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Chapter 838: My niece ran away with someone

Chapter 838: My niece ran away with someone


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 838: My niece ran away with someone…

  Ban Chan frowned. Mr.

  Xu was too rude.

  Huang Bao’s mouth twitched.

  But no one would say that he did something wrong.

  Seeing the woman calm down, Xu Xiuwen asked in a deep voice, “Is Bai Yue’er here?”

  Hearing the three words Bai Yue’er, the woman immediately looked Xu Xiuwen up and down.

  The turbid eyeballs cast a complicated look.

  Xu Xiuwen scolded, “Speak!”

  The woman shook her head, “I don’t know her.”

  Seeing that the woman didn’t tell the truth.

  Xu Xiuwen stopped asking the woman.

  Because asking further was a waste of time.

  ”Huang Bao, don’t let her shout, if she dares to shout, beat her!”

  After saying that, Xu Xiuwen threw the woman to Huang Bao and Ban Chan, and turned to walk into the house.


  Since the fifth day of returning home.

  Bai Yue’er’s personal freedom has been restricted by Shi Xiangming.

  At this moment, she is tied to a chair and can’t move.

  At this moment, she is very desperate.

  In the past few days, she put down her face and begged Shi Xiangming and the people who guarded her, hoping that they would let her go.

  But the people guarding her were heartless.

  Even Shi Xiangming, who had never had much of his own opinion

  , was determined not to let her go this time.

  He even wanted to marry her.

  With her personality, she would rather die than marry Shi Xiangming.

  But she couldn’t bear to die.

  It wasn’t that she couldn’t let go of fame and wealth.

  These were precious.

  But none of them were more important to her than Xu Xiuwen.

  Even her and Xu Xiuwen’s passionate love period hadn’t even passed.

  How could Bai Yue’er bear to die?

  So she could only hope that someone could come to save her.

  From the beginning, she had never counted on her father.

  When Shi Xiangming and his son came to her house and wanted to take her away.

  Her father watched her being taken away.

  From beginning to end, he never said a word to stop her.

  Bai Yue’er had completely given up on her father.

  As for other people in the village.

  Bai Yue’er didn’t count on them at all.

  She hoped that Xu Xiuwen would come to save her.

  But how could Xu Xiuwen come to save her?

  Her mobile phone was taken away a few days ago.

  She couldn’t contact anyone.

  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t possibly know her current situation.


  Jinling and L City are so far apart.

  Even if Xu Xiuwen knew it now,

  he wouldn’t have time to rush over, let alone appear in front of her now.

  Distant water can’t quench nearby thirst.

  She might as well hope that Shi Xiangming would wake up in time and let her go.

  But that was impossible.

  If Shi Xiangming intended to let her go, he wouldn’t tie her up and arrange a relative to watch over her day and night.

  Bai Yue’er didn’t know how long she could hold on.

  Her heart would never change.

  But she was worried that Shi Xiangming would force her.

  In that case, she might as well die.

  Bai Yue’er had already prepared

  for the worst. If Shi Xiangming really wanted to force her,

  she would never let him succeed even if she bit her tongue to commit suicide.

  But when she thought about not being able to see Xu Xiuwen after she died,

  Bai Yue’er suddenly regretted it so much.

  Why didn’t she look at Xu Xiuwen more when she saw him for the last time?

  There would never be a chance to see Xu Xiuwen again.

  She began to recall the scenes of her time with Xu Xiuwen.

  From their first meeting in the first semester of their freshman year, to the laughter and playfulness in the crew, to Xu Xiuwen’s nonsense in bed…

  Bai Yue’er was obsessed with it.

  She really wanted to see Xu Xiuwen again.

  Even if she died immediately after just one glance,

  she would be satisfied.

  Bai Yue’er, who was immersed in her memories, did not notice that the woman who had been responsible for guarding her had left the house.


  Xu Xiuwen rushed into the house and quickly found Bai Yue’er.

  The moment he saw Bai Yue’er.

  Xu Xiuwen breathed a sigh of relief. I

  ’m glad she’s okay.

  Xu Xiuwen walked closer quickly. But

  Bai Yue’er was still staring blankly ahead.

  Xu Xiuwen frowned slightly, and the heart that had just been put down was lifted again.

  Xu Xiuwen stretched out his hand in front of the girl and waved, calling softly: “Yue’er, wake up!”

  Bai Yue’er seemed to be more awake.

  She looked up at the man in front of her.

  Seeing the face that she had been thinking about day and night.

  Bai Yue’er was surprised at first, but she returned to normal in an instant.

  She laughed at herself softly, “How could Xu Xiuwen appear in front of me? It seems that I think he is hallucinating…”

  Although it was an illusion, Bai Yue’er still couldn’t bear to take her eyes off Xu Xiuwen’s face.

