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Chapter 835: Imitating the ugly

Chapter 835: Imitating the ugly


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 835:

  The news of the fall of Tiandu not only caused a storm in the province of Borneo, but also shocked the whole city in the Nitong Building of Dawn City.

  The most interesting thing is that this scandal was not exposed by the Alliance, but by the Bugera Free State, which the Empire thought it had a “good relationship with”. Although

  the relationship here is a bit complicated, it can still be explained clearly.

  Since the Free State has always had a good relationship with the Legion, and the Empire is an “ally” of the Legion, Duke Galava has always regarded the representatives of the Free State as his own buddies.

  And the profiteers of the Free State happen to be famous for making a fortune in silence.

  They never choose customers when doing business, but only look at whether it is profitable. Therefore, it is naturally impossible for them to take the initiative to strip the Empire of its underwear, but they have been hiding behind the Legion and the Alliance, quietly developing the market in Borneo Province.

  If it weren’t for the fact that several senior salesmen of the Firestone Group were caught by the thugs of Tiandu and the pressure of public opinion from the authorities was too great, the representative of the Free State really didn’t want to interrupt.

  As for the Duke of Galawa, he was kept in the dark from beginning to end. It was not until recently that he learned that Wu Tuo was no longer in Tiandu, but had hidden in Jingalon Port.

  When he learned that the Empire’s Tiandu had actually fallen into the hands of a group of thugs, he sat in the meeting seat and his eyes widened.

  He looked like a stranded goldfish.

  ”Nonsense! Tiandu… is in the hands of the rebels? How come I haven’t heard of it! What’s your intention in saying this now!” He stood up angrily, but could only utter a rebuttal that was irrelevant.

  There was a whisper in the hall, and everyone’s face was filled with surprise.

  These people were representatives of other small survivor forces, such as Garbage City and Dam City. They neither understood nor cared about what happened in the Empire, but were just surprised.

  However, the expression on the face of the Duke of Galawa was very interesting.

  That was his own family’s business, why did he feel like he had just heard about it?

  Looking at the Duke of Galawa, who looked like he was betrayed and hated evil, the representative of the Free State just shrugged his shoulders.

  ”Okay, just treat me as nonsense… Although I really didn’t expect you to help, but seeing your slow realization, I guess you don’t even know what happened in your own home.”

  The respectful “you” unconsciously became “you”.

  After a pause, he said again.

  ”Let’s use our own mercenaries to rescue people.”

  After the voice fell, there was a whisper at the scene.

  The Duke of Galawa, who was slapped in the face, was even more angry, his shoulders couldn’t stop shaking, and he pointed his finger at the arrogant guy.

  ”You, do you know what you are talking about! Sending troops to the empire is an infringement of the empire’s sovereignty! This is an invasion! If you dare to let those mercenaries dare to set foot on the empire’s territory, don’t expect them to go back alive!”

  ”Tsk… You don’t know what you are talking about, Mr. Galawa.”

  Looking at the angry Galawa, the representative of the Free State had a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

  Even ridicule.

  ”Even if this is an act of infringing sovereignty, we are infringing the sovereignty of the illegal regime of the ‘Janush Empire’. What does it have to do with Xilan? For us, employees are important assets of the company. Since we have bought insurance for them, we must make this insurance work.”

  After a pause, he looked at the other people in the meeting room, especially Cheng Yan, who was sitting in the alliance seat, and Bennot, the captain, who was sitting in the legion seat.

  These people are the ones who can really speak.

  ”Isn’t there anyone who asks this ‘irrelevant person’ to leave? The Xilan Empire is already a historical term. What else can he do sitting here except yelling?”

  Bennot, who was sitting in the legion seat, had a blank expression on his face. His deep eye sockets seemed to have been up for several nights, and he didn’t care about the proposal of the Free State representative.

  He is now in a lot of trouble and has no time to take care of his dog.

  Cheng Yan glanced at Bennot, then looked at the Free State representative and the sullen Duke of Galava. After a moment of silence, he coughed lightly.

  ”The seats of the Sticky Community are granted to the residents of the Borneo Province, not to a certain person, or an organization, even if it is a certain royal family… But I do not agree to cancel the seat of the Xilan Empire because of the political turmoil. This is contrary to the spirit of the Sticky Community and the rules we set.”

