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Chapter 837: Better to join the Alliance

Chapter 837: Better to join the Alliance


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 837: Why not join the alliance?

  ”Strange… not here?”

  The man standing at the door was wondering if the person was not inside after knocking for half a minute. The quietly opened door and the muzzle of the gun stuck to the crack of the door made him stunned.

  Cold sweat broke out, and the man quickly raised his hands to indicate that he had no hostility, and then glanced at the staircase at the end of the corridor.

  ”Don’t, don’t get excited… Brother, I’m General Abusek’s man.”

  Putting the centurion’s pistol against his chest, the battlefield man asked expressionlessly.

  ”Where did you hear my name?”

  The man said quickly.

  ”Mr. Benoit sent a telegram… We roughly know that the envoy who came here is called Pangolin. Isn’t your name this?”

  ”Your name?”

  ”Anwo… I told you that you don’t know him.”

  ”Haha, how do you know I don’t know you.” Hearing this name, the battlefield man smiled meaningfully and slowly put away the muzzle of the gun.

  The person standing here is Anwo, the centurion under General Abusek.

  Generally speaking, it is unlikely that a senior officer would be sent to handle such a contact, but it is reasonable for an organization that has been established for less than a month.

  After all, whether it is through deception or training, it takes time to cultivate confidants.

  As for a group of monkey kings who are monkeys in human form, anyone who can be trusted is basically promoted to a senior officer and brought around. When something happens, they can’t always leave it to those lackeys who are eager to get promoted. Naturally, these senior officers can only do it in person.

  Not only that, the selection of people to handle different things is also particular.

  After all, if the news of meeting the envoy of the Legion before the King of Heaven gets out, he will be shot.

  Even if they are from the same faction, Abusek is not completely trustworthy. At this time, the only one who can be trusted is Anwo, who has handed in a pledge of allegiance.

  With the blood debt of the church massacre, the way to join the Legion is blocked, and joining the Alliance is unlikely.

  If someone else comes, the battlefield guy will probably be alert and wonder if there is a trick.

  However, the guy who came was this guy named Anwo. He could basically conclude that Abusek really wanted to talk to him.

  And he wanted to talk in secret.

  Looking at Anwo who looked confused, the battlefield man asked with a calm expression.

  ”Why did you come to see me?”

  ”I didn’t come to see you, you were looking for the general… Otherwise, why didn’t you go into the city, but stayed at the north gate? Everyone knows that this is where Abusek’s subordinates are stationed…” Anwo glanced at the end of the corridor again and said nervously, “Can I go in and talk?”

  He was worried about being seen, and secondly, he was worried that the envoy of the legion would shoot him.

  He was not sure whether the legion had already known that the 200 “lives” in the church were related to him, and he was even more unclear why General Abusek suddenly wanted to meet with the envoy of the legion at this time. Of course, he could not know that the foreign envoy from the legion in front of him was actually a hidden line of the alliance.

  He risked a lot to let the survivors of the church live, submitted a false letter of surrender, and finally gained the trust of General Abusek, and watched himself getting closer and closer to the core of the conspiracy…

  If he ate peanuts at this time, it would be too unfair!

  ”…Wait for me at the door for two minutes.”

  Without agreeing to his request to enter the house, the warlord closed the door expressionlessly, and after a moment, he slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and then walked to Penny who was huddled in the corner.

  Huddled in the blind spot in the corner of the room, Penny looked at him nervously and asked with her mouth.


  The warlord said seriously.

  ”General Abusek’s people.”

  Penny said nervously.

  ”He found us?!”

  Looking at the pair of nervous eyes, the warlord moved close to her ear, and in order to prevent the people outside the door from hearing, he lowered his voice very low.

  ”He probably doesn’t know you, but he must have noticed me. This is his territory, but this is not a bad thing… I was planning to meet him before the alliance representatives contacted Janusz, to find out why he betrayed Master Benoit, and then find a way to bring him back to our side.”

  The deep and magnetic voice made Penny’s earlobes itch, but she had already leaned against the corner of the room, and there was no place to hide behind her, so she could only shrink her neck.

  ”Betray… father?” She suppressed her soft voice, and her incoherent voice was a little out of tune.

  Perhaps because of nervousness, the warlord felt that the breath beside his ear was a little disordered.

  It was also a little stuffy.

  But he didn’t have time to observe the expression on Penny’s face, and continued in that very light and fast voice.

  ”…Yes, didn’t I tell you? Master Benoit planned an action, but because a more powerful financial sponsor intervened and bribed his partners, the whole plan went out of control from the beginning.” Penny’s

  eyes widened and her chest rose and fell.