  The girl’s eyes were filled with endless love.

  Xu Xiuwen naturally heard what Bai Yue’er said.

  Seeing that the girl regarded him as an illusion.

  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t help but laugh.

  As for the unconcealed love in the girl’s eyes.

  Of course, Xu Xiuwen couldn’t turn a blind eye.

  He walked behind the girl, untied her, and said at the same time: “I’m not hallucinating.”

  Bai Yue’er was stunned when she heard Xu Xiuwen’s voice.

  Bai Yue’er’s hands were tied to the back of the chair.

  They were tied with the kind of hemp rope commonly used in rural areas.

  The untying process took a little time.

  But Xu Xiuwen quickly untied the knot and took the rope off Bai Yue’er.

  Bai Yue’er stared at Xu Xiuwen blankly, “Who are you?”

  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t help laughing.

  He stepped back so that Bai Yue’er could see more clearly.

  ”Who do you say I am?”

  Bai Yue’er reached out and touched Xu Xiuwen’s face.

  Not only was it real, but it also had body temperature.

  She finally confirmed that the person in front of her was not an illusion.

  ”Xu Xiuwen!” Bai Yue’er shouted in surprise, and instantly stood up and threw herself into his arms.

  Xu Xiuwen smiled and opened his arms to hug the girl.

  Bai Yue’er thought she would never see Xu Xiuwen again.

  But Xu Xiuwen suddenly appeared in front of her like a god descending from the sky.

  At this moment.

  Bai Yue’er completely forgot the word reserved.

  She threw herself into Xu Xiuwen’s arms, tiptoed, and couldn’t wait to kiss him.

  Xu Xiuwen was caught off guard by his girlfriend’s initiative.

  But he didn’t refuse.

  Xu Xiuwen also embraced Bai Yue’er and kissed her passionately.

  No words could describe the intensity of this kiss.

  Bai Yue’er’s slender arms tightly hooked around Xu Xiuwen’s neck, as if she wanted to completely carve herself into his body.

  Xu Xiuwen had never seen Bai Yue’er so obsessed.

  He tried to end the kiss several times, but failed.

  Until Ban Chan’s voice came from outside.

  ”Mr. Xu, have you found Yue’er?”

  Xu Xiuwen remembered that this was not a hotel or a residence.

  Xu Xiuwen took a deep breath.

  He swallowed everything.

  His movements were very rude and overbearing.

  But the girl was intoxicated.

  Xu Xiuwen tilted his head back and took the initiative to end this passionate kiss.

  He took a few quick breaths and said to Bai Yue’er, “Yue’er, kiss me later. It’s not safe here.”

  Bai Yue’er only remembered at this moment that this was Shi Xiangming’s second uncle’s house.

  She regained clarity in her blurred eyes and immediately hummed.

  Xu Xiuwen hugged Bai Yue’er and walked out of the house.

  Ban Chan didn’t hear the answer, and she felt uneasy.

  The next second, she saw Xu Xiuwen coming out.

  And the girl standing next to him.

  Who else could it be but Bai Yue’er?

  Ban Chan breathed a sigh of relief.

  Xu Xiuwen ordered, “Hurry up and get her into the house.”

  Huang Bao immediately took the woman into the house.

  Xu Xiuwen said, “Tie her up! Ban Chan, go find a piece of cloth and stuff her mouth with it. Don’t wait for her to scream as soon as we leave.”

  Huang Bao and Ban Chan did it immediately.


  The three of them tied the woman to a chair like Bai Yue’er before.

  And the woman’s mouth was stuffed with cloth.

  Xu Xiuwen was worried, so he found a rag and stuffed it into the woman’s mouth.

  It was stuffed full.

  The old woman didn’t dare to resist the whole time.

  Maybe she was afraid of another big fight.

  It can be seen that the lethality of the big fight is indeed not small.

  After doing all this, Xu Xiuwen said, “Let’s go now.”

  The four of them left here quickly.

  Xu Xiuwen took Bai Yue’er’s hand and walked towards the village entrance, saying as he walked: “Let’s leave here now and go back to Jinling.”

  Ban Chan and Huang Bao naturally would not object.

  Instead, Bai Yue’er suddenly stopped and did not move.

  ”Yue’er, what’s wrong with you?” Xu Xiuwen asked in confusion.

  After Bai Yue’er stopped, she looked at Xu Xiuwen and said: “Xu Xiuwen, I can’t just leave, my mother is still at home!”

  Xu Xiuwen said hatefully: “Why do you care about parents like that?”

  Bai Yue’er hurriedly explained: “My mother is not a bad person. She has always disagreed with my marrying Shi Xiangming. It was my father who kept beating her. She had no choice. She was afraid of being beaten.”