  A glimmer of hope appeared in the eyes of Duke Galava.

  Although he did not like the Alliance, and hated this “manager’s follower” even more, when he heard this guy speaking for him, he couldn’t help but curl up the corners of his mouth in triumph, and looked at the Free State representative with a provocative look.

  However –

  his pride did not last for two seconds, and he fell into the abyss again because of Cheng Yan’s next sentence…

  ”However, given the current situation of the empire, it is indeed not suitable to continue to attend the Sticky Community meeting. Even if they vote at the meeting, they have no ability to fulfill their obligations… Therefore, I propose to temporarily freeze their seats until the survivors of the Borneo Province re-elect an organization or individual who can truly represent their ideas, and then unfreeze the seat depending on the situation.”

  This is completely a normal and reasonable procedure.

  After all, the Slime Community is a slime mold research institute that discusses collective affairs on the wasteland. The Empire today has not even cleaned up the shit on its own ass, and there is even a hidden danger of dragging the entire wasteland into their internal disputes.

  Letting such a troublemaker mess up the meeting is harmful to both themselves and others at the conference table.

  Before fulfilling their obligations to end the wasteland, the survivors of the Borneo Province should first settle their own troubles.

  Not wanting to see the pleading face of Duke Galava, Cheng Yan looked straight at the front of the venue and said.

  ”Let’s vote.”

  Almost all the representatives in the audience turned on the green light, and only the Academy abstained.

  It seems that apart from the Alliance, only the Enterprise voted in favor out of complete goodwill, and the other votes were more or less malicious.

  After all, Duke Galava is used to being arrogant and has offended many people for the Empire.

  The voting situation is precarious for the Empire.

  Although Galava is full of dissatisfaction with the Slime Community, quitting and being kicked out are completely different things.

  Hurting his face was more painful than taking his life…

  The sweaty Duke of Galawa looked at the Bennotto for help. His pitiful expression was like a drowning man looking at the last straw on the water. As long as

  the legion exercises a veto… all the bad luck will be reversed!

  However, to his despair, his loved ones did not even look at him, but just sat there with cold eyes.

  The red light that indicated opposition…

  In the end, it didn’t light up.

  The legion abstained…

  The empire’s closest ally actually abstained!

  Duke Galava felt dizzy for a moment, his eyes went dark and he collapsed in a chair.

  He won’t help me.

  It’s over.

  It’s all over…


  The meeting was over.

  As the representatives of the Free State wished, Duke Galava left the venue and was carried out.

  This guy had a bad heart, but he would rather spend money on wine and women than have an operation on himself.

  Many people in the meeting were whispering, wondering if he could make it this time.

  But it didn’t matter if he couldn’t make it.

  The seat of the empire has been frozen, and it will no longer participate in the discussion of the meeting agenda.

  The most proud of course is the representative of the South Sea Alliance who has just joined.

  The tens of billions of Xilan coins borrowed have long been discounted and cashed into silver coins.

  If this empire goes bankrupt, those debts will naturally not have to be repaid…

  After the meeting.

  Bennot stood by the window of the corridor, looking at the Dawn City outside the window and stopped for a while.

  Hearing the footsteps beside him, he didn’t turn around, but just said casually.

  ”Do you have a cigarette?”


  Cheng Yan took out a pack of cigarettes from his arms and handed one to this guy. He

  took out a lighter and lit the cigarette. Benoit held it in his mouth but didn’t smoke it. He just squinted his eyes and looked out the window, his face half sad and half confused.

  After a long while, he finally spoke.

  ”… There is something I can’t figure out.” Cheng Yan

  , who was standing next to him, thought for a while and said.

  ”I can probably guess it.”

  Benoit glanced at him, suddenly laughed, and smoke floated out of his nostrils.

  ”To be honest, I still borrowed your method…”

  ”You mean those rebels?” Cheng Yan was slightly stunned, and then said with a smile, “What kind of reference is this? We haven’t done this.”

  ”You know whether you have done it or not, I can’t say it openly.”

  Benoit snorted, looked out the window, and a trace of resentment suddenly appeared in his pupils.

  ”But why?”

  He clenched his fist tightly, looking like he wanted to smash the window sill with his fist, and squeezed out the anger buried in his chest from his teeth.

