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Chapter 835 Something happened to Bai Yue’er?

Chapter 835 Something happened to Bai Yue’er?


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 835: Bai Yue’er is in trouble?

  Bai Yue’er is now the most famous artist in the company, and also the company’s number one cash cow.

  Any agency will not miss the opportunity to make money. They

  will definitely make the artists run schedules like crazy and exploit the artists.

  Although Bai Yue’er is also running schedules everywhere and is too busy to stop.

  But she doesn’t feel exploited by the company.

  Because she really likes the profession of an actor and enjoys the feeling of being noticed.

  Of course.

  More importantly, she can really get the money.

  Some agencies don’t treat artists as human beings at all. Not only are the commissions extremely low, but they also deduct or delay payment in various names.

  Then no one will have the motivation to run schedules.

  But her company has never been like this.

  The company has been regularly transferring money to her account.

  Watching the amount in the account continue to increase.

  Bai Yue’er can laugh out loud in her sleep.

  This makes her feel that her hard work is worth it, and naturally she has no complaints.

  The only regret is that she can’t be with Xu Xiuwen.

  She and Xu Xiuwen are also in the stage of a hot relationship.

  Especially after giving Qingbai’s body to Xu Xiuwen.

  His figure was firmly engraved in the girl’s heart.

  There was no room for other people and things.

  Between accompanying Xu Xiuwen and running a trip to make money.

  If Bai Yue’er could choose,

  she might choose to accompany Xu Xiuwen.

  But Bai Yue’er had no choice.


  Xu Xiuwen had a girlfriend.

  Even if the school was on vacation, he would most likely accompany Xiao Youran and would not have so much time to accompany her.


  Bai Yue’er is too famous now.

  Too many people know her.

  There are even some annoying paparazzi following her.

  If she stays with Xu Xiuwen every day

  , within three days, rumors will definitely spread everywhere.

  Her current personality is still pure and innocent.

  If rumors are spread too early, it will still have a great impact on her.

  It is not good for Xu Xiuwen either.

  So Bai Yue’er simply put most of her thoughts on making money.

  She is still young and will have a lot of time to accompany Xu Xiuwen in the future.

  Moreover, Xu Xiuwen will basically call and text her every now and then.

  She is content.

  As Bai Yue’er’s boss and boyfriend, Xu Xiuwen

  certainly noticed Bai Yue’er’s thoughts.

  If Bai Yue’er is really as clingy as Xiao Youran,

  he really doesn’t know how to arrange her.

  Xu Xiuwen was very moved by Bai Yue’er’s sensibleness.

  He is not Xu Baopi, and he has not and will not regard Bai Yue’er as a tool to make money.

  As a boss and boyfriend,

  Xu Xiuwen also saw Bai Yue’er’s hard work.

  So this time he specially asked someone to give Bai Yue’er a week’s vacation.

  Let her have a good rest and go back to see her family, relatives and friends.

  In fact, Bai Yue’er should return to Jinling after the vacation.

  There are still many activities and schedules waiting for her to run.

  After the call was connected,

  Ban Chan’s voice came from the microphone.

  ”Mr. Xu, I have something to talk to you about!”

  She spoke very quickly and in an urgent tone.

  Hearing this, Xu Xiuwen raised his eyebrows and asked in a deep voice: “What’s wrong?”

  Ban Chan said: “Mr. Xu, I can’t contact Yue’er.”

  Her voice trembled slightly, and she was obviously worried and nervous.

  Xu Xiuwen was startled, then came to his senses, suppressed his anxiety and asked: “Please explain clearly, what do you mean you can’t contact Yue’er? You called her, but she didn’t answer? Or didn’t reply to the text message?”

  Ban Chan explained: “Mr. Xu, the company gave Yue’er a week off. Logically, she should have come back yesterday. But she didn’t come back. I thought she was delayed by something. I called her, but her phone was always turned off. I couldn’t contact her no matter what. Yue’er has never been like this before. Will she be in trouble?”

  Xu Xiuwen’s heart tightened.

  He had a bad premonition in his heart.

  But he immediately scolded: “Don’t talk nonsense, Yue’er can’t be in trouble!”

  This was to comfort Ban Chan and let her stop thinking about it, and at the same time to comfort himself.

  Ban Chan trembled and said: “Yes, yes, Yue’er will not be in trouble!” Xu Xiuwen

  quickly calmed down and asked: “Where are you now?”

  ”Mr. Xu, I’m in the company.”

  ”Wait for me in my office, I’ll go back to the company now!”

  ”I know, Mr. Xu.”

  After hanging up the phone, Xu Xiuwen turned the car around and drove towards the company.

  On the way to the company, Xu Xiuwen started calling Bai Yueer.

  The result was the same as Ban Chan said.

  Bai Yueer’s phone could not be reached.

  She kept reminding him that the other party had turned off the phone.

  If it was a general economic company, encountering this situation.

  The first reaction might be that the artist was poached by other companies with huge signing fees and protected.

  So they avoided the original company’s phone calls.