  ”Yes, yes… who? The sponsor.”

  ”The biggest suspect at the moment is the Southern Legion. The Eastern Legion and the Civilian Group obviously don’t want to fight.”

  ”Uncle Ross?! How is that possible!”

  ”Do you think a centurion is qualified to participate in such a thing? He may be a pawn, or even the one picked on purpose… Of course, this is just my guess. Don’t write your guess as a clue in the report. I’ll tell you if there’s any new information.”

  The battlefield guy said it very abstractly.

  Because now there is no time to explain clearly, and it’s not appropriate for her to know everything.

  For some reason, this time Penny didn’t ask to the bottom of the matter, but just said “um” obediently.

  Very satisfied with her reaction, he continued to speak quickly.

  ”You have to remember what I’m going to say next. Wait for me here. Don’t go out no matter what. Don’t open the door no matter who knocks. Just pretend you’re not here. If I’m not back by twelve o’clock at night, go to the hotel on the note… I’ll write down the address and room number for you.”

  ”Remember! You must take the main road, avoid the fire, and don’t go into the alley! The key to the room is hidden under the flower pot opposite the guest room. You’ll know when you go there.”

  As he said that, the battlefield guy hurriedly wrote a line of address on the note and tore it off. Worried that Penny couldn’t find it, he took out the map and circled the location of the hotel.

  Tiandu’s infrastructure is very poor. The so-called map only has a few traffic arteries and a few abstract landmarks, as well as large circled blocks.

  As for some naturally formed branches, it is impossible to mark them on the map.

  The four brothers of Yuanjian did use a drone to take aerial photos of Tiandu City, but he didn’t even have a VM, and couldn’t borrow one, so he could only use the locals’ map.

  Looking at the map and address handed over by Pangolin, Penny looked at him in surprise.

  ”This is…”

  ”Another room I opened in the suburbs, with a folding PU-9 submachine gun and 200 rounds of bullets… You can think of it as a safe house, just in case.”

  ”When?” Penny opened her eyes in surprise, and the look in her eyes was even more surprised.

  This guy has never left her sight.

  How did he open a room without anyone noticing? !

  ”…I naturally have my own way.”

  The battlefield guy used an unfathomable expression to fool around with this topic.

  This thing can’t be explained.

  He can’t say that he asked someone to help him open it on the forum, right?

  Anyway, this mission has sufficient funds, with money from Bennott and money from the manager, he doesn’t mind this expense, everything is better to be careful.

  After explaining everything, he was about to leave when Penny suddenly grabbed his hand.

  He turned around and saw a pair of bright eyes full of seriousness, looking at him meticulously.

  That look was exactly the same as when I was sending him away and Kolwe entrusted him with an important task.

  I didn’t expect that I would become a comrade-in-arms with a reporter.

  ”…You must come back.”

  The battlefield guy nodded slightly.

  ”Yes, I promise.”

  There is no need to worry about this alone.

  He is immortal.


  In the military camp on the northern outskirts of Tiandu, a bright bonfire burned slowly, and soldiers with rifles were patrolling around.

  In the tent on the edge of the camp, “Lion King” Abusek was holding a golden lion in his hand, and his rough index finger was playing with it along the round lines.

  This is Wutuo’s collection.

  Before, Janus turned the palace of Tiandu upside down and found many treasures that Wutuo didn’t have time to take away, and gave most of them to his subordinates.

  It must be said that Janusz is very generous to his own people and never eats alone.

  It can be seen that the guy has great ambitions. Only those who have the world in their eyes will not care about the treasure in front of them.

  It is not bad to follow such a leader who clearly distinguishes rewards and punishments.

  But unfortunately, he does not like to pick up the things left by others.

  He gently placed the golden lion on the table and looked at the two people standing at the door of the tent.

  One of them was his confidant Anwo, and the other man in a cloak was probably the messenger of the legion.

  Looking at his confidant, General Abusek said in a gentle tone.

  ”Go outside and help me watch.”


  Anwo saluted, turned around and walked outside the tent, and pulled down the curtain for the two people.

  ”Sir, please sit down at your leisure.”

  Hearing Abusek’s voice, the warlord took off the hood of his cloak, walked straight to him and sat down.

  ”There is only one chair here.”

  Hearing this interesting answer, Abusek laughed and said in a joking tone.

  ”This is a place to store sundries. There are tables, chairs and teapots. It’s pretty good. You don’t expect me to invite you to the military tent and invite all the soldiers to have a long chat.”