  ”I gave them so many benefits, and so much assistance… money! Arms! And experience and technology in struggle! But they stabbed us in the back!”

  ”Can you understand that feeling? It’s like when Laxi left the city, he didn’t rush to teach the Empire a lesson, but set a fire in Jingalon Port first! If that’s the case, what would you think?”

  He and Huye did discuss some things.

  Including communicating with some bigwigs in Kaixuan City, especially the civil servants with higher ranks than him.

  The whole plan is very simple. The retired veterans and officers of the wolf tribe took advantage of the people’s grievances in Xifan Port to rebel, killed a group of imperial nobles as sacrifices, took over all the arms stranded in Lion State, and then took Tiandu directly along the roads and railway networks they built.

  If the situation is optimistic, the Empire may not even have a chance to react, and this “blood transfusion operation” can be completed without shedding a few drops of blood.

  After all, the Empire was defenseless against the Legion, and their reliance and expectations on the Legion even reached the level of fantasy.

  As for Xifan Port, there was no problem at all.

  The lion nobles there were all a bunch of useless people. They didn’t even need to carefully select them to find a lot of trash, and those people were no match for the group of Grey Wolf Army veterans.

  In order to create opportunities for them, Governor Huye even took his own guards away.

  And those speculators mixed in the wolf pack also promised them that after getting the guns, they would only liquidate the nobles of the Empire and never touch the Weilants of the Empire, and after everything was over, this “restraint” would be used as a symbol of friendship between the two sides…

  However, the result was that those ungrateful wolves betrayed him without hesitation, leaving him who was still trustworthy and didn’t believe him, but chose to cooperate with those guys who were even more untrustworthy to take a big gamble – first build a broken ship to fill the hatred, and then bet that he could change a new ship before the ship sank.

  He was only thankful for one thing now, that is, his daughter Penny was not there.

  Although she didn’t get on Governor Huye’s ship, he finally persuaded her to go to Yongye Port before the incident happened.

  Cheng Yan glanced at him.

  Although he didn’t say it clearly, the general meaning was clear.

  This guy wanted to copy a “Laxi” in Xifan Port.

  However, this guy obviously misunderstood something.

  Although from the result, the emergence of Mammoth State is indeed in the interests of the Alliance, the Alliance has never actively output anything to the people there. Including the

  survivors’ daily report of Golden Gallon Port, including the “Red Soil” collection serialized in the newspaper, which one is not the voice of the local survivors themselves?

  ”Do you think Laxi hates us? Do the residents of Golden Gallon Port hate us? Or… does Laxi hate the residents of Golden Gallon Port?”

  ”…” Bennott didn’t speak for a long time and couldn’t answer this question.

  Cheng Yan continued.

  ”Then if I tell you again that we have never supported Mammoth State and the Moon Clan Resistance Army, we even advised them not to be so anxious, and everything must be done step by step… Do you believe it?”

  The manager is a person who disdains to use conspiracy.

  Most of that gentleman’s decisions were indeed open conspiracies, and Cheng Yan was very clear about this.

  Although there are rumors that Lacy resigned and went north with the guidance of a big shot, or with some endorsement, the facts are quite the opposite.

  That guy did something that caught everyone off guard – he used his own life and the lives of a group of people to gamble on an almost impossible victory.

  But it was also that incident that made many people in the alliance sober up.

  Not everything will happen slowly as they planned.

  They can no longer do whatever they want like before, and must be careful about every choice they make.

  Benoit still had an expression of disbelief on his face, but he was not as sure as before.

  ”… Lacy was not instructed by you?”

  Cheng Yan looked at him seriously.

  ”I can swear to the manager.”


  Benoit didn’t say anything, just stared out the window and smoked by himself.

  It wasn’t…

  No wonder he couldn’t copy it.

  People are like-minded animals. Gamblers are destined to be with gamblers, and then they are targeted by gamblers who play bigger games, and the chips they have finally got are lost again.

  Although it’s not the end of the world, Benoit suddenly felt very tired, and even had the idea of ​​retiring early. He no longer had the aggressiveness and high spirits he once had.

  That lonely look, as if he had aged a dozen years in an instant…


  Just as Benoit was smoking one cigarette after another, the Duke of Galawa, who was carried into the hospital, finally woke up slowly under the rescue of the Alliance doctor.