  This situation is very common in the entertainment industry.

  But Xu Xiuwen knew that Bai Yueer was not the kind of person who would betray him for her future.

  She would only turn off her phone when she encountered something.

  Xu Xiuwen was very upset.

  His mind has been involved in trivial matters these days.

  So he forgot to contact Bai Yueer.

  He should have discovered that Bai Yueer’s phone was turned off and could not be contacted.

  Because the phone could not be reached, Xu Xiuwen was also a little impatient.

  At this moment, he suddenly thought of someone.

  His roommate – Shi Xiangming!

  The other party was also Bai Yue’er’s nominal fiancé.

  Xu Xiuwen immediately called Shi Xiangming.

  The phone beeped three times.

  It was connected.

  ”Hello, is this Brother Shi?” Xu Xiuwen asked anxiously.

  The phone was silent for a second before Shi Xiangming’s voice came out, “It’s me.”

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t notice anything unusual.

  He said quickly: “Brother Shi, Yue’er’s phone is turned off, I can’t contact her, are you home now? Can you help me see if Yue’er is at home!”

  Shi Xiangming suddenly asked in a cold voice: “Xu Xiuwen, don’t you think you care too much?”

  Xu Xiuwen was stunned. Shi

  Xiangming continued: “Yue’er is fine, don’t worry about it, I have something to do today, I’ll hang up first.”

  ”Wait a minute!” Xu Xiuwen shouted.

  Shi Xiangming didn’t hang up the phone immediately after hearing this.

  Xu Xiuwen was about to ask carefully, and then he heard Shi Xiangming say: “Also, Yue’er is my fiancée, you shouldn’t call her so intimately.”

  After saying that.

  Shi Xiangming hung up the phone.

  Xu Xiuwen stared at the phone in a daze.

  Shi Xiangming actually hung up his phone, and what did he mean by the last sentence?

  Xu Xiuwen knew that Shi Xiangming had always suspected his relationship with Bai Yue’er.

  But such a cold tone still surprised him.

  However, through this phone call.

  Xu Xiuwen also confirmed one thing.

  That is, Yue’er is fine, she should still be at home.

  But why did she turn off her phone and not answer the phone?

  Some girls will turn off their phones when they are angry with their boyfriends, and then not answer calls from anyone.

  But Bai Yue’er is not like this.

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly thought of a possibility.

  Could it be that Bai Yue’er’s phone was not turned off by her herself, but someone else helped her turn it off?

  Even Bai Yue’er has been restricted in her personal freedom.

  Thinking of this, Xu Xiuwen’s heart, which had just been put down, was lifted up again.

  In a blink of an eye, Xu Xiuwen drove to the company.

  The two security guards at the door greeted him warmly.

  Xu Xiuwen nodded, and without saying much, he walked towards the office.

  After arriving at the office.

  Ban Chan had been waiting for him inside in advance.

  After seeing Xu Xiuwen come in.

  Ban Chan immediately stood up from the sofa and shouted: “Mr. Xu!”

  Xu Xiuwen waved his hand and said: “Sit down.”

  Ban Chan sat down again.

  Xu Xiuwen was about to speak.

  The door of the office rang.

  ”Come in!”

  Liu Xinran walked in with several documents.

  ”Mr. Xu, this…”

  Xu Xiuwen interrupted Liu Xinran and said: “Put the documents on the table, I have something to discuss with Ban Chan now, you go out first. Don’t let anyone come in to disturb us.” Liu Xinran was

  a little surprised when he heard this.

  She glanced at Ban Chan on the sofa obscurely.

  A trace of confusion flashed in her eyes.

  She nodded immediately and said with a smile: “Okay, Mr. Xu, I’ll go out first.”

  After Liu Xinran left, she immediately met Lu Xinyao.

  It is worth mentioning that both of them are now Xu Xiuwen’s secretaries, each responsible for half of the affairs.

  But this half is difficult to divide clearly.

  And Lu Xinyao has a vague idea of ​​competing with Liu Xinran.

  So the two of them rarely talk in the company.

  This time they met in the corridor.

  Liu Xinran saw the documents in Lu Xinyao’s hand and smiled: “Mr. Xu has instructed that no one should disturb him.”

  Lu Xinyao frowned when she heard this, obviously a little unhappy.

  But she said nothing and turned and left.

  Liu Xinran looked at Lu Xinyao’s back as she left, and the corners of her mouth rose, “Secretary Lu is really interesting.”

  She turned her head and looked at the office.

  Curious about what Xu Xiuwen discussed with Ban Chan.

  In the office.

  Xu Xiuwen told Ban Chan about the phone call he had just made to Shi Xiangming.

  And he also said his guesses and analysis.

  After hearing this, Ban Chan asked nervously, “What should we do now?”

  After thinking for a few seconds, Xu Xiuwen said, “Go to Yue’er’s house and pick her up.”

  Ban Chan nodded, “Okay, Mr. Xu, I’ll go buy a ticket now, then go home to pack my luggage, and I’ll rush over as soon as possible.”