  Thinking about this interesting sentence, the battlefield man looked at him with a smile.

  ”Aren’t you going to explain?”

  ”What to explain.”

  ”Three thousand lives,” the battlefield man stared into his eyes, “This is different from what we agreed.”

  ”Hehe… Then what about Orissa and the thousands and thousands of Orissas? I won’t talk about the wolf tribe cannon fodder who were coaxed to die. Do you, as a foreigner, also think that we are born to be slaves?”

  Abusek picked up the boiling teapot and calmly poured a pot of local specialty Masu tea for himself and the pangolin sitting opposite.

  This tea has a licorice aroma, smells slightly bitter, and tastes sweet. It is a cheap hobby in the local area. It is very popular among nobles and civilians, but the way to drink it and the amount of spices used are different.

  The warlord tried it once, but he just couldn’t accept the strange smell of cough syrup mixed with ginger water.

  In front of Pangolin, Abusek took a sip first, then looked at him in silence and continued.

  ”Mr. Pangolin, we are different from wastelanders like you. Our roots are here, and we love this land very much. In your eyes, those thousand pillars are stuck on our backs, but we know better than you that those thousand pillars are us… Can you understand?”

  ”I don’t understand, and I’m not interested.” Looking at the cup of herbal tea on the table, the warlord leaned forward a few inches and stared straight into Abusek’s eyes, “I want to know what you think and why you betrayed Lord Benlot.”

  ”Betray?” Abusek sneered, “I’m not his subordinate, how can you say I betrayed?”

  He paused and said again.

  ”And I’m not saying that you don’t know what the situation of the Civilian Group is in the Legion. You don’t even have a direct unit, and you use the rags discarded by the four major legions. What future can there be in cooperating with you?”

  Although he didn’t want to speak for the Legion, the Battlefield Man still faithfully fulfilled his duties and said in a deep voice.

  ”At least we don’t want your land.”

  ”Haha, do you believe this?”

  Abusek laughed and continued.

  ”And just because you don’t want it doesn’t mean that others don’t want it. Before the empire was still alive, three of the thirteen states were sent away by Wutuo and you, and there were two unruly states, Tiger State and Leopard State. How many more states will be established in the Pala Province? Thirteen? This is the fate of following you civil officials! You say you don’t want land, but you want more than anyone else!”

  The Battlefield Man said patiently.

  ”You can’t blame all the problems of Wutuo on us, and the reason why Lord Bennot chose you is that he hopes you can change the empire-”

  ”Come on, what you want is a castrated dog, I don’t understand you.”

  Abusek curled his lips and continued.

  ”The Southern Legion is not a good bunch. They are the most ferocious wolves, but I don’t think it’s a bad thing to follow them. At least you can eat meat by following them, but if you follow you, you can only eat shit.”

  The battlefield guy said in a deep voice.

  ”Besides overthrowing the empire, what other benefits did he promise you?”

  Abusek said without hesitation.

  ”Guns! Cannons! And ammunition! And factories to produce these things! Only with these things can we negotiate with you standing up.”

  The Warlord asked.

  ”What’s the price? Since it’s bought, the price is not cheap.”

  Abusek continued.

  ”It’s just Lion State. Anyway, it doesn’t make any difference even if we don’t give it to you. That place has always been in your hands.”

  The Warlord took a breath and couldn’t help saying.

  ”You are cutting meat to feed the wolf!”

  Abusek laughed and said indifferently.

  ”Wrong! To exchange the land of one state for the peace of twelve states, this is a roundabout way to save the nation!”

  What a roundabout way to save the nation… I’m afraid that someone named Wang would have to say that this bullshit is an expert.

  The Warlord shook his head.

  He didn’t want to criticize this guy’s naivety. After all, as a legion envoy, he didn’t have the position to do so.

  As an outsider, he was talking about any great truth without any pain in his waist, and there was no persuasiveness at all.

  When people are extremely hungry, they will even eat dirt. People who are terminally ill will not be afraid of chewing elixir or arsenic.

  He can only start from the facts and speak patiently.

  ”… You think too highly of the Southern Legion. Those people are different from us. Their ambition will never be satisfied with just one state. They will first take the Lion State, wait until you and the Empire are exhausted, and then step by step approach you to ask for the Ox State, Snake State, Dog State, Wolf State, Snake State…”

  Abusek sneered and did not take this sentence to heart.

  It’s not that he has not considered this situation, but it’s not what he needs to consider now.

  What they have to do is to become stronger!

  And they have to become stronger at all costs!