  ”… Fortunately you came 5 minutes earlier, no one could save you if you were a little later.” He

  vaguely heard someone talking, and he reluctantly opened his eyes and saw the doctor’s face.

  Although he was stubborn and never bowed to anyone, he couldn’t help but soften his tone and lower his eyebrows for the doctor who saved his life.

  ”Thank you…”

  ”You’re welcome. Saving lives is my job and my mission,” the doctor in a white coat glanced at him, then looked at the instrument beside him, and couldn’t help but say something behind him, “If you have the conditions, I still suggest you get a bionic heart… This will be over sooner or later.”

  Galawa’s eyes struggled a little, and fine sweat oozed from his pale forehead, as if he was hesitating.

  Changing a heart…

  doesn’t that mean cutting open the chest? !

  Of course.

  He is certainly not afraid of pain.

  But… what if the manager wants his life and arranges someone to secretly stab him forward?

  Seeing that this guy was scaring himself again, the doctor said hurriedly.

  ”We will give you anesthesia, and the whole process won’t hurt…”

  ”No need, doctor,” Duke Galava smiled weakly and interrupted him, “I’m fine… Thank you for saving my life.”


  The doctor stared at the stubborn old man in a daze, and finally shook his head and turned to walk out the door.

  Seeing the doctor leave, Ni Yang, who was at the door, asked hurriedly.

  ”How is the Duke?”

  The doctor replied concisely.

  ”The situation is basically stable… If you really care about him, you still have to persuade him to have the operation as soon as possible.”

  ”I will persuade him.” Ni Yang nodded, said goodbye to the doctor, and then walked into the Duke Galava’s ward.

  When he entered the door, Duke Galava, who was lying on his back on the bed, was staring at the ceiling in a trance.

  Hearing the footsteps at the door, he slightly tilted his face, moved his demented eyes back again, looked at the ceiling, and said dejectedly.

  ”I don’t think I’m sick… I wasn’t like this before, I was quite healthy before, but since I came to the Alliance… everything seems to have changed.”

  Seeing the Duke’s sickly appearance, Ni Yang sighed reluctantly, but finally put the written resignation letter on the bedside table, then poured a cup of hot water for the Duke and said in a coaxing tone.

  ”Indeed, the Alliance is rotten.”

  ”They shouldn’t have ended the Wasteland Era, and they shouldn’t have let the people in the wasteland see the hope of the new century.”

  ”Everyone will die one day, and there is no difference between drowning in reality and drowning in dreams… It’s just the choice of different people. We all want to leave something in this world.”

  The Duke of Ganawa looked at him blankly, and suddenly felt that this servant was a little strange.

  This is… his Ni Yang?

  ”Since we have known each other for a while, I advise you to get a new heart. Even if you always feel that Mr. Manager wants to kill you… Now the empire is over, and you will soon no longer be a diplomat, so no one will want to harm you anymore.”

  You are no longer worthy of being harmed…

  Niyang looked at him with pity, and finally did not say the most hurtful words.

  ”Shut up…! You rat, what do you know!” Galawa, who was lying on the bed, widened his eyes and stared at this familiar yet unfamiliar servant. The corner of his eye suddenly noticed the paper on the bedside table.

  ”What is that… a newspaper?”

  Niyang answered truthfully.

  ”It’s a resignation letter.”

  Galawa’s eyes were full of bloodshot, his eye sockets gradually turned red, and he stared at him intently.

  ”Resign, resign?!”

  ”That’s right,” Niyang nodded, “Thank you for your care all the time, but one thing is one thing. Once a person has the ability to distinguish right from wrong, he will no longer be satisfied with being a slave. I choose to follow my heart.”

  Galawa sat up from the bed in anger, grabbed the resignation letter, tore it into pieces, and threw it hard on his legs.

  ”A slave resigning, unheard of! I tell you, Niyang, I am your master! What I promised you is yours. Without my nod, you can’t leave!”

  The hysterical voice sounded like a roar and a plea.

  Niyang thought he would say some harsh words in the end to return the humiliation he had suffered.

  However, now looking at this old man who has lost everything, those harsh words can’t be said.

  In fact, he is also a poor man.