  Xu Xiuwen said, “It’s not safe for you to go alone, so I’ll go too.”

  Ban Chan was surprised, “Mr. Xu, are you going to pick up Yue’er in person?”

  Xu Xiuwen nodded, and then said, “Go and call Huang Bao in.”

  Ban Chan was still a little surprised, but she still obeyed and did as she was told.

  Soon Huang Bao came.

  In addition to driving for him, Huang Bao also has the identity of a security captain.

  During the winter vacation, Xu Xiuwen didn’t need Huang Bao to drive.

  The latter stayed in the company every day.

  Xu Xiuwen thought of some places where people were fierce.

  If he thought too much, Bai Yue’er turned off her mobile phone for other reasons, not because her personal freedom was restricted by someone.

  That would naturally be better.

  But if the situation is very bad, Bai Yue’er’s personal freedom is really restricted by someone.

  It’s not an easy thing for Xu Xiuwen to show up and take Bai Yue’er away.

  There might even be a conflict or even a fight.

  At this time, a veteran like Huang Bao came in handy.

  Xu Xiuwen briefly explained the situation to Huang Bao. He

  then asked, “Are you free these days?”

  Huang Bao nodded immediately: “Mr. Xu, I am free anytime, just tell me.”

  Xu Xiuwen said, “What if there is no one to take care of your mother?”

  Huang Bao said, “I will ask my friends to help me take care of her. My mother is in good health now, so it’s okay.”

  Xu Xiuwen thought for a while and said, “Give them two days off. Let them take turns to go to your house to take care of your mother for one day, and the extra day will be considered a holiday for them.”

  Huang Bao thought it was unnecessary at first, but seeing Xu Xiuwen’s firm attitude, he had to accept it.

  He was very moved.

  Xu Xiuwen paid for his mother’s medical treatment, and after the treatment, he provided him with a job with a good salary.

  Huang Bao felt that he should do whatever Xu Xiuwen asked him to do.

  But Xu Xiuwen even considered his mother, and even gave his friends a day off so that they could take turns to take care of his mother.

  Huang Bao was originally a man who valued friendship and loyalty.

  At this moment, even if Xu Xiuwen asked him to do something illegal, he would not hesitate at all.

  Xu Xiuwen instructed: “Go home and prepare now. Once we buy the right plane ticket, we will leave immediately.”

  ”Okay, Mr. Xu.”

  Then Xu Xiuwen called Lu Xinyao over and asked her to buy the ticket online.

  There are not many flights to City L, and the fastest one is the one at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning.

  After Lu Xinyao bought the ticket online, she saw that Xu Xiuwen’s face was not right.

  She wanted to ask what happened, but she held back.

  However, she also vaguely guessed that it might be related to Bai Yue’er.

  If it were any other time,

  Xu Xiuwen might have flirted with Lu Xinyao.

  After all, he was free anyway.

  But at this moment, he was not in the mood to flirt again.

  Xu Xiuwen glanced at Lu Xinyao and said, “You go out first.”

  Lu Xinyao left obediently.

  Xu Xiuwen called Ban Chan and Huang Bao again, explained a few words to them, and finally drove away from the company.

  After leaving the company,

  Xu Xiuwen did not go to see An Shishi and her sister, but went directly back to Jiangning Garden.

  The next morning,

  Xu Xiuwen and the other two came to the airport. After a series of procedures, the three boarded the plane.

  Three hours later,

  the plane arrived in L City smoothly.

  L City is a typical northwestern city with a typical temperate semi-arid climate.

  Surrounded by mountains in the north and south, the climate is dry, the sunshine is sufficient, the winter is long and cold, and there is little rain and snow.

  After leaving the airport, Xu Xiuwen took a taxi and went straight to the town and village where Bai Yueer’s family lived.

  As he got closer and closer to Bai Yueer’s home,

  Xu Xiuwen felt his heart getting heavier and heavier.

  He didn’t know if this was a sign.

  Therefore, he was nervous.

  But in front of Ban Chan and Huang Bao, he always remained calm.

  Bai Yueer’s village is under a township in L City.

  The location is very remote and the road is not easy to walk.

  It took nearly two hours to finally drive to the town.

  Then the driver refused to drive forward.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t force the driver anymore.

  Because after arriving in the town, there are almost no good roads.

  It is more convenient to take a tractor than a taxi.

  The three got off the taxi.

  Xu Xiuwen looked around and began to ask people for directions.

  A thirty-year-old man was walking towards them.

  His face was dark, and he was obviously a farmer who often did farm work.

  Xu Xiuwen went forward to ask for directions.

  After hearing the village Xu Xiuwen was going to, the man looked at them warily and asked, “What are you going there for?”

  Xu Xiuwen was stunned, “Brother, what’s wrong?”

  The man explained, “That village is almost the poorest village in our area. It is very remote. There is only one road leading to the village. Without a local to lead the way, you probably won’t be able to find it.”

  Xu Xiuwen hesitated for a moment and said, “Brother, do you know the way?”

  The man nodded.

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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