  After all, if the Empire continues to weaken, it will only be a matter of time before these states are taken away one after another. Even if they don’t want to give it, it will be useless. No one will care about their voices.

  Only when the Empire is truly strong can they get the capital to play games with various forces in the wasteland! The

  Weyland people are not invincible. There has never been anything invincible in this world.

  The warlord knew that no matter how much he explained to him, it would be useless, so he took out a stack of photos from his arms and gently placed them on the table.

  ”I know that words are not enough…then take a look at these.”

  Abusek glanced at the photos, and when he saw the cannons and heavy equipment, his brows slightly frowned.

  ”What is this?”

  The warlord continued.

  ”This is the equipment deployed by the legion in Xifan Port. I took a photo when I passed by there.”

  ”In addition, three regiments…I mean a thousand-man team has arrived at the port. In addition, there is an airship and a 10,000-man team on the way.”

  ”Obviously they are ready to take over Lion State completely. However, taking over Lion State obviously does not require so much equipment. Guess who these equipment are used to deal with.”

  Abusek’s expression was a little stiff, although the stubbornness between his eyebrows still said “it’s none of my business.”

  ”…The Heavenly King’s Army, but it doesn’t matter. We will change the flag later to draw a clear line with Janusz-”

  The warlord shook his head.

  ”Too naive. No matter how you draw a line, whether you admit it or not is just a matter of a word from them. When you are almost done killing each other, it is time for them to start making more demands.”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”But you think these equipment are used against you, that’s too much. Not even one-third of the amount is used against you. I dare say that the remaining 90% are used to deal with the alliance and the enterprise… or to deter them.”

  ”As for you, they are just a fire they set. When the weeds on this land are burned, it will only take a few minutes to crush you to death.”

  When he said this, the battlefield guy suddenly smiled with a bad taste.

  ”You probably don’t know… In fact, we have cooperated with Torch. It’s just that Torch went too far and made us feel threatened. We just moved our fingers and put out their small flames again.”

  The voice was like a heavy hammer, hitting Abusek’s heart, making his eyes dazed for a moment.

  However, it is very difficult to change a person’s cognition, or even impossible.

  He was like a victim of telecom fraud, still trying to be strong, unwilling to believe the facts in front of him.

  ”…This is just your speculation.”

  The warlord nodded slightly and stood up from his chair.

  ”Then you should pray that a group of wolves who are more like wolves than you can keep their promises in the end.”

  ”We lost this game, and we shouldn’t give the chips to a group of speculators. But although we lost, the gamble is not over yet. If the Willant people win in the end… Such an ending is not unacceptable to the civil service group.”

  After saying that, he turned and walked towards the door of the tent. Only when he reached the door, Abusek suddenly called him.

  ”Please, please wait a moment!”

  The warlord stopped and turned around, only to see the general standing up, with beads of sweat on his forehead and a face full of struggle.

  ”…What should I do?”

  He was finally scared.

  Or he finally realized that the fire ignited by their ambition was dragging them and the entire empire into an abyss with no bottom.

  ”The fire has been lit, and we can’t put it out with our strength alone–”

  Abusek roared in anger.

  ”Then what should we do! Did Benoit send you here just to laugh at me?!”

  Looking at Abusek who was yelling, the warlord raised his hands to signal him to calm down. After his breathing calmed down, he continued patiently.

  ”Listen to me first… The power of our civil service group alone is certainly not enough, and the Eastern Legion is too far away from here. But adding the alliance should be enough.”

  Abusek’s brain buzzed, and he was completely confused.


  He squeezed out the word from his mouth with difficulty, mainly because he didn’t expect that the person who said this was actually an envoy from the legion.

  The warlord sighed and made a helpless expression.

  ”We are also helpless. We had planned everything, but no one expected to encounter a group of crazy people who love gambling. Now if we want to control the fire, we can only rely on the power of our opponents.”

  Abusek’s expression was somewhat awkward. He knew that the madman this guy was talking about was referring to himself and everyone in his faction.

  Perhaps, as he said, if they had not listened to the Southern Legion’s persuasion to take a big gamble, they would not have been forced into a desperate situation like now.

  ”Just tell me what to do…”

  The Warlord said patiently.

  ”The ambassadors of the Alliance are in this city. They should have met Janusz… But I believe they must be very, very dissatisfied with the current situation in Tiandu, or dissatisfied with Janusz himself.”

  ”It would be great if someone could raise a more equal flag at this time… The Alliance’s requirements are actually not high. It is enough to meet the abolition of slavery. As for the participation of residents in legislation and representative meetings, they can take their time.”