  Xu Xiuwen was silent for a few seconds after hearing this.

  He remembered that Bai Yue’er had told him before about her family situation.

  Xu Xiuwen said, “What will happen if you go back? Do you still want to say goodbye to her? If we don’t leave quickly, once Shi Xiangming finds out, it may be difficult for us to leave.”

  Bai Yue’er bit her lip and looked at Xu Xiuwen with a pleading look, saying, “I don’t want to come back here anymore. I want to take my mother with me! I can’t leave her alone! Xu Xiuwen, I have never asked you for anything. Can you take my mother with you?”

  Hearing his girlfriend’s plea,

  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t refuse.

  As for Bai Yue’er saying that she didn’t plan to come back in the future,

  Xu Xiuwen supported her.

  After this incident, he was also a little scared.

  If he came here later,

  if Bai Yue’er was really forced to marry Shi Xiangming,

  or even if something that shouldn’t have happened happened,

  Xu Xiuwen would regret it very much.

  Fortunately, he came in time.

  But after this incident,

  he would no longer feel at ease to let her come back here.

  Even if he had to come back in the future,

  he would have to arrange more people to protect her.

  Of course,

  it would be better if she could not come back.

  Xu Xiuwen thought about it and agreed to Bai Yue’er’s plea.

  Anyway, it was not the first time that he brought his mother-in-law back to Jinling from the countryside. The

  first time is raw the second time is familiar.

  Bringing his mother-in-law back to Jinling also has its benefits.

  His girlfriend will no longer have to worry about the future, and can stay in Jinling to go to school or work with peace of mind.

  He will spend some money to provide accommodation for his mother-in-law, or help arrange a job.

  In fact, these are not difficult.

  Don’t forget that Bai Yue’er has her own house.

  With her current ability to make money,

  it is not a problem to support her mother, let alone her family.

  Xu Xiuwen said, “Okay, then we have to make a quick decision. I’m worried that Shi Xiangming will find out that you are missing, and he will be desperate!”

  ”Thank you, Xu Xiuwen!” Bai Yue’er was very moved when she heard this.

  In fact, she could completely ignore her mother and leave here with Xu Xiuwen first.

  But Bai Yue’er was worried that after she ran away,

  Shi Xiangming and his son, as well as her father, would not be able to find her.

  They would vent their emotions on her mother.

  Her mother has suffered enough.

  She couldn’t bear to see her mother being bullied again!

  As for her father.

  Bai Yue’er had completely given up on that man.

  Before, her father sold her to Shi Xiangming as his fiancee for the bride price.

  She could also comfort herself by

  saying that her father was in debt and lacked money. But this time when she came back, she had told her father that she had become an actress and could make money.

  Not only could she repay the bride price alone, but she could also give her parents enough money so that they could live a good life in the future.

  But even so.

  Her father watched him being taken away by the Shi family father and son.

  From that moment.

  The last bit of affection between father and daughter was broken!

  That’s why she only wanted to take her mother away at this moment, and didn’t mention a word about her father.

  Under Bai Yue’er’s lead,

  the four of them rushed to Bai Yue’er’s house.

  On the other side,

  Shi Xiangming was smart for a while.

  At first, he didn’t think much about Ban Chan and Huang Bao’s trouble.

  But after the two left,

  the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong, and the more he thought about it, the more worried he became.

  So he left the guests at home and rushed directly to his second uncle’s house.

  When he arrived at his second uncle’s house, although the door was closed, it opened with a push.

  Shi Xiangming rushed into the house quickly, and then found the second aunt who was tied up.

  He didn’t help the woman untie the ropes immediately, but looked around to find Bai Yue’er.

  Bai Yue’er was no longer here.

  Naturally, he couldn’t find her.

  When the woman saw Shi Xiangming, she immediately struggled

  . Shi Xiangming immediately stepped forward and took the rag out of the woman’s mouth.

  He asked anxiously: “Second aunt, where is Yue’er? Why is she gone?”

  The woman said: “Yue’er was taken away by them…”


  Shi Xiangming was shocked.

  He instantly thought of Xu Xiuwen.

  In addition, someone was making trouble in front of the door just now.

  Shi Xiangming instantly connected the two things together.

  Yue’er must have been taken away by Xu Xiuwen.

  Shi Xiangming roared angrily: “Xu Xiuwen, I fuck the bull demon!”

  After cursing, Shi Xiangming still felt unsatisfied.

  He immediately asked: “Second aunt, how long have they been gone?”

  The woman replied: “Just a short time ago.”

  Shi Xiangming said: “Then they should not have gone far. Second aunt, I will chase them now, you quickly inform my father and say that Yue’er was taken away!”

  After he explained, he ran to the village entrance.