  Born with a golden key, he has heard countless flattery in his life, but no one has ever respected him from the bottom of his heart. Either they blindly follow his stupidity, or they pretend to be confused to fool him.

  Ni Yang nodded slightly, as a final sign of respect.

  ”You misunderstood, Mr. Galawa. I did not resign as a slave, but all my positions in the empire…”

  After a pause, he took out the ID card from his pocket.

  ”There are no slaves in the Alliance. I am not a slave to begin with, and there is nothing to resign from.”

  The Alliance ID card…

  His dry Adam’s apple moved up and down, and Duke Galawa was completely desperate.

  It seemed that he had lost the reason to lose his temper.

  This time, he rarely lost his temper, but just looked dejectedly at the man who turned around and was about to leave.

  ”Where are you going…”

  Ni Yang paused, but did not look back.

  ”To the province of Borneo.”

  ”To where I am needed.”


  【Yesterday, the editorial department of this newspaper received a telegram from Tiandu.

  The telegram claimed that the remnants of the old empire had been completely wiped out by the Heavenly King Army, and the new empire would be led by Heavenly King Janusz, adopt a constitutional monarchy, abolish royal privileges and slavery, advocate the idea of ​​equality for all, and lead the residents of Borneo Province to a brighter future.

  At present, the identity of the sender of the telegram cannot be confirmed, but judging from the content, it should be someone related to the Heavenly King Army, or at least instructed by its top leaders.

  Since this newspaper has no branch in Tiandu, it is temporarily impossible to know the specific situation there.

  However, according to the reporter stationed in Xiangzhou, judging from the oral content of the refugees from Tiandu, the local situation does not seem optimistic.

  The Heavenly King Army is conducting a “systematic” liquidation of the remnants of the old empire, and this liquidation is not based on explicit laws. Most of the time, it depends on the senior or middle-level officers of the jurisdiction to make “intuition” assumptions, and Janusz himself does not seem to have any intention of stopping it.

  This reporter tried to contact the Governor’s Office of Kinggalon Port, but there was no more news from the Governor’s Office.

  However, from the limited clues, the “abolition” and “equality for all” declared by Janusch seem to have nothing to do with the Japanese and the nobles of the old empire… In

  the year 214 of the Wasteland Era, on January 15, the “Survivor Daily” Jinjialun Port Branch reported for you.


  Jinjialun Port.

  In the noodle shop in the port area, a group of diners were reading newspapers while eating. After

  the illiterate dock worker heard the literate clerk finish reading the newspaper, he finally frowned and slapped his thigh, muttering curses.

  ”This Janusch is not a good guy… This is too extreme!”

  The people who were watching the excitement around nodded and echoed.


  ”A bit extreme…”

  ”I don’t think this Janusch is a good guy either… Fortunately, I haven’t donated money yet.”

  Looking at this group of guys who change their minds according to the wind, the clerk holding the newspaper couldn’t help rolling his eyes.

  ”Aren’t you supporting the king?”

  The short-haired dockworker smiled awkwardly and looked aside.

  The worker sitting next to him coughed and defended him.

  ”I support him in fighting the Empire, but I don’t support him in massacring the city… nor do I support him in massacring the Weilant people.”

  This voice won another round of echoes.


  ”One thing is one thing, praise what is done, and criticize what is not done!”

  ”That’s right!”

  The man reading the newspaper shook his head and put the newspaper away.

  ”I don’t object, but there must be a standard for good and bad, right? What’s the reason for being good sometimes and bad sometimes?”

  The onlookers also laughed and interrupted.

  ”You guys are really hard to serve. It’s so hard to find someone who thinks the same as you, but you still require that the other person must have the same ideas as you. Otherwise, you can just do it yourself. It’s more fun to do it yourself than to blindly command from the side.”

  Everyone was about to quarrel again, and suddenly there was a shout from the door.

  ”There’s something in the sky!”

  Upon hearing the exclamation, the diners dropped their topics and bowls and chopsticks, and swarmed to the door of the noodle shop regardless of the noodle shop waiter’s obstruction.

  ”What is it?”

  ”Let me see!”


  Everyone looked up at the sky, and saw a row of light blue arcs across the sky.

  Those who knew the goods immediately recognized it. It was the plume ejected by the plasma engine!

  ”Plane! It’s the Alliance’s plane!” The expert pointed to the sky and shouted in surprise.

