the darkness that was pitch black finally descended on this land… The

  Wasteland Era is still the Wasteland Era without any change.

  At least this fire has not yet burned outside the Borneo Province.

  But for the survivors of Borneo Province, a bloodier and more chaotic era has begun…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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