  Abusek looked at him in a daze, not knowing why an envoy from the Legion would know so much about the Alliance.

  If Lord Benoit had not sent a telegram in advance, he could not help but suspect that this guy might be a spy for the Alliance.

  ”… raise a new flag? How’s that different from what we are planning to do?!”

  The battlefield guy rolled his eyes in frustration.

  ”Do you only listen to half of what people say? What about the part after raising another flag?”

  ”Or if you must put it more directly, you go and pull down that idiot named Janusch, reverse the verdict on the Sun and Moon peoples, at least show an attitude of correcting the mistakes, and then immediately turn around and turn to the Alliance… My words are not pleasant, but you have already changed jobs once, and I don’t think you will mind being a traitor.”

  ”Next, you must stop the invasion of the three northern states, the central Elephant State, and the southern Snake State… Ignore the occupied areas, but the ongoing invasion must be stopped immediately! Then turn your guns outward and aim at the Southern Legion that landed in Xifan Port!”

  ”According to the agreement we reached with the Alliance, the Alliance will exert its influence to prevent the warlords of Mammoth State, Golden Gallon Port, Tiger State and Leopard State from taking the opportunity to attack you.”

  ”At least before the Legion reduces its military presence in the East, you don’t have to worry about being stabbed in the back by your own people. And if the Southern Legion tears its face and sends troops directly, the Alliance will also take equal countermeasures.”

  ”When everything is over, whether you want to continue your civil war or sit down and talk with others, it’s up to you…”

  ”The Alliance still says the same thing, the survivors of the Borneo Province should decide their own future destiny, and they don’t intend to force you to follow the same path as them… Of course, I don’t like to listen to their farts, but this may not be a bad thing for you.”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”As for us… To be honest, we are a little discouraged. Even if the previous cooperation is still effective, it will probably be changed.”

  The second half of the sentence was said by Benoit, and it was probably what he really thought.

  Although Penny was still blaming her father, the warlord still had to say a few pertinent words for the old man who tried to turn the tide.

  Compared with those warlike Weilant lunatics, that guy is actually one of the few with conscience. He would rather break one of his arms than hold down the Southern Legion. It is not an

  exaggeration to say that this guy is the last error correction mechanism of the Legion.

  At least, he knows how to stop losses.

  Abusek stared at this guy with wide eyes, as if he was looking at a lunatic who was crazier than himself.

  However –

  he pondered it carefully in his heart, and it seemed that this was indeed his only way out.

  He stretched out his trembling index finger to touch the bridge of his nose, then picked up the teacup on the table and drank the already cold tea in one gulp.

  It seemed that he finally calmed down. He looked at the envoy named Pangolin and asked with a mixed voice.

  ”Then… what name should we change it to? How about calling it the Borneo Alliance?”

  The battlefield guy said without thinking.

  ”It’s better for you to talk to the people of the alliance about this matter. I can’t give you any advice.”

  Abusek reached out and patted his forehead, and nodded hurriedly.

  ”…Yes, yes, yes, you have to talk to the representatives of the alliance. How could I forget it.”

  As he said, he smiled embarrassedly and rubbed his hands to resolve the embarrassment.

  ”My memory… I almost forgot that you are the envoy of the Legion. You still have to talk to the representatives of the alliance about this matter.”

  Hearing this, the battlefield guy’s face suddenly darkened.

  ”Are you questioning my loyalty to His Majesty the Marshal?”

  Seeing that the other party was ready to duel with him, Abusek hurriedly apologized.

  ”No, no! I didn’t mean that, please don’t misunderstand me.”

  ”Haha… No matter what you mean, I have said what I should say anyway. It’s up to you whether you live or die.”

  The battlefield man glared at him warningly, and then walked out of the tent under the attentive farewell.

  Anwo, who was standing outside the tent smoking, saw Pangolin coming out of the door, and hurriedly took him to the side door of the military camp, escorting him all the way with a green light.

  After sending Pangolin away, he hurried back to the tent where General Abusek was staying, and couldn’t help asking.

  ”My lord… what does the legion mean?”

  Abusek gave him an unfathomable look.

  ”… The water here is too deep, don’t ask about things you shouldn’t ask, I will naturally tell you what to do.”

  Realizing that he was too impatient, Anwo hurriedly lowered his head.


  He was in no mood to educate this guy.

  Abusek turned his gaze away from this confidant and looked at the dark night sky outside the tent, narrowing his eyes slightly.

  This sky…

  looks like it’s going to change again.

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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