  When he heard his voice, almost all the people on the street who stopped and looked at the sky showed an expression of surprise on their faces.

  The Alliance is here!

  They are back!


  The exciting background music filled the cabin, trying to cover the roar of the plasma engine.

  Sitting in the cabin, [Yin Cha Yang Cuo], who was holding his ear with his little finger, couldn’t help but complain.

  ”Damn… I remember that the killer whales of the Enterprise didn’t make such a loud noise.”

  [No Family] said with a smirk.

  ”You’re right, but the Overlord transport aircraft is a large aircraft independently developed and produced by the Alliance–”

  [半岁蹉跎] covered his mouth with his hand.

  ”Okay, I know you’ve played “Wasteland OL.” ”

  One Step to Heaven”: “?”

  When the four were arguing, Lao Bai, who was wearing a power armor, shouted in the communication channel.

  ”Brothers, we have arrived on the east coast of Borneo Province, above the Golden Gallon Port!”

  ”The Legion wants to put on a show of deceit for us, so let’s teach them a lesson, so that they won’t forget the pain after the scar has healed. They forgot, but I haven’t forgotten, how they ran with their tails between their legs in the desert!”

  ”Hahaha!” There was a laugh in the cabin, and Lao Bai also grinned and laughed. After the sound stopped, his expression became serious and he continued.

  ”Remember, we represent the strongest legion in the alliance! Remember the Player’s Handbook and the legion’s discipline, and don’t take a single penny from the masses. I don’t care what bad ideas you have. Since you choose to sit here, remember the rules!”

  The resounding voice fell, and the communication channel immediately resounded with high-spirited roars.


  The benefits of the Burning Legion are the highest in the entire server. Not only are they provided with equipment and leveling, but they also pay wages. Basically, if you join the group, you don’t have to worry about your gaming career or your life outside the game. However,

  in contrast, the standard for joining the Burning Legion is also the highest in the entire server. It is not enough to have a level, but you must also obey orders and observe discipline.

  Although the rules are a bit strict and even harsh, few people complain.

  After all, if you enjoy the benefits, you must bear the corresponding obligations. This is fair.

  If you want to have fun, you can go out and form a group yourself.

  For example, Brother Mosquito used to be a member of the Burning Legion, but later he felt that it was too serious and boring, so he quit the team and went out to form a more relaxed goblin legion. We are all still buddies, and we often cooperate with each other, so our friendship will not be affected by different understandings of the game.

  For example, the White Bear Knights also flew out of the Storm Corps, and are now gradually growing.

  The initial corps of the alliance are like the Novice Village, and many powerful individual players have walked out of these corps.

  Seeing that the boss’s nonsense was finally finished, [No Family] laughed and shouted.

  ”Boss, can we parachute down? I just want to show off, it’s not against the rules!”

  He saw someone waving at him from below, it would be a pity if he didn’t make a shining debut.

  Lao Bai shouted with a smile.

  ”You jump by yourself, I’ll open the hatch.”

  No family member said hurriedly.

  ”No! Brother, at least pull the plane higher, I won’t be a meat paste if I go down.”

  By mistake: “Hahahaha!”

  There was a burst of laughter and scolding in the cabin, adding a different color to the passionate BGM.

  Fang Chang couldn’t help but curl up a smile and looked at the thriving settlement in the porthole.

  I haven’t been back for a long time.

  The changes here are quite big, so much so that he, the designer, almost didn’t recognize it…

  The authorities of Jinjialun Port built a new military base for them in the suburbs.

  As for the Lowell Camp, which was originally close to the port area, it has been transformed into a museum, and even two service-type bionic people were imported from enterprises to serve as tour guides.

  ”Speaking of which, do you remember what it looked like here a year ago?”

  Hearing Fang Chang’s voice, Lao Bai grinned.

  ”I don’t remember. You know me. I’m a person who looks forward. I’m actually more curious about what will happen a year later than a year ago.”

  Fang Chang smiled.

  ”Oh? Then what do you think this settlement will look like a year later?”

  ”Haha, that depends on what the local survivors think. All we can do is give them a hand. We can’t carry them.”

  Squinting his eyes and looking out the porthole, Lao Bai added a sentence.

  ”…Anyway, no matter what it becomes, just don’t change it back.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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