  The woman did not dare to delay.

  Although the big fight just now caused her a lot of psychological damage.

  But she also knew what Bai Yue’er meant to Shi Xiangming.

  She immediately rushed to the Shi family.

  Let’s not talk about the situation on Xu Xiuwen’s side.

  Shi Xiangming asked his second aunt to inform his father.

  He forgot to remind his second aunt not to make it public.

  As a result, after the woman rushed to the Shi family.

  As soon as she entered the door, she yelled: “Something big happened!”

  Everyone who was eating in the yard looked at the woman.

  Some people who knew the woman were puzzled when they saw her swollen cheeks.

  The woman continued to shout, “Something bad has happened!”

  Shi Xiangming’s father heard the noise and walked over quickly.

  ”Sister-in-law, why are you here? What happened?”

  The woman shouted, “Brother, my niece ran away with someone!”

  As soon as these words came out, everyone in the room was shocked!

  Shi’s father’s face turned livid in an instant.

  He quickly pulled the woman to the backyard where there were fewer people.

  But it was obviously too late.

  All the relatives and friends in the yard heard what the woman said.

  The woman’s niece’s wife is Shi Xiangming’s new wife.

  They just got married, and she ran away with another man.

  This is no less than throwing a huge rock into a calm lake, stirring up countless waves.

  The guests were also excited.

  Everyone’s chat topic turned to the big news they just heard.

  Some villagers who usually don’t get along with the Shi family had smiles in their eyes, and they all wanted to laugh at the Shi family.

  In the backyard.

  Father Shi didn’t have time to blame the woman.

  He asked nervously: “Tell me clearly, how could my daughter-in-law be abducted?”

  The woman immediately told her what happened just now.

  After listening to it, Father Shi’s face was as gloomy as water.

  He wanted to call the woman in front of him a stupid pig!

  She could lose a person just by looking at him. She

  made such a big noise just now.

  But when he saw the bruises on the woman’s face.

  He suppressed his anger and asked, “Where is Xiangming?”

  The woman said, “He has already gone after her. I asked him to come and inform you.”

  Father Shi nodded and said, “I know. Sister-in-law, don’t make this public for now.”

  After explaining, Father Shi called his brothers and explained the situation.

  There were more than ten uncles and brothers in total.

  Everyone was annoyed when they heard that Bai Yue’er had run away.

  They had also heard about Bai Yue’er becoming a big star. They also participated in

  forcing Bai Yue’er to marry Shi Xiangming this time.

  It was not easy for a cash cow to appear in the village.

  They couldn’t just watch the cash cow leave.

  If Bai Yue’er married Shi Xiangming,

  as Shi Xiangming’s uncles and brothers,

  they would naturally be able to benefit from it.

  This was also the reason why everyone supported Father Shi’s approach.

  Now they heard that Bai Yue’er had been abducted.

  Of course, they couldn’t just sit back and watch.

  One of the men shouted, “Brother, let’s catch them now!”

  Father Shi explained a few more words.

  Then everyone immediately went out to chase Bai Yue’er and her group.

  As for Father Shi,

  he didn’t go with them.

  Because he still had to stay to take charge of the situation.

  After returning to the front yard, Father Shi explained to everyone that the woman had just said something wrong, and it was her nephew’s wife who ran away with someone.

  Their village was very poor, and they had always favored boys over girls.

  The ratio of men to women had long been unbalanced.

  Many people’s wives were bought from other places.

  So there were often cases of women running away.

  Father Shi’s explanation could only be said to be barely acceptable.

  As for how many people would believe it.

  That was hard to say.

  On the other side.

  Xu Xiuwen followed Bai Yue’er to her home.

  Standing outside Bai Yue’er’s house.

  Looking at the two short houses in the small yard.

  Xu Xiuwen was silent.

  The conditions were not as good as An Shishi’s.

  It was only slightly better than Tang Weiwei’s.

  But he didn’t care about feeling sorry for Bai Yue’er.

  Xu Xiuwen urged: “Yue’er, quickly find your aunt and let her go with us. No delay!”

  Bai Yue’er nodded, and then immediately rushed into the yard.

  When he came to the two houses.

  Bai Yue’er then discovered that the wooden doors were locked from the outside.

  Bai Yueer asked anxiously, “What should I do? I don’t have the key?”

  Xu Xiuwen frowned and asked, “Are you sure your aunt is home?”

  Bai Yueer nodded immediately.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t know how Bai Yueer knew her mother was home.

  At this moment, a woman’s voice suddenly rang out in the room.

  ”Who’s outside?”

  Bai Yueer was surprised and said, “Mom, it’s me, Yueer.”

  ”Yueer, you’re back!”

  The woman in the room was instantly excited…

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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